Type radiation has the greatest penetrating power. Penetrating and ionizing ability. How is electromagnetic smog determined in a residential apartment?

Highly radioactive background (smog) is a product of the decay of atoms with subsequent changes in their nuclei. Elements with this ability are considered highly radioactive. Each compound is endowed with a certain ability to penetrate the body and harm it. They are natural and artificial. Gamma radiation has the strongest penetrating ability - its particles are able to pass through the human body and are considered very dangerous to human health.

People working with them must wear protective clothing, since their impact on health can be very strong - it depends on the type of radiation.

Types and characteristics of radiation

There are several types of radiation. People in their line of work have to deal with it - some every day, some from time to time.

Alpha radiation

Helium particles carry a negative charge and are formed during the decay of heavy compounds of natural origin - thorium, radium, and other substances of this group. Streams with alpha particles cannot penetrate hard surfaces and liquid. To protect against them, a person just needs to be dressed.

This type of radiation has more power compared to the first type. For protection, a person will need a dense screen. The decay product of several radioactive elements is a flux of positrons. They are separated from electrons only by charge - they carry a positive charge. If they are exposed to a magnetic field, they deflect and move in the opposite direction.

Gamma radiation

It is formed during the decay of nuclei in many radioactive compounds. The radiation has a high penetrating ability. Characterized by hard electromagnetic waves. To protect against their effects, you will need screens made of metals that can well protect a person from penetration. For example, made of lead, concrete or water.

X-ray radiation

These rays have great penetrating power. Can be formed in X-ray tubes, electronic installations such as betatrons and the like. The nature of the action of these radioactive streams is very strong, which suggests that the X-ray beam is endowed with the ability of strong penetration, and therefore dangerous.

In many ways similar to the above, it differs only in the length and origin of the rays. The X-ray flux has a longer wavelength with a low radiation frequency.

Ionization here is carried out mainly by knocking out electrons. And due to consumption own energy produced in small quantities.

Undoubtedly, the rays of this radiation, especially hard ones, have the greatest penetrating ability.

What type of radiation is most dangerous for people?

The hardest quanta are X-ray waves and gamma radiation. They have the shortest waves, therefore, they bring more treachery and danger to the human body. Their insidiousness is explained by the fact that a person does not feel their influence, but clearly feels the consequences. Even at low doses of radiation, irreversible processes and mutations occur in the body.

The transmission of information within a person is electromagnetic in nature. If a powerful radiation beam penetrates the body, this process is disrupted. A person initially feels a slight malaise, and later pathological disorders - hypertension, arrhythmia, hormonal disorders and others.

Alpha particles have the lowest penetration ability, so they are considered the safest, so to speak, for humans. Beta radiation is much more powerful and its penetration into the body is more dangerous. Radiation from gamma particles and X-rays has the greatest penetrating power. They are able to pass right through a person, it is much more difficult to defend against them, they can only be stopped concrete structure or lead screen.

How is electromagnetic smog determined in a residential apartment?

In each comfortable apartment there is a certain level of radioactive waves. They come from household electronic appliances and devices. Electromagnetic smog is determined by a special device - a dosimeter. It’s good when it is present, but if it is not, then they can be identified in another way. To do this you need to enable everything electrical devices and use a regular radio to check the radiation level of each of them.

If interference occurs in it, squeaking, extraneous noise and crackling are heard, then there is a source of smog nearby. And the more tangible they are, the more powerful and stronger the electromagnetic radiation emanates from it. The source of smog can be the walls of the apartment. Any actions taken by residents to protect their own bodies from their effects are a guarantee of health.

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Ionization called the formation of positive and negative ions and free electrons from electrically neutral atoms and molecules. Atmospheric ionization– formation of positive and negative ions (atmospheric ions) and free electrons in atmospheric air under the influence of solar radiation. As a result of ionization atmospheric air acquires electrical conductivity and special healing properties.

Radioactive radiation (alpha, beta particles, neutrons, gamma quanta) have different penetrating and ionizing abilities. Have the lowest penetrating ability alpha particles(helium nuclei), the path length of which in human tissue is a fraction of a millimeter, and in the air - several centimeters. They cannot pass through a sheet of paper, but have the greatest ionizing ability.

Beta particles have greater penetrating power, but the ionizing ability of beta particles (electrons, positrons) is 1000 times less than that of alpha particles, and when traveling 1 cm in the air they form several tens of pairs of ions.

Gamma rays belong to electromagnetic radiation and have high penetrating power (in the air - up to several kilometers); their ionizing ability is significantly less than that of alpha and beta particles. Neutrons(particles of the nucleus of an atom) have significant penetrating ability, which is explained by their lack of charge. Their ionizing ability is associated with induced radioactivity, which is formed as a result of a neutron entering the nucleus of an atom of a substance: thereby its stability is disrupted and a radioactive isotope is formed. The ionizing ability of neutrons under certain conditions can be similar to alpha radiation.

Ionizing radiation, Having a high penetrating ability, they pose a danger to a greater extent when exposed to external irradiation, and alpha and beta radiation - when directly affecting body tissues when entering the body with inhaled air, water, or food.

With external irradiation of the entire body or individual parts of it (local exposure) or internal irradiation of humans or animals in damaging doses, a disease called radiation sickness can develop.

Currently radiation injury people may be associated with violation of radiation safety rules and regulations when performing work with sources ionizing radiation, during accidents at radiation hazardous facilities, during nuclear explosions, etc.

It is known that the source of radiation is radioactive nuclei that can spontaneously decay. The very word “radioactive” evokes fear and rejection, while it only means the instability of individual isotopes various elements. Let us note that natural radioactive nuclei have always existed, before and after the advent of nuclear energy. Any thing, any material object that surrounds us, contains a certain proportion of radionuclides (which have nothing to do with the nuclear industry) capable of decaying and emitting ionizing radiation - the notorious radiation. It has been established that in earlier geological periods the natural background radiation on our planet was much higher than it is now.

There are three main types of radiation emitted by radioactive nuclei.

  • alpha radiation
  • It is a stream of alpha particles consisting of two protons and two neutrons (actually, these are the nuclei of helium atoms) formed as a result of the alpha decay of heavy nuclei.
  • beta radiation
  • This is a stream of electrons or positrons (beta particles) formed as a result of the beta decay of radioactive nuclei.
  • gamma radiation
  • Gamma radiation accompanies alpha or beta decay and is a stream of gamma quanta, being, in fact, electromagnetic radiation - that is, it has a wave nature similar to the nature of light. The difference is that gamma quanta have much higher energy than light quanta and therefore have greater penetrating power.

Penetrating power of radiation

Alpha particles have the smallest penetrating ability: the range in air is several centimeters, in biological tissue - fractions of a millimeter. Therefore, thick clothing provides the necessary and sufficient degree of protection from external alpha radiation. Beta particles (electron flow) have greater penetrating power: their range in the air is several meters, in biological tissue - up to several centimeters. Therefore, when working with sources of hard beta radiation, it becomes necessary to use additional protection(protective screens, containers). Finally, gamma radiation has the greatest penetrating ability: electromagnetic waves are able to pass through the body. Sources of powerful gamma radiation require heavier protection: lead screens, thick-walled concrete structures.

In general, it is important to understand that radionuclides are not the only sources of radiation. In particular, when undergoing an annual fluorographic examination or having a computed tomography scan, we are exposed to x-ray radiation, which (like gamma radiation) is a stream of quanta. This means that the two types of radiation, having different origins, are equally classified as penetrating radiation. In other words, although the X-ray tube does not use radionuclides, it also produces ionizing radiation.

Another source of radiation not related to natural and artificial radionuclides is cosmic radiation. IN outer space This radiation has enormous energy, but when passing through the atmosphere, it is significantly attenuated and does not have a significant effect on humans. As altitude increases, background radiation also increases - therefore, people who frequently travel by air receive an increased dose of radiation; Astronauts who go into outer space receive an even larger dose.

If we compare the contribution of various sources to the dose received by the average Russian, we get the following picture: about 84.4% of the dose he will receive from natural sources, 15.3% from medical sources, 0.3% from man-made sources (nuclear power plants and other enterprises in the nuclear industry, this also includes the consequences of nuclear explosions). In the structure of natural sources, one can distinguish radon (50.9% of the total dose), terrigenous radiation caused by radionuclides located in the ground (15.6%), cosmic radiation (9.8%), and, finally, internal radiation due to radionuclides present in the human body (potassium-40, as well as radionuclides coming from water, air, food) - 8.1%. Of course, these figures are arbitrary and vary depending on the region, but the overall ratio always remains constant.

Radioactive radiation (alpha, beta particles, neutrons, gamma quanta) have different penetrating and ionizing abilities. Alpha particles (helium nuclei) have the least penetrating ability; their travel length in human tissue is fractions of a millimeter and in air - several centimeters.

They cannot even pass through a sheet of paper, but they have the greatest ionizing ability. Beta particles, compared to alpha particles, have a greater penetrating ability (the path length in air is meters) and are no longer retained by paper, but by more hard materials(aluminum, plexiglass, etc.). However, the ionizing ability of beta particles (electrons, positrons) is 1000 times less than alpha particles and, when traveling 1 cm in the air, forms several tens of pairs of ions. Gamma quanta by their nature are electromagnetic radiation and have high penetrating power ( in the air up to several kilometers); their ionizing ability is significantly less than that of alpha and beta particles. Neutrons (particles of the atomic nucleus) also have significant penetrating ability, which is explained by their lack of charge. Their ionizing ability is associated with the so-called “induced radioactivity", which is formed as a result of the “hit” of a neutron into the nucleus of an atom of a substance and thereby disrupts its stability, forms a radioactive isotope. The ionizing ability of neutrons under certain conditions can be similar to alpha radiation.

Ionizing radiation, which has a high penetrating ability, poses a greater danger when exposed to external radiation, and alpha and beta radiation when directly affecting body tissues when entering the body with inhaled air, water, or food.

With external irradiation of the entire body or individual parts of it (local exposure) or internal irradiation of humans or animals in damaging doses, a disease called radiation sickness can develop.

Currently, radiation injury to people may be associated with violation of radiation safety rules and regulations when performing work with sources of ionizing radiation, during accidents at radiation hazardous facilities, during nuclear explosions, etc. Depending on the dose received and the duration of exposure, victims may develop acute or chronic radiation sickness.

The impact of emergencies on a person’s mental state and his…

An emergency is a disruption of the normal living conditions of people in a certain territory.

Acute radiation sickness, its stages

Acute radiation sickness develops with a single total body irradiation in a damaging manner.

− Examer from Taganrog;
− Teacher Dumbadze V.A.
from school 162 of the Kirov district of St. Petersburg.

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Which of the three types of radiation (-, - or - radiation) has the greatest penetrating power?

1) - radiation

2) - radiation

3) - radiation

4) all to approximately the same extent

-radiation has the greatest penetrating ability, and -radiation has the least. If -particles are absorbed by a sheet of cardboard, then sufficiently thick lead plates are needed to absorb -quanta.

Which radiation has the greatest penetrating power?

Highly radioactive background (smog) is a product of the decay of atoms with subsequent changes in their nuclei. Elements with this ability are considered highly radioactive. Each compound is endowed with a certain ability to penetrate the body and harm it. They are natural and artificial. Gamma radiation has the strongest penetrating ability - its particles are able to pass through the human body and are considered very dangerous to human health.

People working with them must wear protective clothing, since their impact on health can be very strong - it depends on the type of radiation.

Types and characteristics of radiation

There are several types of radiation. People in their line of work have to deal with it - some every day, some from time to time.

Helium particles carry a negative charge and are formed during the decay of heavy compounds of natural origin - thorium, radium, and other substances of this group. Streams with alpha particles cannot penetrate solid surfaces and liquids. To protect against them, a person just needs to be dressed.

This type of radiation has more power compared to the first type. For protection, a person will need a dense screen. The decay product of several radioactive elements is a flux of positrons. They are separated from electrons only by charge - they carry a positive charge. If they are exposed to a magnetic field, they deflect and move in the opposite direction.

It is formed during the decay of nuclei in many radioactive compounds. The radiation has a high penetrating ability. Characterized by hard electromagnetic waves. To protect against their effects, you will need screens made of metals that can well protect a person from penetration. For example, made of lead, concrete or water.

These rays have great penetrating power. Can be formed in X-ray tubes, electronic installations such as betatrons and the like. The nature of the action of these radioactive streams is very strong, which suggests that the X-ray beam is endowed with the ability of strong penetration, and therefore dangerous.

In many ways similar to the above, it differs only in the length and origin of the rays. The X-ray flux has a longer wavelength with a low radiation frequency.

Ionization here is carried out mainly by knocking out electrons. And due to the consumption of its own energy, it is produced in small quantities.

Undoubtedly, the rays of this radiation, especially hard ones, have the greatest penetrating ability.

What type of radiation is most dangerous for people?

The hardest quanta are X-ray waves and gamma radiation. They have the shortest waves, therefore, they bring more treachery and danger to the human body. Their insidiousness is explained by the fact that a person does not feel their influence, but clearly feels the consequences. Even at low doses of radiation, irreversible processes and mutations occur in the body.

The transmission of information within a person is electromagnetic in nature. If a powerful radiation beam penetrates the body, this process is disrupted. A person initially feels a slight malaise, and later pathological disorders - hypertension, arrhythmia, hormonal disorders and others.

Alpha particles have the lowest penetration ability, so they are considered the safest, so to speak, for humans. Beta radiation is much more powerful and its penetration into the body is more dangerous. Radiation from gamma particles and X-rays has the greatest penetrating power. They are able to pass right through a person, it is much harder to protect against them, and only a concrete structure or a lead screen can stop them.

How is electromagnetic smog determined in a residential apartment?

Every comfortable apartment has a certain level of radioactive waves. They come from household electronic appliances and devices. Electromagnetic smog is determined by a special device - a dosimeter. It’s good when it is present, but if it is not, then they can be identified in another way. To do this, you need to turn on all electrical devices and use a regular radio to check the radiation level of each of them.

If interference occurs in it, squeaking, extraneous noise and crackling are heard, then there is a source of smog nearby. And the more tangible they are, the more powerful and stronger the electromagnetic radiation emanates from it. The source of smog can be the walls of the apartment. Any actions taken by residents to protect their own bodies from their effects are a guarantee of health.

Gamma rays are characterized by the least ionizing and greatest penetrating ability. This is a high frequency electro-

Gamma rays are characterized by the lowest ionizing and highest penetrating ability. Gamma rays have significantly greater penetrating power than beta and alpha rays. The passage of gamma rays through matter cannot at all be characterized by their path length. The attenuation of the flux of gamma rays when passing through substances obeys an exponential law and is characterized by the attenuation coefficient μ>

Radioactive contamination occurs as a result of the fallout of radioactive substances (RS) from a cloud nuclear explosion. The main sources of radioactivity during nuclear explosions: fission products of substances that make up nuclear fuel (200 radioactive isotopes of 36 chemical elements); induced activity resulting from the impact of the neutron flux of a nuclear explosion on some chemical elements components included in the soil (sodium, silicon, etc.); some part of the nuclear fuel that does not participate in the fission reaction and enters the explosion products in the form of small particles. Radiation from radioactive substances consists of three types of rays: alpha, beta and gamma. Gamma rays have the greatest penetrating power (in the air they travel a distance of several hundred meters), beta particles have less penetrating power (several meters) and alpha particles have insignificant penetrating power (several centimeters). Therefore, the main danger to people in case of radioactive contamination of the area is gamma and beta radiation.

In addition, the effect of heat flow on the body depends on the spectral characteristics of the radiation. Infrared rays with a length of

A-, p-particles and -y-rays have ionizing ability. a particle has a lower speed compared to )