Perfect face in 10 minutes. No worse than Botox: facial exercises that will make you younger and more beautiful. Exercise “Duck” (strengthening lip muscles)

Face fitness is really capable of a lot. First of all, of course, the lifting effect is obvious. In addition, the complexion noticeably improves. For many girls who regularly perform exercises, face fitness has become an excellent alternative to all kinds of cosmetic procedures.

Elena Karkukli , head face fitness trainer in Russia, author of the book “Faceday: The Perfect Face in 10 Minutes a Day,” shared several exercises from her methodology with Cosmo. She emphasizes that by performing them daily for at least 10-15 minutes, you can achieve tangible results in just a couple of months.

1. Axial traction of the spine

Often, simply “straightening up” solves most problems: both with appearance and with health in general. Due to incorrect posture and incorrect position of the neck, the oval of the face “floats”, a double chin appears and many other problems.

Imagine that you are “suspended” by the top of your head, like a Christmas ball, an invisible thread is pulling you up. Open your chest, point your shoulder blades toward the center of your spine and slightly downward. As a result of regular performance of this exercise, the statics of the body, the position of the head and neck will be restored. Traction should be comfortable, without unnecessary tension.


2. Massage the scalp

This exercise gives a noticeable lifting effect to the upper third of the face, reduces swelling, and gives a fresh complexion.

Warming up. Using gentle movements, comb your head from the periphery to the center. Comb the back from top to bottom. Do it daily for 30-60 seconds.

"Tearing off hair." We take large strands of hair (closer to the roots) and pull them up a little, and then move them to the side. Perform for 30-60 seconds.

3. Lifting the upper corners of the eyes

With this exercise, the temporal hollows are reduced, the temples, the corners of the eyes and the outer parts of the upper eyelids are raised.

Place your palms to your temples. Pull them a little towards the crown, 2-3 mm. Slowly and widely open and close your mouth 20-30 times. While performing the exercise, you should feel the movement of the muscles under your palms.

Avoid following errors: strong upward tension of the temples, pressure on the temples, tension in the arms.

4. Spoon exercise to lift cheeks

Perfectly lifts cheekbones, enlarges lips and reduces nasolabial folds.

For this exercise you need a teaspoon with a flat, wide tip. We wrap our lips behind our teeth and insert a teaspoon into the folded lips (you can do it!). Holding it, we begin to slowly smile with the zygomatic muscles towards the temples. We hold the smile, relax. Attention, the corners of the lips should clearly rise up, and not “move apart” to the sides. Try not to squint your eyes. Perform the exercise 20 times, then stay static (resting) for 20 seconds. After this, relax and pat your cheeks with your fingers. Do 3 approaches. Make sure that during the exercise there is no tension in the neck and chin muscles, as well as movements of the lower jaw.

5. Exercise “Duck” (strengthening lip muscles)

Tension is relieved, the effect of lip enlargement appears, color improves, and purse-string wrinkles are significantly reduced.

Connect your index fingers and thumbs, firmly fix the area around your lips. They should be slightly open. We “stick out” our lips forward (just like a duck), at the same time we press our lips to our teeth with our fingers, offering resistance. Then we relax our lips and fingers. Without removing your fingers from your lips, perform the exercise 20 times, then hold statically for 20 seconds.

Be honest. Well, who among us does not dream of a face that is ideal in every sense? A tucked chin, pronounced cheekbones, a smooth forehead, plump lips and no facial or age wrinkles. Sounds like a fairy tale, doesn't it? After all, facial skin aging is an absolutely natural process. And it can only be reversed with the help of Botox and plastic surgery.

But the planet does not stand still, and we are constantly coming up with new and new techniques in the fight against aging.

The book “FaceDay: An Ideal Face in 10 Minutes a Day” from the publishing house “Eksmo” is entirely devoted to the unique method of face fitness, which consists of special exercises and certain restorative techniques that can restore youth and beauty to your face.

On the pages of her textbook, Elena describes in detail the causes of age-related changes in the face and offers unique exercises based on micro-movements of muscles. Thanks to the exercises, readers will be able to not only tighten their facial skin, but also smooth out wrinkles. More precisely, the author of the book promises that when permanent job above you, you have:

  1. Double chin will shrink
  2. The “youth corner” will be restored (read more about this in the book)
  3. Nasolabial folds will soften
  4. Eyebrow wrinkles will be smoothed out
  5. The look will become more “open”
  6. Cheeks - elastic
  7. Cheekbones - visible
  8. And the lips are plump

A promising list, isn't it?

For each exercise that is presented in the book, there is a detailed and simple circuit on its implementation. In addition, Elena gives advice on the intensity of exercise so that you do not harm yourself and your health. After all, as they say, everything needs moderation.

The book also contains real stories of the coach’s students. Personal stories of transformation and a visual photo report of the results are the best motivation for those who still doubt that such a technique “takes place.”

Thus, the book is divided into four parts: “Transformation”, “Face as Art, or the Culture of Preserving Youth”, “Let’s Take It Seriously” and “ Real stories Transfiguration".

We strongly advise against skipping the first chapters and quickly opening the treasured part “Let’s get down to business seriously” and start the exercises. Treat your new technology thoughtfully. Start over, from the first page. Rediscover yourself.

The most important and interesting thing in this whole story is that this face fitness program is absolutely easy to use, effective and accessible to ANY woman at home. Choose a convenient time, place and act! Just 10 minutes a day and 28 exercises. Beauty and youth are in your hands! And, of course, it doesn’t matter at all how old you are! It's never too late or too early to start taking care of yourself. Good luck!

Book: FaceDay. Perfect face in 10 minutes a day

Number of pages: 128

Publisher: Eksmo

The year of publishing: 2017

Irina Kurbatova- Loves to travel. Knows Chinese, as she studied in Beijing Pedagogical University. In his spare time he studies Spanish and English. He has an amazing memory and a broad outlook; a philological education obliges him.

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If at 18 you told your friends, to the envy of your friends, that you “do absolutely nothing with your face” and at the same time looked stunning, then at 30, and even more so at 40 and 50, such a trick is unlikely to work. Age-related changes have never bypassed anyone. What to do? There are not many options: find a good cosmetologist or surgeon. If such a solution to the problem is not for you, face fitness remains, because the face also has muscles, which means they can be trained. The main thing in this matter is regularity: even if you spend just 5 minutes a day on exercise, you will see results. The main thing is to start with simple tasks and gradually move on to more complex ones. Face fitness trainer Elena Karkukli shared a set of exercises that any woman can easily master.

1. Axial traction of the spine

Effect: corrects a double chin, restores the oval of the face, neck and healthy spine, reduces gravitational ptosis, makes your neck longer and sleeker.

How to perform: imagine that you are suspended by the top of your head, like a “Christmas ball”, and an invisible thread is pulling you up. Open your chest, point your shoulder blades toward the center, toward your spine and slightly downward. Doing the exercise daily will gradually restore the statics of your body, the position of your head and neck. The stretching should be very comfortable, without tension in the muscles, and it must be performed constantly.

2. Movable scalp, or “hair pulling”

Effect: fresh complexion and lifting of the upper third, reduction of swelling.

How to perform: Take large strands of hair closer to the roots and pull them up a little, and then move them to the sides. Work your entire head in this manner for 30-60 seconds.

To save time, this massage can be done while washing your hair, after applying a mask or balm.

3. Exercise “bucket”

Effect: restoration of the line and angle of the lower jaw, reduction of the double chin, relaxation of the muscles of the neck and chin, reduction of the habit of pulling the head into the shoulders.

How to perform: The starting position is as follows: sit or stand straight, back straight, pull your head up by the crown. Next, turn it to the side. Lift your chin slightly and move your lower jaw forward a little. Feel how pleasantly the muscles on the side of your neck and chin stretch. Tap your chin with your palm for 20 seconds. Then turn your head the other way and repeat. Make sure that the mental muscles, which pull the chin up and make it lumpy, are not tense.

Do not perform this exercise if you have a disease of the temporomandibular joint, jaw dislocations, or if your jaw joint clicks.

4. "Cap"

Effect: will relax and increase the volume of your lips, help you get rid of the habit of pinching them.

How to perform: Take a small lightweight stopper or cap. The lips are relaxed, the teeth are closed, but not clenched. Insert the cap into relaxed lips (not teeth!). Make sure there are no folds under or above the lips. You can perform this exercise for 20-30 seconds or more. If you do everything correctly, you will end up feeling an unusual lightness on your lips.

5. Lifting the temples and corners of the eyes

Effect: reduces the temporal hollows, raises the temples, corners of the eyes and outer part upper eyelids.

How to perform: Place your palms to your temples. Pull them slightly towards the crown, 2-3 mm. Open and close your mouth slowly and widely 20-30 times. As you perform the exercise, you should feel the muscles moving under your palms.

The main mistakes to avoid are: strong tension in the temples, pressure on the temples, tension in the arms.

(estimates: 2 , average: 4,50 out of 5)

Title: Faceday. Perfect face in 10 minutes a day

About the book “Faceday. Perfect face in 10 minutes a day" Elena Karkukli

This book is for those who think about their health and maintaining an attractive appearance, who want to stop the aging process.

“I was once in despair... It seemed that a process of destruction had been launched that could not be stopped, and youth was lost forever” - such emotions are familiar to many. Elena Karkukli, the author of this book, found a solution, and thousands of women have already discovered the world of face fitness.

By training and relaxing the muscles under the skin of the face, you can: reduce the double chin, restore the “angle of youth”, soften nasolabial folds, smooth out wrinkles between the eyebrows.

Just 10 minutes a day, 28 exercises, and every year you will look only younger.

On our website about books you can download the site for free without registration or read online book“Faceday. The perfect face in 10 minutes a day" Elena Karkukli in epub, fb2, txt, rtf, pdf formats for iPad, iPhone, Android and Kindle. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and real pleasure from reading. Buy full version you can from our partner. Also, here you will find last news from the literary world, learn the biography of your favorite authors. For beginning writers there is a separate section with useful tips and recommendations, interesting articles, thanks to which you yourself can try your hand at literary crafts.

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Nowadays, we can safely equate beauty and success. To match reality modern life, no matter what sacrifices we make! And is it any wonder: all women, without exception, are fixated on maintaining youth and attractiveness. Fortunately, the possibilities of aesthetic cosmetology are now almost limitless, and we have many ways to improve our appearance. However, as experience shows recent years, not every one of us is ready to rejuvenate only with the help of injections. With the increase in the army of healthy lifestyle fans, the demand for natural methods of rejuvenation has increased significantly. Compared to “beauty injections,” alternative techniques are safe and cannot harm health.

A new book by Elena Karkukli will be on sale soon.

We have already told you about such effective anti-aging techniques as, . Today we will talk about a technique that has reached the peak of popularity over the past few years, since it is a worthy replacement for botulinum toxin injections and fillers.

So, face fitness unique rejuvenating gymnastics for the skin and muscles of the face . She told us about this technique Elena Karkukli, Russia's main face fitness trainer using the method of Alena Rossoshinskaya, author of the book “Faceday - the perfect face in 10 minutes a day.”

For information: Elena is 38 years old; for the last four and a half years she has been practicing facial exercises and regularly conducts training sessions. At the end of the article you will find a test video lesson that Elena and I specially recorded for you.

To dispel all doubts about the effectiveness of this technique, try doing these exercises every day, at least for 2-3 weeks. We bet: the results will pleasantly surprise you, and you will definitely want to master the entire complex! While training, don’t forget to take photos of yourself on your phone more often and compare the resulting selfies.

Elena, who is this technique suitable for, and at what age can it be practiced?

Exercises for the facial muscles are good at any age, there are no restrictions. If you notice age-related changes on your face, you can start exercising. My youngest student is 19 years old, with the help of exercises she “lightened” the shape of her face and reduced her double chin. Well, my oldest student, she is now 70, looks fifteen years younger than her peers.

The photo on the left was taken in 2012, and the photo on the right was taken in 2016. The difference seems obvious to us! Photo: from the archive of Elena Karkukli

What age-related changes does face fitness combat, and how quickly are the effects of training noticeable?

The positive dynamics are immediately visible to everyone. Over time, the effect intensifies. There are people who instantly respond to exercises; after the first lesson, we see how the muscles tighten, the oval improves, the puffiness goes away, the swelling in the eyelid area decreases, and the nasolabial folds soften. The face as a whole looks lighter. But some people need to study a little longer to notice the striking contrast between “was” and “has become.” Everything is very individual.

How often should you do the exercises?

The ideal rhythm is 5-6 times a week. The whole complex takes approximately 10-15 minutes. This is acceptable even for a very busy woman. If you don’t have time at all, you can study 2-3 times a week. I recommend that young girls perform the entire complex once a week for preventive purposes. And, of course, you need to learn to control your facial habits.

Regular exercise helps make your face lighter, improves posture, reduces double chin, smoothes nasolabial folds, wrinkles around the lips, lifts cheekbones, upper eyelids, relieves puffiness... Photo: from the archive of Elena Karkukli

What does it mean to control facial habits?

In my classes, I not only teach a person how to perform exercises correctly, taking into account safety precautions. I also talk about how to rebuild your muscle memory, that is, get rid of facial habits that form our wrinkles. For example, I used to have a crease between the eyebrows, I managed to remove it with the help of exercises. But I know that if I stop exercising, then over time it will appear again. Because the muscles that wrinkle the eyebrow turn on reflexively. In life, I watch my facial expressions and try not to wrinkle my forehead. This is called controlling facial habits. And this is an important component when doing face fitness.

How do injection rejuvenation methods combine with facial exercises? Will it be possible to perform them if a woman injects Botox or fillers?

During the training, I always tell the girls: I don’t use injections and I will teach you how to do without them. But if you want to improve something about yourself with injections, it’s your choice. Just keep doing the exercises, because only they will help you restore your muscular frame and facial proportions.

Many people fear that if they do face fitness for a long time and then abruptly quit, their face will instantly sag. Is it so?

This is the most frequently asked question which I am asked in class. No! There will be no sudden sagging of the skin. The natural aging process will simply begin. And here a lot depends on how long a person has been doing face fitness. If it’s only a month or two, then everything will return to normal sooner. If the classes lasted for a year or longer, and the person managed to rebuild his muscle memory, learn to control facial expressions, therefore, the aging process will be significantly delayed.