GTA 5 help passersby on the map. Random events. Construction accident

Random Events in GTA 5 are small missions that can be found throughout Los Santos and Blaine County. There are 57 events in total, but to the game was completed 100%,you need to complete any 14 of them.

Random events are pinned to certain points on the map, marked with icons, and vary in theme - from races to shootouts. The only factor of randomness is the time of appearance of the characters who give you tasks. They can not always be caught at the point and under different conditions. For example, you can meet someone only at night, and someone only when it rains.

Some tasks are intended for a specific hero, and they can only be taken by him.

The reward is money or some kind of character improvement.

Below is a detailed description of all the random events in GTA 5:

Event Reward Available
City of bike thieves ~200 000$ Everyone
Funeral 60 000$ Everyone
Showdown with dealers 40-100 000$ Everyone
Armored car 30-80 000$ Everyone
Broken deal 25 000$ Everyone
Blaine County robbery 5000$ Everyone
Store robbery 4000$ Everyone
Catching Thieves 2670$ Everyone
Street robbery 2200$ Everyone
Border Patrol 1800$ Everyone
Gang Fight in Blaine County 1000$ M and F
Driver for bandits $1000/mercenary Everyone
Get away from the paparazzi 750$ Everyone
Arrests 500$ Everyone
ATM robbery 500$ Everyone
Intimidating bandits 200-600$ M and T
Drunk Driver 160$/friend Everyone
Travel companions $100/driving Everyone
Housework 80$/friend Everyone
Altruist attack 80$ M and F
Bachelor Party Victim Super Diamond T/Everyone
Abandoned vehicle Stun Gun T/Everyone
Simon Yetaryan Ammo M and F
Kidnapped 0$ Everyone
Girl under the bridge 0$ Everyone
Bus tour -40$ Everyone
Rescue of survivors Mercenary All/M
Construction accident Driving Everyone
Sports bike thief Bike/Driving Everyone
Car theft Driving/Suit All/M
Transporting a prisoner Driving M and F

ATM robbery

  • Available to everyone.
  • When you arrive at the scene, the victim will scream and a blue dot will appear on the radar. You need to kill the robber and take his money. You can keep them (and earn $500) or give them to the victim, and you will be given $50 as a reward, and your character's special ability bar will rise.

City of bike thieves

  • Available to everyone.
  • The bike needs to be returned to the owner. This increases your stamina stat. Also, after missions, bike owners will send you a letter with AnimalArk shares, which can then be sold for $200,000 (100K+100K).

Bus tour

  • Available: during the day.
  • You need to get on a blue tour bus, pay $40, and it will take you around the sights of Los Santos. There are a total of 12 places to explore. This takes 20 minutes of real time.

Construction accident

— Have you ever had any accidents at a construction site?
- No, it was not.
- They will!

Suitable for any character.

You need to help the actress escape from photographers. As a reward, she will give you $750. The escape procedure is similar to how you hide from the police, however, the paparazzi cannot be killed.

Also, if you play as Trevor, you can take the actress to the Altruist Camp.

Intimidating bandits

Available to: Michael or Trevor only.

You are supposedly helping a girl who asks for help. But she lures you into an ambush, around the corner of the house. As soon as you see the bandits, shoot at them. They will leave you between $200 and $600 in cash and ammo.

Driver for bandits

Available to everyone.

Packie McReary and his friends robbed a pharmacy. You have a choice:
- Help the pharmacist. It won't bring you anything.
- Help the robbers. This is already much better.

You need a 4 seater car to pick up the guys. After that you get . Let's throw the police off our tail.

If you crash into the car too often while driving and damage the car, Paki will run away. If you play as Trevor, you can take them to the Altruist Camp, but then Packy will not be available in the future.

Therefore, ideally, you need to take Paki and his friend to the shelter. He will give you $1000 as a reward, and will also become available as a cool mercenary.

Store robbery

Available to everyone.

In robbery #1, beauty salon, kill the driver in the van. You can get a reward of $2000 if you don't give anything to the owner of the hair salon, since he won't reward you!

When robbing store #2, as soon as the thieves leave the premises, kill them. Take $2000. You can either keep them or return them to the owner and receive a 25% discount on any purchases in his store.

Available to everyone.

We see how a woman is kidnapped and dragged into a van. We shoot at the wheels, then kill the enemies. After this, the girl will ask you to take her home and on the way you will be attacked by bandits again.

Since there will be no reward for this task, even if you safely take the woman to her house, it is better to complete the random event “Kidnapped” by Trevor in order to take the girl to the Altruist Camp.

Available to everyone.

You can rob vans with any character. Also, these random events do not disappear and can be played over and over again. As a rule, you get 3-8 thousand dollars for one cash-in-transit vehicle.

To stop the armored vehicle, we shoot at the wheels. To open the doors, shoot at their center or place a sticky bomb.

There are 10 of them in total, therefore, by robbing all available vans in sequence, you will receive 30-80 thousand dollars.

Available to: Michael or Franklin after completing mission "". If you complete the mission " " and start the first mission as Trevor, this random event will no longer be available.

This event does not appear on the map; you need to come to Simon's salon yourself. He will start running away from you, and you will have to fight his bodyguards.

Yetarian cannot be killed. Your only reward will be money and ammunition from the two killed bodyguards.

Sports bike thief V

A thief has stolen a Pegassi Bati 801 motorcycle. You need to chase him. Don't shoot or knock him down, as he will eventually stop and run away. You can:
— Or keep the Pegassi Bati 801.
- Or return it to the owner. This will increase your driving skill.

Street robbery

Available for any character.

In the first robbery, you need to kill the robber and take the money. If you return it, they will give you $20. If you keep it for yourself, it will be $200.

In the second robbery, the robber will threaten the victim with a gun. Kill him. There is no reward.

In the third robbery, the thief snatches a woman's purse. Kill him and take $2000. If you return everything to the woman, she will only give you $200.

Abandoned vehicle

Available: the first only for Trevor, the second for everyone.

In the first task, Trevor will be shot with an electric pistol when he approaches the car. And he will wake up naked on the railroad tracks. This is a bad development.

Interestingly, your car, which you parked before you lost consciousness, will remain in place in any case. You can come back and pick it up.

To complete this task, before approaching the van, turn on Trevor’s special ability. Then the gun will not take you and you will be able to kill the attacker and take it from him as a reward.

In the second task you also need to find a car. When you get close, they will attack you - fight back. There will be no reward.

Available to all characters.

There are two such random events, they are the same, and you have two options:
- Help the criminal.
— Help Officer Lewis.

In the first case, you get $250 and 3 (and this is quite serious in GTA 5). In the second case, you do not receive any money and will be asked to leave immediately.

That is, you can “raise” $500 in total.

Border Patrol

Any character will do.

The rednecks (three rednecks) ask you to stop the car in order to commit, so to speak, an act of robbery. Don't do this, just shoot at them without getting out of the car. Then take the money. Each time it's about $600.

That is, in total you will earn $1800 on three missions.

Please note that rednecks are always armed.

You will see two men trying to bury someone alive. Kill the insolent people! And take away their ammunition and money.

Then approach the tied up woman and take her home. The trip will be very long, so be prepared. After you deliver it, she will call you and give you $60,000!

Alternatively, you can take her with Trevor to the Altruist camp and, of course, receive no reward.

Available: the first mission for everyone, the second only for Michael.

In #1, you need to catch up with the pink car. You can try to push him, stop him, etc., but it is too difficult. So just chase him until the thief stops and leaves the car. Kill him. Then take the car to the owner. This will increase your driving skills.

In No. 2, near the airport, the robber threw the owner out of the car. Look for a car. The persecution tactics are the same as before. Kill the hijacker. Deliver the car to the owner, this will increase your driving skill. A little later, they will also send you a suit as a gift.

There are four missions in total, divided into the city (2) and Blaine County (2). Suitable for any characters.

In City #1, four robbers escape in a black van. Shoot out his wheels and kill everyone. You can return the money to the owner and receive a reward ($50), or keep it all for yourself ($500).

In city number 2, a thief escapes on a motorcycle. Hit him with a car and shoot him. You will be faced with the same dilemma: either return the money and receive a $200 reward, or keep $2000 for yourself.

In District No. 1, kill the bandits. There is no need to give $250 to the owner of the wallet, since he will reward you with only $25.

In District 2, follow the van along Route 68. Kill the robbers and hide somewhere, as more enemies will soon appear. Kill them and take the wallet. There will be a measly $120, but if you return it to the owner, he will give you even less as a reward - $12.

In total, you can earn $2,670 from “Catching Thieves.”

Gang Fight in Blaine County

Available: Michael or Franklin.

Two bikers hold a dealer at gunpoint. Kill them, then follow the guy and kill another pack of bikers. As a reward you will receive $1000 from the dealer and ammunition from corpses.

Blaine County robbery

Two men engage in a shootout with police. You need to steal a briefcase. We go into the back of the motel, kill the man and take the briefcase with $5,000 inside.

Then you need to reset 2 wanted stars.

Even if you don't kill anyone and just wander around, you'll get 2 wanted stars.

Available: for everyone, but this mission is not available until you unlock Trevor as the main character.

Next to the broken car you will find a woman who will ask you to take her home. Once you reach the desired point, you will find out that the woman's name is Taliana Martinez and she wants to join your gang. It can now be used during major heists in the main storyline.

Remember that if you drive a slow car, Taliana will succumb to her injuries before you reach your destination.

Broken deal

Available to everyone.

You arrive at a place where, apparently, there was a transaction in which something went wrong. Can:
- Or shoot the two surviving wounded bandits.
“Or listen to their last words and they will die themselves.”

Then you need to pick up the briefcase with $25,000.

We leave the place of the transaction and kill the bandits who attack you.

This random event clearly references a scene from the movie (book) No Country for Old Men.

Available to everyone.

The couple quarreled. A wife screams at her husband from the balcony. You calm the man down. The reward will be $80, plus Castro will become your friend and you can play golf with him.

Showdown with dealers

Available to everyone.

We move to the place marked with the marijuana leaf icon. All you need in this random event is to kill all the enemies and then collect the money marked with green dots on the map. You can get from 40 to 100 thousand dollars. In addition, after a few weeks, this random event becomes available again and you can repeat it from time to time.

Available to everyone.

In the first mission, you need to take two clients home. You need to drive carefully, otherwise they will start vomiting right in the car. Playing as Trevor, you can deliver them to the Altruist camp.

You will receive $80 as a reward.

In the second mission, you need to take the couple home. They will offer you whiskey, which will intoxicate the character and make it difficult to lead. Also, playing as Trevor, you can take them to the Altruist camp, and plus he will also ask you to join them hugging in the back seat of the car.

You will receive $80 as a reward. And in total - $160.

Available to everyone. In all cases, it is possible (but not always necessary) to take people with Trevor to the Altruist camp.

#1. Find a car with the hood up and talk to the driver. He is late for the airport and needs to be delivered in less than 02:20. If you have time, the man will give you advice about Tinkle Company. Invest in them through . In addition, you will be given $100 and your driving skill will increase.

#2. Take Ursula home. For this you will increase your driving skill and receive her phone number, which you can then use.

#3. We need to take a woman to her friend. If you get there, you will have a clash with a jealous lover and his guards. You can either fight them or kill them. However, you will get an upgrade in your driving experience.

#4. You see a bride asking for a ride... home. She doesn't want to go to her wedding. But then her fiancé will start pursuing you. Stop and beat him, but don't kill him, as this will fail the mission. After this, you can finally take the bride home and improve your driving skills.

If you complete all four random “Fellow Travelers” events without bringing people to the Altruist camp, you will increase your driving experience by +20, plus you will earn $100 and place your shares profitably.

Altruist attack

Two altruists are trying to harm a girl. Save her and take her home. She will pay you $80.

Available to everyone.

The girl calls you for help, saying that her boyfriend was hurt. Follow her and the pair will attack you. Kill them.

If you go straight with a weapon, it will lead to failure. Very often, players receive 1 wanted star for this task.

Transporting a prisoner

Available to: Michael or Franklin.

In the first transport, you will find a police car that has suffered an accident, and next to it a prisoner. He will ask you to take him to the club. After he says that he is a member of The Lost, you will have 1 wanted star - discard it and deliver the person to his destination. Your driving experience will be increased.

In the second transportation, in Grand Senior, you will meet a prisoner in an orange robe. Unfortunately, he will pull out a gun and will have to be killed. You can do this quite cleverly: before driving up to the character, attach a couple of sticky bombs to your car. Then, stop next to him. He will kick you out of the car, threatening you with a gun, get behind the wheel and then... boom!

There is an alternative option: when you approach the blue dot on the radar, call 911 and call the cops. They will drive up and arrest the prisoner. At this time you just need to spin around, rolling back and forth.

Bachelor Party Victim

Available to everyone.

The action takes place on Route 66. Find a guy in shorts who is tied to a pole. Untie him and take him home so he can get dressed.

Hi all. The Gamebizclub team is on air. This time we have prepared a large article for you in which we will tell you about such a thing as random events in GTA 5.

Have we all heard the phrase “coincidences are not random”? The same situation applies to the topic of our article - all events in the game are scripted, and they appear not just anywhere, but in certain places and under certain conditions. For example, one can only happen in the dark, another during a rainstorm, and the third is revealed only to certain protagonists.

In total, there are 57 different random events available in the game, some of them are a kind of earnings, while others help to increase the character’s characteristics.

By the way, to complete the game 100 percent you need to complete at least 14 such events. Now that we have figured out what it is, let's look at each event separately.

From this article you will learn:

Abandoned Vehicle

The “Abandoned Transport” tasks are presented in two parts and can be completed by any character.

In the first part, you have to go to Smoke Tree Road, but keep in mind that if you simply go to the car with any character, he will receive a shocker and wake up in his underwear on the rails, and a train will rush in his direction.

To avoid this, you need to activate Trevor's superpower and head to the car. Then all that remains is to deal with your opponent before he shocks you.

The second part takes you to Ron Alternates Wind Farm, where there is a suspiciously swaying trailer. As you approach, two men in shorts will jump out and try to destroy your hero. Be prepared to fight them back.

By the way, some attribute this to Easter eggs, supposedly the scene is similar to the episode from Breaking bad, where Walter cooks meth in his underpants and an apron, but we know what’s going on here.

There are no rewards.


Arrests also come in two parts and are open to any character.

The first arrest takes place behind the O'Neil brothers' farm, you must help the criminal deal with the cops, for which he will pay 250 greens.

The second one takes place at Ron Alternates Wind Farm, and the essence of your actions is the same - help the guy escape and get $250.

Bike Thief City

Again, two tasks, we will talk about the first below, and the second event, “City of Bicycle Thieves,” takes place on Bridge Street. You need to return the stolen bike to its owner and get +3 to stamina.

Border Patrol

There are three Border Patrol events available, each of which will net you 7 hundred dollars.
The first one happens on Mount Haan Road, guys patrolling the outskirts will mistake you for an illegal immigrant and try to shoot you - your goal is to get ahead of them and kill everyone first.

The passage of the second and third tasks are identical, only their locations differ - Tataviam Mountains and Raton Canyon, respectively.


Horrors are happening in Paleto Bay - the girl was given a funeral, but she is still alive. Shoot the scum and save the lady. The rewards are different - in addition to completely filling the scale of superpowers, your character, after some time, will receive 60 thousand bucks. Also, with Trevor, you can take her to the altruists and immediately receive another 1 thousand dollars.

Car Thief

Two "Car Theft" tasks, the first of which is available to everyone, and the second only to Michael.

1. A vehicle is stolen on the Great Ocean Highway, for the return of which you will receive +5 points to your driving skill.

2. There was a theft at Los Santos International Airport, if Michael returns the car, then in addition to increasing his driving stat by 5, he will receive a new suit from the owner of the car.

Bus Tour

Nothing special - a regular bus tour starting on Alta Street, costing 40 bucks. See 12 Los Santos attractions in 20 minutes. There will be no reward.

Chase Thieves

“Catching Thieves” is represented by four events, with two tasks taking place in the city and two in Blaine County, so the prefix City or Country is added to the main name.

Their passage is no different - stop the robber and take the proceeds, then you can give everything to the owner or keep the loot for yourself.

The first situation in the city starts on Hawick Avenue, you can keep 2 thousand bucks for yourself or return it to the victim, for which you will receive a special scale. abilities and 200 green.

Next on San Andreas Avenue, having stopped the robber, you can keep 5 hundred for yourself, or return it to the owner for a reward of $50 and a full scale of superpowers.

In Blaine County on Grapeseed Main Street you can get a quarter of a thousand or get a reward of 25 bucks and a replenishment of the level of special abilities.

Also, after visiting Route 68, you will need to catch up with the guy who stole 120 bucks. You can keep the cache or return it to the owner for $12 and a filled super power bar.

Construction Accident

There was a construction accident on Calais Avenue in Little Seoul - a man was stuck in a car and needed to be helped by using a bulldozer to unblock the driver's side exit. After this, drive away from there, because the explosion will not be long in coming. The reward will be 2 points to your driving skill.

Countryside Gang Fight

Blaine County Gang Showdown is playable by Michael or Franklin. To start, visit Marina Drive and save the drug dealer from the “Missing” bikers. You can get a thousand dollars for this.

Countryside Robbery

Upon arrival on Route 68, you will see a shootout between the guys who committed a robbery in Blaine County and the police. There are two possible options, but be prepared to evade the chase in any case.

You can help the bandits and, after shooting the police, get 5 thousand dollars, or wait until the robbers are put to death, pack your suitcases with 10 thousand green ones.

Deal Gone Wrong

When you visit the Chilliad Mountain Nature Reserve, you will see many bodies, and next to one there will be a case with 25 thousand. If you try to leave the sector with money, the protagonist will come under attack. This is exactly how this mission, called “Broken Deal,” goes.


"Household Affairs" is an event starting on Wild Oats Drive. The girl throws the guy's things off the balcony, and he asks you to drop him off at the golf club and introduces himself as Castro Lagano.

When going through the event as Mr. Phillips, you can throw the guy to the altruists and get a thousand dollars, or use any character to take him to his destination, for which he will give 80 bucks and offer to play golf with him.

Drug Shootout

There is a grass plantation on Mount Chilliad; upon arriving there, your character will begin a showdown with the dealers. Afterwards, just go to the barn and pick up the diplomat with cash. Amounts vary from 40 thousand dollars to 100 thousand, while showdowns can be arranged once a week.

Drunk Driver

The “Drunk Driver” task is presented in two parts, but they are completed identically. Drunk people call the protagonist and offer to take them to a certain place, since they themselves are incredibly drunk. Try to avoid playing street racer because then the passengers will start vomiting which will end the event.

The first one starts on Palomino Avenue. You can deliver people to their destination and get 80 bucks, or Trevor can take them to the altruists for 1 thousand dollars.

The second one is on Armadillo Avenue, but the solution is the same - take them for 80 greenbacks or bring them to the altruists for $1000.

Escape Paparazzi

On Vinewood Boulevard, Lacey Jonas is hiding in an alley, asking for help to get away from the paparazzi, and also to drop her off at a certain point. To get through, you can weave through alleys, waiting for your pursuers to crash, or escape at high speed. The main condition is that photographers should not be attacked.

Gang Intimations

"Bandit Intimidation" event starting on El Rancho Boulevard. You will hear the girl's pleas for help. She will call you deeper into the alley, but be prepared for the bandits to attack without warning. It is important to know that before the opponents jump out, you cannot take out your weapon. And when attacked, you need to shoot them and collect loot from 200 to 500 dollars.

Hitch Lift

The events of “Fellow Travelers” are presented in four parts, and despite the fact that the passage boils down to taking a person from point “A” to point “B”, the developers have added several interesting moments here.

If you make it on time, you will receive $100 and +5 to your driving skill, in addition, he will tell you how to win money on the stock exchange, we wrote more about this in the article about. Of course, you can send him to the altruists with Trevor, but we do not recommend this.

The second part starts on North Calafia Way, where you can pick up a voting lady. At the end of the trip, she will give you her number, and her driving skill will improve by 5, but you can also give her a ride to the Altruist camp for 1 thousand dollars.

There is also a lady on East Joshua Road who needs a ride. If you take her to the right place, you will receive 5 driving points, and her boyfriend will also try to attack you. It's up to you to decide whether to fight him or not. Of course, Trevor can get rich thanks to this person by 1 thousand bucks.

The latest development in this series is that there is a runaway bride on Great Chaparral. If you put her in the car, a chase will begin, with the participation of her fiancé - you shouldn’t shoot at the guy, just throw him off your tail. As before, the reward will be 5 driving points, or a thousand green ones for Trevor from altruists.

Luring Girl into Alley

After visiting Supply Street, you will see a girl in an alley asking for help. It is important to know that you cannot draw your weapon before you are attacked, so be patient. The reward will be loot from the robbers; this event is also often called “The Girl Under the Bridge.”


In such a large city, theft is rampant, so street robbery is not at all uncommon. You have the opportunity to go through 3 different events.

Go to Carson Avenue, there a bandit will rob a pedestrian, having caught up with him, you will receive 200 dollars, which you can return to the owner and receive a reward of 20 bucks, and fill out the special scale. abilities, or you can keep the money for yourself.

On Meteor Street, the scumbag will point a gun at the victim, demanding to give money, after you neutralize the robber, the person will run away, so there will be no reward.

On Vespucci Boulevard, a guy tries to steal a woman's bag; if you stop him, you can keep 2 thousand bucks for yourself or return it to the owner for a full scale of superpowers and two hundred greens.

Rogue Altruists

Michael or Franklin driving along Baytree Canyon Road may see an attack by altruists on a defenseless mademoiselle. You need to get rid of the attackers and take the girl home, for which you are entitled to $80.

Prisoner Lift

Michael and Franklin can participate in the Prisoner Transport event, which is presented in two parts.

A police car has crashed in the Grand Senora desert and a prisoner is standing next to it. He asks to give him a lift to the club, and says that he is from “The Lost,” after which the protagonist is given the first wanted level. Throw the cops off your tail and take him to his destination. The reward is plus three to driving.

The second part takes place in the same place in Grand Senora Desert, only now the escapee is sitting in the bushes. If you approach him, he will take out the barrel and try to steal your car. You can effectively teach a rogue a lesson by attaching a sticky bomb to the body of the car, and when he is about to move off, detonate the charge.

There is no reward.


The quest "Kidnapped" appears on South Mo Milton Drive. Bikers from the Lost gang are trying to kidnap a girl, and you must stop this by stopping their car and shooting the bandits.

After this, the lady will get into your vehicle, and a chase will begin after you, which you will also have to get rid of. If you take the girl where she asks, there will be no reward, so you can play as Trevor and take her to the altruists for the usual thousand dollars.

Shop Robbery

“Store Robberies” are two events that start exclusively after the character enters the establishment. The essence is the same - when you enter the store, you will see a video, after which you need to deal with the raiders and decide what to do with the jackpot.

The first robbery takes place in Eastbourne Way, and your winnings could be $2,000 if you want to keep it. If you plan to return the loot to the owner, then a 25% discount at Bob Mulet Hair & Beauty will be a bonus.

The second case will unfold on Prosperity Street Promenade, with the reward almost the same - a 25% discount on the Suburban range or 2 thousand bucks in cash if you keep the jackpot.

Stag Do Running Man

While driving along Highway 68 you will notice a guy tied to a pole. He is the victim of a bachelor party, and thanks to a cruel joke from his friends, the guy is late for his own wedding. The protagonist will have to take the poor fellow home so that he can change clothes, then transfer to a limousine parked nearby and go first to the Hookies bar and then to the church, which is located in Paleto Bay.

It is best to complete the mission as Michael or Franklin, since Mr. Phillips can get into trouble with the bikers in the bar.

Simeon Yetarian

This event is limited to the time interval between the story mission “Father and Son” and the first mission as Trevor. It is noteworthy that it is not displayed on the map, but if you come to the store of car dealer Simon Michael or Franklin, the dealer will flee, and the character will be attacked by his bodyguards. You can't shoot the salon owner himself, but you can deal with the security. Everything that falls from them will become your jackpot.

Sports Bike Thief

On North Rockford Drive you will see a sports bike thief, this time he stole a Pegassi Bati 801, which can only be caught in a fast car. The reward for returning the motorcycle will be +5 points to your driving skill, and if these points are of no use to you, you can keep the bike for yourself.

Altruist Cult Shootout

After Trevor delivers four victims to an altruist camp in the Chiliad Mountain State Wilderness, he himself comes under attack. Your character will have a showdown with altruists, the reward for which will be loot dropped from your opponents.

Security Van

There are 10 armored cash-in-transit vehicles running around the city, each of which you can rob. There is no specific location for their spawn, so you need to explore the area. In order to rob collectors, shoot out the wheels of the car and after stopping it, shoot at the lock between the rear doors so that they open.

You can also use a Velcro bomb, which is attached to the back of the case. After the doors have opened, pick up cash, usually from 3 to 8 thousand, and run away.

ATM robbery

Passing by one of the bank terminals, you can see a robbery at an ATM; these terminals are not marked on the map, so you need to look for where they are located yourself. Having stopped the robber, the protagonist will be enriched by 500 dollars, but if this money is returned, then he will only have 50 bucks and a full scale of special abilities.

It is noteworthy that if no one has robbed a person, then you can do it, but then a police chase will begin after you.

This concludes the random events, and we hope you have fun playing through each one, as well as lining your heroes' pockets well. Subscribe to our news and share the article with friends on social networks. Bye everyone

Random events are the same dynamic tasks that the developers talked about. They appear in pre-planned places. There is no need to look for them - they will “find you themselves.” Outside the mission, a blue dot or a flashing blue-red dot appears on the radar. These are random events. , but it is enough to complete 14 such tasks. And the word fulfill implies a certain outcome.

For example, a man screams for help - his wallet was stolen by a pickpocket and is now hiding around the corner. You can stay away, but it’s better to catch up with the guy and calm him down. Then the stolen money appears in your possession. This is one of the following amounts: $200, $500 or $2000. The player can keep all the money for himself, but then the mission will not count. Or he can return it to the victim, then he will give the player part of the money (usually 50 bucks), and another fraction of a percent will “drip” into the statistics.

One of the lucky owners of the returned wallet,
and in the background is a failed thief.

The same story with a stolen car or bicycle. It is also advisable to return them to the rightful owner. So, for example, after returning the bicycle to the victim, after a while he will send you a letter saying that he is a wealthy shareholder of a large company and will give you $100,000 worth of shares in his company. Having sold these shares, we immediately receive one of the achievements that requires you to sell the shares for the amount , more than what you bought them for. And in the case described above, the income in any case will be one hundred percent.

One of the attackers may be The Lost bikers in their vans.

Another type of random event is a cash-in-transit robbery. We attack two guys in uniform. We quickly shoot them, grab the money and leave the crime scene. As a result, he will receive $5000 and two wanted stars.

Cash collection vehicle.

There are tasks when you can help the police. For example, a cop is chasing a criminal. You can help the latter and stun the fugitive, or you can deal with the police, get money from the fugitive and several stars from the state police. Or meet a real brawl between raiders and police. You can help shoot one or the other. By killing criminals, we won’t get anything, but you can grab the money and run away from the police yourself as a lawbreaker. Or you can help the bandits by shooting the police, but getting a wanted level and a share in the case.

In addition, there are more interesting tasks. So, for example, in one of the alleys a woman may call you to help a person who suddenly became ill. By responding and following her, you will come across robbers who will take $500 from you. However, as soon as they run, we grab our weapons and shoot the brave men. We'll return the money, and we'll also grab their weapons.

Or another situation when an accident occurs at a construction site: pipes fall onto a truck standing under a crane with a driver in the cab, blocking the doors. The car is about to explode, and we need to act: we get into the bulldozer and push the pipes away, allowing the driver to get out.

A special place is occupied by hitchhikers who ask the protagonist to take him somewhere. For example, this is a girl in the middle of nowhere who, after a serious party, wants to get to a guy on the territory of a television tower in the north of Los Santos. He works there as a security guard, and along the way a little drama develops, and on the spot the boyfriend of a fellow traveler mistakes the player for her lover and clearly does not interfere with the best intentions. You can immediately grab a heavier weapon and rein in the aggressor. True, the police will be on your tail. Or, for example, a guy whose wife kicks him out of the house and he's late for an important golf tournament. Or a bride who has changed her mind about getting married and runs away straight from the church. You can save a young girl from the clutches of bikers The Lost, which, as it turns out after the chase, is a relative of one of the bikers who stole the money. Interestingly, after helping them out in Trevor’s shoes, any of them can be taken to the forests where the altruists’ camp is located. There, local residents will give $1000 for the sacrifice, and the player will receive one of the achievements. True, not everyone can be sold to the inhabitants of a secluded town. For example, a fellow traveler whom we pick up near a broken down car on the highway. She is a robber who failed to escape the police chase. She is wounded, and therefore Trevor decides that she is unfit for sale, which he declares loudly, and before reaching a couple of hundred meters to the indicated place, he dies in the passenger seat.

Loser golfer.

There will also be a dynamic mission, which was talked about before the game’s release: the player will need to save the star from annoying photographers, breaking away from his annoying pursuers. However, the most interesting mission of this nature will be the inconspicuous, at first, rescue of two robbers who did not bother to prepare the car for departure. To start this task, you need to select Franklin, and then find a parking lot with adjacent shops near his aunt’s house at night. There we will meet two unlucky robbers who will ask for a ride. We pick it up and break away from the police, and at the same time listen to the dialogue. First, one of the passengers calls the second an Irish bastard, and the second talks about how he once did great things in Liberty City with his cronies. Packy, is that you? Indeed, he is! Aged, recovered Packie McReary, one of the main characters, a close friend of Niko Bellic. At the end of "Four", he actually flew to Los Santos, as expected. Now this nice Irishman will be available to us as a member of the gang.

The prototype of "random events" in GTA V were "random passers-by" in GTA IV. As you would expect, in the new part these secondary tasks were raised to a new level, simultaneously dividing them into “eccentrics and other strangers” and “random events”. The structure remains the same: events are shown when the hero approaches them, and are marked with blue dots, which sometimes blink invitingly. Random events can make life easier at the start of the game, so we recommend going through them at the beginning of your criminal career.

Random events are divided into three components: reward, persistence, consequences.
The reward can be monetary, property or “spiritual”, which includes achievements or an additional percentage of completion, or there cannot be a reward at all. For example, a girl’s car was stolen near the airport, which you can return to her after receiving the suit, not return and put this car in your garage, or simply ignore it. Random events are not missions in the usual sense, there is no right or wrong choice, it all depends on your capabilities and conscience. However, not all events are one-time events, so they allow you to experiment with possible outcomes.

Consistency - this factor sifts out unique events from mediocre ones. While wandering around the city, you can hear a cry for help: someone’s wallet was stolen. You, again, are given freedom of choice, on which the reward will depend. After completing this task, after some time, the same scene will appear in the same place, which you can see again. This type of event quickly becomes boring, which leads to habitual ignoring.

The next factor is consequences. In addition to rewards, some events may provide access to unique content. For example, driving a little further than Braddock Pass you can stumble upon a girl named Taliana Martinez who was injured in an accident, who, if successful, can join you as a gang member for robberies. Or, having found the girl Ursula on one path near Chiliad, after a certain outcome she will become available for dates, which brings new opportunities to the game.

Random Events are short missions that appear from time to time in certain locations in San Andreas. There are 57 of them in total, in the extended version of the game there are 60. To complete 100% you need to participate in any 14.

Despite the name, the events are not entirely random. The only thing that is random is whether they appear or not when you find yourself in a certain place. If an event occurs, when approaching it, the radar flashes white and a dot appears on it. The blue dot represents an initially neutral event. Red - hostile people. A dot flashing red and blue means you can either help or hinder the person.

Some random events are available to all protagonists, some are not. For example, Trevor clearly wouldn't help the Lost gang member from Prisoner Transport 1, so only Michael and Franklin can participate in this event.

Some events are repeated, some are not. Encounters with armored vehicles and robberies at ATMs will occur endlessly, and you can also go on a bus tour an unlimited number of times. But most events are unique and happen only once per game.

If a unique event occurred and you did not participate in it, over time a new chance will appear. Just return to the desired location periodically, doing other things between visits.

The Rockstar Social Club has a list of all random events and a map with them. There you can keep track of which random events you have already completed.

Events you can miss

During the game you can skip two events: “Simon Yetaryan” and “Shootout at the Altruist Camp”. You can participate in the event with Simon only after the story mission “Add as a friend” and before completing the story mission “Mr. Phillips”. To participate in the “Shootout” you need to bring 4 victims to the Altruist Camp - people whom you bring during other random events. If you throw all these people to the place they need, access to the firefight will be closed for you.


For participating in some events you either receive nothing or receive something insignificant. However, individual events bring significant income or significantly affect the gameplay.

So, before the first murder of Lester, it is worth completing “City of Bicycle Thieves 1”, “Blaine County Heist”, “Shootout at the Altruist Camp”, “Funeral”, “Showdown with Dealers” and “Failed Deal”, as they allow you to make good money.

It is advisable to complete the “Driver for Bandits” event before the first robbery, as it will allow you to get an experienced shooter on your team.

It is advisable to complete the “Survivor Rescue” event before the “Raid on the Bureau”, since it will allow you to get an experienced and cheap driver into your team.

If the event does not appear

All random events begin to appear only at a certain stage of progress in the plot. Most - after completing the story mission "Predicament", or the missions of eccentrics and strangers "Favour" or "Starlet in Vinewood". "Seaplane", "Simon Yetaryan", "Survivor Rescue" and "Funeral" begin to appear later.

Events can appear on any day of the week and at any time of the day or night. The exception is the “Bus excursion”, which can only be taken during the day.

If you are sure that the event should appear, but in fact it does not happen:

  • complete or replay a story mission or a weirdos and strangers mission,
  • take part in a race or triathlon,
  • go to a strip club or on a date,
  • do something else.

In the meantime, return to the scene of the event and sooner or later it will appear. Just make sure another random event hasn't spawned shortly before, otherwise it won't work.
In some cases, it is worth finishing the game and returning to it later, especially if the methods above did not help.