Akathist to Luka Voino. Akathist to Saint and Confessor Luke (Voino-Yasenetsky), Archbishop of Simferopol and Crimea. The Orthodox akathist to Saint Luke of Crimea praises not only the spiritual, but also the medical talents of the bishop

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The Akathist to Saint Luke is one of the newest works that have been written classic style religious hymn. This work tells about the life and exploits of St. Luke of Voino-Yasensky. This Orthodox beacon is revered not only by true believers, but also by people who are very far from any religion.

The life of a great bishop

The saint was born in the 19th century into a Catholic family. But when he grew up, he decided to convert to Orthodoxy. The young man had a very sharp mind and was interested in natural sciences. Therefore he entered medical University and devoted his entire life to serving people. The Akathist to the Saint was compiled by the abbots of the Simferopol Monastery of the Three Saints, where Luke served.

This work speaks of a saint who took the name of the Evangelist and Apostle Luke, and did not disgrace his patron saint. The bishop combined all his life scientific activity and serving the Lord. And on these two roads he achieved enormous success.

Although the man's life was very difficult. After all, he was constantly subjected to arrests and interrogations, and was imprisoned more than once for standing on the side of the church during the period of anti-religious persecution. At the end of his life, Luke lost his sight, and his body was affected by a huge number of different diseases. But God endowed him with spiritual vision, which allowed him to see human souls.

Akathist to Luke Krymsky

In doctors' offices one can very often see the image of this great Saint. The best surgeons are confident that the akathist will help the doctor strengthen his arm and avoid complications during the operation, and it will be easier for the patient to endure it and recover faster. It also helps:

  • for any bodily illness, especially for eye diseases;
  • for mental illness;
  • from deliverance from sinful thoughts.

Text of the prayer:

Kontakion 1

Ikos 1

Kontakion 2

Seeing in people during healing, like in a mirror, the wisdom and glory of the Creator of all things, God, you ascended to Him in the Spirit, God-wise, illuminate us with the light of your God-mind, and let us cry out together with you; Alleluia.

Ikos 2

You enlightened your mind with Divine teachings, O all-glorious Luke, rejecting all carnal wisdom, and with your mind and will you submitted to the Lord. He was like an apostle, because he was according to the Word of Christ; “He is coming after Me, and I will make you fishers of men,” leaving everything and walking after Him, and you, holy one, having heard the Lord Jesus calling you to serve through His servant Archbishop Innocent of Tashkent, accepted the priesthood in the Orthodox Church. For this reason, as a God-wise mentor, we pleasingly sing to you: Rejoice, joy of the Guardian Angel. Rejoice, for you have saddened no one; Rejoice, thou who excelled in learning and thereby astonished the wise men of this world. Rejoice, thou who shunned those who do iniquity; Rejoice, Divine Wisdom contemplator and preacher. Rejoice, golden-talking teacher of true theology; Rejoice, guardian of the apostolic traditions. Rejoice, O Light, kindled by God, dispelling the darkness of wickedness; Rejoice, star, showing the way to salvation. Rejoice, zealot of Orthodoxy; Rejoice, schismatic accuser. Rejoice, you who have thirsted for the Lord’s testimonies and justifications; Rejoice, Holy Hierarch Luke of the Crimea, good and merciful physician.

Kontakion 3

By the power of the grace of God, even in your temporal life you received the gift, Saint Luke, to heal ailments, so that all those who diligently come to you, bodily ailments and, moreover, spiritual healing, are honored with a cry to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 3

Having vigilant concern for the salvation of the souls entrusted to you by God, Luke blessedly, pastorally towards a soul-saving life, and in word and in deed you incessantly instructed you. For this reason, receive from our zeal worthy praise for you: Rejoice, filled with God's wisdom. Rejoice, overshadowed by the grace of the Holy Spirit; Rejoice, imitator of Christ's poverty. Rejoice, good shepherd, seeking those who deviate from the Orthodox faith and wander through the mountains of superstition; Rejoice, worker of the grapes of Christ, strengthening the children of God in the true Orthodox faith. Rejoice, shield, protect piety; Rejoice, unshakable foundation of Orthodoxy. Rejoice, solid rock of faith; Rejoice, accuser and eradicator of soul-destroying unbelief and evil renovationism. Rejoice, wise strengthener in the spiritual work of those who struggle; Rejoice, for those exiled from the world are the refuge of a quiet guide. Rejoice, for you have accepted the cross and followed Christ; Rejoice, Holy Hierarch Luke of the Crimea, good and merciful physician.

Kontakion 4

Having a storm inside with many thoughts, the servant of God was perplexed at what the Lord was saying about him, when he realized that he was worthy of being the bishop of the city of Tashkent: above all, he gave himself up to Christ God, sending thanks to Him for all, calling: “Blessed be God, pour out His grace on His bishops.” " And singing to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 4

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Having heard the people of Orthodoxy, who are in persecution, about the fruitful kindnesses of your soul, God-bearing Luko, and have seen at the level of holiness, like a worthy vessel of Divine grace, healing all the weak and replenishing the impoverished, they are amazed at the wonderful providence of God for you and bring you great blessings: Rejoice, bishop, named by the Lord Himself. Rejoice, and in the inscription of your book the rank of bishop was foretold to you; Rejoice, decoration of the hierarchs. Rejoice, good shepherd, for you were ready to lay down your soul for your verbal sheep; Rejoice, multi-illuminated lamp of the Church. Rejoice, partaker of the apostles; Rejoice, ornament of confessors. Rejoice, you have rejected all care for yourself; Rejoice, sorrow reliever. Rejoice, sadder of human ignorance; Rejoice, having proclaimed the right teaching to those who sought salvation. Rejoice, thou who by thy life have not put this teaching to shame; Rejoice, Holy Hierarch Luke of the Crimea, good and merciful physician.

Kontakion 5

By the rich blood of those redeemed from eternal death, keeping the rank of bishop in the days terrible persecution With the blessing of the holy Patriarch Tikhon, you received from the hands of the Orthodox bishops, Saint Luke, you did the work of an evangelist well, denouncing, forbidding, begging, with all long-suffering and teaching, and singing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 5

Having seen the rank of Angels, your great feats, always according to the commandment of the Lord: “It is blessed to expel righteousness for the sake of; for these are the Kingdom of Heaven,” in the strength of your heart you resignedly endured imprisonment and exile in Siberia for the name of the Lord and the Holy Church of Christ, with great patience arranging your salvation, and edifying your faithful souls by your example. We diligently honor you with love and reverence with these praises: Rejoice, thou who was placed on the candlestick of the church. Rejoice, for the word of Scripture: “He is patient with love” has been justified in you; Rejoice, for those who forbid the faithful to protect you. Rejoice, you who obeyed the authorities and for this sake, by your will, surrendered yourself to the hands of the soldiers at night; Rejoice, humbled by the slanderers of unrighteous judges. Rejoice, you who walked meekly into imprisonment with humility; Rejoice, you were expelled from the Tashkent diocese ruled by you for the sake of truth. Rejoice, mourned by the faithful; Rejoice, thou who was wounded and bruised for the Lord crucified. Rejoice, you who stop the lips of lying unbelievers; Rejoice, you who spoke heavenly truth through righteous lips and in exile. Rejoice, as martyrs in heaven rejoice over your patience; Rejoice, Holy Hierarch Luke of the Crimea, good and merciful physician.

Kontakion 6

You were a silent preacher of the mystery of the Most Holy, Consubstantial and Indivisible Trinity both in prison and in the cities of Siberian exile, enduring hunger, the scum of the northern countries and the cruelty of the godless minions. For this reason, the Crimean Church preaches the greatness of God revealed to you, Saint Luke, as if you have received the gift of healing mental and physical ailments in the land of exile, so that with one heart and one mouth we all sing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 6

You shone like a radiant star, brighter than the flock and Tambovites, illuminating the soul of the faithful and dispelling the darkness of wickedness and godlessness. And the words of Christ were fulfilled on you; “Blessed are you when people revile you, and despise you, and say all sorts of evil things against you lying, for my sake.” But you, persecuted from city to city and enduring slander, diligently fulfilled your archpastoral ministry and satisfied with the sweetness of your writings all those who hungered and thirsted for righteousness, who gratefully cry out to you: Rejoice, teacher of all, guiding everyone to heaven. Rejoice, true zealot of the glory of God; Rejoice, invincible warrior of Christ. Rejoice, you who endured prison and beating for Christ the Lord; Rejoice, true imitator of His humility. Rejoice, container of the Holy Spirit; Rejoice, thou who entered with the wise into the joy of thy Lord. Rejoice, accuser of greed; Rejoice, you who showed the destruction of vanity. Rejoice, calling the lawless to conversion; Rejoice, put Satan to shame. Rejoice, in whom Christ was glorified; Rejoice, Holy Hierarch Luke of the Crimea, good and merciful physician.

Kontakion 7

Although it was worthy to accomplish the feat entrusted to you by God, you put on all the armor of God and began to fight against the rulers of this world, with the spirit of malice in high places, girding your loins with truth and putting on the armor of truth, confessor Luko, quenched all the arrows of the evil one, singing to the Creator and to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 7

A new persecution raised up lawless and godless people against the Orthodox Church and drove you into the distant taiga depths, Saint Luke, and being near death, preserved by the hand of God, cried out to Paul the Apostle: “Until this hour, we hunger, and thirst, and are hungry, and suffer , and we wander... We persecute, we endure; Just as the world would have destroyed this trampling of things hitherto.” For this reason, knowing this, we please you: Rejoice, blessed confessor of Christ. Rejoice, you who endured the cruel scourge; Rejoice, you who were near death, preserved by the Lord. Rejoice, you who have shown complete self-sacrifice; Rejoice, thou who took away thy soul from the Bridegroom to Christ. Rejoice, ever foreseeing the Lord crucified on the cross; Rejoice, for you continued unremittingly in vigils and prayers. Rejoice, true zealot of the Consubstantial Trinity; Rejoice, quick and free doctor from every disease. Rejoice, healer of the aching and swollen; Rejoice, thou who restored health from incurable purulent diseases of bones and wounds. Rejoice, for through your faith and medical labors you have healed your relaxation; Rejoice, Holy Hierarch Luke of the Crimea, good and merciful physician.

Kontakion 8

Wanderer; Having been in the vale of earth, you showed an image of patience, abstinence and purity, confessor Luko. You showed the love of the Gospel, when the fatherland was in danger from the invasion of a foreigner, he worked day and night in the doctor’s clinic, healing the ailments and wounds of the leaders and warriors of the earthly fatherland, with his unforgettable malice and love, surprising all those who created misfortunes against you, and in many ways he turned to Christ and sang to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 8

Full of the love of Christ, O merciful Luke, you laid down your soul for your friends, and as a Guardian Angel you were present to those near and far, taming the embittered, reconciling the warring and arranging salvation for everyone. Remembering your labors for the good of the people of your fatherland, we gratefully cry out to you: Rejoice, you who have shown wondrous love for your earthly fatherland. Rejoice, teacher of humility and kindness; Rejoice, you who wisely endured exile and cruel torment. Rejoice, you who suffered and were tormented for Christ; Rejoice, you who firmly confessed Him. Rejoice, conquering the malice of your enemies through the love of Christ; Rejoice, merciful father, seeking the salvation of many. Rejoice, for you were tempted by great sorrows; Rejoice, you have shown wondrous patience in persecution. Rejoice, for you prayed to the Lord for your enemies; Rejoice, whose love conquers all enmity. Rejoice, whose kindness conquered cruel hearts; Rejoice, Holy Hierarch Luke of the Crimea, good and merciful physician.

Kontakion 9

You were all, just like Saint Paul, and you saved everyone, Saint Luke, performing the archpastoral feat in the Tambov region, renovating and building churches with many works, strictly observing the statutes of the patrists, you did not cease to serve the salvation of your flock, singing purely to God: Alleluia .

Ikos 9

The fortunes of humanity will not be able, according to their heritage, to utter your multitude of blessings, when Father Luke appeared on the Crimean land, like a loving father of his children. Your generous right hand is everywhere. We want to imitate your kindness, and in surprise we cry to you: Rejoice, ray of God’s love. Rejoice, inexhaustible treasure of Spasov’s mercy; Rejoice, for you have given all of yours to the poor. Rejoice, you who love your neighbor more than yourself; Rejoice, nourisher and caretaker of motherless orphans. Rejoice, guardian of helpless elders and old women; Rejoice, for you visited the sick and those in prison. Rejoice, for you met the needs of the poor in various places of your fatherland; Rejoice, for, remembering the beggars, you arranged dinners for them. Rejoice, for you appeared to everyone in their sorrows, like a comforting angel; Rejoice, earthly angel and heavenly man. Rejoice, for the Mother of God rejoiced at the depth of your mercy; Rejoice, Holy Hierarch Luke of the Crimea, good and merciful physician.

Kontakion 10

For fear of the Crimean flock, you have not ceased to serve your flock for many years in the image of the chief shepherd Christ, and you have brought your lost nature to God and the Father. Comforting with God's mercy, you were drawn to the correction of life by your teaching words, so that with a pure heart you could sing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

Having become a faithful servant of the King of Heaven, Christ God, Saint Father Luko, tirelessly proclaimed the word of truth in all the churches of our land of Tauride, teaching the faithful children the soul-saving food of the teachings of the Gospel and commanding them to strictly fulfill the church charter. In the same way, we glorify you as the good shepherd: Rejoice, unquenchable preacher of the truth of the Gospel. Rejoice, for you have grazed the flock of words given to you by God; Rejoice, for you who protect your sheep from murderous wolves. Rejoice, strict guardian of the church rank; Rejoice, guardian of the purity of the Orthodox faith. Rejoice, for through you the Holy Spirit wrote words of salvation; Rejoice, for you have revealed to us the secret of theology about spirit, soul and body. Rejoice, for your word is like a vestment of gold, clothed with the mysteries of faith; Rejoice, lightning, destroyer of pride. Rejoice, thunder, terror of those who live lawlessly; Rejoice, planter of church piety. Rejoice, archpastor, instruct and admonish spiritual shepherds unceasingly; Rejoice, Holy Hierarch Luke of the Crimea, good and merciful physician.

Kontakion 11

Singing at your grave, servant of God; fell silent in the days of your blessed dormition. Many people know that you are God-bearing and equal to the angels, having gathered from all the borders of your earthly fatherland to perform a conciliar prayer for your soul ascending to the heavenly abode of the heavenly fatherland, chanting and singing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 11

You are a light in the Church of Christ, burning with the immaterial light of God’s grace, Saint Luke, illuminating the entire ends of our earth. When the time for your departure had come, the angels received your holy soul and ascended it to the heavenly abode. Moreover, remembering your blessed dormition and your great glorification in heaven and on earth, we joyfully offer you these blessings: Rejoice, unfading lamp of the Never-Evening Light. Rejoice, for you have glorified the Heavenly Father through your good deeds; Rejoice, for the light of your good deeds has shone before men. Rejoice, servant of God, who has piously ended the course. Rejoice, you who have acquired faith, hope and love from the Lord; Rejoice, with Christ, you loved Him, uniting yourself forever. Rejoice, heir to the Kingdom of Heaven and eternal glory; Rejoice, bishop, filled with grace-filled gifts from the eternal Bishop Christ. Rejoice, quick helper to those who call upon you; Rejoice, a new light has shone upon the Crimean land. Rejoice, blessed patron of the Christian race; Rejoice, Holy Hierarch Luke of the Crimea, good and merciful physician.

Kontakion 12

Having recognized the grace from above that has been given to you, we reverently kiss the image of your honest face, Saint Luke, hoping that you will receive what you ask from God. In the same way, falling before your holy relics, we pray to you with tenderness: Strengthen us to stand well in the Orthodox faith and, pleasing good deeds, silently sing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 12

Singing to God, who is wondrous in His saints, we praise you, Christ’s confessor, saint and intercessor before the Lord. For you are all in the highest, but you do not abandon those below, Father Luke, the saint, reigns ever with Christ and intercedes for us sinners before the throne of God. For this reason, in tenderness we call to you: Rejoice, light unapproachable to the viewer. Rejoice, for in him the Angels rejoice, and in him men rejoice; Rejoice, you who taught and created the commandment of Christ. Rejoice, for you have appeared worthy of the Kingdom of Heaven; Rejoice, having reached the villages of paradise through confession. Rejoice, you who endured the reproach of Christ for the sake of Christ and received eternal glory with Him; Rejoice, guide of our souls to the Kingdom of Heaven. Rejoice, representative before the Throne of God for us sinners; Rejoice, praise to Orthodoxy and joy to our land. Rejoice, thou who havest been deemed worthy to be among the saints; Rejoice, partaker of the council of all Crimean saints. Rejoice, Holy Hierarch Luke of the Crimea, good and merciful physician.

Kontakion 13

And great and glorious servant of God, our holy father Luke, accept this praiseworthy song from us unworthy, which is brought to you by filial love. By your intercession at the Throne of God and by your prayers, strengthen us all in the more Orthodox faith and good deeds. Save those who find themselves in this life from all troubles, sorrows, illnesses and misfortunes, and deliver them from torment in the future. And grant in eternal life together with you and with all the saints we sing to our Creator: Alleluia. (This kontakion is read three times)

Ikos 1

Interlocutor of angels and mentor of men, the glorious Luke, like the Evangelist and Apostle Luke, of whom he bears the same name, you received from God the gift of healing human ailments, in healing the illnesses of your neighbors, you carried out many labors, and, bearing the flesh, did not care about the flesh for its good deeds of the Heavenly Father. You have glorified. With the same gratitude we call you with tenderness; Rejoice, having subdued your mind to the yoke of Christ from your youth. Rejoice, former most honorable village of the Holy Trinity; Rejoice, thou who has inherited the bliss of the merciful, according to the Word of the Lord. Rejoice, having healed many sick people through the faith of Christ and God-given knowledge; Rejoice, merciful physician to those suffering from bodily ailments. Rejoice, healer of leaders and warriors in the days of battle; Rejoice, mentor of all doctors. Rejoice, quick helper in the needs and sorrows of those who exist; Rejoice, strengthening of the Orthodox Church. Rejoice, illumination of our land; Rejoice, the Crimean flock has been praised. Rejoice, decoration of the city of Simferopol. Rejoice, Holy Hierarch Luke of the Crimea, good and merciful physician.

Kontakion 1

Chosen to the hierarch of the Orthodox Church and confessor, who has shone forth among our countries in the land of the Crimea, like a luminous luminary, having labored well and enduring persecution for the name of Christ, glorifying the Lord who has glorified you, who has given you a new prayer book and helper, we sing praiseworthy songs; But you, who have great boldness towards the Lady of heaven and earth, free us from all mental and physical ailments and strengthen us to stand well in Orthodoxy, so that we all call you in tenderness; Rejoice, Holy Hierarch Luke of the Crimea, good and merciful physician.

The Lord is always with you!

Watch also the video akathist to Saint Luke of Crimea:

Kontakion 1

Ikos 1

Kontakion 2
Seeing in people during healing, like in a mirror, the wisdom and glory of the Creator of all things, God, you ascended to Him in the Spirit, God-wise, illuminate us with the light of your God-mind, and let us cry out together with you; Alleluia.

Ikos 2
You enlightened your mind with Divine teachings, O all-glorious Luke, rejecting all carnal wisdom, and with your mind and will you submitted to the Lord. He was like an apostle, because he was according to the Word of Christ; “He is coming after Me, and I will make you fishers of men,” leaving everything and walking after Him, and you, holy one, having heard the Lord Jesus calling you to serve through His servant Archbishop of Tashkent Innocent, accepted the priesthood in the Orthodox Church. For this reason, as a God-wise mentor, pleasingly we sing to you: Rejoice, the Guardian Angel has given joy. Rejoice, for you have saddened no one else; Rejoice, you who have excelled in your teaching and thereby astonished the wise men of this world. Rejoice, you who have shied away from those who create iniquity; Rejoice, contemplator and preacher of God’s Wisdom. Rejoice, true th of theology, a teacher of golden words; Rejoice, guardian of the apostolic traditions. Rejoice, light, kindled by God, dispelling the darkness of wickedness; Rejoice, star, showing the way to salvation. Rejoice, zealot of Orthodoxy; Rejoice, schismatic Accuser. Rejoice, you who thirsted for the testimonies and justifications of the Lord; Rejoice, Saint Luko the Crimean Confessor, good and merciful physician.

Kontakion 3
By the power of the grace of God, even in your temporal life you received the gift, Saint Luke, to heal ailments, so that all those who diligently come to you, bodily ailments and, moreover, spiritual healing, are honored with a cry to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 3
Having vigilant concern for the salvation of the souls entrusted to you by God, Luke blessedly, pastorally towards a soul-saving life, and in word and in deed you incessantly instructed you. For this reason, receive from our zeal worthy praise for you: Rejoice, filled with God's wisdom. Rejoice, overshadowed by the grace of the Holy Spirit; Rejoice, imitator of Christ's poverty. Rejoice, good shepherd, seeking those who deviate from the Orthodox faith and wander through the mountains of superstition; Rejoice, worker of the grapes of Christ, strengthening the children of God in the true Orthodox faith. Rejoice, shield, protect piety; Rejoice, unshakable foundation of Orthodoxy. Rejoice, solid rock of faith; Rejoice, accuser and eradicator of soul-destroying unbelief and evil renovationism. Rejoice, wise strengthener in the spiritual work of those who struggle; Rejoice, for those exiled from the world are the refuge of a quiet guide. Rejoice, for you have accepted the cross and followed Christ; Rejoice, Holy Hierarch Luke of the Crimea, good and merciful physician.

Kontakion 4
Having a storm inside with many thoughts, the servant of God was perplexed at what the Lord was saying about him, when he realized that he was worthy of being the bishop of the city of Tashkent: above all, he gave himself up to Christ God, sending thanks to Him for all, calling: “Blessed be God, pour out His grace on His bishops.” " And singing to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 4
Having heard the people of Orthodoxy, who are in persecution, about the fruitful kindnesses of your soul, God-bearing Luko, and have seen at the level of holiness, like a worthy vessel of Divine grace, healing all the weak and replenishing the impoverished, they are amazed at the wonderful providence of God for you and bring you great blessings: Rejoice, bishop, named by the Lord Himself. Rejoice, and in the inscription of your book the rank of bishop was foretold to you; Rejoice, decoration of the hierarchs. Rejoice, good shepherd, for you were ready to lay down your soul for your verbal sheep; Rejoice, multi-illuminated lamp of the Church. Rejoice, partaker of the apostles; Rejoice, ornament of confessors. Rejoice, you have rejected all care for yourself; Rejoice, sorrow reliever. Rejoice, sadder of human ignorance; Rejoice, having proclaimed the right teaching to those who sought salvation. Rejoice, thou who by thy life have not put this teaching to shame; Rejoice, Holy Hierarch Luke of the Crimea, good and merciful physician.

Kontakion 5
Having preserved the rank of bishop in the days of terrible persecution with the blessing of the holy Patriarch Tikhon from the hands of Orthodox bishops, Saint Luke, you did the work of an evangelist well, denouncing, forbidding, begging, with all long-suffering and teaching, and singing. To God: Alleluia.

Ikos 5
Having seen the rank of Angels, your great feats, always according to the commandment of the Lord: “It is blessed to expel righteousness for the sake of; for these are the Kingdom of Heaven,” in the strength of your heart you resignedly endured imprisonment and exile in Siberia for the name of the Lord and the Holy Church of Christ, with great patience arranging your salvation, and edifying your faithful souls by your example. We diligently honor you with love and reverence with these praises: Rejoice, thou who was placed on the candlestick of the church. Rejoice, for the word of Scripture: “He is patient with love” has been justified in you; Rejoice, for those who forbid the faithful to protect you. Rejoice, you who obeyed the authorities and for this sake, by your will, surrendered yourself to the hands of the soldiers at night; Rejoice, humbled by the slanderers of unrighteous judges. Rejoice, you who walked meekly into imprisonment with humility; Rejoice, you were expelled from the Tashkent diocese ruled by you for the sake of truth. Rejoice, mourned by the faithful; Rejoice, thou who was wounded and bruised for the Lord crucified. Rejoice, you who stop the lips of lying unbelievers; Rejoice, you who spoke heavenly truth through righteous lips and in exile. Rejoice, as martyrs in heaven rejoice over your patience; Rejoice, Holy Hierarch Luke of the Crimea, good and merciful physician.

Kontakion 6
You were a silent preacher of the mystery of the Most Holy, Consubstantial and Indivisible Trinity both in prison and in the cities of Siberian exile, enduring hunger, the scum of the northern countries and the cruelty of the godless minions. For this reason, the Crimean Church preaches the greatness of God revealed to you, Saint Luke, as if you have received the gift of healing mental and physical ailments in the land of exile, so that with one heart and one mouth we all sing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 6
You shone like a radiant star, brighter than the flock and Tambovites, illuminating the soul of the faithful and dispelling the darkness of wickedness and godlessness. And the words of Christ were fulfilled on you; “Blessed are you when people revile you, and despise you, and say all sorts of evil things against you lying, for my sake.” But you, persecuted from city to city and enduring slander, diligently fulfilled your archpastoral ministry and satisfied with the sweetness of your writings all those who hungered and thirsted for righteousness, who gratefully cry out to you: Rejoice, teacher of all, guiding everyone to heaven. Rejoice, true zealot of the glory of God; Rejoice, invincible warrior of Christ. Rejoice, you who endured prison and beating for Christ the Lord; Rejoice, true imitator of His humility. Rejoice, container of the Holy Spirit; Rejoice, thou who entered with the wise into the joy of thy Lord. Rejoice, accuser of greed; Rejoice, you who showed the destruction of vanity. Rejoice, calling the lawless to conversion; Rejoice, put Satan to shame. Rejoice, in whom Christ was glorified; Rejoice, Holy Hierarch Luke of the Crimea, good and merciful physician.

Kontakion 7
Although it was worthy to accomplish the feat entrusted to you by God, you put on all the armor of God and began to fight against the rulers of this world, with the spirit of malice in high places, girding your loins with truth and putting on the armor of truth, confessor Luko, quenched all the arrows of the evil one, singing to the Creator and to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 7
A new persecution raised up lawless and godless people against the Orthodox Church and drove you into the distant taiga depths, Saint Luke, and being near death, preserved by the hand of God, cried out to Paul the Apostle: “Until this hour, we hunger, and thirst, and are hungry, and suffer , and we wander... We persecute, we endure; Just as the world would have destroyed this trampling of things hitherto.” For this reason, knowing this, we please you: Rejoice, blessed confessor of Christ. Rejoice, you who endured the cruel scourge; Rejoice, you who were near death, preserved by the Lord. Rejoice, you who have shown complete self-sacrifice; Rejoice, thou who took away thy soul from the Bridegroom to Christ. Rejoice, ever foreseeing the Lord crucified on the cross; Rejoice, for you continued unremittingly in vigils and prayers. Rejoice, true zealot of the Consubstantial Trinity; Rejoice, quick and free doctor from every disease. Rejoice, healer of the aching and swollen; Rejoice, thou who restored health from incurable purulent diseases of bones and wounds. Rejoice, for through your faith and medical labors you have healed your relaxation; Rejoice, Holy Hierarch Luke of the Crimea, good and merciful physician.

Kontakion 8
Wanderer; Having been in the vale of earth, you showed an image of patience, abstinence and purity, confessor Luko. You showed the love of the Gospel, when the fatherland was in danger from the invasion of a foreigner, he worked day and night in the doctor’s clinic, healing the ailments and wounds of the leaders and warriors of the earthly fatherland, with his unforgettable malice and love, surprising all those who created misfortunes against you, and in many ways he turned to Christ and sang to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 8
Full of the love of Christ, O merciful Luke, you laid down your soul for your friends, and as a Guardian Angel you were present to those near and far, taming the embittered, reconciling the warring and arranging salvation for everyone. Remembering your labors for the good of the people of your fatherland, we gratefully cry out to you: Rejoice, you who have shown wondrous love for your earthly fatherland. Rejoice, teacher of humility and kindness; Rejoice, you who wisely endured exile and cruel torment. Rejoice, you who suffered and were tormented for Christ; Rejoice, you who firmly confessed Him. Rejoice, conquering the malice of your enemies through the love of Christ; Rejoice, merciful father, seeking the salvation of many. Rejoice, for you were tempted by great sorrows; Rejoice, you have shown wondrous patience in persecution. Rejoice, for you prayed to the Lord for your enemies; Rejoice, whose love conquers all enmity. Rejoice, whose kindness conquered cruel hearts; Rejoice, Holy Hierarch Luke of the Crimea, good and merciful physician.

Kontakion 9
You were all, just like Saint Paul, and you saved everyone, Saint Luke, performing the archpastoral feat in the Tambov region, renovating and building churches with many works, strictly observing the statutes of the patrists, you did not cease to serve the salvation of your flock, singing purely to God: Alleluia .

Ikos 9
The fortunes of humanity will not be able, according to their heritage, to utter your multitude of blessings, when Father Luke appeared on the Crimean land, like a loving father of his children. Your generous right hand is everywhere. We want to imitate your kindness, and in surprise we cry to you: Rejoice, ray of God’s love. Rejoice, inexhaustible treasure of Spasov’s mercy; Rejoice, for you have given all of yours to the poor. Rejoice, you who love your neighbor more than yourself; Rejoice, nourisher and caretaker of motherless orphans. Rejoice, guardian of helpless elders and old women; Rejoice, for you visited the sick and those in prison. Rejoice, for you met the needs of the poor in various places of your fatherland; Rejoice, for, remembering the beggars, you arranged dinners for them. Rejoice, for you appeared to everyone in their sorrows, like a comforting angel; Rejoice, earthly angel and heavenly man. Rejoice, for the Mother of God rejoiced at the depth of your mercy; Rejoice, Holy Hierarch Luke of the Crimea, good and merciful physician.

Kontakion 10
For fear of the Crimean flock, you have not ceased to serve your flock for many years in the image of the chief shepherd Christ, and you have brought your lost nature to God and the Father. Comforting with God's mercy, you were drawn to the correction of life by your teaching words, so that with a pure heart you could sing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 10
Having become a faithful servant of the King of Heaven, Christ God, Saint Father Luko, tirelessly proclaimed the word of truth in all the churches of our land of Tauride, teaching the faithful children the soul-saving food of the teachings of the Gospel and commanding them to strictly fulfill the church charter. In the same way, we glorify you as the good shepherd: Rejoice, unquenchable preacher of the truth of the Gospel. Rejoice, for you have grazed the flock of words given to you by God; Rejoice, for you who protect your sheep from murderous wolves. Rejoice, strict guardian of the church rank; Rejoice, guardian of the purity of the Orthodox faith. Rejoice, for through you the Holy Spirit wrote words of salvation; Rejoice, for you have revealed to us the secret of theology about spirit, soul and body. Rejoice, for your word is like a vestment of gold, clothed with the mysteries of faith; Rejoice, lightning, destroyer of pride. Rejoice, thunder, terror of those who live lawlessly; Rejoice, planter of church piety. Rejoice, archpastor, instruct and admonish spiritual shepherds unceasingly; Rejoice, Holy Hierarch Luke of the Crimea, good and merciful physician.

Kontakion 11
Singing at your grave, servant of God; fell silent in the days of your blessed dormition. Many people know that you are God-bearing and equal to the angels, having gathered from all the borders of your earthly fatherland to perform a conciliar prayer for your soul ascending to the heavenly abode of the heavenly fatherland, chanting and singing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 11
You are a light in the Church of Christ, burning with the immaterial light of God’s grace, Saint Luke, illuminating the entire ends of our earth. When the time for your departure had come, the angels received your holy soul and ascended it to the heavenly abode. Moreover, remembering your blessed dormition and your great glorification in heaven and on earth, we joyfully offer you these blessings: Rejoice, unfading lamp of the Never-Evening Light. Rejoice, for you have glorified the Heavenly Father through your good deeds; Rejoice, for the light of your good deeds has shone before men. Rejoice, servant of God, who has piously ended the course. Rejoice, you who have acquired faith, hope and love from the Lord; Rejoice, with Christ, you loved Him, uniting yourself forever. Rejoice, heir to the Kingdom of Heaven and eternal glory; Rejoice, bishop, filled with grace-filled gifts from the eternal Bishop Christ. Rejoice, quick helper to those who call upon you; Rejoice, a new light has shone upon the Crimean land. Rejoice, blessed patron of the Christian race; Rejoice, Holy Hierarch Luke of the Crimea, good and merciful physician.

Kontakion 12
Having recognized the grace from above that has been given to you, we reverently kiss the image of your honest face, Saint Luke, hoping that you will receive what you ask from God. In the same way, falling before your holy relics, we pray to you with tenderness: Strengthen us to stand well in the Orthodox faith and, pleasing good deeds, silently sing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 12
Singing to God, who is wondrous in His saints, we praise you, Christ’s confessor, saint and intercessor before the Lord. For you are all in the highest, but you do not abandon those below, Father Luke, the saint, reigns ever with Christ and intercedes for us sinners before the throne of God. For this reason, in tenderness we call to you: Rejoice, light unapproachable to the viewer. Rejoice, for in him the Angels rejoice, and in him men rejoice; Rejoice, you who taught and created the commandment of Christ. Rejoice, for you have appeared worthy of the Kingdom of Heaven; Rejoice, having reached the villages of paradise through confession. Rejoice, you who endured the reproach of Christ for the sake of Christ and received eternal glory with Him; Rejoice, guide of our souls to the Kingdom of Heaven. Rejoice, representative before the Throne of God for us sinners; Rejoice, praise to Orthodoxy and joy to our land. Rejoice, thou who havest been deemed worthy to be among the saints; Rejoice, partaker of the council of all Crimean saints. Rejoice, Holy Hierarch Luke of the Crimea, good and merciful physician.

Kontakion 13
And great and glorious servant of God, our holy father Luke, accept this praiseworthy song from us unworthy, which is brought to you by filial love. By your intercession at the Throne of God and by your prayers, strengthen us all in the more Orthodox faith and good deeds. Save those who find themselves in this life from all troubles, sorrows, illnesses and misfortunes, and deliver them from torment in the future. And grant us in eternal life, together with you and with all the saints, to sing to our Creator: Alleluia. (This kontakion is read three times)

Ikos 1
Interlocutor of angels and mentor of men, the glorious Luke, like the Evangelist and Apostle Luke, of whom he bears the same name, you received from God the gift of healing human ailments, in healing the illnesses of your neighbors, you carried out many labors, and, bearing the flesh, did not care about the flesh for its good deeds of the Heavenly Father. You have glorified. With the same gratitude we call you with tenderness; Rejoice, having subdued your mind to the yoke of Christ from your youth. Rejoice, former most honorable village of the Holy Trinity; Rejoice, thou who has inherited the bliss of the merciful, according to the Word of the Lord. Rejoice, having healed many sick people through the faith of Christ and God-given knowledge; Rejoice, merciful physician to those suffering from bodily ailments. Rejoice, healer of leaders and warriors in the days of battle; Rejoice, mentor of all doctors. Rejoice, quick helper in the needs and sorrows of those who exist; Rejoice, strengthening of the Orthodox Church. Rejoice, illumination of our land; Rejoice, the Crimean flock has been praised. Rejoice, decoration of the city of Simferopol. Rejoice, Holy Hierarch Luke of the Crimea, good and merciful physician.

Kontakion 1
Chosen to the hierarch of the Orthodox Church and confessor, who has shone forth among our countries in the land of the Crimea, like a luminous luminary, having labored well and enduring persecution for the name of Christ, glorifying the Lord who has glorified you, who has given you a new prayer book and helper, we sing praiseworthy songs; But you, who have great boldness towards the Lady of heaven and earth, free us from all mental and physical ailments and strengthen us to stand well in Orthodoxy, so that we all call you in tenderness; Rejoice, Holy Hierarch Luke of the Crimea, good and merciful physician.

Prayer to Saint Luke, Confessor, Archbishop of Crimea

O all-blessed confessor, holy saint, our Father Luke, great servant of Christ! With tenderness, we bow the knee of our hearts, and falling before the race of your honest and multi-healing relics, like a child of our father, we pray to you with all diligence: hear us sinners and bring our prayer to the Merciful and Lover of Mankind, to whom you now stand in the joy of the saints and with the faces of an angel. We believe that you love us with the same love with which you loved all your neighbors while you were on earth.
Ask Christ our God to establish in his holy Orthodox Church the spirit of right faith and piety: may he give to her shepherds holy zeal and care for the salvation of the people entrusted to them: to observe the right of the believer, to strengthen the weak and infirm in the faith, to instruct the ignorant, to reprove the contrary. Give us all a gift that is useful to everyone, and everything that is useful for temporary life and eternal salvation. Strengthening our cities, fruitful lands, deliverance from famine and destruction. Comfort for those who are grieving, healing for those who are ill, return to the path of truth for those who have lost their way, blessing from a parent, upbringing and teaching to a child in the Passion of the Lord, help and intercession for the orphaned and needy.
Grant us all your archpastoral and holy blessing, so that through you we will get rid of the wiles of the evil one and avoid all enmity and disorder, heresies and schisms.
Grant us a godly way to cross the path of temporary life, set us on the path leading to the villages of the righteous, deliver us from airy ordeals and pray to Almighty God for us, so that in eternal life with you we may continually glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, to Him belongs all glory and honor. and dominion forever and ever. Amen.

Memorial Days:

Troparion, tone 1

To the proclaimer of the path of salvation, confessor and archpastor of the Crimean land, true guardian fatherly legends, unshakable pillar, teacher of Orthodoxy, God-wise physician, Saint Luke, Christ the Savior, unceasingly pray to the unshakable faith of the Orthodox to grant both salvation and great mercy.

Kontakion, tone 1

Like an all-bright star, with shining virtues, you were, O saint, you created a soul equal to the angel, for this sake you were honored with the rank of holiness, but in exile you suffered a lot from the godless, and having remained unshakable in faith, you healed many with your medical wisdom. Also now honest your body, wondrously found from the bowels of the earth, the Lord glorified, and all the faithful cried out to you: Rejoice, Father Saint Luke, praise and affirmation of the Crimean land.

Kontakion 1

Chosen to the saint of the Orthodox Church and confessor, who shone forth to our country in the lands of the Crimea, like a shining luminary, having labored well and enduring persecution for the name of Christ, glorifying the Lord who glorified you, who has given you to us, a new prayer book and helper, we sing praiseworthy songs; But you, who have great boldness towards the Lady of heaven and earth, free us from all mental and physical ailments and strengthen us to stand well in Orthodoxy, so that we all call to you in tenderness:

Ikos 1

Interlocutor of angels and mentor of men, Glorious Luke, like the Evangelist and Apostle Luke, his namesake, you received from God the gift of healing human ailments; You have glorified. With the same gratitude, we call you with tenderness:

Rejoice, having subdued your mind to the yoke of Christ from your youth.

Rejoice, former most honorable village of the Holy Trinity.

Rejoice, having inherited the bliss of the merciful, according to the word of the Lord.

Rejoice, having healed many sick people through the faith of Christ and God-given knowledge.

Rejoice, merciful physician to those suffering from bodily ailments.

Rejoice, healer of leaders and warriors in the days of battle.

Rejoice, teacher of all doctors.

Rejoice, quick helper in the needs and sorrows of those who exist.

Rejoice, strengthening of the Orthodox Church.

Rejoice, illumination of our land.

Rejoice, the Crimean flock has been praised.

Rejoice, decoration of the city of Simferopol.

Rejoice, Holy Hierarch Luke of the Crimea, good and merciful physician.

Kontakion 2

Seeing in people during healing, like in a mirror, the wisdom and glory of the Creator of all things, God, you, God-wise, ascended to Him in spirit; Illuminate us with the light of your divine understanding, so that we may cry out with you: Alleluia.

Ikos 2

You enlightened your mind with Divine teachings, O all-glorious Luke, rejecting all carnal wisdom, and with your mind and will you submitted to the Lord, becoming like an Apostle. For this, according to the word of Christ: “He is coming after Me, and I will make you a fisher of man,” - having left everything and walked after Him, and you, holy one, heard the Lord Jesus calling you to serve through His servant Archbishop Innocent of Tashkent, and you accepted the priesthood in the Orthodox Church. For this reason, as a God-wise mentor, we praise thee:

Rejoice, Guardian Angel's amusement.

Rejoice, for you have saddened no one.

Rejoice, thou who excelled in learning and thereby astonished the wise men of this world.

Rejoice, you who avoided those who do iniquity.

Rejoice, contemplator and preacher of God's Wisdom.

Rejoice, golden-talking teacher of true theology.

Rejoice, guardian of the apostolic traditions.

Rejoice, O Light, kindled by God, dispelling the darkness of wickedness.

Rejoice, star, showing the way to salvation.

Rejoice, zealot of Orthodoxy.

Rejoice, accuser of schismatics.

Rejoice, you who have thirsted for the Lord’s testimonies and justifications.

Rejoice, Holy Hierarch Luke of the Crimea, good and merciful physician.

Kontakion 3

By the power of God’s grace, even in your temporal life, you received the gift, Holy Luke, to heal ailments, so that all the healings of bodily ailments, and more than spiritual ones, that diligently flow to you may be honored, crying out to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 3

Having vigilant concern for the salvation of the souls entrusted to you by God, blessed Luke, pastorally directed to a soul-saving life, both in word and in deed, you constantly instructed. For this reason, accept from our zeal worthy praise for you:

Rejoice, full of God's wisdom.

Rejoice, blessed by the grace of the Holy Spirit.

Rejoice, imitator of Christ's poverty.

Rejoice, good shepherd, seeking out those who deviate from the Orthodox faith and wander through the mountains of superstition.

Rejoice, worker of the grapes of Christ, strengthening the children of God in the true Orthodox faith.

Rejoice, shield, protect piety.

Rejoice, unshakable foundation of Orthodoxy.

Rejoice, solid rock of faith.

Rejoice, accuser and eradicator of soul-destroying unbelief and evil renovationism.

Rejoice, wise strengthener of those who strive in the spiritual work.

Rejoice, for those exiled from the world are the refuge of a quiet guide.

Rejoice, for we have accepted the cross; you have followed Christ.

Rejoice, Holy Hierarch Luke of the Crimea, good and merciful physician.

Kontakion 4

Having a storm inside with many thoughts, the servant of God was perplexed at what the Lord was saying about him, when he realized that he was worthy of being the bishop of the city of Tashkent, and above all, he gave himself up to Christ God, sending thanks to Him for everyone, calling: “Blessed be God, pour out His grace on His bishops.” ”, - and singing to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 4

Hearing the people of Orthodoxy, in the midst of persecution, about the fruitful kindnesses of your soul, God-bearing Luko, and seeing you at the level of holiness, like a worthy vessel of Divine grace, healing all the weak and replenishing the impoverished, I marveled at the wonderful providence of God for you and offered you blessings:

Rejoice, bishop, ordained by the Lord Himself.

Rejoice, and in the inscription of your book the rank of bishop was indicated to you.

Rejoice, decoration of the hierarchs.

Rejoice, good shepherd, for you were ready to lay down your soul for your verbal sheep.

Rejoice, multi-illuminated lamp of the Church.

Rejoice, partaker of the Apostles.

Rejoice, ornament of confessors.

Rejoice, you who have rejected all care for yourself.

Rejoice, sorrow reliever.

Rejoice, sadder of human ignorance.

Rejoice, having proclaimed the right teaching to those who sought salvation.

Rejoice, thou who by thy life have not put this teaching to shame.

Rejoice, Holy Hierarch Luke of the Crimea, good and merciful physician.

Kontakion 5

Having preserved the rank of bishop in the days of terrible persecution, with the blessing of the holy Patriarch Tikhon, you received the rank of bishop from the hands of the Orthodox bishops, St. Luke, with all patience and teaching and singing. To God: Alleluia.

Ikos 5

Having seen the rank of Angels, your great feats, when, according to the commandment of the Lord: “Blessed are you to expel righteousness for the sake of them, for these are the Kingdom of Heaven,” - in the fortress of your heart you resignedly endured imprisonment and exile to Siberia for the name of the Lord and the Holy Church of Christ, building your life with great patience salvation, edifying the souls of the faithful by his example, - she was surprised. We diligently honor you with love and honor you with these praises:

Rejoice, lampstand, placed on the church candlestick.

Rejoice, for the word of Scripture: “He is patient with love,” has been justified upon you.

Rejoice, for those who forbid the faithful to protect you.

Rejoice, you who obeyed the authorities and for this sake surrendered yourself into the hands of the soldiers at night.

Rejoice, humbled by the slanderers of unrighteous judges.

Rejoice, you who marched meekly into captivity with humility.

Rejoice, expelled from the Tashkent diocese ruled by you for the sake of truth.

Rejoice, mourned by the faithful.

Rejoice, you who were crucified and bruised for the Lord’s sake.

Rejoice, you who stop the lips of lying unbelievers.

Rejoice, you who spoke heavenly truth through righteous lips in exile.

Rejoice, as martyrs in Heaven rejoice over your patience.

Rejoice, Holy Hierarch Luke of the Crimea, good and merciful physician.

Kontakion 6

The silent preacher of the mystery of the Most Holy, Consubstantial and Indivisible Trinity was both in prison and in the cities of Siberian exile, enduring hunger, the scum of the northern countries and the cruelty of the godless minions. For this reason, the Crimean Church preaches the greatness of God, revealed to you, Saint Luke, as if you have received the gift of healing mental and physical ailments in the land of exile, so that we all sing to God with one heart and one mouth: Alleluia.

Ikos 6

You shone like a radiant star, brightening the flock and Tambovites, illuminating the souls of the faithful and dispelling the darkness of wickedness and godlessness, and the words of Christ were fulfilled on you: “Blessed are you when they revile you, and condemn you, and say all kinds of evil things against you, you liar, For my sake." But you, persecuted from city to city and enduring slander, you diligently fulfilled your archpastoral ministry and filled with the sweetness of your writings all those who hungered and thirsted for righteousness, who gratefully cry out to you:

Rejoice, mentor, guide of everyone to Heaven.

Rejoice, true zealot of the glory of God.

Rejoice, invincible warrior of Christ.

Rejoice, for Christ the Lord of prison and beatings you endured.

Rejoice, true imitator of His humility.

Rejoice, container of the Holy Spirit.

Rejoice, thou who entered with the wise into the joy of thy Lord.

Rejoice, accuser of greed.

Rejoice, you who showed the destruction of vanity.

Rejoice, calling the lawless to conversion.

Rejoice, put Satan to shame.

Rejoice, for in whom Christ is glorified.

Rejoice, Holy Hierarch Luke of the Crimea, good and merciful physician.

Kontakion 7

Although it was worthy to accomplish the feat entrusted to you by God, you put on all the armor of God and began to fight against the rulers of this world, against the spiritual wickedness in the heavenly places, girding your loins with truth and putting on the armor of truth, you extinguished, Confessor Luko, all the arrows the evil one, singing to the Creator and to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 7

A new persecution raised the lawlessness and godlessness of people against the Orthodox Church, and drove you into the distant taiga depths of the country, Saint Luke, and being near death, preserved by the hand of God, you cried out with Paul the Apostle: “Until this hour, we hunger, and thirst, and we are naked, and we suffer, and we wander... We persecute, we suffer; just as the rabble of the world came to pass, everything hitherto has been trampled underfoot.” For this reason, knowing this about you, we please you:

Rejoice, blessed confessor of Christ.

Rejoice, you who endured the cruel scum.

Rejoice, you who were near death, preserved by the Lord.

Rejoice, you who have shown complete self-sacrifice.

Rejoice, thou who hast betrayed thy soul to the Bridegroom Christ.

Rejoice, ever foreseeing the Lord crucified on the Cross.

Rejoice, for you continued unremittingly in vigils and prayers.

Rejoice, true zealot of the Consubstantial Trinity.

Rejoice, quick and free doctor from every disease.

Rejoice, healer of the aching and swollen.

Rejoice, you who restored health from incurable purulent diseases of bones and wounds.

Rejoice, for through your faith and medical efforts you have healed weakness.

Rejoice, Holy Hierarch Luke of the Crimea, good and merciful physician.

Kontakion 8

You were a wanderer in the vale of the earth, you showed the image of patience, abstinence and purity, confessor Luko, but you showed the love of the Gospel, when the fatherland was in danger from the invasion of a foreigner: working day and night in the doctor’s clinic, you healed the ailments and wounds of the leaders and warriors of the earthly fatherland, without memory of malice and with love you surprised all those who create misfortunes, and you turned many of these to Christ, to sing to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 8

Full of the love of Christ, O merciful Luke, you laid down your soul for your friends, and as a Guardian Angel you were present to those near and far, taming the embittered, reconciling the warring and arranging salvation for everyone. Remembering your labors for the good of the people of your fatherland, we cry out to you with gratitude:

Rejoice, you who showed wondrous love for the earthly fatherland.

Rejoice, teacher of humility and kindness.

Rejoice, you who wisely endured exile and cruel torment.

Rejoice, you who suffered and were tormented for Christ.

Rejoice, you who firmly confessed Him.

Rejoice, conquering the malice of your enemies through the love of Christ.

Rejoice, merciful father, seeking the salvation of many.

Rejoice, for you were tempted by great sorrows.

Rejoice, you have shown wondrous patience in persecution.

Rejoice, for you prayed to the Lord for your enemies.

Rejoice, whose love conquers all enmity.

Rejoice, whose kindness conquered cruel hearts.

Rejoice, Holy Hierarch Luke of the Crimea, good and merciful physician.

Kontakion 9

You were everything, just like Saint Paul, and you saved everyone, St. Luke, performing the archpastoral feat, in the Tambov region, renovating and building churches with many works, strictly observing the statutes of the patrists, you did not cease to serve the salvation of your flock, singing purely to God: Alleluia .

Ikos 9

Human spirits will not be able, according to their wealth, to utter your many blessings, since you appeared on the Crimean land like a child-loving father, to the saint, Father Luke, your generous right hand is everywhere. We, wanting to imitate your kindness, cry out to you in surprise:

Rejoice, ray of God's love.

Rejoice, inexhaustible treasure of Spasov’s mercy.

Rejoice, for you have given all of yours to the poor.

Rejoice, you who love your neighbor more than yourself.

Rejoice, nourisher and caretaker of motherless orphans.

Rejoice, guardian of helpless elders and old women.

Rejoice, for you visited the sick and those in prison.

Rejoice, for you have anticipated the needs of the poor in many places in your fatherland.

Rejoice, for, remembering the beggars, you arranged meals for them.

Rejoice, for you appeared to everyone in their sorrows, like a comforting angel.

Rejoice, earthly angel and heavenly man.

Rejoice, for the Mother of God rejoiced at the depth of your mercy.

Rejoice, Holy Hierarch Luke of the Crimea, good and merciful physician.

Kontakion 10

For many years you did not cease to serve the salvation of your Crimean flock, in the image of the Chief Shepherd Christ, Who brought the lost nature of all to God and the Father: You were comforted by God’s mercy, you were drawn to the correction of life by your teaching words, and with a pure heart you sang to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

Being a faithful servant of the Heavenly King Christ God, Father Luko tirelessly proclaimed the word of truth in all the churches of the land of Tauride, feeding the faithful children with the soul-saving food of the teachings of the Gospel and commanding them to strictly fulfill the church charter. Moreover, we glorify you, like the good shepherd:

Rejoice, tireless preacher of the truth of the Gospel.

Rejoice, for you have shepherded the verbal flock entrusted to you by God with goodness.

Rejoice, protecting your sheep from the soul-destroying wolves.

Rejoice, strict guardian of the church rite.

Rejoice, guardian of the purity of the Orthodox faith.

Rejoice, for through you the Holy Spirit wrote words of salvation.

Rejoice, for you have revealed to us the secret of theology about spirit, soul and body.

Rejoice, for your word is like a vestment of gold, clothed in the mysteries of faith.

Rejoice, lightning, destroyer of pride.

Rejoice, thunder, terror of those who live lawlessly.

Rejoice, planter of church piety.

Rejoice, archpastor, instruct and admonish spiritual shepherds unceasingly.

Rejoice, Holy Hierarch Luke of the Crimea, good and merciful physician.

Kontakion 11

The singing at your tomb, servant of God, did not cease in the days of your blessed dormition: for you are many, knowing that you are God-bearing and equal to the angels, having gathered from all the borders of your earthly fatherland to perform a conciliar prayer for your soul, ascending to the heavenly abode of the Heavenly fatherland, chanting and singing To God: Alleluia.

Ikos 11

A light in the Church of Christ, burning with the immaterial light of God’s grace, you are, Saint Luke, illuminating all the ends of our earth. When the time for your departure had come, the divine angels received your holy soul and ascended to the heavenly abodes. Moreover, remembering your blessed dormition and your great glorification in Heaven and on earth, with joy we offer you these blessings:

Rejoice, unfading lamp of the Never-Evening Light.

Rejoice, for through your good deeds you have glorified the Heavenly Father.

Rejoice, for the light of your good deeds has shone before men.

Rejoice, having pleased God with your righteous life.

Rejoice, servant of God, who has piously ended the course.

Rejoice, you who have acquired faith, hope and love from the Lord.

Rejoice, you have united yourself with Christ, whom you loved, forever.

Rejoice, heir to the Kingdom of Heaven and eternal glory.

Rejoice, bishop, filled with gifts of grace from the Eternal Bishop of Christ.

Rejoice, quick helper to those who call upon you.

Rejoice, new light and affirmation for the Crimean land.

Rejoice, blessed patron of the Christian race.

Rejoice, Holy Hierarch Luke of the Crimea, good and merciful physician.

Kontakion 12

Having recognized the grace given from above, we reverently kiss the image of your honorable face, Saint Luke, hoping that you will receive what you ask from God. Same (falling before your holy relics), with tenderness we pray to you: strengthen us to stand well in the Orthodox faith and, pleasing with good deeds, silently sing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 12

Singing to God, who is wondrous in His saints, we praise you, Christ’s confessor, saint and intercessor before the Lord, for you are all in the highest, but have not forsaken those below, Saint Father Luke, ever reigning with Christ and interceding for us sinners before the Throne of God . For this reason, in tenderness we call you:

Rejoice, light unapproachable to the viewer.

Rejoice, radiant star, shining above our land.

Rejoice, for in him the Angels rejoice and in him men rejoice.

Rejoice, you who taught and created the commandment of Christ.

Rejoice, for you have appeared worthy of the Kingdom of Heaven.

Rejoice, having reached the villages of paradise through confession.

Rejoice, you who endured the reproach of Christ for the sake of Christ and received eternal glory with Him.

Rejoice, guide of our souls to the Kingdom of Heaven.

Rejoice, representative before the Throne of God for us sinners.

Rejoice, praise to Orthodoxy and joy to our land.

Rejoice, thou who havest been deemed worthy to be among the saints.

Rejoice, partaker of the council of all Crimean saints.

Rejoice, Holy Hierarch Luke of the Crimea, good and merciful physician.

Kontakion 13

O great and glorious servant of God, Holy Hierarch Luke! Accept this praiseworthy singing from us, unworthy, which is brought to you with filial love. By your intercession at the Throne of God and by your prayers, strengthen us all in the Orthodox faith and good deeds, save us from all troubles, sorrows, illnesses and misfortunes found in this life, deliver us from torment in the future and make us worthy in eternal life together with you and sing with all the saints to our Creator: Alleluia.

(This kontakionreadthree times, thenAndbraid 1 andkontakion 1)


O all-blessed confessor, holy saint, our Father Luke, great servant of Christ! With tenderness bend the knee of our hearts (and seizurestillto the race of your honest and multi-healing relicsAndX) , like the child of our father, we pray to you earnestly: hear us, sinners, and bring our prayer to the Merciful God, Lover of Mankind, to whom you now stand in the joy of the saints and stand before the faces of the Angel. We believe that you love us with the same love with which you loved all your neighbors while you were on earth. Ask Christ our God, may He establish the spirit of right faith and piety in His Holy Orthodox Church, may He give its shepherds holy zeal and care for the salvation of the people entrusted to them: to observe the right of believers, to strengthen the weak and infirm in the faith, to instruct the ignorant, and to reprove the contrary. Give us all a gift that is useful to everyone, and everything that is useful for temporary life and eternal salvation: the establishment of our cities, fruitfulness of the land, deliverance from famine and destruction, consolation for the grieving, healing for the sick, return to those who have gone astray on the path of truth, blessing for the parent, blessing for the child. in the passion of the Lord, education and teaching, help and intercession for the orphaned and needy. Grant us all your archpastoral and holy blessing, so that, being overshadowed by you, we will get rid of the wiles of the evil one and avoid all enmity and disorder, heresies and schisms. Grant us the field of temporary life to pass in a way pleasing to God, set us on the path leading to the villages of the righteous, deliver us from airy ordeals and pray to Almighty God for us, so that in eternal life with you we may unceasingly glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, to Him belongs all glory, honor and power forever and ever. Amen.


The holy saint of God Luke, who shone forth in the host of saints of the Church of Christ as a saint and confessor, showed in his face the image of a good shepherd, healing ailments both mental and physical, and showed an example of combining the ministry of an archpastor and a doctor. His theological treatises awaken faith and convince those who doubt the truth of the existence of God, refuting various pseudoscientific theories. By his feat the saint showed what it means to “bear the cross of Christ.”

Saint Luke (Valentin Feliksovich Voino-Yasenetsky) was born in Kerch on April 27, 1877. His father was Catholic, his mother Orthodox. According to the laws Russian Empire children in such families had to be raised in Orthodox faith. He was the third of five children.

After graduating from high school, Valentin was going to enter the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts, as he was fond of painting and graduated from the Kyiv art school. However, during the entrance exams, he decided that he should prefer a profession through which he could bring real benefit to people, and chose medicine. He studied well, was the head of the group, and was especially successful in studying anatomy: “The ability to draw very subtly and my love for form turned into a love for anatomy... From a failed artist, I became an artist in anatomy and surgery,” the saint himself recalled. Along with his medical skills, Valentin also comprehended the truths of the Orthodox faith.

After graduating from university, he worked in Chita, at the military field hospital of the Kyiv Red Cross, where he performed many complex operations. At that time he married a nurse named Anna and they had four children. Later he was engaged in medical practice and scientific work.

In the 20s, Valentin, after defending his doctoral dissertation, worked as a surgeon in Tashkent, and actively participated in church life, attending church fellowship meetings. In 1920, at one of the church congresses, Bishop Innocent of Tashkent told him: “Doctor, you need to be a priest.” And Valentin Feliksovich perceived these words as God’s call. The outstanding surgeon was ordained as a deacon and soon as a priest, and subsequently he combined priestly service in the Tashkent cathedral with scientific work and medical practice. He invariably wore a cassock with a cross to the hospital and to lectures; icons hung in the operating room, so that every operation was sanctified with prayer.

After three years of priestly service, Priest Valentin took monastic vows (his wife died in 1919) with the name of the Apostle, evangelist, doctor and artist Luke. On May 30, 1923, Hieromonk Luke was secretly consecrated bishop and appointed to the Turkestan see. From this time the Lord’s way of the cross begins.

He had to endure many arrests, torture, and exile, which, however, did not weaken his faith and ardent zeal in serving his neighbors. The first arrest occurred in May 1923; Vladyka returned from his last exile in 1943 and was appointed to the Tambov See.

In 1946, Bishop Luke was awarded the Stalin Prize for his outstanding scientific works “Essays on Purulent Surgery” and “Late Resections for Infected Wounds of Large Joints,” which still do not lose their significance. In general, Saint Luke is the author of more than 55 scientific works on surgery and anatomy, as well as apologetic works and many sermons.

From 1946 to 1961, Vladyka was the ruling bishop of the Crimean diocese. According to the recollections of people who knew him, “when Vladyka served, it was impossible to enter the temple - there were so many people there. He possessed not only the gift of speech and enormous erudition, enormous intelligence and high culture, he possessed genuine spiritual strength and could infect with his faith a person who was an atheist to the core.” At the end of his life he became blind, but did not leave his flock. His faithful servant reposed in the Lord on June 11, 1961, the Day of All Saints who shone in our land. A huge number of people came to his funeral, so the authorities, who tried to prevent the “foot procession,” could do nothing.

November 22, 1995, Archbishop of Simferopol and Crimean Luka by the definition of the Synod of Ukrainian Orthodox Church numbered among the locally revered saints as a saint and confessor of the faith. On March 18, 1996, the discovery of the holy relics of Archbishop Luke took place, which were transferred to the Holy Trinity Cathedral Simferopol (now Holy Trinity Convent).

In 2000, Yubileiny Council of Bishops Saint Luke was glorified as a holy confessor in the host of new martyrs and confessors. He is revered as a saint by other local Churches, in particular by the Greek Orthodox Church.

By blessing

This prayer is considered one of the most recent for the Christian world. Moreover, appeals to this Saint can be heard not only from Orthodox believers, but also from people of other religions. The Akathist to Luke Krymsky is often read in those moments when the soul is restless, when physically ill and when you want to get rid of all the sinful thoughts that visit your head. In every doctor’s office you can see an icon with the Holy Image; it is Luke who gives many surgeons strength during the most difficult operations.

Akathist to Luke Krymsky about healing

Even during his lifetime the Saint was distinguished by his indescribable wisdom and strong character. Nothing was as interesting to Him as medicine, and in which Luke had an interest. After graduating from the university, the bishop became a real healer, a folk doctor, to whom many people turned. That is why many people read the akathist to St. Luke of Crimea in order to quickly recover from a terrible illness, calmly undergo a serious operation, or get rid of negative thoughts.

After his death, Luke became a Saint who to this day helps absolutely every person who turns to Him. For the Saint there is no division between rich and poor. It is generally accepted that those who earn a lot of money will go to the doctor without waiting in line, since finance can instantly resolve the issue of waiting. For Saint Luke there was no division into classes; for Him, rich and poor people are one. Therefore, the akathist to Saint Luke of Crimea about healing is good prayer for everyone who decides to contact this Saint.

Text of the akathist to Luke Krymsky

Kontakion 1

Ikos 1

Kontakion 2

Seeing in people during healing, like in a mirror, the wisdom and glory of the Creator of all things, God, you ascended to Him in the Spirit, God-wise, illuminate us with the light of your God-mind, and let us cry out together with you; Alleluia.

Ikos 2

You enlightened your mind with Divine teachings, O all-glorious Luke, rejecting all carnal wisdom, and with your mind and will you submitted to the Lord. He was like an apostle, because he was according to the Word of Christ; “He is coming after Me, and I will make you fishers of men,” leaving everything and walking after Him, and you, holy one, having heard the Lord Jesus calling you to serve through His servant Archbishop Innocent of Tashkent, accepted the priesthood in the Orthodox Church. For this reason, as a God-wise mentor, we pleasingly sing to you: Rejoice, joy of the Guardian Angel. Rejoice, for you have saddened no one; Rejoice, thou who excelled in learning and thereby astonished the wise men of this world. Rejoice, thou who shunned those who do iniquity; Rejoice, contemplator and preacher of God's Wisdom. Rejoice, golden-talking teacher of true theology; Rejoice, guardian of the apostolic traditions. Rejoice, O Light, kindled by God, dispelling the darkness of wickedness; Rejoice, star, showing the way to salvation. Rejoice, zealot of Orthodoxy; Rejoice, schismatic accuser. Rejoice, you who have thirsted for the Lord’s testimonies and justifications; Rejoice, Holy Hierarch Luke of the Crimea, good and merciful physician.

Kontakion 3

By the power of the grace of God, even in your temporal life you received the gift, Saint Luke, to heal ailments, so that all those who diligently come to you, bodily ailments and, moreover, spiritual healing, are honored with a cry to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 3

Having vigilant concern for the salvation of the souls entrusted to you by God, Luke blessedly, pastorally towards a soul-saving life, and in word and in deed you incessantly instructed you. For this reason, receive from our zeal worthy praise for you: Rejoice, filled with God's wisdom. Rejoice, overshadowed by the grace of the Holy Spirit; Rejoice, imitator of Christ's poverty. Rejoice, good shepherd, seeking those who deviate from the Orthodox faith and wander through the mountains of superstition; Rejoice, worker of the grapes of Christ, strengthening the children of God in the true Orthodox faith. Rejoice, shield, protect piety; Rejoice, unshakable foundation of Orthodoxy. Rejoice, solid rock of faith; Rejoice, accuser and eradicator of soul-destroying unbelief and evil renovationism. Rejoice, wise strengthener in the spiritual work of those who struggle; Rejoice, for those exiled from the world are the refuge of a quiet guide. Rejoice, for you have accepted the cross and followed Christ; Rejoice, Holy Hierarch Luke of the Crimea, good and merciful physician.

Kontakion 4

Having a storm inside with many thoughts, the servant of God was perplexed at what the Lord was saying about him, when he realized that he was worthy of being the bishop of the city of Tashkent: above all, he gave himself up to Christ God, sending thanks to Him for all, calling: “Blessed be God, pour out His grace on His bishops.” " And singing to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 4

Having heard the people of Orthodoxy, who are in persecution, about the fruitful kindnesses of your soul, God-bearing Luko, and have seen at the level of holiness, like a worthy vessel of Divine grace, healing all the weak and replenishing the impoverished, they are amazed at the wonderful providence of God for you and bring you great blessings: Rejoice, bishop, named by the Lord Himself. Rejoice, and in the inscription of your book the rank of bishop was foretold to you; Rejoice, decoration of the hierarchs. Rejoice, good shepherd, for you were ready to lay down your soul for your verbal sheep; Rejoice, multi-illuminated lamp of the Church. Rejoice, partaker of the apostles; Rejoice, ornament of confessors. Rejoice, you have rejected all care for yourself; Rejoice, sorrow reliever. Rejoice, sadder of human ignorance; Rejoice, having proclaimed the right teaching to those who sought salvation. Rejoice, thou who by thy life have not put this teaching to shame; Rejoice, Holy Hierarch Luke of the Crimea, good and merciful physician.

Kontakion 5

Having preserved the rank of bishop in the days of terrible persecution with the blessing of the holy Patriarch Tikhon from the hands of Orthodox bishops, Saint Luke, you did the work of an evangelist well, denouncing, forbidding, begging, with all long-suffering and teaching, and singing. To God: Alleluia.

Ikos 5

Having seen the rank of Angels, your great feats, always according to the commandment of the Lord: “It is blessed to expel righteousness for the sake of; for these are the Kingdom of Heaven,” in the strength of your heart you resignedly endured imprisonment and exile in Siberia for the name of the Lord and the Holy Church of Christ, with great patience arranging your salvation, and edifying your faithful souls by your example. We diligently honor you with love and reverence with these praises: Rejoice, thou who was placed on the candlestick of the church. Rejoice, for the word of Scripture: “He is patient with love” has been justified in you; Rejoice, for those who forbid the faithful to protect you. Rejoice, you who obeyed the authorities and for this sake, by your will, surrendered yourself to the hands of the soldiers at night; Rejoice, humbled by the slanderers of unrighteous judges. Rejoice, you who walked meekly into imprisonment with humility; Rejoice, you were expelled from the Tashkent diocese ruled by you for the sake of truth. Rejoice, mourned by the faithful; Rejoice, thou who was wounded and bruised for the Lord crucified. Rejoice, you who stop the lips of lying unbelievers; Rejoice, you who spoke heavenly truth through righteous lips and in exile. Rejoice, as martyrs in heaven rejoice over your patience; Rejoice, Holy Hierarch Luke of the Crimea, good and merciful physician.

Kontakion 6

You were a silent preacher of the mystery of the Most Holy, Consubstantial and Indivisible Trinity both in prison and in the cities of Siberian exile, enduring hunger, the scum of the northern countries and the cruelty of the godless minions. For this reason, the Crimean Church preaches the greatness of God revealed to you, Saint Luke, as if you have received the gift of healing mental and physical ailments in the land of exile, so that with one heart and one mouth we all sing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 6

You shone like a radiant star, brighter than the flock and Tambovites, illuminating the soul of the faithful and dispelling the darkness of wickedness and godlessness. And the words of Christ were fulfilled on you; “Blessed are you when people revile you, and despise you, and say all sorts of evil things against you lying, for my sake.” But you, persecuted from city to city and enduring slander, diligently fulfilled your archpastoral ministry and satisfied with the sweetness of your writings all those who hungered and thirsted for righteousness, who gratefully cry out to you: Rejoice, teacher of all, guiding everyone to heaven. Rejoice, true zealot of the glory of God; Rejoice, invincible warrior of Christ. Rejoice, you who endured prison and beating for Christ the Lord; Rejoice, true imitator of His humility. Rejoice, container of the Holy Spirit; Rejoice, thou who entered with the wise into the joy of thy Lord. Rejoice, accuser of greed; Rejoice, you who showed the destruction of vanity. Rejoice, calling the lawless to conversion; Rejoice, put Satan to shame. Rejoice, in whom Christ was glorified; Rejoice, Holy Hierarch Luke of the Crimea, good and merciful physician.

Kontakion 7

Although it was worthy to accomplish the feat entrusted to you by God, you put on all the armor of God and began to fight against the rulers of this world, with the spirit of malice in high places, girding your loins with truth and putting on the armor of truth, confessor Luko, quenched all the arrows of the evil one, singing to the Creator and to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 7

A new persecution raised up lawless and godless people against the Orthodox Church and drove you into the distant taiga depths, Saint Luke, and being near death, preserved by the hand of God, cried out to Paul the Apostle: “Until this hour, we hunger, and thirst, and are hungry, and suffer , and we wander... We persecute, we endure; Just as the world would have destroyed this trampling of things hitherto.” For this reason, knowing this, we please you: Rejoice, blessed confessor of Christ. Rejoice, you who endured the cruel scourge; Rejoice, you who were near death, preserved by the Lord. Rejoice, you who have shown complete self-sacrifice; Rejoice, thou who took away thy soul from the Bridegroom to Christ. Rejoice, ever foreseeing the Lord crucified on the cross; Rejoice, for you continued unremittingly in vigils and prayers. Rejoice, true zealot of the Consubstantial Trinity; Rejoice, quick and free doctor from every disease. Rejoice, healer of the aching and swollen; Rejoice, thou who restored health from incurable purulent diseases of bones and wounds. Rejoice, for through your faith and medical labors you have healed your relaxation; Rejoice, Holy Hierarch Luke of the Crimea, good and merciful physician.

Kontakion 8

Wanderer; Having been in the vale of earth, you showed an image of patience, abstinence and purity, confessor Luko. You showed the love of the Gospel, when the fatherland was in danger from the invasion of a foreigner, he worked day and night in the doctor’s clinic, healing the ailments and wounds of the leaders and warriors of the earthly fatherland, with his unforgettable malice and love, surprising all those who created misfortunes against you, and in many ways he turned to Christ and sang to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 8

Full of the love of Christ, O merciful Luke, you laid down your soul for your friends, and as a Guardian Angel you were present to those near and far, taming the embittered, reconciling the warring and arranging salvation for everyone. Remembering your labors for the good of the people of your fatherland, we gratefully cry out to you: Rejoice, you who have shown wondrous love for your earthly fatherland. Rejoice, teacher of humility and kindness; Rejoice, you who wisely endured exile and cruel torment. Rejoice, you who suffered and were tormented for Christ; Rejoice, you who firmly confessed Him. Rejoice, conquering the malice of your enemies through the love of Christ; Rejoice, merciful father, seeking the salvation of many. Rejoice, for you were tempted by great sorrows; Rejoice, you have shown wondrous patience in persecution. Rejoice, for you prayed to the Lord for your enemies; Rejoice, whose love conquers all enmity. Rejoice, whose kindness conquered cruel hearts; Rejoice, Holy Hierarch Luke of the Crimea, good and merciful physician.

Kontakion 9

You were all, just like Saint Paul, and you saved everyone, Saint Luke, performing the archpastoral feat in the Tambov region, renovating and building churches with many works, strictly observing the statutes of the patrists, you did not cease to serve the salvation of your flock, singing purely to God: Alleluia .

Ikos 9

The fortunes of humanity will not be able, according to their heritage, to utter your multitude of blessings, when Father Luke appeared on the Crimean land, like a loving father of his children. Your generous right hand is everywhere. We want to imitate your kindness, and in surprise we cry to you: Rejoice, ray of God’s love. Rejoice, inexhaustible treasure of Spasov’s mercy; Rejoice, for you have given all of yours to the poor. Rejoice, you who love your neighbor more than yourself; Rejoice, nourisher and caretaker of motherless orphans. Rejoice, guardian of helpless elders and old women; Rejoice, for you visited the sick and those in prison. Rejoice, for you met the needs of the poor in various places of your fatherland; Rejoice, for, remembering the beggars, you arranged dinners for them. Rejoice, for you appeared to everyone in their sorrows, like a comforting angel; Rejoice, earthly angel and heavenly man. Rejoice, for the Mother of God rejoiced at the depth of your mercy; Rejoice, Holy Hierarch Luke of the Crimea, good and merciful physician.

Kontakion 10

For fear of the Crimean flock, you have not ceased to serve your flock for many years in the image of the chief shepherd Christ, and you have brought your lost nature to God and the Father. Comforting with God's mercy, you were drawn to the correction of life by your teaching words, so that with a pure heart you could sing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

Having become a faithful servant of the King of Heaven, Christ God, Saint Father Luko, tirelessly proclaimed the word of truth in all the churches of our land of Tauride, teaching the faithful children the soul-saving food of the teachings of the Gospel and commanding them to strictly fulfill the church charter. In the same way, we glorify you as the good shepherd: Rejoice, unquenchable preacher of the truth of the Gospel. Rejoice, for you have grazed the flock of words given to you by God; Rejoice, for you who protect your sheep from murderous wolves. Rejoice, strict guardian of the church rank; Rejoice, guardian of the purity of the Orthodox faith. Rejoice, for through you the Holy Spirit wrote words of salvation; Rejoice, for you have revealed to us the secret of theology about spirit, soul and body. Rejoice, for your word is like a vestment of gold, clothed with the mysteries of faith; Rejoice, lightning, destroyer of pride. Rejoice, thunder, terror of those who live lawlessly; Rejoice, planter of church piety. Rejoice, archpastor, instruct and admonish spiritual shepherds unceasingly; Rejoice, Holy Hierarch Luke of the Crimea, good and merciful physician.

Kontakion 11

Singing at your grave, servant of God; fell silent in the days of your blessed dormition. Many people know that you are God-bearing and equal to the angels, having gathered from all the borders of your earthly fatherland to perform a conciliar prayer for your soul ascending to the heavenly abode of the heavenly fatherland, chanting and singing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 11

You are a light in the Church of Christ, burning with the immaterial light of God’s grace, Saint Luke, illuminating the entire ends of our earth. When the time for your departure had come, the angels received your holy soul and ascended it to the heavenly abode. Moreover, remembering your blessed dormition and your great glorification in heaven and on earth, we joyfully offer you these blessings: Rejoice, unfading lamp of the Never-Evening Light. Rejoice, for you have glorified the Heavenly Father through your good deeds; Rejoice, for the light of your good deeds has shone before men. Rejoice, servant of God, who has piously ended the course. Rejoice, you who have acquired faith, hope and love from the Lord; Rejoice, with Christ, you loved Him, uniting yourself forever. Rejoice, heir to the Kingdom of Heaven and eternal glory; Rejoice, bishop, filled with grace-filled gifts from the eternal Bishop Christ. Rejoice, quick helper to those who call upon you; Rejoice, a new light has shone upon the Crimean land. Rejoice, blessed patron of the Christian race; Rejoice, Holy Hierarch Luke of the Crimea, good and merciful physician.

Kontakion 12

Having recognized the grace from above that has been given to you, we reverently kiss the image of your honest face, Saint Luke, hoping that you will receive what you ask from God. In the same way, falling before your holy relics, we pray to you with tenderness: Strengthen us to stand well in the Orthodox faith and, pleasing good deeds, silently sing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 12

Singing to God, who is wondrous in His saints, we praise you, Christ’s confessor, saint and intercessor before the Lord. For you are all in the highest, but you do not abandon those below, Father Luke, the saint, reigns ever with Christ and intercedes for us sinners before the throne of God. For this reason, in tenderness we call to you: Rejoice, light unapproachable to the viewer. Rejoice, for in him the Angels rejoice, and in him men rejoice; Rejoice, you who taught and created the commandment of Christ. Rejoice, for you have appeared worthy of the Kingdom of Heaven; Rejoice, having reached the villages of paradise through confession. Rejoice, you who endured the reproach of Christ for the sake of Christ and received eternal glory with Him; Rejoice, guide of our souls to the Kingdom of Heaven. Rejoice, representative before the Throne of God for us sinners; Rejoice, praise to Orthodoxy and joy to our land. Rejoice, thou who havest been deemed worthy to be among the saints; Rejoice, partaker of the council of all Crimean saints. Rejoice, Holy Hierarch Luke of the Crimea, good and merciful physician.

Kontakion 13

And great and glorious servant of God, our holy father Luke, accept this praiseworthy song from us unworthy, which is brought to you by filial love. By your intercession at the Throne of God and by your prayers, strengthen us all in the more Orthodox faith and good deeds. Save those who find themselves in this life from all troubles, sorrows, illnesses and misfortunes, and deliver them from torment in the future. And grant us in eternal life, together with you and with all the saints, to sing to our Creator: Alleluia. (This kontakion is read three times)

Ikos 1

Interlocutor of angels and mentor of men, the glorious Luke, like the Evangelist and Apostle Luke, of whom he bears the same name, you received from God the gift of healing human ailments, in healing the illnesses of your neighbors, you carried out many labors, and, bearing the flesh, did not care about the flesh for its good deeds of the Heavenly Father. You have glorified. With the same gratitude we call you with tenderness; Rejoice, having subdued your mind to the yoke of Christ from your youth. Rejoice, former most honorable village of the Holy Trinity; Rejoice, thou who has inherited the bliss of the merciful, according to the Word of the Lord. Rejoice, having healed many sick people through the faith of Christ and God-given knowledge; Rejoice, merciful physician to those suffering from bodily ailments. Rejoice, healer of leaders and warriors in the days of battle; Rejoice, mentor of all doctors. Rejoice, quick helper in the needs and sorrows of those who exist; Rejoice, strengthening of the Orthodox Church. Rejoice, illumination of our land; Rejoice, the Crimean flock has been praised. Rejoice, decoration of the city of Simferopol. Rejoice, Holy Hierarch Luke of the Crimea, good and merciful physician.

Kontakion 1

Chosen to the hierarch of the Orthodox Church and confessor, who has shone forth among our countries in the land of the Crimea, like a luminous luminary, having labored well and enduring persecution for the name of Christ, glorifying the Lord who has glorified you, who has given you a new prayer book and helper, we sing praiseworthy songs; But you, who have great boldness towards the Lady of heaven and earth, free us from all mental and physical ailments and strengthen us to stand well in Orthodoxy, so that we all call you in tenderness; Rejoice, Holy Hierarch Luke of the Crimea, good and merciful physician.

About how to read the akathist correctly

This chant of praise is best read without errors, without making long pauses, and without being distracted by extraneous sounds. It is best to stand up and not sit down until the reading is over. At the very beginning, you need to pray to the icon of the Saint, and then proceed to the main text. Try not to let bad thoughts into your head. As a rule, they appear precisely at the moment when we communicate with the Lord.

You need to abstract yourself from everything that surrounds you and think about the warmest and best things when talking with Saint Luke. You can come either to church or purchase an icon of the Saint at home to read the akathist at home. It will be simply wonderful if a believer honors the memory of Luke of Crimea on his day - June 11. This will be a real grace both for the Saint, and for the one praying, and for the Lord God. Do not forget that the conversation should be soft, frank, not rude, very slow and honest.

Don’t deceive the Saints, they don’t like it, because they see absolutely every step Orthodox people. Listening to the akathist to themselves, the Saints, as guides, convey everything to God, who has long known about the human problems that have happened. You must constantly hope for the best, only in this case Luka Krymsky will be able to help. Luke helped many people who read the akathist correctly and followed all the norms to undergo a very difficult operation, from which few emerged alive.

Believe in the Lord God and know that the Guardian Angel and Saints will always be next to you. It is enough just to pray to Luke of Crimea to become a healthy person again. Healing is a miracle of God, and you need to believe in it. It’s not for nothing that they say that the Lord punishes everyone for their sins by sending illnesses to people. This is the most terrible punishment. To prevent this from happening, pray to Luke of Crimea, ask that everything be fine. He will definitely hear and help.

Listen to the akathist to Luka Krymsky

Below is an akathist to Luka Krymsky (Voino-Yasenetsky) in Russian. You can also read the prayer on the body and soul page.


Akathist to Saint Luke Voino-Yasenetsky

Chosen to the saint of the Orthodox Church and confessor, who shone forth to our country in the land of the Crimea, like a shining luminary, having labored well and enduring persecution for the name of Christ, glorifying the Lord who glorified you, who has given you a new prayer book and helper, we sing praiseworthy songs: you, as you have Great boldness to the Master of heaven and earth, free us from all mental and physical ailments and strengthen us well in Orthodoxy, and we all call to you in tenderness: Rejoice, Holy Hierarch Luke of the Crimea, good and merciful physician.

Interlocutor of angels and mentor of men, the glorious Luke, like the Evangelist and Apostle Luke, of whom he bears the same name, you received from God the gift of healing human ailments, in healing the illnesses of your neighbors, you undertook many labors, and, bearing the flesh, you were careless about the flesh, the good deeds of the Father Thou hast glorified the heavenly. With the same gratitude, we call you with tenderness:
Rejoice, having subdued your mind to the yoke of Christ from your youth.
Rejoice, former most venerable village of the Holy Trinity:
Rejoice, thou who has inherited the bliss of the merciful, according to the Word of the Lord.
Rejoice, having healed many sick people through the faith of Christ and God-given knowledge:
Rejoice, merciful physician to those suffering from bodily ailments.
Rejoice, healer of leaders and warriors in the days of battle:
Rejoice, teacher of all doctors.
Rejoice, quick helper in the needs and sorrows of those who exist:
Rejoice, strengthening of the Orthodox Church.
Rejoice, illumination of our land:
Rejoice, the Crimean flock has been praised.
Rejoice, decoration of the city of Simferopol:

Seeing in people during healing, like in a mirror, the wisdom and glory of the Creator of all things, God, you ascended to Him in the Spirit, God-wise, illuminate us with the light of your God-mind, and let us cry out with you: Alleluia.

You enlightened your mind with Divine teachings, O all-glorious Luke, rejecting all carnal wisdom, and with your mind and will you submitted to the Lord. You were like an Apostle, for according to the Word of Christ: “Walk after Me, and I will make you a fisher of man,” leaving everything and walking after Him, and you, holy one, having heard the Lord Jesus calling you to serve through His servant Archbishop Innocent of Tashkent, abily accepted the priesthood in Orthodox Churches. For this reason, as a God-wise mentor, we pleasingly sing to you:
Rejoice, Guardian Angel's amusement.
Rejoice, for you have saddened no one:
Rejoice, thou who excelled in learning and thereby astonished the wise men of this world.
Rejoice, you who have avoided those who do iniquity:
Rejoice, contemplator and preacher of God's Wisdom.
Rejoice, golden-talking teacher of true theology:
Rejoice, guardian of the apostolic traditions.
Rejoice, O Light, kindled by God, dispelling the darkness of wickedness:
Rejoice, star, showing the way to salvation.
Rejoice, zealot of Orthodoxy:
Rejoice, accuser of schismatics.
Rejoice, you who have thirsted for the Lord’s testimonies and justifications:
Rejoice, Holy Hierarch Luke of the Crimea, good and merciful physician.

By the power of God’s grace, even in your present life you received the gift, Saint Luke, to heal ailments, so that all those who diligently come to you, bodily ailments and, more than spiritual healing, are honored with a cry to God: Alleluia.

Having vigilant concern for the salvation of the souls entrusted to you by God, blessed Luke, pastorally towards a soul-saving life, both in word and in deed, you incessantly instructed. For this reason, accept from our zeal worthy praise for you:
Rejoice, filled with the mind of God.
Rejoice, overshadowed by the grace of the Holy Spirit:
Rejoice, imitator of Christ's poverty.
Rejoice, good shepherd of those who deviate from the Orthodox faith and wander through the mountains of superstition, seeking:
Rejoice, worker of the grapes of Christ, strengthening the children of God in the true Orthodox faith.
Rejoice, shield, defending piety:
Rejoice, unshakable foundation of Orthodoxy.
Rejoice, solid rock of faith:
Rejoice, accuser and eradicator of soul-destroying unbelief and evil renovationism.
Rejoice, wise strengthener in the spiritual work of those who strive:
Rejoice, for those exiled from the world are the refuge of a quiet guide.
Rejoice, for you have accepted the cross and followed Christ:
Rejoice, Holy Hierarch Luko of the Crimea, blessed and merciful physician

Having a storm inside with many thoughts, the servant of God was perplexed at what the Lord was saying about him, when he realized that he was worthy of being the bishop of the city of Tashkent: above all, he gave himself up to Christ God, sending thanks to Him for everything, calling: “Blessed be God, pour out His Grace on His bishops.” " And singing to him: Alleluia.

Having heard the people of Orthodoxy, in the present persecution, about the fruitful kindness of your soul, God-bearing Luko, and seeing at the level of holiness, like a worthy vessel of Divine grace, healing all the weak and replenishing the impoverished, they are amazed at the wonderful providence of God for you and bring you the greatest praise:
Rejoice, bishop, ordained by the Lord Himself.
Rejoice, and in the inscription of your book the rank of bishop was indicated to you:
Rejoice, decoration of the hierarchs.
Rejoice, good shepherd, for you were ready to lay down your soul for your verbal sheep:
Rejoice, multi-illuminated lamp of the Church.
Rejoice, partaker of the Apostles:
Rejoice, ornament of confessors.
Rejoice, you have rejected all care for yourself:
Rejoice, sorrow reliever.
Rejoice, sadder of human ignorance:
Rejoice, having proclaimed the right teaching to those who sought salvation.
Rejoice, thou who by thy life have not put this teaching to shame:
Rejoice, Holy Hierarch Luke of the Crimea, good and merciful physician.

Having preserved the rank of bishop in the days of terrible persecution with the blessing of the holy Patriarch Tikhon from the hands of the Orthodox bishops, Saint Luke, you did the work of an evangelist well, denouncing, forbidding, begging, with all long-suffering and teaching, and singing to God. : Alleluia.

Having seen the Angels of the rank of your great feats, always according to the commandment of the Lord: “It is the blessing of the expulsion of righteousness: for the kingdom of heaven is the kingdom of heaven,” in the strength of your heart you resignedly endured imprisonment and exile in Siberia for the name of the Lord and the holy Church of Christ, arranging your salvation with great patience, edifying the souls of the faithful by his example. We diligently and reverently honor you with these praises:
Rejoice, thou lamp placed in the church candlestick.
Rejoice, for the word of Scripture: “He is patient with love,” has been justified in you:
Rejoice, for those who forbid the faithful to protect you. Rejoice, you who obeyed the authorities and for this purpose surrendered yourself into the hands of soldiers at night: Rejoice, you who were humiliated by the slander of unrighteous judges.
Rejoice, you who marched meekly into captivity with humility:
Rejoice, expelled from the Tashkent diocese ruled by you for the sake of truth.
Rejoice, mourned by the faithful:
Rejoice, thou who was wounded and bruised for the Lord crucified.
Rejoice, you who stop the lips of lying unbelievers:
Rejoice, you who spoke heavenly truth through righteous lips and in exile.
Rejoice, as martyrs in heaven rejoice over your patience:
Rejoice, Holy Hierarch Luke of the Crimea, good and merciful physician.

The silent preacher of the mystery of the Most Holy, Consubstantial and Indivisible Trinity was ecu both in prison and in the cities of Siberian exile, enduring hunger, the scum of the northern countries and cruelty, the minions of the godless. For this reason, the Crimean Church preaches the greatness of God revealed to you, Saint Luke, as if you have received the gift of healing mental and physical ailments in the land of exile, so that with one heart and one mouth we all sing to God: Alleluia.

You shone like a radiant star, brighter than the flock and Tambovites, illuminating the souls of the faithful and dispelling the darkness of wickedness and godlessness. And the words of Christ were fulfilled on you: “Blessed are you, when they revile you, and destroy you, and say all kinds of evil things against you, who lie, for my sake.” But you, persecuted from city to city and enduring slander, diligently fulfilled your archpastoral ministry and satisfied with the sweetness of your writings all those who hungered and thirsted for the truth, who cry out to you gratefully:
Rejoice, guide us all to heaven.
Rejoice, true zealot of the glory of God:
Rejoice, invincible warrior of Christ.
Rejoice, you who endured prison and beating for Christ the Lord:
Rejoice, true imitator of His humility.
Rejoice, container of the Holy Spirit:
Rejoice, thou who entered with the wise into the joy of thy Lord.
Rejoice, selfish accuser:
Rejoice, you who showed the destruction of vanity.
Rejoice, calling the lawless to conversion:
Rejoice, put Satan to shame.
Rejoice, for by whom Christ was glorified:
Rejoice, Holy Hierarch Luke of the Crimea, good and merciful physician.

Although it is worthy to accomplish the feat entrusted to you by God, you put on all the armor of God and began to fight against the rulers of this world, with the spirit of malice in high places, girding your loins with truth and putting on the armor of truth, confessor Luko, quenched all the arrows of the evil one, singing To the Creator and God: Alleluia.

A new persecution raised up lawless and godless people against the Orthodox Church and drove you into the distant taiga depths, Saint Luke, and being near death, preserved by the hand of God, cried out to Paul the Apostle: “Until this hour, we hunger, and thirst, and are hungry, and suffer , and we wander... We persecute, we endure: as if the world had been destroyed, trampling on all hitherto.” For this sake, leading such, we please you:
Rejoice, blessed confessor of Christ.
Rejoice, you who endured the cruel scum:
Rejoice, you who were near death, preserved by the Lord.
Rejoice, you who have shown complete self-sacrifice:
Rejoice, thou who hast betrayed thy soul to the Bridegroom Christ.
Rejoice, ever foreseeing the Lord crucified on the cross:
Rejoice, you continued unabated in vigils and prayers.
Rejoice, true zealot of the Consubstantial Trinity:
Rejoice, speedy one from every disease, free to the doctor.
Rejoice, healer of the aching and swollen:
Rejoice, thou who restored health from incurable purulent diseases of bones and wounds.
Rejoice, for through your faith and medical labors you healed the sickness:
Rejoice, Holy Hierarch Luke of the Crimea, good and merciful physician.

Having been a wanderer in the vale of earth, you showed the image of patience, abstinence and purity, confessor Luko. You showed the love of the gospel, when the fatherland was in danger from the invasion of a foreigner, he worked day and night in the doctor’s office, healing the ailments and wounds of the leaders and warriors of the earthly fatherland, with his unforgettable malice and love, surprising all those who create misfortunes, and in many ways he turned to Christ in singing to him: Alleluia.

Completely filled with the love of Christ, O merciful Luke, you laid down your soul for your friends, and as a Guardian Angel you were present to those near and far, taming the embittered, reconciling the warring and arranging salvation for everyone. Remembering your labors for the good of the people of your fatherland, we cry out to you with gratitude:
Rejoice, you who showed wondrous love for the earthly fatherland.
Rejoice, teacher of humility and kindness: Rejoice, thou who wisely endured exile and cruel torment.
Rejoice, you who suffered and were tormented for Christ:
Rejoice, you who firmly confessed Him.
Rejoice, having conquered the malice of the enemies of the love of Christ:
Rejoice, merciful father, seeking the salvation of many.
Rejoice, for you were tempted by great sorrows:
Rejoice, you have shown wondrous patience in persecution.
Rejoice, for you prayed to the Lord for your enemies:
Rejoice, whose love conquers all enmity.
Rejoice, whose kindness conquered cruel hearts:
Rejoice, Holy Hierarch Luke of the Crimea, good and merciful physician.

You were all, just like Saint Paul, and you saved everyone, Saint Luke, performing the archpastoral feat in the Tambov region with many works, renovating and creating churches, strictly observing the Patristic Rules, you did not cease to serve the salvation of your flock, singing purely to God: Alleluia.

The fortunes of humanity will not be able, according to their heritage, to utter your multitude of blessings, when Father Luke appeared on the Crimean land, like a loving father of his children. Your generous right hand is everywhere. We want to imitate your kindness, and in surprise we cry out to you:
Rejoice, ray of God's love.
Rejoice, inexhaustible treasure of Spasov’s mercy:
Rejoice, for you have given all of yours to the poor.
Rejoice, you who love your neighbor more than yourself:
Rejoice, nourisher and caretaker of motherless orphans.
Rejoice, guardian of helpless elders and elders:
Rejoice, for you visited the sick and those in prison.
Rejoice, for you met the needs of the poor in various places of your fatherland:
Rejoice, for, remembering the beggars, you arranged dinners for them.
Rejoice, for you appeared to everyone in their sorrows, like a comforting angel:
Rejoice, earthly angel and heavenly man.
Rejoice, for the Mother of God rejoiced at the depth of your mercy:
Rejoice, Holy Hierarch Luke of the Crimea, good and merciful physician.

Kontakion 10.

You have not ceased to serve the salvation of your Crimean flock for many years in the image of the chief shepherd Christ, and you have brought your lost nature to God and the Father. By God's mercy, comforting you with your teaching words to correct your life, you were drawn to sing to God with a pure heart: Allilune.

Having become a faithful servant of the King of Heaven, Christ God, Saint Father Luko, tirelessly proclaimed the word of truth in all the churches of our land of Tauride, teaching the faithful children with the soul-saving food of the teachings of the Gospel and strictly fulfilling the Church Rule. Moreover, we glorify you, like the good shepherd:
Rejoice, tireless preacher of the truth of the Gospel.
Rejoice, for you have grazed the flock of words given to you by God:
Rejoice, for you who protect your sheep from murderous wolves.
Rejoice, strict keeper of the church rite:
Rejoice, guardian of the purity of the Orthodox faith.
Rejoice, for through you the words of salvation were written in the Holy Spirit:
Rejoice, for you have revealed to us the secret of theology about spirit, soul and body.
Rejoice, for your word is like a vestment of gold, clothed with the mysteries of faith:
Rejoice, lightning, destroyer of pride.
Rejoice, thunder, terrorizing those who live lawlessly:
Rejoice, planter of church piety.
Rejoice, archpastor, spiritual shepherds who continually instruct and admonish:
Rejoice, Holy Hierarch Luke of the Crimea, good and merciful physician.

Kontakion 11.

The singing at your tomb, servant of God, did not cease in the days of your blessed dormition. Many people know that you are God-bearing and equal to the angels, having gathered from all the borders of your earthly fatherland to perform a conciliar prayer for your soul ascending to the heavenly abode of the heavenly fatherland, chanting and singing to God: Alleluia.

You are a light in the Church of Christ, burning with the immaterial light of God’s grace, Saint Luke, illuminating the entire ends of our earth. When the time for your departure had come, the Divine Angels received your holy soul and ascended to the heavenly abode. Moreover, remembering your blessed dormition and your great glorification in heaven and on earth, with joy we offer you these blessings:
Rejoice, unfading lamp of the Never-Evening Light.

Rejoice, for the light of your good deeds has shone before men.
Rejoice, for you have glorified the Heavenly Father through your good deeds:
Rejoice, servant of God, who has piously ended the course.
Rejoice, you who have acquired faith, hope and love from the Lord:
Rejoice, with Christ, you loved Him, uniting yourself forever.
Rejoice, heir to the Kingdom of Heaven and eternal glory:
Rejoice, bishop, filled with grace-filled gifts from the eternal Bishop Christ.
Rejoice, quick helper to those who call upon you:
Rejoice, new light and affirmation for the Crimean land.
Rejoice, blessed patron of the Christian race:
Rejoice, Holy Hierarch Luke of the Crimea, good and merciful physician.

Kontakion 12.

Having recognized the grace from above that has been given to you, we reverently kiss your honest face depicted, Saint Luke, hoping that you will receive what you ask from God. In the same way, falling before your holy relics, we pray to you with tenderness: Strengthen us to stand well in the Orthodox faith and, pleasing good deeds, silently sing to God: Alleluia.

Singing to God, who is wondrous in His saints, we praise you, Christ’s confessor, saint and intercessor before the Lord. For you are all in the highest, but you do not abandon those below, Father Luke, the saint, reigns ever with Christ and intercedes for us sinners before the throne of God. For this reason, in tenderness we call you:
Rejoice, light unapproachable to the viewer.
Rejoice, for in him the angels rejoice, and in him men rejoice:
Rejoice, you who taught and created the commandment of Christ.
Rejoice, for you have appeared worthy of the Kingdom of Heaven:
Rejoice, having reached the villages of paradise through confession.
Rejoice, you who endured the reproach of Christ and received eternal glory with Him:
Rejoice, guide of our souls to the Kingdom of Heaven.
Rejoice, representative before the Throne of God for us sinners:
Rejoice, praise to Orthodoxy and joy to our land.
Rejoice, thou who havest been counted worthy to be among the saints:
Rejoice, partaker of the Council of all Crimean saints.
Rejoice, Holy Hierarch Luke of the Crimea, good and merciful physician.

Kontakion 13.

O great and glorious servant of God, our holy father Luke, accept this praiseworthy song from us unworthy, which is offered to you with filial love. By your intercession at the Throne of God and by your prayers, confirm us all in the more Orthodox faith and good deeds. Save those who find themselves in this life from all troubles, sorrows, illnesses and misfortunes, and deliver them from torment in the Hereafter. And grant us in eternal life, together with you and with all the saints, to sing to our Creator: Alleluia.

This Kontakion is spoken three times.
(And for this reason Ikos 1 and Kontakion 1 are read).

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