Matryoshka herb medicinal properties and contraindications. Matryoshka grass, medicinal properties and contraindications Matryoshka grass as it is also called

Making Matryoshka tea

Oregano tea for colds

Where to get oregano herb


Higher intelligence

They say that drinking tea with ORIGINAL is contraindicated for men, why? They also say that this is a female herb ORIGINAL, MATRYOSHKA


rave! Oregano has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, analgesic, expectorant, diuretic, and choleretic properties. Oregano infusion has a pronounced calming effect. An infusion of this herb stimulates the appetite. It is used to strengthen hair and for various rashes. Oregano enhances the secretion of bronchial and digestive glands, increases intestinal tone. It is used for gastritis, insomnia, intestinal atony, and for bronchitis as an expectorant. has a calming effect, like variegation. maybe you want to sleep when your wife wants someone else with you :)) Voron Vorinov Student (100) 6 months ago I don’t know

Matryoshka grass

Features of oregano

Preparation and collection of matryoshka dolls

Medicinal properties of oregano

Oregano in folk medicine

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Medicinal properties of oregano

Oregano is a herbaceous, perennial medicinal plant belonging to the Lamiaceae family, reaching a height of 80 cm. Oregano has a stem with a four-edged structure and oblong-ovate leaves located opposite each other. The lower leaves are larger than the upper ones. Oregano has a pleasant aroma that comes from its purple-pink flowers. The flowers are collected in panicle inflorescences. The plant blooms during July-August. Favorite places for oregano to grow are forest edges, thickets of bushes, and roadsides. This plant is distributed throughout Russia, most often in warm and sunny areas. Among the people, oregano has different names - matryoshka, spirit flower, incense, bee lover, mother.

To preserve the medicinal properties of oregano for a long time, it must be properly prepared. You need to collect oregano during the flowering period, cutting off its upper part with pruners or scissors. 30% of the plant must be left so that the oregano can restore its reserves. Cut grass must be dried in the fresh air, in the shade. The air temperature should not be more than +35°C, since at higher temperatures the essential oils contained in oregano volatilize. For medicinal use, only the leaves and flowers of Oregano are used. Dried raw materials should be stored in tightly closed paper boxes. Properly dried oregano should smell pleasant.

The medicinal properties of oregano are due to the presence of various healing substances in its composition. Oregano contains essential oil, which gives it a pleasant aroma. The main active ingredients included in the essential oil are geranyl acetate, carvalol, thymol. Oregano herb also contains tannins, bitterness, phytoncides, ascorbic acid, and flavonoids.

Oregano has a diuretic, choleretic, and anti-inflammatory effect. The medicinal properties of oregano are used in folk medicine to treat whooping cough, bronchitis and other diseases of the respiratory system. In this case, it is used as a mild expectorant; oregano also has a sedative effect.

In addition to treating diseases of the respiratory system, this plant is used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, asthma, liver diseases, flatulence, and to improve appetite.

Oregano contains healing substances that inhibit the development of staphylococci. Therefore, this plant is recommended for use in various infectious diseases caused by this pathogen, for example, sore throat, skin rashes, etc.

Oregano has a sedative effect and is used for insomnia, nervous shock, hypertension, and epilepsy.

Medicinal properties of oregano - Questions and answers

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Herb Oregano - Useful and medicinal properties, use in folk medicine, contraindications

As soon as you catch a little cold, we start brewing herbal tea, which necessarily includes oregano - which has a pleasant aroma and a whole range of various beneficial and medicinal properties. But few people know that oregano is the champion among plants in terms of the content of the microelement selenium, which is given a very important place in the fight against cancer. Tea made from the humble oregano can replace expensive drugs.

Oregano is an indispensable seasoning for many dishes - both tasty and healthy, especially in combination with dill, cilantro, caraway (the dried seeds are ground and mixed). Oregano tea has an exquisite taste.

Oregano grows in sunny places and blooms in July-August. The flowers and leaves are very fragrant, especially when rubbed in your hands. For medicinal purposes, flowering leafy shoots are cut at a height of 25 cm from the crown during mass flowering. In a good summer, you can collect a “second harvest” in the fall.

Oregano is used as an antiseptic, for stomach and intestinal spasms (paired with chamomile - 1:1), for constipation, as a choleretic agent, for metabolic disorders, diathesis in children, for migraines, insomnia.

If you have trouble falling asleep, fill a small linen bag with oregano and mint herbs, pine needles and laurel leaves, and place it next to your pillow.

Infusion. Pour 15 g of herb with a glass of boiling water in a thermos. Drink 1-2 tbsp. spoon 3-4 times a day, for insomnia, 1/3 cup (last time before bed).

Contraindications: It is not recommended to use decoctions, infusions, or tea based on oregano herb for pregnant women, persons with diseases of the cardiovascular system, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, stomach or duodenal ulcers.

Oregano is also contraindicated for persons suffering from renal, intestinal or hepatic colic and hypertensive patients. For these diseases, it is recommended to reduce the intake of oregano-based medications.

Regular readers of our magazine will tell you about the healing and beneficial properties of this amazing plant, as well as its use in folk medicine.

Familiar tea for colds

Some things you remember all your life, they remind you of the best moments, are associated with the most pleasant memories. Now that I am no longer young and have a large family, I remember with special gratitude my grandmother, who gave me tea for colds. I cannot confuse the taste of this potion and its aroma with anything else. As soon as I caught a cold, a cup of herbal infusion and raspberry jam immediately appeared. Grandmother brewed dried raspberries, linden blossom and oregano herb. Everything was equally mixed in a jar in the kitchen, always ready in case of illness in the household. And what’s most interesting is that this remedy helped everyone without fail. I am still treating myself, and so is my family, if anyone catches a cold.

This fragrant tea is brewed at the rate of one tablespoon per glass of boiling water, left for an hour and a half, filtered and drunk half a glass 3-4 times a day until you feel better, usually 3-4 days.

Indeed, this is a time-tested recipe.

Olga Samsonova

Strengthening bath

I have never met people who have never been sick. Everyone has a runny nose or malaise. So I fall down from some kind of infection several times a year. The most unpleasant thing for me in such cases is coughing. Apparently, this is a feature of my body: when I catch a cold, I get a very strong cough. One day they taught me how to cure my troubles with baths.

Oregano herb is used as a remedy for baths. Pour 400-500 g of dry herb into a bucket of boiling water, leave for 30-60 minutes, strain and pour the infusion into the bath. The water temperature should be 38-39 degrees. Duration 15-20 minutes.

This bath, based on oregano, very soothes coughs, especially in acute and chronic bronchitis; in addition, the bath has a general strengthening effect. I noticed this on myself and on my friend - we both really love to soak in the bath, but since we both started using oregano, neither she nor I have been particularly sick anymore. Another effect of this bath is a wonderful sleep.

Oregano herb also has beneficial properties that help calm the nervous system. Especially if it is taken orally at the same time:

pour three tablespoons of dry herb into a thermos with 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave to brew for one and a half to two hours, strain and take half a glass 3 times a day half an hour before meals.

Set up a preventive clinic at home, take healing baths with oregano in spring and autumn, and you will not be afraid of either colds or flu.

Tatiana Filinova

Collection for the intestines

Many ways to improve your health are known: diets, cleansing, various health exercises, and so on. I have tried all this on myself at different times in my life. And I came to the conclusion that instead of violent measures it is better to use natural, natural means. For several years I could not cope with problems in my intestines: poor motility led to habitual constipation. I tried to eat bran, but somehow it didn’t suit me, I didn’t like it for some reason. I couldn’t bring myself to do enemas. In a word, I had to constantly monitor the condition of my intestines, and in every way help him cope with his responsibilities more cheerfully. Once I was advised to use a herbal mixture of oregano and other useful plants for this, which I still can’t get enough of, it helped me so well.

The following herbs are taken: bloodroot (3 parts herb), oregano (3 parts seeds), caraway seeds (2 parts seeds), dandelion (2 parts leaves), dill (1 part seeds), silver birch (2 parts leaves), meadowsweet vyazolifolia (2 parts of grass). Pour two tablespoons of the mixture into one and a half cups of boiling water, leave, covered, for 2 hours, strain. Take two tablespoons 4 times a day 20-30 minutes before meals.

After such therapy, not only the intestines were cleansed, but he finally got used to working normally. Several courses of taking this mixture saved me from a long-term problem. What is most pleasant about this treatment is that it is natural, there is no mechanical influence, which does not suit me at all, since I believe that we cannot interfere with the work of our body, we only need to help it, and here a janitor with a broom can only do harm.

Natalia Ermilova

Oregano herb saved my nerves

Nowadays there are few people who can boast of strong nerves. In any case, I don’t belong to those people. And lately I began to notice that I instantly get irritated on any occasion. Girlfriends began to give advice and recipes. Some advised valerian, some to drink motherwort. Valerian just makes me feel bad, my body doesn’t accept it at all, the motherwort tincture gave me a beastly appetite, I was afraid for my health. But my surprise knew no bounds when I accidentally learned that an ordinary herb, the well-known oregano, which I usually drank when I had a cold, perfectly strengthens my nerves.

2 teaspoons of dry crushed oregano herb pour into 200 ml. boiling water, then leave for 20 minutes. Directions for use: warm? glasses 4 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Sometimes before going to bed I took a decoction with a spoon of honey, a very pleasant treatment and really strengthens the nerves without compromising health. Now I don't use any pills.

Natalia Vykhodtseva

Hello dear readers. Today we’ll talk about the herb St. John’s wort, consider the medicinal properties, use of St. John’s wort and contraindications. St. John's wort is widely used in folk medicine. Infusions, tinctures, tea, oil, ointment are prepared from the herb and used for medicinal purposes. St. John's wort is included in various herbal preparations. My grandmother used St. John's wort to treat diseases; she did not buy the herb at the pharmacy, but collected and dried it herself. Although now the herb St. John's wort can be purchased at the pharmacy.

In the old days, people said that the herb St. John's wort could cure ninety-nine diseases. In addition, this herb was used in magical rituals and to protect homes from evil spirits. The grass was collected in bunches and hung at the entrance to the house.

St. John's wort is a perennial plant that can reach a meter in height. St. John's wort blooms with yellow flowers, which are collected in inflorescences. The herb St. John's wort blooms from June to August. We love to walk through the forest with our children in the summer; you can often find the St. John's wort plant in the clearings. St. John's wort grows in clearings, along forests, fields, on the edges of forests, in meadows, and in gardens.

In our area, St. John's wort can even be found on the playground. Last summer, St. John's wort grew on our site. Truth be told, I had no desire to rip it off. Still, there are so many cars driving around, and cars are parked literally half a meter from St. John’s wort. And he has grown up little. While there is a lot of it in the forest. And it grew in large clearings.

The upper part of the plant, that is, the flowers along with the leaves, is used for medicinal purposes. St. John's wort is collected only during the flowering period. Dry in the shade under a canopy; the grass should be spread in a thin layer, so it dries faster. You can dry it in the attic, but only in a well-ventilated one, or in a dryer. The dried herb is stored in a cotton bag in a dry place.

And in winter, you can brew very tasty and aromatic tea from St. John's wort, and in combination with other herbs, such tea is even more beneficial. And I would say that for preventive purposes it is better not to get carried away with St. John's wort often. And if you drink it, then in combination with other herbs, preferably containing estrogens. Why this is needed, you will learn about this at the end of the article.

St. John's wort is a unique plant that contains ascorbic and nicotinic acid, carotene, sugar, tannins, resinous and bitter substances, essential oils, phytoncides, choline, saponins, and alkaloids.

Herb St. John's wort. Medicinal properties.

  • Thanks to its composition, St. John's wort has wound-healing properties, heals wounds, cuts, ulcers, and burns.
  • St. John's wort is used as a diuretic.
  • St. John's wort has anti-inflammatory properties, it is used for colds, and tea made from the St. John's wort herb reduces fever.
  • St. John's wort has antibacterial, antiseptic, and antiviral properties.
  • St. John's wort is also used as a choleretic agent, that is, for diseases of the gallbladder.
  • St. John's wort has vasodilating properties.
  • Due to the fact that St. John's wort contains tannins, the herb has an astringent property.
  • St. John's wort has tonic and restorative properties.
  • St. John's wort has antispasmodic properties, relieves spasms of blood vessels and muscle spasms of internal organs.
  • St. John's wort tea helps cope with insomnia, increased fatigue, lethargy, fatigue, and irritability. St. John's wort preparations have a calming effect on the nervous system.
  • St. John's wort stimulates the functioning of our immune system and improves the functioning of the body's defense mechanisms.
  • St. John's wort has hemostatic healing properties.
  • The best remedy for burns is St. John's wort oil; it promotes rapid tissue regeneration, and prevents the appearance of scars. I say this for a reason; my grandmother always used St. John’s wort oil for burns, and it was always very effective.

I don’t know about you, but I have long noticed that many medications that are used to quickly heal wounds leave a scar behind. Sometimes even a small scratch turns into a noticeable scar on the skin, and when using St. John's wort oil, even a deep wound can be barely noticeable.

As you can see, the herb St. John's wort has a fairly wide range of medicinal properties. People have great respect for this miraculous herb. Now I want to talk about the use of St. John's wort in folk medicine. Also about how to prepare oil, tincture, infusion, decoction from the herb St. John's wort.

Herb St. John's wort. Application.

  • St. John's wort herb is often used for headaches and dizziness.
  • At high temperatures, as St. John's wort tea reduces fever well.
  • Infusions and decoctions of St. John's wort are used for stomach and duodenal ulcers. St. John's wort is a powerful antispasmodic.
  • St. John's wort is used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract; it is most effective for diarrhea and colitis.
  • The herb St. John's wort has a positive effect on the body in case of cystitis and women's diseases.
  • For acne and boils, St. John's wort is used in the form of lotions and compresses.
  • St. John's wort is used for diseases of the gallbladder and liver.
  • For insomnia, fatigue, irritability.
  • As an anti-inflammatory agent for sore throat.
  • St. John's wort and St. John's wort oil are effective for hemorrhoids.
  • St. John's wort is used for bedwetting.
  • For bronchitis, for colds.
  • St. John's wort is used as a hemostatic agent for uterine bleeding.
  • Used as a tonic for cardiovascular diseases.
  • St. John's wort is used for tumors.

Preparation of tea, decoction, tincture, infusion, oil, St. John's wort ointment.

Tea made from St. John's wort herb. My grandmother prepared tea from the St. John's wort herb like this: she mixed mint, linden, thyme, rose hips, and St. John's wort. Two spoons of the herbal mixture poured half a liter of boiling water, infused, filtered, added honey to taste and drank like tea. This tea helps to cope with colds, reduces fever, and tones. You can drink this tea during colds and viral diseases. This is one of my favorite St. John's wort teas. You just need natural honey. In our market you can often buy “almost natural” honey. They sell honey, but they don’t even have an apiary. Or a couple of hives, and honey is sold all year round. I even wrote a blog article about how to choose natural honey.

A decoction of St. John's wort herb. Use one tablespoon of chopped herb, add 0.5 liters of water, boil over low heat for about 15 - 20 minutes, leave the broth and strain. Use 1/3 of a glass per day before meals for diseases of the stomach, intestines, and insomnia. Externally for rashes, abscesses, boils. The decoction is used to gargle for stomatitis and inflammation of the gums and is used as an anti-inflammatory and analgesic.

Alcohol tincture of St. John's wort. An alcohol tincture is prepared from the St. John's wort herb. 4 tablespoons of herbs are poured into 200 ml. alcohol, leave for 10 days in a dark place, then filter the tincture. Used for cuts, wounds, abrasions, gum disease, and to eliminate bad breath.

Infusion of St. John's wort herb. Add one teaspoon of St. John's wort to 200 grams of boiling water and leave for 15 - 20 minutes. The infusion is filtered. Taken for stomach diseases, headaches, bronchitis, and cystitis.

Oil from the herb St. John's wort. A tablespoon of fresh St. John's wort flowers should be poured into 200 ml. vegetable oil, it can be olive, flaxseed, corn oil. Infuse in a cool place for 10 days, and the contents should be shaken periodically. Then the oil needs to be strained. It is used for burns, wounds, for douching, hemorrhoids, and diaper rash. St. John's wort oil, in addition to wound-healing medicinal properties, also has analgesic properties.

St. John's wort ointment. Ointment from the herb St. John's wort, like oil, is used to heal wounds, cuts, and abrasions. Fresh St. John's wort leaves should be ground with fresh lard. The ointment is stored in the refrigerator in a glass jar.

Herb St. John's wort for diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

The herb St. John's wort is used for throat diseases, coughs, sore throats, as inhalations, gargles, decoctions or infusions.

To prepare the inhalation, pour two tablespoons of St. John's wort into half a liter of boiling water, boil for 5-7 minutes and breathe over the steam while wrapped in a towel. An excellent remedy for coughs.

If you have a sore throat, you should gargle with a warm decoction of St. John's wort 5 times a day. You can use alcohol tincture. Add 20 drops of tincture to a glass of boiled warm water.

For colds, mix linden flowers, dried raspberries, and St. John's wort in equal proportions. Pour two tablespoons of herbal mixture into half a liter of boiling water and leave for 20 minutes. Drink this infusion warm. You can add honey and lemon to this infusion to taste.

Herb St. John's wort for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

St. John's wort is used for diarrhea, as an astringent, and for colitis. To prepare the decoction you will need 1 tablespoon of herb and half a liter of water, add the herb to the pan and fill it with water, put it on the fire, boil for 15 minutes, filter. Drink the decoction warm, 1/3 cup five times a day.

For peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum and gastritis, you need to drink an infusion or decoction of St. John's wort, half a glass before meals three times a day.

St. John's wort is also used for hemorrhoids. St. John's wort oil is used for enemas, and hemorrhoids are also lubricated with it. Use warm sitz baths from a decoction of hemorrhoid herbs. This is how my wife’s grandmother treats hemorrhoids; St. John’s wort is really a very effective remedy for hemorrhoids.

Herb St. John's wort for cystitis.

The herb St. John's wort is brewed and drunk for both chronic and acute cystitis. St. John's wort relieves inflammation and spasms. The decoction is prepared as follows: one teaspoon of St. John's wort herb is poured with a glass of boiling water, boiled over low heat for 15 minutes, filtered, and brought to the original volume with boiled water. Drink 1/4 of a glass three times a day.

For more information about what herbs help with cystitis, read my article “Hers for cystitis.”

Herb St. John's wort for diseases of the oral cavity.

Use an infusion of St. John's wort to rinse the mouth if you have bad breath. A decoction of St. John's wort is used to rinse the mouth for stomatitis and inflammation of the gums; a decoction of St. John's wort has antibacterial, antiseptic, and anti-inflammatory healing properties.

In addition to its medicinal properties, St. John's wort, like any other medicinal plant, has contraindications. Now let's look at the contraindications.

Herb St. John's wort. Contraindications.

  • The herb St. John's wort is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance or allergies.
  • Contraindicated during pregnancy and for young mothers while breastfeeding.
  • Do not use preparations from the herb St. John's wort for a long time, as this can cause hives, bitterness in the mouth, nausea, and vomiting.
  • With high blood pressure.
  • Do not use too strong infusions and decoctions of St. John's wort, follow the dosage.
  • Do not use treatment for more than 10 days. This is especially true for men.

Now let's dispel the myth that men should not drink St. John's wort. Here's what scientists say about it. St. John's wort is widely used in the treatment of ulcers. And with ulcers in women and men, there is a lack of estrogen and an excess of androgens. And St. John's wort during treatment affects the production of male sex hormones. It stimulates the production of hormones. And as a result, overexcitation occurs, and then impotence.

Men become powerless not from the calming effect, but from overexcitation. But this effect of St. John's wort can be avoided if, for example, you use licorice root together with St. John's wort. It is this root that contains a large amount of estrogens. But this is not the only plant containing estrogens. Estrogens are also found in meadow clover, medicinal sage, common hops, and peppermint.

St. John's wort is an excellent medicinal plant that helps cope with various diseases. St. John's wort has a wide range of medicinal properties. Now St. John's wort is used not only in folk medicine, but also in official medicine. But, before using St. John's wort, read the contraindications. It is also best to consult your physician before using the herb.

Matryoshka grass

Matryoshka grass has a more well-known name, with which almost all of us are familiar - ordinary oregano. This herb is also popularly called motherwort, spirit flower, incense and bee-lover.

Features of oregano

Oregano is a perennial plant that belongs to the Lamiaceae family; the grass can grow up to eighty centimeters in height. The stems of the plant have a tetrahedral structure and are slightly reddish at the top. The leaves of oregano are oblong-ovate in shape, they are located opposite each other. The leaves are rough to the touch, the upper leaves are smaller than the lower ones.

The flowers of the plant are violet-pinkish, they are collected in panicle inflorescences. They emit a pleasant aroma. The flowering period of oregano is the second half - end of summer.

Oregano grows in thickets of bushes, often along roads, on forest edges throughout Russia.

Preparation and collection of matryoshka dolls

Oregano is collected during its flowering period, and only the top part needs to be cut off, leaving about thirty percent of the plants untouched, so that the natural reserves of the herb can be restored. You can use scissors or pruning shears for cutting.

The collected plant should be dried in shaded places, always in the fresh air. It dries quite quickly, and the ambient temperature should not exceed thirty-five degrees, since at higher temperatures the essential oils contained in the plant will begin to evaporate, and it will lose a number of its beneficial properties.

For medicinal purposes, the leaves and flowers of the plant are used, which should be stored dried in a tightly closed container. If the raw materials are properly prepared, dry grass will have a pleasant smell with a bitter-spicy aftertaste.

Medicinal properties of oregano

The plant contains tannins, as well as ascorbic acid in quite large quantities; the plant also contains phytoncides, flavonoids, and bitterness.

The essential oil obtained from the plant also has beneficial properties. It contains thymol, carvacrol, sesquiterpene, geranyl acetate. It has been proven that essential oils, which contain a large amount of carvacrol, are superior in their medicinal properties to many antihistamines and antibiotics.

Oregano in folk medicine

Oregano infusion is used for bronchial asthma, gastrointestinal diseases (in particular, constipation), to improve appetite, in cases of decreased acidity in gastric juice, for flatulence and liver dysfunction.

Medicines containing oregano have the ability to suppress the activity of microbial flora in cases of sore throat, rashes, pulmonary tuberculosis, scrofula, and they are also used to accelerate wound healing.

Research results also showed that the plant has an antistaphylococcal effect. That is why decoctions from this plant are recommended for use in case of staphylococcal infections, in particular in children.

Oregano also has a calming effect, so it is widely used for sleep disorders, epilepsy, nervous shock, nervous exhaustion and overexertion, and convulsions. Oregano is also effective for hypertension.

This herb is used not only internally, but also externally. A decoction prepared from oregano can be used to rinse the mouth and throat for sore throat, stomatitis, and gum problems. The decoction is also added to baths to treat skin diseases such as lichen or various types of rashes. Compresses prepared from a decoction of this plant help eliminate headaches.

Oregano is also used in cooking. You can add it as a seasoning to preserved meat and poultry dishes. The seasoning resembles marjoram in taste and aroma, so it can easily replace it in recipes. In the form of a spice, the seasoning is called “oregano”.

Contraindications and side effects of oregano

Oregano is a non-toxic plant and is considered virtually harmless. The only restriction for using oregano is pregnancy. It is believed that this plant has a negative effect on male potency and the health of children, but recent research has proven that this is nothing more than a misconception.

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Matryoshka tea (oregano)

Not everyone knows Matryoshka tea, but oregano tea is widely known. But it's the same thing. This grass is called matryoshka in the Southern Urals.

The name seems to come from the word "matrona", which means "noble woman", just like the Russian collapsible wooden toy.

In Rus', herbal infusions have always been actively used both for treatment and for maintaining health. Have you read an article about Monastic tea, which was an important component of maintaining the strength and health of monks who were forced not only to pray, but also to fight? If not, then here is this article.

What about the famous and popular fruit drinks that are still popular today? These are excellent suppliers of vitamins.

But let's return to Matryoshka, or oregano.

Oregano is considered a women's herb; it helps very well with women's diseases. Sometimes they write that men should not drink it, but in reviews on the Internet I often see testimonies from women that Matryoshka does not have a negative effect on their husbands.

Oregano has a calming effect, stimulates the digestive tract, and improves appetite.

Oregano still has many medicinal properties, but it is better to look for these descriptions on websites about traditional medicine, and here we are talking about tea.

Mainly people use oregano tea for colds as a diaphoretic and expectorant.

This does not mean, of course, that Matryoshka cannot be drunk just like that. Its aromatic, delicious infusion is good both in winter and summer, especially closer to night, to ensure a restful, sound sleep.

Making Matryoshka tea

The entire above-ground part of oregano is suitable for tea: stems, leaves and flowers.

We cook as usual. Pour a tablespoon of herb into a glass of boiling water and let it brew. Then we drink to our heart's content.

You can brew oregano in a mixture with regular black tea, its beneficial properties will not become worse.

Oregano tea for colds

Severe cough, difficulty expectorating, headache, chest pain and fever will ease if you brew matryoshka with milk and add honey.

This tea has a strong diaphoretic effect.

We drank this tasty medicine and got under the covers and sweated thoroughly. Then you need to dry off and change clothes.

Where to get oregano herb

If oregano grows in your area, it is better, of course, to prepare it yourself. The rules for drying and storing are the same as for other herbs. Oregano is also grown in garden beds. Well, as a last resort, you can buy it at the pharmacy.


Do not drink during pregnancy. Be careful during menstruation, oregano increases bleeding.

Oregano: 7 medicinal properties and contraindications

Oregano is a medicinal plant that is excellent for improving health. Nature gives humans unique plants that protect the body from various ailments. Oregano, also known as incense and matryoshka, has been used in cooking and medicine for a long time. Every person should know what oregano is, the medicinal properties and contraindications of which can be useful in the modern world. Matryoshka has a unique smell, for which it was called oregano. The perennial plant has purple inflorescences on a tall stem and blooms from July to August.

The grass grows well in the wild. All parts of the plant are used for medicinal purposes. The collection of raw materials is carried out from July to August. It is dried in a ventilated area, avoiding direct sunlight. Oregano contains oils, vitamins, macro and micro elements.

Chemical composition of the herb:

  • Ascorbic acid is a powerful stimulant, actively removes toxins and strengthens the immune system;
  • Niacin, participates in oxidative processes throughout the body, improves the metabolism of fat cells, reduces the amount of cholesterol;
  • Ribaflavin has a positive effect on the nervous system and thyroid function, accelerates tissue regeneration;
  • Thiamine is involved in hematopoiesis, regulates metabolism, protects the body from the effects of nicotine and alcohol;
  • Beta-carotene stimulates the immune system, improves vision and brain activity;
  • Macroelements: potassium, Na, phosphorus, Mg and calcium;
  • Microelements: iron, iodine.

Thanks to its unique composition, oregano has a beneficial effect on the body, improves the condition of hair and skin. A large amount of essential oils helps combat insomnia and nervous exhaustion. Matryoshka has bactericidal, choleretic, diuretic, expectorant, anti-inflammatory and diaphoretic effects.

Oregano herb should be collected in a place where there are no various plants and factories.

Actively affects intestinal motility, reduces stomach cramps, eliminates flatulence.

Oregano is used in dentistry. It soothes sore gums, resists fungal infections and reduces toothache. Oregano lowers blood pressure and relieves limb cramps, therefore it is indicated for hypertensive patients.

Matryoshka grass: benefits for women

Oregano has a beneficial effect on the female body and was popularly nicknamed motherwort. Effective during puberty.

What are the benefits of matryoshka decoction:

  • Eliminates pain before menstruation;
  • Smoothes hot flashes during menopause;
  • Reduces bleeding;
  • Restores the hormonal system and cycle;
  • Reduces spasms of the pelvic organs;
  • Calms the nervous system;
  • During lactation, it increases milk production.

In cosmetology, motherboard is used as a rejuvenating agent. Lotions with a decoction of herbs will cope with acne, and daily washing with aromatic water will make the skin soft and velvety. Rinsing your hair with a decoction of the herb has a good effect. After a short period of time, dandruff disappears, hair becomes fluffy and shiny.

Matryoshka is used as baths and douching for vulvitis, colpitis, and cervicitis.

Oregano is contraindicated for oral administration during pregnancy, as it may cause fetal rejection.

Oregano: plant photo and description

Oregano grows in the European part of Russia, as well as in Ukraine, Kazakhstan, the Caucasus, Belarus and Central Asia. Found in coniferous and mixed forests, clearings and meadows.

Description of the plant:

  • Subshrub no more than 80 cm high;
  • Has a tetrahedral stem;
  • The leaves are oblong in shape and located opposite each other;
  • The flowers are small, collected in inflorescences;
  • The seeds are small;
  • Rhizome creeping;
  • It blooms, exuding a fragrant aroma in July - August.

Many gardeners cultivate the plant and obtain a healing product. Oregano is grown by dividing the bush or by seeds. As a medicinal raw material, shoots are cut at a distance of 15 cm from the crown. The grass is dried by hanging the bunches in a ventilated and dry room. To produce oil, the plant and its shoots are subjected to hydrodistillation. The dried rhizome is used for expectorant infusion.

For general information, you can look at a photo of the plant by going to the Internet or any plant encyclopedia, where there will be a picture of it. The picture will help you remember the grass and collect it when you meet it.

In folk medicine, the plant was used to relieve headaches, colds, rheumatism, and respiratory diseases. In scientific medicine, preparations with oregano act as a sedative, a medicine for gastritis, tuberculosis, cholecystitis.

Oregano contraindications

Oregano has unique properties, but there are contraindications to the use of the herb. During pregnancy, drinking decoctions and infusions is not recommended. Smooth muscle contraction occurs and miscarriage is possible. Some healers use it for spontaneous abortion in early pregnancy. Men should use medications and foods containing oregano with caution. Daily use of oregano can reduce potency.

For various diseases, before consuming oregano, you should consult a specialist.

Contraindications to the use of herbs and medications containing plant components:

  • Gastric ulcers;
  • Gastritis with high acidity;
  • Inflammatory processes of the gastrointestinal tract in the form of exacerbation;
  • Renal and hepatic colic;
  • Diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • Severe hypertension, the use of decoctions and oils can cause a crisis;
  • Allergic reaction to grass;
  • Plant intolerance.

The use of decoctions and infusions must be started with small doses. If the body's reaction is positive and there are no side effects, treatment can begin. When using the healing properties of herbs, you need to know when to stop. It is better to consult a doctor.

Beneficial properties of matryoshka herbs

The plant is widely used in folk and traditional medicine as a sedative. It is taken for disorders of the nervous system, stressful conditions, and hysteria. Matryoshka decoction will be an indispensable assistant for colds and respiratory diseases. Lotions and compresses will help improve skin conditions and relieve inflammation. The juice of fresh grass is applied to insect bites, relieving the condition and accelerating the process of tissue regeneration.

Dushmyanka, indications for use:

  • Neuralgia and stress conditions;
  • acute respiratory infections and influenza, as a diaphoretic, diuretic and expectorant;
  • Sore throat, herbal tincture relieves inflammation and has an antibacterial effect;
  • Gastrointestinal disease, gastritis with low acidity;
  • Diseases of the genitourinary system, cystitis, pyelonephritis;
  • Inflammation of the oral cavity, stomatitis;
  • Diabetes mellitus, reduces blood cholesterol levels;
  • Gynecological diseases: colpitis, vaginitis, vulvitis - douche with a decoction and make baths;
  • For the prevention of oncology;
  • Joint disease: arthritis, arthrosis, injuries;
  • Treatment of eczema;
  • Restoration of the menstrual cycle.

Thanks to scientific research, selenium has been identified in oregano, which stops the growth of cancer cells. For prevention, it is recommended to drink tea with added herbs. In addition, the nesting doll has a general strengthening effect on the entire body, increasing its protective functions.

Oregano plant: properties of essential oil

Beneficial properties of essential oil:

  • Relieves swelling and inflammation;
  • Has a warming effect and is indicated for the fight against cellulite;
  • Strengthens the immune system after illnesses;
  • Eases headaches and relieves nervous tension;
  • Has an antiseptic and antifungal effect, fights mycoses;
  • Eliminates hangover and restores coordination of movements;
  • Stimulates appetite;
  • Has a beneficial effect on the pancreas and liver.

Oregano essential oil can be purchased at a pharmacy

For sitting baths, add 3 drops to a bowl of warm water. When taken orally, mix 2 drops with a spoon of honey and wash down with milk or yogurt. For massage, use 2 drops of oil, mixing with the main product for the procedure. If a person perfumes himself with oil, it is necessary to take into account a burning sensation on the applied surface, which will last for 5 minutes. The product causes severe irritation to the mucous membranes, so it must be used carefully and added only in the prescribed proportions.

Application of oregano in various industries

Tea with the addition of oregano is used for colds, mild hypertension, chills, coughs, and headaches. A tincture is used for a sore throat. To do this, pour 2 teaspoons of oregano into a glass of boiling water and leave for 30 minutes. Drink a quarter glass before meals.

If you have insomnia, you can put matryoshka flowers in the pillow filling or make a special pillow.

Decoctions are used as a diuretic. 50 gr. pour oregano into a liter of water and add a drop of olive oil. Bring the water to a boil and simmer over low heat for 20-30 minutes. Take half a glass 2 hours after meals. Drink no more than a glass a day. The course of treatment is a week.

Application of oregano:

  • Folk and traditional medicine;
  • Cosmetic procedures;
  • Perfumery production;
  • Conservation;
  • Cooking;
  • An effective moth repellent.

Matryoshka is used in cooking as a seasoning and is also called oregano. It pairs especially well with black pepper, basil, rosemary and marjoram. Dry seasoning is used for preparing meat dishes and soups, as well as for preserving cucumbers, eggplants and zucchini. To make the filling in the pies aromatic, add a little oregano. In confectionery products, the herb gives a special delicate flavor. Fresh leaves of the plant are added to various salads.

Matryoshka or oregano medicinal properties and contraindications (video)

Using the gifts of nature, you can strengthen your health, improve your well-being, tidy up your hair and skin, restore sleep and restore your nervous system. For prevention, you can drink tea with the addition of oregano, enjoying the drink and strengthening your immune system.

Plantain medicinal properties and uses

Sergey Lyubarsky

FiS has a new author. This is Sergei Evgenievich Lyubarsky. He is a professional botanist, candidate of biological sciences. For many years, he gave a course of lectures on plant resources at the Faculty of Biology and Soils of Kazan State University. Now he works as director of the Botanical Museum. She successfully puts her theoretical knowledge of plants into practice, preparing herbal infusions used in the treatment of many ailments. In addition, being an avid gardener, he has prepared a series of publications on growing food and medicinal plants in personal plots.

It is noteworthy that our acquaintance with Sergei Evgenievich began with the fact that he sent a letter to the editor with critical remarks about one of Irina Utkina’s publications. And after some time, she offered him to us as an author. However, Irina herself will tell about all this in one of the following issues. In the meantime, send questions to Sergei Evgenievich.

Matryoshka and Jerabai

Usually our plots are clearly divided into a vegetable garden, where food for the body grows, and a flower garden with food for the soul. But over time, we begin to understand that there are many plants living around - both on the site and nearby, which in one way or another can be useful to us, but often we know nothing about them. This is what we'll talk about.


There is such a wonderful plant - oregano. Many people know it as a matryoshka doll. They also affectionately call it the mother (although this herb is specifically reserved for expectant mothers - it is a strong abortifacient!). In Europe, this plant is also well known, only there it is called marjoram. This confusion leads to the fact that imported seeds produce not the planned marjoram, but uninvited oregano. But there is no need to be upset. A matryoshka in the garden is a useful acquisition for many years.

For those who do not know, oregano is a member of the Lamiaceae family, has characteristic ovate-oval leaves located opposite (against each other in relation to the stem), with slight pubescence and a strong pleasant smell of all above-ground parts (except for the corollas of flowers). Before flowering, it can be confused with fragrant, but it has a much sharper, but short-lived smell. When in bloom, the characteristic corymbs of small pink flowers make oregano easily recognizable. The height of the plant greatly depends on the place of residence: on dry clay slopes it can be only 10-15 cm, and in the meadow and garden - all 50-70. And oregano blooms much longer in good conditions. The plant reproduces by seeds and dividing bushes, easily takes root in a new place, is undemanding to environmental conditions and is very durable.

It is best to collect above-ground parts (up to approximately 20-25 cm) at the beginning of flowering.

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that oregano is a perennial herb, and if carefully collected, its bushes will delight you with a harvest for many years, but if you pull it out by the roots when trying to pick it, the bushes will die, and soon there will be no this spicy herb left on the site . Weakened, drying plants will be crowded out by other meadow grasses. Therefore, make sure that the harvest in your favorite area never falls. To do this, when collecting, you need to break the rather fragile stem (using your thumb) through a small sharp knife like a mushroom knife. This will keep the root system intact. It is also advisable to leave at least a few flowering plants so that they produce seeds to replenish the bushes lost for various reasons. All of the above applies not only to oregano, which I must remind you of. The world around us should not become poorer because of our thoughtless actions - this is a condition for our survival!

The collected sprigs of oregano must be dried in the shade in the breeze. In this case, it is desirable that the temperature is not very high, otherwise a significant part of the essential oil - the “calling card” and one of the important active ingredients of the plant - will evaporate. The grass is also stored at moderate temperatures in closed containers, but without allowing the raw material to suffocate or rot. Film and glass are of little use here. Thick paper and cardboard are better.

Oregano essential oil contains thymol and other substances that have a bactericidal and cough softening effect. In addition to them, the grass contains phytoncides, tannins, flavonoids, vitamins, microelements and much more.

The action of oregano manifests itself in three directions. Firstly, it is one of the recognized remedies for the treatment of colds, flu and bronchitis. In this case, it is good to brew the herb with milk. This drink acts as a diaphoretic, anti-inflammatory, cleanses the bronchi and removes toxins produced during illness from the body. Secondly, oregano perfectly normalizes digestive processes, eliminates dysbacteriosis, restores the acidity of gastric juice, etc. Finally, the calming effect of the plant has been known since ancient times. In this capacity, oregano was used for hypertension, convulsions, epilepsy (long courses), and mental shock. The famous Polesie healer Nosal recommended it for “green melancholy.” Oregano is also good for women’s problems - delayed cycles, menopause, etc. You just need to remember that it is contraindicated for pregnant women who want to preserve the fetus! And one more thing: with long courses in children, oregano can lead to a delay in the development of the reproductive system (however, as already mentioned, for epilepsy treatment lasts many months - this is the price of choice, but constant supervision by professionals is necessary here!).

The daily dose, as for most other non-poisonous herbs, is a tablespoon per glass of boiling water. As a medicine, it is better to drink before meals. However, oregano is an excellent component of preventive tea, preferably in a mixture with plants with similar effects. This tea can be drunk whenever and as much as you like. This herb is also good when salted. At the same time, it goes well with oak, cherry leaves and other spicy additives. In addition, cabbage and cucumbers are stored much better with this seasoning.

St. John's wort

Here is another magical herb - St. John's wort, which was so loved by the hedgehog and the little bear from the famous cartoon. It's not scary at all, despite its name. And all because this name comes from the Turkic “jerabai” - animal healer. But now we call it “St. John’s wort.” It is “perforated” because the leaves have dark dots, like holes, when exposed to light. In fact, these are not holes, but containers of dark red juice containing hypericin and other valuable substances. Just don’t think that other types of St. John’s wort do not contain the same “holes” - they do, but distinguish plants by other characteristics.

So, St. John's wort is a perennial herbaceous plant with a straight stem, branched in the upper part, with a height of 20 to 70 cm. The stem is round, bluish, often with a pink tint in the lower part. Two ribs run along the stem, changing their position after each branch. The branches, like the leaves, extend from it oppositely, that is, in two, opposite each other. The leaves are small, ovate, and also bluish. Flowers with a five-petal corolla of dark golden yellow color and many stamens are located almost at the same level, forming a shield. The plant blooms from late June to mid-August, but the peak occurs in the first half of July, although it can be collected at other times. Soon, small boxes form in place of the flowers, the presence of which gives the plant additional (laxative) properties. Sometimes it's good, sometimes it's not, but we'll know that. St. John's wort is found in dry meadows, but often in other places and conditions. It is easy to grow in your garden. The plant reproduces well by seeds, easily disperses and grows in different parts of the garden.

As for collecting in nature, the technology is the same as for oregano. And let me remind you again: do not pull out the grass with its roots - break the stems with a knife.

The composition of the herb is very diverse: it contains phenolic compounds that protect our blood vessels, essential oil, alkaloids, tannins, vitamins, and microelements... you can’t list everything. It is important that in combination they work together much better than separately.

This plant is shrouded in legends. So, in ancient times in Germany it was believed that St. John's wort protects against sorcerers, only you need to collect it on the night of Ivan Kupala, weave a wreath in the morning and dance in it around the fire all evening. Dose - once a year. To prevent evil spirits from entering the house, a branch of St. John's wort was hung above the door or placed under the threshold. It was believed that if young men weaved sashes from it and then burned them at night at the stake, then from this they would receive greater and permanent masculine strength. Similar legends circulate in many countries where this plant grows. Somewhere they were advised to fumigate it against spoilage and infertility, somewhere to scatter it across the fields against hail, drought and crop failure.

In many countries, this herb is believed to help cure ninety-nine diseases. And this is closer to the real properties of St. John's wort. The fact is that, among other things, it is an activator for other components of the medicinal collection - it makes them work more efficiently. And to do this, it is enough to add only 3-5% St. John's wort to the herbal mixture. Therefore, “a little bit” of it in the collection will be useful for many diseases. Taken separately, the plant will be beneficial for nervous overload and stress. Preparations made from it are excellent antidepressants without the side effects inherent in “chemistry”. In pharmacies you can buy “negrustin” (St. John’s wort extract), but it’s easier and healthier to brew fragrant tea from the herb. In addition, St. John's wort will help with colitis, gastritis, ulcers and in general with any disorders in the gastrointestinal tract, including dysbiosis. It will also be useful for any problems in the oral cavity. Externally they treat wounds, ulcers, burns, abscesses, rhinitis, sinusitis, and in inhalations - pneumonia, bronchitis. The plant has been noted to have a sobering effect and stimulate the heart.

Dosage when used in its pure form - 1 tbsp. a spoonful of dry herbs in 1-2 cups of boiling water is the daily dose, but, again, it’s better to make a mixture. For example, a combination with lemon balm and hawthorn will be an excellent calming, strengthening nervous system and heart, and partly anti-sclerotic agent. Tea made from oregano, St. John's wort and rosehip is also popular. It will perfectly help with colds and gastrointestinal problems. For external use, St. John's wort oil is often made: pour a handful of dry herbs with a glass of vegetable oil and heat in a water bath (in a saucepan with boiling water) for 3-4 hours, then filter and store in a dark, cool place. This is a good anti-inflammatory, regenerating agent for burns, bedsores, long-healing, infected wounds. It will also help with pain in the spine - healers recommend warming up the body (sauna, etc.), then stretching the spine, for example, hanging on a bar, and in this stretched state, gently rub (an assistant will be needed here) warm St. John's wort oil into the spine area. Then carefully (without jumping!) go down, cover yourself warmly and go to bed.

In fairness, it is necessary to point out one more property of the plant. It significantly increases the skin's sensitivity to sunlight. Sometimes this is good: the combination of small doses of St. John's wort (when taken orally) and ultraviolet radiation gives a beautiful tan. Sometimes it's bad because if you overdose on the herb or exposure to the sun it can cause burns.

St. John's wort is one of my favorite plants. Let it be near you and bring only benefits.

Sergey LYUBARSKY, Candidate of Biological Sciences

St. John's wort is a perennial flowering plant of the St. John's wort family.

Several species are found on the territory of the Russian Federation, the most common of which are St. John's wort and St. John's wort (common).

The first species has a stem with two sides, the second type has a stem with four sides, both species bloom with yellow five-petaled flowers, four petals are rare. The fruit resembles a capsule, which, when ripe, cracks into nests with seeds. The shape of the seeds is small-cylindrical, maybe oval.

St. John's wort - beneficial medicinal properties of St. John's wort

The beneficial properties of St. John's wort have made it widespread in folk medicine.

The most popular in use is St. John's wort (perforatum). Infusions and tinctures prepared on the basis of St. John's wort (St. John's wort) are used as antiseptics for digestive disorders (internally), for treating the oral cavity, and as a rinse for diseases of the mucous membrane (gingivitis, stomatitis). Decoctions from this plant are taken orally and used as a hemostatic, anti-inflammatory agent in the treatment of migraines, hypertension, anemia, jaundice (hepatitis A), hemorrhoids, mastitis and diseases of the respiratory tract (sinusitis, pharyngitis, sinusitis), urinary system and inflammation of the female genital organs . They are used externally to treat skin diseases such as ulcers, dermatitis and rashes of various etiologies, as well as bedsores and burns.

St. John's wort - recipes

St. John's wort decoction is prepared in a water bath in the proportion of two tablespoons per 250 milliliters of liquid and brought to a boil, left for 30 minutes, filtered and topped up to 200 ml. boiled water. The resulting product is taken before meals, a third of a glass 3-4 times during the day. Shelf life is no more than two days.

Due to its beneficial properties, St. John's wort is used in the treatment of diseases of the urinary system, colds and diseases of the stomach and intestines. The decoction is taken before meals, half a glass 2-3 times during the day (the preparation method was previously described).

For treatment, it is useful to use St. John's wort tincture: infuse 20 g of dry St. John's wort herb in half a liter of vodka (alcohol) for 10 days, shake periodically. At the end, strain. Store in the dark. Take the tincture 3-4 times, 40-50 drops orally, and for gargling and mouth, dissolve 40 drops in 1/5 glass of water.

St. John's wort oil is very popular and useful for cracked nipples in nursing women, burns, poorly healing wounds, and frostbite. St. John's wort oil can also be used for inflammatory processes of the liver, stomach, intestines, kidneys, as well as for general weakening of the body. St. John's wort oil is sold in pharmacies.

St. John's wort for beauty

St. John's wort decoctions are useful for hair care. They are very effective for rinsing hair. The hair is well strengthened and becomes healthy and shiny.

Decoctions and tinctures of St. John's wort are good for oily facial skin and acne. With constant rubbing, thanks to the beneficial properties of St. John's wort, the skin of the face becomes matte, the appearance of acne is noticeably reduced, and skin inflammation goes away.

St. John's wort in classical medicine

In addition to traditional medicine, St. John's wort and its beneficial properties are also widely known and successfully used in classical medicine in the treatment (as mentioned above) of dermatitis, burns, and antiseptics. And recently, in the course of scientific research, scientists discovered its antidepressant effect on the nervous system. Thanks to this, St. John's wort began to be used to create sedative medications sold without a prescription (Deprim, Gelarium, Negrustin) and have virtually no side effects.

St. John's wort - contraindications

It must be remembered that the use of St. John's wort is not recommended for hypertension, as well as for people who have increased sensitivity of the body to the plant, as this may result in dermatoses, nervousness, allergic reactions, etc. St. John's wort is also contraindicated for pregnant women.

Collection of St. John's wort

St. John's wort is collected and prepared during flowering, cutting off 20-30 cm of flowering shoots, drying in a dark place, hanging and in a ventilated room. Dried St. John's wort can be used for no more than three years.

Matryoshka has been known since ancient Rus'. Based on it, medicinal infusions were brewed, ointments and decoctions were made. Matryoshka is a plant that has beneficial properties that can help with many diseases.

Matryoshka has many names, the most popular of which is oregano. It is also often called a bee-lover or an incense.

Belongs to the perennial family Lamiaceae. It usually grows in warm, sunny places: it loves forest edges, thickets of bushes, and clearings.

Sometimes it even grows along the road. Due to its benefits, it is becoming popular among gardeners. Cultivated in many countries.


It usually does not exceed 80 cm in height. It has a noticeable stem with four edges. The branches extending from the stem have a noticeable burgundy-green tint.

The leaves are oblong, rough and pointed. They have barely noticeable white veins.

The main distinguishing feature of the grass is the pale purple inflorescences at the tips of the branches, collected in inflorescences. It has a subtle but very pleasant aroma.

Collection and storage

You need to collect incense during its flowering period. This period usually occurs in the second half of summer. You only need to collect flowers and leaves. You cannot cut more than 30 cm - the plant is perennial and needs to continue to bloom.

To dry, collect the stems cut with pruning shears into a bunch and hang them in a dark, well-ventilated place. When the bush begins to break, it is ready. The dried product can be stored for a long time if you put it in a vacuum jar or any other container.

Chemical properties

Bee lover contains many useful elements, including:

  • Ascorbic acid (vitamin C);
  • Manganese;
  • Iron;
  • Vitamin K;
  • Tannins;
  • Essential oils
  • Flavonoids and others.

The bee lover is used both in folk medicine and in cooking. It has a complex effect on all systems, increases the level of immunity, relieves colds and colds.

For severe coughs and bronchitis, it has an expectorant effect and relieves pain. Has a sedative effect: great for insomnia, stress, frequent headaches and constant fatigue. Relaxes the body and tones.

In diseases of the gastrointestinal tract it also has a positive effect: it normalizes intestinal function and relieves bloating. Indicated for diarrhea or constipation.

It has an antibacterial effect when treating infections. Most often used for sore throat. In addition, the plant works as a natural antibiotic, so it is doubly useful for infectious diseases. Preparations based on oregano are prescribed for tuberculosis and skin problems.

Working as an antiseptic, bee lover promotes the rapid healing of wounds and scratches.


Even though the herb cannot cause much harm, it has a number of contraindications.

Oregano is contraindicated:

  • During pregnancy;
  • During menstruation;
  • For individual intolerance and allergies;
  • For diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • For ulcers and other acute diseases.

This list is a general list of diseases. Before use, you should consult your doctor.


Only the leaves, flowers and stem are suitable for food and medicinal purposes.

The place must be dark. The temperature should be room temperature. When the mixture is ready, strain through regular gauze or a strainer and take 20 drops half an hour before meals.

The same infusion is suitable for pain in teeth and gums. Soak a cotton pad in the prepared tincture and apply briefly to the gum. The pain should go away within a few minutes.

Thanks to its pleasant aroma, oregano makes an excellent essential oil that is suitable for all occasions. For example, just one drop on your pillow before bed is enough to ensure a sound sleep.

The plant is widely used in cooking. Its calm form can be added to dishes as a seasoning or tea can be made from it.

A teaspoon will be enough for one cup. Pour boiling water over the mixture and let it brew for a while. Strain the resulting liquid and enjoy delicious aromatic tea.

Oregano grows on one of my friend’s plots. Not far from the plot there is a small forest (or rather, on the contrary: the plot is located not far from the forest), and she brought this wonderful grass from there, not completely digging it up, but splitting the bush in two and taking one part. This procedure does not harm this meadow resident - oregano easily reproduces by dividing part of the bush with the rhizome, and the mother bush is then restored and renewed.

So: oregano in the garden during flowering - what a beauty it is! Its pink flowers, collected in fluffy “caps,” decorate the flower garden, and (if you touch them or in the breeze) emit a sweet aroma.

Woman's grass

In the Southern Urals, as I already told you once, oregano is called “matryoshka”. During its flowering, entire families gather to collect fragrant flower stalks with leaves, then dry them and enjoy tea with the addition of fragrant herbs throughout the winter. That’s what they say: “Let’s go get a nesting doll!”

Why exactly “matryoshka” and does this grass have anything in common with the famous wooden painted doll? This question didn’t give me any peace, so I had to do a little research using materials on the Internet. It turns out that oregano and this doll are connected by the fact that they are related to a woman.

Some researchers refer to the fact that the name of the matryoshka doll comes from the female name Matryona, which was once very common in Russia. The name "Matrona" comes from the Latin "Matrona", which means "noble woman". The version is quite plausible, because of all the possible dolls, the matryoshka doll is the most famous Russian “woman”. Yes, both her figure and her painted clothes are “noble” - she is Matrona.

What then is so feminine about oregano? The ancient folk name of this plant in Rus' is “motherland”. Oregano has long been known as a “women’s herb”; it is useful for many female diseases - it helps, for example, with menstrual irregularities (but it cannot be used in any form by pregnant women).

And this same matryoshka in the Bashkir language (Bashkiria borders the Southern Urals, and it is there that a large amount of oregano grows) sounds like “matryoshka,” which is why the South Urals, following their neighbors, call this wonderful aromatic plant that way. Well, this is approximately what my research, amateurish, of course, looks like.

Oregano and sausage grass

Oregano has long been used in Russia as a medicinal plant (for insomnia, nervous disorders, as an expectorant, choleretic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, anthelmintic) and for flavoring some dishes.

Its smell is delicate, very pleasant, honey-like, so oregano was used to make tea, kvass, sbiten, added to pickling cucumbers and mushrooms, and in some areas - to curd filling for pies.

But in other countries, varieties of oregano are added to fried, stewed and baked meats, first courses, sauces and gravies, cheeses, beer, side dishes of potatoes and legumes. In Germany, oregano is called “sausage grass” due to its widespread use in sausage production. In Italian cuisine it is “pizza herb”, as it is used to flavor pizza. In some European countries, champignon dishes are prepared with oregano, which are distinguished by their delicate taste and delicate aroma.

In fact, oregano is a universal seasoning, but the understanding of this came to us in Russia not so long ago. Well, who among us could have thought somewhere in the 90s of the last century, when foreign culture (and lack of culture) poured out from behind the Iron Curtain, that the newfangled pretentious seasoning “oregano” was oregano?!

The Latin name of this plant is “origanum”, but in our country it mainly grows wild origanum vulgaris, that is, common oregano, and other varieties of it are used in the “oregano” seasoning - Syrian, Greek, Sicilian, Turkish, etc. By the way , the famous spicy aromatic plant marjoram also belongs to the genus Oregano (origanum Majorana).

In addition to its unique pleasant aroma, oregano pleases people with properties that improve digestion.

Oregano goes well with many spices, but especially with black pepper, basil, rosemary, and thyme.

In the perfumery and cosmetics industry, oregano essential oil is used to flavor toilet soaps, colognes, toothpastes and lipsticks.

The joy of the garden

But since I am writing about my favorite grass in the “Flower Garden” section, I want to continue the conversation with the features of its cultivation on the site. Although there are no special features here. It is unpretentious, grows on almost any soil, propagates by seeds, division of rhizomes, and cuttings.

It is especially interesting that breeders have developed its decorative forms, which are even more beautiful than ordinary oregano, and no less fragrant.

Oregano is an absolutely unpretentious, relatively cold-resistant, sun-loving plant with a height of 30-90 cm. Oregano will not be offended even if you do not allocate the best place for it in your garden plot, since it can grow on any non-wetland soil.

Oregano reproduces very well by spreading rhizomes (spring division of bushes). Vegetative propagation of oregano by layering and cuttings is also possible. Seeds are sown in open ground in the fall.

Gardeners should pay attention to the fact that it is better to cultivate oregano in one place for no more than five years - then the middle of the bush begins to collapse. The plant takes on a sloppy appearance, producing much fewer shoots, and blooms worse.

Oregano blooms profusely and for a long time in June-September. Small, numerous flowers are whitish-pink or pink-purple, collected in dense inflorescences. The bushes look very good in flower beds and mixborders in combination with other perennials.

The plant is drought-resistant, so it is often placed in rock gardens, including on the “spicy” alpine hill.

Low-growing varieties of oregano with very decorative leaves have been developed. They form a low-growing fluffy bush, so the plant is beautiful all season long, even in a non-flowering state.

Popular varieties of oregano

Compactum is a plant 15-20 cm high, with small leaves and purple-pink flowers, all covered with delicate hairs;

Country cream - a plant 15-20 cm tall, with dull green leaves with a wide pale cream edge, this and the next variegated variety rarely bloom pink flowers.

Variegata - about 20 cm high, green leaves have a white border of varying widths;

Aureum - up to 25 cm high, with golden leaves and pink flowers;

Gold Tip - up to 25 cm high, green leaves with golden tips, pink flowers;

“Beauty of Kent” is a weakly winter-hardy variety 20 cm high and the same width, with light green rounded leaves; at the ends of the shoots, clusters of bracts (up to 5 cm long) gradually change color from pale green to pale pink, with tiny pink flowers;

Heiderose - up to 40 cm high, green leaves, pink flowers.