Plastering machines: how to do it yourself. Automatic and manual plastering machine Do-it-yourself machine plastering

The work of builders and finishers has never been easy. In general, work aimed at finishing certain surfaces has always been recognized as very laborious - and in our time this trend continues. However, mechanization has also reached this area of ​​construction. Appeared, for example, a plastering machine.

That is, the master no longer needs to perform many difficult, complex operations with his own hands. In economic terms, this approach to business can be called very profitable.

The advantages of such a technique

Of course, this is not at all an autonomous robotic mechanism, which we can see in science fiction films. Without human control, plastering machines cannot work - even the most modern ones.

However, this device performs the most routine, difficult procedures for the worker This is what cars are valued for.


  • Everyone knows that preparing a plaster (or any other solution) is not an easy task. So, plastering machines do it all on their own;
  • Another important plus is that the machine doses the amount of dry mix and water very accurately. As a result, you will always receive only a solution of the highest quality - errors in this regard are completely excluded. The human factor used to play an important role here, but today you don’t have to worry about errors - the machine will certainly not allow them;
  • Since the mixing is carried out mechanically and the composition is fed very quickly, the solution is saturated with air. Because of this, its volume increases - and on this they receive tangible savings - in comparison with manual work;
  • A lot of time, as well as labor resources, is saved through the use of plastering machines. Such a technique for plastering surfaces can easily replace a full-fledged team of workers. She does the same job, only one hundred percent qualitatively, and very quickly.

Another interesting feature that is definitely worth mentioning is that since the mortar is applied to the walls automatically very quickly and evenly, it dries much faster, which also benefits the entire workflow.

Thus, this technique at times increases the level of quality of finishing - and any experienced master will agree with this.

But that's not all:

  • In addition to all of the above, the machine for plastering walls in management is quite affordable. The manual (instruction) for operation is extremely simple. That is, anyone can service such equipment without problems. It is not necessary to be a professional finisher for this;
  • The dimensions of the device itself are not very large. It also comes with a very handy carry handle for easy transport. That is, two adult men are enough for the plastering machine to be delivered to the floor that is required - to any part of your construction site;
  • Many models of such units are assembled from separate modules. Thanks to this approach, the machine can be assembled and disassembled if necessary - which is very convenient in terms of storage or when it is necessary to transport it over a considerable distance;
  • In any serial model, all basic processes are necessarily regulated - due to this, the plastering machine can be used not only on some very large objects - but also on very small work sites by small teams of builders.

The main points in the work of such plastering equipment

Let's figure it out - How do machines like this work??

  • For the device to work, it needs access to the electrical network. In certain situations, an important condition for work is also the presence of running water. If you simply do not have a source of water supply at your construction site, you should not be upset. For serial units, the package includes a pump that will supply water without problems - from any container that you find;
  • Any machine has a bunker - a dry mixture is loaded there. It is also customary to fill in ready-made mixtures directly from the factory, intended for plastering surfaces;
  • The finished mixture from the hopper is fed into a specialized chamber by a screw method - to be mixed with water. The entire mixing process is carried out continuously - and as a result, the finished mixture is injected into the distribution system immediately.

Please note: if it happens that the machine turns off - you do not need to worry about the excess solution that was prepared. There will be very few of them - only what is left in the hose and in the chamber. All this is very easy to work out for plastering problem areas - this is what experienced finishers do.
  • A special device is attached to the end of the mortar hose. Most often, it takes the form of a pistol. By means of this device, the mixture is applied to the wall in an even layer. What is typical for a plaster gun, such equipment has several application modes at once. They increase depending on the consistency of the solution and the type of surface to be treated;
  • Plaster machines can operate on piston, screw, diaphragm pumps. It is customary to distinguish two basic types of AShS devices (stucco mixing unit). The design has a cyclic block - so that the mixing of the solution is carried out continuously;
  • The ASh system is distinguished by a simpler scheme, which can be deciphered simply: a plastering unit. It requires a ready-made solution - while it must be of high quality. Such a device is an older analogue of the AShS, it can be called cost-effective only for especially large construction sites.

What is the application technology: details

Let's talk about how, in general, with the help of such a machine, the application of the solution is carried out. Everything looks like this here:

  • Before applying the composition, it is necessary to prepare the surface carefully (read about). The preparatory process is carried out in exactly the same way as before the manual application of the plaster. That is, the surface is simply inspected, the old finishing layer is removed. It is important that there are no oil or paint stains on the wall.
Make sure the base is clean, strong and dry. And if you have identified the presence of mold or fungus, they should be removed.
  • Then the primer is applied. This is done in accordance with what type of solution is used. It is necessary to apply the primer with a brush or an ordinary roller - to whom it is more convenient. Before applying it to the wall, corner profiles and beacons are placed. They can be mounted on a solution - or use mounting glue for this;
  • And now you can connect to the case a machine that plasters the walls. Instructions are attached to any device of this level - it must be operated strictly in accordance with this documentation. As soon as the collection is completed and everything is connected, the master must check all the hoses: there should be no deflections;
  • Next, the operator must stand at an angle to the wall being processed - and work can begin. In the leading hand, a person holds a gun, and the second hand is currently fixing the hose.

Please note: the hose should never be stretched. Also, there should be no voltage in the docking station.
  1. First of all, it is necessary to fill in all large cracks and depressions (read the material about). Then, the composition is applied to the surface evenly. It is customary to perform plastering from the upper left corner of the room - in the process they gradually move down to the right;
  2. When working with a ceiling covering, it is customary to start from the corner - the one that is farthest from the window. The composition is laid in even strips, the length of each of them is about 700 mm. Depending on the thickness of the application, the laying step is selected;
  3. If a thick plaster layer is applied - in the same way as when working by hand, the plaster is laid in layers. Between applications, the time interval should be at least 30 minutes;
  4. In general, plastering machines are by no means the only technical means that today help people with finishing work. If the volume is large and the area is even, a trowel is used, it is also used for plastering;
  5. It is customary to install it on beacons, then fix it. Next, the machine will lay the mortar in an even layer. After this laying, the surface does not need grouting or additional leveling. However, this unit is able to work only on the mixture that is immediately ready;
  6. You can make your own solution. Also, it is possible to use both units in the complex. This approach automates the entire process by about 75%.

We invite you to watch a video: how a trowel works today - how plaster is applied with its help.

  • To date, all units that are provided on the construction market operate either on ready-made solutions, or on dry plaster mixes (which are combined with water automatically).

Do-it-yourself plastering machine

Without a doubt, any serial model of a plastering machine is a very powerful device, distinguished by practicality, and a high level of quality. However, there is one serious minus - the cost. It is known that plastering machines are expensive. Of course, a person will not buy such equipment if he needs to cope with some one-time work. At the same time, it is also not always possible to rent a plastering machine.

How to act correctly in such a situation? How to simplify your work, mechanize the process?

There are options:

  • To solve the problem, you can make a plastering machine yourself. Of course, “machine” is a loud word, however, such a technique will cope with the application of the plaster composition. Yes, your development will be inferior to mass-produced models in terms of performance and power, but the cost of the unit will be moderate. At the same time, it is easy and fast to work with such a device - which is what is required in the finishing process;
  • Usually, a simple fire extinguisher is taken as a basis (a product with a capacity of 4 liters will be enough. There are already many parts that will be required for the manufacture of a plastering machine. Namely: a mortar bottle, a handle, there is even a lever through which the inlet valve opens. If the fire extinguisher has a large volume - the device will turn out to be too large.Small capacity is also not suitable for work - you will have to refuel too often;
  • First of all, you will need to remove the bottom of the fire extinguisher. A homemade machine will work on the same principle as an airbrush. So the solution hopper is the capacity of the fire extinguisher, it should be strictly upside down - no other position will work here;
  • Next, a hole is drilled opposite the outlet valve - a metal tube is inserted into it. At the end of this tube, a nozzle is mounted, the diameter of which should be from 4 to 5 mm. The air from the compressor will be supplied through it;
  • Your future apparatus will have a power that depends not only on the diameter of the outlet. Here, air pressure should also be taken into account, and the size of the gap between the outlet nozzle and the nozzle is also very important.

The closer the nozzle is to the outlet nozzle, the stronger the mixture will be ejected. Be sure to keep this in mind if you build a plaster machine with your own hands.
  • To perform plastering under a fur coat, you need 15-20 mm distance from the nozzle to the nozzle. And if the mixtures are finely dispersed - the nozzle should be closer, and the compressor pressure should be higher, in this situation you will get the desired result;
  • Of course, you can work hard as it should: cut the threads of the desired diameter on the metal duct tube, fasten the tube to the nuts, and also put sealing gaskets. The gap in this situation will be adjustable. However, you can also scald the connection;
  • At the same time, the simplest way out is this: the tube is fixed, while immediately sealed with a simple resin;
  • The fire extinguisher bunker for that (with the tube that is inserted into it) is installed in such a way that the angle between the axis of the inlet and the horizon is 45 degrees. Liquid resin is poured with the following calculation: its level should not reach the nozzle a little. After that, the fire extinguisher should be left alone - until the resin hardens;
  • The solution associated with pouring resin is also good in the sense that during operation the solution will flow directly to the nozzle - along an inclined surface;
  • Then, you must have a compressor that can create a pressure of at least two atmospheres. All connecting hoses are connected, the mortar is poured - and the plastering machine is fully prepared for work.


We figured out that an automatic plastering machine is an ideal tool for professionals. If you have your own construction company or just work in a team that performs finishing work, a plastering machine will be your faithful assistant - this tool will increase income by an order of magnitude, there is no doubt.

However, if you just want to finish your own house, the easiest way is to rent a compressor somewhere or use improvised elements (a fire extinguisher, as discussed in this article) to make a full-fledged plastering unit.

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Homemade plastering machine for applying a "fur coat".

With the passage of time, everything is destroyed, and no matter how grandiose buildings are, time erases them into dust. True, there are still Egyptian pyramids, but their ashes, time will scatter over the desert. These are the philosophical thoughts flowing in a slow stream in my head when I looked at the flying plaster of my house. It was clear that the amount of work would be large, and he was right - when he began to knock down the old plaster, it began to move away from the wall in layers. A couple of days later, I looked at the brick wall with quiet horror, and realized that if I didn’t come up with anything to help myself, then I would plaster just before Chinese Easter. I have been plastering for a long time, but I didn’t have to apply a “fur coat”, I broke through this topic on the Internet, but it was suggested to wave a broom (an old grandfather’s method), and I swept it aside. When I went into the garage, a pistol caught my eye - an airbrush, and I decided to make a plastering machine powered by a compressor using the same principle. I took a fire extinguisher as a basis, cut it off, I got a capacity of 4 liters, inserted a tube with a nozzle (d4mm) inside, the outlet in the fire extinguisher was 10mm, the distance from the nozzle to the outlet was 15-20mm. As they say, I assembled it on my knee, put what was at hand, but if there is a turner at hand, then you can order nozzles of different diameters - 3mm, 4mm, 5mm. The machine immediately went "with a bang", four liters of solution fly out in 50 - 55 seconds, covering almost a square meter. It took more time to prepare the solution, by the way, the solution was made 1c to 2p, and filled with lime milk. I tried to make the solution both thinner and thicker, I liked the second one more - the fur coat fits perfectly.

I want to apologize for the poor quality of the video, you can say I shot it with the Lumiere brothers camera: request. and therefore the texture of the plaster is poorly visible.

Similar homemade
Apparatus for applying plaster: features of use

The plastering apparatus for mechanized wall finishing helps a person to get rid of heavy manual labor. This is especially important when performing repair work on a large facility in a short time. Plastering with an apparatus is a process of leveling walls with special mixtures. It allows you to replace do-it-yourself work with a mechanical method, while preparing the mixture and applying it to the surface.

Features of mechanized plaster

If when working manually:

  • The mixture should be prepared in small portions due to its rapid solidification, in about 50 minutes.
  • Operations are slow.
  • Even a fairly experienced plasterer will not be able to prepare a solution of the same consistency each time.
  • It is impossible to apply the mixture simultaneously on the entire surface:
  • the solution is mixed;
  • lashes out at the wall.
  • As a result, part of the wall practically dries up, the second part dries up, and the solution only pounces on the third. As a result, the surface is scaly, which over time can lead to bumps and cracks.

    Unlike the manual process, mechanized allows you to:

    • Apply coating quickly and evenly.
    • Get a better surface finish.
    • Save the solution - it is used much less. This is due to the fact that when the unit is stirred, the mixture is saturated with air, which increases the volume of the solution.

    So, with manual plastering, about 16 kilograms of mortar is needed to finish one square meter of area, and when using the apparatus -13 kilograms. On one layer, 3 kilograms are saved. When applying three layers, this difference is already 9 kilograms, which means that the price of the material will be less.

    • Process facades and walls in a shorter time. which greatly improves productivity. The device applies the solution to the surface much faster. This allows you to use a wider spatula and a longer rule than when working by hand. The surface of the wall is more even, which is very important for further surface finishing.

    The principle of operation of the unit and the technology of applying the solution

    The main element of the apparatus for plastering is the container:

    • Water enters it and the dry mixture is poured. The proportions of the materials are programmed, which allows you to get a solution of only the desired consistency.
    • Here the composition is thoroughly mixed, loosened, saturated with oxygen.
    • The mixture is applied to the surface through hoses.
    • The use of special nozzles allows you to cover a large area in a minimum time, and large-sized rules and a spatula to level this surface in a few minutes.

    Tip: With mechanized plastering, one or two workers can complete a large amount of work, at speeds up to five times faster than by hand.

    Plastering instructions include:

    • Using the level, the curvature of the walls is measured.
    • Beacons-guides made of aluminum are installed on the outer corners. These works are done by hand.

    • The device is connected to the mains and water supply.
    • The dry mixture is poured into the hopper of the plastering machine.

    Tip: If there is no water supply on the construction site, you should use the pump included in the equipment kit. It supplies liquid to the hopper, regardless of the type of container.

    • The feeding auger delivers the plaster mixture to the mixing chamber.
    • The composition is thoroughly mixed with water until a homogeneous consistency is obtained.
    • Mixing occurs constantly during the entire process of the machine, which allows you to get a solution of sufficiently high quality.
    • The mixture through the mortar hose enters the surface to be treated and is evenly applied to it, as shown in the photo.

    Plastering by mechanized method

    • The mortar on the walls is leveled using large spatulas, trowels and rules. In this case, the surface is rubbed until it is even and smooth.
    • The plaster mixture on the walls is left to dry.
    • Other sections of the wall are being prepared for finishing, corners are being brought.
    • All stages of the machine plastering process are controlled by building levels.
    • The last operation is the elimination of small scratches and protrusions, grouting the surface with a special sponge.

    What mixture is used for devices

    For plastering machines, mixtures are produced:

    They can treat surfaces from:

    Tip: The prepared solution must be used at temperatures between 5°C and 29°C. Before starting the plastering, a primer corresponding to the type of surface to be treated is applied.

    • A special composition of plaster is used to fix the corner profile.
    • For facade plastering, the solution is made from mixtures that are intended for this type of work.
    • For interior decoration, it is better to use gypsum-based mixtures. They are used to level the surfaces of ceilings and walls in rooms with low humidity. Gypsum plaster allows the surface to be made more even, smooth, with high strength and environmentally friendly.

    How to make a plastering machine

    A home-made apparatus for plaster, as well as an industrial unit, allows you to apply the mortar faster and better than by hand. One of them can be a homemade pneumatic bucket or a small hopper.

    This, not very complicated, device allows you to apply mortar to the walls with virtually no loss, very quickly, without special training. As an additional material for self-made devices, a video is offered in this article.

    Wall plastering with a pneumatic bucket

    Tip: A device of this type is intended for finishing large areas, for plastering the entire building. With small volumes of the treated area, it will take more time to install the device, and at the end of the work, its subsequent washing.

    The advantages of the device, compared with the manual process, are:

    • The rate of application of the solution increases by about 2.5 times, without loss of coating quality - the jet pressure created promotes adhesion.
    • Finishing can be done using different impurities and fibers.
    • The solution can be applied to walls indoors and outdoors.
    • The device is easy to clean. To facilitate maintenance, the container is best made of stainless or galvanized steel. Pneumatics must simply be blown through with a working air stream, after which all parts must be dried.

    To make such a pneumatic mechanism, first of all, you should understand on what principle it works, which will facilitate the assembly of the pneumatic bucket.

    The action of the device is performed in the following sequence:

    • From the compressor, a stream of air through a hose enters the bucket, which is filled with mortar.
    • On the opposite wall of the container there are holes for expelling the mixture under the pressure of air.
    • The front wall of the bucket is made with a slope, this will allow the mixture to be scooped out more efficiently from the container where it has been prepared in advance.

    Tip: To prevent the solution from spilling when applied to the ceiling, a small cover should be made on the top of the hopper, which will cover only a third of the hole on the side where the air will be supplied from.

    • A nozzle serving as a nozzle is put on the pneumatic hose, its inner diameter should be 5 millimeters, and the outlet diameter should be 12 millimeters.
    • The nozzle is adjusted so that from it to the front wall, or to the outlet, the distance is approximately 20 millimeters. In this case, the lower part of the bucket can be much larger: 50 × 50 millimeters or 70 × 70 millimeters.
    • The material for the manufacture of the structure is chosen very different, from any improvised parts. It is important that the principle is observed: the solution falls through a narrow space down and is pushed out by air.

    For example, with an increase in the distance to the front wall from the nozzle, up to 100 millimeters, almost all pneumatic power will go to the resistance of the solution, and only bubbles and too weak outflow of the solution through the outlet will be observed at the top of the container.

    • On the sides, the bucket is fixed with two clamps attached to the edges of the hopper and the nozzle itself. In this case, the bucket receives three points of support. Clamps can be welded, riveted, the front part must be fixed on the threaded connection.

    Tip: When plastering with an air bucket, a thicker solution is required.

    • A gun is connected to the compressor through a hose, in this case a pressure of two to three atmospheres is required: with a larger value, the spray will inflate, with a smaller value, there will be no jet.
    • When plastering, the distance to the outlet from the wall is selected approximately 18 centimeters, and the thickness of the layer is adjusted as necessary.

    Tip: To increase the speed of work, you should make more nozzles and outlets. In any case, the hose remains alone.

    The use of any mechanical apparatus facilitates the process of plastering surfaces.

    Graduated from the Faculty of Architecture of the Penza State Institute of Architecture and Construction. Over the past ten years, he has been a leading specialist in a large construction company in the city of Penza, which is engaged in the construction of multi-storey residential buildings. The total work experience in the specialty is 18 years. Advises on design issues, the choice of materials for interior and exterior decoration, the technology of finishing work.

    Do-it-yourself plastering machine: classes, sizes, solutions

    Builders never did simple work. Finishing - from the category of the most time-consuming processes when performing repairs.

    But new technologies reach this market sector along with mechanization. Thanks to the appearance of a plastering machine, the need for manual performance of complex operations disappears.

    The unit replaces a whole team of finishers. From the point of view of economy, a do-it-yourself plastering machine will become profitable.

    How good are these machines?

    Machine plaster application

    A person should still be nearby, because these installations do not belong to the group of autonomous robots.

    But the most routine and complex processes are performed by the unit itself.

    If we talk about physical activity, then it is difficult to prepare solutions. The machine can cook everything by itself.

    The fact that water and dry mixtures have clearly dosed proportions becomes important, but the unit allows you to constantly obtain high quality mixtures.

    The complete exclusion of the human factor is guaranteed, and this is important when carrying out such work.

    The components are mixed mechanically. The supply of the composition is carried out at high speed. Air is included in the solution. This saves money - the mixture takes up more volume at a lower cost. When compared with manual work, this solution is much more profitable.

    The machine is able to do the same job as a whole team of workers, only much faster, and the mortar is quickly and evenly applied to the walls and it also takes less time to dry.

    All this contributes to the fact that the overall quality of the finish is increased.

    • The management of such a machine is accessible and understandable to users with any level of training. Any buyer will understand the instruction manual, without additional help. The same applies to maintenance, repair, if necessary.
    • The units are made with small dimensions. For transportation, the design is supplied with handles and wheels.
    • Models are most often assembled from separate modules. The machine can be quickly disassembled and reassembled at any time. An actual property for those who are interested in long-distance transportation, storage.
    • If the unit is serial, then all the main work processes are regulated in it. Thanks to this, the machines can be used not only on large, but also on small construction sites, with small teams of workers.

    What are the features of the technology

    The device needs constant access to the electrical network for uninterrupted operation. The presence of running water is also an important requirement, but only in some situations.

    But do not be upset if there is no device on the sites that can take water from other places. Many models are equipped with a pump that pumps liquid from any container.

    The machines have bunker parts where dry mixtures are fed. Permissible backfilling and mixtures in finished form, which are produced in factories.

    The solution must get inside special chambers; for this, a screw method is used. It is mixed with water. The process is organized continuously.

    The mortar hose, its end, holds a special tool. It usually looks like a pistol. That allows you to apply the mixture on the walls. smooth and even layer.

    The application of the material to the surface is carried out with several modes supported by plaster guns. What is the consistency of the solution, what type of surface to be treated is determined by changes in technology.

    Plaster machines operate on several types of pumps:

    The design necessarily includes a cyclic block. As a result, mixing is continuous.

    Conventional plaster units are distinguished by a simpler device.

    About handmade cars

    How to make a plastering machine yourself

    Of course, in mass production it is easy to find high-quality and practical, powerful tools.

    But the price for many will be the main disadvantage.

    Performing one-time work, not everyone decides to purchase expensive devices.

    And rent is not always available to buyers.

    But even in such situations there is a way out - homemade plastering machines.

    They will be inferior to mass-produced models in terms of power and performance, but differ in acceptable cost.

    And working with such a tool will not cause much trouble.

    • As a basis for creating such a tool as a do-it-yourself plastering machine, we take an ordinary fire extinguisher, with a capacity of up to 4 liters. It has most of the details we need. Among them are handles and cylinders where solutions are placed. And a lever that opens the valve on the hole at the exit.
    • If the volume is larger, the product will become too bulky. A small container will need to be refilled too often.

    It all starts with a cut of the bottom of the fire extinguisher. A homemade machine works in the same way as an airbrush. In this case, the capacity of the fire extinguisher - plays the role of a solution hopper, its bottom should be at the top.

    And then at its end, a nozzle with a diameter of 4-5 millimeters is mounted. Air is supplied through it, which is taken from the compressor.

    The power of the device is determined by several factors at once:

    • The gap between the parts of the inlet nozzle, as well as nozzles
    • What is the diameter of the outlet hole?
    • Air pressure

    The mixture is ejected more actively as the outlet nozzle approaches the nozzle.

    15-20 millimeters from the nozzle to the nozzle will be enough for those who perform plastering under a fur coat. But the distance to the nozzle needs to be smaller when it comes to fine mixtures. It is important to increase the compressor pressure.

    You can complicate the design somewhat. For example, threading on metal water pipes with diameters in accordance with the requirements.

    And the pipe itself is then attached to the nuts, using gaskets with a seal. Then the gap will be easier to adjust, and the connection will be scalded.

    But the easiest option is to mount with simultaneous sealing of the tube. Resin is indispensable in this process. How to create a plaster machine with your own hands - the video shows more clearly:

    To do this, you need to perform the following set of actions:

    • The defined position is important for the bunker part, which is already equipped with a tube at this stage. It is necessary to make sure that 45 degrees is equal to the angle between the horizon, as well as the axis of the hole at the exit.
    • Pouring resin in liquid form. With that calculation, the final level was slightly lower than the injector. Then the fire extinguisher is left alone until the resin part has completely hardened.
    • The option when everything is filled with resin has its advantages - the liquid goes along the surface with an inclination, flowing straight to the nozzle
    • It is necessary to acquire a compressor that creates pressure up to 2 atmospheres. We connect the connecting hoses, fill the solution. You can get to work.

    Application technique details

    • The surface requires careful preparation before starting work. The preparatory process is the same as before the manual application of the plaster. It is imperative to inspect the surface, and then get rid of the old finishing layers, if any. The main requirement is the absence of oily, wet spots on the materials. Only a clean and dry, strong base is allowed. Fungus and mold will only interfere with further work.
    • The next step is to move on to the primer. The process depends on what types of solution we use. For application use ordinary rollers, brushes. But you need to put corner profiles and beacons before you start work. Fastening occurs on the solution. or mounting adhesive.
    • You can take the machine, connect it to the process. Each device comes with instructions that are as easy to understand as possible. The main thing is to carry out a preliminary check with hoses, punctures are unacceptable.
    • Work begins when the operator stands at a certain angle in relation to the material to be processed. The dominant hand is needed to hold the gun. And the second is needed to fix the hose.

    They begin with the fact that the mixture is transferred to cracks and depressions with large dimensions. After that, they proceed to applying the compositions on the surface, evenly distributing it. It is customary to start plastering in the left corner of the room, which is located at the very top.

    If work is carried out with ceilings. the starting point is the angle. Usually the one with the longest distance.

    The composition should be laid only in the form of even strips. Each of them should have a length of 700 millimeters. The laying step is selected according to the thickness of the application.

    The plaster is laid in several layers if the material itself is thick. The main thing is that the time interval between applications does not exceed 30 minutes.

    Solutions for mechanized plaster

    It is most convenient to use mixtures that are designed specifically for this job. Indoors, they often resort to cement bases, gypsum.

    The exception is objects where humidity is always high. For facade decoration, it is recommended to give preference exclusively to the cement component.

    Among the materials suitable for use in such situations, cement mortars with sand are also noted. But, while preparing it, it is required to observe the consistency, proportion.

    But it is the use of specialized mixtures that will make it possible to obtain a high quality coating. Plasticizers and other substances are added to the composition of the solutions, due to which the texture of the wall improves, all work is facilitated. Like the very creation of a plastering machine with your own hands, the drawings will confirm this.

    Special purpose mixes offer the following benefits to owners:

    • Improving the sound and heat insulation properties of walls. If the composition contains a special component like perlite.
    • Creating a favorable climate, because the compositions differ in vapor permeability.
    • Easier achievement of the effect of a perfectly flat surface. This applies even to curved sections, corners.
    • High-quality connection with the walls.
    • Now drying takes not so much time.

    It is easy to find compositions on the market that are designed specifically for machine plaster. But most manufacturers prefer to supply formulations with versatile features. They carry out plastering both manually and mechanically.

    About plastering machines. Classes and sizes, work performed

    The most attractive look devices made in Western countries, compared with other analogues of the factory type.

    For example, Knauf produces devices that are distinguished by high performance, compact dimensions, and support for many functions.

    Such machines also work for the dyeing process, and not only for supplying the solution to the walls, its direct preparation.

    The plaster machine from RFTRitmoM is another development with miniature dimensions. At the same time, it surpasses huge analogues, if you study the technical ones. functionality.

    Regardless of the size of the equipment, at least one or two operators are required to service these machines. The technical equipment is almost not determined by the class and size of the devices, it is almost the same everywhere. It includes:

    • Compressor devices that spray the composition on the surface, supplying it to the materials at a certain pressure.
    • Chambers that mix the elements of the solution.
    • Containers where water with a dry mixture is stored.
    • Solution pump.

    Automation has found wide distribution in modern models. Thanks to this, the work of operators becomes easier and easier. In this case, the preparation of the solution is carried out with parameters that are set exactly.

    Sets with nozzles, in which the nozzle has a different diameter, also make the task easier. They determine how intense the spray will be with the feed.

    Additional Rules for Mechanical Plastering

    Usually maintain a strictly right angle when holding the gun near the surfaces to be treated. The case of the gun and the material itself should be at a distance. not exceeding three dozen centimeters.

    The gun moves at a certain speed, which gives access to the adjustment of the layer that is distributed over the surface. The layer of plaster will be thicker if the gun is moved more slowly.

    Approximately 10 kgm2 squared is the consumption of MP75 brand plaster.

    The main thing is that the width of the grips does not exceed 70 centimeters. And each next one is applied to the previous one with an overlap of 5-10 cm.

    About the types of plaster

    Plaster can be heat-insulating, cement or gypsum. Gypsum machine plaster is the most popular.

    It implies that only natural materials are used. The environmental safety of gypsum has been scientifically confirmed.

    Cement is used if gypsum cannot be used due to the amount of work. And heat-insulating - if other materials do not allow obtaining the required characteristics.

    About the features of gypsum plastering machines

    This type of work has its own advantages, in comparison with other solutions:

    • No need to additionally treat the walls with putty.
    • The presence of a single-layer alignment of the bases, with a layer of up to 50 mm.
    • The ability to regulate the microclimate in the room, environmental safety.
    • Whiteness, to a high degree.

    Qualified adjustment of equipment affects how the result will turn out. This is the only way to avoid unnecessary material costs. A long, costly puttying process is easier to avoid by using modified mixes.

    The main thing is to understand that mortar mixing pumps are only needed to work with dry mixes. Filling the receiving hopper of machines does not tolerate free experiments.

    Mortar for plaster

    Compared to traditional compounds, specialized mixtures shrink much less.

    They resist cracks, their appearance anywhere.

    The surface is leveled in layers, with a thickness of 5 to 100 millimeters.

    The low weight of the specific type, the ability to combine with any materials are the main advantages for practical use.

    Plaster machines have a short payback period, because they are universal. The ideal application option is when three people are involved in the work.

    One of them works with the machine, two continue to plaster, rub the walls. This will reduce the time for construction work. Gypsum solutions are good because they are consumed very little.

    These materials also have a lower specific gravity compared to analogues. Due to this, transport costs are reduced, there is less work for the plasterers themselves. The load on the foundation base is reduced to a minimum.

    The main function of the automatic device for plastering surfaces is to perform high-quality mixing of the mortar and further ensure its high-quality and fast mixing. Such machines make it possible to obtain a composition that is ideal in its consistency and is intended for plastering walls.

    Advantages of plastering machines over manual labor

    The advantage of plastering machines in this case is very noticeable. The most important advantage of using the device is independence and liberation from routine manual labor in preparing the solution. The machine will greatly facilitate and speed up the workflow for one person. Additional advantages of plastering machines are the following working points.

    • As a rule, the preparation of a mortar for plaster requires a person, when mixing, to observe the exact proportions between water and dry mixtures. If people can make mistakes in the calculations, then specialized plastering machines are designed to maintain accurate dosages and prepare high-quality mixtures in automatic mode.
    • Dry mixes with the help of such devices are kneaded mechanically. This is a tangible advantage, because it will be difficult for a person to mix large volumes of solutions and for a long time. Plastering machines, on the contrary, quickly and efficiently knead, and the accelerated feed allows you to contain a large amount of air in the finished solution, which, in turn, saves the dry mix, because at the same cost of the solution, an order of magnitude more is obtained.
    • One plasterer is a modern alternative to almost an entire construction team specialized in plastering. The machine applies uniform and thin layers that dry faster, which makes them better quality and significantly speeds up the workflow.

    Buy or not?

    You can buy a plastering machine in a store, or you can make it at home. Prices for factory plastering devices leave much to be desired (especially if these machines can be made by hand). Therefore, such purchases will be unprofitable and completely inappropriate. It is important to understand that with a competent approach, home-made machines are not handicraft production, but significant money savings with the same finishing results.

    The principle of operation of a homemade plastering machine

    To understand the mechanism of operation of a home-made device, you need to imagine the principle of operation of an ordinary spray gun (or at least a spray gun). It is based on a conventional fire extinguisher. The capacity of the fire extinguisher will play the role of a solution hopper, so its bottom should be on top.

    The fire extinguisher cylinder should have a volume of about 4 liters. It is fire extinguishers as blanks that are endowed with everything necessary to create a machine for spraying plaster mixtures: they have a nozzle, a handle and a lever that opens holes at the exit.

    Manual labor when using this unit means only filling the necessary mixture into the inside of the device. In the mixing compartment of the apparatus, the composition is mixed, and the finished plaster solution is fed outside from the storage hopper. Using a nozzle, the solution is evenly sprayed onto the wall (as is the case with a spray gun).

    How to make a plaster machine with your own hands?

    So, the sequence of actions for the independent manufacture of devices for plastering surfaces is as follows.

    1. First of all, you need to cut off the bottom of the fire extinguisher. In the future, a home-made unit will be located with the nozzle down (bottom up). A cylinder with a cut bottom is a kind of solution hopper.
    2. A homemade sprayer is complemented by a tube through which compressed air will be supplied. It crashes into the side wall of the cylinder, located opposite the valve outlet. The mixture will be sprayed through this outlet. Compressed air is transmitted through the pipe from the compressor, while for high-quality spraying of the solution, the nozzle must have a diameter of no more than 4-5 mm.
    3. The power of a homemade machine directly depends on the diameter of the nozzle, the pressure of the supplied compressed air, a certain gap between the compressor nozzle and the nozzle. Therefore, to increase power, the air supply tube should be placed as close as possible to the outlet valve and properly fixed. It is fixed with nuts with sealing gaskets. This makes it easier to adjust the distance from the tube to the valve. The connection must be sealed.
    4. The final stage is the installation of an air compressor. It should be connected to the nozzle opening with a hose. For the operation of a home-made unit, it is necessary to create a pressure of 2 atmospheres. If the pressure is light, the finish will be rough. If you want a smooth finish that fills all the pores on the wall, you need to apply high pressure.

    The Golden Rule of Plastering

    1. Before applying a new plaster layer, the surface must be thoroughly cleaned of old plaster.
    2. Another requirement is the absence of damp and oil stains on the walls. Only a dry, clean and strong base is allowed.
    3. Mold and fungus will also interfere with further work.
    4. A person working with a homemade plastering machine should direct the hose of the unit to the wall, ensuring uniform coverage in relation to beacons. If the solution is applied in excess, the strength of the plaster will noticeably decrease. If the solution is applied with a deficiency, characteristic gaps will appear on the walls. The optimal thickness of the plaster is a layer of 12 to 30 cm.

    Final word

    So, working with plastering units is a significant saving of time and consumable material (dry building mixes). This creates a durable and high-quality coating that does not require further puttying and finishing to level the surfaces. In addition, such devices are easy to operate: work with them is available even to an unprepared person who at least once in his life has done cosmetic repairs in his house.

    When performing finishing work, mechanized plaster is often used to prepare the base. This approach allows you to form an even layer of sufficient thickness and interesting texture. We offer to deal with the features and technology of work.

    Mechanized plaster - a guarantee of the formation of a quality layer

    Read in the article

    Mechanized wall plastering - what is it

    To implement this method of wall decoration, special equipment is used, which makes it possible to almost completely abandon manual labor. This significantly increases the productivity of the work performed and improves their quality. The speed of mechanized wall plastering is 5–6 times faster than the manual method.

    To take advantage of this, one must not only have special equipment, but also have special skills and knowledge. When self-applying plaster in a mechanized way, you should be responsible for the choice of equipment and tools. Otherwise, it will be difficult to use it due to lack of skills and knowledge.

    For application, special equipment is used

    Features of mechanized plastering works inside the building

    If necessary, plastering work can be carried out mechanically inside the building. The order of execution of works differs significantly depending on the basis. The composition can be applied to vertical and horizontal substrates. The use of gypsum, lime and cement mortars is acceptable. The price of mechanized plaster directly depends on the type of composition used.

    For interior work, various compositions can be used.

    Mechanical wall plastering: sequence of actions

    Mechanical plastering of walls is performed in the following sequence:

    • foundation preparation. Remove dust and dirt from the wall. A layer of primer is applied. Beacons are installed that determine the thickness of the applied layer;
    • the equipment is assembled, the required modes are set, the solution is prepared;
    • using the selected equipment, the mixture is applied to the wall. The gun is located at a right angle. The thickness of the formed layer is controlled by changing the pressure. The composition is applied from the corner or joint;
    • The coverage is leveled using a rule. Half an hour after application, the plastered surface is moistened and rubbed with a grater.

    A professional team copes with the task quickly enough

    We offer you to watch a video that describes in detail how mechanized wall plastering is performed:

    Mechanized plaster ceiling: the subtleties of the process

    Ceiling lining is performed in the following sequence:

    • surface preparation. All dirt, debris, cobwebs, metal objects are removed, irregularities are smoothed out. A layer of primer is applied;
    • determining the location and installation of beacons, which will be used for mechanized plastering of the ceiling. Lighthouses are located at a distance of 1–1.5 m from each other. Special attention is paid to their location, since the evenness of the formed layer directly depends on this;
    • preparation of the working mixture, if necessary when using the selected equipment;
    • applying the mixture to the surface in strips of the same width. In this case, it is necessary to ensure the overlap of each subsequent one;
    • leveling the surface using a rule that is pulled towards itself, making movements from side to side;
    • final processing of the ceiling.

    Careful observance of technology is a guarantee of quality

    We offer you to watch a video that clearly shows the process of work:

    Features of mechanized facade plastering

    Outdoor work can only be carried out at positive temperatures. This allows not only to properly prepare the base, but also to create comfortable conditions for workers. Mechanized is performed using only cement mortars. The equipment used must be configured to use a mixture with the selected fractional composition. Especially if the choice is made in favor of the "bark beetle".

    The composition can rise to a sufficiently high height

    The technology of applying wall plaster in a mechanized way

    Various equipment can be used to apply wall plaster in a mechanized way. Its design largely determines the order of use.

    When using special equipment, it is important to follow the manufacturer's recommendations.

    Mechanized wall plastering with machines and stations

    With the help of machines and stations, professional mechanized wall plastering is carried out. With their help, not only the mixture is transferred to the wall, but also its preparation is carried out. Due to this, these units have a rather complex design. They include:

    • a special bunker designed to load the dry mixture;
    • a chamber in which the solution is prepared;
    • a screw mechanism that feeds the mixture into the chamber, and a special pump;
    • air compressor;
    • mortar gun
    • various cables and hoses.

    The station includes special units

    When using machines and stations, the dry mixture is loaded into a special hopper. The device is connected to water, power supply system, compressor, if the latter is not part of the unit. Inside the equipment for mechanized plaster, a mixture is prepared with the required ratio of components, and then it is fed through a special mortar hose to a distance of up to 20 m. The gun allows you to adjust the feed rate.

    The gun must be positioned correctly

    Thanks to this device, the station is able to work continuously for several hours. Instead of a team of workers, wall plastering can be carried out by two specialists: one applies the mortar to the base, the second aligns it with the help of a rule.

    We offer you to watch a video showing the mechanical plastering of walls:

    Using a pneumoshovel-hopper

    Such an apparatus is a steel structure in the form of an inverted pyramid with a volume of 5 liters. With its help, the transfer of the plaster solution to the prepared base is ensured. At the other end there is a special lever that allows you to adjust the supply of compressed air and plaster mixture.

    The pneumospat-hoper has a relatively simple design

    During operation, the solution is scooped from the tank. After that, the nozzle of the tool is directed to the wall and, by pressing the lever, is activated. Compressed air ensures the transportation of the mixture to the base and its uniform distribution over the surface.

    A relatively simple design allows you to apply plaster in a mechanized way with your own hands. The performance of such a device can reach up to 60 m² / h. At the same time, mechanized plastering is relatively inexpensive.

    Up to 60 m² can be processed per hour

    Attention! The pneumospat-hopper for wall plastering differs in design from the same tool for processing the ceiling.

    With the help of an air gun

    To apply the mixture, a special tool is used that allows you to apply the finished mixture to the walls through a short nozzle barrel with a variety of nozzles that spray the solution. A hose with compressed air is connected to the gun, which creates the necessary pressure. After pressing the trigger of the pneumatic gun, the solution is applied to the base to be treated. Pressing again stops the flow of the mixture.

    Pneumatic gun allows you to adjust the feed rate of the mixture

    Pros and cons of mechanized wall plastering: we take into account the features of the method

    The advantages of this method include:

    • high performance. With their help, you can apply up to 1 m³ / hour, which allows you to finish up to 40–60 m², depending on the thickness of the layer being formed;
    • high quality of the formed layer. When using an automated system, an even layer is initially obtained, which is unattainable by hand;
    • high adhesion of the coating to the base due to the uniform distribution of the layer and the same feed rate of the mixture. This helps to fill the solution with all the irregularities on the wall surface;
    • minimum consumption of plaster for mechanized application. When applied, the solution evenly falls on the wall and practically does not splatter;
    • the possibility of abandoning the preliminary preparation of the walls, which helps to reduce the cost of finishing work.

    The thickness of the formed layer may vary

    Mechanized wall plastering has not only pluses, but also minuses, which include:

    • high cost of equipment. Because of this, the method is practically not used in everyday life, since it will not be possible to cheaply perform mechanized wall plastering in this case;
    • the need to connect to the water supply system and the presence of a sufficient amount of the mixture;
    • the need to use a solution with a suitable composition.

    The high cost of equipment is the main disadvantage

    How much does mechanized wall plastering cost - an overview of prices per m²

    In order not to overpay for the lining of the base, it is worth knowing in advance the cost of mechanized wall plastering per 1 m². Prices depend on the type of composition used and application technology. Choosing the right option, you should familiarize yourself with all the offers. On average, the price for 1 m² of mechanized wall plaster starts from 560–900 rubles per square if a gypsum composition is planned to be applied. Prices depend on the thickness of the formed layer. The price of mechanized wall plastering with cement-sand mortar is slightly higher. Prices start from 600-900 rubles per square.

    Layer formation costs can vary significantly

    What is a mechanized floor screed: process features

    Special equipment can also be used to form the floor screed. Thanks to this, it is possible to prepare a sufficiently large area for laying the topcoat in a limited time. We offer you to get acquainted with the technological features of the work.

    Always excellent result

    Types of mechanized floor screed

    Floor screeds can be:

    • wet. It can be performed by any builder with the help of cement concrete mortar. After it is poured, the composition is leveled. Due to the large amount of water, the formed surface may crack during the drying process;
    • dry. Rarely used. It involves backfilling dry filler and laying gypsum-fiber sheets;
    • semi-dry. It is a mechanized floor screed, for the formation of which special equipment is used.

    Semi-dry dries faster

    Advantages and disadvantages

    The use of a mechanized method for forming a screed has several advantages:

    • the formation of a perfectly flat surface that is suitable for laying any topcoat;
    • a small amount of water is introduced into the composition of the solution, which significantly accelerates the drying rate of concrete. Grouting can be done a few hours after the screed has been formed. Work is carried out in special shoes that provide uniform pressure on the floor surface;
    • reducing the drying time of the concrete solution to 1–2 weeks. At the same time, water does not seep to the lower floors;
    • the process of forming a screed is accelerated several times;
    • it is possible to avoid cracking of the solution at the time of drying;
    • allows to refuse additional use of self-leveling mixes;
    • lack of dust inside the premises, since the mixing of the components is carried out outside the building;
    • a mechanically formed screed can last much longer.

    Creates a perfectly flat surface

    Of the shortcomings, it is worth noting:

    • the need to use several types of expensive equipment;
    • work must be carried out by people with certain qualifications;
    • expediency of use on areas over 100 m².

    Requires special equipment

    Laying technology

    To form a high-quality screed, it is necessary to carefully observe the technology of its pouring. To do this, you need to prepare suitable equipment and understand the specifics of its use.

    Technology is a must

    Necessary equipment

    To implement the mechanized method, you must have available:

    • air blower in which the mixture is prepared. Complete set with a special pneumatic actuator contributes to the supply of ready-made concrete to the place of work. Depending on the characteristics of the equipment used, the device provides solution supply to a height of up to 120 m;
    • vibrorail used to compact the solution;
    • a disc grinder that levels and compacts the screed;
    • seam cutter. Required for large areas. Prevents cracking of concrete and promotes its rapid drying.

    A pneumatic pump will help raise the solution to the desired height.

    Preparatory work and waterproofing

    Preparation of the base consists in checking its integrity and cleaning it from existing contaminants. All identified damage is removed with plaster or other suitable solution. A waterproofing film is laid on the prepared base and attached to the walls with an overlap of 10–15 cm.

    Level marking in progress. To do this, beacons are installed that determine to what height the concrete solution will be poured.

    Filling the mixture and maturation of the screed

    Depending on the type of equipment used, a solution is prepared, or a dry mixture is poured into a special hopper. After that, the mixture is poured over the previously set beacons. With the help of a vibrating screed and a disc grinder, the mixture is compacted and leveled. Rubbing of seams begins 2-3 hours after pouring the mixture. Seams are cut if necessary.

    The screed is left until completely dry. If the work was carried out indoors on the south side, it is desirable to cover the formed surface with a film.

    The mixture is supplied through a special hose

    How much does mechanical screed installation cost?

    The cost of forming a semi-dry screed directly depends on its thickness and the type of equipment used. The price is calculated per square and often depends on the total area. On average, prices start from 300 - 500 rubles per 1 m².

    Mechanized plastering has appeared on the construction services market relatively recently. And how every new product has been carefully studied and evaluated by the performers. Consumer reviews of mechanical plaster walls are quite positive.

    This article will analyze the advantages and disadvantages of the machine method of applying plaster. A comparison with the manual method is made and a brief overview of the mixtures and machines used is given.

    What is the essence of machine plaster walls

    It should be noted right away that most devices machine only apply plaster to the base. The processes of surface preparation, leveling and grouting, priming and puttying, all this is done manually or using traditional small-scale mechanization tools (using spray guns, planers, etc.). Recently, however, devices have appeared that produce a full range of wall plastering in a mechanized way. In addition, most devices are trying to be made universal so that they can be used to perform floor screeding or pouring small foundations.

    Plastering walls by machine, with uniform spraying, you can work without beacons

    The sequence of machine plastering of walls, on the video all the stages of the process from filling the apparatus and preparing the surface, to grouting:

    Advantages and disadvantages

    • The main advantage is the highest labor productivity. The most primitive mechanisms for automated wall plastering have a capacity of 1.2 m 3 / hour. Which is 20-40 m 2 of surface per shift. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that, if the application rules are observed, even the rough surface is smoother than with manual casting, which significantly saves time for leveling. As a result, the time spent on finishing is reduced by 3-5 times.
    • Mechanized plaster provides a stronger connection to the base. It is carried out due to the high initial speed and impact force when throwing. Particles of the mixture penetrate into the slightest irregularities of the base and adhere tightly to the material, the contact area and the adhesion increase.
    • Significant savings in plaster.

    The remaining advantages of mechanized wall plastering, reviews of which can be found, relate more to the properties of the facing mixture itself, and not to the way it is applied. The main disadvantages include:

    • The need to have a rather expensive apparatus. Of course, you can try to rent a car to do mechanical plastering of the walls with your own hands, but as practice shows, the cost of such a lease will not differ much from hiring a team of professional plasterers.
    • The need to have at the facility where repairs or finishing work is carried out not only a connection to the mains, but also a centralized water supply through a hose.


    Machine applied plasters use special mixtures with modifying additives. They do not stick to the working surfaces of the mechanism, but have good adhesion to the base. There are already quite a few such mixtures and their cost is not much higher than that of conventional formulations.

    The use of special mechanized plaster for walls, a video of applying two compositions:


    Gypsum machine plaster Knauf - Grundband:

    Comparison of machine and hand plaster

    Studies have confirmed that the quality and reliability of handmade and machine-made finishes differ significantly. With the manual method, the application of the solution is carried out on small areas of 1-3 m 2, in addition, in most cases, the worker kneads every 40 minutes - 1 hour. The previous sections of the treated surface have time to dry, as a result, the entire surface resembles puzzles where some sections have dried up, others are just beginning to set, and still others are applied. Cracks are very likely to appear at the mating points. With mechanical plastering of walls, the entire solution has almost the same moisture content and is more monolithic in composition.

    Winning in speed, the plaster machine is also more economical. For applying one layer to the surface, the device requires up to 13 kg, and for manual work 16 kg. this is due to the fact that when kneading in the machine, the mixture is saturated with air and becomes more voluminous.

    There are more and more areas where mechanized plastering is more profitable. It is advisable to manually work on a surface that has many protrusions, pits, holes and other decorative elements. For processing large areas, it is more profitable to use a plastering machine.

    Apparatus and devices for applying plaster by machine

    There are two main principles of machine application - inkjet and mechanized. The jet type, in turn, is divided according to the principle of supplying the solution:

    1. Screw - the solution is fed mechanically through a pipe to the spray nozzle. Equipment for screw plastering of walls by machine, on the video of the PFT series devices:

    Auger machine for automatic mixing and mechanized spraying, PFT series

    1. Pneumatic - uses a special gun for plastering walls in a bunker, which is placed facing mixture. A pressure of 2-3 atm is provided by a special compressor. Such machines are simpler, easy to operate, but have much less functionality, they do not mix the solution.

    Pneumatic installation automatic, machine for plastering with a cartridge gun

    Cartridge gun for applying plaster

    Pneumatic installations are not so convenient, you have to knead the solution yourself, constantly add it to the container of the cartridge gun, it is quite difficult to hold the filled container in your hands.

    Important: with the help of a cartridge installation, it is almost impossible to machine spray the mixture on the surface near the ceiling, as the hopper interferes.

    There are also very budget versions of mechanization, such as pneumoshovel. The principle of operation is the same as that of the cartridge gun, but this device can use conventional veneering solutions. There are no restrictions on the fraction of the filler.

    Pneumatic bucket for mechanized spraying on the plinth, external walls, etc.

    Apparatus for applying plaster in a mechanized way, mounted on telescopic struts close to the surface to be treated. They do not mix solutions, but only "place" them on the surface of the base. It should be noted that they are much more expensive, machine and manual application. Their key advantage is the need for minimal smoothing of the base surface only at the points of contact of the processed strips.

    mechanized plasterer robot

    Plastering by machine, the video shows a mechanized apparatus that applies and simultaneously smoothes the mixture:


    Undoubtedly, the use of mechanisms for plastering is more than justified, both in terms of speed and cost. And given the wide variety of devices, independent automated cladding of internal walls and facades of buildings can also be carried out.