The most budget destinations for beach holidays. Where is the cheapest holiday abroad? Choose a destination to suit your taste and budget

On vacation, you want to try all the famous local dishes, see the sights, climb the most beautiful places, swim on all the beaches... Therefore, it is best to go on a trip to a place where for the N amount of money you will see and try the maximum. And you won’t think about how to make it to your paycheck when you return home.

In today's selection more than 10 countries where holidays are really cheap, with descriptions and prices for tours. The cost of local services and entertainment is indicated in rubles, converted at the local currency exchange rate.

  1. India, Goa

The exchange rate of the Indian rupee is approximately equal to the Russian ruble. It turns out that Goa has the cheapest shrimp: a portion of the fresh catch will be served to you for only 200 rubles. Many other delicious seafood and traditional Indian dishes are also very affordable. And right in Sheki on the seashore. Entrance to the best nightclub is about 1000 rubles per person with an unlimited bar. In general, there is not enough space to list everything that can be bought in Goa for pennies. In addition, at the turn of the seasons, prices for tours are greatly reduced. For example, the weather is beautiful in Goa now, and the prices are incredibly reasonable!

2. Indonesia, Bali

It’s not easy to get to Indonesia, but almost everyone dreams of visiting here! Bali has a wide variety of accommodation - expensive villas, clean budget hostels, and modest cottages. It’s the same with other services - you can have lunch in a local café-warung for 250 rubles per person, or you can dine in a European-style restaurant for the Moscow price tag. A bike costs about 250 rubles per day of rent, a taxi is also reasonable. Entrance to temples and natural attractions - 75-100 rubles. Only alcohol is very expensive.

3. Thailand

The cheapest places in Thailand are in Bangkok and Pattaya, followed by Samui, and Phuket is considered the most expensive of the popular resorts. The larger the settlement, the more locals there are, which means more opportunities for budget food. At the evening market you can buy a large fried fish for 100 rubles, and in a cafe on 1-2 lines from the beach the same delicacy costs from 500 rubles. Tom-yam soup can be bought in a bag from a makashnitsa for 60 rubles, or you can order it in a cafe for 250-300 rubles. Taxis and tuk-tuks are very expensive, buses run infrequently and on an unclear schedule. Therefore, it is cheaper to rent a bike. Be sure to order a massage - finger massage starts from 200 rubles, full body massage is offered from 500 rubles.

4. Vietnam

Vietnam is much cheaper than Thailand, even in resort areas. Traditional Vietnamese noodle soup Pho can be found for 50 rubles, and a full lunch for 150 rubles. Even in a good restaurant the bill will not go beyond reasonable limits. Rent a bike from 200 rubles. What is expensive is a taxi (from 300 rubles), entrance to the Vinpearl amusement park (1500 rubles), surfing.

In fact, you can find very cheap food in Vietnamese shops and Thai shops. But another question is - can you eat it? These countries are not very hygienic. And what the Thais eat - chicken rumps fried several times in oil - not every Russian can eat.

5. Georgia

Every Russian has heard about the hospitality of Georgia. In any cafe they set the tables as if you were visiting your family - that’s for sure “from the heart” and for modest money. A hearty lunch with khinkali and delicious homemade wine costs about 500 rubles for two. Travel on a city bus costs 10 rubles. In Russia there are no such prices even in the most godforsaken place! A ride on the cable car to the Tbilisi fortress, from which you can see the entire city, costs 25 rubles. For comparison, the old cable car in Yalta costs 400 rubles (!).

6. Armenia

Armenia's prices are not much different from Georgia. Only real Armenian cognac is valued more than wine here.

7-8. Hungary and Czech Republic

There are a lot of options for a budget holiday in Europe. These are travel passes with flexible tariffs, tourist cards that include free entry to the most important attractions or favorable discounts on them, a variety of cheap but clean hotels and hostels. Prices in restaurants in Prague and Budapest are indecently low for Europe; in the very center of the city you can have dinner for 300-500 rubles, and the portions are simply huge! What is the difference between these cities? They are very beautiful in their own way, literally overflowing with architectural monuments. Only Hungary is famous for cheap wine, and the Czech Republic is famous for its breweries. Therefore, both countries are definitely worth a visit! And there will be enough money for both :)

9. Morocco

A budget holiday awaits you in Africa, on the ocean shore - in the amazingly colorful country of Morocco. You can have dinner at a local cafe for two for 500 rubles. A bus ride around the city costs about 30 rubles, a taxi is only a couple of times more expensive. Take a half-empty suitcase with you - here you can buy oriental sweets for 100 rubles per box, local cosmetics based on argan oil (prices from 70 rubles) and inexpensive leather goods. And in Morocco you will also find the best oranges in the world for 10 rubles each !

10. Montenegro

Montenegro is good because there are no visas and relatively low prices. Dinner in a decent restaurant per person will cost no more than 1000 rubles. Hot meat cutlets and chevapchichi sausages - from 100 rubles per serving. Wine - from 300 rubles per bottle.

Where else to go?

If you want to leave your native land, but not move too far from home, the most convenient way is to fly to Belarus. The flight lasts only an hour and does not require a passport. Not to say that prices are very low, but they are definitely one and a half times lower than in Moscow. With a Russian passport you can also travel to inexpensive but very beautiful Abkhazia. Dinner right on the seashore will cost 1000 rubles. An inexpensive taxi will take you to the most beautiful places in this amazing region.

Serbia pleases with the absence of a visa! And also delicious inexpensive wine and catchy Balkan dances. Try delicious pljeskavica for 100 rubles with strong rakia for 300. Travel by tram is only 30 rubles. Sri Lanka is similar in nature and prices to India. Bright, with lush greenery and exotic representatives of flora and fauna. Dinner for two costs from 300 rubles. There are also cheap taxis, fruits and seafood.

We also have charts and figures where you can compare how much money you will need to take with you for a trip to a particular country.

Traveling can be a very easy financial endeavor. Especially if you approach the issue of choosing your destination wisely. Having studied the modern tourist market, ratings and research, and having prepared in advance, you can have a quite pleasant vacation at some resorts for little money.

Hammamet, Tunisia

Hamamet, with its small houses and quiet French-style streets, gives the impression of a fashionable place at an affordable price. Hammamet has soft sandy beaches, thalassotherapy, excursions to picturesque ancient ruins.

How to get there: By plane from Moscow to Monastir, then by bus or taxi
Travel time: about 6 hours
Visa: not needed

Worth a visit: , Ribat, 16th-century Spanish fortress, Dar Hammamet Museum, .

Rhodes Island, Greece

Rhodes is a large Greek island, on the coast of which there are many hotels of various star ratings. Here you can enjoy a large number of sandy beaches, both equipped and wild, located in small cozy lagoons.

The developed infrastructure of Rhodes provides a lot of entertainment for tourists. Interesting museums, cruises along the picturesque bays of the island, diving, as well as the numerous beaches of Rhodes.

How to get there: direct flights from Moscow
Travel time: 3.5-4 hours
Visa: Schengen
Best time to travel: April to September
Worth to visit: , .

Sunny Beach, Bulgaria

In terms of the level of service, Bulgarian resorts are almost in no way inferior to expensive resorts in the world, and prices are lower than in Egypt or Thailand. In addition, you should not discount the cost of flying to this country.

One of the most inexpensive resorts in Bulgaria is Sunny Beach. This calm and comfortable town has very low prices for food and housing.

How to get there: direct flights from Moscow to Burgas
Travel time: about 5 hours
Visa: Schengen
Best time to travel: May to September
Worth visiting: Ancient Ahtopol Wall, Greek School, Medieval Fortress, Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary, St. Panteleimon, Thracian Ruins, Silkosia Nature Reserve, Strandzha National Park.

Alanya, Türkiye

Türkiye is one of the most popular tourist destinations. Here you can find resorts of any level of service and price. One of the budget options is a holiday in Alanya.

Alanya is a place of excellent sandy beaches, quiet old streets and fun parties. A good place for an inexpensive family vacation.

How to get there: direct flights to Antalya, then by bus or taxi
Travel time: 5-5.5 hours
Visa: not needed
Best time to travel: June to October
Worth to visit: , .

Neptune, Romania

Romania was popular with Western tourists even during the time of Ceausescu. Now, if the hospitality infrastructure on the Black Sea coast of Romania does not reach the world level, this is compensated by very affordable prices. Neptune and Olympus are the newest resorts on the Romanian coast. They are located approximately 40 km from Constanta.

How to get there: By plane from Moscow to Bucharest, then by bus or taxi. By train Moscow-Bucharest
Travel time: about 3.5 hours by plane, 31 hours by train
Visa: Romanian
Best time to travel: July-August
Worth a visit: Komarov forest, sports grounds, golf course; Genoese lighthouse, complex of ancient Roman mosaics, Museum of National History in Constanta.

Riviera of Flowers, Albania

Holidays in Albania, which are much cheaper than neighboring Italy and Greece, are especially appreciated by those who do not like large crowds.

The “Albanian Riviera”, as the “Riviera of Flowers” ​​is also called, features clean, untouched beaches of the Ionian Sea and fresh mountain air that mixes with the warm sea breeze. Hotels and boarding houses are converted from ancient villas, which gives them a special charm.

How to get there: by plane to Tirana or by bus from Montenegro
Travel time: about 5 hours
Visa: Schengen (for summer time for Russian tourists - no visa required)
Best time to travel: May-September
Worth visiting: the city of Shkoder, the ruins of Butrint, Lake Ohrid.

Netanya, Israel

Israel's three main resort areas are located on the Dead, Mediterranean and Red Seas. The most popular Mediterranean city is Netanya, where you can find budget holiday options for the whole family.

How to get there: by plane to Tel Aviv, from there by train to Netanya
Travel time: about 3 hours - plane + 1.5 hours - train
Visa: not needed
Best time to travel: April-May; September October
Worth to visit: ,

In the current crisis, traveling abroad seems like an unaffordable luxury for many people. Prices for a week's accommodation in most foreign countries reach the annual income of the average person, turning a vacation into a pipe dream. But there are still countries in which the exchange rate plays into the hands of all tourists.

We have compiled a list of 7 countries that are considered the cheapest for tourists.


Housing prices per month: $30
Meals per month: $40
Flight: 550-600$

India is considered the cheapest tourist country in the world. It is rich not only in its hot climate and ocean, but also in a lot of attractions. And all this for just $80 per month.

Due to the convenient exchange rate between dollars and rupees, renting an apartment with all amenities will cost a tourist only $30 per month. And due to India's tropical climate, markets are filled with cheap fruits and vegetables year-round. In addition, you can buy several varieties of rice and other cereals for a couple of dollars. Thus, food will cost a tourist about $10 per week.

For vacation it is better to choose small cities. Prices there are cheaper than in Delhi, the housing is more comfortable, the population is smaller, and there are much more attractions and national flavor. Pocket expenses and excursions will cost the tourist about another $40. It is worth noting that Indians themselves spend much less per month, since their average salary reaches only $50. Despite seemingly such economic decline and poverty, India is a very bright and colorful country. A vacation here involves not only sunny days on the beach, but also complete immersion in its culture and traditions.

Flights to India are cheap, even compared to European countries. Round-trip tickets from any CIS country will cost about $600, and if you book them in advance, you can save an additional hundred dollars.


Housing prices per month: $60-100
Meals per month: $20
Flight: from $1000

Indonesia is known to tourists primarily by the names of the famous beaches of Bali, Malukru and Tengah, which amaze the imagination with paradisiacal landscapes, sun and crystal clear water.

Before you go on holiday to Indonesia, you need to plan everything carefully. Tour operators offer tourists expensive hotel rooms for $20 per night, so this is not an option for the average traveler. Many people go here with a tent behind them, since the warm climate fully allows this type of accommodation. Some are looking for comfortable small houses or bungalows on the ocean for $60 a month.

Food in Indonesia, as in India, is an abundance of exotic fruits, berries, vegetables and nuts, as well as various seafood. Thus, on average, a tourist spends $20 on food. If you prefer to visit restaurants from time to time and try national cuisine, then the monthly amount will increase to $40. Together with pocket expenses, the required amount for living in Indonesia for one month is $160-180.

The main thing to remember is one rule: never buy souvenirs from local residents at the prices offered. You should always bargain, as the real cost of all trinkets is only a few dollars.

Despite the low prices, flying to Indonesia is not a cheap pleasure. Two-way tickets from all CIS countries cost about $1,200 for one person. But you can look for various promotions, discounts, or book tickets in advance to save a couple of hundred dollars.


Housing prices per month: $60-70
Meals per month: $40
Flight: 1000$

Laos is not only a beautiful country with magnificent mountain landscapes, but also a center of spiritual enlightenment. To find themselves and understand the meaning of life, tourists from all over the world go to Laos, where a calm and spiritual atmosphere reigns. Plus, it is also a very cheap country, since there is nowhere to spend money here.

Rent for a month of a one-room apartment with all amenities costs only $60-70, depending on the availability of the Internet. The range of products in Laos is not very large, since this industry is underdeveloped. Thus, a tourist spends a maximum of $40 per month on necessary products.

But a two-way flight from any CIS country costs approximately $1,000.


Housing prices per month: $200
Meals per month: $100
Flight: 800-1200$

Thailand is one of the most exotic countries in Asia. It attracts tourists with its bright colors, carefree atmosphere, various festivals and show programs, and, of course, unique cuisine.

More and more tourists prefer to plunge into the warm embrace of Thailand in winter, when the already low prices for holidays there drop by half. Indeed, this is an inexpensive country for the average traveler. And before you go to Thailand, you can make inquiries from blogs and websites of experienced tourists, who openly advise newcomers on places where there is cheap housing, inexpensive food and interesting places to relax.
There is an abundance of fruit, fish and game here for just a dollar. Thus, a tourist will spend $100 a month on food if he is not tempted by expensive Thai delicacies and culinary masterpieces.

Whether you're holidaying in a big city like Pattaya, or in smaller ones like Phuket, Koh Samui, Chang or Phi Phi, you're guaranteed a heavenly holiday with golden beaches, sun and exotic food. But the cost of housing differs radically. In big cities, a tourist will have to pay $400 per month, but in small resort towns it’s about $200.

Costa Rica

Housing prices per month: $100
Meals per month: $200
Flight: from $1000

Costa Rica is a small paradise state in Central America, which tourists call the most beautiful place on earth. For travelers, there are nature reserves, parks, magnificent beaches overlooking the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, waterfalls and wild jungle safaris.

To rent a whole house here, you need to spend $250 per month, but a simple apartment with all amenities will cost $100. Food in Costa Rica is also inexpensive, even if you eat in restaurants from time to time. Due to the abundance of seafood and fruit, dinner at the restaurant costs only $4. Thus, per month you will spend about $100 on food.

And since the beaches and the ocean are free pleasures, a heavenly month of relaxation is guaranteed to everyone.


Housing prices per month: $150
Meals per month: $200
Flight: from $1000

After the economic crisis, the national currency of Argentina fell significantly, making accommodation for tourists in this country quite affordable. But due to its remote location, the flight to this beautiful country costs a decent amount.

Accommodation in a hotel, as in other countries, is of course more expensive than renting private housing. But an apartment with all the amenities right on the ocean will cost $150 per month. Unlike Asian countries, food in Argentina is much more expensive. If you are going to cook on your own, then be prepared to spend $200, and if you want to try the magnificent culinary masterpieces of national cuisine from the chef, this amount will increase several times.


Housing prices per month: $40-150
Meals per month: $200
Flight: from $500

The Philippines are incredibly beautiful islands, with an interesting culture and hospitable people. In fact, this is not a very cheap place if you prefer to relax in a big city. But if you want to get away from the bustle of the city, lie on the beach by the ocean and enjoy a change of scenery, it is better to choose the small tourist town of Cebu for your vacation. There are golf courses and shopping centers, and housing prices have dropped to $150 per month. And if you visit the bustling town of Damakuete, you can live there with all the amenities for just $40 per month.

If you combine home-cooked meals with restaurant meals in the Philippines, you will have to spend about $200, without denying yourself anything.

We collect money for the flight and go to earthly paradise for a whole month. Have a nice holiday!

Travel, discovering the world, new countries and emotional satisfaction. Every tourist is looking for all this, but cannot find it due to the high cost of vacation. But there are places where you can get your fill of impressions for a reasonable price. Introducing cheapest resorts in the world– places where you will feel like a king!

Cambodia at the top of cheapness and exoticism

There are many budget resort countries, but Cambodia and its beaches are at the top. Accommodation will cost about 150 domestic money per day. This includes a hotel room and three meals a day. The only thing that will cost a pretty penny is the flight. There are no direct flights from the CIS to the country, so you will have to make at least one transfer.

The food in Cambodia is delicious, and staying in a good hotel will cost only 60 “wooden” per night. Beaches and infrastructure are developing rapidly. At the moment, the state and resorts are considered the best for young people. Also, the large number of monuments and excursions adds color.

Vietnam is becoming more and more popular every year. This is due to the fact that accommodation and food in the country are inexpensive. But it’s not just the price that attracts tourists here. There are enough places to see here, at least take Nha Trang. One day stay will cost 250 rubles. Exoticism and variety of entertainment are the dominant factors when choosing a tourism destination, and the price is a pleasant addition.

India is a huge country, but only a few regions can be distinguished as world resorts. The most famous of them is Goa. If you try, you can have a good rest on this peninsula for 750 Russian money a day. This takes into account the fact that you will travel first class on trains, constantly travel by taxi, and live in a five-star hotel.

Of course, in some regions there are expensive hotels and places, but they are more acceptable than domestic ones and are significantly superior in quality. Resort life in India is fully available to our compatriots.

Thailand is a popular destination for cheap accommodation

Today in Russia no one can be surprised by a trip to the exotic country of Thailand. Just 10 years ago this was a remote area that was accessible only to the elite of our society. Why has the direction become so popular? Everything is very simple, thanks to exotic views and cheap accommodation.

Many residents of large Russian cities went to live in Thailand because the income allowed them to have a pleasant time all year round. You can relax here for 800 rubles a day, including accommodation in the most expensive hotel, constant transportation by taxi and delicious food.

Bolivia is the cheapest resort in South America

Bolivia is a little-known destination for our tourists. But despite this, resorts are considered the cheapest in South America. For one day, it is enough to spend only 850 rubles, and this will include excursions, accommodation, meals and shopping. But flying to the mainland is not an easy task; you cannot do without transfers. Let us note that Bolivia has very tasty beer, but what else is needed for complete relaxation?

Costa Rica is the second budget region in South America

We continue to consider the countries of South America; Costa Rica is considered the second cheapest. This is a developed and stable state where you can spend a budget holiday. To live one day in the republic you can spend only 250 rubles. And if you want to show off, then for 900 rubles you can walk day and night. You can eat in a restaurant for just a few dollars. It is a real pleasure to be here, especially for a long stay.

Hungary is a fairly popular destination for excursion and recreational holidays. A trip to the capital is a must on any tour of Europe. Note that if you visit the country on your own, the price of the flight will not hit your pocket, because there are a lot of low-cost airlines here. Health resorts, museums, restaurants, clubs and other entertainment are worth a visit. A day in Budapest with visits to various places will cost 950-1000 rubles per day. For a European state this is not much.

If we talk about the Black Sea and famous resorts, then we will talk about Bulgaria. Over the past few years, the destination has become very popular among our citizens. However, a holiday in Bulgaria is cheaper than in your native Gelendzhik or Sochi. You can relax in Bulgaria in summer and winter, regardless of the season, the whole range of active, family and party recreation is collected here. For 1000-1200 rubles a day, your vacation will be simply royal.

If we consider holidays on the islands, then the most budget resort is Sri Lanka. There are incredible exotic views, an excellent coastline and pleasant service. Here you can enjoy the light breeze while sipping a cocktail on the seashore and eating only the best food. If we consider the cost, then for royal conditions you will have to pay about 1,300 rubles per day. Note that many travel agencies are beginning to intensively promote holidays in Sri Lanka.

If you don't know where to go, then go to Nepal. After all, there is always something to do here. Many religions, incredible landscapes of the Himalayas and other exotic surprises. Here you can relax perfectly and get a huge amount of emotions. At least take the climb to the highest mountain in the world!

The top cheap resorts in the world are presented, but this does not mean that this list is exhausted. There are other equally colorful countries where you can spend your holiday on a budget. For example, Egypt, Türkiye and Tunisia were not mentioned in the article. However, holidays here are inexpensive and prestigious.

When it's time for vacation, the question arises, how to have a cheap holiday at sea? It is very necessary to take a break from work, the hustle and bustle of everyday life, and spend time usefully. Try to leave the city and the country in general for the duration of your vacation. Often, at the stage of planning a vacation, we are faced with financial problems when we want to go to a completely new area or visit some exotic place.

We may have a little savings for travel, we can take out a loan, but we usually need to find the cheapest tour. How to do it? How to understand which offer from a tour operator is profitable? Our search for cheap tours automatically selects online and automatically the cheapest tours from Moscow from all tour operators.

There are several ways:
. Find a last minute deal. You will have to get ready very quickly, because the manager can call you almost a few hours before departure.
. Look for special offers from tour operators. You can get lost in search engines and not see the real cost (since surcharges for visas and fuel surcharges may not be included here).
. If luck smiles and someone refuses an already paid tour, the manager will give you a good discount to avoid fines.
.Fill out the application on the website to select a tour at a good price and tour managers will write a list of hotels for your trip, these will be the cheapest offers and tours at the moment.
. For those who are looking for inexpensive tours online, we provide information on the page searching for tours for all tour operators.

There are inexpensive trips to Turkey, Thailand, Greece, Bulgaria, Spain, Italy, the Dominican Republic, and Cuba. Mexico and other countries at a price not exceeding 20 thousand rubles per person. You can hardly find better prices; on our website you can actually buy a tour cheaply.

We offer cheap holidays in summer, autumn, winter, at any time of the year, in September, October and November. We present the maximum range of holiday offers in 2020. Choose tours at "Geography" and you will be satisfied with the service and cost.