Preparation for military service. How to prepare for military service? Advice from young fighters who have completed the course

Military service is a kind of life milestone that every man must overcome. If we do not take into account those citizens who have received or will receive exemption from the army, then the remaining contingent can be divided into those who have already served and those who still have everything ahead of them. And, of course, soldiers, but they have already fallen into their own path, so they do not participate in discussions on the topic of preparation for military service.

Conscription into the army is not a spontaneous procedure, no matter what stereotypes may arise. Particularly funny are the stories when they supposedly get you out of bed and sent to serve. The young man learns in advance about the beginning, as well as whether the military registration and enlistment office is interested in him at a given time or not. Reserves know for sure, but conscripts only guess about the need careful preparation to military service, everyday life, life according to the regulations.

Some are inclined to believe that the time allotted to a guy before his final appearance at the military registration and enlistment office should be spent as if life stops after this date. Well, there is a certain amount of truth here, but from the moment this idea is implemented, we begin to have serious disagreements. Indeed, in that case, they meant alcoholic outpourings, round-the-clock entertainment, a little sleep and again dancing, clubs, alcohol. We mean a set of measures that will really help the young man endure a year away from home and loved ones with dignity, so the advice will be directed in a completely different direction.

Internal mood

Instead of all material things, moral preparation for military service is put in first place, which should begin a couple of months before conscription. It is advisable to immediately determine whether you will “mow” or go to fulfill your duty. So that later leaving your father's house does not become a surprise, if you really have to try it on military uniform, then you need to take this calmly and find all the possible advantages.

A conversation on the topic of courage and honor, held with your father, grandfather, or older brother, will be beneficial. In the end, stories about hazing, terrible conditions and arbitrariness of officers are fiction for a modern army, and the status of a defender of the Fatherland will make a man out of a boy. Not a single serviceman will allow him to doubt this.

Unfinished business

On next stage you will have to sit in silence and concentrate. It is necessary to remember everything that is unfinished. It will be useful to keep a list for this. It may well turn out that past debts will bother you during your service, but you will no longer be able to do anything.

This does not only mean financial debts, although we should not forget about them either. Visit your relatives, go to your friends, keep your promises. Talk to your senior comrades and find out how they prepared for military service.

If you have an encumbrance with the bank, then you must take all possible measures to ensure that there is no delay during the year of absence. Parents can come to the rescue, but if you do not want to put a credit burden on them, then call the bank. They'll probably have something for you suitable solution in the form of debt restructuring or provision of credit holidays.

Personal issues must be resolved. Problems with a girl will turn a year of service into a real torment. Think for yourself, if she promises to wait, then with a high degree of probability she will wait. In return, you must make a promise that you will return to her. If she hesitates in her choice, then it is better to break off such a shaky relationship.

Physical training

How to prepare physically for military service? This question probably interests every conscript. To be honest, not every one of us has the opportunity to pass the army standards. Surely the embarrassment that arises is what depresses guys the most. However, everyone goes to serve, and everyone returns safely. They only note that they regret wasting their time. If you increase muscle mass If you can’t do it in a short period of time, it’s quite possible to develop endurance.

The program for preparing physical development for military service must be developed by a personally experienced trainer. Naturally, those asking questions cannot afford individual lessons, so listen to the advice of experienced ones.

  • First of all, in the army you will have to run a lot, so running should be included in your training schedule every day. Try to alternate the development of time and endurance indicators. This means that the 100-meter dash should be replaced by a steady long-distance run for a while.
  • The next exercise that will be useful for a military man is weight training. Having loaded yourself with some kind of burden, you need to do squats, running or regular walking. Military uniforms, which you will have to wear on yourself or with you, can weigh up to 20 kilograms. You need to prepare yourself for such loads to the maximum.
  • There is a table of standards for push-ups and pull-ups. You should not rely on these indicators. The most important thing is to slowly but effectively move towards your goal. Many young men are often embarrassed by their performance. But if you do 5-7 pull-ups without violations, then this is already considered good, although it is still far from normal. The goal of physical training is to double the figure. If you set such a goal at least a couple of months before conscription, then everything is doable.

Development of patriotism

Without a sense of responsibility for your family and for the Fatherland as a whole, it will be difficult to serve in the army. It is necessary to educate in advance not just a “prisoner”, but a soldier who is preparing to carry out a specific mission. Feature films about the exploits of our military personnel in Chechnya and Afghanistan will help in this matter; it is advisable to watch outstanding films about the Great Patriotic War.

In parallel with this, you need to understand that being in army life is, first of all, a complex relationship between comrades in arms. They can become fraternal or rather tense. If you consider yourself a prudent person, capable of analyzing human psychology, read the works famous psychologists, describing relationships.

Mental development

Don't believe what the prevailing stereotype says. Supposedly in the army you don’t need to think, you just need to follow orders. Intelligence is also valued in the armed forces. Be prepared to take initiative and demonstrate your competence, especially in military matters. You should not wait for theoretical classes if you have the opportunity to get acquainted with the type of weapon at home, learn the basic characteristics of the weapon, and at least briefly become familiar with the general military regulations.

Guys with a head on their shoulders are sure to be noticed, trusting them with leadership positions or mastery of technology. Such a fate is more partial than being appointed construction work. Do not hide your computer skills, especially knowledge of specific programs.

Compliance with the regime

One of the difficulties that conscripts point out is getting used to the regime. At home, it will be enough to organize getting up, going to bed and eating at a certain time. The body will tune in to planning, which will allow you to rationally spend your free time.

Not everyone will have the chance to serve in the army, but most guys will still have to become a soldier or sailor. Therefore, it is better to start preparing for military service in advance, just at your age.

The problem of preparing for service includes at least two aspects - psychological and physical. The physical training system is described in our article in sufficient detail: this includes athletic gymnastics* and running, and hardening, and the most various types sports that will help you develop strength, agility, determination, as well as basic self-discipline skills.

But strength isn't everything. It also happens that for a young soldier who is very physically developed, army service becomes a burden. Why is this happening? And because in the army, as in life in general, not all issues are resolved with the help of fists.

You've probably heard about hazing? It is through her that many guys do not want to serve in the army. Military service, of course, is not easy, but its difficulties are quite surmountable. The main thing is to develop strength of character. Believe me, no one will force you to do anything in the army that is not allowed according to the regulations, if you yourself do not allow it.

So, in the army there are no nannies and cleaners. There, the soldiers themselves have to scrub the floors and even the toilet, peel potatoes, wash dishes, and do many other unpleasant things. But there is also a military manual and a duty schedule that determines the order of all these duties and jobs. Moreover, this schedule does not take into account how long the soldier served - a year and a half or two weeks. Everyone must follow the rules.

But some “old-timers” are trying to push their responsibilities onto younger soldiers: they, they say, have served longer, and therefore have the right to privileges. Nonsense! Firstly, this “old-timer” is only a year or two older than you, and secondly, systematic violation of the regulations can threaten him with a military tribunal and a disciplinary battalion - a “disbat”. And believe me, this is no joke.

That’s why such an elegant person selects timid, weak-willed guys who don’t know how to stand up for themselves for “unscheduled outfits.” But for those who are able to firmly say: “No!”, after several attempts they give peace.

Physical strength doesn't play a role here. main role. The main thing here on your part is willpower and self-respect.

By the way, especially for you, in secret, some advice from the “old soldier”. It is not at all necessary to bring matters to conflict. After all, the army highly values ​​people who know how to do this or even have certain talents.

If you know how to draw, then in the very first days a whole line of “old-timers” will line up before you, who will ask you (mind you, they will ask) to design their “demobilization albums”. While the other young recruits are kneading the spring or autumn mud with their boots, you are sitting in a warm “kapter” and will work with a brush or felt-tip pens.

If you play on musical instruments or eat - great. Amateur artistic performances in the army are held in high esteem of all times. Do you have good handwriting and write correctly? - it is also good! There is plenty of writing in the army, but officers do not like to write themselves, so scribes at headquarters or at the company office are a kind of “soldier elite”.

And if you do not have artistic talents, but know some craft well - a painter, a parquet worker, a tile worker, etc., then you will probably be taken “under the wing” of a company sergeant major, who is exactly looking for such a craftsman. In general, any skill can be used in the army; specialists of almost all specialties may be needed there. But required condition- high qualification. The army does not like talkers and braggarts and quickly exposes them to the light.

Athletes are also highly regarded in the military. And having won some competitions, you can go on vacation faster than any of your colleagues.

This list goes on and on. But, probably, the most important quality that is valued in the army is the soldier’s glorious ingenuity. No wonder this was reflected even in folk tales. Ingenuity and ingenuity will be useful to you in life in general, and in the army - first of all. And after intelligence and strength of character is valued physical strength and dexterity.

Not all people will serve in the army, but most guys can still become a soldier or sailor. It is best to prepare for this in advance. The problem in the service is that sooner or later you will still have to show your strength, but not everyone will be able to do this, due to mental health and physical condition person. You need to prepare yourself for this, training includes two aspects - mentality and strength.

Step 2

Let's start training a person's physical strength, it includes sports activities, athletic gymnastics. Running has the same effect; it enhances the body’s ability to work, agility, speed and endurance for physical activities. You can't live in the army without running. Remember, the more you torture your body, the more strength, will and patience you will have. After all, even if you strong man inside, and your physical strength is not trained, then you will be able to do little in the army. Exercise and don’t be lazy, and most importantly don’t smoke – it’s very harmful.

Step 3

But strength is not everything. It also happens that there is a lot of strength, but no intelligence. Because of this, many soldiers cannot withstand the entire term of the army, because their psyche is impaired, they have no patience, or they simply go crazy. To avoid this, you need to carefully prepare yourself before joining the army. Namely: if you play musical instruments or sing, that’s just great. This means your psyche is under control.
And if not: then...
1) Listen to classical music.
2) Watch interesting TV series.
3) The main thing is not to get angry over trifles, control yourself, be calm.
Develop willpower, calm down your “rooster” temper, no one likes bullies in the army. Learn to find easily with different people mutual language. Develop your character. Learn to cope with difficulties without parental support. In any case, all this will be useful to you in life - in school and at work. So your diligence will not be in vain.
Mental toughness is just as important as physical strength. As they say, There is strength, no need for intelligence.– this is not about an RA soldier! Listen to me!!! This will come in handy.

There are three courses of events associated with conscription. The first is when a young man consciously goes to serve his fatherland (an endangered species). The second is that he has a “hairy paw” or a diagnosis of pinpoint flatfoot curvature of the posterior clavicle. This also includes those who get married, give birth, or go to university for the sake of a “slope”. And finally, the third, when a young man has no other choice... We turned to practicing psychologist Larisa Mikhailova to find out how to prepare the guys morally and psychologically for military service in advance.


As in any school, there is competition in the army. Outwardly, it is limited to demonstrating muscle mass in competitions. Whatever you say, they begin to respect the physically strong right away. The boy must have good control of his body, and for this he must attend sports sections of sambo, judo, karate, life safety lessons at school, and learn shooting. But being a dull mountain of muscles by the end of 11th grade is not a solution to the problem for a young man. If at the same time he gets into any fight to show off, the army will quickly calm him down. Therefore, martial arts are useful. They form the superiority of the spirit over the body: a fighter is a thinker. He will not enter into an unfair fight, and will not succumb to provocation. These moral aspects of physical education should be disclosed by the coach of a sports club.


The coach will be powerless if the hero's father always lies in front of the TV and reads a newspaper. Mothers cannot raise sons. This is what men should do. It is the father who is obliged to go skiing and hiking with him. A son grows into a full-fledged personality when there is a model of male behavior before his eyes (perhaps not a father, but a stepfather, brother or grandfather). It is wonderful if mutual respect reigns in the family, if the son sees how fair his father is, how responsible he is for his actions, how he knows how to stand up for himself and is confident in his abilities.


Communication skills in a team: peaceful resolution of quarrels, the ability to adapt - are instilled from childhood. The child should be sent to both sports camps and creative clubs. The brighter the recruit is as a person, the easier it is for him to come to an agreement with the “grandfathers” without a fight: a good sense of humor and playing the guitar will help with this. If hazing cannot be avoided, then better for days strumming a guitar for “old people” than cleaning the toilet with a toothbrush!


Mothers of boys experience separation from their children more acutely. They mourn the child, as in the old days - a recruit, programming him for a negative outcome of events. Thoughts are material, so we must believe in the bright... The more we are afraid, the greater the likelihood of the fear being realized. After all, the emotion of fear is energetically very capacious. Mothers better accept that the army is a natural step in their child’s growing up.

The vacuum that forms after a child leaves for “war” must be filled by switching emotions to creative activity. You can organize a club for soldiers' mothers, where women could help each other. Without this, there is a risk of getting hung up on your feelings, fraying your nerves, and in absentia, your son’s... In general, a month before the army, a psychologist will do little to help the conscript and his parents, because everything depends on the long-term process of education in the family, at school.

The psychological readiness of a young man depends on the maturity of his personality. But the media would do a good service to parents if for every ten army “horror stories” there was at least one positive example.

Already, thousands of young people aged 18 to 27 years old undergo medical examinations, study the schedule of illnesses, some “mow”, and others try to hide their illnesses in order to get into the Airborne Forces or the Navy in the future.

Doctors recognize many as unfit, but most will go to defend their homeland.

We decided to help a little with advice to those who will very soon have to exchange their fashionable sneakers for ankle boots of the Donobuv brand.

In this article, we did not discuss whether or not it is worth joining the army, how to avoid conscription, and so on. These five are fairly obvious tips for those who already have a summons in hand.

Tip One: Prepare Physically

The army is a place where there is a lot of running: in the morning, during the day, sometimes in the evening, on weekdays and holidays. Nobody will be interested in your physical abilities: guys who are only fit to work with equipment (health group B3) run on par with those who, for unknown reasons, did not end up in the Airborne Forces (group A1). And this is difficult, especially for those with extra pounds - I tested it myself. Therefore, it is better to reset them in civilian life.

By the way, “swinging” in front of the army is useless: all the bodybuilders with whom the author of these lines served instantly lost muscle mass due to their diet. Therefore, run long and hard, and the ability to pull yourself up will not be amiss: the more, the better.

Tip two: learn to use a needle

The ability to sew quickly and efficiently is very useful: tags are required to be attached to almost everything in the army: from a hat to a bulletproof vest. In addition, at any moment something on the uniform itself can tear: the trousers will come apart at the seam or a button will come off. You need to correct the defect quickly, because no one will pat you on the head for torn pants.

Previously, the lives of soldiers were also spoiled by collar collars, which required constant hemming and washing, but they were abolished.

By the way, about washing. In parts there is washing machines, but it’s far from a fact that you can use them often. And in general, the room with them may be closed for safekeeping in order to show them to inspectors. Therefore, you will have to wash a lot by hand, however, there is no special science in this.

Tip three: make inquiries

Before joining the army, it is worth learning a little about it. No, no one suggests learning the regulations by heart, and even this is impossible: there are four general military regulations and not all provisions need to be known by a simple “conscript”.

But studying military ranks, insignia and at least a superficial understanding of what types and branches of troops exist is quite useful. Then an ensign from the engineering troops ("construction battalion") will not be able to deceive you at the distribution point when he promises service in the special forces.

Also, know your rights. Usually, a corresponding brochure is issued along with the summons. Of course, it contains many provisions that are far from reality, but there are also practical things

Tip four: sort out your relationships

Yes, there is no escape from this. Both songs and poems, with very different contents, are dedicated to the theme of girls who are waiting for their loved ones to return from the army. Yes, many people promise and expect, but this does not always happen. Some people swear that everything will be fine, but after a couple of months they realize that they can’t.

And then a call or a letter and the soldier, who is already in a not the most joyful environment, receives a powerful blow. And he cannot find a place for himself; very often such stories end tragically.

Therefore, it is best to have a serious conversation with your “soul mate” and decide whether to continue the relationship: not every person can be content with one call a week and rare dates during layoffs.

Tip five: don't despair

If the previous tips concerned the months before conscription, then the latest one will talk about the time when a still completely “green” soldier has already crossed the threshold of the barracks.

We can’t speak for everyone, but for many people the army is a completely foreign place, which is very difficult to get used to: physical exercise, modest and sometimes simply poor living conditions, many new strangers who sometimes do not behave quite adequately, daily routine, routine, constant chores, minimum communication with relatives and friends. All this makes you depressed, causes aggression towards others, and in general does not lead to anything good. And no one is immune from this.

What can I advise in this case - don’t despair, don’t think about how long it is until you get home: it’s better not to cross off dates on the calendar and count days from the first weeks. Under no circumstances should you withdraw into yourself, communicate, find friends, and going through difficulties together is much easier. Think only about how to live a specific day.

And, perhaps, the most important thing: always remain human, do not set up, do not deceive, do not steal, help, protect the weak and do not curry favor with the strong.

We hope that our advice will help someone at least a little. It may seem that the army is some kind of terrible place, in which there is only suffering and homesickness, but this is not so. In these 12 months there is a place for small and big joys, meetings with good and interesting people, and it’s quite simple extreme method break out of your usual life.

Let’s end with a quote from the cult film “DMB”: “Take me - who was I? And who have I become? To put it mildly, everyone! And why? Yes, because I am a Russian soldier! But a Russian soldier never gives up. He has nothing to lose. This is our main military secret.”

Photo of the Russian Ministry of Defense