Metaphors, I am not looking for harmony in nature. Analysis of the poem "I am not looking for harmony in nature." About the beauty of human faces

The poem “I am not looking for harmony in nature” was written by N. Zabolotsky in 1947, 4 years after returning from the camps. The 6-year exile left its mark on the poet’s appearance, character and, of course, on his work.

The theme of the work is the search for harmony in the surrounding world, the beauty of an industrial city. The author’s idea shows that nature is not so ideal as to look for harmony in it. Yes, you can admire some landscapes, but true pleasure comes from paintings of powerful creations of human hands.

The key image of the poem is the lyrical hero, who merges into a single whole with the author. The connection with the reader is enhanced by the fact that the lines are written in the first person. Already in the first verse, the lyrical hero declares that seeking harmony in nature is in vain for him. It is not “neither in the depths of the rocks, nor in the clear sky. The poet calls the world capricious and dense, probably these lines are an echo of his stay in the camps. And only at night, when everything slows down and falls asleep, does the lyrical hero feel “sympathy” for her. And all because in a dream, Mother Nature sees turbines, “live wires” and dams.

An important role in the poem is played by landscape sketches, which the author weaves into his thoughts. At first, his gaze covers the whole world from the sky to the deepest depths of the rocks, gradually the landscape concentrates on a quiet, thoughtful autumn evening above a river. Autumn time focuses on the mood of the author, lyrical hero and poems in general. Smoothly N. Zabolotsky moves on to a description of technical progress. Objects built by human hands attract with their brilliance against the backdrop of the “blind night.”

In order to unobtrusively compare nature and industrial achievements, N. Zabolotsky uses the technique of parallel image. These pictures are different, but there is no sharp contrast; on the contrary, they complement each other. The last verses show that Mother Nature has accepted artificial creations into her bosom.

The idea of ​​N. Zabolotsky’s poem “I am not looking for harmony in nature” is realized using artistic means. The author uses metaphors (“the fierce singing of the winds,” “... the blind night is embraced by a weak radiance...”), epithets (“sad nature,” “wild freedom”). The most striking comparison reflecting the author’s worldview is “... huge world contradictions... like a prototype of human pain...". Artistic media help to revive nature and give the lines a philosophical sound.

The composition of the poem is simple. It consists of eight quatrains with cross rhyme. The poetic meter is iambic with pyrrhic, which allows you to slow down the pace and reproduce a sad mood. The calm intonation of the work is interrupted only once by an exclamatory sentence, with which the author conveys his attitude towards the world.

N. Zabolotsky’s poem “I am not looking for harmony in nature” is an original artistic reflection of the author’s worldview, his attitude to progressive changes in society.

Contrary to the loud statement in the first line, the poem “I do not seek harmony in nature” is dedicated precisely to natural phenomena, which the poet reflects deeply on. The brief analysis “I am not looking for harmony in nature” is intended to be an analysis of these thoughts. You can use it in a literature lesson to explain to 8th grade students the essence of the work.

Brief Analysis

History of creation- a work called programmatic, written in 1947 in Moscow.

Theme of the poem- glorification of the maternal principle of nature, its wildness, which man, without touching the foundations, can lead to reasonable harmony.

Composition- the poem is compositionally divided into three parts: the first supports the assertion that nature is inherently disharmonious, the second shows its essence, and the third summarizes the first two, describing the dream of a peaceful union of nature and man.

Genre- philosophical lyrics.

Poetic size– iambic pentameter with pyrrhic.

Epithets“clear firmament”, “fierce singing”, “blind night”, “hard work”, “human pain”, “wild freedom”.

Metaphors“the heart does not hear”, “the singing of the winds”, “the weak are embraced by the radiance”, “the half-sleep of exhaustion”, “the wires filled with current“.

History of creation

The poem was written in 1947, when Nikolai Zabolotsky, who had only recently returned from Stalin’s camps (the poet spent five years there) was looking for a philosophical basis for his works. Having lost his previous guidelines, he turns to the theme of nature, but, unlike the classics of literature, he does not approach it at all romantically.


The poem is dedicated to nature, namely, its maternal nature. The poet views her as an unreasonable mother, who at the same time sincerely loves her child. She doesn’t know where to use her wild power, but her son, that is, a person, can help. The most important thing is not to rape its essence, but to move towards coexistence, towards harmony. This is the main idea of ​​the verse.


Despite the fact that Zabolotsky considers the same idea, in the work it is revealed from three different sides, which determines the three-part compositional division.

In the first part, the poet reveals the idea of ​​why he does not look for a harmonious principle in nature: in his opinion, the very essence of the surrounding world, excluding what is created by human hands, is disharmonious.

However, the second part somewhat contradicts the first - it describes nature at a moment of peace, when it falls asleep, prepares for everything to calm down and plunge into a sweet slumber.

And in the third part, the poet considers her as the mother of humanity - yes, this is a wild force, but wildness itself is not nice to her. She dreams of a world where technology will guide her towards harmony, without changing her essence.


This work - classic example philosophical lyrics, in which Zabolotsky discusses the meaning of his work, looking for topics to which he could turn. For him, such reasoning was especially relevant, because he had to look for his poetic path in a difficult personal situation.

The iambic pentameter with pyrrhic, which the poet used to create the poem, makes it simple and rhythmic.

Means of expression

  • Epithets- “clear firmament”, “fierce singing”, “blind night”, “hard work”, “human pain”, “wild freedom”.
  • Metaphors- “the heart does not hear”, “the singing of the winds”, “embraced by a weak radiance”, “a half-sleep of exhaustion”, “wires filled with current”.

They all work to develop a deeper understanding of the topic.

Lesson #54. Literature, 8th grade Date……………

Subject: ON THE. Zabolotsky “I am not looking for harmony in nature”, “Old actress”.



Deepen your knowledge by learning about the poet’s work; help understand the idea, artistic features poetry, the author’s position in the works, the development of the theme of beauty in Zabolotsky’s work..


Develop observation, attention, speech culture, Creative skills students; ability to work with a textbook, with additional literature; ability to analyze a work of art; ability to read expressively; ability to formulate a coherent answer to literary theme, argue your point of view, present the prepared task.


to cultivate interest in the study of literature, moral and ethical qualities of students, and the culture of educational work.

Equipment : textbook, teaching aids, didactic, illustrative material, multimedia presentation.

During the classes

    Organizational moment , self-determination to activity.

    Update studied,examination homework.


    What are the themes and ideas of N. Zabolotsky’s works?

    What is the idea of ​​Zabolotsky’s poem “ Ugly girl»?

    What lit. did you remember the terms from the last lesson?

Individual work student – ​​1 person.

What illustrations would you draw for N. Zabolotsky’s poem “The Ugly Girl”?

  1. Motivation to study a new topic.

    Studying new material.

In the last lesson, we ended the conversation by comparing the poet’s poetry and the portrait. The poet’s love for painting was reflected not only in his numerous landscapes and desire to “transfer the soul of a changeable sign onto the canvas.”

This was reflected, for example, in the poems “At the Movies”, “Old Actress”.

Expressive reading of the poem “The Old Actress”

Expressive reading of the poem “The Old Actress” => teacher (textbook: pp. 78-79)

Revealing Primary Perception

  • What impressions did you have after reading the poem?

    What images emerged during the reading of the poem?

    What attracted your attention in the work, seemed incomprehensible?

Analysis of the poem “The Old Actress”

1) Poem composition

Analytical task: Read the verse carefully and highlight the semantic parts.

  1. Description of the past of the old actress

    A story about the present actress

    A story about the fate of a homeless girl, half relative, half servant

2)Art associations

    What unites the poem “The Old Actress” with works of art?

In the poem, as in a portrait drawn by the artist, all the details are carefully written out.

    The image of an old actress

Analytical conversation:

“expression of heavy concern” on a woman’s face =>reflection inner world person

    Does the poet condemn the old actress for stinginess and nonsense?

Experiences in expressive reading by a student of the poem “The Old Actress”

    Opinion exchange

Analysis of the poem “I am not looking for harmony in nature”

Expressive reading poems - teacher

Teacher's word:

The first verse marked “1947”year" is the poem "I am not looking for harmony in nature."

Thissoftware a work with which the author, breaking the chronological sequence, begins the second part of the “Complete Collection” prepared by him before his death

Analytical conversation :

  • In which stanza of poetry is a point of view expressed that is contrary to the ideas of Russian poets about harmony? natural world that has a beneficial effect on the human soul?

Research assignment #1 : find phrases in the text that recreate the disharmony of natural existence and its desire for harmony.

What is the meaning of contrasting these principles?

conclusions : on the one hand, a world of “contradictions”; on the other hand, a premonition of the nature of a reasonable union with man.

Research task #2 =>

Exercise : determine what visual and expressive means the author uses and what is their role?


The world will get enough of the game


The wind will cease


Blind night

Conclusions: in An image of nature appears, similar to a person tired of fruitless efforts.

Research task #3 => group work followed by discussion.

Exercise: read neg. with the words “And at this hour sad nature...”. What image of the future does nature see in a dream? How does this image express the author’s vision of the relationship between man and nature?

Nature-river sees the work of a powerful hydroelectric power station. The life of nature is connected with the life of man.

Students' experiences of expressive reading

  • Experiences in expressive reading study “I am not looking for harmony in nature”

    Opinion exchange

Vocabulary work

  • Prototype

Understanding lesson terminology

Verb metaphor, metaphorical epithet

Consultation with teachers on educational issues

  1. Summarizing the lesson learned on the topic, formulating conclusions.

    Summing up the work in the lesson, grading.


    Memorize a poem (optional).


I don't look for harmony in nature.
Reasonable proportionality began
Neither in the depths of the rocks, nor in the clear sky
4 Unfortunately, I still couldn’t tell the difference.
How capricious is her dense world!
In the fierce singing of the winds
The heart does not hear the correct harmonies,
8 The soul does not sense harmonious voices.
But in the quiet hour of autumn sunset,
When the wind ceases in the distance.
When, embraced by the weak radiance,
12 Blind night will descend to the river,
When, tired of the violent movement,
From useless hard work,
In an anxious half-sleep of exhaustion
16 The darkened water will calm down,
When a huge world of contradictions
Satiated with fruitless play, -
Like a prototype of human pain
20 From the abyss of waters rises before me.
And at this hour sad nature
Lying around, sighing heavily,
And she doesn’t like wild freedom,
24 Where evil is inseparable from good.
And she dreams of the shiny turbine shaft,
And the measured sound of reasonable labor,
And the singing of trumpets, and the glow of the dam,
28 And live wires.
So, falling asleep on my bed,
Crazy but loving mother
Concealed within itself high world children,
32 To see the sun with my son.

Ya ne ishchu harmonii v prirode.
Razumnoy sorazmernosti beginning
Ni v nedrakh skal, ni v yasnom nebosvode
Ya do sikh por, uvy, ne razlichal.
How svoyenraven mir yee dremuchy!
V ozhestochennom penii vetrov
Ne slyshit serdtse pravilnykh sozvuchy,
Dusha ne chuyet stroynykh golosov.
No v tikhy chas osennego zakata,
Kogda umolknet veter vdaleke.
Kogda, sianyem nemoshchnym obyata,
Slepaya noch opustitsya k reke,
Kogda, ustav ot buynogo dvizhenya,
From bespolezno tyazhkogo work,
V trevozhnom polusne iznemozhenya
Zatikhnet potemnevshaya voda,
Kogda ogromny mir protivorechy
Nasytitsya besplodnoyu igroy, -
Like by proobraz boli chelovechyey
Iz bezdny vod vstayet peredo mnoy.
I v etot chas sadnaya priroda
Lezhit vokrug, vzdykhaya tyazhelo,
I ne mila yey dikaya svoboda,
Where ot dobra neotdelimo zlo.
I snitsya yey blestyashchy val turbiny,
I merny zvuk razumnogo truda,
I penye trub, I zarevo plotiny,
I really think about it.
Tak, zasypaya na svoyey krovati,
Bezumnaya, no lyubyashchaya mat
Tait v sebe vysoky mir dityati,
Chtob vmeste s synom solntse uvidat.

Z yt boe ufhvjybb d ghbhjlt/
Hfpevyjq cjhfpvthyjcnb yfxfk
Yb d ytlhf[ crfk, yb d zcyjv yt,jcdjlt
Z lj cb[ gjh, eds, yt hfpkbxfk/
Rfr cdjtyhfdty vbh tt lhtvexbq!
D j;tcnjxtyyjv gtybb dtnhjd
Yt cksibn cthlwt ghfdbkmys[ cjpdexbq,
Leif yt xetn cnhjqys[ ujkjcjd/
Yj d nbznf,
Cktgfz yjxm jgecnbncz r htrt,
Rjulf, ecnfd jn ,eqyjuj ldb;tymz,
Jn ,tcgjktpyj nz;rjuj nhelf,
D nhtdj;yjv gjkecyt bpytvj;tymz