When the akathist is read to Jesus. Akathist to our sweetest Lord Jesus Christ. It translates like this

Akathist to the Sweetest Jesus: what is it

Lord Jesus Christ

The Akathist has been a favorite prayer for a large number of believers for many centuries. The reason for such popularity is, first of all, that it is not so much a work of literary literature as a work of the spirit of the writer.

Two akathists remain the standards of this genre of chants: to the Most Holy Theotokos and to the Sweetest Jesus. Through these so beautifully composed hymns, the entire earthly life of the Lord and His Mother shines.

When and by whom (presumably) the text was written

The very first akathist was composed by a Byzantine author in honor of Holy Mother of God, around the fifth century. This is a unique, hymn-like structure and form, church hymn for a long time remained the only work of this kind.

Useful materials

Only eight centuries later, in the thirteenth century, the world saw another similar work dedicated to the Savior (this article is dedicated to this creation).

Most likely, the last work was written by a theologian who was very familiar with the Holy Scriptures of the New Testament. Of course, the author was a great man of prayer, and his mind at the time of writing was completely dissolved in the texts of the Gospel and in the epistles of the holy apostles.

And, of course, the writer was a poet endowed with great talent, and his Creative skills multiplied many times over by the Holy Spirit, whose grace is felt in every line.

Translation into Slavic language

The translation into Slavic dates back to the fourteenth century.

What is this work dedicated to?

Lord Jesus Christ

The narrative part includes the main stages of the Savior’s earthly journey. Scenes from the Gospel are combined with prayers in poetic form. The text consists of ikos and kontakia. The kontakion reflects the very essence, and the ikos also contains solemn and laudatory petitions. The work shows and proves that Jesus Christ is the true God and Man, and his name is Love. Out of love for people He came to earth, out of love He performed countless miracles, out of love for people He voluntarily went to suffer. The akathist included only small grains from His earthly life and miracles, but they, like stars, reflect the essence:

  • Ikos 2 tells how Jesus “opened the ears and tongue of the deaf and humming man”;
  • Kontakion 2 - how he raised his son to a weeping widow: “and raise my soul, mortified by sins,” we ask;
  • Ikos 2 - Philip, when asked to show the Father, answered: “How did you not know that the Father is in Me, and I in the Father?”;
  • Ikos 3 recalled how He called publicans, sinners and infidels to Himself;
  • Kontakion 4 illuminated the event when drowning Peter received a helping hand and salvation;
  • in IQOS 4 in a loud voice the blind man exclaims: “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!” - and the Lord opens his eyes;
  • reading Ikos 5, we see how Jewish children meet and glorify the Lord in human form, they cover His path with palm branches, and glorify Him, exclaiming: “Hosanna” - and in this interjection one hears joy, faith and prayer;
  • Kontakion 7 - resignedly, like an innocent lamb (lamb) follows to death, and then like God is resurrected and ascends to Heaven with glory;
  • ikos 7 - after His resurrection in the flesh He appeared to the apostles, and locked doors were no obstacle for Him;
  • Ikos 10 recalls how the Savior cleansed ten lepers and healed the money-loving publican Zacchaeus;
  • in Ikos 11, Paul, who had previously persecuted Him, brought Him to his senses, and instilled in him the right thought;
  • Kontakion 12 – The Savior accepted Peter’s repentance and forgave the betrayer;
  • in Kontakion 13 it is sung about how he accepted and highly appreciated the small sacrifice of the widow, who gave all her food.

When they resort to reading it

Lord Jesus Christ

The holy fathers of ancient times blessed the reading of the akathist to the laity, not unreasonably believing that such work would be accepted by the Lord as a small feat. A rational explanation can be found for their opinion: an ordinary prayer is very short in scope, taking only 2-3 minutes, during which time it is difficult to shake off the worldly vanity and it is unlikely that by the end of the reading one can tune in to live communication with the Creator.

The Akathist is a longer work, and in 20-30 minutes of reading, the worshiper will feel the Lord quietly knocking on his heart:

“Behold, I stand at the door and speak: if anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and sup with him, and he with Me.” Rev. 3:20.

Many years of experience in prayer practice proves that a carefully reading akathist (provided that he delves into every word, tries to bring it to the mind and heart, and does not, as usual, just glance at it), then necessarily:

  • get rid of despondency and deep sadness;
  • will come out of a depressed state;
  • will find a way out of a difficult situation;
  • will gain vigor of mind;
  • will gain and vitality and will be able to withstand circumstances;
  • his heart will receive a spark of faith and hope;
  • the soul will be warmed with warmth and love.

How does reading the akathist help?

Miraculous image of the Lord Jesus Christ

The words of the akathist prayer have a miraculous effect, filling a dull, sad, weak reader prone to passions with life-giving energy. The author of the creation generously shared this energy with his descendants, who was undoubtedly guided by the Holy Spirit. It is necessary to delve into the meaning of the phrases, and then reading will become a great joy, and not a duty. Don't believe me? Try it!

Just don’t forget the main thing: give your heart and mind to Christ without reserve, at least for the time of reading, and ideally for the rest of your life. And in return, He will give us incomparably more: life - rich, bright, interesting, joyful, beautiful and fruitful.

Instead of a long-winded afterword, there are only 6 words from the akathist:

“Jesus, fountain of understanding, give me drink when I am thirsty.”

Savior in a white tunic

Akathist to Our Sweetest Lord Jesus Christ (text)

Kontakion 1

Ikos 1

Kontakion 2
Seeing the widow weeping green, Lord, as if you had mercy then and raised up her son for burial; Have mercy on me too, O Lover of mankind, and resurrect my soul, killed by sins, calling: Alleluia.

Ikos 2
Philip, seeking to understand the unreasonable mind, Lord, show us the Father, he said; You come to him: you have been with Me for so long, have you not known that the Father is in Me, and I am in the Father? Moreover, Unexplored, I call to You with fear: Jesus, Eternal God; Jesus, most powerful King. Jesus, long-suffering Master; Jesus, most merciful Savior. Jesus, my most gracious guardian; Jesus, cleanse my sins. Jesus, take away my iniquities; Jesus, let go of my iniquities. Jesus, my hope, do not forsake me; Jesus, my helper, do not reject me. Jesus, my Creator, do not forget me; Jesus, my Shepherd, do not destroy me. Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me.

Kontakion 3
You have clothed the Apostles with power from on high, O Jesus, who sit in Jerusalem, and clothed me, naked from all good works, with the warmth of Your Holy Spirit, and grant me to sing to You with love: Alleluia.

Ikos 3
Have riches of mercy, O publicans and sinners, and you have called the unbelievers, O Jesus; Do not despise me now, who is like them, but, like a valuable ointment, accept this song: Jesus, invincible power; Jesus, endless mercy. Jesus, most radiant beauty; Jesus, love unspeakable. Jesus, Son of the Living God; Jesus, have mercy on me, a sinner. Jesus, hear me conceived in iniquity; Jesus, cleanse me of the sins I was born of. Jesus, teach me what is inappropriate; Jesus, lighten the dark for me. Jesus, cleanse me that is filthy; Jesus, lead me up as a prodigal. Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me.

Kontakion 4
Having a storm of doubtful thoughts inside, Peter drowned; Having seen Thee existing in the flesh, Jesus, and walking on the waters, I came to know Thee as the true God and, having received the hand of salvation, said: Alleluia.

Ikos 4
Hearing Thee passing by, O Lord, the blind man cried out: Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me! And having called, you opened his eyes. Enlighten with Thy mercy the eyes of the mental heart and of me, crying out to Thee and saying: Jesus, to the Creator on high; Jesus, lower Redeemer. Jesus, hell to the consumer; Jesus, beautifier of all creation. Jesus, Comforter of my soul; Jesus, enlightener of my mind. Jesus, my heart is glad; Jesus, health to my body. Jesus, my Savior, save me; Jesus, my light, enlighten me. Jesus, deliver me from all torment; Jesus, save me, unworthy. Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me.

Kontakion 5
With your rich Blood, as you redeemed us of old from the legal oath, Jesus, free us from the snare by which the serpent is stained with carnal passions, and lustful obsession, and evil despondency, crying out to You: Alleluia.

Ikos 5
Having seen the fathers of Jewry in the form of humanity, Who created man by the hand, and understood Him as the Lord, striving with branches to please Him, their hosanna was crying out. We offer a song to Thee, saying: Jesus, true God; Jesus, Son of David. Jesus, most glorious King; Jesus, Lamb without blemish. Jesus, wonderful Shepherd; Jesus, guardian of my youth. Jesus, feeder of my youth; Jesus, praise in my old age. Jesus, hope in my death; Jesus, life after my death. Jesus, my consolation is at Thy judgment; Jesus, my desire, do not disgrace me then. Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me.

Kontakion 6
Preacher of God-bearing prophecies and fulfilling verbs, Jesus, appeared on earth and you lived inconceivably with man, and you took away our illnesses, from where by your wounds we were healed, singing with our hands: Alleluia.

Ikos 6
The illumination of Thy truth has risen into the universe, and the flattery of demons has been driven away: for idols, O our Savior, do not tolerate Thy strength, fallen. We, having received salvation, cry out to You: Jesus, truly, you drive away flattery; Jesus, the light that surpasses all lordships. Jesus, King, overcome all strengths; Jesus, God, remain in mercy. Jesus, Animal Bread, satisfy my hunger; Jesus, fountain of reason, give drink to me when I am thirsty. Jesus, robe of joy, clothe me who perishes; Jesus, cover of joy, cover me, unworthy. Jesus, giver of those who ask, give me mourning for my sins; Jesus, find for those who seek, find my soul. Jesus, opener and interpreter, open my accursed heart; Jesus, Redeemer of sinners, cleanse my iniquities. Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me.

Kontakion 7
Although you have revealed the hidden secret from the ages, as you led a sheep to the slaughter, O Jesus, and as a silent lamb straight from its shearer, and as God rose from the dead, and ascended into heaven with glory, and you raised us up with us, calling: Alleluia.

Ikos 7
The Creator showed a wondrous display to us: He was incarnate without seed from the Virgin, from the tomb, without breaking the seal, resurrected, and to the Apostle, the door closed, with the flesh below. In the same way, marveling, let us sing: Jesus, the unfathomable Word; Jesus, the unseen Word. Jesus, incomprehensible power; Jesus, wisdom unthinkable. Jesus, indescribable Deity; Jesus, dominion innumerable. Jesus, kingdom invincible; Jesus, endless dominion. Jesus, the highest fortress; Jesus, eternal power. Jesus, my Creator, have mercy on me; Jesus, my Savior, save me. Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me.

Kontakion 8
Seeing God in a strange way, let us withdraw from the vanity of the world and place our minds on the Divine. For this reason, God came down to earth, so that he may lead us to heaven, crying out to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 8
All the things below, and those above, did not retreat in any way, Countless One, always willing us to suffer, and by His death put to death our death, and by His resurrection gave life to those who sing: Jesus, sweetness of the heart; Jesus, bodily fortress. Jesus, your spiritual lordship; Jesus, quick smart. Jesus, joyful conscience; Jesus, hopefully known. Jesus, eternal memory; Jesus, high praise. Jesus, my glory, exalted; Jesus, my desire, do not deny me. Jesus, my Shepherd, seek me; Jesus, my Savior, save me. Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me.

Kontakion 9
All angelic nature ceaselessly glorifies Your holy name, Jesus, in heaven: Holy, Holy, Holy, crying out; We, sinners on earth, cry out with mortal lips: Alleluia.

Ikos 9
The vets are multiplying, like dumb fish we see about You, Jesus, our Savior: they are perplexed to say how the immutable God and perfect man abide? We, marveling at the mystery, cry out faithfully: Jesus, eternal God; Jesus, King of kings. Jesus, Lord of those who possess; Jesus, Judge of the living and the dead. Jesus, hope of the uncertain; Jesus, comfort to those who mourn. Jesus, glory to the poor; Jesus, do not judge me based on my deeds. Jesus, cleanse me according to Your mercy; Jesus, take away despondency from me. Jesus, enlighten my thoughts of heart; Jesus, give me memory of death. Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me.

Kontakion 10
Although you came to save the world, from the East to the East, to the dark West - to our nature, you humbled yourself to death; In the same way, Your name is exalted above every other name, and from all the tribes of heaven and earth you hear: Alleluia.

Ikos 10
To the Eternal King, the Comforter, the true Christ, cleanse us from all filth, as you cleansed the ten lepers, and heal us, as you healed the money-loving soul of Zacchaeus the publican, and cry to You, crying out in tenderness: Jesus, incorruptible treasure; Jesus, inexhaustible wealth. Jesus, strong food; Jesus, inexhaustible drink. Jesus, beggars' clothing; Jesus, intercession of widows. Jesus, defender of the orphans; Jesus, help those who labor. Jesus, teacher of strangers; Jesus, the floating helmsman. Jesus, the stormy calm; Jesus God, raise me up, fallen. Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me.

Kontakion 11
I bring all-congratulatory singing to Thee, unworthy, I cry to Thee like a Canaanite: Jesus, have mercy on me; not the daughter, but the flesh of the imam, enraged by passions and scorched by rage, and give healing to the crying Ty: Alleluia.

Ikos 11
Giver of light to those who exist in the darkness of unreason, first, Paul, persecute Thee, instill the power of the God-reasonable voice and understand spiritual quickness; Enlighten the dark apple of my soul and my soul, calling: Jesus, my mighty King; Jesus, my most powerful God. Jesus, my immortal Lord; Jesus, my glorious Creator. Jesus, my kind Mentor; Jesus, my most generous Shepherd. Jesus, my most merciful Lord; Jesus, my most merciful Savior. Jesus, enlighten my feelings, darkened by passions; Jesus, heal my body, weakened by sins. Jesus, cleanse my mind from vain thoughts; Jesus, keep my heart from evil lusts. Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me.

Kontakion 12
Give me grace, the resolver of all debts, Jesus, and accept me repentant, as you accepted Peter, who rejected You, and call me, despondent, like Paul of old, persecuting Thee, and hear me, crying out to Thee: Alleluia.

Ikos 12
Singing Your incarnation, we all praise You, and we believe with Thomas that You are Lord and God, sitting with the Father and willing to judge the living and the dead. Then make me worthy to stand on my right hand, crying: Jesus, Eternal King, have mercy on me; Jesus, fragrant flower, scent me. Jesus, dearly beloved, warm me; Jesus, eternal temple, cover me. Jesus, bright robe, adorn me; Jesus, honest bead, shine on me. Jesus, precious stone, enlighten me; Jesus, sun of righteousness, illuminate me. Jesus, holy light, shine upon me; Jesus, deliver me from mental and physical illnesses. Jesus, take me from the hand of the enemy; Jesus, unquenchable fire and other eternal torments free me. Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me.

Kontakion 13
Oh, sweet and all-generous Jesus! Accept now this little prayer of ours, as you have accepted two mites of widows, and preserve Your heritage from enemies visible and invisible, from the invasion of foreigners, from illness and famine, from all sorrow and mortal wounds, and the coming torment of all who cry out to You: Alleluia , alleluia, alleluia.

(Kondak is read three times)

Ikos 1
O Creator of angels and Lord of strength, open my bewildered mind and tongue to the praise of Thy most pure name, just as Thou didst open the ears and tongue of the deaf and humming ancients, and with the following call: O most wonderful Jesus, the wonder of the angels; Most powerful Jesus, deliverance of the first parents. Sweet Jesus, magnification of the patriarchs; Glorious Jesus, strengthening of kings. Beloved Jesus, fulfillment of the prophets; Wonderful Jesus, fortress of martyrs. Quiet Jesus, joy of the monks; Most merciful Jesus, sweetness of the elders. Most merciful Jesus, abstinence for fasters; Most sweet Jesus, joy to the saints. Most honorable Jesus, virgin chastity; Eternal Jesus, salvation of sinners. Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me.

Kontakion 1
Chosen Voivode and Lord, hell to the conqueror, as if you were delivered from eternal death, I will sing praises to You, Thy creation and servant; but, as if you have unspeakable mercy, free me from all troubles, calling: Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me.

Master Lord Jesus Christ my God, who, for the sake of Your ineffable love for mankind, at the end of the ages was clothed in flesh by the Ever-Virgin Mary, I glorify Your saving providence for me, Your servant, Master; I will sing praises to You, because for the sake of the Father I have known You; I will bless You, for whose sake the Holy Spirit has come into the world; I bow to Your flesh, the Most Pure Mother, such worst secret served; I praise Your angelic faces, as the singers and servants of Your Majesty; I honor John the Baptist, who baptized You, O Lord; I honor the prophets who proclaimed You, I glorify Your holy apostles; I triumph and the martyrs, and I glorify Your priests; I worship Your saints, and I cherish all Your righteous ones. I bring such and such a many and ineffable face of the Divine into prayer to You, Thy all-generous God, Thy servant, and for this sake I ask forgiveness for my sin, grant me all of Thy for the sake of the saints, more abundantly than Thy holy bounties, for Thou art blessed forever. Amen

^sss^Lord Jesus Christ^sss^

Kontakion 1

Chosen commander and Lord, the victor of hell, for having been delivered from eternal death, I will sing praises to Thee, Thy creature and servant: but because Thou hast unspeakable mercy, calling me free from all troubles: Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me.

Ikos 1

Creator of angels and Lord of hosts, open my bewildered mind and tongue to the praise of Your most pure name, just as You opened the ears and tongue of the deaf and humming of old, and said this call:
Wonderful Jesus, Wonderful Angels:
Most powerful Jesus, deliverance of the first parents.
Sweet Jesus, magnification of the patriarchs:
Glorious Jesus, strengthening of kings.
Beloved Jesus, the fulfillment of the prophets:
Wonderful Jesus, fortress of martyrs.
Most still Jesus, joy of the monks: Most merciful Jesus, sweetness of the presbyters. Most merciful Jesus, abstinence of fasters: Most sweet Jesus, joy of the saints. Most honorable Jesus, virgin chastity: Eternal Jesus, salvation of sinners. Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me.

Kontakion 2

Seeing the green widow weeping, Lord, as if you had mercy then and brought her son back to life for burial, have mercy on me too, O lover of mankind, and resurrect my soul, killed by sins, I call: Alleluia.

Ikos 2

Philip, searching for an ununderstood mind, “Lord, show us the Father,” he said. You come to him: you have been with Me for so long, have you not known that the Father is in Me, and I am in the Father? Moreover, Unexplored, with fear I call to You: Jesus, Eternal God: Jesus, Most Mighty King.
Jesus, long-suffering Master: Jesus, most merciful Savior. Jesus, my most good guardian: Jesus, cleanse my sins. Jesus, take away my iniquities: Jesus, let go of my iniquities. Jesus, my hope, do not forsake me: Jesus, my helper, do not reject me. Jesus, my Creator, do not forget me: Jesus, my Shepherd, do not destroy me. Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me.

Kontakion 3

With power from above, you have clothed the Apostles, O Jesus, who sit in Jerusalem, clothe me, naked from all goodness, with the warmth of Your Holy Spirit, and grant me to sing to You with love: Alleluia.

Ikos 3

You have the riches of mercy, you have called tax collectors and sinners and unbelievers, Jesus: do not despise me now, who is like them, but, like a valuable ointment, receive this song: Jesus, invincible power: Jesus, endless mercy. Jesus, radiant beauty: Jesus, unspeakable love. Jesus, Son of the living God: Jesus, have mercy on me a sinner. Jesus, hear me conceived in iniquity: Jesus, cleanse me born in sins. Jesus, teach me the indecent: Jesus, illuminate the dark me. Jesus, cleanse me, the profane: Jesus, lift me up, the prodigal. Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me.

Kontakion 4

Having a storm within you with doubtful thoughts, Peter drowned: having seen You in the flesh, Jesus, and walking on the waters, you knew You, the true God, and received the hand of salvation and said: Alleluia.

Ikos 4

The blind man heard Thee passing by, O Lord, crying out: Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me: and having called, Thou opened his eyes. Enlighten with Your mercy the eyes of the mental heart and of me, crying out to You and saying: Jesus, the Creator on high: Jesus, the Redeemer below. Jesus, the underworld to the consumer: Jesus, the beautifier of all creation. Jesus, my soul to the Comforter: Jesus, my mind to the Enlightener. Jesus, my heart is glad: Jesus, my body is healthy. Jesus, my Savior, save me: Jesus, my light, enlighten me. Jesus, save me from all torments: Jesus, save me, unworthy. Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me.

Kontakion 5

With your rich blood, as you redeemed us of old from the legal oath, Jesus: hereby deliver us from the snare, by which the serpent has stained us with carnal passions, and lustful obsession, and evil despondency, crying out to You: Alleluia.
Having seen the fathers of Judaism in the image of humanity, created by the hand of man, and you understand Him as the ruler, trying with branches to please Him, hosanna is blatant. We bring a song to Thee saying:
Jesus, true God:
Jesus, Son of David.
Jesus, most glorious King:
Jesus, lamb without blemish.
Jesus, wonderful shepherd:
Jesus, guardian of my youth.
Jesus, feeder of my youth:
Jesus, praise in My old age.
Jesus, there is hope in my death:
Jesus, life after my death.
Jesus, my comfort at Your judgment:
Jesus, my desire, do not disgrace me then.

Kontakion 6

Preacher of God-bearing prophecies and fulfilling verbs, Jesus, appeared on earth, and you lived unbearably with man, and you took away our illnesses: from here we are healed by Your stripes, singing with our hands: Alleluia.

Ikos 6

The illumination of Thy truth has risen into the universe, and the flattery of demons has been driven away: for idols, our Savior, do not tolerate Thy strength, fallen: we, having received salvation, cry out to Thy: Jesus, truly, driving away flattery: Jesus, the light that is above all lordships. Jesus, King, overcome all strengths: Jesus, God, remain in mercy. Jesus, bread of life, satisfy me when I am hungry: Jesus, fountain of understanding, give me something to drink when I am thirsty.
Jesus, garment of joy, cover me who is corruptible: Jesus, garment of joy, cover me who is unworthy.
Jesus, giver of those who ask, grant me mourning for my sins:
Jesus, find of those who seek, find my soul. Jesus, opener who interprets, open my accursed heart:
Jesus, Redeemer of sinners, cleanse my iniquities.
Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me.

Kontakion 7

Although you have revealed the hidden secret from the ages, as you led a sheep to the slaughter, O Jesus, and as a silent lamb straight from its shearer, and as God rose from the dead, and ascended into heaven with glory, and you raised us up with us, calling: Alleluia.

Ikos 7

The Creator appeared to us in a wondrous display of creation: without the Seed of the Virgin, He was incarnate, from the tomb, without breaking the seal, He rose again, and to the Apostle the doors closed with the flesh are within, even astonishingly, let us sing: Jesus, the unfathomable Word: Jesus, the unseen Word. Jesus, incomprehensible power: Jesus, inconceivable wisdom. Jesus, indescribable Godhead: Jesus, innumerable dominion.
Jesus, kingdom invincible: Jesus, dominion without end.
Jesus, the highest fortress:
Jesus, eternal power.
Jesus, my Creator, have mercy on me:
Jesus, my Savior, save me.
Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me.

Kontakion 8

Seeing God in a strange way, let us withdraw from the vanity of the world, and place our minds on the divine: for this reason God came down to earth, so that He may lead us to heaven, crying out to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 8

All be in the lower, and in no way retreat innumerable: always by the will of us for the sake of suffering, and by His death put our death to death: and with the resurrection the life is given, singing: Jesus, sweetness of the heart: Jesus, strength of the body. Jesus, spiritual lordship: Jesus, quick smart.
Jesus, joyful conscience:
Jesus, hope is known.
Jesus, in eternal memory:
Jesus, high praise.
Jesus, my exalted glory:
Jesus, my desire, do not deny me.
Jesus, my Shepherd, ask me:
Jesus, my Savior, save me. Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me.

Kontakion 9

All angelic nature ceaselessly glorifies Your holy name, Jesus, in heaven, holy, holy, holy, crying out: but we are sinners, on earth with mortal lips we cry: Alleluia.

Ikos 9

The prophets of many things, like dumb fish, we see about You, Jesus, our Savior: they are perplexed to say how immutable God and perfect man abided; We, marveling at the mystery, cry out faithfully: Jesus, God, eternal:
Jesus, King of kings. Jesus, Lord of those who possess: Jesus, Judge of the living and the dead. Jesus, hopeless to hopeless: Jesus, comfort to those who mourn. Jesus, glory to the poor: Jesus, do not judge me according to my deeds. Jesus, cleanse me according to Your mercy: Jesus, take away despondency from me. Jesus, enlighten my thoughts of heart: Jesus, give me the memory of death. Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me.

Kontakion 10

Save the world though, east by east, to the dark. Having come to our nature, you humbled yourself to the west; therefore you have exalted yourself above all other names, and heard from all the tribes of heaven and earth: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

Eternal King, Comforter, true Christ, cleanse us from all filth, as you cleansed us
ten lepers, and heal us, just as you healed the money-loving soul of Zacchaeus the publican, so that we cry out to You in tenderness, calling: Jesus, incorruptible treasure: Jesus, inexhaustible wealth. Jesus, strong food: Jesus, inexhaustible drink. Jesus, the robe of the poor: Jesus, the intercession of widows. Jesus, defender of the orphans: Jesus, helper of those who labor. Jesus, teacher of strangers: Jesus, sailing helmsman. Jesus, calm the stormy ones: Jesus, God, raise up me, fallen. Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me...

Kontakion 11

I bring a song of all mercy to You, unworthy, I cry to You as a Canaanite: Jesus, have mercy on me: do not be a daughter, but the flesh is enraged by fierce passions, and scorched by rage, and grant healing to those who cry: Alleluia.
Giver of light to those who exist in the darkness of unreason, first drive Thee Paul, instill the power of the God-reasonable voice, and clarify the quickness of the soul: illumine the dark apple of the soul, calling:
Jesus, my mighty King: Jesus, my mighty God. Jesus, my most immortal Lord: Jesus, my most glorious Creator. Jesus, my most kind mentor: Jesus, my most generous shepherd. Jesus, my most merciful Lord: Jesus, my most merciful Savior. Jesus, enlighten my feelings, darkened by passions:
Jesus, heal my body, weakened by sins. Jesus, cleanse my mind from vain thoughts: Jesus, keep my heart from evil lusts.
Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me.
Give me grace, the resolver of all debts, Jesus, and accept me, repentant, as you accepted Peter, who rejected You, and call me, despondent, as Paul of old persecuted Thee, and hear me, crying out to Thee: Alleluia.

Ikos 12

Singing Your incarnation, we all praise You, and we believe with Thomas that You are the Lord and God, sitting with the Father, and Who wants to judge the living and the dead. Then make me worthy to stand on my right hand, crying out:
Jesus, Eternal King, have mercy on me: Jesus, fragrant flower, scent me. Jesus, beloved warmth, warm me: Jesus, eternal temple, cover me. Jesus, bright robe, adorn me: Jesus, honest bead, shine on me. Jesus, precious stone, enlighten me: Jesus, sun of righteousness, illuminate me. Jesus, holy light, shine upon me: Jesus, deliver me from illnesses of soul and body.
Jesus, take me from the hand of the enemy:
Jesus, unquenchable fire and other eternal torments, free me.
Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me.

Kontakion 13

O sweet and all-generous Jesus! Accept now this little prayer of ours, just as you accepted two mites of widows: and preserve Your heritage from enemies visible and invisible, from the invasion of foreigners, from illness and famine, from all sorrow and mortal wounds, and the coming torment of all who cry out to You: Alleluia.

(Say this kontakion three times. Also ikos 1: Creative of Angels... and kontakion 1: Chosen Voevodo, L).


Master Lord Jesus Christ my God, who is indescribable for the sake of Your love for mankind, for the end of the ages was clothed in flesh by the Ever-Virgin Mary, I glorify for me Your saving providence, Your servant, Master: I will sing songs to You, because I have known You for the sake of the Father: I will bless You, for His sake and the Spirit The Holy One has come into the world: I worship Your Most Pure Mother in the flesh, who served as such a terrible mystery: I praise Your angelic presence, as the singers and servants of Your Majesty: I bless the Forerunner John, who baptized You, O Lord: I honor the prophets who proclaimed You, I glorify Your Apostles: I triumph I glorify Your martyrs and priests: I worship Your saints, and I cherish all Your righteous ones. I bring such and such a many and ineffable divine face into prayer to You, Thy all-generous God, Thy servant, and for this sake I ask forgiveness for my sin, grant me all of Thy for the sake of the saints, more abundantly than Thy holy bounties, for Thou art blessed forever. Amen.

The text of this akathist is also considered a heritage of Orthodox theology. However, it is not required to be read, like, for example, the canons before communion. What is an akathist to Jesus Christ, why it is recommended to pronounce it, and how it can help a Christian - read about all this further.

History and significance

Among all theological works, this text is considered one of the most touching and heartbreaking. The song carries a certain meaning: our Savior took upon himself all the terrible torments in order to save the human race from suffering. It was because of his love for people that Jesus went through death on the cross, because in this way he was able to grant salvation to us all.

The text of this akathist is distinguished by a laudatory, enthusiastic style, and reveals the following topics:

  • the descent of Jesus to earth in human form;
  • the life of the Son of God;
  • the virtues of Jesus;
  • his torment.

Among all the diversity Orthodox akathists It is worth highlighting this text as one of the oldest. It was written back in the 13th century. The song dedicated to Jesus Christ is considered the first religious hymn, which in its structure is an akathist (consists of 12 kontakia and 12 ikos). These stanzas replace each other. The Savior’s virtues are described directly in the ikos.

It is not recommended to say such a prayer on your own without receiving a blessing from a priest. Only after this can you safely read such a religious hymn. As for some of the rules recommended for implementation, it is worth noting that such prayers are said while standing. You cannot listen to this hymn or read it out loud while sitting. Another important point: The final part of this akathist is pronounced on one’s knees.

An akathist dedicated to Jesus Christ is worth reading if you have a serious emotional condition, give up if you are experiencing moments of depression and bitter despair. However, if you feel good - both mentally and physically - this song can also be uttered. In fact, such chant is considered universal.

Video “Akathist to our Lord Jesus Christ”

In this video you can listen to an audio recording of an akathist to our Lord Jesus Christ.

Chosen Voivode and Lord, hell to the conqueror, as if you were delivered from eternal death, having praised You, Your creation and servant; but as if you have unspeakable mercy, free me from all troubles, calling:

Creator of angels and Lord of hosts, open my bewildered mind and tongue to the praise of Your most pure name, just as You opened the ears and tongue of the deaf and humming of old, and said the following call:

  • Wonderful Jesus, wonder of angels;
  • Most powerful Jesus, deliverance of the first parents.
  • Sweet Jesus, magnification of the patriarchs;
  • Glorious Jesus, strengthening of the faithful.
  • Beloved Jesus, fulfillment of the prophets;
  • Wonderful Jesus, fortress of martyrs.
  • Quiet Jesus, joy of the monks;
  • Most merciful Jesus, sweetness of the elders.
  • Most merciful Jesus, abstinence for fasters;
  • Most sweet Jesus, joy to the saints.
  • Most honorable Jesus, virgin chastity;
  • Eternal Jesus, salvation of sinners.
  • Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me.

Seeing the green widow weeping, Lord, as if you had mercy then, you raised up her son for burial: have mercy on me too, O Lover of Mankind, and raise up my soul, mortified by sins, calling: Alleluia.

Philip, seeking to understand the unreasonable mind, Lord, show us the Father, he said; You come to him: you have been with Me for so long, have you not known that the Father is in Me, and I am in the Father? Also, Unexplored, I call Ti with fear:

  • Jesus, eternal God;
  • Jesus, most powerful King.
  • Jesus, long-suffering Master;
  • Jesus, most merciful Savior.
  • Jesus, my most gracious guardian;
  • Jesus, cleanse my sins.
  • Jesus, take away my iniquities;
  • Jesus, let go of my iniquities.
  • Jesus, my hope, do not forsake me;
  • Jesus, my helper, do not reject me.
  • Jesus, my Creator, do not forget me;
  • Jesus, my Shepherd, do not destroy me.
  • Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me.

You have clothed the Apostles with power from on high, O Jesus, who sit in Jerusalem, and clothed me, naked from all good works, with the warmth of Your Holy Spirit, and grant me to sing to You with love: Alleluia.

Have riches of mercy, O publicans and sinners, and you have called the unbelievers, O Jesus; Do not despise me now, who is like them, but as a valuable ointment, accept this song:

  • Jesus, invincible power;
  • Jesus, endless mercy.
  • Jesus, most radiant beauty;
  • Jesus, love unspeakable.
  • Jesus, Son of the Living God;
  • Jesus, have mercy on me, a sinner.
  • Jesus, hear me, conceived in iniquity;
  • Jesus, cleanse me, born in sins.
  • Jesus, teach me what is inappropriate;
  • Jesus, lighten the dark for me.
  • Jesus, cleanse me that is filthy;
  • Jesus, lead me up as a prodigal.
  • Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me.

Having a storm within with doubtful thoughts, Peter drowned, seeing You exist in the flesh, Jesus, and walking on the waters, knowing You the true God, and receiving the hand of salvation, saying: Alleluia.

Hearing Thee passing by, O Lord, the blind man cried out: Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me! And having called, you opened his eyes. Enlighten with Your mercy the eyes of the mental heart and me, crying out to You and saying:

  • Jesus, Creator on high;
  • Jesus, lower Redeemer.
  • Jesus, hell to the consumer;
  • Jesus, beautifier of all creation.
  • Jesus, Comforter of my soul;
  • Jesus, enlightener of my mind.
  • Jesus, my heart is glad;
  • Jesus, health to my body.
  • Jesus, my Savior, save me;
  • Jesus, my light, enlighten me.
  • Jesus, deliver me from all torment;
  • Jesus, save me, unworthy.
  • Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me.

With your rich Blood, as you redeemed us of old from the legal oath, Jesus, free us from the snare by which the serpent is stained with carnal passions, and lustful obsession, and evil despondency, crying out to You: Alleluia.

Having seen the fathers of Jewry in the form of humanity, Who created man by the hand, and understood Him as the Lord, striving with branches to please Him, their hosanna was crying out. We bring a song to Ti, saying:

  • Jesus, true God;
  • Jesus, Son of David.
  • Jesus, most glorious King;
  • Jesus, Lamb without blemish.
  • Jesus, wonderful Shepherd;
  • Jesus, guardian of my youth.
  • Jesus, feeder of my youth;
  • Jesus, praise in my old age.
  • Jesus, there is hope in my death;
  • Jesus, life after my death.
  • Jesus, my consolation is at Thy judgment;
  • Jesus, my desire, do not disgrace me then.
  • Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me.

Preacher of God-bearing prophecies and fulfilling verbs, Jesus, appeared on earth and you lived inconceivably with man, and you took away our illnesses, from where by your wounds we were healed, singing with our hands: Alleluia.

The illumination of Thy truth has risen into the universe, and the flattery of demons has been driven away: for idols, O our Savior, do not tolerate Thy strength, fallen. We, having received salvation, cry out to Ti:

  • Jesus, truly, flattery drives away;
  • Jesus, the light that surpasses all lordships.
  • Jesus, King, overcome all strengths;
  • Jesus, God, remain in mercy.
  • Jesus, Animal Bread, satisfy my hunger;
  • Jesus, fountain of reason, give drink to me when I am thirsty.
  • Jesus, robe of joy, clothe me who perishes;
  • Jesus, cover of joy, cover me, unworthy.
  • Jesus, giver of those who ask, give me mourning for my sins;
  • Jesus, find for those who seek, find my soul.
  • Jesus, opener and interpreter, open my accursed heart;
  • Jesus, Redeemer of sinners, cleanse my iniquities.
  • Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me.

Although you have revealed the hidden secret from the ages, like you led a sheep to the slaughter,

Jesus, and like a silent lamb straight from its shearer, and like God, you have risen from the dead, and you have ascended into heaven with glory, and you have raised us up with us, calling: Alleluia.

The Creator showed a wondrous display to us: without seed from the Virgin he was incarnate from the tomb, without breaking the seal, he was resurrected, and to the Apostle, the door was closed, with the flesh below. Even more miraculously, let us sing:

  • Jesus, the unfathomable Word;
  • Jesus, the unseen Word.
  • Jesus, incomprehensible power;
  • Jesus, wisdom unthinkable.
  • Jesus, indescribable Deity;
  • Jesus, dominion innumerable.
  • Jesus, kingdom invincible;
  • Jesus, endless dominion.
  • Jesus, the highest fortress;
  • Jesus, eternal power.
  • Jesus, my Creator, have mercy on me;
  • Jesus, my Savior, save me.
  • Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me.

Seeing God in a strange way, let us withdraw from the vanity of the world and place our minds on the Divine. For this reason, God came down to earth, so that he may lead us to heaven, crying out to Him: Alleluia.

All the things below and those above did not in any way retreat, the Countless One, who always willed us for the sake of suffering, and by His death put to death our death, and by His resurrection gave life to those who sing:

  • Jesus, sweet heart;
  • Jesus, bodily fortress.
  • Jesus, your spiritual lordship;
  • Jesus, quick smart.
  • Jesus, joyful conscience;
  • Jesus, hopefully known.
  • Jesus, eternal memory;
  • Jesus, high praise.
  • Jesus, my glory, exalted;
  • Jesus, my desire, do not deny me.
  • Jesus, my Shepherd, seek me;
  • Jesus, my Savior, save me.
  • Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me.

All angelic nature ceaselessly glorifies Your holy name, Jesus, in heaven, Holy, Holy, Holy, crying out; We, sinners on earth, cry out with mortal lips: Alleluia.

We see the prophets of many things, like dumb fish, about You, Jesus, our Savior: for they are perplexed to say how the immutable God and the perfect man abide? We, marveling at the mystery, cry out truly:

  • Jesus, eternal God;
  • Jesus, King of kings.
  • Jesus, Lord of those who possess;
  • Jesus, Judge of the living and the dead.
  • Jesus, hope of the uncertain;
  • Jesus, comfort to those who mourn.
  • Jesus, glory to the poor;
  • Jesus, do not judge me based on my deeds.
  • Jesus, cleanse me according to Your mercy;
  • Jesus, take away despondency from me.
  • Jesus, enlighten my thoughts of heart.
  • Jesus, give me memory of death.
  • Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me.

Although you came to save the world, from the East to the East, to the dark West - to our nature, you humbled yourself to death; In the same way, Your name is exalted above every other name, and from all the tribes of heaven and earth you hear: Alleluia.

To the Eternal King, the Comforter, the true Christ, cleanse us from all filth, as you cleansed the ten lepers, and heal us, as you healed the money-loving soul of Zacchaea the publican, and cry out to You in tenderness:

  • Jesus, incorruptible treasure;
  • Jesus, inexhaustible wealth,
  • Jesus, strong food;
  • Jesus, inexhaustible drink.
  • Jesus, beggars' clothing;
  • Jesus, intercession of widows.
  • Jesus, defender of the orphans;
  • Jesus, help those who labor.
  • Jesus, teacher of strangers;
  • Jesus, the floating helmsman.
  • Jesus, the stormy calm;
  • Jesus God, raise me up, fallen.
  • Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me.

I bring all-congratulatory singing to Ti, unworthy, I cry to Ti like a Canaanite:

Jesus, have mercy on me; not a daughter, but an imam of flesh, enraged by fierce passions and scorched by rage, and grant healing to the crying Ty: Alleluia.

Giver of light to those who exist in the darkness of unreason, first, Paul, persecute Thee, instill the power of the God-reasonable voice and understand spiritual quickness; Enlighten the dark apple of your soul and yours, calling:

  • Jesus, my mighty King;
  • Jesus, my most powerful God.
  • Jesus, my immortal Lord;
  • Jesus, my glorious Creator.
  • Jesus, my kind Mentor;
  • Jesus, my most generous Shepherd.
  • Jesus, my most merciful Lord;
  • Jesus, my most merciful Savior.
  • Jesus, enlighten my feelings, darkened by passions;
  • Jesus, heal my body, weakened by sins.
  • Jesus, cleanse my mind from vain thoughts;
  • Jesus, keep my heart from evil lusts.
  • Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me.

Give me grace, the resolver of all debts, Jesus, and accept me repentant, as you accepted Peter, who rejected You, and call me, despondent, like Paul of old, persecuting Thee, and hear me, crying out to Thee: Alleluia.

Singing Your incarnation, we all praise You, and we believe with Thomas that You are Lord and God, sitting with the Father and willing to judge the living and the dead. Then make me worthy to stand on my right hand, crying out:

  • Jesus, Eternal King, have mercy on me;
  • Jesus, fragrant flower, scent me.
  • Jesus, dearly beloved, warm me;
  • Jesus, eternal temple, cover me.
  • Jesus, bright robe, adorn me;
  • Jesus, honest bead, shine on me.
  • Jesus, precious stone, enlighten me;
  • Jesus, sun of righteousness, illuminate me.
  • Jesus, holy light, shine upon me;
  • Jesus, deliver me from mental and physical illnesses.
  • Jesus, take me from the hand of the enemy;
  • Jesus, release me from unquenchable fire and other eternal torments.
  • Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me.

Oh, sweet and all-generous Jesus! Accept now this little prayer of ours, as you have accepted two mites of widows, and preserve Your heritage from enemies visible and invisible, from the invasion of foreigners, from illness and famine, from all sorrow and mortal wounds, and the coming torment of all who cry out to You: Alleluia .

This kontakion is read three times, then the 1st ikos: More Creative than Angels... and the 1st kontakion: Chosen Voevodo...

Master Lord Jesus Christ my God, who for the sake of Your ineffable love for mankind was clothed in the flesh at the end of the ages by the Ever-Virgin Mary, I glorify Your saving providence for me, Your servant, Master; I will sing praises to You, because for the sake of the Father I have known You; I will bless You, for whose sake the Holy Spirit has come into the world; I bow to Your Most Pure Mother in the flesh, Who served such a terrible secret; I praise Your angelic faces, as the singers and servants of Your Majesty; I honor John the Baptist, who baptized You, O Lord; I honor the prophets who proclaimed You, I glorify Your holy apostles; I triumph and the martyrs, and I glorify Your priests; I worship Your saints, and I cherish all Your righteous ones. I bring such and such a many and ineffable face of the Divine into prayer to You, Thy all-generous God, Thy servant, and for this sake I ask forgiveness for my sin, grant me all of Thy for the sake of the saints, more abundantly than Thy holy bounties, for Thou art blessed forever. Amen.

The Akathist to our sweetest Lord Jesus Christ was written around the 13th century. But the author is still unknown.

Almost no prayer book is complete without this text. Although the canon of the church includes only one obligatory akathist - to the Most Holy Theotokos, akathist sweetest Jesus remains loved and popular. This is not surprising, because people reciprocate the love of Christ.

Let's talk about this akathist in more detail.

Akathist to sweetest Jesus is a hymn of praise praising the virtues of the Savior

The tradition of writing akathists is quite ancient. The Greeks also composed hymns in honor of the gods. When antiquity became a thing of the past, Greek culture preserved in other countries. Sublime poetry is our inheritance from the Greek poets. It was she who influenced the appearance of the first Christian hymn - the akathist to the Most Holy Theotokos.

The form caught on and was called the akathist. The hymn to the Virgin Mary was often imitated. Sometimes successful, sometimes mediocre. An example of a good church hymn is an akathist to the sweetest Lord Jesus Christ. It couldn't be any other way. After all, the Savior deserved just such a divinely inspired and poetic work.

The tone of this akathist is enthusiastic, the content is laudatory. It tells about the life of Jesus Christ on earth, about his boundless love for people. About the saving mission that the canonical gospels tell about. Attention is also paid to the dignity of Jesus as a man:

  • humility;
  • meekness;
  • purity;
  • philanthropy.

The author of the akathist to sweetest Jesus is unknown, but he knew the New Testament very well

It is known about the akathist to our sweetest Lord Jesus Christ that this is one of the very first church hymns. This is how Archpriest Artemy Vladimirov comments on the question of the authorship of this akathist:

“Until now, scientists, historians, and those who study ancient liturgical literature have not come to a consensus about who owns the Akathist, written in honor of the Lord Jesus Christ.

There is an opinion that this is the hand of Hesychius, presbyter of Jerusalem, a remarkable ascetic writer early Middle Ages, who left us with his reflections on the importance of the Jesus Prayer and how the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, when carefully invoked, has a gracious and beneficial effect on inner world Christian: enlightens his mind, pacifies his heart, delivers him from passions and bad habits, imprints in his soul the perfections of Christ, or the virtues of humility, meekness, peace, purity, courage, joy, prudence and love.

One thing is clear: a person who meditated on the name of God, Christ the Redeemer, calling Him now a pearl, now precious stone, now lightning, now the Good Shepherd, the door, Bread, Light, was perfectly familiar with Holy Scripture New Testament."

Artemy Vladimirov


An akathist to the sweetest Jesus is not the only work in his honor; there is also a canon, a prayer, a thanksgiving akathist, etc.

“Sweetest Jesus” is one of the appeals to Jesus Christ. This is an epithet from early church texts. For example, the grace of the Holy Spirit is also called sweet. Even myself Old Testament asserts that God's law is sweet. There are countless works in honor of Christ. In honor of the sweetest Christ - less, but also found:

  1. Akathist of thanksgiving to the Lord Jesus Christ (“The incorruptible King of the ages, who holds in His right hand...”)
  2. Prayer to the sweetest Jesus.

Here is the text of the prayer:

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, Source of Wisdom and Giver of all goodness, true hope for all who want to be saved and come into the true mind! Heeding the call of Your voice: “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest,” we bow to You, the eternal joy, in prayer, stretching out our hands.

You, Whom our troubled soul has loved and loves, bless us with Your sovereign right hand, as you once blessed the children of Israel, and with the bounties of Your mercy fall upon us. Enlighten us with the light of Divine teaching, so that we may know Your all-holy name and learn the right ways, so that we may not perish from unrighteous deeds.

Cleanse our hearts from all wickedness and harmful lusts, dwell in us, Master, dwell and abide in us, Your servants, inseparably even to death, so that we, feeling Your presence, rush with all our might towards You, the ineffable Light and unfailing Love.

Strengthen our will all day long to learn Your commandments and to constantly remain in faith, hope and love for You, our Creator and Provider, and in love for our neighbor.

Grant us in this life, temporary and deplorable, every good and every joy, so that we glorify Your Most Holy Name, revered, cognized and worshiped in the Holy Trinity of the Consubstantial One, now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

And there is also the text of the canon to the Sweetest Jesus - also quite voluminous.

These texts should not be confused with the Repentant Akathist to the Lord (“Chosen Voivode and Lord, Joy to Thy repentant servants...”) - it does not contain the epithet “Sweetest” and is intended for the repentant.

3 questions about the akathist to the sweetest Jesus Christ: what helps, how to read and where

How does an akathist help the sweetest Jesus?

  • in joy;
  • in difficult life situations;
  • in despondency;
  • in any other conditions. This is a universal prayer.

How to read this akathist?

First, you should pay attention to your posture. It is customary to read akathists while standing. For the final prayer one must kneel. But fanaticism is not needed. If age or health does not allow you to complete all the details, there is no need to injure yourself. God sees and understands everything.

Secondly, the inner attitude is important. Let us quote Archpriest Artemy Vladimirov again:

“The Akathist to the Savior, as we are finding out, has a certain miraculous, miraculous property of influencing the inner, moral world of a person and enlightening him with the grace of the Holy Spirit.

That’s why I feel sorry for those people who sometimes confess even to priests: “And what is it, father, that we read the same prayers all our lives: morning prayers in the morning, evening prayers in the evening? Here are the Akathists to the Mother of God, the Savior - doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-doo, like peas against a wall.”

It’s sad, friends, to listen to these words, because God does not need the volume of pages of the prayer book we read, but attentive, thoughtful, reasonable, I would say, reverent and reverent presence before Himself.

And since our thoughts scatter, our hearts, like the surface of the sea, are agitated, we begin to pray, covered, like flies, with some dreams, memories, then we are unable to establish a golden thread of communication with the Creator - thoughts are confused, words get stuck in larynx.

That is why, having taken the Akathist to the Savior, written by a holy man, whose heart became the reed of a cursive scribe, in whose heart the Lord God Himself rested invisibly, we, as soon as we read the first kontakion and ikos, feel a grace-filled change within ourselves.

Only by following every word with our minds, bringing what we read to our minds and hearts, do we seem to gain wings with the help of which we are given the opportunity to ascend from earth to heaven.

A kind of blessed bridge is being built before us of its own accord, connecting time and eternity.”

Where can I read it?

Akathist to our sweetest Lord Jesus Christ in modern translation

When reading an akathist, it is useful to focus on its meaning and immerse yourself in the atmosphere. Church language can make this task much more difficult. Therefore, for thoughtful reading, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the modern translation.

First, the original text of Kontakion 1:

Chosen Voivode and Lord, hell to the conqueror, as if you were delivered from eternal death, I will sing praises to You, Thy creation and servant; but, as if you have unspeakable mercy, free me from all troubles, calling:

It translates like this:

The Voivode and Lord who defends me, the conqueror of hell! Having gotten rid of eternal death, I dedicate songs of praise to You, I, Your creation and servant. You, as one who has unspeakable mercy, free me from all misfortunes, crying out: “Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me!”

Let's turn to the original icos 1:

O Creator of angels and Lord of strength, open my bewildered mind and tongue to the praise of Your most pure name, just as You opened the ears and tongue of the deaf and humming of old, and, saying this call:

Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me.

In modern language this text looks like this:

Creator of Angels and Lord of the Heavenly Powers! Open my weak mind and loosen my tongue to the praise of Your most pure name, as You once opened the ears of the deaf and tongue-tied, and loosened the tongue, and he spoke, thus exclaiming:

Wonderful Jesus, wonder of angels;

Most powerful Jesus, deliverance of the first parents.

Sweet Jesus, magnification of the patriarchs;

Glorious Jesus, strengthening of kings.

Beloved Jesus, fulfillment of the prophets;

Wonderful Jesus, fortress of martyrs.

Quiet Jesus, joy of the monks;

Most merciful Jesus, delight of the elders.

Most merciful Jesus, abstinence for fasters;

Most sweet Jesus, joy of the saints.

Most venerable Jesus, virgin chastity;

Eternal Jesus, salvation of sinners.

Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me.

It’s also good to start by listening to the akathist performed correctly:

Text of the Akathist to Our Sweetest Lord Jesus Christ

Kontakion 1

Ikos 1

O Creator of angels and Lord of strength, open my bewildered mind and tongue to the praise of Your most pure name, just as You opened the ears and tongue of the deaf and humming of old, and, saying this call:

Wonderful Jesus, wonder of angels;

Most powerful Jesus, deliverance of the first parents.

Sweet Jesus, magnification of the patriarchs;

Glorious Jesus, strengthening of kings.

Beloved Jesus, fulfillment of the prophets;

Wonderful Jesus, fortress of martyrs.

Quiet Jesus, joy of the monks;

Most merciful Jesus, sweetness of the elders.

Most merciful Jesus, abstinence for fasters;

Most sweet Jesus, joy to the saints.

Most honorable Jesus, virgin chastity;

Eternal Jesus, salvation of sinners.

Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me.

Kontakion 2

Seeing the widow weeping green, Lord, as if you had mercy then and raised up her son for burial; Have mercy on me too, O Lover of mankind, and resurrect my soul, killed by sins, calling: Alleluia.

Ikos 2

Philip, seeking to understand the unreasonable mind, Lord, show us the Father, he said; You come to him: you have been with Me for so long, have you not known that the Father is in Me, and I am in the Father? Also, Unexplored, I call Ti with fear:

Jesus, eternal God;

Jesus, most powerful King.

Jesus, long-suffering Master;

Jesus, most merciful Savior.

Jesus, my most gracious guardian;

Jesus, cleanse my sins.

Jesus, take away my iniquities;

Jesus, let go of my iniquities.

Jesus, my hope, do not forsake me;

Jesus, my helper, do not reject me.

Jesus, my Creator, do not forget me;

Jesus, my Shepherd, do not destroy me.

Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me.

Kontakion 3

You have clothed the Apostles with power from on high, O Jesus, who sit in Jerusalem, and clothed me, naked from all good works, with the warmth of Your Holy Spirit, and grant me to sing to You with love: Alleluia.

Ikos 3

Have riches of mercy, O publicans and sinners, and you have called the unbelievers, O Jesus; Do not despise me now, who is like them, but, like myrrh of great value, accept this song:

Jesus, invincible power;

Jesus, endless mercy.

Jesus, most radiant beauty;

Jesus, love unspeakable.

Jesus, Son of the Living God;

Jesus, have mercy on me, a sinner.

Jesus, hear me conceived in iniquity;

Jesus, cleanse me of the sins I was born of.

Jesus, teach me what is inappropriate;

Jesus, lighten the dark for me.

Jesus, cleanse me that is filthy;

Jesus, lead me up as a prodigal.

Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me.

Kontakion 4

Having a storm of doubtful thoughts inside, Peter drowned; Having seen Thee existing in the flesh, Jesus, and walking on the waters, I came to know Thee as the true God and, having received the hand of salvation, said: Alleluia.

Ikos 4

Hearing Thee passing by, O Lord, the blind man cried out: Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me! And having called, you opened his eyes. Enlighten with Your mercy the eyes of the mental heart and of me, crying out to You and saying:

Jesus, Creator on high;

Jesus, lower Redeemer.

Jesus, hell to the consumer;

Jesus, beautifier of all creation.

Jesus, Comforter of my soul;

Jesus, enlightener of my mind.

Jesus, my heart is glad;

Jesus, health to my body.

Jesus, my Savior, save me;

Jesus, my light, enlighten me.

Jesus, deliver me from all torment;

Jesus, save me, unworthy.

Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me.

Kontakion 5

With your rich Blood, as you redeemed us of old from the legal oath, Jesus, free us from the snare by which the serpent is stained with carnal passions, and lustful obsession, and evil despondency, crying out to You: Alleluia.

Ikos 5

Having seen the fathers of Jewry in the form of humanity, Who created man by the hand, and understood Him as the Lord, striving with branches to please Him, their hosanna was crying out. We bring a song to Ti, saying:

Jesus, true God;

Jesus, Son of David.

Jesus, most glorious King;

Jesus, Lamb without blemish.

Jesus, wonderful Shepherd;

Jesus, guardian of my youth.

Jesus, feeder of my youth;

Jesus, praise in my old age.

Jesus, hope in my death;

Jesus, life after my death.

Jesus, my consolation is at Thy judgment;

Jesus, my desire, do not disgrace me then.

Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me.

Kontakion 6

Preacher of God-bearing prophecies and fulfilling verbs, Jesus, appeared on earth and you lived inconceivably with man, and you took away our illnesses, from where by your wounds we were healed, singing with our hands: Alleluia.

Ikos 6

The illumination of Thy truth has risen into the universe, and the flattery of demons has been driven away: for idols, O our Savior, do not tolerate Thy strength, fallen. We, having received salvation, cry out to Ti:

Jesus, truly, flattery drives away;

Jesus, the light that surpasses all lordships.

Jesus, King, overcome all strengths;

Jesus, God, remain in mercy.

Jesus, Animal Bread, satisfy my hunger;

Jesus, fountain of reason, give drink to me when I am thirsty.

Jesus, robe of joy, clothe me who perishes;

Jesus, cover of joy, cover me, unworthy.

Jesus, giver of those who ask, give me mourning for my sins;

Jesus, find for those who seek, find my soul.

Jesus, opener and interpreter, open my accursed heart;

Jesus, Redeemer of sinners, cleanse my iniquities.

Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me.

Kontakion 7

Although you have revealed the hidden secret from the ages, as you led a sheep to the slaughter, O Jesus, and as a silent lamb straight from its shearer, and as God rose from the dead, and ascended into heaven with glory, and you raised us up with us, calling: Alleluia.

Ikos 7

The Creator showed a wondrous display to us: He was incarnate without seed from the Virgin, from the tomb, without breaking the seal, resurrected, and to the Apostle, the door closed, with the flesh below. Even more miraculously, let us sing:

Jesus, the unfathomable Word;

Jesus, the unseen Word.

Jesus, incomprehensible power;

Jesus, wisdom unthinkable.

Jesus, indescribable Deity;

Jesus, dominion innumerable.

Jesus, kingdom invincible;

Jesus, endless dominion.

Jesus, the highest fortress;

Jesus, eternal power.

Jesus, my Creator, have mercy on me;

Jesus, my Savior, save me.

Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me.

Kontakion 8

Seeing God in a strange way, let us withdraw from the vanity of the world and place our minds on the Divine. For this reason, God came down to earth, so that he may lead us to heaven, crying out to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 8

All the things below and those above did not in any way retreat, the Countless One, who always willed us for the sake of suffering, and by His death put to death our death, and by His resurrection gave life to those who sing:

Jesus, sweet heart;

Jesus, bodily fortress.

Jesus, your spiritual lordship;

Jesus, quick smart.

Jesus, joyful conscience;

Jesus, hopefully known.

Jesus, eternal memory;

Jesus, high praise.

Jesus, my glory, exalted;

Jesus, my desire, do not deny me.

Jesus, my Shepherd, seek me;

Jesus, my Savior, save me.

Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me.

Kontakion 9

All angelic nature ceaselessly glorifies Your holy name, Jesus, in heaven: Holy, Holy, Holy, crying out; We, sinners on earth, cry out with mortal lips: Alleluia.

Ikos 9

The vets are multiplying, like dumb fish we see about You, Jesus, our Savior: they are perplexed to say how the immutable God and perfect man abide? We, marveling at the mystery, cry out truly:

Jesus, eternal God;

Jesus, King of kings.

Jesus, Lord of those who possess;

Jesus, Judge of the living and the dead.

Jesus, hope of the uncertain;

Jesus, comfort to those who mourn.

Jesus, glory to the poor;

Jesus, do not judge me based on my deeds.

Jesus, cleanse me according to Your mercy;

Jesus, take away despondency from me.

Jesus, enlighten my thoughts of heart;

Jesus, give me memory of death.

Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me.

Kontakion 10

Although you came to save the world, from the East to the East, to the dark West - to our nature, you humbled yourself to death; In the same way, Your name is exalted above every other name, and from all the tribes of heaven and earth you hear: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

To the Eternal King, the Comforter, the true Christ, cleanse us from all filth, as you cleansed the ten lepers, and heal us, as you healed the money-loving soul of Zacchaea the publican, and cry out to You in tenderness:

Jesus, incorruptible treasure;

Jesus, inexhaustible wealth.

Jesus, strong food;

Jesus, inexhaustible drink.

Jesus, beggars' clothing;

Jesus, intercession of widows.

Jesus, defender of the orphans;

Jesus, help those who labor.

Jesus, teacher of strangers;

Jesus, the floating helmsman.

Jesus, the stormy calm;

Jesus God, raise me up, fallen.

Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me.

Kontakion 11

I bring all-congratulatory singing to Thee, unworthy, I cry to Thee like a Canaanite: Jesus, have mercy on me; not the daughter, but the flesh of the imam, enraged by passions and scorched by rage, and give healing to the crying Ty: Alleluia.

Ikos 11

Giver of light to those who exist in the darkness of unreason, first, Paul, persecute Thee, instill the power of the God-reasonable voice and understand spiritual quickness; Enlighten the dark apple of your soul and yours, calling:

Jesus, my mighty King;

Jesus, my most powerful God.

Jesus, my immortal Lord;

Jesus, my glorious Creator.

Jesus, my kind Mentor;

Jesus, my most generous Shepherd.

Jesus, my most merciful Lord;

Jesus, my most merciful Savior.

Jesus, enlighten my feelings, darkened by passions;

Jesus, heal my body, weakened by sins.

Jesus, cleanse my mind from vain thoughts;

Jesus, keep my heart from evil lusts.

Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me.

Kontakion 12

Give me grace, the resolver of all debts, Jesus, and accept me repentant, as you accepted Peter, who rejected You, and call me, despondent, like Paul of old, persecuting Thee, and hear me, crying out to Thee: Alleluia.

Ikos 12

Singing Your incarnation, we all praise You, and we believe with Thomas that You are Lord and God, sitting with the Father and willing to judge the living and the dead. Then make me worthy to stand on my right hand, crying out:

Jesus, Eternal King, have mercy on me;

Jesus, fragrant flower, scent me.

Jesus, dearly beloved, warm me;

Jesus, eternal temple, cover me.

Jesus, bright robe, adorn me;

Jesus, honest bead, shine on me.

Jesus, precious stone, enlighten me;

Jesus, sun of righteousness, illuminate me.

Jesus, holy light, shine upon me;

Jesus, deliver me from mental and physical illnesses.

Jesus, take me from the hand of the enemy;

Jesus, unquenchable fire and other eternal torments free me.

Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me.

Kontakion 13

Oh, sweet and all-generous Jesus!

Accept now this little prayer of ours, as you have accepted two mites of widows, and preserve Your heritage from enemies visible and invisible, from the invasion of foreigners, from illness and famine, from all sorrow and mortal wounds, and the coming torment of all who cry out to You: Alleluia , alleluia, alleluia.

This Kontakion is read three times, then the 1st Ikos and the 1st Kontakion are read.

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The text of the akathist to the Lord Jesus Christ belongs to the heritage of most Orthodox prayer books, although its reading is not as obligatory as, for example, the canons before communion.

However, this work to the Lord is undoubtedly one of the most heartbreaking and touching. After all, its content is completely dedicated to our Savior, who, for his love for people, accepted death on the cross and terrible torment. All this to bring salvation to humanity.

The style of the work is enthusiastic and laudatory, which describes:

  • descent to earth in human form;
  • the life of the Son of God;
  • the virtues of Jesus;
  • his torment.

Akathist to Jesus Christ

Researchers believe that the akathist To the miraculous image Christ is one of the oldest. His first list was written back in the 13th century. This is the first religious hymn that has the structure of a full-fledged akathist, consisting of 12 kontakia and 12 ikos. In terminology Orthodox Church Ikos are stanzas that praise the one about whom we're talking about in the work.

In this hymn, the features of Jesus are sung in ikhos.

Akathist to Jesus - how to pray correctly and what it helps with

This prayer work should always be read only after you have received the blessing of the priest. Also, it is not customary to read the prayer hymn while sitting. This is a song that must be read or listened to exclusively while standing. Only the last part (final) is read kneeling.

Priests advise reading a touching song in moments of depression, despair, despondency, or when you have given up and there is no way out of this situation. However, it can also be read in moments of joy, repentance and tenderness. This is a universal chant!

Text of the akathist to the Lord Jesus Christ:

Kontakion 1

Ikos 1

Kontakion 2

Seeing the widow weeping green, Lord, as if you had mercy then and raised up her son for burial; Have mercy on me too, O Lover of mankind, and resurrect my soul, killed by sins, calling: Alleluia.

Ikos 2

Philip, seeking to understand the unreasonable mind, Lord, show us the Father, he said; You come to him: you have been with Me for so long, have you not known that the Father is in Me, and I am in the Father? Moreover, Unexplored, I call to You with fear: Jesus, Eternal God; Jesus, most powerful King. Jesus, long-suffering Master; Jesus, most merciful Savior. Jesus, my most gracious guardian; Jesus, cleanse my sins. Jesus, take away my iniquities; Jesus, let go of my iniquities. Jesus, my hope, do not forsake me; Jesus, my helper, do not reject me. Jesus, my Creator, do not forget me; Jesus, my Shepherd, do not destroy me. Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me.

Kontakion 3

You have clothed the Apostles with power from on high, O Jesus, who sit in Jerusalem, and clothed me, naked from all good works, with the warmth of Your Holy Spirit, and grant me to sing to You with love: Alleluia.

Ikos 3

Have riches of mercy, O publicans and sinners, and you have called the unbelievers, O Jesus; Do not despise me now, who is like them, but, like a valuable ointment, accept this song: Jesus, invincible power; Jesus, endless mercy. Jesus, most radiant beauty; Jesus, love unspeakable. Jesus, Son of the Living God; Jesus, have mercy on me, a sinner. Jesus, hear me conceived in iniquity; Jesus, cleanse me of the sins I was born of. Jesus, teach me what is inappropriate; Jesus, lighten the dark for me. Jesus, cleanse me that is filthy; Jesus, lead me up as a prodigal. Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me.

Kontakion 4

Having a storm of doubtful thoughts inside, Peter drowned; Having seen Thee existing in the flesh, Jesus, and walking on the waters, I came to know Thee as the true God and, having received the hand of salvation, said: Alleluia.

Ikos 4

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Hearing Thee passing by, O Lord, the blind man cried out: Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me! And having called, you opened his eyes. Enlighten with Thy mercy the eyes of the mental heart and of me, crying out to Thee and saying: Jesus, to the Creator on high; Jesus, lower Redeemer. Jesus, hell to the consumer; Jesus, beautifier of all creation. Jesus, Comforter of my soul; Jesus, enlightener of my mind. Jesus, my heart is glad; Jesus, health to my body. Jesus, my Savior, save me; Jesus, my light, enlighten me. Jesus, deliver me from all torment; Jesus, save me, unworthy. Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me.

Kontakion 5

With your rich Blood, as you redeemed us of old from the legal oath, Jesus, free us from the snare by which the serpent is stained with carnal passions, and lustful obsession, and evil despondency, crying out to You: Alleluia.

Ikos 5

Having seen the fathers of Jewry in the form of humanity, Who created man by the hand, and understood Him as the Lord, striving with branches to please Him, their hosanna was crying out. We offer a song to Thee, saying: Jesus, true God; Jesus, Son of David. Jesus, most glorious King; Jesus, Lamb without blemish. Jesus, wonderful Shepherd; Jesus, guardian of my youth. Jesus, feeder of my youth; Jesus, praise in my old age. Jesus, hope in my death; Jesus, life after my death. Jesus, my consolation is at Thy judgment; Jesus, my desire, do not disgrace me then. Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me.

Kontakion 6

Preacher of God-bearing prophecies and fulfilling verbs, Jesus, appeared on earth and you lived inconceivably with man, and you took away our illnesses, from where by your wounds we were healed, singing with our hands: Alleluia.

Ikos 6

The illumination of Thy truth has risen into the universe, and the flattery of demons has been driven away: for idols, O our Savior, do not tolerate Thy strength, fallen. We, having received salvation, cry out to You: Jesus, truly, you drive away flattery; Jesus, the light that surpasses all lordships. Jesus, King, overcome all strengths; Jesus, God, remain in mercy. Jesus, Animal Bread, satisfy my hunger; Jesus, fountain of reason, give drink to me when I am thirsty. Jesus, robe of joy, clothe me who perishes; Jesus, cover of joy, cover me, unworthy. Jesus, giver of those who ask, give me mourning for my sins; Jesus, find for those who seek, find my soul. Jesus, opener and interpreter, open my accursed heart; Jesus, Redeemer of sinners, cleanse my iniquities. Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me.

Kontakion 7

Although you have revealed the hidden secret from the ages, as you led a sheep to the slaughter, O Jesus, and as a silent lamb straight from its shearer, and as God rose from the dead, and ascended into heaven with glory, and you raised us up with us, calling: Alleluia.

Ikos 7

The Creator showed a wondrous display to us: He was incarnate without seed from the Virgin, from the tomb, without breaking the seal, resurrected, and to the Apostle, the door closed, with the flesh below. In the same way, marveling, let us sing: Jesus, the unfathomable Word; Jesus, the unseen Word. Jesus, incomprehensible power; Jesus, wisdom unthinkable. Jesus, indescribable Deity; Jesus, dominion innumerable. Jesus, kingdom invincible; Jesus, endless dominion. Jesus, the highest fortress; Jesus, eternal power. Jesus, my Creator, have mercy on me; Jesus, my Savior, save me. Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me.

Kontakion 8

Seeing God in a strange way, let us withdraw from the vanity of the world and place our minds on the Divine. For this reason, God came down to earth, so that he may lead us to heaven, crying out to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 8

All the things below, and those above, did not retreat in any way, Countless One, always willing us to suffer, and by His death put to death our death, and by His resurrection gave life to those who sing: Jesus, sweetness of the heart; Jesus, bodily fortress. Jesus, your spiritual lordship; Jesus, quick smart. Jesus, joyful conscience; Jesus, hopefully known. Jesus, eternal memory; Jesus, high praise. Jesus, my glory, exalted; Jesus, my desire, do not deny me. Jesus, my Shepherd, seek me; Jesus, my Savior, save me. Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me.

Kontakion 9

All angelic nature ceaselessly glorifies Your holy name, Jesus, in heaven: Holy, Holy, Holy, crying out; We, sinners on earth, cry out with mortal lips: Alleluia.

Ikos 9

The vets are multiplying, like dumb fish we see about You, Jesus, our Savior: they are perplexed to say how the immutable God and perfect man abide? We, marveling at the mystery, cry out faithfully: Jesus, eternal God; Jesus, King of kings. Jesus, Lord of those who possess; Jesus, Judge of the living and the dead. Jesus, hope of the uncertain; Jesus, comfort to those who mourn. Jesus, glory to the poor; Jesus, do not judge me based on my deeds. Jesus, cleanse me according to Your mercy; Jesus, take away despondency from me. Jesus, enlighten my thoughts of heart; Jesus, give me memory of death. Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me.

Kontakion 10

Although you came to save the world, from the East to the East, to the dark West - to our nature, you humbled yourself to death; In the same way, Your name is exalted above every other name, and from all the tribes of heaven and earth you hear: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

To the Eternal King, the Comforter, the true Christ, cleanse us from all filth, as you cleansed the ten lepers, and heal us, as you healed the money-loving soul of Zacchaeus the publican, and cry to You, crying out in tenderness: Jesus, incorruptible treasure; Jesus, inexhaustible wealth. Jesus, strong food; Jesus, inexhaustible drink. Jesus, beggars' clothing; Jesus, intercession of widows. Jesus, defender of the orphans; Jesus, help those who labor. Jesus, teacher of strangers; Jesus, the floating helmsman. Jesus, the stormy calm; Jesus God, raise me up, fallen. Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me.

Kontakion 11

I bring all-congratulatory singing to Thee, unworthy, I cry to Thee like a Canaanite: Jesus, have mercy on me; not the daughter, but the flesh of the imam, enraged by passions and scorched by rage, and give healing to the crying Ty: Alleluia.

Ikos 11

Giver of light to those who exist in the darkness of unreason, first, Paul, persecute Thee, instill the power of the God-reasonable voice and understand spiritual quickness; Enlighten the dark apple of my soul and my soul, calling: Jesus, my mighty King; Jesus, my most powerful God. Jesus, my immortal Lord; Jesus, my glorious Creator. Jesus, my kind Mentor; Jesus, my most generous Shepherd. Jesus, my most merciful Lord; Jesus, my most merciful Savior. Jesus, enlighten my feelings, darkened by passions; Jesus, heal my body, weakened by sins. Jesus, cleanse my mind from vain thoughts; Jesus, keep my heart from evil lusts. Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me.

Kontakion 12

Give me grace, the resolver of all debts, Jesus, and accept me repentant, as you accepted Peter, who rejected You, and call me, despondent, like Paul of old, persecuting Thee, and hear me, crying out to Thee: Alleluia.

Ikos 12

Singing Your incarnation, we all praise You, and we believe with Thomas that You are Lord and God, sitting with the Father and willing to judge the living and the dead. Then make me worthy to stand on my right hand, crying: Jesus, Eternal King, have mercy on me; Jesus, fragrant flower, scent me. Jesus, dearly beloved, warm me; Jesus, eternal temple, cover me. Jesus, bright robe, adorn me; Jesus, honest bead, shine on me. Jesus, precious stone, enlighten me; Jesus, sun of righteousness, illuminate me. Jesus, holy light, shine upon me; Jesus, deliver me from mental and physical illnesses. Jesus, take me from the hand of the enemy; Jesus, unquenchable fire and other eternal torments free me. Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me.

Kontakion 13

Oh, sweet and all-generous Jesus! Accept now this little prayer of ours, as you have accepted two mites of widows, and preserve Your heritage from enemies visible and invisible, from the invasion of foreigners, from illness and famine, from all sorrow and mortal wounds, and the coming torment of all who cry out to You: Alleluia , alleluia, alleluia.

(Kondak is read three times)

Ikos 1

O Creator of angels and Lord of strength, open my bewildered mind and tongue to the praise of Thy most pure name, just as Thou didst open the ears and tongue of the deaf and humming ancients, and with the following call: O most wonderful Jesus, the wonder of the angels; Most powerful Jesus, deliverance of the first parents. Sweet Jesus, magnification of the patriarchs; Glorious Jesus, strengthening of kings. Beloved Jesus, fulfillment of the prophets; Wonderful Jesus, fortress of martyrs. Quiet Jesus, joy of the monks; Most merciful Jesus, sweetness of the elders. Most merciful Jesus, abstinence for fasters; Most sweet Jesus, joy to the saints. Most honorable Jesus, virgin chastity; Eternal Jesus, salvation of sinners. Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me.

Kontakion 1

Chosen Voivode and Lord, hell to the conqueror, as if you were delivered from eternal death, I will sing praises to You, Thy creation and servant; but, as if you have unspeakable mercy, free me from all troubles, calling: Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me.

The Lord is always with you!

And in this video you can hear an akathist to our Lord Jesus Christ: