How I became a good girl from a bad boy. Temporary transformation into a girl Stories of how they made a girl out of me

I grew up as a modest, quiet boy, studied well at school, but at the same time, due to my character, I was considered a “black sheep” in the class, and was subjected to various ridicule and humiliation from my classmates. I was under the strong care of my mother, she cherished and cared for me too much. She bought all the clothes that I wore for me herself; I was not independent in choosing clothes; whatever my mother bought, that’s what I wore. And the mother's choice often differed from normal clothes suitable for a boy. I usually wore ridiculous sweaters, ugly trousers, my clothes were too similar to the clothes of “nerds” and were not at all fashionable. It seemed a little girly even to me.

Maybe that’s also why I was the laughing stock of the class.
When I turned 14, I suddenly noticed a pack of tights appearing in my closet. Mom always put in my closet only my clothes, either old or new, that she bought for me, but exclusively my clothes. Therefore, the appearance of my mother’s tights in the closet at first seemed strange to me.
I asked my mother why she gave me tights. Mom, it seemed to me, was even outraged by my question.
- I bought you tights, what’s strange? - she said.
- But these are women's tights! - I answered.

What difference does it make to you whether they are women's or not? You will wear them under trousers, instead of tights, so as not to freeze in the cold.
Frankly, the last time I wore tights was only when I went to kindergarten and later this non-male clothing left my wardrobe, like all boys. Wearing tights is the prerogative of girls. And now, thanks to my mother, tights appear in my wardrobe again. These were thick nylon tights, approximately 50 denier, black. I began to constantly wear them to school under my trousers, as my mother ordered.
At first it was awkward to wear tights, I felt somehow girly while wearing tights. But then I got used to it. It seemed like no one at school noticed what I was wearing under my trousers. Although when I sat, the trousers rose slightly and at the very bottom of my legs I could see the tights. Yes, by the way, many girls in our class at that age wore tights, and looking at them, I understood them. The only difference was that they exposed their legs by wearing skirts, and I wore trousers.

Gradually, new packages of tights began to appear in my closet. Mom began actively buying them for me, even though I had not yet torn my old tights. I just now have tights of different colors. In addition to the black ones, my mother bought white and pink ones. The colors are frankly girly, and the tights themselves had patterns and lace. But nothing can be done, I had to wear them.
After about 2 months, I got so used to tights that it became almost natural for me to wear them. And then one day I opened my closet and found white women’s trousers with lace. At first the sight of them made me smile; I decided that my mother had thrown them to me by mistake. But when I asked my mother what the pantaloons were doing in my closet, she said that she bought them for me.

In winter you need to take care of keeping your feet warm, and that’s why I bought you tights. But you also need to take care of the warmth of the upper legs and genitals, so now I also bought you pantaloons. They retain heat well. And women's - because there are no others.
- But other boys don’t wear women’s pantaloons! - I objected.

But I don’t care what others wear, so let them freeze! And my son will wear what I say!
It was useless to argue and the next day I came to school dressed in tights and women's pantaloons, under the bottom of my trousers. Naturally, no one could notice this, but nevertheless, at first I felt extremely awkward... It’s good at least I didn’t have to go to physical education, since I had an exemption, due to problems with my physical weakness, and therefore I didn’t have to change clothes in plain sight. Yes, I was weak as a girl, if someone tried to attack me at school, I could not defend myself and usually cried if they hit me too painfully.
After some time, my mother bought me another girlish thing. It was a transparent nightie, with lace at the chest and along the edges of the nightie. Naturally, before putting it on, I asked my mother why she bought me a nightie for girls. Mom replied:
- It's beautiful! It will be very comfortable to sleep in it. Not like in your ridiculous boyish T-shirt.
- Well, these are girl's clothes!

So what? You've been wearing girls' tights and knickers for a long time. So why are you resisting the nightie? It will be very comfortable to sleep in it. You try it and then tell me whether you like it or not.
Thus, my mother persuaded me to try it. I put on a white nightie immediately before getting into bed, having first taken off my T-shirt. Mom was present at this and made sure that I dressed her.
- That's all, and you were afraid. Sleep, my little one! - Mom said and kissed me on the cheek. Yes, despite being 14 years old, my mother allowed such tenderness with me and treated me like a little child.
Yes, I must admit, it was nice to sleep in the nightie. In a nightie you feel pampered and weak like a girl, you want to plunge into sweet dreams. Thus, the girl’s nightie from that moment became my usual sleepwear.
In the morning, I naturally took it off and dressed for school as usual.

But if my mother said that she buys me girl’s underwear because it protects me from the cold, then with the onset of spring, logically, I should stop wearing it. And now, finally, spring has come and I hoped that now there would be no tights or pantaloons - just trousers on bare legs and it wouldn’t be cold.
But it was not there! With the weather warming up, I found a new pair of tights in my closet. After unwrapping the package, I decided to try them on. These were very thin 20 den tights, the kind that girls wear in the warm season. I came to my mother to find out what they were for:
- Mom, why did you buy me thin tights? They do not protect against heat, and do not provide any effect other than “for beauty”.
“Because spring is coming and all the girls start wearing thin tights, so I bought them for you...” said mom.
- But I’m not a girl!

Who cares? I see that you want to wear girlish clothes! That's why I bought you spring tights.
How my mother found out that I wanted to wear girlish clothes, I didn’t know. In some ways she was indeed right. One part of me wanted to wear girlish clothes, experiencing some kind of pleasure and secret passion from it, and the other part of me resisted and urged me to be a normal boy and throw all these girly things out of my life.
But in the end, it was the girly part of my soul that won. I started wearing thin spring tights. In addition, my mother also bought me two pairs of real girl’s panties, which as a result completely replaced my men’s panties and I began to wear them all the time... But it was even more humiliating to one day see a women’s bra of size 1 in my closet. Mom almost couldn’t clearly explain why I needed a bra if I didn’t have woman’s breasts. But my mother very persistently forced me to wear a bra. Until I understood what was happening. After about two months, I noticed how my breasts began to swell and increase in size, acquiring completely unmasculine features. I had no idea why this was happening. Somewhere around September 1, by the beginning of the new school year, my breasts had grown to such a size that I already had to hide them from others. And the size 1 bra began to fit me perfectly. Naturally, this caused me great embarrassment and depression. I constantly asked my mother about what was happening to me, but my mother only gave me hints that I needed to gradually become a girl, this was for my own good.

At first, I had to wear very loose, wide sweaters to school to hide my large breasts. And this helped at first, although many already knew that something strange was happening to me. My voice and behavior began to look like a girl’s. And the bra that I wore under my jacket was once noticed by my classmates. This happened when I was sitting in class, and the boys sitting on the desk behind me noticed that my bra straps were showing through under my sweater. They jokingly grabbed my bra strap and I realized that my secret was revealed...

After that, all the boys started calling me “faggot” and even hitting me a little. This made me cry like a crybaby girl. I began to look for my salvation in the company of girls. Only girls could understand me a little, support me and accept me into their society, and not all girls.
After a couple of months, my breasts grew even larger, and now even a thick jacket did not help hide my breasts from others. And then one day my mother forbade me to wear this wide jacket, buying me a yellow tight girl’s blouse-shirt, instead of the previous rough men’s jacket. Having put on this jacket, the first thing I saw in the mirror were two tubercles protruding from under the jacket - my breasts stood out so clearly. I almost cried, imagining that I would have to go to school in this form. But there was nowhere to go, the next day at school I looked almost like a girl in this girlish tight jacket. There was a lot of ridicule at me, but I had to endure everything. It was hard at first, but then many people began to get used to the fact that I was half a boy, half a girl, and they didn’t bother me too much.

The teachers also treated me very negatively at first and even called my parents to school (more precisely, my mother, since my mother raised me alone, my father left us when I was a child). And my mother managed to assure the teachers that nothing bad was happening to me, she told the teachers that I had such a strange disease, because of which I was gradually turning into a girl, and she even managed to persuade them to treat me more attentively and politely.
Thus, gradually everyone’s attitude towards me softened, and after some time I became bolder and began to make my own cosmetics. In general, like all girls, I began to strive to look beautiful. Naturally, with the help of my mother - she bought me a cosmetic bag and taught me how to put on makeup. Now I started going to school only wearing beautiful makeup.

After some time, I completely switched to women's clothing. I became bolder and started wearing a skirt, tights, high-heeled shoes, a blouse to school... In general, I was in full dress. And I also had my hair done beautifully at a women’s beauty salon.
This is how my girlhood life began. As I later learned, my mother secretly mixed female hormones into my food, thanks to which my breasts grew, my appearance feminized, and my voice changed. Mom did this because she thought it would be better for both her and me, she always dreamed that I was a girl, and it would be difficult for me to live in society with such a weak character if I remained a man.
Maybe she's right. At least now I have almost come to terms with the fact that I am now a girl and I see a lot of advantages in being a woman...

Unfortunately, this story is true. It may cause puritanical indignation and indignation in you, but, nevertheless, the phenomenon exists in Achinsk. That's life. Our not very wealthy, unsettled, difficult time pushes young people to “earn money” in this way for the sake of “easy” money. However, read and draw your own conclusions.

I met this tall, slender, childish and a little twitchy, but damn cute guy at the supermarket with a bottle of... drinking yogurt. When asked to be photographed for the “Faces of the City” project, Dima (all names have been changed) refused, citing the fact that “everyone knows” him, but he didn’t mind talking.

– After school I didn’t want to go to college. But I passed my license and my dad bought a car. I foolishly decided that taxi drivers make a lot of money, so I’ll taxi. At first, and this was in winter, I made good money. I rebuilt the car and dressed up. I didn’t experience any shortage of money even before I went to work: my mother is an engineer at a factory, my father is a truck driver. But I always needed more, I wanted “my own” money, so as not to have to report to my parents where and how much I spent. I am the only child in the family, of course, I was spoiled. But then it happened, dad didn’t return from the flight. He is still considered missing. We were left alone with my mother. The flow of money dried up, and my work began to bring in much less. Taxi companies appeared like mushrooms after the rain, sometimes I didn’t earn thousands overnight, and in the end I left.

I started looking for a new job. I thought it was easier for me, I have my own car. The search was short-lived; a meeting was scheduled at a cafe. Arriving at the “interview”, I was thinking about all kinds of work, and did not at all imagine that the “mother” of one of the city brothels was sitting in front of me. I imagined the women who “managed the girls” to be old, fleshy, rude, foul-mouthed women, and I certainly did not expect to see a slender, pretty, stylish girl. After her short story about all the “aspects” of the job, I replied: “Why not!”

My duties were to take the girls to their addresses and pick them up. We traveled together with a security guard, so it was fun. Sometimes I sat on the phone. We had a lot of funny dialogues. It also happened that girls were asked for a loan, on the security of documents, even a car. They asked for discounts and bargained for time. One guy, we nicknamed him “Half an Hour,” always called and said that he didn’t have money for more. There was “Fast” - after he ordered a girl, he was indignant that he “shot himself” in 15 minutes, but paid for an hour.

One day Lera, that was the name of my mistress, came up to me and, looking pleadingly, asked: “Dim, help me out, there are four aunts celebrating something, they asked a boy for a striptease. They’ll pay you well, but they’ll want more, so you decide.”

Why not? Money - it doesn't smell. And I heard from the security guards and drivers in our “company” that almost everyone earns extra money this way. Lera provided me with rubber bands and sent me to the Sabbath. Scary? Not at all. I was already 23, I had not been a virgin for a long time. I also danced at school, so I could undress beautifully while listening to music. And even at that time our women were not pretentious. I “danced” for them. I took the money, they also stuffed some small change into my underpants, and began to get dressed. But my aunts didn’t let me go, they persuaded me to stay. They gave me a drink, and... away we go! He returned to work only two hours later and in the presence of money.

Since then my “career” began. Although he remained a driver, he sometimes earned money with his body. I told my mom that I was driving the boss. The money mostly had to be hidden. There were all sorts of women. Lera allowed me to refuse if I didn’t like someone. It’s especially scary when you come across unwashed ones. I always didn’t care about appearance, I closed my eyes, imagined that it was prettier, put it in, got the money, and left. It was worse with the smelly ones or with those who preferred “without gum.” There were also thieves who required a certificate from the “venerechka”. Once I came to the private sector, entered the house and was horrified: not only was there shit everywhere, but cockroaches were crawling on the table. And when I saw the client, a sickening lump came to my throat. He turned around and left. It also happened that I picked up illnesses. Once I did something unacceptable: I got very drunk at a client’s house. I don’t even know why, I had a fight with my mother, I was in a bad mood. It turned out that she “rewarded” me not only with gonorrhea, but also with pubic lice.

The girls somehow talked me into changing clothes. We put on a bra with a bunch of socks, guipure panties to get into the character more, pulled on tights, a dress, even dug up some high-heeled sandals, bought a wig for the occasion, put on makeup and took a few photos. I didn’t recognize myself when I saw it. And they also put photos in an album for clients. Lera had to explain for a long time that it was a joke. One of the clients even began to bargain, offering decent money for a boy in women's clothes. The photo was removed, I then carried it in my wallet for a very long time, I told my friends that it was my girlfriend. They were jealous of the beauty and no one guessed that this guy was me.

I worked for almost a year, it all ended somehow quickly. Once we went with two security guards to a party to entertain elderly ladies. We went into the apartment, and there, among other women, my aunt was sitting. How she was enjoying herself there! My “colleagues” jumped out of the apartment, and she grabbed me and yelled that I was disgracing my family. No matter how hard I begged him to remain silent, it didn’t work. Mom found out, and not an hour had passed. She said: either I leave this job, or I leave home. I was glad to stay, but problems with the “roof” began in the “company”. Lera ran away. Of course, I assured my parent that I was done with my “profession.” But she suspected me for a very long time, until I got married.

10 years have passed since then. Now Dima works, like everyone else, as an “office plankton”, he even graduated from college. He has a wife and two children. “Now you are doing house calls, it’s a difficult time – is it a crisis?” – I asked Dima a question at the end of our conversation. In response, he just smiled and looked away. And then, completely waving his hand, he threw out a casual “Bye!”, and went his way.

Found it on the Internet. The story is not mine.
I liked it... In general, I like dressing up in girls' clothes.
Handkerchiefs and swaddling too - and they are in this story

Zhenya. Daughters and mothers.

On Wednesday evening, Zhenya and his mother visited Aunt Vera, my mother’s sister. While his mother and aunt were keeping secrets in the hall, he was playing with his older cousin in her room. Sasha was 5 years older than him and behaved almost like an adult. At the age of 12, she was a very reasonable girl who came up with a logical explanation for any game. Zhenya was a quiet, obedient boy, short, with luxuriant hair. He recently started first grade, and Sasha liked to play school with him. Zhenya didn’t mind, because instead of fives for correct answers, he received candy. It’s true that Sasha took away the candy for the wrong ones, but still Zhenya still won. Soon the children were called to dinner. Zhenya even shared the candy he earned with his mother and aunt. After tea, aunt and mother stayed in the kitchen to wash the dishes, and Sasha and Zhenya again ran to the nursery, where they began to build a “house” under Sasha’s desk. Zhenya persistently called him a halabuda. Sasha insisted that this was their little castle, and Zhenya was an enchanted prince who needed to be saved.
The women were talking, and the children were playing and did not notice how time for bed approached. Zhenya’s mother was getting ready to go home. Sasha and Zhenya played so hard that they didn’t want to leave, and Aunt Vera suggested that her sister let Zhenya spend the night with them.
- There is a place, there is a quarantine at school, Sasha is at home, and she is already big, she can feed Zhenya herself.
And tomorrow they say they will meet again after work and go home early.
- It’s already half past ten by the time you get there, and it’s time for the child to go to bed.
Mom asked Zhenya if he agreed to stay, and he, having broken down a little, said that he would like to sleep with Sasha. Mom kissed him goodbye and said that she would definitely come by after work.
After seeing her mother off, Zhenya suddenly felt somehow sad. But then the phone rang, Aunt Vera got distracted, and Sasha offered to play some more...
“That’s it, guys, it’s time to go to bed,” Aunt Vera hung up the phone, “it’s already eleven o’clock.”
Sasha had a large room, and in addition to a tiny bed, which folded out on the sides as Sasha grew older, there was a chair-bed in it. The wife was laid out on the bed, and Sasha, as the mistress, had to lie on the chair. Aunt Vera gave Zhenya Sasha’s old knitted pajamas; they were very pleasantly soft, although the legs were a little short. She said good night and turned off the light.
The children did not fall asleep immediately. Sasha continued to tell Zhenya various almost scary stories for a long time.
Waking up in the morning, Zhenya saw that Sasha was no longer sleeping, but sitting at the table and enthusiastically drawing something. When he stood up and came closer, he saw that she was painting her nails with her mother's polish. The polish was pink and shiny. Having finished with her nails, Sasha began to persuade Zhenya to paint his nails too. He completely refused, but Sasha was very persistent, and, in the end, Zhenya agreed to the experiment. Sasha very carefully applied the varnish to Zhenya’s nails (she even stuck out her tongue from her zeal), and together they began to blow on the varnish so that it would dry faster. Sasha offered to paint her nails and toes, but Zhenya said that he wanted to go to the toilet and ran away from her in time.
At this time the bell rang and Sasha ran to open the door.
When Zhenya left the toilet, besides Sasha, there was another girl standing in the corridor. She was taller than Sasha, had long hair, unlike her, was dressed in a jacket and was holding a bag of bread and milk in her hands.
- Oh, what a sweet girl! Little sister? And what are our names? – she chattered.
- Yes, cousin...
- Why are we silent? What's our name?
“Zhenya,” Zhenya mumbled and ran into Sasha’s room.
- How shy we are.
Zhenya fell on the bed and covered his head with the blanket. He felt very ashamed. But then his girlfriends entered the room, and he hid and almost stopped breathing.
“Why are we still lying in bed, it’s time to get up,” the girls tried to rouse him.
Sasha’s friend said that she would take the shopping home and come back, then they would all play together. And she even knows what. Sasha did not dare to object to her.
- Zhenya, get up. Lena left,” she tried to push her brother Sasha away.
- Well, I couldn’t say that you are my brother. A disheveled miracle runs out in girl’s pajamas, with long hair and painted nails. If you want, I'll tell you that you're a boy.
Zhenya just burst into tears and turned to the wall.
- Don’t cry, otherwise you won’t believe that you’re a boy. If you want, we won’t say anything. Well, being a little girl isn’t scary at all.
And Sasha, captivated by the new idea, began rummaging through her old things to find something that fit Zhenya.
- Get up, Lena will come now. Wear tights, a T-shirt and a skirt. They should suit you. Zhenya stop crying. Decide something already. Lena is stubborn, she still has to get up.
The bell rang, Sasha went to open it, and Zhenya looked at the clothes his sister offered. If he would have agreed to put on tights, he didn’t want to wear a skirt at all. Tears ran from his eyes again, and he again covered his head with the blanket.
Then his girlfriends came into the room and began to bother him, and Lena also began to lisp.
- What a capricious Zhenya we have. Just like a little doll. I already know, my little sister just turned 2 years old. Oh, an idea...
And she began to whisper something to Sasha. Sasha tried to dissuade Lena, but still agreed. And with renewed vigor they began to slow down Zhenya.
- Zhenya, get up. It's time for breakfast. Stop being capricious. Come play with us. Get dressed. Let's play mother and daughter. Get up. Capricious. Well, that little doll is definitely not smart. That's it, we warned you. Blame yourself. If you don't want to obey your elders, we'll punish you. Do you want to lie in bed? Please. Only we will swaddle you. Get up.
Zhenya didn’t know what to do. He was afraid of Sasha's active friend. And he was probably ready to get up, but to change clothes in front of a stranger... Tears fell from their eyes.
The girls got tired of persuading him, and they began to implement their plan. They pulled off the blanket from Zhenya, took away the pillow and began to wrap him in the sheet on which he was lying. The girls were much older and together they easily broke Zhenya’s resistance. He shouted: “Don’t. I won't do it anymore. Let go." But the girls’ eyes lit up with excitement, and in a few minutes they finished swaddling in the sheet. Zhenya tried to squirm. And the girlfriends decided that they should continue swaddling. The little doll is very restless.
- Something is missing. Sasha, do you have a cap? All children must wear caps with frills.
- If there is, it will obviously be too small for Zhenechka.
- Then let's tie a scarf for her.
No sooner said than done. Sasha took out a white scarf and wrapped it tightly around Zhenya’s head. Then they laid out the blanket with which Zhenya covered himself and wrapped it as if in an envelope. Zhenya was already tired of crying, but tears flowed from his eyes, he felt completely helpless. Sasha took out her pink ribbons, and the girls secured the envelope by wrapping it several times with ribbons and tying them with beautiful bows.
- What a cute little girl. Usi-pusi, little one. Look what Aunt Lena has prepared for you.
And Lena inserted a pacifier into Zhenya’s mouth. He tried to spit it out, but Lena was prudent - the pacifier was on a ribbon, and the ribbon was tied with another bow. Zhenya failed to spit it out.
- That's it, little one, lie down, calm down. Little girls should obey their elders.
Sasha said that Zhenya needed to be fed breakfast, and the girls went to the kitchen to figure out what to feed the little doll. Zhenya couldn’t even move. A few minutes later the girls returned, took the pacifier out of Zhenya’s mouth and, with four hands, fed him a sandwich and milk. After wiping his mouth, they reinserted the pacifier, covered it with a corner of the envelope and, telling her to think about her behavior, went about their business. They were quite loud, so that Zhenya could hear the entire conversation through his scarf and blanket; they were distributing roles in the game among themselves.
- Let Zhenya be our daughter. “And I’ll be a mother,” Lena said.
“I also want to be a mother,” Sasha argued.
- Let you be a dad. Your name can be either a boy's or a woman's name. And you have short hair. But boys cannot be Lenami.
While they were arguing, Zhenya really wanted to go to the toilet, but the pacifier prevented him from speaking, and he could only hum through it. The girls noticed that the swaddled cocoon was somehow not calm and approached it.
- What happened to our baby? Do you want mommy to take out the pacifier? Will you behave?
Zhenya nodded vigorously. He agreed to everything, as long as he didn’t wet himself. The pacifier was taken out and he said he wanted to go to the toilet. But the girls made him promise to obey them in everything.
- Tell. I will be an obedient girl. Tell. Mommy, daddy, I want to pee-pee. Tell. Mommy, give me the pacifier. And don't you dare take it out until we give permission.
Zhenya obediently repeated everything after Lena. They gave him a pacifier again, unwrapped him, and he rushed like an arrow to the toilet. When he came out of the toilet, he looked quite unusual, and hardly anyone would have said that he was a boy. Girl's pajamas, head wrapped in a scarf, pacifier in mouth, nails painted, confused. But the girls immediately took it into their own hands.
- Did the little one make a pee-pee? And who will wash it off?
- Zhenya, let's go to the room.
- Let's swaddle our baby. Should I bring a diaper so I don't have to get up to go to the toilet?
“There’s no need to swaddle,” Zhenya cried.
- Don't cry, sister.
- Not a sister, but a daughter. Daughter, who allowed you to take out the pacifier? We will swaddle naughty girls.
- I won't do it again.
“Darling,” Sasha played along, “maybe it’s time to dress our girl.”
- Yes, dear, my daughter and I will go wash, and you prepare what to wear for her.
Lena, like a little girl, washed Zhenya’s hands and washed him. But she made me take the pacifier again.
Sasha, meanwhile, tidied up the bed and, in addition to tights, a T-shirt and a skirt, took out panties and a ribbon.
When Zhenya and Lena returned from the bathroom, Zhenya quickly changed clothes without talking to Sasha, so that Lena wouldn’t see that he was a boy. White panties, light green tights, a blue T-shirt with long sleeves and a Mini Mouse painted on the front, a blue tight skirt with small polka dots - seemingly ordinary clothes, but for girls. Zhenya stood and was afraid to move. Lena took off his scarf and began to comb him.
- What soft hair our daughter has. What do you want: a braid or ponytails, or just tie a bow?
- Just give me a bow, I already got the ribbon. The hair is still too short for a beautiful braid,” Sasha noted.
- And we can braid them into two ears...
Zhenya stood there, neither alive nor dead. He didn't know how girls acted in such situations. In addition, he still had a pacifier in his mouth.
- Why are you silent, little one? Oh, you have a pacifier in your mouth. That's right, I didn't allow her to be taken out. Only children don’t just hold it in their mouth, but suck it. That's it, try it. Well done. Smack your lips. Smart girl. Now let's tie a bow. Our girl will be beautiful. Well, how sleepy are you? Sasha, get the toys. Here, take the doll. And we'll see what else we have here.
The girls enthusiastically began to take out Sasha’s old toys. In addition to a large assortment of soft toys, which Sasha also played with, there were baby dolls, children’s dishes, cubes, a dollhouse, and many other girly things. Everything was dumped on the carpet, and the girls themselves began to dig through it all with great pleasure.
But soon they got tired of it, Zhenya was allowed to take out the pacifier, left him with the toys, and they themselves began to play “beauty salon.” At first, Lena acted as the master. She didn’t work her magic on Sasha’s hair for long. After all, Sasha played the role of dad, and Lena simply gave her a side parting instead of a straight one and carefully licked her hair. But Sasha showed her imagination. Lena had long hair, and with her ponytail down, Sasha styled her hair up high, like an adult, using a bunch of her mother's hairpins. Then came the turn of cosmetics. Which means my parents are not at home. You can experiment to your fullest.
The girls had played enough and turned their attention to Zhenya. He forgot how he was dressed. He sat quietly on his carpet and built houses for dolls from blocks.
- Zhenechka, we are going to visit. Make-believe, of course. We need to change clothes. Sasha, do we have a festive dress that will suit our daughter?
- I'll look now.
-Come here, daughter. I'll untie the bow. It's not festive at all.
Zhenya approached Lena. He was very embarrassed, did not know what to do with his hands and was fiddling with the hem of his skirt. Lena untied the bow and began to take off his T-shirt. Meanwhile, Sasha took out her festive dress from the closet, which was bought for her when she was about Zhenya’s age.
The dress was green, velvet, with already sewn petticoats, long sleeves, gathered lanterns at the shoulders, and a white turn-down collar and cuffs. The belt at the waist was tied at the back with a large bow.
Zhenya's skirt was pulled off. Sasha handed him a white T-shirt with thin straps, and he put it on without objection. Then he raised his hands up, and they put this girlish splendor on him. Yes, it’s not like putting a sweater or T-shirt over your head. Zhenya even closed his eyes when white skirts rustled past his face, he put his hands into the sleeves and pulled the dress down.
He stood motionless. The girls straightened their dresses, fastened the buttons on the back, straightened their petticoats, which protruded slightly from under the hem, and tied a bow at their waists. And he was experiencing some new unfamiliar feelings and did not know whether he liked or not to be dressed in a dress. Any girl would be very pleased. The white cuffs, collar and lace edge of the petticoats nicely set off the dark green velvet of the festive dress.
- Why is our beauty silent? Do you like the new dress?
“Yes...” Zhenya answered confusedly.
- Say: thank you, mom, thank you, dad. Do not be silent.
- Thank you, mommy, thank you, daddy.
- Smart girl. Come, I'll kiss you.
Zhenya knew that girls kissed for any reason. But no matter how much I wanted to avoid it, it was impossible for Lena to suspect something. And he came up to her and turned his cheek.
- What a good girl we have. But she also needs to go to the hairdresser.
- That's right, you can't be so disheveled in such a beautiful dress.
- Chur, I will be a master. You, Sasha, just did my hair.
- OK. And my daughter and I seemed to have come to the hairdresser.
“I don’t want to get my hair cut,” Zhenya cried.
- All small children are afraid of scissors. What are you, little one? We won't cut your hair. Let's just comb it.
They sat him down in front of the mirror, and Lena picked up a large comb. Meanwhile, the curling iron was heating up. The girls decided to curl Zhenya’s hair a little. When Lena brought the curling iron to his hair, he began to struggle and cry.
- Dad, bring the pacifier and hold your daughter. I'm not doing anything bad.
The wife again put a pacifier in her mouth and forced her to suck.
- What kind of pampering is this? If you behave badly, we will undress you and swaddle you again, like a very small child.
Zhenya got scared and let himself be tricked. When Lena combed her curls curled with a curling iron, for some reason it was almost not noticeable that the hair had been curled, but her hairstyle became noticeably more voluminous.
- How our baby likes the pacifier. Stop sucking. Come here. Tell me what bow to tie. White or green.
“White,” said Zhenya. He saw that all girls with festive dresses were required to tie white bows.
- That's right, little one. Sasha, give us a big bow. And Zhenechka will close her eyes for now.
And Lena slightly tinted his eyelids and eyelashes. And then the girls tied a huge white bow for Zhenya. But they were still missing something. And they lightly rouged his cheeks and, as a final touch, painted his lips with shiny pink lipstick.
Zhenya sat with his eyes closed and was afraid to look at himself in the mirror.
- All. The eyes can be opened. Well, dad, are you happy? Where is your mommy?
Zhenya opened his eyes and immediately closed them.
- Oh, what a doll! Daughter, you are so beautiful! “Get up,” Lena was already playing the role of mother.
Zhenya was ready to cry. A real doll was looking at him from the mirror, well, at least, a girl of kindergarten age.
- What's happened? Whims again? Give me the nipple again? Get up. Spin around. Smart girl. Give mom a pen, give dad a pen.
And they, taking him by the hands, walked throughout the apartment. Every now and then the girls stopped and admired their handiwork. And Zhenya had to spin around, learn to curtsey and kiss mom and dad. Then they no longer wanted to go on a visit, and they “went to the movies.” Sasha turned on the cartoon, and they sat decorously on the sofa in the living room. Zhenya found himself in the middle and sat without moving, with his hands on his knees, like an exemplary girl. Sasha noticed his stiffness and brought a doll.
- That's right, dear. Let the baby rock the doll. She's definitely a doll herself! Zhenya, do you want to be a doll?
- No…
- Okay, okay, I was joking. You are our beloved daughter.
After the cartoon, the three of them played with dolls, set the table with children's dishes, and, in general, did ordinary girly things. Zhenya got involved in the game and was no longer afraid of being exposed by Lena every minute. The only thing was that he was very shy when Sasha accompanied him to the toilet to hold his beautiful dress.
The girls were playing and did not notice that lunch time had come. The phone rang. It was Lena's grandmother who called. Like, it’s almost three o’clock, it’s time for lunch. Lena got ready to go home. Sasha took the pins out of her hair. It turned out a little untidy, but Lena said she would comb her hair at home.
- Well, that's it, I ran. Otherwise grandma will scold you.
- Yes, it’s time for Zhenya and I to have a snack too.
- Goodbye, daughter. Kiss mommy... Well done. And I’ll give you a pacifier. Maybe we'll play some more. Or, if you’re naughty, Sasha will give it to you so you don’t cry. Okay, okay, just kidding. Kiss me again... That's it, bye.
Lena ran away. And for some reason Zhenya burst into tears.
- Well, why are you crying? Everything is fine. Lena didn't realize that you were a boy. Was it really boring to play with us? And in general, you, Zhenechka, are a very beautiful girl. Look in the mirror. I wish I had a sister like that. Let me kiss you. Okay, time for lunch. Come on, I’ll help you take off your dress so it doesn’t get dirty. Or do you want to stay in it while I heat up dinner?
Zhenya, in principle, had already gotten used to the dress, but there was no way he would admit it.
Sasha untied the belt, undid the buttons on the back and carefully took off Zhenya’s festive dress and T-shirt. But I noticed, what if suddenly, after lunch, Lena returns. Zhenya did not want to be a girl again. Then my sister suggested that for now we just put on a T-shirt, the same one we wore in the morning. We’ll have time to change clothes before our parents arrive, and if Lena does come in, then Zhenya will have time to put on her skirt; she won’t hide it for now. His wife had to agree, but he asked to remove the nail polish. Sasha helped him put on his T-shirt, set him up to heat up lunch, and there in the kitchen, she wiped off his and her nail polish with a special liquid. They had lunch, Sasha washed the dishes, and Zhenya helped dry them. Then they returned to the nursery and carefully hung the dress in Sasha’s closet. And then Zhenya saw himself in the large mirror in the closet door. A girl stood in the reflection. After all, he was wearing a girl’s T-shirt and tights, and, in addition, a large white bow in his hair. Sasha did not specifically remind him of the bow; she so wanted him to remain her little sister longer. And he somehow managed to get used to his hairstyle and while changing clothes, having lunch and removing nail polish, he didn’t notice that he was left with a bow.
- Sasha, untie me.
- What if Lena returns?
- So what. Girls go without bows.
- So you agree to be a girl?
“No-no...” Zhenya whined and began to tear off the bow himself.
- Wait, wait, I’ll carefully untie it myself. And there was no point in crying.
- You don’t wear bows.
- I'm already an adult. But I’m ready to tie a bow for myself if we tie one for you too. Want?
- No...
- OK OK. Let's go wash up. Otherwise mom will see the cosmetics.
They went to the bathroom and washed themselves with soap. Sasha dialed Lenin’s phone. She said that she would not come today, since her grandmother gave her housework. But he will definitely call you back in the evening. Therefore, Sasha hid the child’s skirt and took out Zhenya’s boy’s clothes, which she hid in the closet in the morning.
- It’s a pity, I got such a sister. And now again, brother. Let `s play.
And since there was still time before the parents arrived, they sat down on the carpet, where the toys were laid out.
The mothers arrived almost simultaneously. Sasha a little earlier, because it was much closer to her from work.
- Did you eat, what did you do?
- We ate, watched TV, played.
- And what did you play?
- To daughters and mothers.
Aunt Vera looked at Zhenya strangely. But then I thought: the boy is small, and what else is there to play with Sasha. Then Zhenya’s mother came. And they began to gather for the table again. We drank tea together. And mom and Zhenya got ready to go home.
- Zhenechka, you liked being with Sasha all day, will you come and visit us again? - asked Aunt Vera.
“Yes,” Zhenya answered timidly, holding his mother’s hand. He didn't know if he wanted a repeat of today. Probably not. But he was still interested in Sasha.
His mother, saying goodbye to her sister, noticed that the quarantine had just begun, and there was no one to leave him at home with. Tomorrow is of course the weekend. But next week she would ask Sasha to stay with Zhenya a couple more times, if they had such a good time together. Aunt Vera didn’t mind at all. But Zhenya didn’t know where to put his eyes from embarrassment, he was afraid that today’s game might repeat itself.
And the quarantine continued

Awesome action, I love it. At first, the mother, a baby picker, who felt sorry for throwing away her daughter’s underwear, then it was as if her little sister had already grown up and, seeing such miracles, decided to play along with her mother. I picked up some tights and tights, put them on my brother and headed to the park. Then they found him a wife on the TOPIC (apparently the whole Yandex was shoveled) with whom he swims in the river in amazingly beautiful swimsuits, and the men mistake him for a girl......

"Since childhood, I always wore girl's panties with bows and tights. That's how my mother dressed me. I bought pantaloons and what happened from my sister. My sister was scarier and then everything went to me. We grew up together, my sister began to grow up quickly, her breasts swelled and she wore I asked my mother for a bra, and I should also wear a bra like my sister’s. What was said, if you want, I’ll buy it for you and you can wear it. Of course, my mother had excellent taste. The bra was excellent for my sister and she bought me a simply beautiful one, picked up panties, and also bought skirts blouses, shoes, stockings, tights like my sister. Then my sister and I had the same wardrobe. And I wore all this and walked around the house. Sometimes I went out with my mother. Mom didn’t pay attention and at first my sister was interested in how I transform into a girl, But then she began to help me choose the color of underwear, button up my bra, how to put on panties and where to hide my pussy so that it would look like a girl’s pubis. She would put something in my bra to make her breasts look like hers. She would put on dresses or a transparent blouse with a short skirt, so that the bra and high-heeled shoes can be seen. Her outerwear suited me. I put on makeup and so I became like a girl. And after 16 years, when I was already dressing like a girl, I walked around in all this. My sister came with a friend and quickly put on me a thong, stockings with a lace elastic band for stockings, a beautiful blouse, a red tight short dress, beads and earrings. They did my makeup, my hair, put on high-heeled shoes, and in this form, all three of us went for a walk in the park. At first I felt a bit uneasy, but then the looseness disappeared. And everything went fine. My sister called me Olya. On the street, no one even noticed that the boy was dressed as a girl. My sister and I returned home like this. Mom didn’t understand at first and then was surprised, but she was never against the fact that I dress as a girl. And as a result, I began to dress like my sister and everything my sister wears. I walked like this at home and on the street, and I grew up like this. Mom bought my sister and I the same underwear, panties, bras, stockings, tights, fishnet panties. Dresses, skirts, leggings. And already at home my mother had two daughters. Even in the summer we swam in swimsuits. At first I had it closed. And then my sister told my mother to buy a separate one, just so that the bra had padding. They also came to the beach, undressed and went into the water. In winter, he wore woolen tights and boots, and sometimes, at the insistence of his sister, wore warm pantaloons. so everything went on and on. Now I always wear either stockings or tights. Sometimes I wear a bodysuit, grace or semi-grace. The panties are only fishnet. in summer tango or thong. Having gotten married, of course my wife saw all this, at first it wasn’t very good. But now we go to the store together where she picks out lingerie for me, stockings, tights, looks at me and advises what suits me, my wife wears lingerie at home and so do I. Sometimes dressing me as a woman, I have already learned how to do makeup myself, leading to the street or to a cafe. In the summer we also swim in swimsuits. She bought me a wonderful two-piece swimsuit with padding. And everything fits perfectly. Fortunately, the figure is almost like a woman’s. My wife suggested drinking female hormones. After about 3 months, light feminine breasts with nipples appeared and the hips became rounder. She likes it all. And we both see nothing reprehensible in this. Everything goes as if it had happened. We live well and happily. This is how I look now and my wife is just delighted. The underwear I was wearing was all chosen by my wife and my hair was styled. And she took the photo so beautifully.

“I was 14, and I just went to visit my father. I felt bad, everything hurt. I went to the bathroom in tears, swearing that they started right now, when I was far from my mother.

I called my stepmother and sister, and they laughed - I felt humiliated. My father asked what was the matter, I told him, and he just groaned (he thought that I had started menstruating a long time ago).

They gave me a very hot bath, I lay there for half an hour, and when I decided to leave, I lost consciousness due to the temperature change. I woke up on the floor, with a huge bruise on my butt, and everything around was splattered with blood.”

2. Blood on the face

“My mother smeared the blood on my face, saying it was the best remedy for acne. Then he and his friends continued drinking, and I still sometimes feel like that humiliated 12-year-old girl.”


3. I tried to insert a tampon into the urethra

“It so happened that no one explained to me what menstruation is, when and why it happens. In addition, I missed the school class where they talked about this in biology.

On the morning of my 13th birthday, I woke up and saw blood on the sheet. I went to the toilet, dried myself - and there was more and more of it. I ran to my mother in horror, and she blushed, gave me a tampon and said that now I can ride on a white saddle.

I do not understand! I tried to insert a tampon into the urethra, nothing worked, I called my mother again. She got angry and slammed the door, and I started crying. Then she brought me a pack of pads.

Later I read about all this on the Internet and found out that I had become a woman. Thanks to the Internet!”

4. I was 3000 kilometers from home

“They started when I went on a long trip with my parents’ friends. Previously, their son traveled with us, but now it’s the other way around. My first period stained my pants, everyone noticed, but we were camping and no one could help. All three days I saved myself with toilet paper. Not a very good experience."

5. I shook my head and started crying.

“I was ready for their appearance, I read a lot of literature. I grew up early, but my periods never came, even though my breasts grew and my armpits had to be shaved.

And still they started at the wrong time. We just had exams, and during one of them I felt that my jeans were wet. She asked permission to leave. I saw blood in the toilet and, although I knew everything and was not afraid of blood, I jerked my head and started crying. At that moment, a classmate entered the toilet, saw me and laughed. Of course, the whole school found out when it all started for me!”