What does it mean to see a lot of dogs in a dream? Dream book of O. Smurova Why do you dream about a Dog according to the dream book. Why do you dream of a big dog according to the dream books of Miller and Vanga

This dream signifies unfavorable circumstances, danger and various conflicts and quarrels into which the dreamer may be drawn. Most often, a person begins to see such dreams during periods when the team is at work or in educational institution treats you unkindly, aggressively, or there is a threat of conflict.

Seeing many dogs in a dream means quarrels, troubles, people with whom you have to share something, creditors and brawlers. Pay attention to how they behaved in your dream, where they didn’t let you in, and what happened next. This will show possible prospects for getting out of a conflict situation or how you will behave during the proceedings. This is what many dogs dream about most often.

Wolves and dogs

They usually start to gather in large quantities when they want to attack their prey and then tear it to pieces. In this they are similar to their fellow wolves, who are accustomed to attacking and surrounding prey. If you dreamed of a lot of dogs that want to tear your child or just an animal to pieces, this dream means great danger. For parents, such a dream often indicates that their son or daughter has fallen into a bad story or in very bad company.

Usually, many dogs in a dream mean trouble, quarrel, or danger for you. Often dogs in a pack become very aggressive, often attacking people. A person seeing this dream may himself find himself in an unfavorable situation at work, in the yard, or in any other quarrel. Pay attention to where exactly the dogs attacked you and what size they were.

If in a dream several dogs began to attack, then such a dream predicts intrigue and intrigue. Usually their size indicates the degree of danger. For example, a large dog, like large animals the size of a person, show that the dreamer has powerful enemies and adversaries, creditors, or he may fall into bad company and become a victim of an attack.

The dream book writes that many medium-sized dogs predict a quarrel with people of equal age and financial status. And if you dream of several very small dogs, lap dogs, dachshunds, then such a dream symbolizes a quarrel with women and small people whom you can easily put in their place. Modern books indicate that the reason, as well as the discontent, will be completely insignificant.

So the size of the dogs usually indicates how and their number indicates who exactly will take up arms against you in the near future and how dangerous the rivalry with these people will be. As a rule, the most insidious and dangerous can be large shepherd dogs, Great Danes or yard dogs large-sized dogs. And small lapdogs, which you yourself can easily drive away with your foot, mean women, gossip or simply unpleasant stories that will not lead to dangerous and unpredictable consequences.

Most likely, it will turn out to be just gossip, slander and various proceedings and conflicts that will make a lot of noise about nothing.

Meeting point

Where you see a pack of dogs, a lot of dogs, suggests in what area of ​​activity there may be unpleasant relationships, quarrels, litigation and conflict situations. Animals may not show aggression, but simply prevent you from going to some place, for example, to get to work, to a store, or to a friend’s yard. And they often appear in a vacant lot or on the way to an important destination. Pay attention to where you were going in the dream and why the dogs prevented you from moving forward.

Animals that simply do not allow passage, but do not behave aggressively, show an obstacle in business, the inability to break through on their own, or restrained aggressiveness. For example, you are stopping someone from doing something. A person may not show this outwardly, since there is no reason to find fault, but he is internally dissatisfied and at the same time sets others against you.

For example, a mother-in-law doesn’t like her daughter-in-law, but she has no reason to get attached to her. So she restrains her feelings so that in case of any mistake she can do something nasty or express everything she thinks. These thoughts can manifest themselves in small things, but a true attitude towards oneself is always felt, although the person himself may not understand what he is doing and what is happening.

But the secret will become apparent (which is often unexpected), and then aggressiveness will appear from any side, often from where no one expected it. Therefore, the dream book writes that such dreams and dogs that lie calmly in a dream, interfering with your path, mean troubles, quarrels, resentment and everything very bad. Pay attention to where they prevent you from going.

If this is work, then colleagues can plot and report you to their superiors, saying bad and very bad things. On the way to relatives or friends - to hidden anger. If a pack of dogs blocks your path to the store, then the lack of penetration power may prevent you from achieving your desired goal or making a choice. Sometimes such a dream means a change of plans or even illness.

If you want to understand such a dream, then pay attention to the size of the dog and its behavior. A large individual, but not aggressive, simply means an obstacle, often that something will interfere with the implementation of your plans; small mongrels dream of scandals and quarrels.

If large and big dog not only prevents you from passing, but also attacks, bares its teeth, expect trouble. Modern books indicate that you have an enemy or aggressor who will show his feelings at the most inopportune time. So beware.

Who is the victim

If there is a leader among the evil animals, then some enemy is turning people against you or his anger is such that he may be very dangerous for you. dangerous person. Also modern books indicate that you may find yourself in bad company.

If animals attack a kitten or child, try not to find yourself in a situation of complete helplessness, since the forces in the fight with enemies are not equal. Save your baby, pet or person - you will miraculously avoid great danger and disaster.

If a pack of dogs tore someone to pieces, then it is useless to resist aggressiveness. Therefore, the dream book writes that you can suffer greatly. Try to avoid dangerous people and businesses.

If you yourself have become a victim of dogs and fight with them, show resistance, then modern books write that everything will be fine and you will cope with the situation. But the best omen is considered if you managed to disperse the dogs in a dream and get to the right place.

Our experts will help you find out what many Dogs mean in your dreams, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

Interpret → * By clicking on the “Explain” button, I give.

    Hello Tatiana!
    I had an interesting dream, I was alarmed by the fact that I usually don’t remember my dreams, but I remember this one clearly, with all its colors! I couldn’t find an interpretation of the incidents that happened there on the Internet.
    I live in multi-storey building, I walk out of the entrance and instantly see a lot of dogs, at least 10, not a single one growls or barks, they just started looking at me carefully! (There were also frightened neighbors on the street who were saying something, and there was such a noise.) Among these dogs, there was a rabid dog that killed a cat (I didn’t see this), or maybe not a cat, but a duck, because I saw the head of a duck with a straight beak, separately, there was no body, it lay not far from a pool of blood, I clearly saw that the blood was on the snow. Then I clearly see how my neighbor, a 15-year-old boy, puts this dog to sleep by giving it some kind of injection. This dog was large in size, similar to a German shepherd. All the other dogs that were sitting around us were right close, they sat quietly, quietly, and I didn’t feel a sense of fear!...that’s how my dream ended.

    I was running through the forest, it was winter and there were dogs in front of me, as if they were all my dogs and they knew me. and as if we were surrounded by wolves, there were a lot of them too. but my dogs did not allow them to come close to them. The wolves growled at them. they didn't let me in anyway.

    There are a lot of big stray dogs everywhere... One big white dog with black spots is chasing me... I am afraid of these big dogs, I try to get around them, avoid them... I manage to avoid them, but they are looking for me...

    We were parting ways with a friend, she decides to accompany me, we started walking around the yards and couldn’t find my house, then we started running and suddenly the Dalmatian ran after us, and from the corner more dogs of all kinds, like Beethoven, they all barked, we ran up the hill, my friend She closed her leg and was bitten a little, and then the owners called them and we calmly left, my friend even stroked her.

    Evening, getting dark. I lock myself in the house on a hook. I feel excited. a semblance of fear, so that no one will break in. I look out the window and see a lot of dogs (about 20-25). At first I thought there were wolves, no dogs. I thought well. Surely no one will get it. I calmed down. There was light in the house from light bulbs, I'm not alone. I closed the hook. Calm down, no one will touch us.

    On a familiar street in my hometown on a frosty evening, I saw five dogs in a bundle tangled with threads. Next to (together with) them are huge beautiful white unusual flowers with large inflorescences larger than my height. The dogs are domestic, but tortured, with pitiful eyes; a plastic box like a feeder is tied to each muzzle with threads (empty ones, which, however, did not allow the dogs to eat).
    I tore these threads, took the flowers and took the dogs to the owner’s house at the address associated with one of the dogs. There is no one in the dog owner's apartment. The apartment is poor, children's things are drying. A neighbor woman appears, and I ask her to resolve the issue with the owner about handing over the key to me so that I can come feed the dogs while the owner is away. She's trying to find the key... they wake me up.

    My children and I collected and burned garbage in the clearing, there was green grass around, we burned spoiled cartons, and at the end the children brought a large sheet of rye zinc iron and threw it into the flames, and I thought to myself, it doesn’t burn, and I thought it’s probably melting at that moment I see that from top to bottom (the clearing was with an ascent, the family was on the descent) many very angry, open-mouthed, fanged, healthy fluffy gray dogs were running towards my family and I began to worry very much, they were afraid for my family, the eldest daughter stood with me, the rest were further away we have a husband and children, my daughter and I run to them and we don’t know how to help them and we don’t know how, and when I run to them I notice that among my family there are wild boars, also dangerous, and there is hope that these dogs are running after wild boars and that they won’t harm for my family, there was a rush of light and wild boars, and my family and dogs were all running from each other and it wasn’t even clear who was running where and from whom, I really wanted to help and save the family, but it was clear that it was unlikely that she wanted to find stones to throw at them I looked at the floor when I ran towards them and saw only small stones and realized that they would not help in any way and, out of hopelessness, began to wave both hands strongly so that at least they would try to save the family. I woke up in fear. I dreamed about it all on Monday morning when I was sleeping in an embrace with my husband

    I left someone else’s house where those I came to were not there. As I was leaving I saw a pack of black purebred dogs. They were preparing to attack, but I decided to get ahead of them and growled/screamed at them loudly. The dogs hesitated, but one finally threw a stone at me. I quit too. The dogs ran away. When I wanted to leave the yard, I saw bushes of plants illuminated by a bright beet purple light instead of an exit. I realized that I needed to go in the other direction, but there were unusually illuminated bushes in the opposite direction. Since there was no way out, I woke up.

    Hello, My brother and I were driving in a car, we stopped for something and suddenly we were surrounded by a lot of big dogs. I was scared, but my brother, without any fear, began to walk towards them, he swung at the dog and she grabbed his hand and shook him a little and let him go, and everyone got into the car and left.

Many dogs in a dream reflect the general relationship with the outside world and often warn of upcoming events. Popular dream books will teach you how to correctly decipher a dream image and understand exactly what it means in a dream.

Opinion of lovers' dream book

Did you dream about a lot of friendly dogs? Soon you will have loyal like-minded people or worthy admirers. On the contrary, the appearance of evil dogs in a dream means the acquisition of enemies and rivals.

If a girl dreamed of many lap dogs, then all her suitors will turn out to be frivolous. Seeing and being frightened by a pack of huge dogs is good for a girl. The dream book foresees that she will marry a decent and understanding man.

Interpretation according to Aesop's dream book

Did you hear many dogs barking in your dream? The dream book is sure: your friends are not real and often talk unkindly about you behind your back. Did you dream that many dogs were seeing you off with friendly barks? You will be able to uncover the conspiracy in time and avoid bad consequences.

Why dream about many dogs fighting over one piece of meat? The dream plot eloquently hints at the dreamer's greed. The dream book also warns of meeting a very stingy person.

Why do you dream about a lot of dogs on the street, in the house?

Did you dream about how many dogs came to your house? Expect guests you don't particularly want to see. Aggressive behavior of dogs or their appearance that frightens you symbolizes your own bad intentions and thoughts.

Why do you dream that many dogs on the street do not show much interest in you? In real life you will receive a cool gift. Playing with a pack of yard dogs in a dream means joy.

If a friendly pack follows you, then get ready for a hectic period. The same plot hints at interference in spiritual development. Did you dream that many dogs surrounded you? It is necessary to refuse current work at least for a while or, on the contrary, to plunge headlong into everyday life.

I dreamed about how many dogs attack

Why do you dream if a lot of dogs attack? Get ready to face open confrontation with competitors or enemies. If the dogs jump around happily, then you will be forgiven for your mistake or you will earn the respect of your enemies. Did you dream that dogs bite? If there is blood, then get ready for meanness from blood relatives; if without it, then a familiar person will deceive you. An attack by a pack of dogs warns of a conflict over money and real threat health.

What do many dogs of different breeds mean in dreams?

Why do you dream if you came to a dog show and saw a lot of dogs there? different breeds? In reality, luck will accompany you in almost all areas of life.

Many dogs in a dream - how to interpret correctly

For a detailed interpretation of a dream, it is very important to establish the dog breed. And also take into account their behavior and your own actions in a dream.

  • purebred any – confidence, success
  • greyhounds – change of place of residence, work
  • hounds - resentment, activity
  • hunting - favorable circumstances
  • watchdogs - caution when choosing
  • decorative - family quarrel
  • lap dogs - help, support
  • bulldogs - give up misconceptions and achieve success
  • dogi - meeting with an old friend
  • pugs - household chores
  • Shepherds – protection, help
  • poodles - patronage of an influential person
  • bloodhounds - pay attention, the right decision
  • small, harmless – pleasant communication without obligations
  • angry, aggressive – lack of restraint, major conflict
  • white – new acquaintances, success
  • black - treason, deceit
  • redheads - anger, vindictiveness
  • mad - danger, failure
  • wild - a solution to an old problem
  • many dogs on a leash - control the situation
  • on a chain - envious people, enemies
  • rushing at cats - intrigue
  • bickering - family scandal
  • run - loss
  • lying, preventing passage - remorse
  • waiting for a handout - profit, lucky chance
  • pursued - loss

Did you dream that you chained a lot of dogs? You will be able to subjugate a certain situation or control your enemies. But if in a dream you voluntarily feed homeless mongrels, then in reality you risk driving yourself into a hopeless situation.

Why do you dream about a dog and what does such a dream warn about? The question is not idle. The dog has been man's friend and faithful companion for thousands of years. You can hunt and play with it, transport cargo and drive through the snow, but its main task is to protect its owner and his home.

A dog can be very angry towards strangers and fight threateningly for its territory, but at the same time, there are many breeds of lap dogs that require care.

The character and skills of an animal depend on the breed and training, they are all different for everyone. It is difficult to guess how a dog accidentally encountered on the road will react to a person. Even more incomprehensible and mysterious is the appearance of his image in night visions.

The main qualities of an animal are considered to be devotion and fidelity, so most interpreters tend to favor a positive connotation of the dream. A dog means the help of a good friend or receiving good news, a desire to seek support from an influential patron or improved well-being.

Muslims called a dog an unclean animal, so in their dream books its arrival was regarded as an imminent attack by an enemy or revenge from someone close to them. It was proposed to kill the dog in a dream, then in real life there was hope to cope with the danger.

Owners love their pets, even if others don't find them adorable. Often the dog becomes a full member of the family, and the owners adapt to its walking schedule and choose the best treats.

At the same time, some people have been inexplicably afraid of dogs since childhood, regardless of their behavior and size. In dreams, the dog’s belonging to a particular breed and its color are taken into account.


It seems that a small dog in a dream does not pose a significant threat and does not need to be feared. A tiny dog ​​in interpretation means gossip and quarrels, and not an open attack by an ill-wisher.

However, the dream warns of the machinations of an unpleasant eccentric person who is trying in every way to piss off the dreamer, especially if the dog barks loudly or tries to bite.

You should not get angry and get involved in an argument when faced with a scandalous acquaintance or unfair accusations. It is better to calmly understand the situation and overcome it with honor.

A large dog promises full-scale actions on the part of others. If a dog growls and bites, in reality this will lead to a break in relations with a friend or business partner. A purebred, friendly dog ​​promises big profits, while a dirty animal, on the contrary, promises losses and illnesses.

If a dog has a snow-white color in a dream, it represents true friend or a guardian angel who will protect a person from adversity and promote career advancement. Moreover, than bigger dog, the more significant the event will be.

When a dog eats from your hands, you should wait for a new friend to appear. This also proves that acquaintances respect and honor the person feeding the dog.

An alarming dream with a white dog killing a snake is also not bad, although it indicates the presence of an enemy among friends. A friend will cope with it and provide the necessary support. If a white dog rushes at another, quarrels in the family or at work are possible.

A red dog portends fun events. For a girl, this means the appearance of a lover and stormy love adventures, and for a man, this means a quick promotion or bonus.

If a person often engages in self-examination and blames himself for past mistakes, the dog seen in a dream says that it is time to start looking at what is happening more positively. Only a huge red dog barking into the void means possible diseases and problems.

A dog with black fur is often a harbinger of sad events and bad news. The vision recalls the dreamer’s internal contradictions and his excessive rebellion. It is possible that an enemy is lurking among the close circle, eavesdropping on the words of the person who sees the black dog, and preparing to strike a treacherous blow.

At the same time, the dark puppy in the woman’s arms promises a meeting with her young lover, and the man promises minor troubles at work.

Breed of dog

A purebred dog represents a noble or powerful person. Petting such a dog in a dream means seeking his favor. If she has a collar around her neck and is chained, the patron is not free from certain obligations and will not help the dreamer. The situation can be reversed by removing the collar and releasing the dog.

A dream in which a purebred dog barks or bites has a negative connotation. In reality, a quarrel with a friend or relative is possible. And guard dogs, located towards the person who notices them, are a sign of protection from any troubles.

Explanation of why you dream barking dog, will not please the dreamer.

Usually, a dream anticipates evil acts directed against a person, the machinations of ill-wishers, attempts to harm and involve them in a serious conflict.

If the dog is also dirty, you should prepare to sort out the accumulated cases or solve a problem that has suddenly arisen. Sleeping with a well-groomed whining animal will bring good consequences. You can expect the arrival of an old friend.

A dog bite means a blow or tangible trouble in real life. Even worse is to see a pack of dogs in a dream, trying to attack or grinning their muzzles. This means that a person is surrounded by evil, aggressive people who will bring nothing but losses and damage.

Fleeing from a dog or a pack can neutralize the situation, but if it attacks and tears the dreamer to shreds, it will be very difficult to cope with the disaster.

A running mad dog warns of a temporary cooling of relations with a friend. If a sick dog bites the dreamer or one of his loved ones, illness or collapse of commercial plans is possible.

Interpretations from dream books

Mostly dream books give positive characterization a dream where a dog is present. Of course, her behavior, size and well-groomed fur play a big role.

According to Miller

Interpretations of what dogs mean in dreams are different for girls and boys. For the former, an exotic sofa dog is most often the news of an acquaintance with an empty, dapper admirer. A dog biting a woman means disagreements with a friend or troubles that will end in failure.

In men, the dog is more likely to be associated with business partners and colleagues. A good animal symbolizes financial success and a significant improvement in financial situation. A dog with spots on light fur indicates looming delays and difficulties in fulfilling obligations.

If a dog growls behind his back, in reality the schemer is trying to deceive the dreamer and is secretly weaving a conspiracy. A barking dog also portends quarrels and discord.

According to Vanga

The clairvoyant warned those who saw a wounded or stray dog ​​in a dream. She represents an old friend who is seriously ill or in need of help.

In other cases, the woman compared the dog’s behavior with the spiritual state of the dreamer. A barking and angry animal meant bad karma and advice to ask God for help. A dog that stood up to protect a person in a dream promised support from higher powers.

According to Freud

In his interpretation, the dog symbolizes a child. For women, caressing a dog in a dream means excessive care for their offspring. The dog's jump towards the dreamer predicts an imminent conception.

An Austrian psychiatrist gave an interesting explanation of why a man dreams of dogs. The dream speaks of infatuation with a young girl and desire intimate relationships with her.

If a person hunts with a dog, he has a stormy personal life and numerous love affairs.

According to Nostradamus

The fortuneteller offered unexpected interpretations of the answer to why dogs dream. First, he advised considering who was next to them. If a snake appeared at the feet of an animal, an unexpected union of people could be created, one of whom was wise and cunning, and the second - loyal and decisive. This led to dizzying success in his endeavors.

The dog and the whale were interpreted as the invention of powerful deadly weapons capable of destroying humanity. The conversation between animals symbolized the beginning of reconciliation between people and rulers.

Nostradamus didn't like the big white dog. He foreshadowed famine and hard times in the northern countries. A dog barking at the dreamer spoke of a decline in business and the danger of losing his fortune.

The seer was merciful only to the caressing and cheerful animal in a dream. This promised profit and good news, which had been long awaited. Also, a person should have started a new business; there should have been no difficulties along the way.


Symbol of 2018 eastern calendar is a Dog. Seeing her in a dream means good things if you treat her kindly: pet her or feed her. Then the year will be successful and will be remembered for good events.

Dog owners are happy to see their pets regardless of the time of day. A faithful companion appearing in a dream means love and care from friends. And the dreamed dog himself will wake up the owner in the morning with a joyful bark and will proudly accompany him on a walk.

My name is Julia Jenny Norman, and I am an author of articles and books. I cooperate with the publishing houses "OLMA-PRESS" and "AST", as well as with glossy magazines. Currently I help promote virtual reality projects. I have European roots, but I spent most of my life in Moscow. There are many museums and exhibitions here that charge you with positivity and give inspiration. IN free time I study French medieval dances. I am interested in any information about that era. I offer you articles that can captivate you with a new hobby or simply give you pleasant moments. You need to dream about something beautiful, then it will come true!

The dream about an ancient animal - the protector of man, is interpreted differently depending on the culture of the people. But most often he represents a faithful friend who you can rely on in difficult times. For a more detailed and accurate interpretation of the dream, every little detail is important. Only in this case can you understand for sure why you dreamed of one animal or why you dreamed of many dogs. We'll have to remember where this happened, how many there were.

If you saw in a dream a whole flock of animals that are constantly bark on the owner of the dream, then you should expect betrayal from your best friend. There are a great many dream books, each of them has its own version of dreams about dogs. The spring interpreter, for example, suggests deciphering a person’s four-legged friends playing happily as a company in which one can have a pleasant time.

The same dream book interprets many large dogs as a quick acquaintance with people of high social status. Considering that this animal represents a friend, therefore, influential acquaintances will be able to provide a service in the dreamer’s fate.

The pedigree of the dogs also affects the meaning of the visions. The more purebred animals one can dream about, the greater success awaits the one who hovers in such nightly dreams.

In dreams you can often see things that no one has ever thought about. A person who does not keep a dog at home suddenly sees a dog show where a great variety of animals of various breeds, appearances and sizes have gathered. An exhibition is an event designed for spectators, which means that it is likely that the owner of the dream or his mistress will soon own the audience during his performance.

Animal behavior in sleep

A white dog, regardless of its size, is very friendly- this may mean that there is a man very close by who will be interesting to the owner of the dream. It is possible that both will soon develop a mutual feeling of love. If a dog gets lost and then finds its owner, this means approval and praise from his superiors. And if a person’s defenders are mongrel, but very affectionate, the unexpected event will be pleasant. In the case of the opposite picture, which reeks of evil and hatred, you can expect the same attitude from the people around you.

I managed to see in my dreams a lot of dogs that were bought at a pet store. Size and breed here will absolutely not affect the outcome of the event in real life. The owner of dreams will be in front of difficult choice, the decision will be difficult to make.

Family happiness portends Women's dream book, if in a dream you can see a bitch feeding her puppies. What can you expect from a dream in which animals are dead or injured? This means that unfulfilled hopes will appear in the dreamer’s life, which are not destined to come true in the near future. In general, dead animals portend trouble. And if in a dream they were hungry, and the owner of the dream fed them, it means that there is finance that made it possible to buy special food. Financial well-being should be expected.

If you believe the dream book, you can find out about the relationship between parents and their children. They play with dogs in dreams - the same way with children in real life: they play, take care, and children are full of trust and love for their mom and dad and trust them very much.

If a woman sees a dream

If a woman hears a loud bark in her dream, she should think about it that these animals, as in reality, care for those who keep and feed them. They protect their owners. In this case, the dog asks to abandon the event planned by the owner, which promises further unpleasant consequences.

This is what many dogs dream about on the street, and you should not ignore the warnings that were born in your dreams. Dogs can be seen in dreams not only on the street, but also in the house. In this context, animals promise a life without worries and sadness if they behave calmly, treat their owner with love and have a friendly attitude.

A dog living nearby under the same roof must be walked. Such a dream will look like real life, only in these dreams there are too many of them. Why so many dogs dream about being taken out of the apartment onto the street is easy to explain - harmony in relationships, it’s time to start any business, it will be successful.

And if you dreamed that in your night visions the dreamer was setting off on a journey on a dog sled, you should take a close look at your old and new friends. It is necessary to quickly remember what the offense could have been.

Otherwise, the friend will harbor a grudge, which will make his mind sophisticated to figure out how to take revenge.

Other dream meanings

What can hunting dogs mean? This is in order and stability in all matters and life in general. If pets run away from home in a dream, this is bad sign, material costs are expected. In business, one should expect unjustified financial losses. The meaning of each dream should be made up of little things. Puppies are new friends and good acquaintances. Large fantastic dogs- influential patrons. But I would like to know why there are many dogs in a dream. And to do this, you need to remember every detail: the color of the dog, whether it was on a chain.

White dreams:

  • to love;
  • good luck if animals fawn;
  • and if they run away, you can say goodbye to success and changes for the better. These are the details we are talking about.

Black dreams:

  • to deception and betrayal if they bark loudly;
  • if you manage to run away from them, then troubles can be avoided;
  • when these black animals bite, disaster can happen.

There may be envious people and enemies, which in real life are something holds back like a chain in a dream. The interpretation of every dream cannot be taken literally. Everything can be changed in reality. Night vision is only a warning and a reason for a person to take action.

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