Taimuraz Bolloev - President of GC Olimpstroy. An ordinary miracle BTK owner

In the mass consciousness today, the concept of the “economic phenomenon of the Baltic” is becoming more and more firmly established. There are few examples in world history when an individual company became an industry leader in such a short time. Today Baltika can be called the national pride of Russia.

Taimuraz Bolloev was born on February 28, 1953 in North Ossetia into a family of teachers. Young Teymur was introduced to beer by his grandfather and grandmother - like most Ossetians, they brewed homemade. Taimuraz first tried the drink, with which his entire future life was connected, at the age of four. Liked.

“Beer has always been the national drink of Ossetians, just like wine among Georgians. In our villages, beer has been brewed and consumed almost from time immemorial. Therefore, my choice to study to become a brewer was conscious from my youth.”

After graduating from a rural school, Bolloev decided that with such a wealth of knowledge he could only count on the Vladikavkaz technical school - it was too early to think about higher education. After technical school, I went to a local non-ferrous metallurgy plant as an electrician, then into the army. In the army, Bolloev, who was in excellent standing with the commanders, joins the party. Having served in the missile forces in Kazakhstan, Taimuraz set his sights on higher education (service in the army and work experience plus belonging to the republican national cadres then practically guaranteed admission to the capital’s universities). The Moscow Technological Institute of Food Industry opens its hospitable doors to him. When Bolloev, a brewer by profession, graduated from university, he was already 28 years old. But no matter how much he tried to stay in the capital, he could not get hooked: a diploma with honors was not enough for graduate school. On the recommendation of his teacher, the head of the USSR brewing industry, Evgeny Balashov, he went to Leningrad, to the brewery named after Stepan Razin (at one time Balashov headed this plant). Bolloev worked at Stepan Razin for ten years. And he was remembered by his colleagues as “a good man, but from everything it is clear that he is a careerist.”

One of his former colleagues explained it this way: “He (Bolloev) quickly outgrew our plant. From the shift foreman he reached the head brewer, then became the head of production, but he would never have replaced the old director at Razin, he sat firmly until the last.” At Razin, Bolloev personally invented two new types of beer - Petrovskoye and Admiralteyskoye. They are still produced today, but Bolloev’s authorship is still known only at the factory, and even then not everyone. Apparently, this offended the proud Bolloev so much that the next time, having become the author of several varieties of Baltika beer, he printed on all the labels:

“Brewing is like medicine, there are many unexplored areas. All the people who have ever been involved in this still return to this industry. The only way to leave the brewery is to go to the brewery.”

Where the huge complex of the Baltika brewing company is now located, there used to be an abandoned industrial zone with the poetic name “Parnas”. At the end of the eighties, another Leningrad brewery was built here in the swamps. The Leningrad City Executive Committee was looking for a director for a long time: no one wanted to rush into this embrasure, which was also long-term. It was here, they say, that the director of Stepan Razin recommended his active brewer. Bolloev was quickly confirmed in office. This was in June 1991.

A year later, Bolloev refuses to produce traditional Soviet beer, which, according to the recollections of pre-perestroika residents of the country, was scarce, thin and all tasted the same. For the first batches of his new beer, Bolloev produces malt using artisanal methods; technologists, under the leadership of the boss, are developing a new variety. The beer is given the name of the plant - “Baltika”.

At this time, Bolloev began to look for a way out to Sobchak, the mayor of St. Petersburg. However, someone interfered with their meeting. Vladimir Putin, then Sobchak’s deputy, helped Bolloev get an appointment with the mayor. The general director of Baltika subsequently developed a good relationship with him; they often met and drank beer. True, Bolloev said that brewers do not have their own lobby in government structures, otherwise they would not allow excise taxes to be raised.

Vladimir Putin helped Baltika find and persuade Swedish investors to invest money in production. Sobchak himself acted as a guarantor. The Scandinavian concern Baltic Beverages Holding bought a controlling stake in the plant. This Swedish-Finnish concern also owns three factories in Russia, three in the Baltic states and one in Ukraine. Over 10 years, more than $300 million was invested in Baltika. Thanks to Putin, supplies of equipment from Germany were established.

Bolloev’s relationship with Putin is businesslike. They are both fond of judo, and together they created a judo club in St. Petersburg. Bolloev once stated: “Putin’s philosophy is close to me... Judokas, knowing their weaknesses, calculate the enemy’s weaknesses and turn them to their advantage.”
The Baltika plant was founded in 1979 and took 11 years to build. It was a time when there was a shortage of beer in the country. The poet Nikolai Rubtsov, who knew the problem of the shortage of foamy drink in the USSR, once complained: “And, upsetting the entire planet, there was a sign in the shop: “There is no beer.”

In 1993, the plant, which was experiencing a crisis, was corporatized and received a large government loan for the purchase of raw materials. All funds received were spent on the purchase of raw materials for several months in advance.
During Bolloev's tenure as general director, Baltika increases beer production by 18 times. The holding employs 6,000 people. Baltika beer is exported to all CIS countries, as well as to Germany, England, Greece, Israel, St. Petersburg - 76%.

In 1997, Baltika acquired a controlling stake in Donskoy Beer (Rostov-on-Don). 25 million dollars were spent on modernizing production. In 2000, together with the French, the first malt plant in Russia was built, which provided two-thirds of Baltika’s needs for raw materials. Its cost was 50 million dollars, the payback period was 12 years. The company brings $100 million to the budget annually and provides 11% of revenues to the budget of St. Petersburg.

Baltic Beverages Holding owns 50% of the shares of PIKRA JSC (Krasnoyarsk Beer). In the first half of 2000, the company will invest $8.4 million in the reconstruction of this enterprise. OJSC PIKRA was registered on December 4, 1991. It is the largest producer of beer and soft drinks in the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

In August 2004, the most modern malt plant in Russia and the neighboring countries opened at the Baltika enterprise in Tula. High-quality malt, produced at the plant from elite barley varieties (such as Scarlett, Prestige and Barque), fully complies with the standards of leading European producers.

The turning point in the history of Baltika was 2006. On March 7, the overwhelming majority of shareholders of OJSC Baltika Brewing Company spoke in favor of merging the company with the brewing companies Vena, Pikra and Yarpivo.

The merger of companies has become a unique project for Russia in terms of specificity, complexity and timing. The procedure was carried out in strict accordance with Russian legislation and in full respect for the interests of the shareholders of all four companies. Thanks to clear coordination of the actions of shareholders, management and all employees of the Baltika, VENA, Pikra, Yarpivo companies, as well as an open information policy, the project was implemented in strict accordance with international corporate law.

Since 2007, the companies “Baltika”, “VENA”, “Pikra”, “Yarpivo” exist as a single legal entity.

The holding is involved in supporting art and sports: it established the Baltika Prize, a beer festival in St. Petersburg, sponsors the Moscow Mayor's Cup in show jumping, and the former hockey tournament for the prize of the Izvestia newspaper (now the Baltika Brewing Company Cup).

High-quality brewer Taimuraz Bolloev created a company that has become a leader in the Russian brewing industry. Since 1998, Baltika has become the largest taxpayer in St. Petersburg. High quality products, according to Taimuraz Bolloev, are ensured by three main components - raw materials, equipment and the professional level of workers.

Taimuraz Bolloev’s great hobby is music. He attends almost all premieres at the Mariinsky Theater and tour performances of other opera houses. He especially loves listening to the performances of outstanding tenors - Pavarotti, Placido Domingo. He sings songs with pleasure.
In his free time, which any leader has very little, he likes to be outdoors, fish and hunt. He prefers beer over strong drinks - mainly Baltika. But he also likes to try new types of beer that appear on the St. Petersburg and world markets. As a brewer, he is interested in tasting this drink, determining by taste how it is brewed and how long it can be stored. In sports, hockey and judo are especially respected.

In October 2000, the president of the Baltika brewing company, Taimuraz Bolloev, was awarded the highest public award of the Russian Federation in the field of food production, “For the abundance and prosperity of Russia,” in the category “Introduction of the latest technologies into production.” In addition, Taimuraz Bolloev was recognized as the best manager of Russia in 2000 in the category “Food Production” following the results of a competition held by the Russian business weekly “Company”. According to Expert magazine, the president of Baltika is recognized as one of the 100 most influential Russian entrepreneurs at the Federal level.

In November 2006, Baltika presented a new major investment project - the construction of the first Baltika brewery in Western Siberia. Construction of the Baltika-Novosibirsk plant began in January 2007. Initially, it was planned that the plant's capacity would be 2 million hl. beer per year. But the Company’s financial success and the potential of the regional market made it possible to increase the design capacity to 4.5 million hl. in year. The Baltika-Novosibirsk branch was officially opened on May 26, 2008.

He proved that there probably cannot be a better director in today's Russian food industry. Investors are queuing up to see Bolloev, the press is overwhelmed with enthusiasm and is regularly invited on excursions with tastings... He is perspicacious, demonstrative, and quick-witted. What more could you want for success these days?

Baltika today:
- leader of the Russian beer market with a share of more than 38%;
- the largest company in Russia in the production of consumer goods;
- breweries in 10 cities of Russia: St. Petersburg, Yaroslavl, Tula, Voronezh, Rostov-on-Don, Samara, Chelyabinsk, Krasnoyarsk, Khabarovsk, Novosibirsk, Baku;
- 2 own malthouses;
- production capacity - 50 million hectoliters of beer per year;
- about 30 beer brands (including Baltika, Arsenalnoe, Nevskoe, Yarpivo, Tuborg, Carlsberg, Kronenbourg 1664, a number of regional brands) and 10 non-beer brands;
- one of the three most expensive brands in Russia.

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Biography, life story of Taimuraz Kazbekovich Bolloev

Taimuraz Bolloev
Birthday: 02/28/1953
Citizenship: Russia(POSSIBLENAMES)

General Director of OJSC Baltika Brewing Company.

Born on February 28, 1953 in North Ossetia in a family of teachers. He graduated from the Moscow Technological Institute of Food Industry in 1980 with a degree in Fermentation Technology.

“Beer has always been the national drink of the Ossetians, just like wine and kumis are among the Georgians. In our villages, almost from time immemorial, beer has been brewed and consumed. Therefore, my choice to study as a brewer was conscious from my youth,” says the current director of Baltika.

Taimuraz Bolloev began his professional activity after college as a shift foreman in the malting shop at the brewing and non-alcoholic industry plant named after Stepan Razin in the city on the Neva. Then, until 1991, he worked at the same enterprise as deputy head of the workshop, head of the bottling department, and for the last 4 years - chief brewer of the plant.

In August 1991, he came to work at the Baltika plant, which was only two-thirds completed, which had also been idle for 18 days due to lack of raw materials.

High-class brewer Taimuraz Bolloev created a company that over the past eight years has increased beer production volumes 18 times and produces 492 million liters annually. In 1998, Baltika became the largest taxpayer in St. Petersburg. Two Baltika factories (in 1997 the company acquired a controlling stake in Donskoye Beer in Rostov-on-Don and allocated $25 million for its modernization) employ more than 3,000 people, the company is building the largest malt plant in Europe, and has its own automobile manufacturing plant. of 200 vehicles to deliver manufactured products to sellers.

The leader of Russian brewing, Baltika, is one of the largest investment projects in the food industry of the Russian Federation. Only in the period from 1993 to 1998, capital investments in the development of the enterprise amounted to 222 million US dollars. In April 1999, the enterprise introduced a new technological complex worth $65 million. It includes a brewing complex equipped with equipment that completely eliminates contact of the product with air, which is the main factor in achieving high quality of the product, a unique beer bottling line with a capacity of 120 thousand bottles per hour, a third stage water treatment station, and a multi-stage automatic control system. Only a few factories in Europe can boast of such modern equipment.


High quality products, according to Taimuraz Bolloev, are ensured by three main components - raw materials, equipment and the professional level of workers.

“Brewing, says the general director of the Baltika Brewing Company, is like medicine, there are many unexplored areas. All the people who have ever been involved in this still return to this industry. The only way to leave the brewery is to go to the brewery."

The Baltika Brewing Company is heavily involved in philanthropy, supporting domestic arts and sports. With active participation and assistance, Beer festivals are held in the city on the Neva, which have become truly memorable celebrations of St. Petersburg residents and beer.

As part of the annual international festival "Stars of the White Nights", for three years in a row, for outstanding achievements in the field of opera and ballet, artists of the Mariinsky Theater, among whom there must certainly be representatives of young people, are awarded the Baltika Prize.

The company also supports domestic sports - for the third year now it has sponsored a prestigious international hockey tournament, formerly called “For the Prize of the Izvestia Newspaper”, now called the “Baltika Brewing Company Cup”.

Taimuraz Bolloev’s great hobby is music. He attends almost all premieres at the Mariinsky Theater and tour performances of other opera houses. He especially likes to listen to the performances of outstanding tenors - Pavarotti, Placido Domingo, he likes the broadcasts of the Baltika radio station; the third anniversary of joint cooperation is celebrated on air this year. He himself enjoys singing Russian folk songs.

In his free time, which like any leader has very little, he likes to be outdoors, fish and hunt. On weekends and outdoors, she enjoys cooking meat and fish. As for drinks, he prefers beer to strong drinks - mainly Baltika. In the summer he drinks "Baltika - 1", in the winter - dark beers, in the bathhouse - "Baltika -3". But he also likes to try new types of beer that appear on the St. Petersburg and world markets. As a brewer, he is interested in tasting this drink, determining by taste how it is brewed and how long it can be stored.

Taimuraz Bolloev often visits museums, where he is especially interested in collections of various ancient and national weapons.

He considers Sergei Korolev to be outstanding personalities in the field of science, and his friend Valery Gergiev in the field of culture and art. In sports, hockey and judo are especially respected.

Taimuraz Bolloev was awarded the medal of the Order "For Services to the Fatherland" of the second degree, the Order of Honor, the Order of the Russian Orthodox Church - St. Sergius of Radonezh, and the enterprise he heads was awarded the Government of the Russian Federation Prize in the field of quality in 1997. According to the results of a mass survey of Russian consumers in 1998, Baltika beer, along with the products of the world's leading companies, was named among the best consumer goods. Baltika beer also became the winner of the “Our Brand” competition.

The general director of Baltika Brewing Company OJSC considers brewing to be a strategic industry that, like automobile manufacturing in post-war Germany, can lead the country to an economic miracle.

Taimuraz Bolloev started his business at the age of 52, which did not stop him from becoming one of the richest people in Russia with 29 billion rubles. on account. Until this moment, a native of an Ossetian village had built a career in production: from a simple loader and foreman to chief technologist and president of the Baltika corporation. Under him, the largest brewery in Russia reached its peak. In 2005, the BTK Group holding company appeared, which provides clothing to the Russian army, and later BTK Development. In 2009-2011, the billionaire headed the Olimpstroy Group of Companies

  • FULL NAME: Bolloev Taimuraz Kazbekovich
  • Date of Birth: February 28, 1953
  • Education: Moscow Technological Institute of Food Industry (Specialty “Technology of Fermentation Processes”)
  • Date of start of business/age: 2005, 52 years old
  • Type of activity at start: brewing industry
  • Current activity: light industry, design and construction
  • Current state (2015, “Business Petersburg”): 29 billion rubles.

“Business promotes the development of the creative abilities that a person has; business allows you to plan your life for years to come,” a statement from a Russian billionaire who effectively realized his creative potential in large business.

Taimuraz Kazbekovich Bolloev (Bolloti Kudzhigoy furt Taimoraz) is a Russian entrepreneur who began his career at a brewery as a simple foreman, but thanks to perseverance he rose to the position of general director of the Baltika plant and found himself in the ocean of big business.

He is not able to make small bets: the success story of Taimuraz Bolloev is a series of management positions in such largest Russian companies as Baltika, BTK and Olimpstroy.

“At different stages of business it is necessary to solve problems of varying complexity. Manufacturing experience or strong history in a specific manufacturing industry is required.”

According to the magazine “Business Petersburg”, in 2015 the businessman’s fortune reached 29 billion rubles.

Figure 1. Dynamics of T.K. Bolloev’s fortune in 2011-2015, billion rubles.
Source: “Business Petersburg”

Taimuraz Kazbekovich is an experienced and purposeful entrepreneur. His activities for the benefit of the Russian economy are marked by a mass of high awards: medals for services to the Fatherland II (1995), III (2004) and IV degrees (2000), the Order of the Holy Blessed Prince Daniel of Moscow and St. Sergius of Radonezh.

Figure 2. Medal for Services to the Fatherland, 2004.
Source: Wikipedia

In 2000 he was awarded the title “Best Manager of Russia” in the food production industry, and in 2001 he received the Grand Prix of the National Award in the field of business and entrepreneurship “Business Olympus”.

In 2008, Bolloev was included in the list of “100 most influential Russian entrepreneurs” by Expert magazine. In 2010, the Kommersant newspaper awarded him 5th place in the ranking of the best senior managers in the construction industry.

A short biography of Taimuraz Bolloev reveals the main secrets of his success in business

The difficult path of Taimuraz Bolloev to success

On February 28, 1953, a son, Taimuraz, was born into a family of school teachers from the village of North Ossetia. After graduating from a rural school, he firmly decided that if he studied, it would be in Moscow.

In the capital, he entered the Moscow Technological Institute of Food Industry on the first try, majoring in Fermentation Technology.

“Beer has always been the national drink of Ossetians, just like wine and kumis among Georgians. In our villages, beer has been brewed and consumed almost from time immemorial. Therefore, my choice to study to become a brewer was conscious.”

In 1984, Taimuraz Bolloev received a diploma. It's time to find your place in life. He had no relatives, friends or close acquaintances who could help with finding a job in Moscow, and by assignment from the university he ended up at the Leningrad Brewing and Non-Alcoholic Industry Plant named after. Stepan Razin.

“Nothing came easy for me. In my career I have not skipped a single production step. Loader, mechanic, fitter 1,2,3... up to 7 categories, engineer, deputy shop manager, shop manager, etc.”

In 1987, responsibility, determination, and the desire to comprehend new things led him to the position of chief technologist of the plant named after. Stepan Razin. Bolloev knew all the technological processes thoroughly and remembered the drink recipes down to the smallest detail.

Interesting fact! Taimuraz Kazbekovich independently invented two brands of beer - “Petrovskoye” and “Admiralteyskoye” - which are still produced by the plant named after. Stepan Razin, but only the factory knows about the authorship, and even then not everyone.
Source: Weekly “Profile”.

Baltika: an important milestone in Bolloev’s success story

1991 was a turning point in the career of the future billionaire: having decided to find new horizons for applying his knowledge and experience, he went for an interview at the Baltika company and within a couple of days was sitting in the director’s chair. However, the high position turned out to be associated with a lot of problems:

  • the brewery was only a third of the way built, and the new manager had to monitor the progress of the construction of workshops and structures;
  • At the time of employment, the enterprise had already been idle for more than 18 days due to lack of raw materials.

Figure 3. With the products of the Baltika plant, 1999.
Source: Sochi Blog

“There is never too much money: no matter what the company is, if you look at its balance sheet, you will find a considerable credit component there.”

Bolloev was not deterred by his difficulties: he began to actively look for new suppliers, personally met with each of them and negotiated favorable delivery terms. The production facilities were built within two years, and in 1998 the Baltika Corporation became the largest taxpayer in St. Petersburg.

Reference! In the 7 years since Taimuraz Kazbekovich took over the post of director of JSC Baltika, the company has increased beer sales by 18 times, producing an average of 490 liters of the drink per year.
Source: Business Petersburg.

The high results of the work of an outstanding leader were noticed in Russia and abroad:

  • 2002 - member of the Entrepreneurship Council of the Russian Government;
  • 2002 - Honorary Consul of Brazil in St. Petersburg.

New business horizons

In 2004, Taimuraz Bolloev left Baltika and decided to create his own business: in 2005, the BTK holding (an abbreviation for Bolloev Taimuraz Kazbekovich) was founded. Under the leadership of the holding, several promising areas of business activity were created.

"BTK group"

In 2005, the assets of two St. Petersburg factories were purchased and merged - CJSC Trud and CJSC FOS-P.

Since 2007, a large flow of orders began, 70% of which came from government agencies - the Ministry of Internal Affairs (2007), the Russian Railways (2008), Aeroflot (2009).

Reference! In 2007, by Decree No. 5-U of the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev, the BTK Group company was assigned the exclusive right of the sole supplier of clothing equipment for the army.

The establishment is located in the BolloevCenter business center and belongs to Kazbek Bolloev - he previously dressed Aeroflot and Russian Railways, being the president of BTK Group, and now manages BTK Development. And, yes, Kazbek is a relative of the notorious Taimuraz Bolloev, a nephew.

The Wcorner restaurant has actually been operating for the second month, but it was not advertised for one simple reason: the creators could not decide on a name. In the second half of August, the restaurant opened its doors under the name “Moskvichka” - it soon became clear that there was no need to settle “Moskvichka” in the very center of St. Petersburg. The restaurant was renamed WCorner because it is located on the corner of Grivtsov and Moika embankment and has two entrances (hence W).

A rainbow interior with bright furniture, shelves filled with colored bottles, massive chandeliers and mirrors - a project by Moscow designers DBA-group. The menu was created by chef Igor Zorin, who previously worked in the holding ZL and in the restaurant Una. While working at Una, Igor studied the tastes of the DLT audience - now he intends to attract customers from the Au Pont Rouge department store, located nearby, to dinner.

The author's menu of Wcorner, according to the law of the genre, is created laconic. In the “For starters” section, snacks and salads are offered for 150-450 rubles. There are simple starters here, like rabbit pate or salad with oyster mushrooms, potatoes and sour cream. There are more interesting dishes: venison in ginger sauce with dogwood marmalade or feta ice cream with lavender and roasted pepper. The “Let's Continue” section includes three soups: mushroom, with rabbit and cereals, as well as chicken with vegetables and crab (350 rubles each). Prices for hot dishes vary in the range of 450-1950 rubles: here you can find lazy lasagna with rabbit, green poultry with scallops, pork cheeks with blue cabbage ice cream, salmon with sea buckthorn cream. On weekdays, from 12:00 to 16:00, the restaurant offers fancy business lunches for 350-490 rubles.

The Wcorner wine list includes 40 items. The most affordable option is a bottle of Lambrusco for 1,050 rubles, the most respectable is a 2008 pinot noir from Nuits-Saint-Georges for 28,200. The restaurant serves 18 wines by the glass, 280-1,450 rubles each.

Taimuraz Bolloev, the most eligible bachelor in St. Petersburg, president of the Baltika brewing company, is single again. And now Russian women can safely fight for the right to become the wife of a famous brewer.

In 2001, the company sold 1,400 million liters of beer. Baltika's net profit is 4 billion rubles. The company ranks first in terms of sales among Russian brewing companies. Baltika's share in the domestic beer market is 22.5%. In 2001, the construction of new breweries began in Samara and Khabarovsk, as well as the reconstruction of the Krynitsa plant in Belarus. The volume of investments in the company's development in 2001 amounted to $115 million - this is the maximum figure for all the years of Baltika's operation.

Taimuraz Bolloev says that work always comes first for him. He was born on February 28, 1953 in a small village near Vladikavkaz, in a family of teachers. Graduated from the Moscow Technological Institute of Food Industry. He worked for ten years at the Leningrad Brewery named after Stepan Razin. In 1991, he headed the brewery under construction in St. Petersburg. On his initiative, the company begins to produce branded beer "Baltika". Bolloev is the author of all Baltika beers. He likes to repeat that some Russian enterprises are only now realizing the importance of their own brand. In 1992, the Swedish-Finnish concern Baltic Beverages Holding became a shareholder of the plant. Scandinavian investors have invested more than $100 million in the production of Baltika. A successful businessman, Bolloev is also a politician. In 2000, he was Vladimir Putin's confidant in the Russian presidential elections.

But the personal life of the famous brewer did not work out. Bolloev's first marriage broke up a long time ago. They say that his first wife, a dancer, works, although she no longer dances, at the Mariinsky Theater. The marriage was not very successful and had been falling apart for a long time. 46-year-old Taimuraz married a second time, to a twenty-year-old student. He met Salima at the wedding of the head of the Mariinsky Theater Valery Gergiev, who married an 18-year-old soloist of an Ossetian folk ensemble. Taimuraz Bolloev does not like it when people are interested in his personal life. Blondes and brunettes of different ages were matched to a prominent groom. When Bolloev actually got married, few people believed it. The wedding took place on November 7, 1999 in St. Petersburg in the Roof restaurant of the Europe Hotel. The entire political and industrial elite of St. Petersburg, led by Governor Vladimir Yakovlev, attended the wedding. But after some time, rumors spread that Bolloev was getting divorced again. And at the end of last year, more accurate information was provided by the personnel department of the Baltika brewing company. The news became available after the company's president was asked to fill out a questionnaire. In the “marital status” column, the general director indicated that he was a bachelor.