Scenario “March 8th is the most beautiful and wonderful day. Scenario “March 8 – the day of the most beautiful and wonderful Game tasks: “Women’s magic”

Department of Selidovsky City Council

Parole No. 30 “Yasnaya Polyana”

Teacher Dolzhikova N.N.

Description of material: The script will be of interest to music directors, educators, and primary school teachers. The material is designed for children, mothers, grandmothers and women's groups. Aimed at creating a festive mood, forming a tradition of joint celebration of International Women's Day.

Target: create a festive atmosphere, instill in children a respectful attitude towards mothers, grandmothers and all women, and a desire to please them with their performance.

Tasks: instill the desire to actively participate in the holiday, consolidate the skills of emotional performance, cultivate endurance, attention, and respectful attitude towards people.

Progress of the event:

Children recite poems.

The presenter comes out to the music.

Ved. I welcome you, dear ladies, to this hall on the best day of the year. And it is the best because it is female. I suggest you leave all your problems and bad mood behind this door. Today we have no right to be sad, today we are the queens of life! And every queen is a mystery. After all, she can laugh, cry, talk and eat at the same time! And over the years it turns into a terrible secret. So let's today reveal some of the innermost secrets of all women. So, let's begin!

Ved. Does everyone know what female friendship is? Legends can be made about her. And you can argue for a long time whether it exists or not. Who will tell us the truth about us? Only a friend and only our second friend. So, a little truth about us from our cheerful girlfriends!


Ved. It's no secret that every woman dreams of always being slim. So: I declare the “lose weight by March 8” season closed. The season to “lose weight by summer” opens. And remember one rule: “If you want to look young and beautiful, stay close to the old and fat.” It always works! And don’t forget, the main thing in a diet is sleep! I didn’t fall asleep in time - I was all... overeating! The most harmful food is tea. There will always be gingerbread, sausage and pies to go with it. Many women even pray at night: “Oh, God, make sure that not all of me wakes up, but only 55 of my kilograms. I suggest you remember one miraculous prayer: “Love salad and low-fat cottage cheese as yourself. Yes, rejoice in raw carrots, for it is summer. In the name of cucumbers, cabbage and holy mineral water. Kefir. Kefir. Kefir."

And now I bring to your attention the most effective way to always be slim!

Hula Hoop Dance

Ved. Remember! The woman is always right! She is only wrong when she is guilty. But is it her fault that is always right? And if it’s mom, then she’s doubly right!

There is such a family charter:

1.Mom is right!

2.Despite everything, mom is still right!

3.Mom doesn't scream - she pays attention to important things.

4.Mom doesn’t swear – she advises.

5.Mom doesn’t nag—she emphasizes the details.

6.Mom doesn’t argue – she explains the situation.

7.Mom doesn’t surf the Internet – she keeps up with the times.

8.Mom doesn’t lie on the sofa – she meditates.

9.Mom doesn’t mess around—she relaxes.

Please look at the situation when mom turned out to be right after all.

Song "Oh, Mommy..."

Ved. Dear women, never doubt your attractiveness. Remember: scales lie, people are jealous, and the mirror is generally crooked! After all, we are representatives of the fair sex! We have to be cute!

Dance "Tumbler Dolls"

Game "Bag of Surprises"

Ved. Dear girls, if you are married and you don’t have a mink coat, diamonds, or drive an expensive car... - Congratulations! You married for love! Marriage is a mirage in the desert with a palace, palm trees and a camel. First the palace disappears, then the palm trees, and you are finally left alone with the camel. After all, admit it, unmarried life was simpler. I wanted a dress... and another dress. And now... a bread machine, molds and a flour sifter. But despite all these inconveniences of family life, every woman wants to get married. Even if this woman is only 4 years old!

Dance "Tili - Tili Dough"

Ved. How does women's logic differ from men's? At least they talk about women's logic! Nothing is known about men's at all. Men's logic is, of course, more correct, but women's logic is more interesting. For example:

“When a woman is in the mood, she cooks. When she’s not in the mood, she eats!”

“Male logic: if I find out, I’ll kill. Women’s logic: even if you kill me, I’ll still find out...”

“I wanted to lose 5 kilograms before the summer, I still have a little left – 7 more”

“They say the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. I’m already close, I’m sitting in my liver.”

Ved. I bring to your attention several situations and how a man and a woman react to them.

Situation 1. A woman went shopping with her husband's salary card. How much did she spend?

According to the man...

According to the woman...

Situation 2. Beach season is coming soon.

How can a woman prepare for it...

How does a man prepare...

Situation 3. A situation from our life. When the husband is dying: his temperature is 37.2.

How does a man behave in this situation...

And as a woman...

Situation 4. I think that this situation has happened in the life of every woman when she appeared in front of a man for the first time without makeup.

What is a woman thinking about at this moment?..

What is the man talking about?..

Situation 5. And of course, the situation when a woman is driving.

The woman thinks...

And in the eyes of a man she...

Ved. One day a man appeared to God and asked to create a woman for him. God took a few rays of the sun, the thoughtful sadness of the moon, the tender gaze of a siren, the trembling of a doe, the meekness of a dove, the beauty of a swan, the tenderness of down, the lightness of air, the freshness of water. And to avoid cloying, I added the fickleness of the wind, the talkativeness of the magpie, the tearfulness of the clouds and all the horrors of thunder and lightning. He mixed all this thoroughly, and from this mixture a beautiful woman emerged. God breathed life into her and gave her to the man, saying: “Take it and suffer!”

But is it really possible to suffer while looking at such beautiful exhibits?

The song “On the Louboutins” performed by the group

Ved. This concludes the festive concert. And finally:

We all, girls, should never grow old in our hearts! Don’t sneeze, don’t cough, in general – don’t get sick! Get together more often to drink tea. And then scream songs half the night! Are there wrinkles on your face? Also - nonsense! Be young, girls, always! I wish our souls not to grow old...

And remember: “Every woman has the right to wake up shamelessly happy and leave the house brazenly beautiful!” Happy holiday!!!

Time and place: 03/7/2019 at 13:00

On the screen is the splash screen “Sunshine”, the girls come out from behind the scenes with the song “Sunny Circle” (sing 1 verse + chorus and leave, the presenters come out)


HOST: Good afternoon dear friends! We welcome everyone gathered in this hall!

HOST1: Good afternoon to everyone who, having already felt the fresh breath of spring, hastened to our festive concert!

HOST: Today is a wonderful, truly chivalrous day, when everyone around remembers that a woman is, first of all, a woman, and this is wonderful, but, in my opinion, it is not fair. How to appreciate the sun and remember it only once a year?

HOST1: On this first holiday of spring, it’s as if souls are thawing from the winter cold, and all men try to express their love and recognition to the ladies, say special words to women and, of course, prepare for this in advance with special care and excitement.

HOST: Outside the windows, March is the month of gentle sun. It's time that gives us one of the most joyful holidays.

HOST1: The holiday of the best and most beautiful half of humanity is International Women's Day!

HOST: Our festive concert is opened by the dance group "Carousel", welcome! This fiery dance is for everyone present in the hall!

    NUMBER – “Boom la-la-la” -

HOST:March 8 is a holiday glorifying a woman, a working woman, a mother, a homemaker.

HOST1:Our dear women and girls gathered in the hall, allow me to sincerely congratulate you on this holiday and wish you good health, family well-being and harmony, perseverance and patience, peace and longevity, and always a good mood.

HOST:And if today is a holiday, then according to tradition there should be a congratulation from the most important person in our school.

HOST1:The word for congratulations is given to the school director(full name of director)

Director's word

HOST: Spring! There is so much in this word: Kindness, love and warmth.

HOST1: Let her flowers bloom for you in the waiting nature!

HOST: For everyone present in this room, the following musical gift.

    NUMBER – song “The Heart of My Land” -

fanfare sounds... Presenter 2 comes out

HOST2: Hello! My name is Alexander and I was entrusted with congratulating all women on the holiday. So get ready, now I will congratulate you.

Solemn music sounds, Alexander climbs onto a chair.

HOST2: Happy holiday to all women.

The music stops.

HOST2: Well, congratulations. That's it, I went.

heading towards the exit.

HOST1: Stop! Stop! Stop! Alexander, where are you going?

HOST2: I have already congratulated everyone.

HOST1: Yes!? And how did you do it?

HOST2: Like this.

All the “congratulations” are repeated.

HOST1: And it's all? Is this how we should congratulate women?

HOST2: But as?

HOST1: My friend. At all times, a woman was not just a woman. She was a symbol of beauty, purity, love, kindness, motherhood. She inspired poets and artists, sculptors and musicians, scientists and travelers. Works of art and discoveries were dedicated to her, feats were performed for her. No wonder woman and beauty are synonymous. And you need to congratulate beautifully: so that every word sinks into the soul, makes you happy, warms you, and not only today, but also on other days.

HOST2: And how to do this?

HOST1: You need to find the most important words that you would like to say to those closest to you. For example, what words would you like to say to your mother on this holiday?

HOST2: Now I'll think...My dear mother, I love you very much,

HOST: Great words! And you know, all the children in the world will agree with your every word. This means that all the words that you gave to your mother can be given to all the mothers who are present here today.

HOST1: We will do so, because March 8 is the holiday of our dear mothers who give love to their loved ones.

HOST: Yes, how wonderful the word is mother! Everything on earth comes from a mother’s hands, a mother’s soul, a mother’s heart - the kindest, most open, warming us for the rest of our lives.

HOST1: Dear mothers, please accept congratulations from 4th grade students.

    song “Mom, always be by my side”- 4th grade

HOST: What could be more sacred in the world than the name of a mother!

HOST1: A person who has not yet taken a single step on the earth and is just beginning to “burb”, hesitantly and diligently puts together the word MOTHER syllable by syllable, and, feeling his luck, he laughs happy...

HOST: Mom, mommy...How much warmth is hidden in this magical word that names the most dear, closest, only person.

HOST1: Not a single ode in the world can express our feelings for mothers.

HOST: It’s better to just go up to her, so tired and busy, press your cheek to her hand and whisper so that only she can hear: “Mommy! I really love you very much! Happy holiday!!!"

In the meantime, on stage for everyone there is a demonstration performance by the beginning athletes of the acrobatic rock and roll section, students of our school.

    Acrobatic rock and roll

HOST2: You know, I thought: this is certainly good, but I only have one mother, and there are so many women in the audience. Should I now repeat the same congratulations every time?

HOST1: Why? In order to solve your problem, I, as a man to a man, will tell you a few secrets. And here’s secret No. 1: “Every woman is someone’s mother, grandmother, sister, friend, beloved, muse.” So there can be a lot of congratulations.

HOST: For example, tell me, who knits socks and scarves, who tells bedtime stories, who goes to school with you?

HOST2: Grandmother!!!

HOST: That's right grandma! And she is also a woman. And she should be congratulated too.

HOST2: Exactly! Oh grandmothers! You are a fairy tale in reality. You are our childhood, That which is full of miracles.

HOST1: We congratulate you! We wish you good health, vigor, joy, surrounded by loving grandchildren.

HOST: Dear grandmothers! With your warmth, love and affection, you teach your grandchildren to be kind, sensitive people.

HOST1: And you can’t learn lessons without your grandmother, and fairy tales without your grandmother are not so fun. And sometimes we should listen to the comments you give us.

HOST: Our holiday continues. Dear grandmothers, for you the next number is performed by 4th grade students.

    ROOM – Red Riding Hoods

HOST2: Ah, now we definitely have a problem.

HOST: And which one?

HOST2: I have a mother. There is a grandmother. But things haven’t worked out with my sister yet. And you yourself said that all women are someone’s mothers, grandmothers, sisters...

HOST1: Oh, this is it!? Well, is this a problem? Just for such cases, there is secret number 2: “A real man is not only strong and brave, but also kind. And a kind person tries to give goodness to everyone.”

HOST2: It's clear. Of course, I am a real man, but only a small one. So to speak, I’m just learning.

HOST: Wonderful. You’re also in school, which means you know how to write essays. Now we will write an essay with you on a given topic. The topic is: “How I would congratulate my sister on March 8th.” Here’s a piece of paper, a pen, ...write!

writes by speaking the words out loud.

HOST: Did you write it? Now read it out loud.

HOST2: Let your wishes come true

And all your dreams will come true,

Let him give women's holiday,

You only get what you want.

HOST1: It was a wonderful congratulations. And now, I propose to congratulate all the female teachers, because there are quite a few of them in our school!

HOST: You put everything aside

On this day and at this hour,

HOST2: Congratulations

Happy Women's Day from us.

HOST1: Thank you! Health and happiness!

Happy International Women's Day!

HOST2: Thanks to your efforts

We will gain a lot of knowledge.

HOST1: Be healthy and happy,

Successes, big and small!

HOST:How much affection and care is needed,

Help everyone and understand everyone.

Grateful and difficult work -

HOST1: Of course, we are all grateful to you!
It's hard to even find a word.

I would like to say THANK YOU!

HOST: And we invite 1st grade student ______________ to the stage, who will perform an Irish dance for you.

    ROOM – Irish dance

HOST1: So, Alexander, what do we have next?

HOST2: And then there’s the problem again. Which actually doesn’t surprise me anymore. According to the list - A woman is a friend and beloved. Don’t you think it’s too early for me to talk about such topics?

HOST1: First of all, let's start in order. Friendship cannot be a taboo topic. Even at your age. On the contrary, you need to learn to be friends from childhood. It is very important. Friends should be valued, respected, and protected.

HOST2: But I won’t congratulate my friends on March 8th.

HOST1: Not only boys can be friends. And, for example, your classmates, and also the girls with whom you study in the same team.

HOST2: It's clear! Then I'm ready to congratulate you. Dear girls! Friends!.....................

Let life be a wonderful fairy tale,

So that happiness fills the soul,

Spring will paint with bright colors

Your every moment to shine!

HOST1: Here you see. We managed this too. I just have to announce the artists.

HOST2: Wait! And about love!?

HOST1: For love later. And now a musical gift from an 11th grade student______.

    NUMBER – song “Fly”

HOST1: So let's talk about love. Moreover, during the number you have grown by three and a half minutes and that means you have become older. So, for love there is secret number 3 - “A woman and love are inseparable!”

HOST: Love worthy of recognition, holy and bright love lives in each of us. After all, you love your mother and grandmother? (answer) So there are loved ones in your life. And to congratulate them you just need to take words coming from the heart. Ready? (answer)

Then let's begin.

HOST2: Our beloved, beloved ones.

HOST: The most, most important, important!

HOST2: We congratulate you on the holiday and wish you goodness and beauty...

Peace, light and warmth...

HOST1: Harmony, joy, bright colors filling your life,

HOST2: Let poems and songs be sung in your honor and feats be performed.

HOST: We confess to you openly and honestly... We love you!

HOST1: ________________________ congratulates you with love and gratitude.

    ROOM – “Clockwork Doll”

HOST1: Well, Alexander, now you understand how to congratulate women?

HOST2: Not quite yet. Are there any other questions. In general, it is a difficult matter to congratulate women.

HOST1: Why?

HOST2: Now I'll tell you a secret. Mothers, grandmothers, sisters, girlfriends, loved ones are over. Where will we draw inspiration from now?

HOST1: Ah, Sasha! The answer is extremely simple. Yes, we will be in women themselves. After all, a woman is inspiration, fantasy, imagination, a flight of thought, a dream, a fairy tale, a song, a melody, a poet’s pen, a sketch on an artist’s canvas, all this is a woman, a woman, a woman... or maybe slowly, I’m writing it down.

HOST1: I'll dictate to you behind the scenes. Now accept another gift.

    NUMBER – _________________________

HOST1: Well, you've written everything down. Now it is clear?

HOST2: It's clear.

HOST1: Then let you try to find the words yourself and say congratulations to all the women present. Ready?

HOST2: I’m ready, but I’m afraid that I have too much that I want to say.

HOST: There can never be too much of a good thing. You start in order, and our artists will help you, and you will get one big bright greeting card.

HOST2: Fine. I'm starting.

Dear, sweet, beloved, beloved, kind, beautiful, dear, good, our women. On this day, I wish you a good spring not only outside the window, but also in your souls and hearts, I wish you warm and bright sun, I give you the singing of birds and the aroma of flowers, the murmur of rivers and the rustle of warm rain. Let all this fill you daily, hourly, every minute.

HOST1: Well done!

HOST2: I haven't said everything yet.

HOST: You will definitely say, and now we invite 2nd grade students to the stage, Puppet Dance!

    NUMBER– doll dance

HOST2: Oh! I could hardly wait until I could continue congratulating you. I wish you life like in a fairy tale, love like in dreams, the fulfillment of your wildest fantasies, may they give you poetry and serenades, may the whole world lie at your feet.

HOST1: Alexander, I also want to say.

HOST2: But I'm not done yet.

HOST1: You'll still have time. And for my part, I wish you peace of mind, Faith, Hope, Love, may the angel always sit on the edge of your heart.

HOST2: Can I continue?

HOST1: You can, but after a short video greeting. Attention to the screen!

    NUMBER- video

HOST2: Well, I will continue: I want to say: Let your eyes glow with love. May your heart beat forever, may the roads be easy, may the holidays delight you as often as possible! All!

HOST1: Well, here's Sasha. Now you know how to congratulate.

HOST2: I know.

HOST: Have you said everything you wanted to say?

HOST2: Said.

HOST1: So all that remains is to finish the last sentence.

HOST2: Which one?

HOST1: Yes, the one with which I started.

Together: Happy holiday!

HOST: And at the end of our concert, please accept congratulations from the 5th grade students and their bright performance.

Everything blooms and dances and plays with spring.

The drops swirl in the dance, barely keeping up.

How can children resist? You need to dance too!

    NUMBER– dance with canvases “My Russia”

HOST1: It's a pity, but it's time to say goodbye. We believe that we will meet again, that we will tell you the main words.

HOST: This concludes our festive concert.

HOST2: We once again congratulate all women, girls and girls on the holiday.HOST: Health, happiness, love!

Together: See you again!

Mothers and grandmothers of schoolchildren are invited to the holiday. A father and a student son or two schoolchildren can be chosen as presenters. The hall or classroom is decorated with balloons, flowers, and posters. Mothers and grandmothers take their places among the spectators, girls wait for an invitation at the door. To the music of a drop or other spring melody, the girls enter the classroom.

Presenter No. 1: Hello, dear guests, mothers and grandmothers, dear girls! Spring is the beginning of a new life, it is a time of love, sun and smiles!

Presenter No. 2: Today we have gathered here to celebrate the holiday of mothers, grandmothers, girls and girls. We men express our great respect, respect and love to you!

Presenter No. 1:
Spring day is knocking on the door!
Open your heart to happiness!
We congratulate you now,
Let the bad weather pass!
So that love reigns in the world,
So that everything is as if in a panorama -
So beautiful, so chic, sweet
Happy holiday, girls, mothers!

Presenter No. 2: Our dear girls, girls, mothers and grandmothers, we congratulate you on March 8 - International Women's Day. This day has always glorified, and will continue to glorify, a woman - a worker, a woman - a mother, a creator and keeper of the hearth. Only a mother is capable of loving so sincerely and selflessly. Only maternal love can warm you up in cold weather, help you in difficult times, and inspire you to great deeds. But regardless of race, nationality or social status - mother is a great word!

(The children all sing together in front of the audience the song “Mom is the first word, the main word!”)

Presenter No. 1: But grandmothers are also mothers, mothers of our fathers and mothers. They are definitely worth congratulating too!

Presenter No. 2: Our dear, glorious grandmothers!
Congratulations on spring day!
We will knit our own socks and mittens,
So you could relax!
Be healthy and be happy!
And every day, minute and hour!
Most importantly, be loved!
And you still love us just as much!

Presenter No. 1: Now the guys will show a mini-skit for our mothers and grandmothers: “Three mothers!”

There is a table and three chairs on the stage. A doll sits on one of the chairs. The table is decorated with a vase of cheesecakes, a samovar, saucers and mugs.

Presenter No. 1: Mothers always wish only the best for their children! But sometimes children do not listen to their mothers, show their stubbornness, do not listen or do not want to hear their mothers. This is what our sketch is about.

Presenter No. 2:
Katyushka came home from school today,
I lowered my school bag,
She sat quietly on a chair at the table
And she asked the doll Christina!

(A girl in the role of the first mother comes on stage, sits down at the table and takes the doll in her arms)

How is your daughter doing? How are you today, Fidget?
You must have been bored alone without me?
And as always, having sat without lunch
Did you also walk without a hat? You'll get a belt!
Oh, these daughters are a complete disaster for me!
Go have lunch, Pinwheel!
Let's eat everything - while you're young!
Drink tea and eat cheesecake!

Presenter No. 1:
A tired mother returned from work:
Sitting down with Katyusha, she smiled...
(Mom No. 2 enters - Katyusha’s mother)

Katyusha's mom:
Hello Katyusha? How are things at school?
Did you get two or five in your diary?
Probably walked for half a day again?
Through puddles - and got your feet wet?
Have you forgotten what food means again?
Let's go eat, Pinwheel!

Drink tea and eat cheesecake!

Presenter No. 2:
Here grandma, mother's mother came,
And she sat down with her daughters on a chair at the table!
(Mom No. 3, Katyushka’s grandmother, enters).

Katyushka's grandmother:
How are your daughters doing? Are you tired during the day?
Again, you didn’t sit for an hour or a minute?
The profession of a doctor, I know, is difficult!
But your healthy daughter needs you at home!
Oh, you'll soon be like a match!
Let's have lunch, Pinwheel!
Oh, these daughters are just a disaster!
Drink tea and eat cheesecake!
(Everyone drinks tea and eats cheesecakes).

Presenter No. 1:
Three mothers are sitting in the kitchen having tea,
What to do with stubborn daughters?
They look at their daughters with love and affection!
Oh, how difficult it is to be a mother!

(The scene ends, everyone leaves the stage)

Presenter No. 2: That’s how difficult it turns out to be to be a mother! Let's guys give mothers and grandmothers our wonderful gifts in honor of the holiday!

(Children run onto the stage with gifts and flowers! It’s better to make gifts with your own hands in advance at one of the craft lessons. You can make paper flowers, origami flowers or a plasticine clearing)

Presenter No. 1: It turns out how caring our children are! Let's help mothers and grandmothers prepare lunch today! We divide into two teams. One will cook soup, the other - compote.

(At one end of the hall there is a chair with a basin. Vegetables and fruits are mixed in the basin. At the other end of the hall there are also two chairs with empty basins. The guys line up in two lines. At the command of the leader, the first participant runs to a full basin, takes what can be useful, for example, for soup, lowers the bowl and passes the baton. The team that “cooks lunch” the fastest wins).

Presenter No. 2:
We are now continuing the Spring Festival!
Congratulations to our girls now!

Boy #1:
I won't lie to you now!
I love my neighbor Yulia so much!
I'm telling the whole truth -
I love her most of all!

Boy #2:
Everyone knows our Tanya!
Moving your shoulder towards her!
It is important to have a conversation with her!
It can be in the morning, it can be in the afternoon!

Boy #3:
Olya is nearby! The heart beckons!
Olya is the best in appearance!
I feel drawn to Olya
A huge magnet of feelings!

Boy #4:
Everything is very helpful with Katya,
I don’t need others Katya:
Both in fact and in fact
You couldn't find Katya better.

Boy #5:
I keep looking at the beauty
I can't take my eyes off the lovers...
Dasha, Dasha, Dashulya!
How I love you!

Boy #6:
You are like fluff, a feather, a grain of sand!
You're like a sweet star!
Come here, quickly, Irinka!
Beautiful eyes of my soul!

Boy #7:
Sveta is smart, generous and beautiful!
I will always admire you!
No need to waste words today!
It's better to say how good you are!

Boy #8:
Helen is like a flower!
She is so beautiful today!
As always, Lenok, you are incomparable!
I am always ready to sing songs for you!

Boy #9:
Let hope give smiles today!
Today Nadyusha is like a sweet flower!
And I have no right to make a mistake!
So I’ll give you one kiss on the cheek!

Presenter No. 1:
The eighth of March is a solemn day,
A day of joy, smiles, beauty.
All over the earth he gives to women,
Wishes and dreams come true!

Presenter No. 2:
Happy Women's Day to everyone,
With the desired spring and drop,
And a bright ray of sunshine,
And spring birds with a ringing trill!

To the song “May there always be sunshine!” The presenters leave the stage!

" Heartily"

Two presenters enter the stage and conduct a dialogue with each other.

2 Good afternoon!


    It’s young March and the first spring holiday of the fair half of humanity, a holiday of tenderness, beauty, warmth.

    How many congratulations, flowers and gifts, how many declarations of love women of all ages receive on this day.

    We have already received the first congratulations.

1 Why is this day called Women's Day?

2 Let's turn to the hall. (Ask a question)

1. Let me remind you. And I’ll take you on a tour of the history of this day.

On March 8, 1911, rallies were held in Australia, Germany, Switzerland, and Denmark demanding that women be given equal rights with men. And this day went down in history as International Women's Day.

2. History is forgotten, but the day remains.

1. Everything connected with a woman is wonderful. Even feminine words are beautiful: spring, love, business trip.

2. You’re right, it’s not like the masculine words: order, boss, reprimand.

1 This is true, but still we can’t live without them either.

And he will sing to us about this…….

2 You know, I am tormented by questions that arose while preparing for the holiday.

1 We gathered to talk about women throughout the holiday, and you with your questions...

2 but my questions concern women.

    Okay, go ahead.

    who feeds, drinks, clothes everyone?


    who raises the children?


    who creates comfort and cleanliness in the house?


    who holds the vacuum cleaner?


    who gives up their seat to a woman on the bus?


2 are you sure?

1 Of course.

    1. And when I got to work, I saw a young woman give up her seat. Who builds houses and asphaltes roads?

    do you want me to answer women? It’s better to say this in verse.

Oh women! In all ages

We were called the weaker sex.

Serenades were dedicated to us,

And they carried us in their arms.

Because of our beautiful eyes

The musketeers broke their swords.

Poets spent on us

Tens of thousands of tons of paper.

Time passed in eternal bustle,

And we are no longer the same:

Well, do we have any reasons?

Call us the weaker sex?

After all, we have long been men

They did not give in on anything.

2 I propose from this moment to put an end to such already established historical injustice.

1 I'm all for it.

2 Now I will introduce you to the obligations for women on this day.

Commitments for women.

On this day you must

Be beautiful and smart.

Make jokes, joke and dance -

Never be bored

And loud, joyful laughter!

It’s quick to notice everything smartly,

Joyfully surrender to joy.

1 and I will introduce you to the obligations of men on this day:

On this day you must

To be attached only to a woman,

Pay attention to her

Forget football, hockey.

Fill the room with humor

To make everyone laugh.

Shine with wit,

Don't seem taller than women

Which is why we ask you to subscribe!

2 And I would like to add one more obligation for our men - to perform on stage at least once a year on the March 8 holiday! There is already an example of this!

1 I think I know who can congratulate us, I can see it right in their eyes. And I want to invite to our stage……….

2 Girls and women in life need to be diplomats in order to put out the flaring fire of a quarrel in time. They can surprise us with their original feminine mind.

1 As in the joke about a husband’s birthday, when a wife gives her husband a fur coat for his birthday: for herself. Do you know this joke? No? Well then, let's tell you.

I want there to be no war

So that we trust each other,

So that there is more kindness,

Well, in general, you want...a fur coat!

I want the forest not to be destroyed

And so that there is no disassembly

And so that progress wins

And wish it was made of mink!

I want everyone to be more tolerant

And so that everyone is nicer,

So that we love each other

And for a longer fur coat!

I want no one to be sad

And he and I and all of us too

So that everyone is light and warm, that the fur coat is more expensive!

I want children to be born

So that there are bows on the gifts,

So that there are no sick people in the world

Well, in general, you!

I want there to be no hostility

And to make the holidays longer

And so that the world does not know trouble

And let there be more diamonds!

2 Yes, a truly diplomatic step.

And we want to wish you:

Let spring come to everyone's home.

To every family in this world,

On the most romantic, best day -

Day of beautiful women on the planet!

And today on our stage…….. with the song “Clouds”.

1 I want to remind everyone that men love with their eyes, and women with their ears.

2 yes, as it turns out, we are easy to conquer...

1 actually this is not the case.

2 What people love first with their eyes, I know that. Of course, I also know what men want from women, but I won’t tell you. But I can tell you what a woman wants from a man.

1 tell.

2 when a woman is 20, she wants him to be handsome, attentive, witty, stylishly dressed, romantic, in good physical shape and abundant in love.

When a woman is 30, she wants a man to always open the door for her, carry bags from the market, laugh at her jokes at will, remember birthdays, listen more than he talks, and be in good shape.

When a woman is 40, she wants a man to be only with her, not to drive away until she is fully seated in the car, to be busy with work, to nod his head when talking, to be able to move furniture, to wear shirts that cover his stomach, not to forget shave and was also in good shape.

When a woman is 50, she wants a man to not fall asleep when he expresses his thoughts, to be able to appreciate dinner, to remember her name, and to be in good shape.

When a woman is 60, she wants a man not to confuse the names of his children, to snore slightly in his sleep, to remember why he laughs, to love soft foods and to always remember where he left his glasses and teeth. And of course he was in good shape.

1 is clear, it means that at 70, 80 you need to be in good physical shape.

2 it turns out so. And to be in good physical shape, you need to feel an order of magnitude or 2-3 orders of magnitude younger, and be optimistic by the same number of orders of magnitude.

An old man comes on stage

B – oh, who is it! Grandpa, are you looking for someone?


Q – do you see poorly?

S – thank you, I’ll stand!

B - so he’s also deaf

S - dashing, dashing, but what about! When Kolchak came I was still a little boy. So my mother told me to hide our stallion in the forest

Q - What did you want, grandfather?

S is a girl? Why not alone! I remember once during haymaking with three!

B – no need to talk about this

S – herd? There was a big herd! We ourselves had three cows: Nochka, Mike...

Q – what do cows have to do with it?

S – healthy, healthy. Only my legs let me down a little. And thank God, I’m not complaining. But my grandmother is quite ill. That’s why I came here, to look after a woman for myself.

B – this is Grandfather’s holiday.

S - Dusya? Come on Dusya! If only there was something to hold on to. It’s not for nothing that they say that the most beautiful women work in the orphanage.

Q - why are you grandpa, all the ladies here are serious, married.

Does that mean you can’t hold on?

B – under no circumstances!

S - well, can I at least congratulate you?

B – and here it is please.

S - so that you always have

And clothes and food,

May you live richly

How great gentlemen.

So that the forest is full of mushrooms,

And in the village - men!...etc.

1 Thank you grandfather for your wishes! (we escort grandfather from the stage)

It’s not for nothing that they say that gray hair in the head, a demon in the rib...

Well, here we go again at work, talking about men, and at home, as always, about work

    1. and now there are cameras everywhere, talking with a sound effect. So you have to talk about work all the time.

1 that’s for sure...and that’s why I propose continuing our concert

we want to wish you:

Let the first snowdrop

will give you tenderness,

the spring sun will give warmth,

and Nadezhda Belova gives you a song

about happiness, and joy and about goodness!

2 Among the first days of spring

We haven't heard any drops yet,

All over the earth, for all people

Don't spare your palms -

Let's meet the team of "crumbs"

Dance "Crumbs"

2 We became second mothers to our children.

And I’ll tell you honestly, without lying:

There are no better people in the world than you

Than those who are sitting here in front of me.

Low bow to you our dears

For all the love, patience, warmth.

Because you are soft and strict towards children,

For giving kindness.

Because you are with them in joy and sorrow

ready to thank you a hundred times

Talents, hobbies of our children,

Manage to develop it even stronger.

So let your strength increase

And the work will be just as fruitful

After all, new kids are coming

And we look forward to meeting you!

And today on our stage, welcome a group of kids from the Yagodka kindergarten!

1 There is a person in everyone’s life who is important,

Each of us here agrees with this.

This is of course, dear mother...

He will sing a song about her to us now......

Happy spring holiday!

Let the ringing joy flow everywhere!

Let the sun shine!

Let the frost go away!

Let the winter go away

Mimosa sprig!

It seems to me that Victoria and Ksyusha will definitely drive away winter with their fiery dance. Meet!

1 "Woman"

May your day be sunny, beautiful,

And your path will be strewn with roses.

And every evening - starry, clean, clear,

Oh, woman always be happy!

When playing with primordial strength

Mother nature created this world,

She contains it in you, oh woman,

All the beauty and grace.

There is a gust of thunder in you, a dawn of radiance,

The splendor of mountains and river holes,

Delight for the eyes, charm for the soul,

Through You the world and man are eternal.

Nature has all its art in you

Captured to say “Praise!”

And then for you, in a fit of feeling

She created a man in love.

    1. dear women:

I wish they gave you flowers,

compliments were spoken more often,

and there was at least one

I am infinitely devoted to you until my gray hairs!

1 let the heart beat in time with the drops,

let the blizzards become a thing of the past,

and let in the spring round dances

the heart will forget about adversity.

There will be no new wounds in the heart

Like in the wonderful song of the gypsies

"Sing Guitar Sing"

At the end of the song, all participants come out.

1 Happy holiday, dear women!

2 may men in love always be with you,

1 Let a sunny smile illuminate your faces more often, like today on this spring day!

Everyone: be happy!!!

Three men come on stage and sing ditties.

Two weeks have flown by

We have to perform again

Our mademoiselles

Happy Women's Day, oh, congratulations!

We may not all be diplomats,

“No” is not the answer for us,

We need to support you guys

Guys, don't relax

Stay at the helm

After all, in the old way, the eighth -

Oh, you can’t live without women,

Well, if only sometimes

Do you want a serene life?

Always be with a woman!

We have to spin

To please women

Bust around the house,

Oh, and give them gifts.

Teach your kids

From mischief for a break,

Oh, my mother would have gotten them.

We'll show you all now

What we can and cannot do

All male characters

Oh, send greetings to all women.

1st presenter. We begin our concert and give it today to our wives, daughters, sisters, loved ones. Would you like to look into homes and find out how preparations for March 8th are going in our families?

A man in an apron runs out, with a saucepan and a rolling pin in his hand, “cook,” looking around, looking for someone. Another man runs out to meet him, with a basin and washing powder, the “laundress”.

Culinary. Could you give me a recipe for Napoleon? I wanted to please my wife, I’m trying to bake a cake for the third time, but it doesn’t work out.

Laundress. Have you looked at the cookbook? To be honest, I haven’t reached such heights yet. I still can’t wash green grass off children’s jeans, it doesn’t work.

A third man runs out with an iron, he is an “iron”.

Iron. Have you tried “Taydom - White Clouds”? No? Oh, you are still not wearing white slippers... Then we are coming to you. (To the cook.) By the way, do you know how to iron shirts? (He nods.) Then we’ll come to you...

A well-ironed dandy in a snow-white shirt comes out. Everyone freezes, looking at him.

Laundress and Iron. Wow! How do you manage to look like that on a day when women don't put their hand to anything?

Dandy. I'm single! And not a lover of the fairer sex. I respect strength and independence. I'm used to relying only on myself. Moreover, I am not from Russia, but from very distant Foggy Albion. That's why I'm always a gentleman. Do you know what a gentleman is, what he should and should not? I'll tell you! (Calls.) Barrymore!

Barrymore enters.

Barrymore. Oatmeal, sir.

Dandy. What's this got to do with oatmeal, Barrymore? Chair here! (Sits down.) Lady, Barrymore! (A lady appears.) Do you think a gentleman should kiss a lady’s hand after dinner? (Yes, of course.) What if there were no napkins on the table? (The lady squeals: “Insolent!”) Should a gentleman ask his son to play the piano? Barrymore, where's the boy? (Barrymore drags the boy by the collar, he hits the keys haphazardly, everyone indignantly asks to be spared from this wild game.) Well, yes, he must, if the guests don’t leave for a long time. O children, flowers of life! Cacti look beautiful, but if you touch them, they hurt! So, gentlemen, this is a whole science - to be a gentleman! You also need to be able to give gifts. By the way, have you already thought about gifts?

Men(interrupting each other). Yes, yes, we have prepared a whole concert for the lovely ladies. Children will tell them rhymes and sing songs. Children, where are you? Come on! Shall we demonstrate?

A concert number is being performed.

Culinary. Well, that's it! Why are you ordering other people’s children around here?! Give birth to your own people, then take command!

Dandy. How can I, my friend, give birth, because I’m even unmarried.

From behind his back, a woman’s gloved hand “hugs” his neck, then the lady herself appears, singing: “What’s our forecast today, honey?”

Dandy(after the song). Don't pay attention, gentlemen! I am not married because I have not yet met the one to whom I would give all my love! And is there love in this world?

Culinary(stirring in the pan). Love comes and goes, but you always want to eat.

Laundress. Well, there are different views on this matter. (Addressing Dandy.) You argue like a skeptic, but we have a different opinion. A woman is an unearthly beauty, something beautiful, something incredibly attractive and, most importantly, pure!

Dandy. Ah-ah-ah! You will say: they saw a woman - they immediately melted: “Ah, heavenly creature, ah, tenderness itself!” (Pronounces intriguingly.) And I can introduce you to such a woman! Let's see what you say...

A concert number is being performed - a parody to the soundtrack of I. Allegrova’s song “We are all women - bitches!”

Iron. Well, why are you doing this? Love is a wonderful feeling, a beloved is a true friend of life. Your chosen one walks with you through life hand in hand, foot in foot.

Dandy. Well, yes, and then he will take a wider step and stand across your path.

Laundress. Yes, my friend, you are a cynic!

Dandy. A cynic is not a cynic, but try to prove that love exists!

Concert numbers dedicated to love are performed.

Iron(dreamily). When love leads to a crown, the creation of a family, when children are born - it’s so wonderful! Is it possible to forget the touching, tender words and gentle hands of a mother?!

Works dedicated to the mother are played.

Culinary. Unfortunately, there are many orphans. Where are their mothers?

Laundress. Let's not talk about sad things today. Mom is the most precious thing. Mom is always alone, and what could be more valuable to a mother than her child?

Iron. What do our children think about their mothers?

The soundtrack of the children's interviews is turned on, and photographs of the women the children are talking about are shown on the PC screen on the stage.

Moms, do you recognize your children? Have you heard what they think about you? (Questions for children could be: “What does your mother like to do most? What does your mother teach you? What is the most delicious thing your mother cooks? What would you like to imitate your mother in? Does your mother often scold you?”)

Culinary. I know for sure that some mothers really like to watch TV series. Well, on holiday we must take their interests into account. So, the 339th episode of the television series. (Addresses the Iron and the Laundress.) Shall we take a look too?

Laundress. No, no, I have a lot of laundry to do! However...

Voice behind the scenes(against the background of a Latin American melody). Antonio Fagundes and Jose Mayer in Benedito Rui Barbosa's film "Warm Heart"; director Benedito Rui Barbosa, cinematographer Massimo Gavarri, script by Benedito Rui Barbosa and Edilene Barbosa with the participation of Edmore Barbosa (See below as an option: “With Happy endoM!” (almost Indian melodrama).)

On stage the mother is Constance, the daughter Conchita enters, they speak in unpleasant nasal voices, the way they first dubbed the characters from TV series.

Mother(strictly). Daughter, where have you been for so long? The father is angry, a decent girl should not be away from home for so long.

Conchita(thoughtfully). Mom, I was walking, what's wrong with that? I'm tired of working on the ground without straightening my back. I want a different life! Light, beautiful, so that I have many outfits!

Constance. Daughter, what kind of talk is this? What's going on with you?

Conchita. I'm getting married, mom.

Constance. Are you getting married? What did you say?.. Are you getting married? O Madonna! Vincenzo, Vincenzo! Can you hear? Our daughter Conchita says she is getting married!

Father enters.

Vincenzo. What do I hear?! Our daughter is getting married?! Katarina! O Madonna! Are you saying you're getting married? But for whom? Who is he, your chosen one?

Conchita. He is an Ethiopian, a dad, a coffee trader.

Vincenzo. This was not enough yet! Conchita, why Ethiopian? O Madonna!

Conchita. Dad, calm down, because in Brazil, in connection with the decree of President Gitulio, all coffee plantations were destroyed! And he is from the homeland of coffee, he has great prospects in business.

Father. Do you hear, Constance, our daughter Conchita is marrying an Ethiopian! O Madonna! Are there not enough Italians in Brazil? (Recording of a song performed by Julio Iglesias, sounds loud for a short time, then in the background.) Why do you need an Ethiopian? Why don't you at least fall in love with Julio? He sings serenades under your windows all night long, and how he sings! O Madonna! Do you hear? (To the side, as if through a window.) Well, what are you doing, Iglesias?

Conchita. No, I have love, dad!

Father. I forbid you to talk about this! O Madonna! Where did you meet him, shameless one? I forbid you to leave the house!

Conchita. Mom mom! Oh Madonna, my father forbids me to leave the house! I can't stand this, mom!

Mother. Vincenzo, have you forgotten how we met? What are you doing with your daughter, oh Madonna! Cancel your ban now, otherwise Conchita will commit suicide, God forbid!

Father. I am the master of my word. Don't contradict me, daughter, otherwise I'll get angry. And when I'm angry I'm scary!

Together. O Madonna!

Culinary. Thank God it’s over for today, otherwise the dough was too old.

Laundress. Yes, and the laundry is waiting for me.

Iron. Guys, are we going to give flowers to women? They love them. I know that one artist even gave his beloved a million red roses. Let's give it too!

To the soundtrack of a song from the repertoire of A. B. Pugacheva, “A Million Scarlet Roses,” the women are given flowers. The final concert number is performed.

HAPPY ENDOM! (almost Indian melodrama)


Kochan is a poor peasant, an orphan, who has not seen his mother since childhood. Wants to get married, but can't.

Bochan is a cunning and rich merchant. Not indifferent to the female sex. Hot-tempered and cunning.

Lulu is an unhappy but beautiful girl.

Mata Hari is her mother. A simple Indian woman.

Speaker. Poor, sad Kochan comes out into the clearing. Love breaks his heart. He dreams of a date with the beautiful Lulu.

Kochan. Oh Lulu! Calamba de luna! (Oh Lulu! Where are you, star of my eyes, where are you, fragrant peach blossom?) Mondeno! Why don't you come to me?

Music plays, Lulu appears dancing.

Head of cabbage. Oh Lulu! Phat-phat! (Oh Lulu! Be mine!)

Lulu. Bugala phat-phat, Kochan! (Very soon I will be yours, my beloved Kochan.) Bugala ding-ding! (Soon we will be together!) Byaka Bochan kirdyk Lulu and Kochan! (But I'm afraid that the evil and treacherous Bochan will kill us both!)

Lovers hug. Bochan appears on stage.

Bochan. Ha ha ha! (What do I see? They coo like doves!) (Addresses Kochan.) Bochan buzu baksheesh! Kochan - ugh! (I am very rich, you, Kochan, are poor.) Lulu phat-phat. (Lulu will be mine.)

Kochan. Fuck it! (Never!)

Bochan. I'm pot-bellied, you - ugh. Lulu phat-phat! (I'm fabulously rich! You're nothing! Lulu will be mine!)

Head of cabbage. Fuck it! (Never!)

Bochan. Ooh, bamboo! (Get out of my way, you stupid cudgel!)

Kochan. He's awesome! (Untranslatable play on words.)

Bochan. Pyongyang!

Kochan. Uryupinsk!

Bochan. Oh, I am Uryupinsk? Sam - Uryupinsk! Kirdyk fat tail, Kochan! (Die, unfortunate one.)

He takes out a dagger and kills Kochan.

Head of cabbage. I'm a fat tailed kirdyk! (Looks like I'm dying.)

Lulu. Oh chigir! (Oh, a terrible thing happened! Beloved Kochan died!) Kirdyk fat tail Lulu! (Why should I live without my beloved!)

He snatches the dagger from Bochan's hands and stabs himself.

Lulu(falling). Oh Mata Hari! Lulu kirdyk kurdyuk! (Oh my mother! I'm dying!)

Mata Hari comes out.

Mata Hari. Oh-oh-oh! (What do I see! The daughter is dead, Kochan is bleeding!) (Addresses Bochan.)

Ooh, radish! (Why did you do this, you bad man?)

Bochan. Kyl-kyl, zyr-zyr! (It's their own fault.)

Takes Mata Hari's hand.

Hundi-mundi perke? (Where did you get the birthmark on your hand? I have the same one on my hand.)

Mata Hari. Oh Banderlog! (Oh, so you are my eldest son, who was carried into the jungle by wild monkeys many years ago?)

Lulu(rises). Oh brother! (Bochan, are you my brother?)

Bochan. Oh, sister! (So ​​are you my sister?)

They hug.

Kochan(comes to life). Hundi-mundi perke! (But I have the same mole on my arm!)

Mata Hari. Oh, banderlogs! (So ​​you are my youngest son, who was carried into the jungle by wild monkeys many years ago?)

Lulu, Bochan(in unison). Oh brother! (He's our brother!)

Kochan. Oh family! (I finally found a family!)

Everyone hugs.

In chorus. How happy we are!