Where is the correct accent in the word submit? Stress Dictionary: Where is the correct stress in words? Stress in Russian words, homographs - online resources

Correct speech is of great importance in our life. After all, even if a person looks decent, but makes a lot of mistakes in stress when pronouncing words, then the attitude towards him cools down. It is much more pleasant to communicate with an educated interlocutor with a correctly delivered speech. But not everyone knows how to correctly place emphasis on a particular word, and this greatly confuses them.

The Russian language is very difficult. It is not enough to be a well-read person to know how to pronounce words correctly. Accents in fiction books, for example, are not marked, so to understand where exactly they need to be placed, you have to turn to Russian language textbooks. Remember that there are the following features of stress placement. For example, in foreign words, the stress when pronounced in Russian remains in the same place where it was originally placed (marketing, blinds, genesis). If the word denotes a measure of length and ends in “meter,” then know that in this case the stress will fall on the last syllable (centimeter, decimeter, kilometer). Stressed vowels are similarly emphasized in words such as kilogramAmm and miligramAmm.

It is worth noting that stress in Russian can be of several types. It can be mobile or immobile. If in the same word, when used in different cases, there is always one syllable under stress, then this stress is called fixed (break, break, break). And when, when pronouncing a word in different forms, it “runs” over it, then such an emphasis is considered movable (board - boards, take out - take out). Orthoepic and linguistic dictionaries, as well as special Internet portals, help in setting stress. Such services provide users with the opportunity not only to see how to correctly place stress in a word, but also to listen to its sound if necessary. This is very convenient, since almost every resident of the country currently has access to the Internet. But hardly anyone will find free time to visit a library or store in search of the right dictionary. Moreover, if a word urgently needs to be checked for the correct accent, then such an Internet resource will be very useful.

If you have excellent memory and imagination, then you can come up with a consonant, rhyming word with the one in which you need to remember the emphasis. Write a funny short poem. By associating words, you will forever remember how to correctly place emphasis in a particular case. Here are some examples of funny rhymes:
  • If you can't fit into shorts, it means you like to eat cakes.
  • I lost the contract, it was probably stolen by Or.
  • Someone is standing nearby, his phone is ringing.
  • It's hard to drag the package - you need to lighten the load.
  • The quarter has already ended, but you haven’t turned in your work.

Work on your speech and try to speak competently always and everywhere. It’s nice to feel like an educated and cultured person. Correct placement of accents will give you the opportunity to gain respect in society, and will also increase your chance of passing a difficult and serious interview when applying for a job in a reputable organization.

Stress in a word is the emphasis of a certain syllable within a word by the strength of the voice or by raising the tone. Let's figure out how to put emphasis on a word.

The question of where to place the stress arises when we are talking about words consisting of two or more syllables.

To begin with, we note that in the Russian language there are no uniform rules for placing stress. Moreover, when we decline or conjugate one or another part of speech, the stressed syllable may change. For example, orphan - orphans, start - began.

Features of Russian accent

In some languages, stress is fixed. For example, the Czech language always places the stress on the first syllable, Polish on the penultimate syllable, French on the last. In Russian, stress has a free form, that is, each word has its own stress. Unfortunately, there is no single rule, so you have to memorize the words.

Stress helps differentiate words. For example, flour - flour, Atlas - atlas. Such words, identical in spelling, but different in sound and meaning, are called homographs.

There are also words in the Russian language in which you can put emphasis on any syllable. For example, cottage cheese - cottage cheese. Both options will be correct.

Dictionaries for checking stress

In order to correctly place stress in words, you need to remember the correct pronunciation of words, and if difficulties arise, turn to a spelling dictionary. To check stress, you don’t have to go to the library for a dictionary; now you can find a special dictionary on the Internet. For example, Dictionary of accents from Yandex. You can also download the dictionary to your computer and have it in electronic form (as an option, you can download a spelling dictionary).

If you don’t want to look for the right word in the dictionary, you can use an online service: you enter the desired word in a special window, and the program highlights the stressed vowel in a different color. There are a large number of such electronic dictionaries, for example: Gramota.ru, Pro-udarenie.ru.

Why is it important to put emphasis correctly?

In our world, it is very important to be a literate person. Therefore, you need to know where to put the emphasis in a word, that is, simply remember the pronunciation of frequently used words.

Here is a list of common words in which mistakes are most often made, with the correct emphasis:

  • catalog;
  • contract;
  • shop;
  • shoe;
  • quarter;
  • blinds;
  • Cakes;
  • callIt;
  • beet;
  • sorrel;
  • more beautiful;
  • plum;
  • rhubarb;
  • envious;
  • angry;
  • scoop;
  • marketing;
  • Iconography;
  • dispensary;
  • tableYar;
  • napOta;
  • kilometer;
  • the Omen;
  • facilities.

Of course, there are a lot of words, so don’t be lazy to open the dictionary again and check the stress placement.

If you need to emphasize emphasis when writing a word in Word, then in the article you will find several ways to place the sign.

An important part of knowing any language is its orthoepy. This is the science that studies pronunciation. After all, it is she who gives the answer to the question of how to correctly place emphasis in various cases. Without such knowledge, competent oral speech will not be possible. An incorrectly placed emphasis not only makes a person clumsy and funny in the eyes of his interlocutors, but it will also seriously complicate his communication processes, because in the end the word can simply change its meaning.

What is word stress?

Word stress is the emphasis on one syllable in a word using the voice. Pronouncing stressed vowels requires special stress on the speech organs, as well as phonation.


To understand where the emphasis should be placed, you need to pronounce the word interrogatively. The syllable pronounced with the greatest force is called stressed.

Types of accents

Syntagmic stress

It highlights this or that word as part of the syntagma. There is also phrasal stress, highlighting the syntagma in the phrase and logical stress. It emphasizes a word to emphasize its dominance over others in a particular context.

Word stress

Verbal stresses have their own subtypes. Their division is made taking into account exactly what means or methods of presentation are used in a particular case. They are different for all languages. For example, today we distinguish tonic stress, when a stressed syllable is pronounced in a higher or lower tone. There is noisy and forceful stress, when the main role is played by the strength of sound. As for quantitative stress, it is provided due to the time of its sound. Simply put, the duration changes at the right place. This subtype is also called quantitative. The qualitative variant of stress represents the loss of vowel sound reduction. You need to understand that several variations of acoustics can be combined with each other in the same type of stress. And in different words from the same sentence the stress may appear more pronounced, or, conversely, it may be almost unnoticed.

Accent notation

In addition to a number of features regarding staging, there are also different ways to designate them. For example, if we talk about the international phonetic alphabet, then stress is supposed to be indicated by a vertical line, or a line on top, right before the syllable. In Russian, stress is sometimes indicated by the sign “akut”, it is placed directly above the vowel letter. For the English alphabet, the stroke is used at the very end of the stressed word. In some dictionaries, stress is indicated only by a combination of bold and capital letters.

Stressed syllables in Russian have a much longer pronunciation compared to other parts of the word. As for the height of the vowel being emphasized, it can vary. Among the languages ​​of the world there are many where the stress is always stable and fixed. A striking example of this is French speech, which always emphasizes the last syllable in a word, but only when it is pronounced separately. If this is a whole phrase, then all words except the final one will be unstressed. Only the last syllable in a rhythmic group will be highlighted. For the Russian language there are no such patterns. The stress in Russian phrases can fall on any of the syllables. Moreover, it can even change in word forms. Therefore, placing accents correctly is rarely easy. And if a person is not a native speaker, he will make mistakes and this is inevitable.

Stress for individual words

Difficulties often arise in the word “cottage cheese”. Some pronounce it with emphasis on the first “o”, while others pronounce it on the second. The term itself denoting this fermented milk product was pronounced differently at different times. And nineteenth-century dictionaries described the norm where the second syllable is stressed. While the linguist Dahl still insists on the first. An equally textbook example of frequent and incorrect pronunciation is the word “calling.”


In Russian it is not as easy to place the accent correctly as it seems. In addition to the basic rule, there is also a list of words that it is advisable to simply memorize and not make mistakes in pronunciation in the future.

Accent in Russian

The Russian language is difficult to use even for native speakers. There are words in which one or the other syllable is stressed, but there are not several correct options, according to the spelling dictionary.

The point of contention is the emphasis on the word “simultaneously.” When using this word in colloquial speech, both the third and fourth vowel are distinguished.

The demanding Russian language regarding the stressed vowel in the word “simultaneously” makes an exception. Thus, no matter what syllable you place the emphasis on, each of the options will be considered correct and literate.

But why is it historically based on the placement of stress in the words “simultaneously” and “simultaneously” on two different sounds?

The fact is that highlighting the third vowel was practiced back in tsarist times, when the Russian language was more refined and original.

Until now, the use of this word with a stressed third syllable sounds aristocratic, but the opinions of spelling dictionaries under different editions on this issue differ.

For example, the dictionaries of Lopatin and Kuznetsov also allow the use of stress on both syllables, but at the same time they consider pronunciation with an emphasis on the second sound E to be more literate due to the modernization of the Russian language.

This way you can remember each of them. The best thing is to choose the most suitable pronunciation option for yourself and use only it in your speech.

Especially if your job requires you to deal with public speaking or business conferences.

Important! Since the Gramota portal believes that the correct stress in the word “simultaneously” can be placed in two different ways, wherever you place the emphasis, both pronunciations will be considered correct and consistent with the norms of the Russian language.

What do dictionaries say?

When choosing the correct stressed vowel, the dictionary does not provide clear explanations. Expert opinions differ:

  • The Gramota.ru portal explains that the “simultaneously” option, stress on the third syllable, is more correct. This is explained by the fact that this pronunciation has historical origins.
  • The same opinion is shared by dictionaries edited by Gorbachevich or Studiner.
  • Kuznetsov and Lopatin argue the opposite in their works.
  • Ozhegov's dictionary recognizes both variants as literate, implying the possibility of stress on both the third and fourth syllables.

Useful video

Let's sum it up

So this word is correct to say in two different ways. Not a single orthoepic dictionary makes any conclusions about the illiteracy of highlighting exclusively the third or fourth syllable with the voice. Therefore, the answer to the question of how to pronounce correctly is personal to everyone.

Choose for yourself a pronunciation option that matches your ideas about literate Russian.

Every person at least once in his life has found himself in an awkward situation when he incorrectly placed the emphasis on a word, the pronunciation of which until that time he had no doubt at all. Yes, the wrong accent in a word hurts the ear, but almost everyone makes mistakes here. Even educated, well-read people are not immune from this. Stress is a tricky topic in linguistics. In the Russian language its importance is very great, since it is a means of distinguishing words.

Concept and use

Stress is the bright highlighting of one of the syllables in a word or phrase with different phonetic components (you can strengthen the voice, raise the tone in combination with intensity, volume). It is necessary to develop the skills to correctly set the verbal background - after all, this is a mandatory requirement for every speaker.

Stress is necessary for correct and competent speech. Any word consists of one or more syllables. When there are more than 2 in a word, they are pronounced with different intensity and volume. One of them will stand out - this is called verbal emphasis. Chinese, Japanese, and Vietnamese accented syllables are distinguished using pitch. In ancient languages ​​- Greek or Latin - the stressed syllable is distinguished using the duration of the vowel sound. There is also a dynamic, or power, blow, when an accented syllable is emphasized with greater force. For example, Russian, English, and French languages ​​have this type.

How to put the emphasis correctly?

Unlike French or Polish, in Russian the accent is free - it is not assigned to a specific syllable. Let's consider these examples:

  • light (emphasis on the first syllable);
  • lighten (emphasis on the 2nd syllable);
  • firefly (you must highlight the last syllable).

Correct emphasis is a goal that every self-respecting person should strive for. But the task is complicated by the fact that the emphasis can fall on different parts of the word (that is, it is mobile):

  • sign (on suffix);
  • signature (on the attachment);
  • subscribe (to root).

Stress norms for most words in the Russian language are contained in the spelling dictionary. It is necessary to familiarize yourself with problem words and remember their pronunciation.

Why is this question relevant?

The whole problem is that the stress in a word is inherently free. In some languages ​​it is fixed, that is, it always falls on the same syllable. For example: in French it is always on the last syllable, in Polish - on the penultimate syllable, in Czech - on the first. But in Russian there is no such pattern. Therefore, it is important to remember that stress is one of the most important signs of human literacy. Since there are no clear rules for this topic, most words just need to be memorized.

Which syllable is most often emphasized?

However, some patterns can still be identified. According to experts, the stress most often falls on the middle of the word, and also gravitates towards the second half:

  • Stavropol, but Stavropol region;
  • Get out, but get out.

Rules and patterns - how to remember everything?

Some rules will help you put emphasis correctly. Linguists note 28 “special” verb roots (there are many more verb roots). Together with prefixes, they form a whole series of verbs in which in the feminine past tense the emphasis shifts to inflection (ending). But this only applies to the female gender! In other forms, the emphasis remains on the root.

We present to you the following verbs that you need to remember (you can immediately write them down in a notebook): take, pick up, dial, take, wait, sleep. What emphasis should be placed in this case? Remember: tookA, tookA, handedA, sleptA, waitedA. But they took it, they waited, they slept, they handed it over.

You can often come across incorrect options: took it, drove it away, waited, misrepresented it. By analogy with other forms, native speakers often forget to place emphasis on inflection. But such pronunciation is unacceptable for literate speech. Try to avoid such mistakes.

Modern dictionaries

We present to your attention accent dictionaries that will help you improve your speech:

  1. Studiner M.A. Dictionary of the complexities of the Russian language for media workers, Moscow - 2016;
  2. For a large circle of readers. Esakova N.A. Dictionary of the complexities of the Russian language. Emphasis. Grammatical forms, Moscow - 2014

Feel free to look into dictionaries as often as possible. After all, people often get used to speaking incorrectly from childhood and for this reason do not doubt the correctness of their pronunciation. But what to do if memorization is very difficult? Well, this process can be made more fun.

There are funny and interesting rhymes - memorization poems. They are designed to remember the correct stress in words, where you can often make a mistake. Try to learn them - and you will remember once and for all where the stress falls in problem words. And with a little imagination, you can come up with a few original quatrains yourself.

Here are some good memories:

  1. Dear Marfa has all striped scarves!
  2. Baba Thekla is in the garden, she has beets in her garden.
  3. Don’t bring us curtains, we bought blinds.
  4. We often ate cakes, but our shorts didn’t fit.
  5. BArman posted a new complete catalog on his blog.
  6. Our painter paints the walls, table Yar makes the shelves.

The golden rule for remembering

How to come up with a good rhyme to memorize? Choose a suitable rhyme for the word, that is, a word whose correct stress you have no doubt about. Don't put the word in the middle of the line! In order for the emphasis to be remembered, the rhyme must fall on this particular word. This method will help you easily and quickly remember the emphasis in words - and you definitely won’t lose face in front of your interlocutor.