A guide to pouring your own home foundation. Which foundation is better: how to choose the right one Which is better to make a foundation for a house

Strip foundation or monolithic?

The technology of building private houses goes back many centuries. During this time, there was a natural selection of the best types of their bases. At the same time, the development of construction technologies offers more and more new options with improved characteristics.

Among the most widespread, two types occupy a special place - strip foundation and slab foundation. Each of them has its positive and negative sides. At the same time, users and novice builders often wonder what is better: a strip foundation or a monolithic slab. Let's try to clarify this problem.

The best foundations are monolithic and strip

Strip foundation - design, types, features

The most famous is the strip foundation. It is used by many builders as the main type when installing buildings made of wood, brick or siding, the height of which does not exceed 2-3 floors. This type of foundation is valued by builders for its following properties:

  • high performance;
  • relative ease of installation;
  • possibility of making it yourself.

Depending on the location of the strip, buried, shallow and non-buried strip foundations are distinguished.

Features of strip foundation

Regardless of the specific type, structurally, this type of building foundation can be represented by a closed structure of a trapezoidal or rectangular section. A strip foundation is located under all the walls of the house and load-bearing internal partitions. Each option for strengthening contains reinforced steel cores inside. This makes it possible to overcome the serious bending load that occurs during spring soil deformations. The advantages of strip foundations over slab foundations are simplicity and low cost.

Recessed strip foundation

When choosing one or another type of house foundation, you need to be well versed in the main differences between each of them. It is impossible to unambiguously choose a strip or slab foundation without analyzing the operating conditions of the house, the financial capabilities of the future owner and studying their features.

A recessed strip foundation is a concrete strip located below the level to which the soil freezes in winter. This minimizes the effect of soil heaving on the foundation of the house, which prevents cracking and deformation. This type can be used only if the groundwater level is sufficiently low.

Shallow foundation

For light-weight buildings on calm soils, a strip foundation with minimal depth is more suitable. When choosing a slab or strip foundation, in this case the first type will be economically unprofitable as the most expensive. The technology for installing a slightly buried foundation is simple and does not require highly qualified workers. It is not difficult to do it yourself. The consumption of the main components of the mixture is also not high.

Unlike the previous type, the shallow version is often subject to severe pressure from below during soil freezing-thawing cycles. This can negatively impact the structural integrity of the home and the integrity of the tape. On this basis, it is not recommended to build heavy buildings made of bricks or blocks with more than one floor. And in this case, the choice of a slab foundation or a tape with a slight depth will be in favor of the latter option.

Non-recessed tape

This option is located directly on the soil surface or, in some cases, can even be raised above it. It is not advisable to choose a non-buried strip or a monolithic slab, since the characteristics of these types are completely different. This will be discussed in more detail below when getting acquainted with the slab type of foundation and its variant, which can be called a slab on a strip foundation.

Non-buried strip foundation

With sufficient geometric parameters of the base, even quite massive structures can be erected on it. Unlike previous species, groundwater and winter heaving do not have any effect on it. But with this option it is impossible to build a basement or ground floor, which will lead to large heat losses through the floor.

Slab foundation

A monolithic slab has the best qualities among the available types of house foundations. Thanks to the large area, the load during soil heaving is distributed evenly over its entire area, so the structure of the house does not suffer. No wonder the second name for this option is “floating” foundation. This is especially true on weak soils with high levels of deformation and high groundwater levels.

You shouldn’t even compare the strength characteristics of a strip foundation with a monolithic slab. The first type will definitely lose. If your goal is to build a massive brick or block house, you won’t find a better solution than a monolithic slab. But with all the advantages, it also has a number of significant disadvantages:

  1. First of all, this is a large volume of ground work. To fill a monolithic slab, it is necessary to make a pit, albeit of small depth, but located under the entire area of ​​the house with an outlet of 0.5 meters beyond the walls.
  2. the second important aspect is the high final cost of the foundation slab. The increased consumption of reinforcement and concrete certainly affects the financial support of construction.

The above aspects do not allow us to clearly indicate which foundation is better, strip or slab. The strength advantages of the latter compete with the simplicity and lower manufacturing costs of the former. Under certain soil conditions, the choice of a strip foundation or a monolithic slab loses its meaning due to the impossibility of arranging the latter. All other things being equal, not many experienced builders will choose a foundation slab due to the above features.

Successful consensus of two types of foundations

Among the total number of foundations for residential buildings, one type stands out, which can be called a monolithic slab on a strip foundation. It successfully combines all the advantages of each of the options described above. Of course, it will not be possible to make a strip-slab foundation without significant expenditure of effort and money, but as a result you will get the best option of all available.

When deciding which foundation is better, strip or monolithic, you should know that even when using the latter, the construction of a basement and ground floor is very difficult. It is also difficult to lay communications under a monolithic slab - the difficulty of access will not allow for repair work. Moreover, even with groundwater lying under the surface of the soil, a monolithic slab will always help out.

Structurally, a monolithic slab on top of a strip foundation can be compared to a bowl turned upside down, which with its walls is deepened into the ground, and at the bottom holds the entire mass of the built house. The manufacturing process of this type can be represented by the sequence of the following actions:

  1. the territorial marking of the building site is carried out, taking into account the dimensions of the future building;
  2. Soil is removed over the entire area of ​​the slab on a strip foundation to a depth of about 40-50 cm. In this case, it is necessary to obtain the most flat horizontal bottom possible. This can only be achieved by sampling the soil; backfilling can provoke subsequent washing out of the loose substrate, which is fraught with unnecessary stress in the foundation structure.
  3. Along the perimeter of the future monolithic slab, panel formwork made of flat sheets or board panels is installed. On the outside, frequent supports with a pitch of 500-600 mm are required.
  4. a ditch at least 400 mm wide and about a meter deep is dug under the future walls. Similar trenches are dug parallel to load-bearing walls in increments of 3 meters or under load-bearing partitions. If one of the house sizes exceeds 6 meters, the number of such ditches is proportionally increased.
  5. a monolithic slab on a strip foundation will acquire maximum strength only when using a reinforcing frame. It is made from round steel rods with a corrugated surface. The diameter of the rods is selected depending on the operating conditions of the base. Rods with a radius of 7 or 8 mm are optimal. The foundation of the tape with the slab will be as strong as possible, provided there are a sufficient number of reinforcing layers. Each of them should be a mesh with cells 15x15 cm. Reinforcing frames are also placed in the ditches.
  6. It is impossible to obtain a “slab-on-strip” foundation without using large volumes of high-quality concrete mixture. It will not be possible to make it in such a volume with your own hands, even using an electric mixer. It is necessary to purchase ready-made concrete from specialized factories in the quantity necessary to simultaneously pour the entire monolithic slab in one go.
  7. Regardless of what type of base - strip or monolithic slab is intended for installation, it is impossible to obtain a good quality concrete structure without the use of vibration compaction of the liquid mixture. This is done using a special construction device - a vibrator. For one-time work, it is not advisable to buy it. Can be rented from specialized organizations. Thanks to the use of such a device, the density of the concrete of the monolithic slab increases significantly, and air bubbles are removed from it.
  8. After pouring and compaction, the concrete mixture must be kept without load for at least two months. During this time, the monolithic slab will acquire maximum strength characteristics and dry out.

With this review, we tried to look at different foundations: slab or strip, which is better or worse in certain conditions. It is definitely impossible to recommend a certain type - it all depends on the specific operating conditions.

The right choice of foundation for a house under construction will help create a reliable, stable, durable building that will serve for many generations. There are several basic designs from which you need to determine the best option. This can be done taking into account certain factors, including the weight of the house being built, the type of soil, the presence or absence of basements and other criteria.

The main function of any foundation is to become a reliable foundation for the building erected on it, and this is a rather difficult task. Therefore, when choosing a type, it is better to consult with professionals. Among the factors influencing the choice of the desired type of foundation, the determining ones are the characteristics of the soil on which the house will be built. To do this, you will need to conduct a geological survey of the site to obtain the following data:

  • type of soil and its basic physical and chemical characteristics (density, composition, humidity, etc.);
  • freezing depth in a given area;
  • availability of groundwater and its level;
  • relief features.

During the study, several main types of soil are identified, which require their own version of the base with special technical characteristics:

  • Weak. Sandy soils, clayey, silty soils, peat bogs. They have a reduced load-bearing capacity and are deformed during operation. Clay soils, in addition, are susceptible to heaving.
  • Rocky. This is a reliable foundation consisting of dense rocks that does not require unnecessary work on preparing the foundation.
  • Dense. It is quite easy to dig a trench in them, but due to their resistance to loads and heaving, they do not require massive foundations.

Particular attention should be paid to groundwater, as it can undermine the foundation and warp the building. Therefore, at high groundwater levels, waterproofing is very important. In areas with harsh climates, it is imperative to take into account the fact that the base must provide a sufficient level of thermal insulation.

The main criteria for choosing the type of foundation include:

  • sufficient load-bearing capacity;
  • high-quality thermal insulation between the floor and the ground;
  • strength and durability of materials ensuring long-term operation of buildings;
  • possibility of building dry basements and garages.

Types of bases

Structurally, there are several types of foundations for a private house. The most commonly used designs are:

  • Tape is a classic option.
  • Pile - for difficult terrain and soils.
  • Slab - used in harsh climates on swampy or wet soils.

Each of these types has its own advantages, so make an informed decision when choosing.


This type of foundation is used most often and is suitable for houses made of wood, brick, foam or gas blocks or stone. This is a rather expensive option, but on dense soil it is the most reliable basis. It is recommended to build such foundations on level areas; a slight slope is allowed.

The depth of the laying and the thickness of the strip base depend on the material from which the walls will be built, their thickness and the number of floors in the building. The main advantage of this type is its high load-bearing capacity. When laying it, the base must be below the freezing point of the soil in the given area. The exception is light wooden buildings, for which a shallow foundation is suitable.

The disadvantage of a strip base is poor waterproofing. To prevent the walls from becoming damp, its upper part is covered with roofing felt or other waterproofing materials, covered with bitumen, rubber compounds, etc. To protect against water, you will need a reliable wide blind area.

Technologically, monolithic and prefabricated strip foundations are distinguished. The monolithic version is poured into pre-prepared formwork, in which the reinforcement cage is previously installed.

The prefabricated strip foundation is made from FBS blocks. This technology is used when it is not cost-effective to produce or deliver fresh concrete mix, in unfavorable climates, etc. The advantages of this type include high speed of construction, due to this it is much cheaper. But working with it requires professional skills, so this foundation is more complex. When installing FBS, cranes or other loading equipment will be required.

A correctly installed prefabricated foundation is not inferior in strength to a monolithic one.


Pile-type foundations are used in places with complex terrain, heaving soils, swampy, and sandy soils. They resort to it when it is not possible to make a high-quality strip base. To save money, it is used as a foundation for light buildings on any soil.

The main structural elements are screw steel piles with anti-corrosion treatment, which are connected by a concrete grillage. Therefore, special attention must be paid to the quality of piles. The advantages of pile foundations include:

  • the possibility of constructing a foundation in any type of soil, except rocky, due to the immersion of piles to a depth of up to 35 meters;
  • this technology allows you to equip large premises such as an underground garage or cellar;
  • treated piles will serve as reliable support for at least 100 years.

This technology also has its disadvantages:

  • the relatively small load-bearing capacity does not allow the construction of brick buildings, stone, or monolithic concrete;
  • buildings on a pile foundation require additional thermal and waterproofing.

In a columnar foundation, steel piles are replaced with brick or concrete columns with reinforcing mesh. They are buried below the freezing level of the ground. This type allows you to save on materials, but is not suitable for permanent buildings made of brick, concrete or stone.


A slab foundation, also called a floating foundation, is used to create a reliable foundation on difficult soils. It is used in construction on:

  • heaving soils;
  • in wetlands;
  • at high groundwater level.

At the heart of such a base is a reinforced concrete slab, laid behind a specially prepared cushion. An important design feature is the uniform arrangement of the steel reinforcement frame throughout the slab. The result is an exceptionally rigid and durable foundation.

This type is excellent for constructing a plinth; it has good hydro- and thermal insulation due to insulation; it allows you to build houses in areas with difficult climates, on swampy, loose soils.

During construction, a foundation pit is dug that matches the area and shape of the future building. The soil is carefully compacted and a sand and gravel cushion is made on it. Several layers of different fractions are separated with geotextiles, after which formwork is made and the reinforcement frame is welded. After this, the slab is poured, and the places where the walls will be built are marked with a monolithic tape. The advantages of such designs include:

  • stability and absence of deformation;
  • increased strength due to the solidity and strength of the reinforcement;
  • resistance to adverse conditions, humidity and temperature changes;
  • possibility of construction on moving soils;
  • excellent waterproofing.

The disadvantages of a slab foundation include its high cost due to the large volume of concrete and continuous reinforcement.

Comparison of characteristics

The foundation is the basis of any home, and the durability and comfort of the future building depends on its strength and stability. Some types of foundations are suitable for houses made of timber, and others with increased load-bearing capacity are suitable for brick two-story houses. To make a choice, you need to compare the main characteristics and properties of these structures, summarized in the table:

Characteristic Tape Pile-screw Slab
Carrying out excavation work before constructionYesNoyes, but less than in tape
Construction period4-6 weeks1-3 days4-6 weeks
Construction on difficult soils and terrain without additional workNoYesYes
The ability to immediately fully load the foundation and mount the houseNoYesNo
Limiting construction to warm seasonsYesNoYes
Possibility of constructing basements and ground floorsYesAdditional technical solution requiredOnly for ground floors

Thus, when determining what kind of foundation is needed to build a house made of foam blocks, it is necessary to determine its weight; a strip foundation or slab would be a good option if construction is carried out on unstable soils. In this case, on dense or rocky soil, a shallow concrete strip is suitable. But for a house made of foam concrete blocks 2 floors high, they require a strip or slab foundation buried below the freezing level of the soil.

A strip shallow foundation is best suited for frame houses with low mass. Its strength is quite enough to ensure the stability of the building. The same can be said for houses made of timber with a wall thickness of 30 cm. The light and durable construction of such a house has increased thermal insulation. On complex heaving, swampy or unstable soils, it is better to erect such buildings on pile foundations, buried to dense layers, which will ensure stability.

When deciding which foundation is best suited for a log house, you need to pay attention to the strip and pile type; slab structures are not very suitable for wooden buildings. The depth of the ribbon type depends on the number of storeys of the building; for one-story buildings, a shallow depth is sufficient.

The cheapest foundation is a pile foundation, which requires the least amount of materials. Strong metal piles are connected by a not too massive concrete grillage. A strip foundation requires much more materials; if the freezing depth of the soil is 1 m, then it will have to be buried by 1.2 m; with a width of 0.5 m, 0.6 cubic meters will be required for each linear meter. meter of concrete, with the appropriate amount of reinforcement. A slab foundation will require an even larger amount of cement, since, despite its relatively small thickness, the monolith is laid under the entire house. However, the base does not require a screed under the floor, as a result it allows significant savings compared to the tape type.

Before choosing a foundation for a house, it is better to study the advice of professional experts. They will help you avoid many problems and get a reliable foundation without incurring unnecessary costs.

On dense soils, strip structures buried below the freezing mark or shallow-buried options are more often used. These bases are suitable for buildings made of any material - brick, concrete, stone, wood.

When choosing which type is best to use on clay soils prone to swelling, experts advise piles that will not require additional arrangement. If the belt type is used on clay soil, it is necessary to take care of a sand cushion of sufficient thickness.

For buildings on sites in marshy areas, a slab option is used. The same type is well suited in areas where groundwater is close to the surface. This type of foundation will provide high-quality waterproofing and evenly distribute the weight of the house onto the ground.


Choosing the optimal foundation design is the key to the success of the entire construction. This choice should be based on an accurate calculation based on an assessment of the condition of the soil, the materials used for the construction of the building, and the owner’s requirements.

Shallow foundations are suitable for buildings made of wood or frame construction. They do not exert much pressure on the ground surface, ensuring the stability of the building throughout its entire service life. They can be strip, pile or slab type. The main advantage of such bases is their low price.

Deep foundations below the soil freezing level will be required for the construction of multi-story buildings, houses made of concrete and brick. They are characterized by increased stability and resist subsidence and cracking of walls. The type of foundation must be selected according to geological studies. For dense soils, the strip type is suitable; on heaving soils, it is better to choose pile structures; for high humidity and looseness, the use of a slab would be a justified solution.

For strips, slabs or grillages, it is better to use concrete of at least grade M300 and reinforce the structures with a welded steel frame. Pile foundations are made of concrete or steel supports connected by a grillage.

If the owner does not have sufficient experience and knowledge, it makes sense to contact a construction company, where specialists will suggest the right solution. It will be reflected in the project according to which the building will be built.

Today we will look at the advantages and disadvantages of different types of foundations used in country cottage construction. There are many types of foundations used in low-rise cottage construction. To correctly select the type that is suitable specifically for your future building, it’s a good idea to first know their advantages and disadvantages, their differences and similarities, as well as their areas of application in order to find out which foundation is better for a house.

Monolithic slab foundation.

This foundation is not very common in cottage construction, since it requires a lot of expenses for its construction. The essence of this type is the construction of a single monolithic slab for the house.

The slab is made directly on the site of construction of the future cottage by pouring liquid concrete mixture into a formwork constructed in advance to obtain the desired shape, containing a reinforced frame inside.

Monolithic reinforced concrete foundation in the photo

Often, to reduce costs, instead of a monolithic slab, a monolithic reinforced concrete lattice is made, which can also be classified as a slab type of foundation.

Such a foundation has a large mass, fits well on the ground, evenly distributing the load of the entire mass of the building onto the ground. Accordingly, its scope of application is heavy buildings (for example, brick cottages), as well as places where it is necessary to obtain a good distribution of the building load on soft soil.

The foundation is strip monolithic reinforced concrete.

The structure is very similar to prefabricated strip. The same tape is being built. However, it is not based on ready-made building units of material, but on liquid concrete poured directly on the construction site into pre-reinforced formwork.

The photo shows the formwork for a strip foundation

In this regard, monolithic strip is similar to slab. Regarding the prefabricated type, this type has both its pros and cons. The absence of seams in a monolithic tape is a plus relative to the prefabricated type.

On the other hand, a monolithic one usually takes longer to build: construction of formwork and reinforced frame, delivery of ready-made concrete mixture to the site or its production directly on your site, curing the concrete for a sufficiently long time to gain the necessary strength.

The load distribution of the cottage on the ground is uniform. The foundation has a large base area (sole), due to which such a foundation is suitable for construction on not very hard soils.

Construction of a pile foundation.

It is usually not used in the construction of cottages due to the complexity of its implementation, the need for a pile driving machine and the lack of special need for its construction.

The basis of such a foundation is driven or cast-in-place piles. Such piles are installed with one end deep into the ground. The idea is to get to solid ground with high load-bearing capacity.

The photo shows an area with a pile foundation

The cottage rests on this solid ground after construction thanks to piles. Accordingly, this type of foundation is typical for use on soils where there is a large upper layer of soft soil.

Can also be used on wet soils with deep freezing depth. In this case, the piles are always driven below the freezing depth.

Piles are a more economical tool in terms of consumption of building material, but their use without the use of special expensive equipment seems unlikely.

Pile-screw foundation pros and cons.

One of the acceptable options in cottage construction can be considered a pile-screw foundation, in which ready-made special piles with a pointed end and a special screw blade are screwed into the ground.

To do this, you can use special hand tools. You can independently deepen such a pile in 1-2 hours to the required depth (usually 1.5 - 2.5 meters).

The picture shows diagrams of the construction of pile foundations

As a rule, the pile has a relatively small cross-sectional area. You can increase the area to reduce and more evenly distribute the load of the cottage on the ground in the following way.

Firstly, an increase in the total number of piles. In this case, the total supporting area of ​​the foundation increases and, accordingly, the specific weight of the building on the ground decreases.

Secondly, an increase in the cross-sectional area of ​​the pile itself. In this way the total number of piles used can be reduced.

Both pile and pile-screw foundations are characterized by the absence of a basement. Both types are not used on hard soils such as clastic or rock.

Read more about this type of foundation

Columnar foundation for a house.

This foundation can be either prefabricated, when it is based on pillars assembled from ready-made or individual cast blocks, or monolithic, when the base is formed by cast pillars at the installation site.

Thus, the cottage rests on these pillars. Accordingly, the pillars are located at the intersection of the walls of the cottage, under the most loaded areas of the building, as well as along the entire perimeter.

Pile-screw foundation in the diagram

The distance between the nearest pillars, their total number and the cross-sectional area of ​​each of them is calculated manually on the basis of strength materials or using engineering programs.

Such a foundation is quite simple to build, it is cheap, so it is often used in construction, but only for light buildings. A cottage, as a rule, is not one of these.

According to the type of deepening, it can be not deepened or slightly deepened. In any case, such a foundation will be located above the soil freezing line. Therefore, it will not be able to withstand the heaving of the soil in winter. This explains the limitations of its use: usually these are not heaving solid soils.

Now you can determine for yourself which foundation is better just for your home.

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If the foundation is chosen correctly, any structure will last long enough. Knowing the types of foundations for a private house and their distinctive features, it will be possible to choose a suitable option for a one- or two-story building. We invite you to get acquainted with the most common types, their advantages, selection criteria, as well as instructions for making your own device.

The construction of every private house begins with the foundation

The main purpose of any foundation is to take on the weight of the erected structure with subsequent transfer of the load to the soil mass located under the base. Therefore, it is very important to decide on the type of future foundation at the design stage. The choice is made taking into account the characteristics of the structure being built. The weight of the house is of particular importance.

Types of foundations used in construction - analysis of the pros and cons

The foundation being installed can have different designs. We invite you to get acquainted with the most popular types of foundations used in construction and their distinctive features.

The choice in favor of the pile type is made when building a private house on quicksand, sand, and loose soils. The special design of the base makes it possible to transfer significant loads to weak soil and makes it possible to build a private house with a lot of weight.

Piles can be:

  • Pressed in. To deepen these supports into the ground, special hydraulic pumps are required;
  • Printed. They are formed directly on the construction site. A well is pre-drilled into which concrete is poured;
  • Hammering. Such supports are driven into the ground using a special hydraulic hammer. Driven structures are used when the structure is erected in an open area. If there are other buildings near the construction site, there is a high risk of them being damaged by the shock wave created;
  • Screw. The most expensive option, allowing use on any soil. During installation, they are screwed into the soil.
Advice! If there are dilapidated buildings near the construction site, you should give preference to pressed or pressed supports.

The main disadvantage of a foundation on stilts for a private house is its high cost. Installation is often performed using specialized equipment.

If installing a pile screw foundation is absolutely not for you, we recommend using the services of professionals. For example, a company engaged in the construction and restoration of foundations on screw piles for country houses, bathhouses, piers, moorings and any structures that require a strong and durable foundation.

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Columnar foundation

The columnar base consists of pillars immersed in prepared wells or directly into the ground. From above, the individual supports are connected to each other using reinforced concrete beams. Can be used when constructing a structure on stable ground. It can be prefabricated or monolithic. The advantage of a columnar base is its affordable cost. Disadvantages include low strength and difficulty in constructing a basement or basement.

Advice! The columnar type is worth choosing if you are going to build a bathhouse or a small outbuilding.

Slab foundation

The slab base includes a reinforced concrete slab, 0.3 - 1 meter thick, laid to a certain depth on pre-poured concrete or a layer of sand. Additional reinforcement ensures sufficient strength characteristics.

This design allows you to evenly distribute the load. It is used in the construction of a private house on soft soil. However, due to the monolithic nature of this type, many people refuse to use it.

Attention! If a slab foundation will be poured for a private house of a large area, it is worth taking care of the presence of expansion joints that will prevent cracking of the foundation due to the resulting stresses.

The characteristics of the foundation can have a serious impact on the duration of operation and maintenance procedures of any structure. It is important to know how to choose a foundation for a house and what factors you should pay attention to. We invite you to get acquainted with the main ones.

Analysis of soil conditions at the site

A full assessment of the soil can only be made through appropriate geological studies. Based on their results, the height of the fill layer can be determined, which should be removed before construction begins.

Considering that any soil swells in winter, measures should be taken in advance to uniformly raise the foundation. When building a private house on a site with difficult soil, you can prepare a sand cushion.

The depth depends on the depth of soil freezing: the denser it is or the more moisture it contains, the deeper the freezing will be. As a result, in an area with high groundwater, the foundation is poured to a greater depth or wider.

Attention! The anti-heaving sand and crushed stone cushion makes construction possible on any soil.

Analysis of hydrological conditions at the site

The hydrological conditions of the site determine the requirements for the depth of laying the foundation and the design features of the drainage system. If the site has an unfavorable hydrological regime, the construction of a private house will be difficult. Water trapped between soil particles will, when frozen, cause the soil to deform, causing it to bulge upward. Heaving is observed on silty sands, loams and clay.

Calculation of the required foundation depth

The depth to which the laying will be made depends on the characteristics of the foundation on the site. With a high heaving index, the depth should be 0.5 - 1 m greater than the freezing depth. If the soil is not heaving, the base is poured to a depth of at least a meter.

What materials can be used to make a foundation for a private house?

The characteristics of the materials used to fill the foundation largely determine their advantages and disadvantages. The strip base can be:

  • Reinforced concrete. It is characterized by accessibility and high load-bearing capacity. If the private house being built has heavy load-bearing walls, a reinforced concrete foundation will be the best choice. However, it will take some time to form the desired contour;
  • Rubble concrete. Affordable option. When pouring the foundation, additional gravel, boulders, and broken bricks are added to the concrete. Able to withstand significant loads;
  • Brick. Formed from clay bricks. It is built on dry soil. Relevant if pouring a monolithic type is impossible for some reason.
  • From blocks or slabs, laid in a pre-prepared trench and connected to each other using concrete.

The columnar base is made from:

  • Brick if a two-story private house is to be built from a similar material;
  • Stone. The foundation can withstand the load of a heavy building;
  • Tree. Used in the construction of lightweight structures;
  • Reinforced concrete. Used in the construction of multi-story buildings.

The manufacture of a pile foundation can be done using various materials:

  • Tree. Wooden piles are relevant for light buildings of small area. For their production, mainly pine is used, processed using special technology;
  • Reinforced concrete. A suitable option for any private house, including those built using reinforced concrete;
  • Metal. The base used when it is impossible to use reinforced concrete;
  • Combinations of several types. It is assumed that concrete and metal will be used together when constructing a private house on difficult soil, for example, swampy soil.

What grades of concrete should be used when constructing a monolithic foundation?

The lower the strength of the solution, the cheaper it costs. However, you should not save on the device. When developing a foundation, a composition is selected whose characteristics will allow it to withstand the operational load. What brand of concrete is needed at a specific construction site can be found in the corresponding section of the project documentation.

For a strip foundation of a private house it will be the best option. It has sufficient strength. With its help, you can form the walls of the basement of a private house through which moisture does not penetrate well.

For a monolithic base, concrete with lower strength should be considered, since during operation such a base experiences a uniform load. For the pile type, it is worth choosing a more durable composition.

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Rules for waterproofing and insulating the foundation of a private house

It is not enough to simply fill the base, following certain rules. High-quality waterproofing and insulation of the foundation of a private house, carried out four weeks after completion of construction work, will prevent moisture from penetrating from the outside into the private house.

Waterproofing is carried out in various ways. The most popular option is the formation of a special film. Through it, condensate will be discharged outside, and moisture will not be able to penetrate inside. To eliminate the negative effects of moisture, the foundation of a private house should be removed in a timely manner. This can be done by installing a high-quality drainage system and performing drainage work.

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Thermal insulation of the foundation of a private house, carried out during the construction phase, is most often done outside the building, since in this case it is possible to manage the internal space more rationally. To do this, permanent formwork is installed, to which insulation is attached: expanded clay, polystyrene foam or mineral wool. When choosing the appropriate option, the characteristics of the soil, the area where the private house is located, and a number of additional factors are taken into account.

How to strengthen the foundation of a private house

If during the operation of the building the base shrinks or becomes deformed. In this case, it will be possible to strengthen the foundation of a private house by choosing one of the following methods:

  • Installation of additional screw piles, which are located along the entire perimeter of the building at a distance of 1.5 - 2 m from the walls. Extension beams are used to connect the base and piles. If the structure is light, the old foundation can be replaced with new screw supports;

  • Construction of a concrete frame. To do this, the foundation of a private house is completely excavated around the entire perimeter, permanent formwork made of sheet metal is installed, and concrete is poured. Quite often, this method is used to strengthen the foundation of a private house with your own hands;

  • Use of bored piles. To do this, holes are drilled directly into the body of the base, followed by the development of a well to a certain depth, depending on the characteristics of the soil. A reinforced frame is installed in the cavity, then it is filled with concrete. After the solution has completely hardened, the bored piles and the old foundation work as a single unit, ensuring uniform distribution of the load and transferring it to the deep soil layers.
Attention! Before choosing the optimal method, it is worth carrying out engineering and geodetic surveys on the site, which will confirm or refute the need to strengthen the foundation.

Instructions for laying foundations for a private house

Those who decide to install the foundation for a private house on their own will definitely need detailed instructions describing the execution procedure. If available, you can see the list of necessary equipment and tools that will be required to complete the work.

DIY strip foundation: step-by-step instructions

For those who want to do it themselves, step-by-step instructions include the following steps:

PhotoDescription of work
Along the contour of the future private house and under the load-bearing walls, a trench of sufficient depth is dug, inside which permanent formwork is installed.
To ensure sufficient strength, a reinforcing frame is installed
Concrete of the selected grade is poured. Using a vibrator will ensure better concrete shrinkage.
The solution is poured to the very top and left until completely dry.

DIY pile foundation

To install a pile foundation with your own hands, you must first mark the area. After this, the work is performed in the following sequence:

PhotoDescription of work
A sufficient number of piles and tools that may be required when performing the work are prepared.
A piling machine is supplied to the work site.
Piles are driven into the ground. Their spatial position is carefully controlled.
