Tori from house 2 now. Victoria Karaseva: biography, photo now. Personal life after the show

Slava Dvoretskov and Victoria Karaseva (Tori) met on the show “Dom-2”. Not many believed that young people would be able to build a strong relationship, but the lovers are still together. Slava and Vika left the television set in 2009. Outside the perimeter, the couple played a wedding, at which Olga Buzova, Stepan Menshchikov, Andrei Cherkasov, Victoria Bonya and other stars of “House-2” walked.

Recently, on her Instagram, Victoria informed subscribers that she and her husband were celebrating their anniversary - 10 years of relationship “Hurray. My beloved and I have been together for 10 years now. Take care and appreciate if you have met your person. Let love reign in the world,” wrote Karaseva (Spelling and punctuation hereinafter are the author’s. - Note edit.).

The relationship between Vika and Slava has undergone a real test of strength. In 2009, Karaseva had an accident: in one of Victoria’s Moscow restaurants they served pizza that contained a fragment of a mussel shell. As a result, Vika seriously damaged her esophagus and underwent several operations. Karaseva’s life hung by a thread; doctors miraculously managed to save her.

During this difficult period, Slava was always next to his beloved, supporting and helping to cope with all the difficulties. Victoria had to go through a lot: hospitals, courts, disability...

« Expensive. Yes, I am a disabled person of the 2nd group. Yes, my life turned upside down in 2009. Yes, it was very difficult for me to pull myself into the white light. Yes, the doctors said that it would get easier over time, but such a miracle did not happen. I waited, did all sorts of manipulations to relieve the pain, but miracles do not happen, so the first 5 years were spent realizing what had happened to me. In my 6th year, I decided that I needed to learn to live with pain. I studied for the 7th year and only learned it in the 8th year. I decided that the pain would not go away, would not leave, would not slam the door, which meant it had to become a part of me. I learned to live with the remnants of my health, and with the pain. Sometimes it twists so much that the nail plates “burst at the seams.” But you know, I’m a great fellow - I myself, without lawyers, proved that the restaurant was guilty (though the trials are still ongoing). I proved in court that in hospital No. 79 a double incorrect diagnosis was made, almost 3 days of precious time was lost, and because of this I almost “gave my soul to God,” but I forgave them, did not punish the doctors, so to say, I curtsied, “in one hospital they cripple, in another they treat” (in Sklif they pulled me out, I survived) in short, I won 3 of the most difficult trials“, Victoria said frankly.

The life story of Vyacheslav Dvoretskov is of interest to many not only because he spent almost a year and a half on the show “Dom-2”. It was there that the young man met his love. Victoria Karaseva has been his companion for many years. And in 2009, the public was shocked by a terrible drama that occurred after a couple visited a restaurant. The girl was between life and death for almost two months, having damaged her esophagus with a mussel fragment. Vyacheslav Dvoretskov not only did not leave his beloved, but also helped her go through all the difficulties: hospitals, courts, months of rehabilitation. What else is known about this 44-year-old show business representative?

Famous facts from biography

Vyacheslav is a native Muscovite who early showed a passion for creativity. He was born in 1973, on August 5th. As a child, he not only loved acting, but also sang and was a presenter at holidays. Those around him noted his special charisma. That is why Vyacheslav Dvoretskov chose the Shchepkinsky School to enroll, from where he, a graduate who graduated with honors, was shown the direct path to the Maly Theater. But the acting profession didn’t work out. Vyacheslav did not like studying huge texts and leafing through volumes of scripts, participating in behind-the-scenes intrigues, or waiting for hours for the lights to be turned on on the film set.

Having once seen an episode of the sensational "House-2", the failed actor decided to show his talents on a show where he could play himself. Vyacheslav Dvoretskov got involved in the project at the age of 35.

Under the guns of television cameras

The appearance of the man at the place of execution turned out to be quite striking. This happened on a January morning in 2008. The actor by training said that his profession was boring, and removed its symbol from his neck - a coil of wire, which he had tied around his throat in advance. Dvoretskov defiantly trampled the noose directly into the ground, confirming that he was done with acting. On the same day, he performed the song “Childhood,” thanks to which such an extraordinary personality was retained on the project.

The man stayed there for a whopping 527 days. During this time, he managed to prove himself in many qualities, changing masks and appearing all the time in different guises. For those who forgot when Vyacheslav Dvoretskov left the Dom-2 project: he did this while already married to one of the participants, in 2009, on July 6.

A little about my wife

For Tori, as she was called on the project, everything in her life turned out in the most wonderful way. A native of Moscow, the girl was born in 1979. Graduated from music school, GITIS. Possessing excellent vocal abilities, she sang in an expensive restaurant and had experience working at one of the largest radio stations - Europe Plus. I came to the project for personal happiness. Having spent about four years there, before meeting Dvoretskov, she had been building a relationship with Russell (Ruslan Proskurov) for a long time. They went down in the history of the show as one of the most scandalous couples. Nobody wanted to give in to each other. After the breakup, Victoria Karaseva expressed sympathy for Dmitry Chizhevsky, but the relationship did not work out.

They did not immediately believe in the romance between Karaseva and Dvoretskov. For a long time it was believed that the couple was a project couple and they would not have a future outside the perimeter. What was unexpected was the fact that back in 2008, long before leaving the show, Tori and Vyacheslav Dvoretskov secretly registered their marriage. True, they held a noisy wedding a year later, when the girl was discharged from the hospital.

What happened?

2009 changed Tori’s life, as if testing her strength. The couple were in a restaurant and both were eating pizza with seafood. The girl suddenly felt ill and felt a sharp pain in her neck. The worst thing happened later - the doctors could not give the girl the correct diagnosis, checking either the thyroid gland or the spine. When she could no longer swallow, she was sent to the Sklifosovsky Research Institute. It was there that a perforation of the cervical esophagus was discovered, but time had already been lost. The girl underwent several operations, doctors assessed her chances as 50 to 50.

After a successful outcome, long-term rehabilitation was required. All this time, Dvoretskov was next to his young wife. It later turned out that the esophagus was cut by a tiny fragment of a mussel shell that ended up in the ill-fated pizza. The couple decided to sue the restaurant, as well as the hospital, which did not provide timely assistance and made an incorrect diagnosis. Tori left the research institute weighing only 32 kg. Currently, the young woman remains on group II disability and periodically suffers from severe pain.

Personal life after the show

Due to the tragic incident, the couple left the television project, but got married as soon as Victoria felt better. Their celebration was attended by many participants of the show, with whom they still continue to communicate: Olga Buzova, Andrei Cherkasov, Stepan Menshchikov, Victoria Bonya.

There have been repeated reports in the press that the couple has separated. At the beginning of the year, Victoria posted a post in which she thanked her husband for his support and 10 years of relationship. Without the help of influential lawyers, the couple managed to win three lawsuits, but Victoria refused to take further measures to bring doctors to justice.

Now the family lives in their own mansion near Moscow, where there is a wonderful winter garden, a pond, and a gym. It is interesting that Dvoretskov was accused of hidden wealth (before the project he already owned a water well), and was even called a gigolo. Both are wrong. The money was earned together. The couple has many joint and personal projects.

What is Vyacheslav Dvoretskov doing now?

Vyacheslav has his own channel on YouTube, where he uploads videos for his songs. Creativity remains important in his life. He once performed “Plasma Love” in a casino, which became his debut performance. But his works are not very successful; the author has about 15 thousand subscribers on Instagram. This became the reason for one of the show participants, Rustam Solntsev, to call Dvoretskov a loser.

Victoria did not appear on the Internet for almost four months, which allowed us to make an assumption about the breakdown of relations between Karaseva and Dvoretskov. However, Tory herself, having resumed her activity on the Internet, does not comment on this in any way. Photos with Vyacheslav are still posted on her page. The woman invites anyone interested in her performances to contact Dvoretskov’s agency.

Despite the fact that many years have passed since one of the most memorable participants left the famous TV show, her army of fans continues to grow. At “House-2” Victoria Karaseva was rightfully considered a queen who searched for her love for a long time and painfully. How these searches ended, you will find out from this article.

Talented in everything

Former participant of “House-2” Victoria Karaseva was born on June 23, 1979. From a young age, the future star dreamed of becoming an actress. She attended music school and danced for five years. Nature gifted the girl with a deep and sensual voice, so after graduating from school she entered the Schnittke Institute for an opera vocal course. But this was not enough for the girl - she managed to graduate from GITIS as a musical theater actor. The native Muscovite had been looking for a way onto the stage for a long time. She sang in restaurants with a musical group, but failed to find a producer. Then the girl decides to try herself as an actress. But not in the theater, but on the famous program “Dom-2”. Victoria Karaseva was already 26 years old at that time, but this did not bother the show’s producers.

We built, we built...

The arrival of the fiery brunette was bright and memorable for all viewers. The beauty with a chesty voice not only sang well, but was also very educated. However, she herself liked to mention this, appropriately and inappropriately. Her phrase: “I have two higher educations” scared off potential suitors. Nobody wanted to get involved with a sharp-tongued and such an adult girl. By the way, she was the oldest participant at that time. But she wanted love no less than the others, so she chose a goal for herself - to achieve favor

At that time, the guy could not figure out his relationship with his future wife Valeria. The claims of the noisy and eccentric Tori frightened him, so he quickly turned her away. After several useless attempts, the girl decided to take the guys, as they say, unceremoniously. She announced that she intended to get married, and since she was here, she would choose from among the participants. This statement shook up the guys sitting at home watching TV, and a wave of people wanted to win her heart flowed towards Tori.


Weeks passed, and proud and independent Victoria continued to weed out candidates for the role of husband. It was difficult to please her - the beauty had a whole list of demands. The main point was the presence of talent. Preferably in a creative way. She dreamed of marrying a musician or, at worst, just an extraordinary person. Soon fate gave her the opportunity to fulfill her dream. Ruslan Proskurov came to the project. The guy said he was a rapper and asked to call him Russell. There was instant sympathy between them. Both had explosive and passionate characters. A week later they declared themselves a couple and moved into a separate house.

The rest of the participants breathed a sigh of relief - the loud-voiced queen left the women's bedroom, thereby giving the girls a chance to rest from her at a respectful distance. The audience watched this couple with rapture - the love was crazy, absorbing and incredibly passionate. Russell was jealous of her every lamppost, and Tori watched his every move. At this moment the girl was at the peak of her popularity. She was allowed to record a song, the music and lyrics of which she composed herself.


But every fairy tale comes to an end. Only for some it ends with a feast and wedding, and for others it ends in bitter disappointment. It all started with minor quarrels, which soon grew into scandals at Dom-2. Victoria Karaseva knew how and loved to scream loudly, sorting things out with her lover. But if at first these were just conflicts, they soon went beyond all acceptable norms on the show. Both, in a fit of anger, literally destroyed their home. When there were not enough surviving things, fists were used. Disgusting fights, reconciliations and new scandals brought all participants to white heat. The young people broke up and then got back together. Soon both viewers and producers began to get tired of it. A final break followed.

Love with weirdness

But Victoria did not remain alone for long. Her broken heart responded to the advances of a new member. Slava Dvoretskov was not the man of her dreams. Rather, he was the complete opposite. He rarely had time to form his thoughts into phrases - Tori got tired of listening to him, and she abruptly stopped his attempts to finish. No one understood what kept these two completely different people together. However, soon the couple moved into the house and began to build love according to all the rules.

Many did not like Victoria's choice. Guys continued to come to her, but she stubbornly did not notice their advances. Moreover, she began to prepare for the wedding. But fate prepared another test for her. One day she dined at a restaurant with her boyfriend, and after that she was hospitalized with acute stomach pain. The next day, a photo of Victoria Karaseva from “House-2” appeared in all magazines. The girl swallowed a shell fragment along with food, and it caused serious injuries to her esophagus.


Victoria spent several months in the hospital. After that, she was given a second disability group. But Slava did not abandon his beloved in trouble and was with her all this time. After the release of their clinic, they got married and left the television project. The girl did not leave the restaurant owners without punishment - she sued and won, receiving 3 million rubles in compensation. But can money replace lost health? Now she has breathing problems, and for the singer this is tantamount to losing her voice. They have already celebrated their tenth anniversary with Slava and are not going to separate, although news periodically appears in the press that they have separated.

Victoria Karaseva (Tori)– ex-participant. Native Muscovite, born June 23, 1979.

Since childhood, Vika was a gifted child and dreamed of becoming an actress. She attended a dance studio for five years and also graduated from music school. The girl participated in many international singing competitions. After school, she studied opera vocals at the Schnittke Institute. Later, she received a second higher education, graduating from GITIS.

Before coming to the TV show, she managed to work as a presenter on radio “Europe +”, Victoria, together with Anton Kamolov, hosted the program “Full Version”.

I came to the project, but the guy was indifferent to Vika.

The first love affair on the project was a relationship with a rapper from Chisinau, Russell (Ruslan Proskurov). The couple looked harmonious together; they were united by common interests (love of music). Over time, the guys began to quarrel, and the scandals became stronger every day and often ended in fights! The separation was natural...

Then in Tori’s life there was the “ever smiling one.” A guy with a handsome appearance charmed Victoria, and she was even ready to marry him. But it didn’t work out here either...

Victoria with Dmitry Chizhevsky

The result of his stay on the project was a relationship with a new participant, Vyacheslav Dvoretsky. An eccentric and charismatic young man won Vika’s heart and they formed a strong couple, and a little later, got married.

Later, a tragedy occurred in the couple’s life: in one of the capital’s restaurants, due to the negligence of the staff, Victoria cut her esophagus with a piece of a shellfish shell in a seafood pizza. The girl was taken to intensive care and miraculously survived. During the operating and post-operative period, Slava looked after his beloved wife.

Returning from the hospital, Tori and Slava decided not to return to the project.

Victoria Karaseva, for whose life doctors are still fighting, tried to commit suicide.

Tory was taken to Sklif with a burn to the esophagus and a closed head injury. According to doctors, the girl drank acetic acid and collapsed dead, hitting her head hard.

The story of a mussel fragment in a seafood pizza, which supposedly caused the dark-haired beauty to suddenly become ill, turned out to be only half true.

This is evidenced by documents at the disposal of the online publication: Tory was first taken to the psychosomatic department of the Sklifosovsky Institute - where they bring everyone who tried to commit suicide. Vika was taken to the psychosomatics department with a diagnosis of “CTBI, burns of the esophagus, damage to the wall of the esophagus.”

A few weeks ago, one of the most prominent participants in the Dom-2 project, Victoria Karaseva, found herself in a hospital bed. Her common-law husband, Vyacheslav Dvoretskov, told a touching and outrageous story that the girl ate a seafood pizza that contained a fragment of a mussel, which cut her esophagus.

As learned, in a regular Victoria hospital they actually diagnosed him with acute thyroiditis (inflammation of the thyroid gland), swelling of the throat. But this disease is not so dangerous that a person ends up in intensive care. What happened in those few days until Tory was taken to Sklif is known only to her and, perhaps, to Slava, Olga Buzova and other closest friends from the show. But at the clinic she was immediately admitted to a psychosomatic ward, where, according to the doctors, “only those who tried to poison themselves, hang themselves, or threw themselves from the balcony are taken.”

As the girl’s friends say, Victoria has repeatedly spoken out about suicide as a way to solve all problems. “On the project, Tori showed herself to be a very capricious girl, sharp-tongued, straightforward,” say Karaseva’s friends from “House-2.” “She always openly said whatever she wanted.” One day the conversation turned to what girls should do when love ended. Vika then stated that it is impossible to love a life in which the most important person is no longer present. She said that life no longer makes sense. Then she and Slava had an idyll. But still, when she talked about suicide, such conversations made me feel uncomfortable.”

The star's friends believe that Vika was killed by acetic acid, which Tori swallowed to escape her problems. Indeed, the entries in her medical card indicate this. The girl was brought to the clinic with a severe burn to the esophagus and a closed head injury. Apparently, after drinking the poison, the girl fell and hit her head.

Doctors still assess the condition of the 29-year-old Dom-2 star as critical. The girl is still in the emergency intensive care unit.

Let us remind you that, according to the TV channel, Victoria Karaseva, a participant in the scandalous TV show “Dom-2”, was hospitalized after she ate pizza in one of the capital’s restaurants, which contained a piece of mussel shell - it cut the girl’s esophagus and stomach.

Before this, Victoria visited doctors at two hospitals, including a paid clinic. But the doctors were unable to give her the correct diagnosis. Tori complained of severe neck pain, and blood tests revealed an elevated white blood cell count, indicating severe internal inflammation.

Due to an erroneous medical diagnosis, Tori was initially treated for osteochondrosis. But the pain kept getting worse. Tori found it difficult to swallow food. Then doctors suggested a thyroid disease - but this was again an erroneous diagnosis. Tori was brought to the Sklifosovsky Research Institute in critical condition. There, too, they were not able to immediately establish the correct diagnosis, because neither an ultrasound nor an x-ray showed any problems.

Finally, an experienced doctor suggested testing Tori again, but this time with barium (the fluid that coats the esophagus and intestines). When the doctors looked at the pictures, they finally made the correct diagnosis: perforation of the cervical esophagus by a foreign body (a piece of shell). Tori underwent a complex operation at the Sklifosovsky Research Institute.

The girl's husband, Vyacheslav Dvoretskov, is preparing documents for the court - he intends to punish the cooks who prepared the deadly food, and the doctors who failed to make a diagnosis in time.

Muscovite Victoria (Tori) Karaseva spent 1 thousand 256 days on the show “Dom-2”, that is, almost 4 years. She came to Andrei Chuev’s project on September 30, 2005, but the guys’ relationship did not work out. On the project, Tori had a serious relationship twice: with Moldovan rapper Russell Proskurov (he proposed to her) and her current husband, actor Vyacheslav Dvoretskov. Tori and Slava secretly got married this summer, hiding their wedding from everyone. They promised to arrange a magnificent wedding in a year.