Drawing up a job description for a forwarding driver. Forwarding driver: responsibilities, job description Instructions for the driver of a forwarding agent of a trade organization

The transport department and cargo transportation are an integral element of almost any business structure. The link between different companies, regardless of the vector of their activity, is the forwarding driver. It is he who is responsible for delivering goods from point A to point B. At the same time, he must transport the client’s order as quickly as possible, ensuring its integrity and safety. The responsibility of the delivery driver for the contents of his car is enormous, but at the same time he also has rights specified in the job description. What features does this profession have, what requirements are imposed on people applying for the job of a freight forwarder, and also how much they earn - further in the article.

Driver with additional responsibility

A forwarding driver is not just a cab driver who turns the steering wheel of his car all day long, but a person who is responsible for the cargo entrusted to him, if not with his head, then certainly with his own reputation. At the moment when he signs the documents on acceptance of the goods and leaves for the route, he becomes a separate part of the company. Anyone who wants to become a freight forwarder needs to understand that such work is associated with a number of difficulties that must be overcome quickly and efficiently, making decisions at their own discretion.

Much in such activities depends on the route on which the forwarder will have to work. Working within one city is not very burdensome, but it has its own specifics. It is usually associated with trade, provision of transport services, cargo transportation, and courier activities. From the driver, employers require good driving skills in urban conditions, knowledge of even its most remote areas, as well as suburban areas. Working as a shift driver-forwarder is generally a unique way of life. Not every person can be on the road for several days, or even weeks, live in a car or roadside hotels, and most of the time be separated from home and family. But this also has its advantages - decent wages, the opportunity to visit different cities and even countries, and travel.

Five in one

The resume of a delivery driver usually contains several points in which the applicant for the position indicates his skills and abilities. A professional freight forwarder is a “universal soldier” who can do completely different jobs:

  1. Driver. Each enterprise puts forward its own requirements for this point, but having a driving license is a natural and main condition set before the applicant. A person must have been driving for at least two years, and he should not have problems with law enforcement officers regarding traffic violations. More often than other companies, they require a category “B” forwarding driver. In this case, the employee only needs to be able to drive a passenger car, and, most likely, he will transport small loads over short distances.
  2. Logistician The forwarder knows the territory entrusted to him better than any office employee, so he must be able to rationally plan his route in order to save the employer’s time and money.
  3. Courier. The transfer of cargo from hand to hand from the warehouse to the client and the corresponding documentation of this process are also included in the list of responsibilities of the forwarder.
  4. Commodity expert. A person involved in the distribution of products from a warehouse must navigate the assortment of his company and avoid making mistakes during loading and unloading of goods.
  5. Mechanic. For any driver, it will be an advantage to understand the structure of the car, as well as the ability to troubleshoot basic problems in the vehicle entrusted to him.

There are other requests placed on freight forwarders. We will talk about them in more detail a little further.

Requirements for applicants

What a forwarding driver should be like depends on the company he will work for, or rather, on what exactly it does. Organizations involved in international transportation select specialists who know foreign languages, the regulatory and legislative framework of the states in which partner companies are located. As well as people who understand the maintenance of accompanying documentation and issues related to customs control. The ability to conduct business negotiations with clients and officials is also desirable.

In addition, the forwarder must know the rules for transporting the cargo entrusted to him and the features of its storage. Companies with smaller coverage tend to have less stringent requirements. All additional nuances must be specified in the driver-forwarder’s instructions, which are drawn up individually for each organization.

Job description

This document, as we have already said, cannot be universal for all transport companies due to the disunity of their areas of activity. Nevertheless, there is a general principle according to which the job description of a freight forwarder is drawn up. It should consist of the following sections:

  • Description of general provisions (name and characteristics of the position, information about who the employee reports to, his education, labor regulations, safety precautions).
  • Responsibilities (here they state what exactly the forwarding driver should do).
  • Rights (this paragraph indicates the employer’s responsibilities to create normal working conditions for the employee, as well as information about the powers of the forwarder).
  • Official communication (methods of communication between the driver and the office and his actions in the event of any force majeure circumstances).
  • Liability (describes penalties from the employee, penalties and penalties that threaten him for complete or partial failure to fulfill his official duties, damage to cargo, its loss or failure to meet transportation deadlines).

The instructions must not contradict the current legislation of the country in which the employing company operates. Its provisions come into force after the bilateral signing of an employment contract between the employee and the employer and the document being entered into the enterprise database.

Responsibilities of the employee

  • Loading/unloading of products and timely quality control.
  • Preparation of transport documentation in accordance with corporate requirements.
  • Shipping.
  • Monitoring the condition of the vehicle and maintaining its technical condition.

The last point most often raises many questions from applicants. It does not say that the forwarder must be able to repair the car, but he must carry out a timely technical inspection and promptly report any faults.

Employee rights

On the other hand, the forwarder may demand that the employer organize normal working conditions, introduce fair compensation for expenses (payment for business trips, telephone communications, car depreciation, etc.), and carry out timely repairs of the vehicle. Also, the forwarding driver can submit proposals regarding optimization of the work process for consideration by management. These include issues of increasing logistics efficiency and normalizing the loading process at the warehouse.

Important! If the driver has a partner, then most often he is responsible for his safety, and therefore he has the right to demand from the passenger strict compliance with safety standards in the car.

Area of ​​responsibility

Due to the fact that forwarders have access to goods and documentation, they are financially responsible persons. By signing the act of acceptance of the cargo from the warehouse, they assume the obligation to timely transfer it to the destination, and until the client signs the bill of lading on acceptance of the goods, only the carrier is responsible for it. Therefore, in the event of loss or damage to cargo, he will be designated as the culprit. In addition, the forwarding driver does not have the right to transfer accompanying documentation to third parties or disclose information about it to anyone, as this may entail a violation of confidentiality and trade secrets.

Driver classification

People involved in road transport often have a question about what the first, second and third class of driver means. Despite the fact that such a gradation was introduced during the USSR, it is still often found in transport companies. According to it, third-class cab drivers have the lowest qualifications. They must have licenses of categories “B” and “C” or “B” and “D”, and there is no connection to driving experience.

Those applying for second class cannot have less than three years' continuous driving experience. They also need to have a valid ID in the following categories (combinations):

  • "B", "C" and "D";
  • "B", "C" and "CE";
  • "D" and "CE".

The highest class is the first. Drivers belonging to this category must work in their specialty for at least five years. Moreover, two of them must be marked “2nd class driver”. You must have a license of all categories, except for motor vehicles (“A”): “B”, “C”, “CE” and “D”.

Features of working as a freight forwarder using personal transport

Not all trading companies have a sufficient number of vehicles for delivering goods, and therefore often hire drivers with their own cars. But, despite the widespread prevalence of this practice, not all transport owners know what obligations fall on the employer in this case. A delivery driver with his own car should receive compensation for the fact that the company for which he works uses his personal car. The amount of compensation is based on the following components:

  • covering refueling costs;
  • depreciation;
  • technical inspection;
  • current car repairs.

Usually these are fixed accruals that are agreed upon when applying for a job. The calculation of these payments can be seen in the salary statement that the forwarding driver receives. The national average salary for workers in this area is 75 thousand rubles. The minimum that drivers agree to is 30 thousand rubles, the maximum is 120 thousand rubles.

How to write a resume for this position

Any employer, first of all, will be interested in the actual work experience of the applicant. Therefore, in the resume of a delivery driver it is necessary to indicate previous places of work (starting with the most recent). If the track record is long, you can limit yourself to positions similar to the one for which the candidate is applying. In addition, it is necessary to highlight separate blocks in your resume:

  • description of your skills (documentation, ability to work with a navigator, knowledge of the route, clients);
  • personal qualities and characteristics (decency, punctuality, responsibility, endurance, etc.);
  • special skills (knowledge of foreign languages, understanding of the structure of a car).

At first glance, it seems that a delivery driver is two (and sometimes three) positions for one salary. There is a rational link in this approach. In addition to the actual transportation, such an employee is also responsible for preparing accompanying documents, and sometimes for loading and unloading cargo. But on the other hand, this approach helps the employer not to overstaff and save wages, and the employee to have a full workload and, accordingly, decent remuneration. To avoid misunderstandings with employees, it is advisable to immediately establish their specific responsibilities in the employment contract and job description.

Job Description for Forwarding Driver

A local document such as a job description will help you understand what the responsibilities of a delivery driver are in a particular organization. It consists of several sections.

General provisions

This section records the requirements for the qualifications and knowledge of the employee, and also reflects to whom and in what order he is accountable.

Typically, the driver reports to the head of the “garage” structural unit (transport workshop, transport section), the chief mechanic (chief engineer) or directly to the director of the enterprise.

The following requirements apply to candidates for the position of forwarding driver:

  1. Possession of a driver's license with the right to work for hire.
  2. Having driving experience. The more dangerous the goods to be transported, the more experienced the driver must be.
  3. Knowledge of traffic rules, transportation of goods, transportation of people and animals and other necessary regulations, vehicle design, body and interior care rules, vehicle maintenance procedures, etc.

If it is planned to charge the driver with freight forwarding responsibilities, then additional requirements may be imposed on him:

  1. Knowledge of the procedure for acceptance and delivery, conditions of transportation and storage of goods.
  2. Ability to work with accounting and other supporting documentation, etc.


The functions of the forwarder driver are as follows:

  1. Proper operation of the vehicle, including maintenance and minor repairs.
  2. Ensuring safety, as well as reception, delivery and transfer of entrusted material assets.


If you ask what are the responsibilities of a forwarding driver transporting products or, say, lumber, or cash, you can see that they are somewhat different. This is natural, because they are largely determined by the specifics of the enterprise’s activities. But there are also common points for all employees performing cargo transportation functions.

These may include the following responsibilities:

  1. Passing medical examinations.
  2. Ensuring that the vehicle is in serviceable technical condition, cleaning, maintaining and repairing it.
  3. Control and participation in loading and unloading cargo, placing it in the back, ensuring safety along the way.
  4. Preparation of related documentation.
  5. Purchase of fuel and lubricants, spare parts.
  6. Development of the most convenient routes, maintaining waybills.

The more detailed the responsibilities are specified in the job description, the fewer misunderstandings will arise with the employee in the course of his professional activities. A description of the driver’s functionality in the job description may look, for example, like this:


The rights of workers are enshrined in. These include the right:

In addition, the driver has the right:


Any employee, including the driver, bears disciplinary liability for violating the rules and regulations adopted by the organization within the framework of Art. 192 Labor Code of the Russian Federation. He can be reprimanded or reprimanded, and if the offense is repeated, he can be fired.

For failure to comply with traffic rules, the driver of a vehicle, including one owned by a legal entity, like any participant in the movement, can be punished both administratively () and criminally (in case of serious violations) in the manner prescribed by the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation

Also, a full liability agreement can be concluded with the driver. According to Art. 243 Labor Code of the Russian Federation and paragraph 4 of the List of Positions, such an agreement can be drawn up with “procurement and (or) supply agents, freight forwarders and other employees who receive, procure, store, record, issue, and transport material assets.”

However, there is another interpretation of the list, according to which an agreement of full individual liability can be concluded only with the forwarder as a person directly servicing funds and material assets, but not with the driver. In this regard, a logical question arises: can the forwarder be charged with the duties of a driver?

In general, the legislation of the Russian Federation does not contain a ban on such actions. The head of the organization has the right to decide for himself which of his employees will be given what functions. However, this is only possible if the forwarder has a driver’s license and meets other requirements for drivers, and the employer is ready to carry out all the necessary activities for both positions (medical examinations, briefings, etc.).

1. General Provisions
1.1. The delivery driver belongs to the category of technical performers.
1.2. A person who has primary vocational education without requirements for work experience or secondary (complete) general education and special training according to an established program without requirements for work experience is appointed to the position of forwarding driver.
1.3. Appointment to the position of a forwarding driver and dismissal from the position are made by order of the head of the company.
1.4. The driver-forwarder reports directly to the executive director of the Orenburg branch.

2. The forwarder must know:
2.1. Traffic rules, penalties for violating them.
2.2.. Timing of the next technical inspection, checking tire pressure, tire wear, steering wheel free play angle, etc. according to the vehicle operating instructions.
2.2. Organization of loading and unloading operations.
2.3. The procedure for receiving and delivering cargo.
2.4. Conditions of transportation and storage of forwarded cargo.
2.9. Labor legislation.
2.10. Internal labor regulations.
2.11. Rules and regulations of occupational health, safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

3. Job responsibilities

The forwarding driver is obliged to:

3.1. Monitor the technical condition of the vehicle, independently carry out the necessary work to ensure its safe operation (according to the operating instructions), undergo timely maintenance at a service center and technical inspection. Submit requests in a timely manner necessary to ensure the proper technical condition of the vehicle.
3.2. Ensure timely submission of fuel requests.
3.3. Keep the engine, body and interior of the car clean.
3.4. Ensure timely delivery of the vehicle.
3.5. Strictly comply with all requirements of the Regulations on the division, orders of the head of the Enterprise.
3.6.Do not drink alcohol, psychotropic drugs, sleeping pills, or other drugs that affect the attention, reaction and performance of the human body before or during work.
3.7.Keep waybills daily, noting routes, kilometers traveled, speedometer readings before departure and upon return, and the amount of time worked. Require the person using the car to make a note on the waybill.
3.8. Carry out instructions from the head of the enterprise and the chief accountant for the transportation of goods, registration and delivery of documents to the destination.
3.9. Receives cargo from warehouses.
3.10. Checks the integrity of the packaging.
3.11. Monitors the availability of equipment for the transportation of goods, the correctness of loading and unloading operations, the placement and stowage of goods.
3.12. Accompanies cargo to its destination, ensures the necessary storage conditions, and their safety during transportation.

4. Rights

The forwarder has the right:
1. Submit proposals for improvement of work related to the responsibilities provided for in these instructions for consideration by management.
2. Within the limits of your competence, inform your immediate supervisor about all shortcomings identified in the course of your activities and make proposals for their elimination.
3. Request personally or on behalf of his immediate supervisor from the heads of the organization’s departments and specialists information and documents necessary to fulfill his official duties.
4. Demand that the management of the enterprise provide assistance in the performance of his official duties and rights.

4. Responsibility

The forwarding driver is responsible for:
1. For improper performance or failure to fulfill one’s job duties provided for in this job description - within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.
2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
3. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

With the job description of the driver-forwarder