Connection to storm drainage networks. Technical requirements of JSC Mosvodokanal Technical requirements for bolted connections of JSC Mosvodokanal

Since 2008, our design organization has offered a full range of services for the design of water supply and sewerage networks for capital construction projects.

Water supply and sewerage design is carried out on the basis of the following building codes:
- INTERNAL FIRE WATER PIPELINE (Fire safety requirements)

Design documentation of water supply and sewerage networks and systems is carried out in accordance with Decree No. 87 of the Government of the Russian Federation.

Detailed documentation of networks and water supply and sewerage systems is carried out in accordance with and.

The procedure for developing design and working documentation

1) Obtaining technical specifications;
2) Drawing up technical specifications;
3) Conclusion of a design contract;
4) Development of design documentation;
5) Obtaining a positive expert opinion;
6) Development of working documentation;
7) Coordination of working documentation.

Cost of water supply and sewerage design

The cost of developing a water supply and sewerage project (project price) is always determined individually, depending on the labor intensity of developing project documentation.

Information for the development of design documentation for water supply and sewerage networks

Soil freezing depth in Moscow:

Freezing depth for loams and clays, m = 1.1 m
Freezing depth for sandy loam, fine and dusty sand, m = 1.3 m
Freezing depth for gravelly, large and medium-sized sands, m = 1.4 m
Freezing depth for coarse soils, m = 1.6 m

Minimum depth of water supply network:

The depth of the laid pipes, counting to the bottom, should be 0.5 m greater than the calculated depth of penetration into the ground at zero temperature.

The minimum depth of the water supply network depends on the type of soil at the installation site.
The recommended minimum depth for laying a water pipeline according to the requirements of Mosvodokanal is 2.4 m.

Minimum depth of the domestic and storm sewer network:

The minimum depth of laying a pipeline tray can be taken for pipes with a diameter of up to 500 mm - 0.3 m, and for pipes with a larger diameter - 0.5 m less than the greater depth of penetration into the ground at zero temperature, but not less than 0.7 m to the top of the pipe, counting away from the ground or grade (to avoid damage from ground transport).

The minimum depth of the sewer network depends on the type of soil at the installation site.
The recommended minimum depth of the sewerage network according to the requirements of Mosvodokanal is 1.7 m

Water consumption for external fire extinguishing:

Water consumption for external fire extinguishing is determined according to SP 8.13130.2009.

Water consumption for external fire extinguishing of the main urban water supply network in Moscow is 110 l/s
(according to SP 8.13130.2009 clause 5.1).

Water consumption for internal fire extinguishing:

Water consumption for internal fire extinguishing is determined according to SP 10.13130.2009.

Information on the procedure for issuing technical specifications and approving design documentation

The city water utility is responsible for issuing technical conditions for connection to the city utility system and operating utility networks and water supply and domestic sewerage structures.

When connecting to the departmental water supply and sewerage network of private/state enterprises, the issuance of technical specifications for this type of connection is carried out by their own connected communications.

Project documentation is developed on the basis of the issued technical specifications and is subject to mandatory agreement with the organization that issued the technical specifications.

Project documentation is also subject to mandatory agreement with the owners of land plots along the route of laying water supply and sewerage networks, with organizations responsible for the operation of intersecting communications, as well as other organizations responsible for compliance with construction and sanitary standards.

Our company offers a full range of services for the design of networks, systems and structures of water supply and sanitation. We provide the necessary architectural and engineering solutions of any complexity at any design stage.



JSC "Mosvodokanal"

to the design of water supply and sanitation facilities in Moscow during new construction and reconstruction

Moscow, 2016



General requirements for the design of water supply and wastewater pipelines ……………………………………...



Water supply…………………………………………………………













Construction of foundations for pipelines ………………………….



Water supply pumping stations of the 3rd lift . . . . . . . . . . . . . .















Engineering equipment, networks and systems of buildings, structures….





Engineering and technical strength……………………………...





Gravity and pressure sewerage ……………………………..



Composition of design documentation……………………………………...



Requirements for design documentation………………………………



Special design conditions …………………………………



Additional design conditions………………………



Designs of wells and chambers……………………………………….



Shut-off valves for gravity and pressure




Design of foundations for gravity and pressure




Sewage pumping stations and APP………………………



Basic requirements for design solutions………………………



Architectural and planning solutions……………………………...



Technological and technical solutions,

equipment, pipelines…………………………………….



Structural solutions, underground and above ground

part of buildings, load-bearing and enclosing structures……………….



Electrical requirements………………………………………………………...



Automation and dispatching……………………………………



Engineering equipment, networks and systems of buildings, structures.....



External engineering support……………………………………..



Environmental protection………………………………………………………………



1 Emergency control tank (ARR) ……………………



Sewage pumping stations made of composite materials…



Technical requirements for measuring instruments and metering units for cold water and wastewater ………………………………………



General requirements for the installation of cold water metering units and the selection of water meters ……………………………………………………



Requirements for vane water meters …………………………...



Requirements for turbine water meters…………………………….



Requirements for ultrasonic flow meters………………………..



General requirements for the installation of wastewater metering units………….



Requirements for the design of monitoring and control facilities on water supply networks. Data on instruments, automation equipment and information transmission……………...



General requirements for instruments and automation equipment………..



Transfer of information……………………………………………………………………



Flow meters………………………………………………………



Pressure measuring instruments………………………………………………………



Water quality analyzers……………………………………………………………...



Programmable logic controllers in control circuits of safety and control valves………



Requirements for electrical protection during design

water supply and sanitation facilities ………………………..



Energy Saving Requirements ………………………………….



List of regulatory and technical documentation………………


Annex 1:Technical requirements for the use of pipes and mats erials for the construction and reconstruction of drinking water supply pipelines and sewerage facilities of Mosvodokanal JSC

Appendix 2: Technical requirements for butterfly valves used at the facilities of JSC Mosvodokanal

Appendix 3: Technical requirements for gate valves used at the facilities of Mosvodokanal JSC

Appendix 4: Technical requirements for wedge-type valves used at the facilities of JSC Mosvodokanal

Application5: Technical requirements for hardware products made of stainless steel 12Х18Н10Т

Appendix 6: Technical requirements for hardware products with thermal diffusion zinc coating (TDZ)

Appendix 7: Technical requirements for hardware products with galvanic galvanization

Appendix 8: Technical requirements for fire hydrants

Appendix 9: Technical requirements for supporting and covering elements

Appendix 10: Technical requirements for check valves

Appendix 11: Technical requirements for the equipment of an automated pressure control system for the city water supply network

Appendix 12: Typical technical specifications for the development of a project for the construction of a PS with low-voltage equipment, with a capacity of up to 20 thousand m 3 /day. Table of controlled signals at the pumping station and displayed on the automated workstation of the State Customs Committee of the SNS.

Appendix 13: Typical technical specifications for the development of a project for the construction of a pumping station with low-voltage equipment, with a capacity of up to 5.0 thousand m 3 /day. Table of controlled signals at the pumping station and displayed on the automated workstation of the DP SENS.

Appendix 14: Technical requirements for vane water meters.

Appendix 15: Technical requirements for turbine water meters.

Appendix 16: Technical requirements for the manufacture of panel gates intended for installation in chambers on the sewer network.

Appendix 17: Technical requirements for the use of trash-containing equipment at the facilities of JSC Mosvodokanal.




1. These requirements are applied to the development of technical solutions when designing water supply and sanitation facilities.

2. Design solutions are developed taking into account regulatory requirements
but-technical documents (Resolutions of the Moscow Government, GOST, SP, SNiP, MGSN, etc.), approved standard albums and requirements of the operating organization JSC Mosvodokanal.

3. Design solutions are carried out in full accordance with the issued technical conditions (TS) and design assignments (TOR).

4. If the specifications (TOR) provide for construction stages, projects may be carried out in stages.

5. When designing water supply and sewerage systems for complex developments or objects with large water consumption and large volumes of wastewater, as well as transport highways, Schemes are developed, on the basis of which Mosvodokanal JSC issues technical specifications.

6. For consideration, Mosvodokanal JSC accepts design documentation in the amount of 2 copies (water supply), 2 copies (electrical protection), 3 copies (gravity sewerage), 4 copies (gravity-pressure sewerage), approved by all performers indicated in the project stamp.

7. When developing design estimates, provide for compensation of costs associated with the demolition of the property of Mosvodokanal JSC.



Project documentation should include:

1 .1. For highways and networks:

Explanatory note (including the composition of the project);

Engineering-geological conclusion;

Geodetic plan M 1:500 (1:200) – a consolidated plan of networks with landscaping elements;

Situation plan M 1:2000 with the design of structures;

Detailing with specification;

Longitudinal profile M 1:100 (vertical) / M 1:500 or 1:200 (horizontal) with geological section;

Constructive drawings of individual chambers, wells, stops, etc.

1. 2. For inputs and on-site networks:

Common data;

Geodetic plan M 1:500 (1:200) – a consolidated plan of networks with landscaping elements;

Situation plan M 1:2000;

Detailing with specification;

Profile M 1:100/M 1:500 (1:200);

Floor plan, placement and diagram of the water metering unit;

Plan, diagram of the central heating point, ITP, UATP with the arrangement of water metering units;

Structural drawings of individual wells, stops, etc.


2.1. Sheet "general data" (for house inputs) should include:

  • list of main sets of working drawings;

  • list of working drawings of the main set;

  • list of attached and reference documents;

  • symbols adopted on the general plan;

  • section "general instructions";

  • engineering-geological conclusion;

  • section "plumbing" " , which states:

  • Specifications according to which the project was released;

  • actual and projected pressure;

  • input diameter, caliber of a mechanical water meter;

  • a list of existing and designed buildings powered from the input, indicating the loads (table of main indicators, including costs for fire extinguishing and fire extinguishing);

  • a list of pumping equipment for drinking water and firefighting needs;

  • balance of water consumption and wastewater disposal for non-residential premises;

  • special construction conditions;

  • provision of external fire extinguishing, indicating the number of fire hydrants and flow rate;

  • conditions for protection against electrocorrosion;

  • situational plan M 1:2000 with the design of structures.
2.2. Situational plan

Indicate on the situational plan:

  • existing and projected water supply system indicating diameter and material;

  • existing and attached buildings, indicating their underground part, house numbers, well numbers, and, if necessary, input numbers;
- chainage, numbers of rotation angles;

Names of streets, passages.

2.3. Summary g geodetic plan

2.2.1. The geodetic plan must be submitted with the stamp of the Mosgorgeotrest (MGGT).

2.2.2. On the geodetic plan:

  • master network plan;

  • the projected city water supply system stands out in color;

  • existing buildings and those connected to the water supply network, indicating the number of floors, the underground part of the designed structures, house numbers and input numbers;

  • underground utilities at intersections with the city water supply;

  • picketing, incl. at turning angles;

  • linking new wells (for inputs) to existing wells, indicating distances;

  • picketage, diameter, material and method of laying or reconstructing the water pipeline.
2.4. Longitudinal profile

The "longitudinal profile" sheet must include:

  • existing land marks (black) and planning (red) in meters, up to the second decimal place;

  • geological section indicating the calculated soil resistance, groundwater level and conclusion on laying;

  • marks of the bottom of the pipes in meters, to the second decimal place;

  • depth of pipes in meters, to the second decimal place;

  • slope, to the second decimal place;

  • marks of crossed communications in meters, to the second decimal place;

  • length, to the second decimal place;

  • material, pipe diameter in mm;

  • chainage, rotation angles;

  • type of foundation for the pipeline;

  • laying method;

  • intersecting outdoor structures.
2.5 . Detailing

The detail sheet should show:

  • pipeline diagram with designed wells and chambers to be eliminated;

  • picketage, numbers of designed wells and chambers, rotation angles;

  • length, diameter, pipe material, method of laying or reconstruction of the pipeline;

  • types of wells and stops, with reference to standard albums; if the wells and stops are individual, it is necessary to provide a link to the structural drawing attached to the project;

  • dimensions of chambers, wells;

  • binding of pipes, flanges, fittings, etc. to the internal surfaces of wells and chambers, indicating distances taking into account the requirements of regulatory documentation;

  • transverse and longitudinal sections of cases, reinforced concrete frames, omissions, etc.;

  • bypass diagram with drawings of fixed supports and stops;
- summary specification indicating positions, names, symbols, units of measurement, quantity, material of pipes and fittings, type of shut-off and control valves, diameter, nominal pressure, construction length, height of fire hydrants, etc. with reference to regulatory documents (TU, GOST, etc.).

2.6. Structural drawings of wells and chambers

Drawing includes:

Plan and section of a well or chamber;

  • placement of inspection ports;

  • design dimensions of the well or chamber;

  • reinforcement of reinforced concrete structures;

  • installation of shut-off valves;

  • pipe marks;

  • volumes of work and materials in tabular form.
2.7 . Water metering unit

The water meter sheet should indicate:

  • placement of a water metering unit in terms of M 1:50 and a buffer water meter;

  • diagram of the water metering unit, axonometry if necessary;

  • the diagram must indicate all shut-off valves, indicating the diameter and type, water meter insert, stops, dimensions of all fittings;
- caliber and type of water meter;

  • pit, with dimensions;

  • stop, with the attachment of a design drawing at the socket-flange transition point.

When designing, provide:

    1. Drives along water pipeline routes and approaches to chambers and wells.
3.2. The water supply route is outside the carriageways of streets and roads. 3.3. Elimination of networks with backfilling of pipelines and wells or their dismantling.

3.4. Relocation at the expense of the customer of water supply networks, inputs, on-site networks falling under construction, before the start of construction, in agreement with JSC Mosvodokanal and subscribers, without disrupting the water supply to the remaining consumers.

3.5. Installation of individual inputs into each building.

3.6. When designing single-strand water supply inlets for residential buildings and social facilities (including kindergartens, schools, hospitals, central heating stations, etc.), regardless of their number of floors, provide additional shut-off valves in the well, on the network, on both sides of the water supply inlet.

3.7. Installation of water meters with pulse output in front of the boiler in the central heating substation and on cold water supply pipelines in each building behind the first wall on the side of the city water supply.

3.8. Installation of check valves on water supply inlets after the water metering unit in order to prevent emergency situations in city water supply networks.

3.9. Checking by hydraulic calculation the diameter and number of input threads, the diameter of the metering network, pumps and water meter.

3.10. Laying a water pipeline without transit through buildings.

3.11. When justifying the use of storage tanks in internal water supply systems of buildings during civil and industrial construction.

3.12. Insulation of pipelines and shut-off valves in areas of possible freezing.

3.13. Selection of pipe material and work method in accordance with approved technical requirements for the use of pipes and materials for the construction and reconstruction of drinking water supply pipelines in the regionEktakh JSC"Mosvodokanal" ( Annex 1). At the design stage, depending on the laying conditions and the method of work, the material and type of pipe are selected (pipe wall thickness, standard dimensional ratio (SDR), ring stiffness (SN), the presence of external and internal protective coating of the pipe), the issue of strengthening the laid pipe is resolved with using a reinforced concrete clip or steel case. For all pipe materials, it is necessary to carry out a strength calculation for the influence of internal pressure of the working environment, soil pressure, temporary loads, the own mass of the pipes and the mass of the transported liquid, atmospheric pressure during the formation of a vacuum and external hydrostatic pressure of groundwater. All materials used for laying water supply networks (pipes, thin-walled liners, hoses and internal spray coatings) must undergo additional testing for the general toxic effect of constituent components that can diffuse into water in concentrations hazardous to public health and lead to allergenic, skin irritants , mutagenic and other negative effects on humans.

3.14. Elimination of parallel operating networks.

3.15. Installation of compensating devices in wells and chambers for pipe diameters DN50-1400mm.

3.16. When installed in wells and chambers, use adapters on a steel pipeline designed for steel pipes.

    1. Device for anchoring units in wells and chambers.
3.18. Installation of dismantling inserts for installation and dismantling of shut-off valves, as well as manholes for internal maintenance of the pipeline during operation.

3.19. Connection of steel pipes and ductile iron pipes in the ground without the use of flange joints using welded pipes “Vchshyg-steel”.

3.20. Connection of steel and polyethylene pipes using standard factory-made permanent polyethylene-steel joints (NSPS). The polyethylene pipe of the product must be made of PE100 (PN10), the SDR must match the SDR of the connected pipe. The use of NSPS with a steel pipe design with a welded flange is allowed only when placed in a well or chamber.

3.21. Connect detachable pipeline fittings and shut-off and control valves using hardware (bolts, studs) made of stainless steel grade 12X18N10T or carbon steel with thermal diffusion zinc coating (TDZ) ( Appendix 5, 6). Hardware made of carbon steel with galvanic galvanization can be used for pipe diameters less than 50 mm ( Appendix 7).

3.22.Use of cast shaped parts made of ductile iron with an internal cement-sand coating. The use of welded shaped parts from ductile iron is allowed upon justification in the absence of a similar product in a cast version in the range of manufacturers or in case of misalignment of pipelines. Welded shaped parts must have an internal cement-sand coating and an external anti-corrosion coating (zinc-rich paint and bitumen). Welded fittings must undergo 100% testing on a hydraulic bench with a strength test pressure Ppr = 1.5 PN. Fittings must have clear identification of each product. Technical conditions for the manufacture of welded fittings must be agreed with JSC Mosvodokanal in the prescribed manner.

3.23. If necessary, installation of pressure regulators, equipment for automatic control of hydraulic and quality parameters of the water supply network (pressure, flow, water quality), as well as remote-controlled shut-off valves.

3.24. The use of shut-off and control valves and fire hydrants that comply with the approved “Technical Requirements” ( Application 2,4,8).

3.25.Use of shut-off valves in a wellless installation option (BKZ). The distance between the BKZ should be no more than 200m to allow for TV diagnostics.

3.26. Provide flange and wafer connections for butterfly valves with diameters from DN100 mm to DN400 mm, flange connections for diameters over DN500 mm. When installing wafer butterfly valves with a body seal, use “collar” flanges manufactured in accordance with GOST 33259-2015.

    1. If necessary, during the construction period a bypass device will be installed with the installation of devices to ensure external fire extinguishing. When installing bypasses made of steel pipes for a period of no more than 1 year, it is allowed not to provide an external protective coating of a very reinforced type and an internal CPP. The applied external anti-corrosion paint and varnish coating must be approved for use in drinking water supply systems.
3.28. Application of pipeline telediagnosticsDN=100-800 (visual inspection atDN=900 and above) to determine the quality of the internal surface of pipelines and their sanitary condition before flushing during new construction and reconstruction.

3.29. In front of the control unit for pumping equipment of internal automatic fire extinguishing (sprinkler and deluge) there is a water withdrawal device for sanitary equipment as a buffer zone, with the installation of a water meter.

    1. When designing wheel washing stations, installing recycled water supply and coordinating designs of treatment facilities with Rospotrebnadzor, Mosvodostok and Mosvodokanal.


4.1. If possible, provide for a minimum pipeline laying depth, taking into account the depth of soil freezing and structural parts of wells and chambers.

4.2. When laying a pipeline in a freezing zone, provide insulation, presenting a thermal engineering calculation for - 28°C.

4.3. When laying a water pipeline in the roadway, take measures to strengthen the pipeline.

4.4. On dead-end pipelines, provide for the installation of fittings and fittings for flushing with a discharge device into the drain directly from the distribution network. In the absence of a drain, provide a solution to ensure the drainage of water from technical flushing.

4.5. On sections of pipelines with low speeds (determined at the stage of engineering support diagrams or issued technical specifications), it is necessary to provide flushing coils with a discharge device into the drain directly from the distribution network. In the absence of a drain, provide a solution to ensure the drainage of water from technical flushing.

4.6. Before carrying out detailed design for complex development of a territory (design of microdistricts or groups of buildings, more than two in number), it is necessary to develop a water supply scheme for the development with a hydraulic calculation confirming the passage of the estimated water flows in the maximum water consumption mode, as well as costs for the fire extinguishing needs of the facility in accordance with SP 31.13330.2012.

4.7. Develop schemes taking into account the sanitary condition of pipelines.

4.8. When calculating pipelines for throughput, use water speed V=1 - 1.5 m/s.

4.9. When installing bypasses, provide thermal insulation in accordance with the thermal engineering calculations, and in winter - electric heating (the absence of thermal insulation in the warm period is justified). The bypass is dismantled by eliminating the pipeline section at the bypass insertion point and then inserting the coil.

4.10. Develop schematic diagram of pipeline flushing with determination of the volume of construction and installation work and inclusion in the estimate account of the total costs for the cost of flushing arrangement and water consumption during tie-ins and flushing. The flushing scheme and PPR should be agreed upon with all interested organizations in accordance with SNiP 3.05.04-85*;

4.11. When installing vertical lifting and lowering of pipelines, provide:

On the roadway - a device for lifting and lowering in the well;

On the lawn - behind the wall of the well.

4.12. When installing drops in the ground, provide angles of 30° and 45° for the axial deviation of the route.

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1 OPEN JOINT STOCK COMPANY "Mosvodokanal" TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS of JSC "Mosvodokanal" for the design of water supply and sanitation facilities in Moscow during new construction and reconstruction Moscow, 2014 - 1 -

3 I. CONTENTS General requirements for the design of water supply and wastewater pipelines... Page. II. Water supply Composition of design documentation Requirements for design documentation Special conditions for design Additional conditions for design Design of wells and chambers Design of foundations for pipelines. 17 III. Water supply pumping stations of the 3rd rise Basic requirements for design solutions Architectural and planning solutions Technological and technical solutions, equipment, pipelines. Structural solutions, underground and above-ground parts of buildings, load-bearing and enclosing structures Electrical requirements Automation and dispatch Engineering equipment, networks and systems of buildings, structures External engineering support Engineering and technical strength Environmental protection 30 IV. Gravity and pressure sewerage Composition of design documentation Requirements for design documentation Special conditions for design Additional conditions for design

4 5. Designs of wells and chambers Shut-off valves on gravity and pressure pipelines. Design of foundations for gravity and pressure pipelines V. Sewage pumping stations and APP Basic requirements for design solutions Architectural and planning solutions Technological and technical solutions, equipment, pipelines. Structural solutions, underground and above-ground parts of buildings, load-bearing and enclosing structures Electrical requirements Automation and dispatch Engineering equipment, networks and systems of buildings, structures External engineering support Environmental protection Emergency control tank (ARR) VI. 1. Technical requirements for measuring instruments and cold water and wastewater metering units General requirements for the design of cold water metering units and the selection of water meters 2. Requirements for vane water meters Requirements for turbine water meters Requirements for ultrasonic flow meters General requirements for the design of wastewater metering units VII. Requirements for the design of monitoring and control facilities on water supply networks. Data on instruments, automation equipment and information transmission General requirements for instruments and automation equipment Information transmission

5 3. Flow meters Pressure measuring instruments Water quality analyzers VIII. Programmable logic controllers in control circuits for safety and control valves Requirements for electrical protection when designing water supply and wastewater facilities IX. Energy saving requirements X. List of regulatory and technical documentation Appendix 1: Technical requirements for the use of pipes and materials for the construction and reconstruction of drinking water supply pipelines and sewerage facilities of JSC Mosvodokanal Appendix 2: Technical requirements for butterfly valves used at the facilities of JSC "Mosvodokanal" Mosvodokanal" Appendix 3: Technical requirements for gate valves (knife) valves used at the facilities of OJSC "Mosvodokanal" Appendix 4: Technical requirements for wedge-type valves used at the facilities of OJSC "Mosvodokanal" Appendix 5: Technical requirements for hardware products made of stainless steel 12Х18Н10Т Appendix 6: Technical requirements for hardware products with thermal diffusion zinc coating (TDZ) Appendix 6: Technical requirements for hardware products with galvanic galvanization Appendix 8: Technical requirements for fire hydrants Appendix 9: Technical requirements for supporting and covering elements Appendix 10: Technical requirements for check valves Appendix 11: Technical requirements for the equipment of an automated pressure control system for the city water supply network Appendix 12: Standard technical specifications for the development of a project for the construction of a PS with low-voltage equipment, with a capacity of up to 20 thousand m 3 /day. Table of controlled signals at the pumping station and displayed on the automated workstation of the State Customs Committee of the SNS. Appendix 13: Typical technical specifications for the development of pro- 5

6 projects for the construction of a pumping station with low-voltage equipment, with a capacity of up to 5.0 thousand m 3 /day. Table of controlled signals at the pumping station and displayed on the automated workstation of the DP SENS. Appendix 14: Technical requirements for vane water meters. Appendix 15: Technical requirements for turbine water meters. 6

7 I. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DESIGN OF PIPELINES AND STRUCTURES FOR WATER SUPPLY AND WATER RESERVATION 1. These requirements are applied to the development of technical solutions in the design of water supply and sanitation facilities. 2. Design solutions are developed taking into account the requirements of regulatory and technical documents (Resolutions of the Moscow Government, GOST, SP, SNiP, MGSN, etc.), approved standard albums and the requirements of the operating organization JSC Mosvodokanal. 3. Design solutions are carried out in full accordance with the issued technical conditions (TS) and design assignments (TOR). 4. If the specifications (TOR) provide for construction stages, projects may be carried out in stages. 5. When designing water supply and sewerage for complex developments or objects with large water consumption and large volumes of wastewater, as well as transport highways, Schemes are developed, on the basis of which Mosvodokanal OJSC issues technical specifications. 6. Project documentation in the amount of 2 copies (water supply), 2 copies (electrical protection), 3 copies (gravity sewerage), 4 copies (gravity sewerage), approved by all, is accepted for consideration by Mosvodokanal OJSC by the performers indicated in the project stamp. 7

8 II. WATER SUPPLY 1. COMPOSITION OF DESIGN DOCUMENTATION Project documentation must include: 1.1. For highways and networks: - explanatory note (including the composition of the project); - engineering-geological conclusion; - geodetic plan M 1:500 (1:200) summary plan of networks with landscaping elements; - situation plan M 1:2000 with the design of structures; - detailing with specifications; - longitudinal profile M 1:100 (vertical) / M 1:500 or 1:200 (horizontal) with geological section; - structural drawings of individual chambers, wells, stops, etc. For inputs and on-site networks: - general data; - geodetic plan M 1:500 (1:200) summary plan of networks with landscaping elements; - situational plan M 1:2000; - detailing with specifications; - profile M 1:100/M 1:500 (1:200); - floor plan, placement and diagram of the water metering unit; - plan, diagram of the central heating point, ITP, UATP with the arrangement of water measuring units; - structural drawings of individual wells, stops, etc. 2. REQUIREMENTS FOR DESIGN DOCUMENTATION 2.1. The “general data” sheet (for house inputs) should include: - a list of the main sets of working drawings; - list of working drawings of the main set; - list of attached and reference documents; - symbols adopted on the general plan; - section "general instructions"; - engineering-geological conclusion; - section “water supply”, which indicates: - Specifications for which the project was issued; - actual and projected pressure; - input diameter, caliber of a mechanical water meter; 8

9 - list of existing and designed buildings powered from the input, indicating the loads (table of main indicators, including costs for fire extinguishing and fire extinguishing); - a list of pumping equipment for drinking water and firefighting needs; - balance of water consumption and drainage for non-residential premises; - special construction conditions; - provision of external fire extinguishing, indicating the number of fire hydrants and consumption; - conditions of protection against electrocorrosion; - situational plan M 1:2000 with drawing of the designed structures. Situational plan. On the situational plan, indicate: - existing and designed water supply system indicating the diameter, material; - existing and attached buildings, indicating their underground part, house numbers, well numbers, and, if necessary, input numbers; - chainage, numbers of rotation angles; - names of streets, driveways Consolidated geodetic plan The geodetic plan must be presented with the stamp of Mosgorgeotrest (MGGT) On the geodetic plan: - consolidated plan of networks; - the designed city water supply system stands out in color; - existing buildings and those connected to the water supply network, indicating the number of floors, the underground part of the designed structures, house numbers and input numbers; - underground utilities at intersections with the city water supply; - picketing, incl. at turning angles; - linking new wells (for inputs) to existing wells, indicating distances; - picketage, diameter, material and method of laying or reconstructing the water pipeline Longitudinal profile The “longitudinal profile” sheet must include: 9

10 - existing land marks (black) and planning (red) in meters, up to the second decimal place; - geological section indicating the calculated soil resistance, groundwater level and conclusion on laying; - marks of the bottom of the pipes in meters, to the second decimal place; - depth of pipes in meters, to the second decimal place; - slope, to the second decimal place; - marks of crossed communications in meters, to the second decimal place; - length, up to the second decimal place; - material, pipe diameter in mm; - picketing, rotation angles; - type of foundation for the pipeline; - laying method; - crossed external structures. Detailing The detailing sheet should show: - pipeline diagram with designed wells and chambers to be eliminated; - picketage, numbers of designed wells and chambers, rotation angles; - length, diameter, pipe material, method of laying or reconstruction of the pipeline; - types of wells and stops, with reference to standard albums; if the wells and stops are individual, it is necessary to provide a link to the structural drawing attached to the project; - dimensions of chambers, wells; - binding of pipes, flanges, fittings, etc. to the internal surfaces of wells and chambers, indicating distances taking into account the requirements of regulatory documentation; - transverse and longitudinal sections of cases, reinforced concrete frames, omissions, etc.; - bypass diagram with drawings of fixed supports and stops; - summary specification indicating positions, names, symbols, units of measurement, quantity, material of pipes and fittings, type of shut-off and control valves, diameter, nominal pressure, construction length, height of fire hydrants, etc. with reference to regulatory documents (TU, GOST, etc.). 10

11 2.6. Structural drawings of wells and chambers The drawing includes: - plan and section of a well or chamber; - placement of inspection ports; - structural dimensions of the well or chamber; - reinforcement of reinforced concrete structures; - installation of shut-off valves; - pipe marks; - volumes of work and materials in tabular form Water meter unit The sheet of the water meter unit must indicate: - placement of the water meter unit in the M 1:50 plan and the buffer water meter; - diagram of the water metering unit, axonometry if necessary; - the diagram must indicate all shut-off valves, indicating the diameter and type, water meter insert, stops, dimensions of all fittings; - caliber and type of water meter; - pit, with dimensions; - stop, with the attachment of a design drawing at the junction of the bell flange. 3. SPECIAL DESIGN CONDITIONS When designing, provide: 3.1. Drives along water pipeline routes and entrances to chambers and wells Water supply route outside the roadways of streets and roads Elimination of networks with backfilling of pipelines and wells or their dismantling Relocation of water supply networks, inputs, on-site networks falling under construction at the expense of the customer before the start of construction , in agreement with Mosvodokanal OJSC and subscribers, without disrupting the water supply to the remaining consumers Installation of individual inputs into each building Installation of water meters with a pulse output in front of the boiler in the central heating station and on the cold water supply pipelines in each building behind the first wall on the side of the city water supply Installation of check valves on water supply inlets after the water metering unit in order to prevent emergency situations on city water supply networks. Checking by hydraulic calculation the diameter and number of inlet threads, the diameter of the water metering network, pumps and water meter. eleven

12 3.9. Laying a water pipeline without transit through buildings When justifying the use of storage tanks in the internal water supply systems of buildings during civil and industrial construction Insulation of pipelines and shut-off valves in places of possible freezing Selection of pipe material and work method in accordance with the approved technical requirements for the use of pipes and materials for construction and reconstruction of drinking water supply pipelines at the facilities of JSC Mosvodokanal (Appendix 1). At the design stage, depending on the laying conditions and the method of work, the material and type of pipe are selected (pipe wall thickness, standard dimensional ratio (SDR), ring stiffness (SN), the presence of external and internal protective coating of the pipe), the issue of strengthening the laid pipe is resolved with using a reinforced concrete clip or steel case. For all pipe materials, it is necessary to carry out a strength calculation for the influence of internal pressure of the working environment, soil pressure, temporary loads, the own mass of the pipes and the mass of the transported liquid, atmospheric pressure during the formation of a vacuum and external hydrostatic pressure of groundwater. All materials used for laying water supply networks (pipes, thin-walled liners, hoses and internal spray coatings) must undergo additional testing for the general toxic effect of constituent components that can diffuse into water in concentrations hazardous to public health and lead to allergenic, skin irritants , mutagenic and other negative effects on humans Elimination of parallel operating networks Installation of compensating devices in wells and chambers for pipe diameters DN mm When installed in wells and chambers, use of adapters on a steel pipeline intended for steel pipes Device for anchoring units in wells and chambers Installation of dismantling inserts for installation and dismantling of shut-off valves, as well as manholes for internal maintenance of the pipeline during operation. Connection in the ground of steel pipes and ductile iron pipes without the use of flange connections using welded pipes "VchshinG-steel" connection of detachable pipeline fittings and shut-off control valves shall be provided on hardware (bolts, studs) made of stainless steel 12

13 stainless steel grade 12X18N10T or carbon steel with thermal diffusion zinc coating (TDZ) (Appendix 5, 6). Hardware made of carbon steel with galvanic galvanization can be used for pipe diameters less than 50 mm (Appendix 7) Use of cast shaped parts made of ductile iron with an internal cement-sand coating. The use of welded shaped parts from ductile iron is allowed upon justification in the absence of a similar product in a cast version in the range of manufacturers or in case of misalignment of pipelines. Welded shaped parts must have an internal cement-sand coating and an external anti-corrosion coating (zinc-rich paint and bitumen). Welded fittings must undergo 100% testing on a hydraulic bench with a strength test pressure Ppr = 1.5 PN. Fittings must have clear identification of each product. Technical conditions for the manufacture of welded fittings must be agreed upon with JSC Mosvodokanal in the prescribed manner Installation of safety and control valves on water mains and networks, as well as measuring instruments for measuring water flow and pressure with remote transmission of information Use of shut-off and control valves and fire hydrants corresponding to the approved “Technical Requirements” (Appendix 2,4,8) Application of shut-off valves and fire hydrants in a wellless installation option (BKZ). The distance between the valves should be no more than 200 m to allow for TV diagnostics. Provide flange and wafer connections for butterfly valves with diameters from DN100 mm to DN400 mm, flange connections for diameters over DN500 mm. When installing wafer butterfly valves with a seal along the body, use “collar” flanges manufactured in accordance with GOST. If necessary, for the construction period, a bypass device with the installation of devices to ensure external fire extinguishing. When installing bypasses made of steel pipes for a period of no more than 1 year, it is allowed not to provide an external protective coating of a very reinforced type and an internal CPP. The applied external anti-corrosion paint and varnish coating must be approved for use in drinking water supply systems. Use of telediagnostics of pipelines DN= (visual inspection at DN=900 and above) to determine the quality of the internal surface of pipelines and their sanitary condition before flushing during new construction and reconstruction. 13

14 3.24. In front of the control unit for the pumping equipment of the internal automatic fire extinguishing system (sprinkler and deluge) there is a water collection device for sanitary equipment as a buffer zone, with the installation of a water meter. When designing wheel washing stations, a device for recycling water supply and coordination of treatment facility projects with Rospotrebnadzor, Mosvodostok and Mosvodokanal. 4. ADDITIONAL DESIGN CONDITIONS 4.1. If possible, provide for a minimum depth of the pipeline, taking into account the depth of freezing of the soil and structural parts of wells and chambers. When laying a pipeline in the freezing zone, provide insulation, with the presentation of a thermal engineering calculation for - 28 C. When laying a water pipeline in the roadway, provide measures to strengthen the pipeline. On dead-end pipelines, provide installation of fittings and fittings for flushing with a discharge device into the drain directly from the distribution network. In the absence of a drain, provide a solution to ensure the drainage of water from technical flushing. On sections of pipelines with low speeds (determined at the stage of engineering support schemes or issued technical specifications), it is necessary to provide flushing coils with a device for releasing into the drain directly from the distribution network. In the absence of drainage, provide a solution to ensure the drainage of water from technical flushing. Before performing detailed design for complex development of the territory (design of microdistricts or groups of buildings, more than two in number), it is necessary to develop a water supply scheme for the development with a hydraulic calculation confirming the passage of the estimated water flows in the maximum water consumption mode , as well as costs for the fire extinguishing needs of the facility in accordance with the joint venture Develop schemes taking into account the sanitary condition of pipelines When calculating pipelines for throughput, use water speed V = 1-1.5 m/s When installing bypasses, provide thermal insulation in accordance with thermal engineering calculations , and in winter, electric heating (the lack of thermal insulation in the warm period is justified). The bypass was dismantled 14

15 eliminate the pipeline section at the bypass insertion point with the subsequent insertion of a coil Develop a schematic diagram for flushing pipelines, determining the volume of construction and installation work and including in the estimate the total costs for the cost of flushing arrangement and water consumption during tie-ins and flushing. The flushing scheme and PPR should be agreed upon with everyone interested organizations in accordance with SNiP *; When installing vertical lifting and lowering of pipelines, provide for: - on the roadway - arrangement of lifting and lowering in the well; - on the lawn - behind the wall of the well When constructing drops in the ground, provide angles of 30 and 45 for the axial deflection of the pipeline route, usually made of 2 threads, steel pipes with a wall thickness of at least 12 mm, internal CPP and external insulation of very reinforced type made of extruded polyethylene according to GOST For siphons with a diameter of up to 500 mm, steel grade St20, with a diameter of 500 mm and more, steel grade 17G1S. At the upper points of the pipeline profile, install devices for air inlet and outlet (plungers), at the lower points - for water discharge (outlets) To avoid fistula damage, use the thickness of the pipe wall of the branch pipe on the plunger equal to the thickness of the main pipe. On networks, provide for the placement of valves that ensure the shutdown of no more than five fire hydrants. Provide water supply for objects with large water consumption, high-rise buildings and a continuous cycle of work from two sources or with the installation of two separation valves. for the transition device "socket-smooth end" at the water metering unit, provide a standard or individual stop. 5. CONSTRUCTIONS OF WELLS AND CHAMBERS 5.1. Wells and chambers on water supply networks should be installed in places of connection of inputs, networks, installation of shut-off and control valves, fire hydrants, plungers, outlets, etc. Wells and chambers should be made of prefabricated reinforced concrete elements or monolithic reinforced concrete Reinforced concrete rings of wells and necks are connected during installation - 15

16 connected to each other with metal H-shaped fasteners, which are then plastered. The necks of wells for lowering maintenance personnel into wells should be provided with a diameter of at least 0.7 m; install plates and hatches with locking devices on the well necks. Use support-covering elements (well hatches) made of high-strength nodular cast iron (ductile iron) with a detachable hinge and locking latches (latch) that can withstand a load of 40 tons (Appendix 9): - with a housing " floating" type supported on the road surface in urban areas with asphalt pavement (when installed on the roadway of urban roads, in parking lots, courtyard areas, sidewalks, pedestrian paths); - with a conventional type body supported on the well neck in urban areas without asphalt pavement, in areas covered with paving stones or paving slabs (when installed on the roadway, courtyard areas, in areas of pedestrian paths, sidewalks, in green areas). - installation of base plates UOP-6 (with hatches made of gray cast iron) and individual hatches made of gray cast iron that do not meet the approved structural requirements is not allowed; 5.6. The design of wells with hydrants should include the use of 2-meter rings made of precast reinforced concrete. To descend into the wells, metal ladders should be installed with rigid fastening in the structure of the well. The overhang of the steps should be 12cm. The maximum height from the floor of wells and chambers to the first step is 500 mm. In places where pressure pipelines adjoin the wall of chambers or the wall of a pumping station, sealing is provided with the installation of steel sleeves according to standard design albums. In the structural part of the chambers, it is necessary to install sleeves for possible replacement of large diameter valve stems ( the need is determined depending on the type of valves) Above the shut-off valves, provide for the installation of holes in the ceilings and the installation of well necks to control the shut-off valves without lowering into the well. The minimum height of the working part of the wells should be 1.8 m. If the distance from the floor of the well or chamber to the shut-off valves is more than 1 .5 m, provide for the construction of walking ladders from metal structures, as well as their protection from corrosion. 16

17 6. DESIGN OF FOUNDATIONS FOR PIPELINES 6.1. The foundations for the designed pipelines should be taken based on the hydrogeological conditions, the pipes used, the effective loads, the depth of laying and other factors. Sections of peat soils located below the base of the pipelines are removed from the trench, and if removal is impossible, a design pile foundation is installed under the pipeline. Compaction of sandy soils in projects, take to a depth of no more than 1.0 meters, because otherwise, even with a compaction coefficient K = 0.95, the subsidence of the pipeline will exceed 0.05 m. If it is necessary to use more backfill, install reinforced concrete columns or piles. The project should include measures to prevent freezing of soils and artificial foundations under pipelines in winter time to avoid pipe destruction due to soil heaving. III. WATER PUMPING STATIONS OF THE 3RD RISE Projects of water pumping stations are developed according to the technical specifications of Mosvodokanal OJSC, technological specifications and design specifications (Appendix 12). When developing design documentation, it is necessary to be guided by Federal laws, Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation, Decrees of the Moscow Government, regulatory documents (SNiP, SP, MGSN, RD, SO, GOST, SANPiN, Rules, Albums, etc.) Design is carried out according to an agreed specification, which includes includes the following sections: 1. BASIC REQUIREMENTS FOR DESIGN SOLUTIONS 1.1. Urban planning solutions, general plan Effective use of the site and its underground space Standard level of landscaping, landscaping Construction of an access road, turning areas, fencing around the perimeter of the pumping station territory with means of technical strengthening, with the restoration of a 5-meter zone outside the territory along the perimeter of the fence Drainage of surface runoff from the territory of the pumping station and from the territories adjacent to it. 17

18 2. ARCHITECTURAL PLANNING SOLUTIONS (space layout, exterior and interior decoration) The project will include: 2.1. Parameters of the building's premises in accordance with their purpose External walls of the building with ventilated curtain facades, with colored exterior finishing Pitched metal roofing, made of profile galvanized material Windows made of plastic bags, with removable external grilles, lockable from the inside. The number of windows is minimal, taking into account the requirements for illumination of production premises for the engineering systems of the pumping station, fire safety, serviced by incoming personnel Sanitary premises - for incoming maintenance and repair personnel One room for the electrical panel and control room The outer and inner surface of the walls of the underground part of the pumping station with reinforced, special injection, penetrating waterproofing Finishing of building structures inside the underground part of the pumping station, taking into account changes in temperature and humidity parameters Tiling the walls of the underground part of the pumping station to a height of 2.0 m from the floor Self-leveling floors, impact-resistant, for industrial purposes, having a hygienic certificate and approval of fire protection services Interior decoration of premises in accordance with their purpose. 3. TECHNOLOGICAL AND TECHNICAL SOLUTIONS, EQUIPMENT, PIPELINES 3.1. For a pumping station, category I of power supply reliability according to the PUE should be accepted. The choice of the type of pumps and the number of working units should be made on the basis of calculations of the joint operation of pumps, water pipelines, networks, control tanks, daily and hourly water consumption schedules, fire extinguishing conditions, the order of commissioning of the facility. When choosing type of pumping units, it is necessary to ensure the minimum amount of excess pressure developed by the pumps in all operating modes, through the use of control tanks, regulation of the speed, changing the number and types of pumps. 18

19 3.4. In pumping stations for a group of pumps for the same purpose, supplying water to the same network or water pipelines, the number of backup units should be taken in accordance with the joint venture. The number of pumping units should be at least two. The elevation of the pump axis should be determined from the condition of installing the pump casing under the bay. In pumping stations combined fire-fighting high-pressure water pipelines or when installing only fire pumps, one reserve fire unit should be provided, regardless of the number of working units. To increase the productivity of buried pumping stations up to %, it should be possible to replace pumps with higher capacity or install reserve foundations for installing additional pumps When determining the level pump axes should take into account the permissible vacuum suction height (from the calculated minimum water level) or the required head on the suction side required by the manufacturer, as well as the pressure loss in the suction pipeline, temperature conditions and barometric pressure. The floor level of the turbine rooms of underground pumping stations should be determined based on installation of pumps of greater capacity or dimensions. The number of suction lines to the pumping station, regardless of the number and groups of installed pumps, must be at least two. When one line is turned off, the rest must be designed to pass the full design flow. The number of pressure lines from pumping stations must be at least two. The placement of shut-off valves on suction and pressure pipelines must provide the possibility of replacing or repairing any of the pumps, check valves and main shut-off valves, and also checking the characteristics of the pumps without violating the requirements for the availability of water supply. The pressure line of each pump must be equipped with shut-off valves and a check valve installed between the pump and the shut-off valves. When installing mounting inserts, they should be placed between the shut-off valve and the check valve. Shut-off valves should be installed on the suction lines of each pump for pumps located under the fill or connected to a common suction manifold. 19

20 3.14. The diameter of pipes, fittings and fittings should be taken on the basis of a technical and economic calculation based on the speed of water movement. The dimensions of the machine room of the pumping station should be determined taking into account the following requirements: When determining the area of ​​production premises, the width of passages should be taken at least: - between pumps or electric motors - 1m; - between pumps or electric motors and the wall in recessed rooms - 0.7 m, in others - 1 m, while the width of the passage on the electric motor side must be sufficient to dismantle the rotor; - between compressors or blowers - 1.5 m, between them and the wall - 1 m; - between fixed protruding parts of equipment - 0.7 m; - in front of the electrical distribution panel - 2m. Notes: 1. Passages around the equipment, regulated by the manufacturer, should be taken according to the passport data. 2. For units with a discharge pipe diameter of up to 100 mm inclusive, the following is allowed: - installation of units against a wall or on brackets; - installation of two units on the same foundation with a distance between the protruding parts of the units of at least 0.25 m with provision of passages around the double installation with a width of at least 0.7 m. For the operation of technological equipment, fittings and pipelines in the premises, lifting and transport equipment must be provided, in this case, as a rule, the following should be taken: - with a load weight of up to 5 tons - a manual hoist or a manual overhead crane; - with a cargo weight of more than 5 tons - a manual overhead crane; - when lifting a load to a height of more than 6 m or with a crane runway length of more than 18 m - electric crane equipment. To move equipment and fittings weighing up to 0.3 tons, the use of rigging equipment is allowed. An installation site must be provided in rooms with crane equipment. Delivery of equipment and fittings to the installation site should be carried out using rigging equipment or a hoist on a monorail leaving the building, and in justified cases - by vehicles. Around the equipment or vehicle installed on the installation site in the crane equipment service area, 20

21 passages with a width of at least 0.7 m. The dimensions of gates or doors should be determined based on the dimensions of the equipment or vehicle with cargo. The load capacity of crane equipment should be determined based on the maximum weight of the cargo or equipment being moved, taking into account the requirements of equipment manufacturers for the conditions of its transportation. In the absence of manufacturer requirements for transporting equipment only in assembled form, the crane’s lifting capacity can be determined based on the part or piece of equipment that has the maximum weight. Note: The increase in weight and dimensions of the equipment should be taken into account in cases of its intended replacement with a more powerful one. Determination of the height of premises (from the level of the installation site to the bottom of the floor beams) with lifting and transport equipment, and the installation of cranes should be carried out in accordance with the "Rules for construction and safety operation of lifting cranes. In the absence of lifting and transport equipment, the height of the premises should be taken in accordance with SP. If the height to the service and control points of equipment, electric drives and flywheels of valves (gates) is more than 1.4 m from the floor, platforms or bridges should be provided, while the height to the service and control points from the platform or bridge should not exceed 1m. It is allowed to provide for the widening of equipment foundations. Installation of equipment and fittings under the installation site or service areas is allowed if the height from the floor (or bridge) to the bottom of the protruding structures is at least 1.8 m. In this case, a removable platform covering or openings should be provided above the equipment and fittings. Pipelines in buildings and structures should be laid above the floor surface (on supports or brackets) with bridges installed over the pipelines and ensuring access and maintenance of equipment and fittings. It is allowed to lay pipelines in channels covered with removable slabs or in basements. The dimensions of the pipeline channels should be taken: - for pipe diameters up to 400 mm - width 600 mm, depth 400 mm greater than the diameter; - for pipes with a diameter of 500 mm and above - the width is 800 mm, the depth is 600 mm greater than the diameter. Where flange fittings are installed, the channel should be widened. The slope of the channel bottom to the pit should be taken to be at least 0,

22 Suction and pressure manifolds with shut-off valves should be located in the pumping station building, if this does not cause an increase in the span of the turbine room. The shut-off and control valves used must comply with the approved “Technical Requirements” (Appendix 2.4). Gate valves (butterfly valves) on pipelines of any diameter with remote or automatic control must be electrically driven. Connection of detachable pipeline fittings and shut-off control valves should be provided on hardware (bolts, studs) made of stainless steel grade 12X18N10T or carbon steel with thermal diffusion zinc coating ( TDC) (Appendix 5, 6). Hardware made of carbon steel with galvanic galvanization may be used for pipe diameters less than 50 mm (Appendix 7) The material of pipes for pressure and suction lines outside the machine room must comply with the approved “Technical requirements for the use of pipes and materials for the construction and reconstruction of drinking water supply pipelines at JSC facilities "Mosvodokanal" (Appendix 1). All pipe and coating materials used for water supply networks must undergo additional tests for the general toxic effect of constituent components that can diffuse into water in concentrations hazardous to public health and lead to allergenic, skin irritating, mutagenic and other negative effects on humans. Pipelines in pumping stations, as a rule, should be made of welded steel pipes (up to 500 mm steel grade St20, with a diameter of 500 mm or more steel grade 17G1S) using flanges for connection to fittings and pumps. Pumping stations must be equipped with a fire alarm. The internal fire water supply system is designed in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documents, depending on the dimensions of the building. In pumping stations at water intake wells, fire-fighting water supply is not provided. The suction pipeline, as a rule, must have a continuous rise to the pump of at least 0.005. In places where the diameters of pipelines change, eccentric transitions should be used. In buried and semi-buried pumping stations, measures must be taken against possible flooding of units in the event of an accident within the machine room on the largest pump in terms of productivity, as well as shut-off valves or pipelines by: 22

23 - location of electric motors of pumps at a height of at least 0.5 m from the floor of the turbine room; - gravity release of an emergency amount of water into the sewer or onto the surface of the earth with the installation of a valve or gate valve; - pumping water out of the pit using drainage or emergency pumps. If it is necessary to install emergency pumps, their performance should be determined from the condition of pumping water from the turbine room with a layer of 0.5 m for no more than 2 hours and one backup unit should be provided. For water drainage, the floors and channels of the turbine room should be designed with a slope towards the collection pit. On the foundations for pumps, sides, grooves and tubes for drainage of water should be provided. If it is impossible to drain water by gravity from the pit, drainage pumps should be provided. In the pumping station, regardless of the degree of automation, a sanitary unit (toilet and sink), a room and a locker for storing the clothes of the operating personnel (the repair crew on duty) should be provided. When the pumping station is located at a distance of no more than 50 m from industrial buildings with sanitary facilities, it is allowed not to provide a sanitary unit. In pumping stations above water intake wells, a sanitary facility should not be provided. In a separately located pumping station, a separate room should be provided for minor repairs. In pumping stations, provision should be made for the installation of control and measuring equipment in accordance with the following instructions: In pumping stations, pressure measurement in pressure pumps should be provided water conduits and at each pumping unit, water flow rates in pressure water conduits, as well as monitoring the water level in drainage pits, the temperature of unit bearings (if necessary), monitoring vibration, emergency flooding levels (the appearance of water in the machine room at the level of the foundations of electric drives). When the power of the pumping unit is 100 kW or more, it is necessary to provide for periodic determination of the efficiency factor with an error of no more than 3%. Pumping stations for all purposes should be designed, as a rule, with control without permanent maintenance personnel: - automatic - depending on technological parameters (water level in containers, pressure or water flow in the network); - remote (telemechanical) - from the control point; - local - periodically visiting personnel with the transmission of the necessary signals to the control point or point with the constant presence of maintenance; 23

24 living staff. With automatic or remote (telemechanical) control, local control must also be provided. For pumping stations with variable operating modes, it must be possible to regulate the pressure and water flow, ensuring minimal energy consumption. Regulation can be carried out stepwise - by changing the number of operating pumping units or smoothly - by changing the rotation speed of the pumps, the degree of opening of the control valves and other methods, as well as a combination of these methods. As a rule, one pumping unit in a group of 2-3 working units should be equipped with an adjustable electric drive . Control of an adjustable electric drive should, as a rule, be carried out automatically depending on the pressure at the dictating points of the network (or at the collector of the pumping station), the flow of water supplied to the network, and the water level in the tanks. The mathematical support (algorithms) for controlling an adjustable electric drive should provide for trouble-free operation of the automated control system in the event of malfunctions of sensors and instrumentation, failures of equipment, electric drives and air defense systems, lack of communication with the control object, loss and subsequent restoration of power supply through the feeders, taking into account possible “distortion” of phases, flooding of the turbine hall In automated pumping stations, in the event of an emergency shutdown of working pumping units, the backup unit should be automatically switched on. When automatically switching on the backup unit, do not allow a sharp change in pressure on the suction and pressure pipelines to prevent water hammer. In pumping stations, self-starting of pumping units should not be provided or their automatic switching on at time intervals if simultaneous self-starting is impossible due to power supply conditions. In pumping stations, blocking should be provided, excluding the discharge of water in reservoirs below the minimum level. Pumping stations must provide for automation of the following auxiliary processes: adjustment by time or level difference, pumping of drainage water according to water levels in the pit, heating according to the air temperature in the room, as well as ventilation. When frequency control of the performance of pumping units to prevent deterioration in the quality parameters of the energy supply, increase in electromagnetic background and interference. Pumping stations should, if necessary, be provided with reservoirs, the capacity of which includes control, fire and emergency volumes of water. 24

25 3.27. The number of tanks must be at least two. In all tanks, the lowest and highest water levels should be at the same levels, respectively. When one tank is turned off, at least 50% of the fire and emergency volumes of water must be stored in the others. The equipment of the tanks must ensure the possibility of independent switching on and emptying of each tank. The tanks must ensure water exchange within a period of no more than 48 hours. The tanks and their equipment must be protected from water freezing. The tanks are equipped with inlet and outlet pipelines, an overflow device, a drain pipeline, a ventilation device, and ladders. , manholes. Devices are provided for measuring the water level, monitoring vacuum and pressure, a flushing water supply, a device for cleaning incoming air, skylights with a diameter of 300 mm, a manhole, stairs (made of stainless steel) for lowering into the RPV. Underground RPVs should be designed from monolithic reinforced concrete, above-ground ones from stainless steel with electric heating and insulation. 4. DESIGN SOLUTIONS, UNDERGROUND AND ABOVE PART OF BUILDINGS, BEARING AND ENCLOSING STRUCTURES (ceilings, partitions, stairs, roofing) The project will include: 4.1. Constructing the underground part of the pumping station from monolithic reinforced concrete, using concrete grade no less than VZ5W Entrance doors, gates to the pumping station building are metal, insulated Doors to all rooms of engineering systems inside the pumping station Metal stairs for descending into the underground part of the pumping station, at an angle no more than 45 degrees Metal stairs, fences, platforms, ceilings of openings, metal frames in openings of building structures, shutters should be made of stainless materials The top of the chambers, not on the roadway, is at least 20 cm above the layout, the dimensions of the openings in the ceilings of the chambers allowing for lowering submersible pumps in it. In the chambers there are embedded parts, metal structures made of stainless materials. The covers on the chamber hatches are double, with a locking device. 25

26 4.8. The specifications for engineering systems include standard fastenings of process pipelines, communications, and equipment for engineering systems. 5. ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS The project will provide: 5.1. Power supply from 2 independent sources. To ensure uninterrupted operation of emergency pumps (pumping means) - an independent power source based on a diesel generator set, with a power sufficient to ensure reliable operation of the pumping station, with automatic activation in the event of a complete power outage from the external power supply. Low voltage panels with input and sectional circuit breakers and ATS (automatic transfer switch) device for sectional and backup power supply Control, automation, protection cabinets, junction boxes, all switching equipment, lighting devices outside the flood zone, at a level not lower than Compact cabinets of electrical panel equipment, RTZO (process shut-off regulation equipment) Application of all cables and wires with copper conductors, cables from control cabinets to pumping units without couplings Degree of protection of electrical cables, wiring, control systems, automation, lighting, cabinets, instrumentation (instrumentation) in accordance with temperature conditions and humidity premises Local, remote, telecontrol of technological equipment, gates, gate valves. If possible, use digitally controlled ZPA electric drives (Profibus DP, Modbus PRU on the RS485 physical standard). When designing new automatic control systems, use only proven and well-proven equipment at the facilities of Mosvodokanal OJSC Lightning protection of the pumping station Separate cabinet for connecting to RU 0.4 of a mobile diesel generator unit (DGU), standard connection points for portable, mobile electrical equipment, operational and safe lighting In power supply systems, energy-saving technologies and equipment Energy-saving lamps in a moisture-proof design for internal lighting in production departments. 26

27 5.12. Stationary lamps with emergency power supply units, in a waterproof design, with automatic switching on for internal, emergency lighting, use Control systems, automation, lighting, metering of consumed electricity, with output to the "Automated control system for electricity metering" (ASKUE) Automated dispatch and control system for the pumping station station, valves with output to ASDKUV information about the status and switching, outages in power supply systems, control, protection, automation via a fiber-optic communication line to the control room of the pumping station. The grounding circuit and the quality of the power supply must satisfy the specifications and requirements of manufacturers of automated process control systems, instrumentation and fire protection systems and video surveillance systems. 6. AUTOMATION AND DISPATCHING All work on facility automation is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Automated Process Control and System Management Department, formulated in the project development assignment, or technical specifications or technical specifications issued at the request of the designers. A typical automation project provides for: 6.1. Full automation of the control mode (local from a local console or control panel; automatic control from a controller with setting control modes from control centers; remote telecontrol through a controller from any of the control points: Pumping Station Services (SNS), Central Dispatch Control (CDC), Dispatch Room area of ​​the water supply network) Projects should include programming of controllers at facilities, organization of data transfer to SCADA, development of SCADA mnemonic diagrams, collection of parameters into a database of the history of technological processes and other necessary work to ensure automation of facility management Programmable controllers, remote control cabinets, instruments and tools monitoring and control must be powered by the first special category of power supply in accordance with the Electrical Installation Regulations (from two independent sources via an automatic transfer switch) and equipped with on-line backup power supply units that ensure operation of automation equipment for at least 2 hours when the pumping station is completely de-energized Automation cabinets, controllers , instruments and controls must be made in a protected design, degree of protection 27

28 not lower than IP-55. In the area of ​​possible flooding in a sealed design. It must be ensured that the temperature and humidity operating conditions of the automation (air conditioning/heating and ventilation) are observed, depending on the passport requirements for the installed automation equipment. It is recommended to use hydrostatic level meters to control levels and electromagnetic water flow meters to control flow. The devices must be equipped with a digital output, as well as an analogue output of 4-20 mA. At the NS, it is required to provide an audible alarm when alarms are triggered, output to the controller and transmission of information from protection devices RKZ (protection monitoring relays) and their display in the control room of the SNS and Central Control Room B Depending on the terms of reference, a complex of technical security systems for the facility is provided: security alarm, automatic access control, security fire alarm, video surveillance, local warning system, security video surveillance system for the perimeter of the facility territory and internal premises of the facility, using digital systems for receiving, processing, transmitting video information, archives storage of video information intended for storing recordings from all video cameras, maintained around the clock, with a picture quality of at least 25 frames per second; an alarm system with output to the central console of private security at the Central Internal Affairs Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs; a security alarm system for buildings and structures located on the territory of the facility, installed using individual devices, sensors and communication lines from fire automatic systems. The security alarm system must include at least 2 security lines, using sensors based on different physical principles of operation (for example: the perimeter of the building, windows, doors, etc. using QMS sensors or acoustic glass break sensors and the volume of all internal premises using IR sensors). Output of information to the security room, a fire automatic system, in accordance with the joint venture, an automated access control system, using blocking devices for both people passing through the facility and for transport, recognition of human biometric parameters and reading and determining license plates and brands of cars, restricting passage into buildings and structures on site in accordance with official needs, communication with the main ASKD servers located in the administrative building at the address: Pleteshkovsky lane, d local warning system, including equipment for receiving wired 3-channel radio, distribution equipment and support - 28

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Mosvodokanal is one of the most demanding water utilities in Russia. It is one of the first to introduce new technologies and high demands on the quality of the materials and equipment used, which it accepts on its balance sheet. High requirements for water quality and pipeline service life force Mosvodokanal to tighten its requirements for including materials and equipment in project documentation. Only reliability and only high quality.
In this publication, we will tell you what requirements Mosvodokanal puts forward for pipeline shut-off valves, namely, for cast iron valves with a non-retractable spindle and a rubber-coated wedge, used in Moscow water supply networks. Our company has extensive experience in cooperation with developers in the Moscow region. Since 2001, we have been following all trends and changes. We carry out a strict selection of the products offered in our assortment list. The valves supplied by our company fully comply with all the stated requirements of Mosvodokanal. The entire range can be found in the catalog section, or by requesting information from our managers by phone or by mail.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with an excerpt from the Technical Requirements of Mosvodokanal dedicated to cast iron valves:

They are used as a shut-off device on pipelines to block the flow of the working medium.

  1. Classification, main parameters valves used in drinking and technical water supply networks, or installed on pipelines transporting wastewater, must comply with the requirements of GOST 5762-2002:

Gate type: wedge, the design of which, when fully open, should not reduce the flow area of ​​the gate valve;

Spindle type: non-retractable;

Type of seal of moving elements (spindle seal):

  • O-rings (seals) made of EPDM elastomer (drinking water) or NBR (waste and process water) – for valves with rubber wedge;
  • PTFE seal (stuffing box) as a basic option or O-rings (stuffing boxes) made of elastomer (EPDM and NBR) upon customer request – for valves with wedge/body seal – metal/metal.

Flange seal type: EPDM (for drinking water), NBR (for sewage).

The degree of tightness of the shut-off valves must correspond to class A according to GOST 9544-2015 and be reflected in the questionnaire;

Type of connection to the pipeline: flange. The design, dimensions and general technical requirements for flanges must comply with GOST 33259-2015. Supply of counter flanges is carried out at the customer's request. Also, at the customer's request during justification, valves are supplied for welding, with coupling, trunnion, or union connections;

Type of design of the flow part of the body: full bore section;

Drive type: with manual control, with electric drive (delivery of drives at the customer’s request), with hydraulic drive or pneumatic drive (at the customer’s request upon justification);

The maximum torque on the valve flywheel is not more than M max = 1xD y (N m);

Installation position of the valve: horizontal on a vertical pipeline, vertical with the drive up on a horizontal pipeline;

The distinctive color is blue-blue.

The manually operated gate valve is supplied complete with a steering wheel (please indicate in the questionnaire).

Type of main connector "body - cover": bolted or solid body design.

  1. Conditional passages(nominal dimensions) DN - according to GOST 28338-89. The flow area must correspond to DN.
  2. Nominal pressures - PN2.5 kgf/cm2, PN10 kgf/cm2, PN 16 kgf/cm2 according to GOST 26349-84.
  3. Security requirements– in accordance with GOST 12.2.063-2015 and “Technical Regulations on the Safety of Machinery and Equipment” TR TS 010/2011, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 18, 2011 No. 823.
  4. Construction length of the hull:

Wide – row 1 according to GOST 3706-93, series 15 according to EN558.

Medium - row 2 according to GOST 3706-93, series 3 according to EN 558.

Narrow - row 3 according to GOST 3706-93, series 14 according to EN 558.

  1. Accommodation categories: open air, chambers and wells with high humidity, in the ground, in enclosed spaces (nominal values ​​of climatic factors according to GOST 15150 for UHL 5 conditions, at ambient temperatures from 0 to 40 o C). At the customer's request, a valve with an electric drive (hydraulic drive, pneumatic drive) with a maximum moisture and dust protection rating of IP68 is supplied. The valves can be ordered in a version for non-drain installation.
  2. Working environment: drinking water, process water, sewage.
  3. Body and cover material– high-strength cast iron with nodular graphite ductile iron(grades not lower than VCh-40 according to GOST 7293-85), other material (at the customer’s request upon justification).
  4. Wedge material– high-strength cast iron with nodular graphite VChShG (not lower than VCh-40 according to GOST 7293-85). For potable water and industrial water, the wedge should be covered with a vulcanized EPDM elastomer (with the appropriate sanitary and epidemiological permits). For domestic wastewater, use a wedge/body seal - metal/metal, metal seal material - bronze/bronze, stainless steel/stainless steel).
  5. Spindle material- stainless steel. Spindle nut: for drinking water - brass or bronze, for domestic waste water - bronze, grade not lower than BrAZh9-4 (specify in the questionnaire).
  6. Anti-corrosion coating housings and covers (internal and external), eliminating corrosion during the entire service life of the product. Coating characteristics: epoxy powder coating, layer thickness of at least 250 microns, absence of pores, high adhesion to metal (at least 12N/mm2), smooth surface (enamel coating of the body and lid can be provided when justifying the order).
  7. Hardware products(bolts, nuts, washers, studs) – carbon steel with thermal diffusion zinc coating, stainless steel.
  8. Marking on the product must comply with the requirements of GOST 4666-2015 and contain the following information: name of the product and (or) designation of the series or type, serial number of the product, name of the manufacturer and (or) its registered trademark, case material, nominal operating pressure, nominal diameter , date of manufacture, compliance standard number. Markings are applied by casting on the front and/or back side of the case. It is allowed to put some information on a plate securely attached to the body. Signs are not allowed on the tag. All markings must be repeated and explained in the operating documentation for the valve.

At the customer's request, indicate on the steering wheel an arrow with the direction of closing and opening the valve.

  1. Packaging, transportation and storage. The packaging must ensure the safety of the valves during transportation and storage. Transport vehicles - boxes in accordance with GOST 2991, GOST 9142, GOST 10198. Marking of transport containers - in accordance with GOST 14192. Conditions for transportation and storage of valves in accordance with GOST 15150. Method of fastening valves in a vehicle - at the discretion of the manufacturer. Valves are transported by all types of transport in accordance with the rules of cargo transportation. In this case, the manufacturer or supplier must provide installation and fastening that eliminates the possibility of mechanical damage and contamination of the internal surfaces of the valves and sealing surfaces of the flanges. It is allowed to transport valves in packages in accordance with GOST 26663. It is allowed to transport valves with the mating flanges removed, placing them together with fasteners in a common container with the valve. The actuator must be installed on the valve and adjusted at the factory.
  2. Life time valves - at least 50 years.
  3. Warranty period valves 10 years or 2500 opening/closing cycles (for valves with electric drive, hydraulic drive, pneumatic drive) and 250 opening/closing cycles (for manually operated valves) without maintenance. Confirmation of warranty - provision of a letter of guarantee from the manufacturer signed by an authorized person and stamped by the manufacturer.
  4. The quality control system of the manufacturing enterprise must be certified according to the QMS ISO 9001 in relation to the production of the supplied products, for which the manufacturer must submit a certificate from an accredited organization indicating the exact name of the plant and its address. Serially produced valves must undergo acceptance, periodic, qualification, certification, and type tests at the manufacturing plant in accordance with GOST R 53402-2009 "Pipeline fittings. Methods of control and testing." For foreign-made wedge valves, the supplier must provide factory test reports with a list of serial numbers of the supplied products.
  5. A domestic or foreign-made engine must have a certificate of conformity, a sanitary and hygienic conclusion or a certificate of state registration and an expert opinion on the product’s compliance with the uniform sanitary, epidemiological and hygienic requirements for goods.
  6. The slider and components must be accompanied by a passport, technical description and operating instructions in Russian. The information on the label is repeated and explained in the instructions. In addition, the instructions specify requirements for ensuring the safety of equipment
    during transportation and storage, for packaging, for preservation.
  7. Before the start of bidding, the offered products must undergo preliminary incoming inspection to assess their quality for compliance with the technical requirements of Mosvodokanal JSC.

Potential bidders must provide:

  • passport data with technical characteristics, general view drawings of the product indicating the complete configuration and list of materials used in the design (for foreign-made goods in Russian);
  • certificates of conformity, sanitary and hygienic conclusions or certificate of state registration and expert opinion on compliance

products to uniform sanitary-epidemiological and hygienic requirements for goods;

  • a letter from the manufacturer confirming the warranty period and service life of the fittings in accordance with paragraphs. 15 and 16 technical requirements (for foreign-made goods in Russian);
  • for foreign-made goods, certificates of compliance with international standards issued by accredited independent organizations in accordance with clauses 17, 18 of the Technical Requirements;
  • for goods of foreign or non-own production, authorization of a potential tender participant from the manufacturer for the supply of goods (certificate of a dealer, official representative or other authority);
  • The Customer's specialists have the right to visit factories and familiarize themselves with the conditions for organizing production and quality control of products.
  1. By prior agreement, it is possible to conduct an on-site inspection of the manufacturing plant, carried out by specialists from Mosvodokanal JSC, to determine the possibility of manufacturing high-quality products that meet technical requirements.
  2. Valves installed on pipelines of chemical reagents, aeration systems, etc., at the customer’s request, are made of other materials that are resistant to the media used (as reflected in the questionnaire).