How to make lye from ash. Wood ash: cleanses, heals, fertilizes. Using ready-made lye

Lye is an excellent natural remedy that our ancestors used.

It can be used for laundry, hair, body and dishes.

This is an environmentally friendly product - it contains no preservatives, no chemicals, or all those harmful substances that are found in large quantities in modern products - it not only does not pollute the environment, but is also very useful - for example, it is good to water the garden with the used lye.

Lye is prepared from the ash. Of course, it’s more convenient to do this in your own home, but you can also do it in an apartment - borrow from friends or at the dacha.


Fill a third of an enameled bucket with wood ash (namely wood ash, not combustion products of household waste. They say that the ash of deciduous trees “works better” than that of coniferous trees. Especially the ash of birch and alder).

Fill the ash with water to the top of the bucket, remove any large particles that float up. Then there are options.

Let the ash steep in water for 3 days (preparing lye using a cold method).

Boil the resulting mixture until it becomes soapy to the touch and almost transparent (to check readiness, you can pour a little water from a bucket and evaluate its properties). The lye cooking time can be about an hour, maybe more.

Let the resulting mixture settle, then carefully drain the “water” so that no ash gets in - this is lye!

The lye must be diluted with water 1 to 10 or even more! Otherwise, you can ruin both your skin and clothes!

Lye is also useful for oral administration for various diseases, for example, flatulence, stomach colic, increased acidity of gastric juice, and especially for poisoning with berries and bacterial toxins, and also promotes the accelerated removal of radioactive isotopes from the body.

Ash can also be used to bleach laundry: boil it and add a bag of wood ash. At the same time, the lye will be prepared. There is an opinion that with this method of bleaching, the laundry not only does not deteriorate (as far as this is possible in principle when boiling), but even becomes even stronger! (from the book “Russian Stove” by G. Ya. Fedotov).

This is such a miracle remedy!

How we were all fooled by slipping chemicals 50 years ago instead of real soap, which has been used for washing from time immemorial. Soap made from ash perfectly and instantly washes the skin and head. It is a pleasure to wash with it - a feeling of extraordinary cleanliness and freshness.

Ash soap is made like this: take half a pan of ash from the stove. Add water almost to the top and boil for 30 minutes. The broth is filtered, the remaining ash is thrown into the garden. The resulting almost transparent gel is ash soap - cooled down and ready for use.

It is clear why our ancestors did not have problems with hair until they were very old, but there is not a single mention of dandruff in the chronicles.

We must break out of the ambush of scientific absurdity forward into the freedom of an almost forgotten natural, clean and healthy life, created so wisely that improving it only spoils it. Step by step, breakthrough by breakthrough, correction by correction. It's not evening yet, we'll break through.


When I moved into the house, I had to buy a semi-automatic washing machine (with a centrifuge). I used to do laundry in automatic machines.

That’s when I began to notice that no matter how much I put in the st. powder - it doesn’t rinse well, although I honestly rinsed things 2 times in warm water. I squeezed it out, and then in the cold... I already added a very tiny amount of powder, but it still remained on the water.

I started looking for natural powders. I realized that modern powders contain strong chemical properties that are toxic to humans, that even washing machines cannot withstand. They also add flavorings, which are found in both food and washing powders, and this is a slow poison. Fragrances in washing powders have a negative effect on the human reproductive system, especially on men...

I started trying several options for natural powders. She also did laundry. soap, and soap nuts and lye, but recently I started using soda ash.

Nuts are an expensive pleasure and not everyone washes them.

Laundry soap goes away quickly...

I decided to try with ash...

I live in a house with stove heating.

I want to say that, of course, birch ash is better. I tried non-birch ash (pine, aspen) - it’s not as soapy. Maybe it’s ineffective, but it can be washed.

I fill the enamel bucket halfway with ash. I fill it to the top with clean water.

And I set it to boil for 30-40 minutes.

I'll let it stand. You may have to wait a few days.

The photographs show the cold lye method

Then I put a colander on another bucket (plastic is possible), a towel on top and carefully strain. It can be done just like in the photo.

Don't be alarmed if the water is not clear.

You can see, as in the photograph, when the lye settles, a precipitate forms again. Don't add it to your laundry!

The bucket of ash can be refilled with clean water and boiled again for 40 minutes. I can repeat this until the water feels soapy to the touch in my hands. I usually do this 2-3 times. Then I throw the used ash into the garden.

Now, how much should you pour into the car?

At first they scared me, they say, one glass is enough for a car. It seemed to me that this was not enough. I pour half a bucket into the car (6 kg). This is about 6-8 buckets of water. I add half a piece of liquid household soap to be sure... The water feels soapy to the touch.

There is practically no foam. It rinses out perfectly. To be honest, I don’t even worry about rinsing dark clothes with warm water once. Things become soft, which means they iron well. No need to buy fabric softeners.

You can add drops of aromatic oils.

I add lye when washing dishes and hair (dilute with water). After this, the head breathes, and there are no problems with dandruff.

A friend of mine places an iron barrel with rainwater near her house. A bucket of ash is poured there. There it infuses and you can wash dishes with this water.


Synthetic detergents have so densely filled our living space that many residents of megacities, accustomed to the speed and simplicity of everyday affairs, find it difficult to even imagine how people used to get by without these chemicals and were much healthier and more beautiful. Meanwhile, wood ash was a universal, environmentally friendly detergent in the recent past.

Lye was made from the ash and used to soften water, bleach fabrics, disinfect linen, wash plank floors white, and use it as a liquid shampoo-rinse that made hair soft and voluminous. The value of using lye is not only in the ease of its production and use, but also in its environmental friendliness. Lye is useful for plants as a good fertilizer and soil deoxidizer.

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Kirill Sysoev

Calloused hands never get bored!


It’s hard to imagine modern life without chemicals to maintain cleanliness and disinfection. In addition to harmful cleaning solutions and washing powders, there is a purer substance that is environmentally friendly, hypoallergenic and harmless when used correctly. This is natural lye. In urban environments, rarely will anyone use this substance, but on a hike or at the dacha, you can try the technique - at the same time, it will be easier to understand how our ancestors maintained hygiene.

What is lye

The name of such a class of chemical compounds as alkalis comes from this word. Lye is a natural substance obtained from a decoction or infusion of wood ash. To use it on the farm, it must be diluted with water. This substance consists of sodium carbonates (soda, soda lye) and potassium (potash) and has a strong alkaline reaction. To make it, you need to use the ash of deciduous trees: aspen, oak, birch. There will be a lot of resins in the ash of coniferous plants, which may interfere with washing or cleaning anything.

How concentrated the lye will be depends on the type of wood from which the coals remain. More substances are obtained from herbaceous plants than from woody plants. Potassium predominates in the ash of young plants, while older plants contain more calcium. Climate, soil and nutrients affect the composition of combustion products. The most potassium, about 30%, can actually be obtained by burning buckwheat straw and sunflower stems. Birch ash contains up to 15% potassium.


Ash lye was a readily available cleaning agent for which no alternative previously existed. It was used for household needs as a broad-spectrum cleaning agent. The lye solution is suitable for bathing, shampooing, washing, bleaching clothes, soaking leather before tanning, washing dishes, disinfecting floors, and for some medical purposes.

For example, our ancestors used this substance internally to reduce acidity, for poisoning, bloating, gastrointestinal disorders, and used it as an antiseptic. Soap made from ash instantly cleanses the skin and gives a feeling of natural freshness. Tooth powder was also made from it - crushed powder from birch ash, which strengthened the enamel, whitened teeth, and kept them healthy until old age. Nowadays, liquid soap is produced from soda lye, and solid soap is produced from potassium lye.

Use instead of soap and shampoo

Natural fabrics that were boiled in an alkaline solution (1:10) became stronger, the linen lasted longer and wore out less. If you wash clothes made of flax, hemp or nettle with a high concentration of this substance, then it will lose its properties and will quickly deteriorate. Artists used to bleach canvases with this solution. Lye, diluted with a decoction of medicinal herbs, was used for bathing and washing hair as liquid soap, shower gel or shampoo. Natural hygiene products contributed to the natural cleanliness of the body and healthy hair.

Our ancestors did not have allergic skin rashes caused by caustic chemicals, they did not know what dandruff was, and gray hair came in its proper time. Application:

  1. Birch ash is best suited for washing and strengthening scalp hair, and a substance made from burnt hazel can completely rid a person of hair.
  2. For bathing, wet the body with a suitable lye (up to 2 liters of solution), and for rinsing, take 10 liters of water.
  3. Do not leave the substance on the surface of the skin for a long time.
  4. It is necessary to wash well, avoiding contact of the composition with the eyes and mucous membranes.

Washing greasy dishes

Our grandmothers dealt with it using soda, mustard powder or lye. The plates were really clean and safe for human health, although it was necessary to devote more time to this household task. I have to wash dishes every day. Detergents are a product of the chemical industry and are not completely washed off from a degreased surface.

Until now, some families clean dishes using soda or lye. Modern highly foaming detergents, although they eliminate fat even in cold water, contribute to the development of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and cancer cells. Our ancestors washed dishes with an alkaline solution (1:10) or undiluted lye. You can clean dishes from grease using wood ash - when mixed with grease, it forms unrefined soap. This process is very simple, let's look at it in more detail:

  • If the dishes are almost not greasy, add a couple of drops of butter or a little margarine.
  • Pour the ash into the pan, pour in the liquid to form a paste-like consistency.
  • Warm up the container.
  • Thanks to the hot water, a chemical reaction occurs, after which potassium salt is formed from wood ash.
  • When it mixes with fatty substances, it forms a kind of soap that will clean your dishes.
  • After the contents of the pan have cooled, you need to spread the resulting paste on the walls.
  • Rinse the container with clean water.

What happens if you drink lye

It is worth considering that the substance is chemically aggressive. Undiluted lye if it gets into the eyes and mucous membranes causes burns, especially since its ingestion can burn internal organs; the concentrate is dangerous for the human body. A lye solution in the correct concentration is not only safe, but also useful both in everyday life and as traditional medicine. The benefits of this substance are provided by ash, a valuable starting product.

As a healing agent, it was often used in combination with salt. For example, for throat diseases, a pinch of salt and a pinch of ash were mixed and thoroughly ground until a homogeneous mixture was obtained. Then they wet their finger in water, touched the powder with it and applied these particles to the diseased tonsils. The procedure was repeated several times, and the inflammation was relieved.

The type of wood used for treatment plays an important role, since each type of wood has its own properties:

Do not drink ash with water, as it can burn your mouth due to its alkaline properties. When taking it, it is forbidden to eat all sweets, honey and fruits. Alkaline water can quickly quench your thirst. To do this, you need to pour half a glass of ash into a linen bag and rinse it well with water. Dilute the remaining amount of ash, for example, a quarter glass, into 2 liters of water. Then let it brew for a day, dilute it with boiled water 1:3 and drink.

Cold preparation of lye

Pour wood ash without synthetic impurities into the prepared container, two-thirds of the volume. Prepare warm water and add it to the bowl almost to the top. Next you need:

  • Stir the resulting solution, wait until large wood particles float to the surface, and throw them in the trash;
  • Place the container in the sun or closer to the fire, stir the contents near the fire at least once an hour.
  • Approximately 2 hours before the ready time, you must stop stirring the solution so that the precipitate has time to settle.
  • Infuse the liquid for up to three days. According to the experience of travelers, to obtain the required concentration of lye, you need to mix the solution in the evening and leave it by the fire. In the morning, place the container in the sun, and by lunchtime the ash detergent will be ready.
  • When the solid particles settle to the bottom, a yellowish, soapy-to-touch, transparent detergent made from ash, called lye, will remain in the upper part of the dish, called lye (if there is no yellowness and the liquid is not soapy, the infusion process must be continued).

Soap made from ash perfectly and instantly washes the skin and hair; washing with it is a pleasure - a feeling of extraordinary cleanliness and freshness.

Ash soap

Soap made from ash perfectly and instantly washes the skin and hair; washing with it is a pleasure - a feeling of extraordinary cleanliness and freshness. sti.

This is how ash soap is made: half a pan is collected from the stove. Add water almost to the top and boil for 30 minutes. The broth is filtered, the remaining ash goes to the garden.

The resulting almost transparent gel is ash soap - it has cooled down and is ready for use.

To make the soap completely natural, the lye obtained industrially and purchased in the store can be replaced with homemade lye.

Lye is a solution of ash in water. To get everything right, it is recommended to use wood ash. And only deciduous trees. Conifers contain resins and are not suitable for making soap.

Wash and wash with lye. It would be more accurate to say that our great-great-grandmothers and great-great-grandfathers did all this. Now only people who run away from civilization and organize eco-villages do such miracles.

In principle, preparing lye is not so difficult, or rather, it is not at all difficult.
There are two ways to obtain this substance: cold and hot. The most hassle-free, of course, cold method. But lye is obtained faster if it is extracted using the hot method.

How to make lye from ash?

To do this, the ash should be sifted to rid it of dirt, large pieces of debris and excess impurities. The proportion will be 2/3 parts ash + 1/3 parts water.

Pour the ash into a bucket and fill it with water. This mixture should not be touched (stirred) for 3 days. During this time, the mixture will separate and lye will appear on top, and the ash will settle to the bottom.

With the hot method, the mixture of water and ash is boiled for 2-3 hours, and then settled and also filtered. But safer!!! still a cold method

The lye is poured into another container, while simultaneously filtering if necessary. This liquid will feel soapy and very concentrated to the touch. It is recommended to dilute the lye 1/10 if you plan to use it for washing.

Lye soap recipe.

Many people often ask the question: is it possible to make soap without using lye? It is possible if you use lye.

To do this, you will need 2 liters of lye per 1 kg of pork fat (you can use other fat). All this is mixed and cooked for at least 8 hours, stirring constantly. First, liquid soap will appear - “potash”. To make the usual solid soap, you should add salt, a good handful. All the dirt will float to the surface and the soap will separate. You will get the so-called sound soap. It must be caught and put into shape. After hardening, cut into pieces - and the laundry soap is ready.

If you add useful components: caring oils, glycerin, esters, etc. You can also get toilet soap.

It is clear why our ancestors did not have problems with hair until they were very old, but there is not a single mention of dandruff in the chronicles.

We must break out of the ambush of scientific absurdity forward into the freedom of an almost forgotten natural, clean and healthy life, created so wisely that improving it only spoils it.

Step by step, breakthrough by breakthrough, correction by correction. published

It's no secret that people have been using ash for household needs for a long time. They brewed lye from it and used this infusion for various purposes. So today we will look at one of these problems. This is washing your hair with ash lye.

The Internet is now replete with such information. But it’s one thing to just talk about it, and another to actually apply this method of washing your hair with lye from ash in life.

How to make lye from ash

Finding the ash was not so difficult. If you burn various branches, logs or heat a stove at your dacha, then after the combustion of all this stuff, ash will form. Of course, it differs from different types of wood, maybe in the future we will consider this issue, but now we are not talking about that.

So, the firewood is burned, there’s a whole bunch of ash, what should we do with it next? And then we need to sift it from coals, cloves and other elements we don’t need.

Then pour boiling water over this clean sifted ash and let it sit thoroughly for at least a couple of hours. All the turbidity will settle to the bottom, and the solution we need will be on the surface.

Before washing our hair, we strained it through a cloth so that nothing extra remained.
Try this solution with your hand, it is soft and slightly soapy.

But we haven’t decided on the concentration yet. Because the concentration of lye we used was not soapy enough. We have to try and experiment.
However, we used what we had.
This infusion of lye was applied to the hair, “soaped” and washed off with water.

Washing result

I must say that it was very pleasant for the head, but the washing result was not clear. In some places the hair was clean to the touch, in others it was not quite clean, a little sticky.
Hair feels completely different than after using shampoo. It’s unlikely to be conveyed in words; you’ll only understand it when you try it.

And to top off the procedure, we did head massage . Great procedure. For some people, shampoo is not even needed; a shower alone is enough.

The idea of ​​washing hair with lye from ash is interesting, we will experiment further and see what the result will be.

By the way, lye from ash is perfect for camping conditions, both for washing your hair and body, and for laundry and washing dishes.

If you are already familiar with this topic well, we will be glad to receive your advice and recommendations. Share your experience so that others can benefit as much as possible!

Let's look at how to wash your hair with rye flour V .

P.S.: We tried what it is like to wash your hair with ash lye several times. Between washing procedures, hair retains a waxy coating, and this is not always pleasant. Therefore, in non-standard conditions this method may be suitable, but in normal conditions we have abandoned it for now.

And in conclusion, we suggest watching some videos on this topic. There is something useful in this!