Development of environmental marketing in the world. Environmental marketing: prerequisites for formation and main characteristics. The importance of co-marketing of major corporations with environmental organizations for nature conservation

Marketing is a type of human activity aimed at satisfying the needs and demands of consumers through exchange.

M marketing - a set of measures aimed at identifying and analyzing factors that influence the processes of promoting goods from producers to consumers, and taking them into account in the production and marketing activities of enterprises in order to ensure conditions for long-term survival and development in the market.

Among the concepts of enterprise development, the concept of social and ethical marketing. Its essence is identifying the needs and demands of consumers and satisfying them in ways that are more effective than competitors, while simultaneously increasing the well-being of society as a whole.

The concept of social and ethical marketing is in line with the concept of sustainable development; its observance allows us to harmonize the interests of producers (profit), consumers (satisfaction of needs) and society as a whole (sustainable environmental, socio-economic development).

From this concept arose environmental marketing concept , which can be formulated this way: production and sales orientation towardssatisfaction environmentally-oriented needs and demands of consumers,CreationAndstimulation demandfor environmental goods (products or services), economicallyeffectiveand environmentallysafein production and consumption. The main categories of environmental marketing are environmental needs and environmental products that can satisfy these needs.

Under environmental needs of consumers (society as a whole) it is necessary to understand those needs, the satisfaction of which does not have an eco-destructive impact on consumers, the environment of their existence and activity and contributes to the greening of the environment.

TO environmental goods include those that are cost-effective and environmentally friendly in their production, consumption and disposal.

Home task environmental marketing is the formation of a market for environmental goods in order to resolve the contradictions between economic development and the need to preserve and improve the quality of the environment. The main directions of formation and development of the market for environmental goods in Ukraine are presented in Fig. 1.

Rice. 1. Directions for development of the market for environmental products

2. Ecological products

Ecological products should include environmentally neutral and environmentally oriented products. Ecologically neutral - goods, the production and consumption of which does not destroy the environment. Ecologically directed - goods, the production and consumption of which makes positive changes to the environment.

The production of environmental goods (products and services - environmental entrepreneurship) is developing mainly in the following areas:

    production, installation and operation of environmental (cleaning) structures;

    development and implementation of environmentally friendly technologies;

    processing, transportation and disposal of waste, disposal of toxic waste;

    trade in environmental technologies, products and waste;

    energy saving;

    conservation of land resources;

    production of environmentally friendly food;

    eco-audit and eco-expertise;

    water, air control;

    environmental lending and insurance;

    environmental advocacy and education;


    environmental medicine and professional safety;

    information Technology;

    life-preserving systems;

    maintaining the balance of ecosystems.

It should be noted that environmental goods (both products and services) are mostly new to domestic producers, i.e. innovative. Since there is a demand for them, and it is increasing, it would be unreasonable not to take advantage of this situation. In accordance with the marketing concept, the search for ideas for new products, including environmental ones, should be based, first of all, on the results of an analysis of consumer needs and requests. However, the search for innovation ideas has a certain specificity of market research.

This specificity lies in the fact that the development of innovations (especially those based on the latest achievements of science and technology, the results of fundamental research and discoveries) in many cases is associated with the creation of goods that previously simply had no analogues for the following reasons:

    the needs and demands of consumers, to satisfy which new products are intended, were previously satisfied in a completely different way (the first type of fundamentally new innovation);

    the needs that new products are designed to satisfy simply did not exist before (the second type of fundamentally new innovation).

Examples environmentalininnovations first kind can serve:

    for industrial goods - equipment and technologies for the production of artificial superhard materials instead of extracting them from nature, which leads to disruption of natural landscapes and environmental pollution;

    for consumer goods - washing vacuum cleaners, which, in addition to sucking up dust, have the function of wet cleaning, and carry it out much cleaner than the “manual” method.

Examples environmentalininnovations second kind can serve:

    for industrial goods - multimedia computer technologies for information processing, metal products with a memory effect, which, when heated, for example, by high-frequency current, are able to return to their previous form, and others;

    for consumer goods - pagers, packaging that, after use, is decomposed in an environmentally friendly way into harmless mineral substances, etc.

Naturally, traditional methods of searching for ideas for this type of environmental innovation based on an analysis of consumer needs and requests cannot be applied to innovations of the second type.

In this case, use specific methods such as:

    forecasting future needs and demands of consumers, changing the motivation of their behavior;

    situational and simulation modeling of consumer behavior in the present and future;

    analysis of trends in the development of scientific and technological progress, changes in technological, economic, social, political, cultural, legal, environmental and other components of the business environment (Ilyashenko, 1999).

Environmental marketing is the development of methods for promoting and selling safe products from an environmental point of view. One of the goals of environmental marketing is to ensure equality of interests in environmental protection and economic components. I will list some developments in environmental marketing that have recently become quite widespread and implemented: environmental responsibility of business, environmental policy, openness of organizations and transparency of the production process, as well as environmental labeling. But few people know what they mean and what advantages they give to companies using them. But their necessity is confirmed, for example, by the fact that when preparing documents for obtaining loans from European or American partners, the economic justification takes up approximately 1/3 of their volume. Everything else is an analysis of various issues (labor safety, environmental safety, enterprise transparency, etc.) Trifonova T.A., Selivanova N.V., Ilyina M.E. Environmental management. Textbook Benefit / Vladim. state University, Vladimir, 2003. - 291 pp..

The marketing mechanism for managing environmental protection is based on the structural patterns of various market methods. Let's consider the following currently known main groups of environmental management methods:

1) administrative regulation, that is, the introduction of appropriate regulatory standards and restrictions at production enterprises, as well as the implementation of direct control and licensing of environmental management processes in accordance with the law;

2) To interest the production organization in rational environmental management with the help of economic levers and incentives (for example: fines and other economic sanctions for violations);

3) environmental taxes and a system of payments for pollution;

4) distribution of rights to pollute the environment.

These methods need to be used at various stages of the marketing mechanism affecting the environment. This impact depends on the composition of primary resources, the specifics of the production process and the environmental technologies used that generate emissions into the environment.

Payments and taxes for pollution play a special role. They represent indirect leverage and are expressed in the establishment of fees for emissions or discharges, for the use of primary resources, final products or technology, and it must correspond to the socio-economic damage from pollution or be determined by some other indicator (for example, an economic assessment of the assimilation potential of the natural environment). Pollution taxes and charges provide maximum freedom to the polluter in choosing a strategy for combining the degree of treatment and emission charges. If environmental costs are low, the manufacturing firm will significantly reduce emissions rather than pay a tax. Therefore, it is assumed that the organization can reduce them to the optimal level, when the incremental costs of additional cleaning become equal to the payment rate. Although taxes and payments are purely externally equivalent in their impact on a production organization, I will assume the need to differentiate between these two levers of the marketing mechanism. The concept of “tax” implies that, firstly, it is sent to the budget, and secondly, there are no special reasons for its introduction, other than to replenish the treasury. And when we talk about payment, it immediately means that the payer is paying for something. In this case, payment for pollution is a payment for the right to use the potential of the natural environment. The user of this resource pays for it in the same way as he pays for raw materials, transport, electricity, etc.

User payments to cover administrative costs may include fees for obtaining a permit or license, as well as other nominal payments corresponding to the amount of emissions and covering the costs of issuing permits and licenses. These charges are generally smaller than pollution charges and have a limited impact on an organization's emissions levels. Most likely, they should be considered as a license fee, which is accompanied by the issuance of a license.

Subsidies are special payments to polluting enterprises for reducing emissions into the environment. Here, the most common subsidies are investment tax credits, loans with a reduced interest rate, loan guarantees, provision of accelerated depreciation of environmental equipment, funds for regulating the prices of primary resources and final products.

If we consider that property rights to the environment belong to society as a whole, then polluting firms must bear mandatory responsibility for the damage caused. The organization that caused the damage is obliged to either compensate for it in some way, or clean up the damaged natural object, or pay compensation to the victims, or do something else. For this purpose, special documents are drawn up that establish obligations to carry out environmental protection activities against the appropriate collateral. This approach is especially effective if the number of pollutants and their victims is limited, and the size of the pollution and its composition are easy to track. It is necessary to distinguish between emergency emissions and restoration of the ecosystem after the implementation of certain activities (land reclamation).

The system of targeted reservation of funds for waste disposal (deposits) is used to create an incentive for consumers to incur additional costs. At the time of purchase of a product that predetermines future pollution, a deposit is made, which is returned with interest after waste disposal (for example, the purchase of batteries, drinks in cans, etc.) There are known cases of using this system to stimulate the recovery and disposal of used oils, recycling ozone depleting substances.

Information systems that serve to ensure completeness of information and freedom of access to it play a role similar to economic incentives. If firms provide all the information, then consumers or residents of nearby areas are notified of the extent of contamination or harmful substances in the products. Awareness (anti-advertising) leads to changes in demand for products, ensuring the reduction of pollution, the use of appropriate primary resources or types of technology.

Signs of quality management in environmental marketing are the following: ideological, managerial experience, communication and information links, as well as targeted organization of environmental activities.

Let us present marketing criteria for solving environmental problems as a comprehensive system:

1) commercial and economic mechanism;

2) social and legal mechanism;

3) marketing management mechanism;

4) regulatory and technical conditions for product development at the level of research and development work;

5) information support as an integral element of the set of marketing tools “marketing mix” (Marketing Mix);

6) structural restructuring of the “marketing chain”, including production, distribution and consumption;

7) environmental assessment (state, scientific, public, commercial).

It is important to use market methods that most contribute to the effective solution of environmental problems. As mentioned above, they include payments for natural resources (land, subsoil, water, forest and other vegetation, wildlife) and for environmental pollution (emissions, discharges, etc.), environmental taxation, and a credit mechanism in the field of environmental management , system of extra-budgetary environmental funds and banks, environmental insurance.

Within the framework of the marketing system for generating demand and stimulating sales, there are opportunities to use methods such as economic incentives for environmental protection, as well as licensing and organizing a system of contracts in the field of environmental management.

Pricing for the products of exploitative and economic industries, especially environmentally friendly products and technology, must be provided for as clearly as environmental entrepreneurship. The environmental certification system is closely related to this economic category. Its implementation will make it possible to raise the question of creating a market for environmental work, goods and services (marketing, leasing, exchanges, etc.).

The need for the active introduction of market mechanisms in organizing environmental management is suggested by the experience of the United States of America, Japan, Germany and other ordinary countries, where the so-called “bubble principle” is applied, based on the following principles: not individual elements, such as chimneys and chimneys, and the company as a whole. Within a given region, it is possible to establish general permissible standards for discharges and emissions of certain pollutants. Thus, it is assumed that enterprises are located in a single space. When establishing an environmental quality standard for a particular region, enterprises will themselves determine the values ​​of emissions and discharges.

And so, the first marketing approach makes it possible to abandon uniform technical requirements for pollution sources and allows the enterprise to choose different ways to achieve permissible emission standards. Let's say that a company decides to use effective but inexpensive methods of waste control and thanks to which it can maintain the level of pollutant emissions below the established acceptable standard. Other companies, for which waste management costs much more, may continue to pollute the environment, but within general limits. As a result, as marketing calculations show, the total costs of firms to achieve acceptable standards in the future will be less than if they achieved them on their own.

To regulate on a regional scale, the second marketing approach involves direct transactions between enterprises. It is convenient for newly formed companies or for those existing ones that are undergoing modernization. It is necessary that entrepreneurs, as compensation for environmental damage, reduce the level of pollution at one of the existing enterprises in an amount equal to the new source of environmental pollution introduced. This principle of permitting new construction is necessary when purchasing pollution rights from companies that have managed to achieve reductions in discharges or emissions beyond government standards.

If an organization has acquired these excess pollution reductions from some enterprise, then it will receive the right to excess discharge or emission of one or another pollutant. The marketing approach makes it possible to transfer market relations to the sphere of environmental management, which corresponds to the general economic strategy of the country as a whole and the regions.

The third marketing approach assumes that firms that avoid installing their own treatment equipment will have to pay part of the cost of such equipment already available at other enterprises and ensuring the level of pollution in a given region within the framework of general standards. Calculations show that such transactions, covering mainly enterprises of the same associations and companies, make it possible to use intra-company transfer of rights to environmental pollution, which will significantly expand the flexibility of large firms in the use of investment funds.

All this will give some firms the opportunity to accumulate surplus pollution reductions in order to maintain and even expand some dirty industries within their framework, without violating regional environmental requirements, since not all enterprises are able to reduce pollution levels to standards. The proposed measures will give impetus to the idea of ​​​​the emergence of unique environmental banks in some regions. Acceptance of contributions to them will occur in the form of surplus reductions in emissions and discharges of pollutants. Deposits as a kind of capital can be used not only by the depositors themselves (to expand the necessary dirty production), but also by other firms and enterprises. The latter will pay the bank in order to save resources on treatment equipment. In this way, both public and private environmental banks will appear to deposit excess pollution reductions. As a result, by fulfilling environmental requirements, it will be possible to ensure economic and social development of the regions, making maximum use of available resources.

Marketing approaches to environmental regulation will ultimately allow enterprises (firms) to modernize their own environmental management capabilities. This area will provide advanced technologies that are not possible with the command and control method, which is based on checking the compliance of each type of production equipment with state and local regulations. Marketing methods will also contribute to the development of a new ecological and economic direction of socialization of regional production, will allow for division of labor and cooperation within individual enterprises, firms and between them to achieve an acceptable level of environmental pollution in a particular region, as well as division of labor and cooperation in the production of basic products and regarding discharges and emissions.

Foreign experience has shown that the effectiveness of marketing approaches to pollution regulation is higher, the greater the ecological and economic socialization of production in the region they lead to. In particular, it turned out that the 66% level of reduction in air pollution when applying the “bubble principle” was achieved by 2 times less means than in the case of using traditional measures to control each individual source of pollution. In a marketing approach, i.e. By trading pollution allowances between enterprises, profitability can increase almost 6 times.

Marketing approaches to regulation are inevitably associated with a differentiating impact on enterprises, i.e. Environmental measures will begin to concentrate mainly on large enterprises, where their cost will be lower than on small and medium-sized ones.

Market development in Russia will lead to the fact that the activities of many organizations and firms will become very dependent on the environmental and natural resource factors of these regions. We are talking here not only about the system of taxes and payments for emissions and discharges of pollutants, about various environmental benefits and sanctions, but also about state and public environmental examinations, which are subject to pre-planning documentation, justifications, technical and economic calculations, proposals for standards, projects , production facilities themselves, their anthropogenic impact on the environment, technologies, equipment, products, waste.

It is well known from the experience of foreign companies that environmental assessments of industrial facilities under construction can cause consequences of an economic, administrative, legal and socio-political nature in various regions, both stimulating the location and development of productive forces and slowing them down. If, as a result of the identification of shortcomings by an environmental assessment, a project for the construction or reconstruction of a production facility that turns out to be harmful to the environment is corrected, then the time and resources spent on its alteration will slow down the development of industry in this region. The examination should reject environmentally hazardous projects - technologies and products.

The development and implementation of waste-free and low-waste processes, improvement of existing and creation of new treatment facilities, repurposing and significant changes in infrastructure and part of the existing economic relations of enterprises and firms - all this, naturally, will radically affect such an indicator as cost. it, in turn, affects the entire complex of economic objects, as well as the economic and social situation in the region as a whole. And the results of such impacts should be taken into account both by state structures and local governments, and by entrepreneurs when locating and developing productive forces in certain regions of the Russian Federation.

Scientific and economic development of organizational and methodological foundations and specific computing tools includes:

1) isolating individual elements from the overall structure;

2) quantitative assessment and forecasting of values ​​and trends in changes in the spectrum of environmental and natural resource components in complex processes of fluctuations in stock prices of various enterprises and firms;

3) creation of a special system of interconnected indices for operating them on stock exchanges Marketing: Textbook for universities / N.D. Eriashvili, K. Howard, Yu.A. Tsypkin et al.; Ed. N.D. Eriashvili. - 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M.: UNITY-DANA, 2001. - 623 pp., ill..

management ecology hierarchy waste

Green marketing is marketing aimed at dealing with environmentally friendly products and services, as well as a company's overall concern for the environment. Every day it becomes more and more popular due to the growth of environmental problems that people have to face and, as a result, decide in favor of caring for nature.

Environmental marketing can include many components, such as: creating products according to environmental standards using safe packaging; working on marketing techniques in accordance with the behavior of this group of consumers, studying environmental marketing trends and much more.

This type of marketing requires large expenses, but can also bring corresponding profits. This is due to the active growth of the market. According to analytics, the possibility of growth in the consumption of environmental goods and services can cover up to 70% of the total mass of consumers.

For example, production located in North America will be much more expensive for business than in China. However, constant air transportation of goods can have a detrimental effect on the ozone layer due to aircraft emissions and thereby greatly harm the environment. Eco-consumers appreciate this choice of production location and prefer products purchased from this company. Thus, the benefits of the environmental direction are fully justified for the business, despite the constant high costs.

LOHAS people

The category of buyers who prefer to buy environmentally friendly and safe products, despite their high price tag, is called LOHAS. This category of people advocates a healthy lifestyle and monitors their impact on the environment. Here's what Wikipedia says about it:

“LOHAS is a huge, fast-growing marketplace of goods and services for people whose sense of environmental and social responsibility influences their purchasing decisions.”

This type of consumer is pro-health and health-conscious and prefers to buy products that are made sustainably and ethically. Typically, such people are able to influence other consumers through their desires to live in harmony with the environment.

Environmental marketing methods for business

There are many ways to incorporate environmental marketing into your company. Here are some of them:

  • Use environmentally friendly paper for printing and related components;
  • Completely switch to working online, leaving no need to use paper and other materials;
  • Have your own, environmentally acceptable waste disposal facility;
  • Package goods only in eco-friendly materials;
  • Introduce environmental concerns into the delivery methods of goods;
  • Use environmentally friendly types of energy;
  • Take measures to reduce the impact of the enterprise on the environment.

"Green Camouflage"

Some marketers are using the growing popularity of eco-related trends to their advantage and incorporating environmental marketing into their work, but the products may have nothing to do with the concept of eco. They present their products as the best choice for the environment, but they are not. An example is very simple: a company packages its products in green bags, which consumers are instinctively accustomed to consider environmentally correct. In addition, the word "Green" may be written. Although the product itself has nothing to do with environmental production, just like the packaging itself. But this acts subconsciously on the purchase decision. The green camouflage method not only directly deceives consumers, but also ruins the company's reputation. This should always be taken into account and not resort to such fraud.

If consumers want to make sure their purchase is environmentally friendly, it's worth paying attention to the certification marks on the back of the product: environmentally conscious companies take great pride in their choices and place all possible certifications on their products.

Economic marketing has a number of its functions that clarify the functions of traditional marketing in an environmental aspect. The main instrumental functions of environmental marketing will be:

  • · market analysis and study of supply and demand for environmentally friendly products, pricing;
  • · advertising and promotion, planning of an environmentally friendly product or production; sales and trading operations;
  • · activities related to providing “environmental support” at all stages of product production.

Environmental marketing involves a strategy that will allow each enterprise to study the relationship between environmental factors and internal production resources in terms of environmental impact and environmental consequences. Thus, environmental marketing has a number of institutional functions that are determined by interaction with environmental control authorities.

The management function of eco-marketing involves the implementation of management of the enterprise's environmental strategy and the dissemination of environmental ideology in production. The environmental strategy must be competently implemented at each stage by all structural divisions of the enterprise. This will allow the implementation of the environmental development program with the least expenditure of time resources.

The public relations function must ensure an effective relationship between the manufacturer and the consumer. The company should strive to convey the message of its environmental strategy to every consumer. In this aspect, both the economic interests of the enterprise and the interests of the public must be combined.

The educational function of economic marketing is responsible for ensuring that environmental decisions are economically sound and that such decisions will be made by competent professionals who will have experience and information in both economic and environmental issues.

Some researchers note that a distinctive feature of environmental marketing is its adaptation to the principles of benchmarking. In particular, N.R. Oganesyan and Ya.Ya. Yadyganov write that the need to implement its (environmental marketing) function is caused by the fact that the analysis of the existing system of organization, planning, management, stimulation of environmental activities at enterprises, the functioning technology of main production and “environmental technology” are worn out both morally (in the first aspects) and physically (in technological aspects). Environmental benchmarking currently requires government protectionism, since innovation is currently assessed and attempted only in technology, although it is obvious that this is impossible without organizational and economic support and, first of all, without resource support. The insufficiency of incentives to introduce innovations at enterprises is obvious in the main areas: economic interest in innovations and responsibility for the negative impact of the enterprise on the eco-system.”

In a general schematic form, the functions of environmental marketing of enterprises can be expressed as follows:

Rice. 3. Functions of environmental marketing of enterprises

In Figure 4 you can see all the necessary grounds for building an environmental strategy. There are a number of problems that need to be addressed, the basis of which serves as the framework for the enterprise's environmental plan.

Trifonova notes that when solving environmental problems and developing an environmental strategy, it is important to use market methods that most contribute to the effective solution of environmental problems. This is a payment for natural resources (land, subsoil, water, forest and other vegetation, wildlife) and for environmental pollution (emissions, discharges, etc.), environmental taxation, a credit mechanism in the field of natural resources, a system of extra-budgetary environmental funds and banks, environmental insurance.

Rice. 4. A comprehensive system of marketing measures to solve environmental problems

A system of interconnected environmental marketing functions ensures the effective implementation of the company's environmental strategy. In turn, the environmental marketing program is based on international environmental standards, which are developed taking into account various factors and serve as support in various areas of the enterprise’s environmental activities.

As a result of studying this chapter, the student should:


  • main results of the latest research on environmental marketing issues;
  • models of behavior of economic agents and markets;
  • basic concepts, methods and tools for quantitative and qualitative analysis of environmental marketing management processes;
  • the main elements of the process of developing strategies when implementing environmental marketing at an enterprise;
  • basic information technologies for managing business processes in the implementation of environmental marketing at the enterprise and in target markets;

be able to

  • carry out analysis and development of the organization's strategy based on modern methods and advanced scientific achievements;
  • identify promising areas of scientific research, substantiate the relevance, theoretical and practical significance of the problem under study, formulate hypotheses, conduct empirical and applied research;
  • process empirical and experimental data;
  • carry out quantitative forecasting and modeling of business process management;


  • methodology and methodology for conducting scientific research in environmental marketing;
  • skills of independent scientific and research work in relation to marketing in the environmental field;
  • skills of quantitative and qualitative analysis for making management decisions in the environmental aspect related to the promotion of goods and services;
  • methods for constructing organizational and management models of organizations, models for positioning environmental products and segmenting markets;
  • information technologies for forecasting and managing business processes, building the necessary distribution channels, and communication policy.

The concept and history of the development of environmental marketing

The development of environmental marketing is determined by the concept of “ecology,” which is interpreted as the science of the connections between living organisms and the environment. Environmental problems are regularly covered in a variety of media; their relevance has increased sharply in recent years and does not raise any doubts among not only scientists and politicians, but also businessmen and the population. On the Internet, thousands of non-commercial sites, blogs, and forums are devoted to environmental problems, which clearly shows that the world community has raised this problem to a qualitatively new level.

Environmental marketing is an integral part of all world politics, which determines the solution of problems associated with pollution of the atmosphere, nature and the surrounding area in general. It must be remembered that ensuring environmental security is the main geopolitical factor and driving force for the well-being of society, which is inextricably linked with a reduction in human life expectancy, as well as problems in the field of nature and ecology arising in connection with international military operations.

There is no unified definition of environmental marketing. This concept is considered from various positions.

Environmental marketing is based on environmental policy, environmental responsibility of organizations and enterprises, and transparency of production and technological processes, including environmental labeling. It is proposed to include in environmental marketing the formation of financial structures to support environmental actions, environmental audits, environmental insurance of companies' actions, changes in manufacturers' reporting forms, new forms of advertising, and the formation of new trading principles (for example, the sale of environmentally friendly products).

The Encyclopedia of Marketing defines it as follows: “Green marketing is marketing that aims to change consumer attitudes, provide a new direction for competition, and achieve market acceptance of innovative solutions to environmental problems.”

Environmental marketing is a set of means and methods of a company to satisfy the various interests of consumers through more intensive promotion of relevant goods and services with minimal harm to the environment at all stages of development.

Life cycle represents interconnected and sequential periods of the production cycle from the receipt of the necessary natural resources and raw materials to their subsequent final use and their placement in the environment. In this case, not only the stages or stages of production of the final product, but also the extraction of natural resources, auxiliary production, transportation, and compliance with environmental standards for waste disposal should be seriously considered.

Social-ethical marketing, which identified the needs and interests of target markets, the objectives and requirements of any company to provide a more efficient and more economical way of production than competitors, while enhancing the well-being of the consumer and society, ultimately gave rise to the emergence of environmental marketing. A number of other reasons for traditional marketing led to this, primarily related to the lack of natural resources, environmental degradation, population growth, and deterioration in the sphere of social services. Among the positive factors of that time, one can note the influence of non-governmental environmental organizations, public concern about the state and even deterioration of the environment, the emergence of various associations, organizations, and public environmental assessment groups.

There are several stages in the development of environmental marketing.

Stage I (1960-1970s) involves international cooperation (including mega-levels) in the development of national legislative acts and in the financing of environmental activities. International cooperation in the field of ecology began in 1972. This stage was based on the report “The Limits to Growth”, prepared by an international team of authors led by D. Meadows, and the materials of the First International Conference of the PLO on Environmental Problems.

Ethan II (1980-1990s) is associated with aspects of global environmental security. The basis was the International Commission on Environment and Development, created in 1983, and the scientific report "Our Common Future" (1987), which laid the foundation for the concept of sustainable development. This stage can be called the stage of sustainable development, which allows us to control the needs of generations and preserve the nature of the future nation. The UN Conference on Environment and Development in Rio de Janeiro in 1992, at which the “Declaration on Environment and Development” and the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change were agreed upon and adopted, was of decisive importance for the formation of this situation. Convention on Biological Diversity, Principles of Forestry.

Stage III (1997 - present) is associated with the development and unification of states in the area of ​​specific obligations in the areas of water supply, energy, agriculture, and conservation of the biological system. A huge role in this process can be given to the Kyoto Protocol, signed in 1997 and ratified by 192 countries.

Environmental marketing has begun to have a legislative basis in many countries. The environmental component of social development has become a new factor influencing business in general and marketing. Consumers tend to buy natural, environmentally friendly products in an effort to control their lifestyle. The drivers of corporate environmental responsibility are primarily consumers and shareholders of the company. Consumers purchase environmental products and services from companies that strive to conduct their business according to their requirements and expectations.

Among the concepts of enterprise development, the concept of social and ethical marketing. This concept is driven by the concept of sustainable development. The concept is based on respecting the interests of producers - in terms of making profits, consumers - in terms of meeting the needs and society - in terms of sustainable environmental, socio-economic development.

Green Marketing Concept is an integral part of the concept of social and ethical marketing. It is focused on meeting the needs and requests of consumers for environmental products, as well as stimulating the demand for organic products and raw materials,

including environmental safety of production. The categories of environmental marketing include environmental needs and environmental products.

Environmental needs aimed at meeting consumer demands in the field of environmental safety.

Ecological products - products that meet three criteria: efficiency, environmental friendliness and safety.

Ecological products are divided into environmentally neutral and environmentally oriented products. Environmentally neutral are goods, the production and consumption of which do not destroy the environment, but environmentally oriented - the production and consumption of which have a positive impact on the environment.

The production of environmental goods includes such areas as the manufacture, installation and operation of environmental protection (purification) structures, the development and implementation of environmentally friendly technologies, processing, transportation and disposal of waste, the elimination of toxic waste, trade in environmental technologies, products and waste, energy saving, conservation land resources, production of organic food, environmental audit and environmental examination, water, air control, environmental lending and insurance, environmental propaganda and education, ecotourism, environmental medicine and professional safety, information technology, life protection systems, maintaining the balance of ecosystems.

The concept of “ecological products” on the Russian market for domestic producers is associated with an innovative product. In most cases this is a misconception. They can be considered innovative if their development is based on the achievements of science and technology or they are the result of fundamental research and discoveries that previously simply had no analogues for the following reasons:

  • a) the needs and demands of consumers, to satisfy which new products are intended, were previously satisfied in a completely different way (the first type of fundamentally new innovations);
  • b) the needs that new products are intended to satisfy simply did not exist before (the second type of fundamentally new innovations).

first type speakers:

  • industrial products that have a negative impact on nature and the environment;
  • consumer goods that are an assistant for the consumer.

Products of environmental innovations second type can serve:

  • industrial goods - technology, metal products with memory effect;
  • consumer goods - packaging made from bioorganic raw materials, decomposing without harming the environment.

The following methods are used to search for ideas in the field of environmental innovation:

  • forecasting consumer demands and their future needs;
  • modeling of consumer behavior (situational and simulation);
  • analysis of the dynamics of development of all trends in society (scientific and technological progress, politics, economics, culture, ecology).

In a modern market economy, the motivation of consumers to purchase new environmental products is more significant when manufacturers focus their activities on meeting the needs of consumers and when consumers have greater freedom of choice.

In promoting products, advertising, sales promotion, propaganda (publicity), public relations, personal selling play an important role. something that can be classified as a marketing incentive package.

  • informing consumers about the existence of environmental products on the market;
  • justification of the high level of prices of environmental goods by comparing and contrasting conventional goods and environmental ones. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the economic feasibility of consuming environmental goods and the side effects associated with the production of goods and waste disposal, maintaining the health of consumers and improving the quality of life.

Sales promotion includes a set of activities aimed at the consumer or seller (intermediary), which are applicable to stimulate demand for environmental products.

Propaganda (publicity) provides, for example, the involvement of celebrities in order to increase consumer confidence.

Public relations is the ecological development of society. Implementation should be carried out through environmental programs and forums of international importance.

Considering the turnover of the global market for eco-products, there is a noticeable increase of 20%, or 4 billion euros, annually, according to RBC. The global market for eco-products is least susceptible to crisis, therefore, over the period from 2000-2010. The market has increased significantly - from 18 to 60 billion dollars. The leading markets are the USA, Great Britain, Germany and France.

Based on the analysis of this market, according to the company NBC Universal , in 2010, all consumers of eco-products in the United States were divided into groups:

  • 1. Dark green , or alpha-ecos. They are concerned about environmental issues (nature conservation, global warming issues). They occupy a significant share in the consumption of eco-products. The number of such consumers is 43 million people.
  • 2. Ecocentrics, or ecocentrics. Their interests are connected only with individual consumption of eco-products; they pay for products that

exclusively benefit their health. They are not interested in environmental problems. Number - 34 million people.

  • 3. Eco-fashionist , or ecochics. This group includes the young population, not preoccupied with anything, who considers it fashionable to be in the “green” trend. They occupy the largest segment - about 60 million people.
  • 4. Eco-economists , or economically ecos. This segment of 53 million people is concerned with saving money in the future by purchasing environmentally friendly products in the present.
  • 5. Eco moms, or ecomoms. This group is interested in environmentally friendly products for children and is concerned about the state of nature and the health of future descendants.

In Russia, interest in useful environmental products is increasing every year. Correct positioning of eco-products is the key to the company’s promotion in the Russian market.

According to research conducted by the Romir Research Holding in November 2012, Russians are willing to pay for environmentally friendly products. Most buyers, when purchasing food products, first of all pay attention to the composition (ingredients) and price.

In Russia, all potential consumers of eco-products were divided into the following groups.

The most widespread are people who travel a lot, are quite mobile, set priorities in life and are well aware of the benefits of organic products.

The forced group is people suffering from an allergic reaction to chemical additives.

The fashion group is an analogue of eco-fashionists (ecochics) - people who believe that it is fashionable to be consumers of organic products and classify themselves as part of the “luxury” segment.

Conducted company research International Federation of Organic Agricultural Movements showed that the Russian organic food market accounts for 0.1% of the total food market. In 2010, sales in the eco-products market amounted to $80 million, due to imports from Germany.