Medicinal plant garlic. Garlic seeds: when to plant and how to grow? When does garlic bloom?

It is difficult to find a plant that, like garlic, would emit such a characteristic odor. Garlic (lat. allium sativum) is a perennial herbaceous plant from the onion family, up to 60 cm high. Its underground parts consist of a bulb on which adventitious roots are formed, forming a fibrous root system. The garlic bulb is ovoid, consists of several cloves, about 4 cm in diameter. The stem is cylindrical, half leafy. The leaves are linear, flat, about 1 cm wide, tapering, the edges are even, the flowers are small, off-white, collected in an umbrella.

Garlic blooms in July-August. The inflorescence is a spherical umbrella containing 20-25 aerial bulbs, between which sit off-white flowers on long stalks. The entire inflorescence is surrounded by oblong leaves, which then fall off.

  • Place of growth: fertilized, but not very moist soil.
  • Description: perennial herbaceous plant of the onion family, reaches 60 cm in height. The leaves are linear, flat, the flowers are small, the bulb consists of lobules.
  • Part used: onion.
  • Side effects: none, except for the unpleasant odor.

The homeland of garlic is South Asia; currently the plant is grown everywhere in vegetable gardens. The plant loves well-fertilized, but not too wet soil.

Indications for use

  • Digestive tract dysfunction.
  • Bacterial, fungal and helminthic diseases of the intestines.
  • High blood pressure.
  • Insomnia, lethargy.
  • As a remedy against atherosclerosis.
  • Used as a seasoning.

Medicinal properties

Garlic is used not only as a seasoning. Already in ancient times it was used for exhaustion, cough, abdominal pain, skin diseases and other diseases. Since this spicy vegetable relaxes and reduces colic, it is often used to treat stomach and intestinal disorders. In addition, garlic increases the secretion of digestive enzymes and bile, helping to better absorb food. Garlic is good at stimulating urine output, stimulating the activity of the sex glands, dilating peripheral and coronary blood vessels, increasing heartbeat and slowing down the heart rate.

The main property of garlic is its antibacterial effect. Preparations based on it treat festering wounds and ulcers, trichomonas inflammation of the vagina, expel pinworms and tapeworms, and destroy warts. Garlic dilates blood vessels, while improving blood supply to the lower extremities, brain and fundus of the eye. In addition, it reduces cholesterol in the blood, inhibits red blood cell aggregation, and reduces blood pressure. Therefore, for preventive purposes it is taken against atherosclerosis. This plant is also used for insomnia and general weakness.

Only garlic bulbs are used in medicine. The harvest is harvested in the fall. As soon as the garlic leaves dry, the bulbs and leaves are woven into ribbons and hung to dry. Very finely chopped or crushed garlic cloves are used as seasonings for various dishes.

Active substances

Garlic contains about 65% water, 26% carbohydrates, 7% proteins, 1.4% minerals (potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, sodium, iodine), as well as cellulose, essential oils, fats, ascorbic acid and other vitamins (for example, B1, B2, PP), carotene, phytoncides, acids (phosphoric, sulfuric, silicon). Allicin and garlicin contained in garlic are natural antibiotics. Even a small concentration of allicin destroys bacteria (streptococci, staphylococci, typhoid bacteria, Vibrio cholera, tuberculosis bacilli and other microbes) that cause diseases.

People who cannot tolerate the garlic taste and smell are recommended to take odorless capsules and dragees, which act similarly to the fresh vegetable.

Everyone has long known about the extraordinary beneficial properties of garlic. This representative of the onion family is a whole pharmacy, both for humans and for the garden. In the past, it was even used to ward off evil spirits. And of course, like many other useful plants, gardeners want to grow it in their garden from seeds.

Let's get this straight - regular garlic doesn't have seeds. What our gardeners call garlic seeds are, in fact, aerial bulbs.

A seed is an ovule that has an embryo inside and develops only after fertilization. And garlic bulbs are organs of vegetative reproduction.

There is also perennial garlic that does not form bulbs. It reproduces by ordinary seeds, similar to those of the spring onion, and it blooms like the spring onion. Only the feathers of this type of garlic are eaten. It is especially popular in Central Asia, where its delicate green arrows and feathers are very popular.

Ornamental garlic, which also has a number of beneficial properties, is also propagated by seeds. For example, it fills the air with phytoncides and protects rose bushes from black spot. Some even grow it at home, believing that it symbolizes well-being and protects the house from evil spirits.

Once upon a time, in ancient times, the ancestors of our cultivated garlic bloomed and formed seeds, which they used to reproduce. But, over the course of many centuries, people selected the best and largest heads for planting, giving preference to those plant specimens in which the main forces were spent on forming the bulb, and there were no nutrients left for flowering. After the formation of the underground head, flowering could proceed further, but now it is hampered by external factors - long daylight hours and high temperatures. All this was discovered by biologists from the Hebrew University of Israel. By eliminating the above reasons, they were able to make garlic bloom and obtained its seeds, which can be used for breeding work.

When people talk about sowing garlic, they usually mean planting airy bulbs that grow on the shoots of winter varieties. Why is it needed? When propagated only by single-toothed plants for too long, various diseases accumulate in plants and they begin to degenerate. Therefore, once every few years it is advisable to update the planting material, at the same time conducting selective selection.

Plants that have grown from the best and largest cloves leave arrows. The finished garlic is removed entirely - along with the arrows and onions. After cleaning, it must be thoroughly dried for several weeks. When the stem dries, the heads are separated, being careful not to damage the caps of the bulbs. You can store them at room temperature, wrapped in paper. During the month waiting for planting, the seed is sorted, removing dried bulbs. Before sowing, about a day before, they are soaked using an infusion of wood ash, and only those that sink to the bottom of the vessel are selected. Sowing is done shallowly - no more than one centimeter. And immediately mulch so that the soil does not dry out.

It is not advisable to plant garlic in beds where tomatoes or potatoes were previously grown - Fusarium infection is possible. It also does not tolerate fresh manure well. But it loves neutral, loose and nutrient-rich soil. The best predecessors for garlic are legumes, pumpkin, any type of cabbage, perennial herbs and green manure.

The beds for seed bulbs are prepared in the summer and kept under black fallow. The place for them must be chosen sunny, but not damp. Fertilizers are applied two weeks before planting: 300 g of wood or straw ash, approximately 7 kg of humus and 50 g of potassium sulfate and superphosphate. All this for one square meter of bed.

Bulbs are planted in the fall, along with single-toothed ones. The time is chosen so that they take root in the soil before frost, but do not have time to germinate. For planting, grooves are made and the bulbs are laid out bottom down, being careful not to press them too hard so as not to damage them. The grooves are filled with humus, into which a little ash is added, or simply with garden soil. In the spring, when shoots appear, the bed must be carefully weeded - garlic does not tolerate the dominance of weeds.

There is another way to plant seed bulbs, which makes spring care and weeding somewhat easier.

The prepared bed is covered with wet newspapers, 1 - 2 layers thick. Small holes are made in the newspapers, arranged in rows. Garlic bulbs are planted in these holes, sprinkled with humus. When the entire bed is planted, a very thin layer of sand or soil is poured over the newspapers. You can also add mulch from sawdust, chaff or other similar materials on top. With this method of planting, perennial weeds, whose roots inevitably remain in the ground, do not germinate in the spring - they are prevented by a layer of newspaper. Of course, in a month and a half, they will still break through, but then they will no longer be so terrible for the grown and strengthened garlic shoots. By this time, the beds can be additionally mulched with any organic material, which will significantly reduce the work of weeding and loosening.

The first feeding is done about a month after the sprouts appear. Use ammonium nitrate and superphosphate - 10 g per square meter. The second - two weeks after the first, with the same mixture, but of lower concentration. The third time, at the very end of June, you can limit yourself to wood ash alone - about one and a half glasses per square meter.

In dry summers, garlic needs to be watered. When watering, the soil is soaked to at least 40 cm - the depth of the roots. If the beds are not mulched, then after watering they must be loosened. The best temperature for the growth and development of garlic is from 18 to 20 degrees Celsius.

In the fall, single cloves grow from the planted bulbs, from which you can get full-fledged garlic heads the following year.

Garlic is considered a popular vegetable among many peoples of the world. Its fame is due to its pungent aroma and unique taste. This crop is indispensable in cooking, so amateur gardeners constantly plant and cultivate it in their beds. Due to its strong antiseptic effect, the plant is also widely used in medicine. As a rule, garlic is planted with seeds and cloves.

Types of culture

In nature, there are two forms of this vegetable, among them spring (non-shooting) and winter (shooting and non-shooting). Varieties that do not produce shoots can only be bred with cloves, while shooters, at the beginning of summer, throw out a flowering ovary from the middle of the bulb, in which bulbs (sometimes even up to 50 pieces) and flowers form simultaneously. Such formations are similar to bulbous teeth.

When to plant garlic seeds

This plant also differs from other crops in that it can be planted both in autumn and spring. In the first version it is called winter, and in the second - spring. In cold countries, the vegetable is mostly planted in the fall, and in hot countries - in the spring. In the first case, the cloves are deepened into the soil, already slightly germinated. Spring planting must be done as soon as possible. Ideally, the soil should not yet dry out after the snow melts. Only in this case can you get fairly large heads.

Growing vegetables from cloves

This method is the most famous. And from seeds? To do this, first of all you should choose the right location. The best crops are considered to be beds after legumes, cucumbers and cabbage, the worst - after potatoes and onions. It is recommended to plant a garlic plant in the same place only after 3-4 years.

Before planting, you will need to add fertilizing (rotted manure or compost) to the soil. This should be done in the fall. Then you need to prepare the bulbs, carefully examine them, remove the spoiled ones and separate them. This is done just before landing. The vegetable is planted approximately a month before persistent cold weather. This should be done so that the crop has time to take root, but does not sprout.

How to plant plants

In order for seeding to be successful in the future, it is necessary to prepare the beds a week in advance. This is done so that the soil does not have time to sink (in damp soil the cloves will settle very deeply). The interval between the cloves should be at least 8-10 cm, the space between the lines - 40-50 cm. After planting, it is ideal to cover the ground with sawdust or peat, so the vegetable will better survive the frosts. However, if the winter is warm and not very severe, you can do without powder.

Spring planting of a plant does not differ much from winter: only its approximate depth is 5 cm, and the distance between rows is 25-30 cm.


Growing garlic from seeds occurs without abundant, let alone daily, watering. Its frequency is once every 6-7 days. The first watering along with fertilizer is carried out at the end of April or with the onset of May. The second fertilizing is done in June, and 2-3 weeks before harvest, fertilizing must be completed.

When arrows form on a vegetable (some of them can be saved for seeds), they need to be removed. Moreover, this should be done carefully so as not to spoil the vegetable. We must not forget about timely weeding, because garlic, like any plant, loves freedom. Therefore, there should be no weeds on the ridges.

How to grow a crop from seeds

Growing garlic with seeds (bulbs) is considered one of the best ways to obtain high-quality seed raw materials that are free from various vegetable diseases. Some even specially cultivate bulbs to have one large tooth. To grow them, you can resort to one of two methods: plant in spring or winter. By and large, the effect will be the same, except that the winter bulbs will be a little larger.

How to prepare for landing

First of all, you need to understand how best to get the expected bulbs. First you need to shorten the arrows of the winter plant, just so that they are well ripened. The vegetable itself germinates in March, and numerous shoots form by the end of May.

It is best to cut off the arrows with the arrival of June, since this is the ideal period for the seeds of winter garlic to grow freely and for the crop itself to be larger in size. To obtain high-quality bulbs, the shoots should be cut off somewhere at the end of June, after the 20th. By this period, the film under which the aerial bulbs form will dry out and crack - this is a sign to remove the stems. When finished, you will need to dry them thoroughly in the shade. Bulbs can be stored for 2 years without losing their qualities.

seeds from arrows

Before sowing, the aerial bulbs must be removed from the inflorescence, choosing the largest ones. Sowing should be done from September 7 to October 15. In July next year, from all the bulbs, a large-volume one-tooth will form, which will be an excellent seedling for planting a crop before winter, so that large bulbs can be grown.

First, you should create beds for growing vegetables from bulbs approximately 12-15 cm in height and up to 90 cm in width. The soil is prepared in this order:

  • per 1 sq. m add 3-4 kg of humus or compost and 1 tbsp. l. superphosphate;
  • dig up everything and level the ground on the ridges;
  • then make paths opposite the beds to a depth of 3-4 cm;
  • the intervals between the recesses should be 10 cm;
  • the bulbs must be placed in the groove at a distance of 1-2 cm from one another;
  • then you need to cover the paths with soil and leave them all winter.

If there is a harsh winter ahead, you can mulch the beds with sawdust in a layer of 2-3 cm. With the arrival of spring, when the ground thaws, the sawdust should be removed. Now many people have probably already understood when to plant garlic seeds.


To prevent the plant from freezing and rotting, there must be enough snow on the ridges in winter. If you have a winter with little snow, you will need to shovel the snow onto the vegetable bed. Then in the spring, as soon as the snow thaws, the shoots of the crop will immediately appear.

If there is practically no rain in spring, the garlic needs to be watered. A young plant also needs fertilizers, after which it is necessary to loosen them. The first time you should feed the vegetable with nitrophoska (15 g per 1 sq. m.) in mid-April, the second fertilizer - ammophoska (the same dosage) is applied in June, at the stage of bulb development.

It is necessary to finish watering the crop 3 weeks before harvesting. In June, you will need to cut off the shoots from the plant that reduce the yield. This must be done when its height reaches 5-8 cm. The arrows should not be pulled out, but carefully broken under the third leaf so as not to damage the seeds of winter garlic.

Taking into account the excellent bactericidal properties of the vegetable, it can be planted next to other plants to prevent their diseases.


You need to dig up the bulbs after ¾ of the inner leaves have withered. Winter crops, as a rule, ripen by the end of July. Dig out the vegetable after the main area of ​​the lower leaves turns yellow. To check in advance, you need to remove 2-3 heads of garlic from the soil. The bulbs should be sufficiently developed and firm. Harvesting is carried out with a pitchfork, prying up a lump of soil with a plant and pulling it out with your hand.

The dug up vegetables need to be laid along the length of the bed for several hours to dry. It is not worth trimming the leaves right away so that you can plant garlic seeds next year. Any arrows present should be cut off. And the leaves themselves are shortened after drying.

The roots of a crop intended for food are removed. Experienced gardeners believe that it is better to underexpose the plant in the ground rather than overexpose it. It’s just that unripe bulbs can absolutely ripen even after uprooting, while overripe ones fall apart and are preserved much worse.

Principles of growing vegetables

When to plant garlic seeds has now become clear to many. However, you need to figure out exactly how to grow the crop so that it produces a generous harvest. There are some useful tips for this:

1. First of all, cultivate good bulbs. For these purposes, arrows are left on some plants grown from the largest cloves. The remaining stems must be broken off to increase the volume of the garlic heads. The left arrows initially curl into a spiral. They will unbend individually, and the final straightening will signal the readiness of the harvest.

By harvesting we mean vegetable heads and bulbs. This preserves the integrity of the culture. The shoot is pulled into a bundle and hung in the attic to dry for 3-4 weeks. Plastic substances from the leaves and shoots enter the bulbs and bulbs, expanding their volume. After the bulb heads have dried, they need to be separated so that the case is not damaged. If it is broken, it will no longer be possible to plant garlic seeds.

2. Correct placement of bulbs. They can be planted both in autumn and spring. If you plan to plant in the spring, the beds need to be prepared in the fall, since digging them up in April will be very difficult.

When planting bulbs in autumn, there is a possibility that some of the grains will freeze, while others may end up on the surface. Such seeds are squeezed out by frost. In spring they need to be buried back into the soil. During the spring sowing period, a frequent problem will be the drying out of some places of the bulbs, and planting garlic with seeds in the future will not be easy. After all, how the bulbs were preserved in winter will be very important.

Before sowing, they are sorted into grains and kept for 1-1.5 months at a temperature of no more than +5 degrees. A refrigerator will also work for this. Otherwise, the vegetables will turn green and continue to form until the end of autumn.

3. Harvest on time. Garlic is dug up when its leaves begin to turn yellow. This happens around mid-August. The vegetable itself is dried for 3-4 days in the sun, protecting it from dew. Then the plant is tied into bunches and dried in the attic. One-toothed plants will become a wonderful planting material for the fall and will yield a harvest in the form of large heads.

Thus, you can safely start planting this healthy vegetable. After all, now everyone already knows when to sow garlic seeds.

" Garlic

Today there are many plants that at the same time able to amaze with their beauty and excellent taste. One of them is decorative garlic.

Decorative garlic is very similar to regular garlic, but differs from it in its incredibly beautiful inflorescence. Depending on the species, it produces up to 12 leaves and has excellent inflorescences, which are replete with a variety of shades.

However, the bulb of an ornamental plant is very small, its diameter is usually less than 5 mm and is brown or gray in color.

This plant is used to both decorate areas and eat it.

The most popular varieties

There are about 500 species of decorative flowering garlic in the world. The most famous of which are:

  • Neapolitan;
  • Moly;
  • Narcissiflora.


It has white unusually beautiful inflorescence of bell-shaped flowers. It looks great in tall vases and on sunny lawns. This variety blooms in June.


Often also called golden onion. It is relatively low, reaches 25 cm, and the diameter of the inflorescence becomes 6 cm. The plant blooms at the end of June or July. Its peculiarity is that it can grow both in the sun and in partial shade.


Doesn't live up to its name at all as its flowers are a wine red hue. This variety is distinguished by its originality. He is also short, only 25 cm.

Landing rules, when and where

To plant decorative garlic, choose a sunny and dry place, since it does not tolerate excessive moisture and does not grow well in the shade. Once every 3 years they change the place of its planting.

Plant garlic in place of legumes, cabbage or cucumbers. Under no circumstances should it be grown where potatoes or tomatoes were. He can become infected with their diseases.

If seeds are used for planting, then they must be planted in the soil at least a month and a half before the onset of frost.

The seeds are soaked 24 hours before planting. Those that drown are selected for landing, and those that float are thrown away.

To sow seeds, holes are made in the ground no deeper than 5 cm. They are covered with coarse sand, the thickness of the ball does not exceed 1.5 cm.

If garlic is propagated using cloves, then the depth of the hole should be no more than 2-3 bulbs in diameter. When planting slices in a hole, you can also put moistened newspapers in which holes are made. These newspapers will prevent weeds from germinating in the spring.

Caring for decorative garlic - how to water and feed

Decorative garlic is not at all picky to care for. It does not need frequent watering. But you should also not allow the soil to dry out for a long time. In general, the plant is watered about 3 times per season. This plant just feels great at a temperature of 22-25 degrees.

After watering or rain, loosen the soil.

Loosening is carried out at least 7 times per season.

Garlic will grow large if its shoots are cut off, otherwise it will be small and not so beautiful.

This plant also needs feeding. The soil must be fertilized 2 weeks before planting. To do this take:

  • wood ash – 400 g;
  • superphosphate – 300 g;
  • humus – 10 kg;
  • magnesium sulfate – 300 g.

This amount is added per 1 sq. m. of land.

After planting, the seedlings are sprinkled with a layer of humus or peat., which will serve as fertilizer and protect the crop from cold and drying out.

Diseases and pests

Ornamental garlic, like all plants, is susceptible to various diseases, and some pests do not mind eating them. The most common of them include:

  • cervical rot;
  • downy mildew;
  • mole;
  • root mite;
  • onion fly.

- This is a disease that manifests itself during storage of bulbs. They become soft and watery, and then suddenly dry out. To avoid such troubles, the bulbs must be thoroughly dried in the sun before storing.

Regarding downy mildew, then the cause of its appearance is mushrooms that love damp, humid weather. When infected by these fungi, plant growth slows down very much, pale green spots appear, which then turn yellow and the plant dies over time.

To prevent the appearance of downy mildew, you must:

  • dry the heads well at 40 degrees;
  • plant it in a sunny, dry area;
  • remove weeds;
  • Change the landing site regularly every 3 years.

When pests appear such as root mite, moth or onion fly, the plant is treated with 2% chlorophos. Ash, peat and tobacco dust will also get rid of them.

Garlic damaged by onion moth

Application and combination with other plants

Decorative garlic has found its application:

  • in cooking;
  • in landscape design;
  • as a disinfectant.

Arrows of this type can fully replace its segments, that’s why they are often used in the preparation of the most delicious dishes.

Thanks to its beautiful spherical flowers, this plant is not inferior in beauty to any ordinary flower. Now it is very fashionable to have such allarias on your summer cottage - onion gardens. Flowerbeds with about 5 varieties of this plant growing nearby look especially beautiful.. However, it should be remembered that after flowering the leaves die off and so that the area does not lose its presentable appearance, a variety of flowers are planted next to the garlic. They will hide those wilted leaves. Plants that bloom in early summer will look simply great next to it. The most suitable options are hydrangeas, peonies, delphiniums, irises and others.

Allium sativum L.

is a perennial herbaceous plant of the lily family (Liliaceae). It is grown everywhere as a vegetable crop. The medicinal raw material is the onion. It contains nitrogenous substances, potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium, acids, iodine, vitamins C, B, D, essential oil, phytoncides, etc. Garlic has been used as a reliable remedy for more than four thousand years.

In the ground - a clove,
From the ground - a ball.
Seasoning for food
Control over microbes.

The ancient Romans considered garlic to be a booster of courage and good spirits and included onions and garlic in the food of their legionnaires.

Onion family - ALUACEAE

Description. A perennial herbaceous plant 30–60 cm high with a complex bulb, long ago introduced into cultivation and used by many, especially eastern, peoples as a medicine and in food to add spice. The bulb is ovoid. The stem is cylindrical, half leafy. The leaves are broadly linear, flat, grooved at the top, vaginal at the base. The spherical umbrella contains bulbs, between which sit off-white flowers on long stalks. Blooms in the second half of summer.

Geographical distribution. It is grown everywhere in vegetable gardens, propagated exclusively by bulbs, since garlic almost never produces seeds.

Organs used: bulb.

Chemical composition. Contains mucus, sugar, dextrin, volatile oil (0.15%), the specific gravity of which is heavier than water and the main component of which is allyl sulfur (C3H5)2S. The glycoside allicin C6H10O5N2 is found in the garlic bulb, which, when broken down, releases alliin. There are also fatty oils, phytosterols C22H36O2 and C32H54O2, phytoncides, vitamins C, group B. Garlic essential oil (accounting for 0.5-2%) consists of unsaturated sulfur compounds, mainly disulfides.

Pharmacological properties and application. According to old literary data, garlic was used internally as an aphrodisiac, antifever, diuretic and anthelmintic, and externally as a skin irritant. Considering garlic to be the best antiseptic, “protecting against infection,” in former times it was suggested to constantly keep several pieces of garlic in the mouth and chew them from time to time.

Expressed The antimicrobial properties of garlic are undeniable. Numerous experiments by B.P. Tokin (1951) and his employees have proven that garlic phytoncides kill staphylococci, streptococci, paracholera vibrios, diphtheria bacillus, bacteria of the typhoid and paratyphoid groups. There is evidence of positive results in the treatment of trichomonas colpitis (A. M. Foy, 1944), ear diseases (Ya. L. Kots, 1946), and chronic dysentery (S. D. Belokhvostov, 1949).

Garlic is widely used for intestinal atony, to suppress putrefactive processes in the intestines, for colitis, dysentery, enteritis, as a very effective anthelmintic, for hypertension and atherosclerosis. Garlic phytoncides are effective for lung diseases such as bronchial asthma, chronic bronchitis, bronchiectasis, abscesses, whooping cough, as well as for chronic cholecystitis, dyspepsia, for the prevention of influenza, typhoid fever, and dysentery. Fresh garlic is recommended for the treatment of radiation ulcers in dentistry and trophic ulcers associated with phlebitis of the veins, lesions of the central and peripheral nervous systems, burns, etc.

In gynecological practice treatment is carried out with garlic pulp tampons, in the surgical case - by steaming the wound surface for 10 minutes also with garlic pulp (E. Yu. Chass, 1962).

It enjoyed great fame in Ancient Greece; the Greeks believed that garlic had the ability to maintain courage. In the Middle Ages, garlic was used as a protective agent against the plague. Garlic was used during epidemics of cholera, typhoid fever and epizootics (widespread livestock pestilence).

In Germany garlic is used during dysentery, with intestinal tuberculosis. In France - for typhus, diphtheria, pulmonary tuberculosis. In the USA - for skin diseases. In China, garlic is used to treat diseases of the respiratory system, digestion, blood circulation, rheumatism, skin diseases, menstruation disorders, vitamin deficiencies, fever, malaria; It is used externally for baldness, scaly lichen, and insect bites.

In Russian folk medicine, garlic is used for gout, dropsy, cough, suffocation, scurvy, colitis, intestinal lethargy, gas accumulation, and chronic constipation.

Garlic tincture with vodka is taken in the treatment of kidney stones and purulent processes in the lungs.

Garlic greatly stimulates the appetite, enhances the secretory activity of the digestive organs, improves digestion and stimulates the activity of the sex glands. It has a diuretic, mild diaphoretic, strong anthelmintic, antiseptic (antimicrobial), analgesic effect. Garlic is a protective remedy against many poisons and bites of poisonous snakes.

Baked garlic, crushed and mixed with cow butter or boiled with milk, accelerates the maturation of abscesses, stops inflammatory processes and reduces painful calluses.

Garlic crushed and fried with butter or lard is rubbed on the chest and lubricated on the throat for colds, angina pectoris, and whooping cough.

Garlic juice is used for lichens and warts.

Aqueous and alcoholic extracts of garlic lower blood pressure, increase the strength of heart contractions, slow the pulse and increase diuresis (urination).

Garlic is used for lupus and scrofuloderma, atherosclerosis, swelling of the extremities, runny nose, ear diseases, and in the treatment of purulent wounds and ulcers (Makhlayuk, 1992).

Garlic preparations increase the body's resistance to infectious and colds, are active against the influenza virus, relieve fatigue after heavy physical exertion, reduce blood pressure, improve heart function, reduce blood sugar, and are indicated for chronic lead poisoning. They are used for diabetes, migraines, and eye diseases (Pastushenkov, 1990).

In official medicine it is used for treatment of chronic hepatitis, cholangitis, cholecystitis, with low acidity of gastric juice, it helps to normalize the functioning of the stomach, liver, pancreas and intestines, and eliminate excess cholesterol.

In homeopathy, garlic is used for hay fever, bronchial asthma, cancer, felon (Rabinovich, 1991).

Garlic promotes the development of beneficial intestinal flora (Petkov, 1988).

Under the influence of garlic, the growth of cancerous tumors slows down.

In China, garlic is used for exhaustion and trichomonas colpitis (Kovaleva, 1971).

In Cuba, garlic oil is used for jaundice.

In Korea, garlic is used to treat trachoma, scabies, and ringworm (Shpilenya, 1989).

According to epidemiologists, someone who eats a lot of garlic, rarely gets cancer (Gorodinskaya, 1989).

Drugs. Methods of preparation and use

1. Use 2-3 cloves of garlic per dose for various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and as a prophylactic.

2. Chopped garlic (100 g) is poured into 100 ml of boiled water at room temperature, infused in a tightly closed container for 5-6 hours, filtered. When warm, it is used for duodenal administration for cholecystitis, washing wounds and ulcers, and gargling.

3. Finely chopped peeled garlic is poured with 70% alcohol in a 1:1 ratio. The vessel is closed with a stopper, filled with paraffin and placed in a warm place for 7 days. The mixture is then filtered and poured into vials. Take 10-20 drops orally in milk 3 times a day for hypertension and atherosclerosis.

4. Freshly squeezed garlic juice is diluted with distilled water or 0.25% novocaine solution in a ratio of 1:3 (prepared daily). Prescribed for inhalation for diseases of the respiratory tract (2 ml of diluted juice is required for one inhalation).

5. A mixture of equal parts of 10% garlic tincture, 10% eucalyptus tincture, 10% mint tincture, 10% St. John's wort tincture and 2.5% novocaine solution is instilled into the nose, 3-5 drops daily to prevent influenza.

6. Three large heads of garlic and 3 lemons are crushed in a meat grinder, pour 1¼ liters of boiled water, close the vessel tightly and leave in a warm place for 24 hours, stirring occasionally, filter and administer 1 tablespoon 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals ( with hypertension, atherosclerosis).

7. Garlic juice ointment (50%) with lanolin is used externally.

8. The drug allohol - tablets containing dry garlic extract (0.04 g), dry nettle extract (0.005 g), dry animal bile (0.08 g), activated carbon (0.024 g). Take 2 tablets 3 times a day for chronic hepatitis, cholecystitis, chronic constipation.

The further the legends go from us about the miraculous properties of garlic, the more science receives justification for its healing power. And today this doctor remains unsurpassed and indispensable in the treatment of many ailments.

Even with small doses, one lobe at a time, garlic significantly improves the composition of the blood, as if rejuvenating it, and prevents the formation of dangerous blood clots. In many cases, garlic helps more than aspirin. It is very active in suppressing infection and in the fight against hypertension. In the treatment of certain ailments, his drugs turned out to be more effective than the latest antibiotics. Experiments conducted in Houston showed that garlic oil may have anticancer effects. The active substance contained in garlic prevents genetic damage to cells, which, according to scientists, is associated with the development of cancer.

Determined that garlic phytoncides have a detrimental effect on the causative agents of cholera, typhoid fever, gas gangrene, and dysentery. Fresh garlic juice suppresses the influenza virus. Its phytoncides stimulate cardiac activity, tissue regeneration processes, and have a positive effect on the secretion of the digestive glands. Garlic prevents the development of high cholesterol, moderately lowers blood pressure, and has a therapeutic and preventive effect in chronic lead poisoning.

Allisat— alcohol extract of garlic — is highly effective in the treatment of pulpitis and periodontitis. Garlic extract is part of allochol, which is used for chronic hepatitis, cholecystitis and habitual constipation. For persons suffering from kidney disease, treatment with garlic preparations is contraindicated.

Garlic pulp applied externally used for ulcers and wounds, in enemas for pinworms. In gynecological practice - for trichomonas colpitis. For headaches, the paste is applied to the temples, it is used to remove warts and calluses (crushed garlic in half with lard).

The scientists' conclusion is clear: popular ideas about the medicinal effects of garlic and onions should be taken seriously.