Is it possible to combine different metals in the interior? Combination of gold and silver in the interior. Methods of using metal in the interior

In order for the interior to turn out truly successful after the completion of the renovation, and its atmosphere to have a beneficial effect on the emotional state of the residents, professionals and simply lovers of design art devote the lion's share of time to the correct combination of colors and shades used. A related area of ​​this activity is the harmonious selection of textures and materials that are used within a specific design. In this article we will look at which colors and shades are best to choose if you are focusing on introducing metal structures and objects into the interior. Metal in the interior will bring something unusual!

Of course, first of all, we associate gold with wealth and luxury; it charms us with its expensive appearance and presents the room from a very advantageous side. However, excess gilding and gold plating on surfaces and furniture elements is not welcome, because first of all, we should not forget that we are creating a home interior, and not a museum or palace chamber.
To dilute the amount of gold in a room, it is recommended to use pure spectrum colors, which include violet, green, yellow, red and blue. The room also gets an excellent look when combining gold with white and black. At the same time, it would be better to protect gold from its proximity to brown, terracotta or coral colors.

This metal is good to use when creating a cozy environment, since copper very well adds a feeling of comfort and homely warmth to the room. Favorable combinations can be achieved when copper structures and parts are used in conjunction with green, yellow, cobalt, beige and burgundy shades. In some cases, it is appropriate to use gray and white, but only if warm additional shades smooth out some of the coldness of such a combination.

New gold, brass is a metal with a matte shimmering texture, which can sometimes look much more interesting and unusual than aurum. Brass decor, furniture elements or wall cladding inserts combine with great success with both cold and warm shades. This metal looks especially beautiful surrounded by all shades of blue, white, gray and natural, for example: sand, wood, green.

Steel and chrome
The shine of steel surfaces and chrome elements should be supported exclusively by a range of natural shades, which predominates in materials such as stone, marble, wood, brick, ceramics, leather. Accordingly, the best companions for steel and chrome are brown, gray, beige and sand, brown, terracotta, white.
Thus, a wide horizon of possibilities opens up before us when any of the metals are added to the interior. Moreover, in order to achieve a really beautiful design picture, it is not at all necessary to use expensive types of metals. As can be seen from the examples, the main thing in this matter is to skillfully combine the selected metal with dominant and complementary color shades. Happy creativity!

Designers, and simply fans of the art of interior design, are extremely sensitive and attentive to color combinations. But they are even more focused in choosing combinations of different textures and materials so that the space reveals its own potential, and stylishly furnished housing delights its owners for a long time.
Today we are talking about what colors and shades are most successfully combined with certain types of metals used in interior decoration.

The best combinations of metals and different shades
A symbol of luxury and prosperity, the color and texture of gold never ceases to captivate with its charm many owners of apartments and houses, those who want to rely on status.
When using objects and elements with gold plating, it is important to use moderation so that the interior does not turn from stylish and seasoned into pretentious and excessive. Also, you should choose the right colors for the surfaces of walls, floors and furniture, because gold, as you know, does not tolerate random proximity, but chooses its surroundings very carefully.
So, golden objects get along well with pure colors of the spectrum, for example: blue, red, purple, natural green and yellow, as well as white and black. In addition, gold can be combined with blue, wheat, sand, cream, turquoise and lilac. Do not combine the color with terracotta, brown and coral.

This metal gives warmth and comfort, at the same time creating a feeling of comfort in the interior. Various pastel shades look great with copper, such as pink, light gray, lilac, sky. In addition, if you combine copper accessories with ultramarine, light wood, emerald, black or graphite shades of objects, you can make the decor completely unique.

Metal is revered by many as noble and modest, very democratic and not too pretentious, therefore, it can be used very successfully in the interior. The peculiarity of silver when decorating a room is its duality, in the sense that the metal combines well with a range of colors similar to its tone (white, light gray, lilac and blue), but can also be combined with bright, saturated shades. These are: herbal and malachite, lemon, cobalt, pink, blue, black and white.

Sometimes you just need to add a little rough texture to the decor of the room, which is what iron has, being an ambiguous, brutal metal. Items made of iron will help make a pretentious interior more understandable and earthly, pacify pathos and add a certain character to the decor of the room.
It is better to combine iron elements with natural colors of natural materials: wood, cobalt, terracotta, yellow and green
In some cases, it is appropriate to combine iron and shades of gray, white, but only when the presence of warm natural tones can compensate for the coldness of such a combination.

New gold, brass is a metal with a matte shimmering texture, which can sometimes look much more interesting and unusual than aurum. Brass decor, furniture elements or wall cladding inserts combine with great success with both cold and warm shades. This metal looks especially beautiful surrounded by all shades of blue, white, gray and natural, for example: sand, wood, green.

Decorators and interior designers pay great attention to color combinations in their work. They are no less sensitive to the choice of different textures and materials. Only the right combinations can unlock the full potential of a space. In this article we will talk about the options of metals that are used in interior design, and also suggest the colors and shades that can be most successfully combined with them.


From time immemorial, this precious metal has been considered a symbol of prosperity and luxury. Anyone who bets on their status certainly uses gold in the interior. The presence of this metal brings a unique charm and nobility to the space.

The amount of gold in the interior should be carefully thought out. Otherwise, you can turn the apartment into some kind of museum or exhibition. We also note that gold objects and elements do not tolerate “random neighbors”, so you should very carefully select the color for wall decoration, floor covering and when choosing a furniture group.

Gold objects harmonize well with pure spectrum colors: blue, purple, red, green, yellow, black or white. In addition, the color of luxury looks good in tandem with cream, wheat, blue, sand, lilac and turquoise. A combination with coral, brown and terracotta is considered not successful.


This noble metal is considered very modest and quite democratic, which is why it is often used in interior designs. Regarding color combinations, silver exhibits a dual character. On the one hand, it harmonizes perfectly with the tones of a similar range (white, lilac, blue, light gray). On the other hand, it goes well with deep, bright and rich shades (lemon, malachite, blue, black, cobalt and pink).


The presence of copper in the interior makes the atmosphere more cozy and warm; such a room will seem much more comfortable and will be conducive to pleasant communication. Copper goes well with pastel shades. Together with this metal, the interior may contain colors such as light gray, pink, sky, lilac. In addition, by combining copper accessories with charcoal, ultramarine, light wood or emerald shades, you can create an incredibly stylish interior.


Sometimes the interior simply requires the introduction of some rough texture into the decor. The best option in this case is to use a uniquely brutal metal – iron. Iron objects somewhat pacify the pathos and bring a certain character to the space of the room.

Iron elements are best combined with natural colors: shades of wood, cobalt, terracotta, green, yellow. In certain designs, it is appropriate to combine metal with white and shades of gray. But in this case, it is worth remembering the need for the presence of warm natural accents to compensate for the coldness of such a combination.


The shiny surface of chrome and steel elements in the interior should only be surrounded by natural shades. The best companions for this metal are brown, sand, terracotta, beige and gray.

Today, in every home, metals are used quite abundantly in one form or another, sometimes they are even combined when decorating one room. This trend has already become a real trend, and now we are not afraid of how steel fittings will coexist with copper lamps, because this is only a matter of taste, not appropriateness. Now we decided to return once again to the topic of metals, but to imagine how its different types would look in combination with white and its shades.

White color does truly incredible things with an ordinary interior if the shade, textures of accompanying materials and accessories are chosen correctly.

Thus, we have previously mentioned more than once that the combination of white color and different types of wood is doomed to success in any ratio. Now we want to show how using accents with metallic shine and texture can create an elegant, yet modern and very stylish environment.

Use of metal against a background of shades of white in the interior

White + gold

This royal combination awakens the imagination of everyone who sees it. White color, no matter stone or flowing fabric interspersed with golden texture (thread), evokes thoughts of luxury and prosperity. The interior in which this combination was used will always look especially festive, light and appropriate. For example, against a white wall, curtains with a golden border and a metal table of the same color will require only a freshly cut bouquet of flowers or a light blanket on a nearby chair.

A snow-white kitchen with golden fittings can be emphatically laconic, without excessive decor or reliefs on the furniture facades.

It would be nice to diversify the beautiful, high-quality matte combination of wood and white with shimmer, for example, to introduce golden metal elements into the interior

White and silver (steel)

This combination, like several seasons ago, remains among the favorites when it comes to interiors, say, kitchens. The thing is that a large number of people prefer silver-colored household appliances, and also often order the production of countertops covered with stainless steel. Consequently, people consider it a logical choice in favor of fittings with the appropriate texture.

It should be noted that it is better to choose a shade of white that is as natural as possible, for example, neutral milky or creamy. There is no cold undertone, and the barely visible warm tone prevents the room from turning into an ice cave, strewn with cold silvery shards and blocks of ice.

It should be noted that white in combination with gray (marble texture) goes equally well with both gold and silver (steel). But in the first case, it is more suitable for classic interior styles, and in the second - for modern ones.

White and copper

Such a tandem is a kind of alternative to gold, if some people consider it too pretentious and inappropriate in a living room. Copper has a more comfortable texture and a pleasant soft matte finish, which will be an excellent addition to a modern interior, especially if it contains authentic items and accessories.

It is worth saying that copper and objects made from this metal are amazingly combined not only with white, but also with any pastel or neutral shade. Therefore, this metal, from the point of view of its decorativeness, stands above all other types.

White and iron (dark or colored metal)

A modern tandem that makes it possible to make the interior graphic, stylish and even pretentious. This combination is not for everyone, but everyone who encounters it is impressed and certainly wants to see something similar in their own home.

A typical example of the combination of white and iron in modern interior design, in particular metal painted black or another dark color, is the kitchen or bathroom space. Here they use metal structures in the form of partitions, screens, frames of hanging shelves and even upper tier cabinets.

This method of design and use of metal is completely justified, because, in addition to the obvious decorativeness and uniqueness of such a solution, we note the reliability and durability of such elements, for example, in comparison with chipboard or plastics

The post The combination of white color and different types of metals in the interior appeared first on Homester – Interior design and decor ideas.

Many designers deliberately avoid using gold color in the interior, considering it unfashionable and symbolizing bad taste. But such a categorical position is not correct.

Gold in modern interiors looks relevant in many cases. The only thing that is definitely irrelevant is the desire to give the impression of being “expensive and rich” due to the abundance of gold. But provided you follow simple recommendations, gold interior elements will definitely be perceived as noble and stylish.

  1. Harmony of color combinations

Almost everyone can flawlessly combine gold with white, black, shades of gray and beige. It is enough to add a few small details (for example, gilded frames for mirrors or paintings, a vase, a bedspread), and the restrained interior in neutral colors will become aristocratic.

An almost win-win option is a combination of gold and wood in rich tones against a background of chocolate brown colors. Such a spectacular design will leave few people indifferent. Perhaps its rival in terms of the strength of the impression it makes can be the black and gold interior. In such a coloristic duet, black color should predominate, and as additional ones you should choose the most restrained tones.

Combinations of gold with blue, cherry, turquoise, and purple are fashionable. But it is better to entrust the creation of a harmonious interior in such a range to a professional designer. If you decide to create such an extravagant combination yourself, then stick to the ratio of gold to another color of approximately 1:3.

  1. Caution when working with accent objects

Accent interior elements, that is, those that attract increased attention, include large furniture, a wall lined with mosaics or tiles, and massive metal objects. If there is more than one such object in the room, designed in gold color, then the interior will look kitschy and overloaded.

You can work more freely with gold textiles, small decor and objects, light finishing materials for walls, floors or ceilings.

  1. Multiple reflection of golden motif

As one of the rules of decorators says, the interior must contain at least two elements designed in golden tones. The only item that replicates the texture of noble metal will certainly look out of place in the overall interior composition.

Among the original, but unobtrusive options is a light wall, on which strokes of gold paint of several shades are manually applied, in combination with one or two elements of similar colors. Their role can be played by gold stucco molding and medium-sized decor.

  1. Uniform gold color characteristics

There are many color varieties of surfaces that can be classified as gold - noble patina, copper, brass, gold with an aging effect. It is not recommended to mix different shades of gold within the same interior. In addition, a certain shade of gold goes most harmoniously with each interior style. In a loft, brass and copper tones would be appropriate; in Provence, golden surfaces a la “vintage” would be appropriate.

  1. Quality of gold interior elements

The ideal option is to purchase gold-colored parts that fall into the above-average price category. After all, the vast majority of people consider the texture of gold to be noble and refined. Having seen an object associated with luxury, but in a cheap design, some simply cannot adequately perceive it due to the contradictions that arise in their minds.

But not everyone can follow this advice from decorators to leave gold items in the premium and luxury segments. Therefore, a compromise option is recommended. It is necessary to purchase high-quality “golden metallic” paint and use it to refine the necessary interior elements. Self-painted items will look much more dignified than cheap plastic or MDF with a factory gold plating. It is desirable that natural materials serve as the basis for such hand-made items. Furniture inherited from your grandmother, wooden frames, glass vases, etc. are suitable.

  1. Respecting the boundaries of the chosen style

Golden interior elements are integral attributes of such styles as Baroque, Rococo, Art Deco, Byzantine, Empire, and ethnic. Gold can be most harmoniously and easily introduced into an environment that belongs to one of the named stylistic trends. Golden elements in other interior styles, such as contemporary, require a more meticulous and careful approach, typical of professionals. In any case, you shouldn’t go beyond the boundaries of the chosen style, especially if it has gold details.