What is the name of Elsa's mother from Fairy Tail. Anime character Elsa Alaya: biography, armor and interesting facts. Secrets of Erza Scarlett's Heart

Erza's 1st armor in the anime

Valkyrie - Gives the ability to fly. And control of a huge number of swords. Over 150. Attacks: - Bloom (Creates the appearance of a flower from swords when attacking); - Circle of swords; -Triple shot (release of energy from swords at a long distance); - Pentagram.

Giant's Armor. This armor summons a spear that, when thrown, gains enormous speed =>

Armor of the Fire Empress.
1) Possibility of flight.
2) Armor and sword absorb most of the damage from fire.
3) Ability to attack with fire.

Diamond Armor. Very strong armor, capable of withstanding a shot from a Jupiter. Gives the ability to fly.

Blackwing Armor. Gives the ability to fly. Releases Erza's offensive potential for close combat.

Armor of Purgatory. To this day it is not known what his true strength is.

Armor of the Wind.
It increases the speed so much that even under a slowdown spell, the speed remains enormous. It will be difficult for an unprepared opponent to even follow Erza's movements.

Rob Yu-an: Very flexible rearmament. The weapon is a bisento (resembles a naginata, but it has two holes. Erza can use it to make energy attacks that easily cut off pieces of stone.

Empress of Lightning.
1) Complete protection against lightning attacks.
2) Lightning attack: “Cyclone”, “Beam”.

Morning Star Armor. With this rearmament, Erza has two swords, when connected, an attack is released.

Elven/Fairy Armor.
Makes a powerful energy release.

Water Empress.
- Protection from any water attacks.
- Water attacks. Of those presented in the series

This armor has no name because... they're just rags. All of Erza's power goes into her body and weapon.

Armor from OVA-1

Clothes of the Nirvits.




Represents one of the main characters of the manga and anime. She is the most powerful woman in the Fairy Tail guild. But, having made him a very powerful sorcerer, the creators of the anime did not give the character the best fate. She had to work hard to make friends, find meaning, and love herself.

Character Description

Elsa Alaya is a rather attractive and sweet girl of 19 years old. Her long red hair is rarely tied into a ponytail, and her face is adorned with dark eyes. No one can compete with her in beauty and grace of figure. Moreover, this state of affairs persists even despite the fact that the girl constantly eats sweets, mainly cakes.

Elsa Aloy's photo reveals to viewers a warlike character, not without her charm. She is never the same, because this is her strength - an instant change of armor. But this only happens in battles. In everyday life, girls prefer ordinary light armor, which can protect against unexpected attacks and give time to change armor.

The color of Elsa's magic is scarlet, which is how she got her name. But clothes and armor never have one specific tone, they are always different.


Elsa Alaya did not immediately become a strong sorcerer. Her biography is not distinguished by joyful and wonderful events. She was born in 765. Nothing is known about the girl’s parents or other blood relatives, no matter how Scarlett tried to find information. At first she was a simple slave, engaged in the construction of the “System R”. But one of the builders, Rob, turned out to be a member of the Fairy Tail guild. He helped her escape, while simultaneously discovering the magical power inside the young girl.

Many children and teenagers worked on the construction, including Gerard. Together with him, she decides to escape, but fails to do so. Gerard manages to be captured by the guards, followed by brutal torture. In the process, he is possessed by an evil spirit, which helps him deal with his opponents. But Gerard becomes an even more cruel character than the same guards. He captures the "Paradise Stronghold", but Elsa already manages to escape. By the way, it is because of Rob that she subsequently joins the guild.

Character traits

Elsa Alaya is special, which is reflected in her character traits. Like all young girls, she pays special attention to her beauty. Although it looks very unusual. First, she asks her interlocutor what she looks like, but she is of little interest in the answer. Scarlett is sure that he will be bad and she will not like him. Therefore, he prefers to immediately hit the respondent.

It’s impossible not to pay attention to the fact that Elsa loves to experiment with clothes. Today she dresses up as a waitress or a nurse, tomorrow she becomes a cute tiger cub, etc. It is likely that she got her passion for this thanks to her ability to change armor during battle. She doesn't know what it's like to always be the same.

Often the people around Elsa begin to get bored, and she can’t help but be boring. But she is a great friend, despite the fact that she always strives to teach and educate. By the way, many of her tips are not completely meaningless and are very useful.

At the Fairy Tail Guild

Mirajane represents the main enemy and rival of the new guild member. Elsa Alaya fought with her whenever she had the chance. But this is precisely what allowed her to receive the title “S-Class Sorcerer”, and this happens at the age of 15.

Things are going smoothly in the guild. Scarlett has her own circle of friends, and she constantly tries to interfere in their personal lives. Natsu and Gray, for example, irritate the young sorceress very much; she beats them for always fighting. But despite this, Elsa treats them like younger brothers. Moreover, she becomes a good comrade for Gray, whom he can rely on at any time.

A little later, another character appears surrounded by Scarlett - Lucy. At first her talents were not appreciated. However, after Lucy joins Natsu's team, Elsa's attitude changes dramatically.

For the sake of the guild, Scarlett is ready to do anything, even death does not frighten her. If she needs to protect friends from enemies, she will do it without thinking about her own fate and well-being.

Temperament and abilities

There is no more powerful and purposeful sorceress than Elsa Alaya. The armor of loneliness makes her even stronger, making her forget about self-preservation. In battle, this young girl behaves in a way that experienced sorcerers and warriors would envy. All members of Fairy Tail are in awe of her name alone.

When Scarlett shows her respect or praise, she places it on her chest. At this moment, all losses and pain are forgotten, since such a gesture from a witch is very rare.

As for the ability, it lies in rearmament. Depending on what kind of enemy she has to fight, Elsa can instantly change weapons and armor. She “draws” them from the other world, and each of them has different characteristics.


Elsa Scarlet's armor (the names of some of them can be viewed in the table) are presented in countless quantities. There are more than 100 of them. Some outfits are not of interest, since they only affect the appearance of the heroine. Only a few of them can truly turn out to be the best assistants in battle. They will be discussed below.

Armor name Action
ValkyrieAllows you to resist several enemies at once. Blades float around Elsa, which significantly help in battle.
Giant or TitanThrowing power increases
BlackwingWearing it, Elsa becomes like a bat. It becomes possible to fly
DiamondThe main emphasis is on defense, the heroine is able to withstand powerful blows
LeopardAllows you to increase agility and endurance, but at the same time sacrifices defense
Thunder QueenProtects against thunder and electrical attacks. A distinctive feature is the presence of a large and clumsy staff
Scarlet CherryTransfers all the power of the heroine into swords, allowing you to hit an enemy with serious armor
EnchantressIncreases speed and strength, makes movements smooth and elastic
Sea QueenIntended for use on water. Accordingly, it is able to repel any water attack
Fire QueenAllows you to protect yourself from fire attacks, as well as use them in duels and battles

Undoubtedly, Scarlet Elsa is the most colorful and unique character from the Fairy Tail anime. Her strength is capable of withstanding the onslaught of hundreds of monsters and monsters, and during the battle Scarlett does not even need the help of her comrades. It’s not just that she was the only one who managed to restore the former glory of the guild.

Elsa Scarlett


Nickname: Dancing Demon, Titania, Knight in a Skirt

Age: 19 years old (after the events on Wolf Island she should have been 26, but due to the “Fairy Sphere” she has not changed either in appearance or in any other way)

Rank: S-Class Mage

Skills: Re-equipment "Knight", Sword Magic, Telekinesis.

Formation: Fairy Tail's strongest team

Elsa Scarlet "Titanian"- one of the main characters, the strongest girl in the guild. The nickname "Titania" was given in honor of the Fairy Queen from Shakespeare's play A Midsummer Night's Dream. Her magic consists of summoning magical swords and armor from a world similar to the world of celestial spirits. It has reached incredible heights and can summon more than 100 types of armor (from evening dresses to knight's armor), and even more weapons. She most often wears Heart Kreuz armor, a blue skirt and boots. The color of her magic is scarlet. Her Fairy Tail crest is blue and is located on her left shoulder. Nothing is known about her parents. Always wears armor. She is in love with Jellal Fernandez. Her right eye was severely damaged in childhood from the torture to which she was subjected, and was replaced with an artificial one, losing the ability to shed tears, so Elsa for a long time could only cry with her left eye. However, after the events of the Tower of Heaven, she realized her mistakes that existed inside her since childhood, and when Natsu pulled her out of Etherion's magical vortex and she met her friends who were worried about her, tears also flowed from Elsa's right eye. This eye greatly helps her in the fight against opponents who use illusions and other techniques aimed at eye contact, since thanks to it they do not affect her.

Elsa is considered very disciplined, while at the same time she is a good friend. Master Makarov, thinking about who he would leave the guild to, thought that she was the best candidate, but she is still young and often on missions, carried away, begins to destroy everything, causing complaints and discontent from the Council of Magicians.

In 780, Elsa passed the annual exam to become an S-Class Wizard and became one of the three strongest magicians in the Fairy Tail guild. In addition, she became the youngest member of the guild who managed to become an S-Class Mage, passing the exam at the age of 15.


Elsa is very strict and often criticizes the bad behavior and habits of other guild members, resulting in most of them apologizing for fear of angering her. She is also very impatient and doesn't like it when people don't answer her questions quickly enough. This, coupled with her own tragic childhood, causes many of her fellow guild members to shun her due to her "Social Awkwardness". However, she has a strong sense of justice and pride in her guild.

Elsa Scarlett is the main character of anime and manga, as well as the strongest girl in the Fairy Tail guild.

Basic data:
Female gender;
Height: 181 cm;
Weight: 48 kg;
Occupation: Magician;
Age: 19 years old;
Year of birth: 765;
Voiced by: Sayaka Oohara;
Nickname: “Scarlet”, “Titania”;
Contains: Fairy Tail;
Magic: Knight;
Best Friends: Natsu Dragneel; : Lucy Serdobolia; : Gray Frostbitten; : Happy;
Rival: Mirajane Strauss;
Native: ??? ;
Elsa Scarlett

Erza Scarlett is a 19-year-old pretty young girl who has long red (scarlet) hair and black eyes. When she rearms, her hairstyle changes, but she prefers her hair down. Elsa is a very beautiful, slender, tall girl with an excellent figure, despite the fact that she constantly eats all sorts of sweets, mainly cakes.

He has a strange habit of asking people about his appearance and, without waiting for an answer, he beats him up. He tries to hide his feelings from everyone and not show them in public. He has more than 100 different outfits and armor, but mainly for everyday use, he prefers light armor and a blue skirt.

Do you want to see Fairy Tail Elsa pictures or Scarlet Elsa pictures, then you can do so at the end of this article. I hope you like our efforts and will be satisfied.

The color of her magic is dark pink. The Fairy Tail guild mark is located on her left shoulder and is blue. Because of her terrible tortures that she had to endure in the Heavenly Stronghold, she had to put an artificial eye in place of the right one. She also likes to experiment with clothes: clothes for a bunny, a maid, a waitress, a tiger cub and many other cute outfits.
Elsa Alaya


Elsa Alaya A very strong sorceress, incredibly purposeful and completely self-confident, although she is a weak girl who is clad in the armor of loneliness. But despite this, it does not stop her from building all the members of the Fairy Tail guild, who begin to shake and fear at the mere mention of her name.

Sometimes it can be a little boring with her, but she is a good friend and can always tell you what is best to do. Quote about her: “You're right, Lucy. Even I succumbed to the moment and offended my friend. This is not forgivable. Be kind and hit me." If Elsa Scarlet wants to express her praise or approval, she puts someone’s head to her chest in armor and everything starts to hurt, because Erza can show praise to few people.

Achieving her praise can be compared to destroying the moon. By the way, about the moon, just like Natsu, it is very destructive. She considers Natsu unreasonable - although he has grown up in her eyes, she treats him like a younger brother. Her relationship with Gray is also very strong and strong. She takes Lucy for a clumsy, weak and strange girl, but after working together, she realized that this is not so!


Elsa Fairy Tail is a rearmament mage, her ability is to instantly change her armor and weapons. Can use over 100 types of armor and even more types of weapons. The most popular among her types of armor are the following:
Elsa Scarlett armor

Elsa Scarlett armor

Blackwing Armor;
Armor of the Seductress;
Armor of the Fire Queen
Elsa's regular armor
Seeker's Armor;
Armor Purgatory;
Armor of the Enchantress
Fairy Armor
Titan armor
Armor Fantasy
Virgo Armor
Armor of Hermas;
Armor of the Water Queen;
Armor of the Thunder Queen
Wind Armor:
Ninja Armor;
Diamond Armor.
Elsa Scarlett Biography

Elsa Scarlett
Biography Erza Scarlet - born in 765, nothing is known about her relatives, was one of the slaves who built the R System. Rob, who was from Fairy Tail, helped her escape from this terrible place, shielding her from danger and revealing her inner magical power. It was because of him that she decided to join Fairy Tail. Besides her, other peers of hers also worked on this system, and together with Gerard she decided to escape from this place.

The guards, seeing that they are trying to escape, take Gerard and take him away, where they torture him, after which the spirit of Zeraph possessed him and he killed all the guards and captured the “Fortress of Paradise” with all its inhabitants, except Elsa. Leaving all her friends to suffer, she runs away from this island and heads to Fairy Tail.
In Fairy Tail:
Elsa Scarlett and NatsuAfter joining Fairy Tail, they constantly competed and fought with Mirajane. He is the youngest member of the guild who managed to obtain the title of "S" class Mage, passing the exam at the age of 15. In addition, he constantly eats cakes and hits Natsu and Gray so that they don’t fight. Always worried about her friends in
"Heavenly Stronghold"

Despite his cruelty in comparison to Natsu and Gray, he takes care of them like younger brothers. Natsu taught him to read and write well, and became a good friend for Gray who he could rely on. After Lucy Serdobolia joins Fairy Tail, she thinks that she is just a weakling, but changes her mind after joining the team.

She protected all members of the guild when Fairy Tail was attacked by the dark guild Phantom Lord from a hyper cannon, thereby almost dying and spending all her strength. By this she showed that for the sake of the guild and his comrades, she was ready to do anything, even death and self-sacrifice.
Paradise Stronghold:
Having received tickets for a vacation to the beach, Erza, Natsu, Gray, and Lucy go on vacation. However, what would a vacation be without adventure? Elsa's old friends attack members of Fairy Tail and take Elsa by force. Upon arrival at the “Tower of Paradise”, she meets with Gerard, after which she fights with him, but loses and was almost absorbed by the etherion. After saving Natsu, we even see that when she saw her friends coming to her aid, she shed tears in both eyes. After this incident, Gerard lost his memory. Fairy Tail Elsa and Gerard even maintain a friendly relationship and both take part in the Grand Magic Games.
Grand Magic Games:
Great Magic Games Elsa was one of the 8 participants from Fairy Tail, was on Team A, along with Natsu, Lucy, Gray and Wendy. Participated in 100 vs 1 fights against 100 strong monsters, which were divided into classes from “D” to “S”, the strength of which can defeat even God’s chosen one, but despite the almost impossible task, she destroyed all the monsters in this fortress and returned the former glory of the Fairy Tail guild.

The anime Fairy Tail, based on the manga of the same name, was released in 2009. On March 30, 2013, the show was suspended.

The first chapter hit the light in August 2006. To date, 53 volumes have been published, and the story itself is still ongoing.

In addition to the series, fans were treated to six OVAs and an animated film. 2009 was an important year for the manga, as it was awarded the Kodansha Award. After 42 volumes were released, it was announced that total sales were over 20 million.

The main characters of the manga: Natsu Dragneel, Erza (Elsa) Scarlett, Gray Fullbuster.

Elsa Alaya

Elsa Scarlett, or Elsa Scarlet, is the main character in the manga. She is the strongest girl in her guild. Nicknamed "Titania".

The girl’s magic lies in the fact that she easily summons swords and armor from the world of star spirits. In a short period of time, she was able to increase her level of magic and can summon 100 types of armor and about the same number of weapons.

Her clothes rarely change. In the anime, Elsa Scarlett most often appears in front of viewers wearing a blue skirt, boots and Heart Kreuz armor. Magic has a blue coat of arms, the girl wears it on her left shoulder. Nothing is known about the parents.

An interesting feature of the girl is that for a long time she could cry only with her left eye. This is due to the fact that her right eye was severely damaged during torture, so it was replaced with an artificial one.

In 780, Elsa Scarlett takes the exam to become an S-class wizard. She is the youngest among the strongest magicians of the guild (one of the top three) - at the time of taking the test she was only 15 years old.


Elsa is a 19-year-old girl with long scarlet hair and black eyes. Her figure is good, slender and beautiful, and this despite the fact that Elsa Scarlett loves to eat cakes. As a hairstyle, she prefers loose hair.

Among her strange habits is an inadequate reaction to questions about her appearance. She rarely waits for an answer and, thinking that she will be insulted and humiliated, immediately begins to hit. If Elsa is offended by something, she tries not to show it, hiding her true feelings. Her wardrobe contains more than 100 outfits; prefers to wear a skirt and light armor.


Place of birth: Rosemary Village. The girl’s childhood was quite difficult: Elsa was one of the slaves and participated in the construction of the “Tower of Paradise”. Grandpa Rob helps her escape to the guild; he also contributes to the discovery of magical abilities in her.

In the anime "Fairy Tail", the writers show Elsa's original character: she is purposeful, confident in herself and in her abilities. She even once managed to convince many that she was capable of destroying the Moon. Although, in fact, the girl is not as strong as she wants to seem.

However, this does not at all prevent her from building her own guild, the mention of which makes her enemies shake with fear. At first it seems boring and boring, but with each chapter it changes for the better, developing its strong qualities and eradicating its weak ones.

Elsa brings the same destruction as Natsu; Because of this, she is constantly subject to anger from the Council of Magicians. She is not lacking in physical strength. Pulling the tusks of monsters on her hand and wielding heavy swords is what she does best.

He treats Natsu like a younger brother, considering him a child. To Gray - confidentially. He knows about all her weaknesses, especially since Gray became her first friend in the guild. Lucy at first appeared in Elsa's eyes as a strange and weak girl, but after a while she was able to prove the opposite.

The heroine took part in the Great Magic Games; was a member of Team Fairy Tail A.

In the Pandemonium challenge, you had to destroy 100 monsters. Elsa, having chosen everyone, was able to defeat them. Thanks to her, she regained her fame and respect.


Elsa Scarlett, whose biography is full of incredible events, is a strong and destructive nature, although in fact she is weak and clad in the armor of loneliness.

She is a good friend who will always help in problems. When a girl wants to praise someone, she puts his head to her armor on her chest, which calms the interlocutor. This is due to the fact that approval from Elsa is difficult to obtain. To some extent, this can be compared to the destruction of the Moon.


Elsa Scarlett has three main abilities.

  • Rearmament. Basic magic. The skill in it has reached an unprecedented level. Thanks to this feature, a girl can easily change her clothes, weapons and armor.
  • Magic of Swords. Elsa has an extraordinary talent with swords.
  • Telekinesis. The girl discovered her talent for telekinesis quite by accident in the Tower of Heaven.

In addition to the basic ones, Elsa also has other skills. Fencing and hand-to-hand combat are her second friends. In addition, she can easily carry heavy things that weigh several times more than she does. Elsa is also resilient.

Has fast response and maneuverability. It's easy for her to evade spells and attacks.