Angel Day July 14th. Women's names according to the Orthodox calendar for July. Learn about the meaning and characteristics of names

Today, July 14 (July 1, old style), the Orthodox Church celebrates the Orthodox Church holiday:

* Unmercenary and miracle workers Cosmas and Damian, victims in Rome (284). St. John of Rila (return of the relics, 1469). Venerable Nicodemus the Holy Mountain (1809).
Martyrs of Potitus (c. 138-161); Constantine the Wonderworker and those who suffered with him (IV); Mauritius; 25 Nicomedia; 2000 truncated. Saints Perepetua, Paul and those who suffered with him. Venerable Leo of the Hermit; Peter, former patrician (854); Vasily (IX), founder of the monastery "Deep Rivers". Righteous Angelina, Despotissa of Serbia (XVI). Hieromartyr Arkady the Presbyter (1918).

Martyrs Cosmas and Damian

The martyrs Cosmas and Damian were brothers and lived in a village near the city of Rome. They were doctors. Healing the sick, they did not take any payment, which is why they are called unmercenaries, like Saints Cyrus and John, whose memory is on January 31. For their selfless treatment of the sick, the holy brothers were called “unpaid doctors.” In addition to medical knowledge, they received from God the gift of healing diseases, because they were very pious.

With their kindness and miraculous healing of illnesses and preaching, they converted many to Christ. Usually the saints said to unbelieving patients: “We heal illnesses not by our own power, but by the power of Christ, the true God. Believe in Him and you will be healthy.” In their time (in the 3rd century) there was a persecution of Christians, and they were advised to hide from the persecutors; but the saints themselves agreed to suffer. The king gave them over to cruel torture, but God struck him with illness. Then the saints healed the king, and the king released them; the doctor, from whom Saints Cosmas and Damian studied, became jealous of their glory and killed them. This was in 284. Parts of the relics of the martyrs are kept on Mount Athos, in the Zograf monastery.

Cosmas and Damian are considered patrons of doctors and surgeons and are sometimes placed on medical emblems.

Venerable Nicodemus the Holy Mountain

The Monk Nicodemus of Svyatogorets (in the world Nikolai) was born, according to the most reliable data, in 1749 on the island of Naxos. While still young, he went to Athos and there, in the Dionysates monastery, he took monastic vows with the name Nicodemus. At first he bore the obedience of a reader and scribe, but two years later, Metropolitan Macarius of Corinth (who was glorified after his death for miracles) arrived on Athos and gave the young monk for consideration the manuscript of the Philocalia (Philokalia) that he had found in 1777 in the Vatopedi Monastery. Work on it was the beginning of many years of literary work by Father Nikodim.

Having entered into obedience to Father Arseny the Peloponnese at the Pantocrator monastery, the Monk Nicodemus continued his feat as a monastic scribe and zealously began studying the Holy Scriptures and the works of the Holy Fathers. Having received a separate cell in this monastery in 1783, the Monk Nicodemus accepted the schema from the elder Father Stavrud of Damascus, after which he remained in silence for six years, without ceasing to study the Holy Scriptures. When Metropolitan Macarius of Corinth again arrived on Athos, he entrusted the Monk Nicodemus with editing the works of Simeon the New Theologian. The Monk Nicodemus abandoned his feat of silence and again devoted himself to literary activity, zealously working in this field for the good of the Holy Church, writing his own works and editing the works of others. In recent years, the monk lived with the icon painters Stefan and Neophyte Skurteev (Kutsovlakh), where he rested in the Lord on July 1, 1809.

The Monk Nicodemus the Svyatogorets was, first of all, a true ascetic monk who followed all the rules of a strict monastic life. But besides this, until his death he also carried out the feat of a monk-scribe. The works of St. Nicodemus are numerous and varied, they relate to asceticism, hagiography, canon law, and interpretation of Holy Scripture; he was the author of teaching works and services. His “Invisible Warfare” was especially popular in Russia, and went through a number of editions. He was rightly called the “Athos bee”, who collected a lot of honey from different flowers for the spiritual nutrition of Christians.

St. Nicodemus the Holy Mountain was canonized by the Orthodox Church of Constantinople in 1955; By definition of the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church, it was included in the monthbook of the Russian Orthodox Church.

Today is an Orthodox church holiday:

Tomorrow is a holiday:

Holidays expected:
28.12.2019 -
29.12.2019 -
30.12.2019 -

Troparion of the Unmercenary, tone 8: Holy unmercenaries and wonderworkers Cosmos and Damian,/ visit our infirmities // accept, give to us. Kontakion of the Unmercenaries, voice 2: Grace accepts healings, / you extend health to those in need, doctors, / wonderworkers of glory, / but by your visit to the warriors, you overthrow insolence, / / ​​healing miracles for the world.

It is very important to learn to comprehend the meaning of events, to learn to isolate from everything that happens to us both logically explainable and incomprehensible. Often, brushing aside incomprehensible events in our lives, we say without any meaning: “I was lucky” or “it was an accident,” but no one knows what this means. Often through events of this kind the Lord turns to us, as to Peter on Lake Tiberias. And if we respond to this call, we must remember that our response always involves some kind of sacrifice. We must show God that, accepting His call, we are ready to sacrifice something in our lives, like Peter - a boat, a catch, and generally a quiet life with his family. Peter suddenly changes the entire course of his life, and it was a turning point, a radical rejection of his usual and fairly prosperous life. The Lord most often does not require such a radical renunciation and revision of our entire life from us, but we must sacrifice part of our time, our attention, our thoughts so that He can enter our lives.

Liturgical instructions awaited

Names for July 14 according to the church calendar (saints)

July 14 / 27

Akila - eagle (lat.);
Elliy (Elliy) - sun, sunny (Greek);
John (Ivan) - God has mercy, the grace of God, God is pleased (Heb.);
Just (Yust) - fair, righteous (lat.);
Konstantin - persistent, constant, firm (lat.);
Nicodemus - conquering people (Greek);
Nicholas - conquering people (Greek);
Onesimus (Anisim, Anis) - fulfillment, completion, useful (Greek);
Stefan (Stepan) - wreath, crown, crown (Greek).

Do you know that...

July 14 (27) is the day of remembrance of St. Stefan Makhrishchitsky, a contemporary and comrade-in-arms of Sergius of Radonezh.
Saint Stephen was born in Kyiv, upon reaching adulthood, he took monastic vows at the Pechersk Monastery and spent several years there.
Due to oppression from Catholics, he and several monks were forced to flee Kyiv and seek refuge in the town of Makhrishche (near the Trinity-Sergius Lavra). In this place in 1358, Stefan founded a monastery in honor of the Holy Trinity and became its abbot.

Learn about the meaning and characteristics of names

Female names
Most parents, when choosing a name for their daughter, are guided, among other reasons, by its meaning. Let's consider the origin and meaning of today's popular female names.


From the ancient Greek name Alexios - “protector”.

  • - from the ancient Greek name Arkadios - “Arkadian, resident of Arcadia (region in Greece)”, as well as “happy”, “blessed” from the Greek word “arkados” - “shepherd”.
  • - from the ancient Greek name Basileios - “royal, royal.”
  • - from the ancient Greek name Damianos, derived from damaso - “to tame, subdue, subdue” or on behalf of the fertility goddess Damia.
  • - from the Hebrew name Yohanan - “Yahweh is merciful” from the Hebrew John - “merciful of God.”
  • - from the Latin word constans - “constant”, “persistent”.
  • - from the Greek name Kosmas - “blacksmith”.
  • - translated from Greek - “lion”, “king of beasts” from the Latin word leo - “lion”.
  • - from the Roman family name Paulus - “modest”, small”, “insignificant”, “junior”.
  • - from the ancient Greek name Petros - “stone”, “solid”, “reliable”.
  • Women's name day on July 14 according to the church calendar

    • - from the Late Latin male name Angelus, derived from the Greek angelos - “angel”, “messenger”.

    Name of the day July 14th - Angelina

    Dreams come true for Angelina.

    Phlox in a dream on name day night predicts the usual course of life, white lilac - romance and separation, purple lilac - a romance that will be remembered for a long time.

    To prevent negative dreams on July 14 from coming true, it is useful for Angelina to acquire a Talisman name-pendant depicting a lilac branch. Such a name Talisman will help you behave correctly, so as to control the course of your personal life.

    Name of the day July 14th - Vasily

    Dreams come true for Vasily.

    Ascending the throne in a dream on name day night means getting promoted; seeing a crown means having great ambitions; an iron crown foreshadows suffering.

    To prevent a bad Dream on his name day from coming true, it wouldn’t hurt for Vasily to have a name Talisman - a miniature crown. It will bring profit to those without money, and promotion in the hierarchy to those who crave power.

    Name of the day July 14 - Constantine

    Dreams come true for Konstantin.

    Carnations in a dream on July 14 are a sign of love and blind devotion. This is not the most successful Dream on a name day. He often talks about stubbornness in one thing, about the inability to see other development options. Dreaming of carnations in the summer predicts an affair with onerous consequences, when someone begins to pester someone and pursue them with their love.

    To dream of a wreath of carnations means that things will progress, but will not bring any sense - this is a dead end.

    Name of the day July 14 - Kuzma

    Dreams come true for Kuzma.

    Flying on a spaceship means your plans will come true, but if the spaceship explodes, your goals will have to be changed. A UFO in a dream promises a surprise in real life, aliens - troubles, little green men - quarrels over trifles.

    Name of the day July 14th - Leo

    Dreams come true for Leo.

    If you dreamed of the sun shining in the blue sky, this is a good sign that predicts receiving money or healing. The rising sun means an interesting period of life ahead, full of pleasant adventures. The sun split into pieces means suffering and loss of mental integrity. An eclipse in the sky is a sign of wrong actions in real life. The name talisman - the sun made of yellow metal - will help you avoid a bad omen.

    Name of the day July 14 - Pavel

    Dreams come true for Pavel.

    If you dreamed of betrayal, then in life you have to expect betrayal. Women in beautiful dresses dream of deception, women with loose hair portend illness.

    If such dreams occurred, then it would be useful for Pavel to acquire a Talisman with a name depicting a golden unicorn. Beliefs say that this wonderful beast absorbs human suffering.

    Name of the day July 14 - Peter

    Dreams come true for Peter.

    Donkeys dream of naive behavior, goats - of inappropriate flirting. Trees with apples foreshadow new things that will bring good luck. If Peter does not plan to start new things, then such a Name Day Dream predicts an improvement in the general standard of living. Sometimes apples on trees promise new love.