Architectural house plan - designing a house, cottage or, as best as possible, drawing up a house plan. Series of ears of corn Series of houses of ears of corn and 1279

Let's consider what recommendations a designer should follow when developing a plan for a private house (as well as a plan for major renovations of residential buildings, a plan for a frame house, an architectural plan for a house, when working on a problem: house, apartment layout)

Viewing architectural house plan, you can find out not only the size of the housing, but also the number of rooms and utility rooms. The plan clearly shows how the rooms of the house are interconnected with each other - what is usually called the arrangement of rooms. By the way, in the second part of this article you can read about the rules and construction plan of the building from the point of view of housing legislation

It goes without saying that the functional and operational properties of a home are organically dependent on the nature of the home’s layout.

The fullest use of the spaces of the house increases the so-called. "housing quality" The house should have places for relaxation, privacy, entertainment, etc.

Functions of premises. Naturally, future owners themselves decide which rooms to divide the house into. In general, the premises can be divided into several groups. There are two main ones - premises for daytime and night use.

For example, the living room, dining room and kitchen in the specialized literature are classified as premises of the day zone, since they are most often used during the day.

Individual design of a house, cottage(two-story), and also imply that it is advisable to locate the above premises on the ground floor, since close proximity to nature (garden) is of great importance for psychologically comfortable communication. These rooms require the most sunlight. They try to place them on the southwest, southeast or south side.

The night area includes sleeping quarters, a bathroom and a wardrobe. These are the so-called private rooms. They should not be placed on the sunny side. An exception may be the bedroom - it is advisable that sunlight falls through its windows in the morning. Orient such rooms to the east, northeast and southeast. In houses with more than one floor, the night zone rooms are usually located on one of the upper floors.

Connection diagram. The figure below shows the connections between the rooms of different zones.

On architectural plans premises, as a rule, are indicated by numbers, and then an explanation of their functional purpose is given on the explication. Sometimes letter abbreviations are used to symbolize premises: K-r- corridor; G-I- living room; St-i- dining room; K-ya- kitchen; Cl.- pantry; Sp.- bedroom; V-i- bathroom; G-b- wardrobe; W.C.- toilet

Anyone who has had to build knows where independent design of a house, cottage and so on. Usually these are pencil sketches on a sheet of paper, where the general arrangement of the premises is outlined. This period is associated with reasoning and debate, such as: where is it better to place the living room and how will it communicate with the kitchen, how to carve out space for a small office without significantly reducing the size of the bedroom, etc.

For a one-story house there are different options, for a multi-story house there are different options. In two-story houses, an attic or attic is often installed on the second floor.

Rating of wishes: making up private house plan or residential building renovation plan, the architect must get acquainted with the wishes of the customer, which will give him a lot of necessary information. The architect determines how best to functionally and compositionally connect different rooms with each other, how to organize the interior space, which room should have how much sunlight, etc. The architect is familiar with the structure of the building, knows where the load can be increased by placing a mezzanine, and to what size the wall and window openings should be changed without disturbing the overall composition of the home.

Several different architectural house plans(click on the picture to enlarge). The first is a long rural house (obsolete type). Through the covered veranda you can enter the rooms and the middle room - the kitchen. The second and third are plans for American single-family houses. Upon entering the house, we immediately find ourselves in the living room, which also serves to receive guests. In the back of the house there is a kitchen, which has two exits - one to the dining room, and the second to another living room. Feature - the rooms can be accessed from the garage.

Movement within housing. The location of the premises determines the nature of movement within the home. At the same time, the location of the entrance to the house is fundamental. It goes without saying that intimate areas of the family should be placed away from entrances and away from high traffic areas. The space of the hallway (corridor) can only be increased at the expense of the space of the living room. Therefore, already when drawing up a plan, the hallway space must be designed very thoughtfully: it should be minimal in size, but as compact and convenient as possible. The pictures show the interdependence of the location of the entrance to the house and the size of the corridor.

Creating architectural house plan, remember: access to any living space must be provided directly from the hallway!

From this point of view, our conclusions can be schematically presented as follows:

1. the shortest possible corridor; 2. longer corridor = requires more space; 3. requires even more area; 4. too much space to move around; 5. broken contour = less space to move.

Design of a house, cottage should include determining the optimal ratio between living space and corridor area.

Modern houses are characterized by lightweight structures and greater openness (visibility) of the premises from the outside. Naturally, the intimate part of the home (bathroom, toilet, bedroom) is hidden from prying eyes.

A large continuous space can be “fragmented” - either by changing the shape of the building’s perimeter (the architect’s task), or by using movable furniture structures and specially designed wall cabinets (the designer’s task). In the latter case, it remains possible to change the appearance of the interior from time to time. Naturally, movement around the house should remain as free as possible. The option should not be considered successful when one of the rooms also serves as a corridor (for example: an internal “dead” room in old communal houses).

Houses, apartments - layout and layout in space: The house can be one-story, two- or multi-story, or “broken” if it stands on a steep slope. (Sometimes the word “cascade” is used instead of the term “broken”).

Plan of a private one-story house. A house is considered one-story if the difference in the heights of the floors of its premises above ground level does not exceed 2-3 steps of the stairs. Rooms with different floor heights belong to different zones.

Plan of a one-story, clearly visible house with a garden. The day zone (shaded in yellow) is a public space, clearly separated from the night zone - intimate space (shaded in purple). Since the house is located on a slope, the rooms of the day zone are lowered one relative to the other by two steps (about 30 cm). If the ceiling height is the same everywhere, then the rooms of both zones are located relative to each other as if they were terraces, taking advantage of all the advantages of morning (from the east) and afternoon (from the west) sunlight.

Plan of a private house: two-story houses. The floors of a two-story house communicate with each other via an internal staircase. The entrance to the house and the premises of the day zone are usually located on the first floor, and the premises of the night zone are on the second. Sometimes there are two bathrooms: one on each floor (for example, on the lower floor there is a shower, and on the upper floor there is a room with a bath). In accordance with modern trends, it is advisable to provide toilets on each floor. It is easy to guess that the bedroom of a two-story home provides more intimacy than the bedroom of a one-story home. If the house is located on a steep slope, then the difference in the heights of the floors of individual parts of the house above ground level can reach 1.30-1.40 m, that is, half a floor (a “broken” house). This circumstance can be used advantageously when dividing a home into functional zones.

Frame house plan: two-story house,where a family of three generations lives. On the ground floor there is a daytime common area: a kitchen-dining room, a living room (painted in yellow), as well as a bedroom for the older generation (grandparents) with a separate bathroom (painted in purple). On the second floor there is a father and mother bedroom and a children's bedroom, each with its own private bathroom. The visual connection between the floors is ensured by the fact that from the gallery on the second floor the premises of the day area of ​​the first floor are visible.

Frame house plan: Two-story single-family house.On the ground floor there are family rooms in the day zone: living room, dining room, kitchen, pantry. Taking into account modern trends, two rooms near the entrance can be allocated for an office, store or other private enterprise. On the top floor there are three rooms, each of which can be accessed from the hall, as well as a combined bathroom.


Changes in family composition. A house can serve its residents for a very long time, decades. However, over time, the composition of the family changes, which may cause the need to reorganize the home, develop residential building overhaul plan. The easiest option is to change the functions of the rooms, for example, move older children to a more spacious room. However, sometimes this is not enough, and you need to contact a specialist who will reorganize the home, connecting the rooms in a new way or changing the size of the functional space. This home reorganization involves not only moving partitions; an architect or designer may offer other solutions. We will talk about them in detail in the following lessons.

The pictures below show how the composition of the family affects the organization of the home, how the appearance of the house, apartment, and its layout changes over time (click on the picture to enlarge).

Also pay attention to one more picture. Examples illustrate the reorganization of the space occupied by children (click to enlarge).

HOUSING ASSOCIATION (house capital renovation plan)

When designing a house, cottage, etc. It may be necessary to combine not only the premises of one dwelling, but also two neighboring dwellings. This requires a more serious approach and calculations on the part of the designer, since the load-bearing elements of the building can be weakened!

A large dissected multifunctional space consists of a living room, dining room and kitchen, and from any point there is a view of the garden through glazed walls. The sleeping area is separate, and the two children's rooms are connected by a common wardrobe; The bathroom is also shared. The parents' bedroom, guest room and children's room (for small children) are located on the second floor of the house or apartment. The layout may also change over time. Plan of a villa built in the 30s (Hungary). The layout of the house is simple and transparent; The large living room serves several functions here, thanks to the delimitation of space by movable partitions.

Houses of this series were erected in Moscow in 1996-2002. The house is a 24-25-story cylindrical tower with one entrance. The first 2-4 floors are non-residential and are reserved for retail pavilions and consumer service enterprises. On residential floors there are from 7 to 10 apartments. Apartments are 1-, 2- and 3-room. All apartments have loggias. Elevators: 2 pass. and 2 freight passengers. for every house. Bathrooms in 1-room apartments are combined, in 2-3-room apartments - separate. Ventilation is carried out through natural exhaust; ventilation units are in the kitchen and bathroom. External walls: 3-layer panels with a total thickness of 26-32 cm, the walls of non-residential floors are brick. Internal inter-apartment walls are made of monolithic reinforced concrete 18-20 cm thick, partitions are plasterboard 8 cm thick. Floors are monolithic reinforced concrete 16 cm thick. Water supply: cold. and mountains water comes from the city water supply network. Garbage chute loading valve - on each floor.

We often encounter misconceptions among customers about the composition of the Architectural Detailed Design (called AR). Many have a general idea of ​​its composition, some have the opinion that this architectural section of the project is just “plans, facades, sections...”, there are also those who consider it an unnecessary waste of time and money.

Our opinion is that this is not entirely true, or rather, it is not at all true :). this is an integral, important and full-fledged part of the entire project; in most cases, the structural section (CR) is closely related to the AR and most of the sheets in the RC section refer specifically to the architectural section. They complement, clarify each other, and only both sets of AR and KR can be called a full-fledged working project for the construction of a private house. Today we want to show with a specific example what a detailed architectural working design for the construction of a private house. And as an example, we will take our project, which was developed this spring and is currently being implemented. The price of an architectural project for a private house depends on the area of ​​the house, the complexity of the technical specifications and the required time frame for developing the project - check it out in advance.

We must say that this project is not a standard one and it is difficult to say that the number and composition of drawings in AR projects can be typical, since each project has its own nuances and its own characteristics, depending on this it can be supplemented with various kinds of diagrams and drawings.

  1. Title page of the project.

    It gives a brief description of the project

  2. Project visualization.

    3D renderings that give an understanding of the appearance of the house

  3. Common data.

    This is a table that lists all the drawings as part of the project, gives general instructions and a couple more statements.

  4. General instructions for masonry

    On this sheet, the architect describes what materials the house will be built from, how the walls are laid, and what nuances the customer should pay special attention to.

  5. Insolation scheme

    A diagram showing how and for how long this or that side of the house will be illuminated.

  6. General plan or diagram of the planning organization of the relief.

    One of the most important drawings of the project. Gives an understanding of how the house is tied to the boundaries of the site in accordance with the standards and how the relief will be organized after construction. The same drawing is included in the construction passport for obtaining a construction permit. In particular, in this project we dealt with complex terrain on a slope and worked out a 3D view of the terrain to make it clearer for builders

  7. Masonry floor plans.

    Almost all builders use this part of the project at a construction site, but most of the time it belongs to masons who lay walls, partitions, chimneys and channels. All dimensions, partitions are indicated here, windows and doors are linked, notes and symbols are given.

  8. Marked floor plans.

    This drawing is similar to the masonry plan, but it is on the marking plan that window and door openings, types of floors are indicated and marked, the area of ​​the premises and the table-list of premises are given.

  9. Roof plan.

    The drawing shows the overall dimensions of the roof, reference to the axes. Gives an understanding of the main elevations of the characteristic parts of the roof: ridges, valleys, overhangs, gables, etc. Sometimes our design team includes in this sheet a 3D diagram with marks and slopes of the roof, so that customers and builders can more easily grasp the essence.

  10. House facades.

    Well, everything is clear here without explanation. This is the face of the house, on the facade drawing, all levels and marks are visible; the mason always works with the masonry plan and facade. This is how a complete understanding of which pier begins where and to what level the masonry is carried out is achieved.

  11. Usually there are at least three or four of them and they also clarify the understanding of the overall picture inside the house.

  12. Details of walls or sections along walls.

    In fact, these are sections only on a larger scale and there are much more than 2-3 of them. Since the scale of such sections is usually 1:20, 1:30, here you can see the “order” of the masonry - that is, the height of the row with the mortar joint and understand how many rows of masonry there will be, for example, under the window and above the window. Information is also given on how the masonry is reinforced, how decorative elements are arranged, etc.

  13. Ventilation ducts and chimneys.

  14. Explication of walls and material consumption sheet.

    The material consumption specification gives the customer an understanding of what wall materials he needs to purchase and in what quantities. This, by the way, is one of the most asked questions by customers :)

  15. Scheme of window blocks and doors.

    Diagrams of windows and doors are presented. Information is given on the number and sizes of windows and doors per floor and the total number for the entire house.

  16. The floors of the house, their composition and area are schematically presented.

With this post, our project team wants to provide understanding for customers who have not yet encountered construction and do not know what information they should receive . We would also like to protect our future customers from dishonest and incompetent designers. Knowing how much information you will receive when ordering an architectural project, it will be more difficult to deceive you. Demand from architects and designers that AR give answers to all questions about construction, and not be something like “planks and facades with sections” :) Or just contact us - we love complex and interesting tasks!

Many people dream of having a beautiful and large country house. For a dream to become a reality, it is necessary. A modern project can have many architectural solutions. There are no restrictions here. Dreaming on your own is difficult without experience. There are 2 options to cope with this task.

You can contact construction companies that create architectural plans. Based on them, it is easy to get an idea of ​​what the future structure will be like.

Project and architectural plan of a two-story house

Another option is to try to make the necessary drawings yourself. They will help you complete the construction plan. After looking at the appearance of the building and landscape design, the owner can begin creating his project. Modern buildings differ from structures that were erected at the end of the last century. Apply the latest architectural solutions to your project.

The software helps to draw up a project with the necessary space-planning solutions for the future home and determine the type of structure.

You will find a professional set of necessary tools for architectural design in the ArchiCAD program.

An example of an architectural plan of a building created in ArchiCAD

This product is suitable for professionals - architects, builders and designers. The program is used not only for three-dimensional modeling.

It represents a full range of professional solutions. This means that the product allows you to fully maintain the required documentation.

It's easy to draw with the program. It is possible to maintain specifications of materials or construction and technical documentation of structures.

Characteristics of the ArchiCAD computer program

The product was developed by the world famous company Graphisoft. It is indispensable when you need to create a building plan. Benefits of the program:

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Architectural visualization of various objects

To make working with ArchiCAD easier, there are many tutorials and reference books. If you wish, you can find a master class that explains in detail how to make drawings of a specific building area. The use of ArchiCAD expands the possibilities for the construction of structures.

Creating an architectural plan for a one-story house in ArchiCAD

Special video programs allow users to become familiar with the steps required to launch a project and configure settings. After watching the video, you can understand how the axes for the future architectural object are constructed.

After downloading the software to your computer, you can practice installing a design mesh. The design of the foundation is carried out taking into account the features of the structures and the characteristics of the site. ArchiCAD will help you plan the foundation of your house.

Features of the Home&Landscape Design program

When creating a house project, it is convenient to use the easy-to-learn Home&Landscape Design program. Powerful tools allow you not only to make drawings of a site or building, but also to perform the required calculations with an assessment of costly materials. This designer is suitable for both beginners and professionals. A special tool allows you to quickly drag and drop a finished development project.

Creating an architectural plan in Home&Landscape Design

All the advantages of Home&Landscape Design:

  1. A set of tools allows you to model the interior and exterior of a house in the program. The plan and drawings can be presented in 2D or 3D.
  2. Change the size of objects as you wish. The Home tab has various types of structures and foundations. If you are not satisfied with standard building drawings, you can find an interesting option for an architectural solution in the library.
  3. Any created model and or building can be viewed on a computer in 3D format. The building layouts are easy to assemble. Once the project is completed, you can print it on paper or cardstock. The architectural layout of the buildings and site is perfect for presentations.
  4. The program provides the ability to maintain detailed technical documentation. Well-designed video tutorials allow you to quickly learn how to use Home&Landscape Design. Creating drawings becomes easy.