Lesson "Do we know how to eat properly?" Class hour on the topic “Do we know how to eat right?” Do we know how to eat right

Municipal educational institution

"Secondary school No. 2"

g.o. Elektrostal Moscow region

Health Lesson

“Do we know how to eat properly?”

Prepared by a primary school teacher

Kuznetsova Svetlana Viktorovna


Do we know how to eat properly?

Target: formation of a value attitude towards health and a healthy lifestyle through the organization of proper nutrition.

Progress of the lesson.

Role-playing game “We are going to the store”

- Guys, our class received a letter from Carlson.

"Hello, friends. I am writing my letter from the hospital. My health has deteriorated: my head hurts, there are stars in my eyes, my whole body is lethargic. The doctor says I need to eat right. I made a menu for lunch: cake with lemonade, chips, jam and Pepsi-Cola. This is my favorite food. I'll probably be healthy soon. Your Carlson."

Guys, did Carlson put together the menu correctly? Now we will go to the store and choose products for him.

The first and third rows are buyers, and the second row are controllers. Shoppers put pictures of different products into baskets.

You have chosen the healthiest products. We will put them on a green plate. We will put the rest of the food on the yellow and red plates. Do you know why?

Green light- food without restrictions is wholemeal bread, whole grains and at least 400 g per day of vegetables and fruits.

yellow light- meat, fish, dairy products - only low-fat and in smaller quantities than “green” products.

Red light- These are the foods you need to be careful of: sugar, butter, confectionery. The less often you consume such products, the better.

This is interesting.

“Vegetables, berries and fruits are the most vitamin-rich foods.”

It’s probably no secret to anyone that vitamins are substances necessary for our health. They enter the bloodstream with food and strengthen our muscles and bones.

The word “vitamin” was coined by the American scientist Casimir Funk. He discovered a substance (“amine”) contained in the shell of rice grains, which is vital for people. Combining the Latin word vita (“life”) with “amine”, the word “vitamin” was obtained.

Where are the vitamins hidden? Now my assistants will tell you about this.

Student 1.

Vitamin A can be found in carrots, sweet peppers, green onions, sorrel, spinach, greens, chokeberries, rose hips, and sea buckthorn. It is necessary for normal growth, supporting the nervous system, good vision and healthy skin.

Student 2.

Vitamin B found in milk, cottage cheese, cheese, liver, eggs, wholemeal bread, cabbage, apples, legumes, tomatoes, cereals. It is responsible for a strong nervous system, helps transmit impulses to muscles, participates in the metabolism of carbohydrates in digestion and in the functioning of the cardiovascular system. systems.

Student 3.

Vitamin C found in lettuce leaves, parsley and dill, tomatoes, black and red currants, red bell peppers, citrus fruits, potatoes. It is needed for the growth of teeth, for the formation of blood cells, for the production of immune antibodies and the strength of the walls of blood vessels, for the prevention and control of colds.

Student 4.

Vitamin E found in liver, sprouted wheat grains, vegetable oil, egg yolk, oatmeal and buckwheat. Protects a person from stress.

Student 5.

Vitamin D can be found in caviar, milk, and also in the rays of the sun. It is responsible for proper bone growth.

Guys, remember which products are intended for what!

Improves brain function - fish, meat, cottage cheese, cereals, chocolate.

Helps digestion - vegetables, fruits, dairy products.

Strengthens bones - dairy products, fish.

They are sources of vitamins- vegetables fruits.

Physical education lesson “Tops and roots”

I will call vegetables. If we eat the underground parts of these products, we need to sit down. If on the ground, stand up to your full height and stretch your arms up. (potatoes, beans, carrots, tomatoes, beets, cucumbers, turnips, peppers, radishes, zucchini)

4. This is interesting.

From the above it follows that each type of product is useful in its own way. It is very important that we consume all the necessary foods in the correct proportions. To see this clearly, we all need to study together the food pyramid recommended for organizing proper nutrition, from which we can see which foods can be eaten without restriction and which in limited quantities.

5. Riddles “Where do vitamins live”

Guys, let's remember a food product and name what vitamin lives in it:

The grandfather is sitting, dressed in a hundred fur coats.

Whoever undresses him sheds tears, (bow)

Not a root, but in the ground,

Not bread, but on the table,

And seasoning for food,

And for illnesses, (garlic)

I grow in the ground in a garden bed - red, long, sweet. (carrot)

In the spring it hung

It's been sour all summer.

And it became sweet -

An apple fell to the ground

In the swamp, in the meadow,

Vitamin closed in snow, (cranberry)

Unsightly, gnarly,

And she will come to the table,

The guys will say cheerfully:

“Well, crumbly, delicious!” (potato)

Everyone will recognize the young man

What grows in the garden:

It's bigger than a cucumber

It is thick and smooth.

He also holds on to the whip...

Come see (zucchini)

Played hide and seek

Guys from the garden.

And straight from the garden

Got into the tubs (cucumbers)

6. “How to eat healthy”

Guys, let's make a reminder for ourselves on how to eat right. We will also introduce Carlson to this memo,

You need to eat about 4 times a day.

Food should be varied.

There are vegetables and fruits.

Don't eat before bed.

Eat less sweets.

Do not snack on chips or crackers.

Summary of the lesson.

There's a knock on the door. Another letter is handed to the teacher.

Guys, this is a letter from Doctor Aibolit.

" Dear Guys! I wish you to always be healthy and as a doctor I want to give you some simple advice:

If you have a cold, you should drink raspberry tea.

Beetroot juice is good for a runny nose.

When coughing, drink an infusion of radish with honey.

Cabbage leaves help relieve headaches.

Onions and garlic help prevent you from getting the flu.”

Of course, a healthy lifestyle is not only about proper nutrition. This is only one of the components, a small part of what will help prevent diseases and will help maintain and strengthen your health.

Open lesson on developing healthy lifestyle habits.

“Do we know how to eat properly?”

Prepared by: N.D. Lukonyushkina.


Understand the importance of the benefits of vegetables and fruits for human health and apply knowledge in practice.


    The ability to solve riddles.

    Ability to distinguish between fruits and vegetables.

    Development of auditory, visual and taste analyzers.

    Cultivating the habit of a healthy lifestyle.

    Correction of mental activity: attention, memory, speech development.


Cards depicting various products, a letter in an envelope, hats, masks, signs, fresh fruits and vegetables, nutrition rules.

Progress of the lesson.

Playback Guys, the postman brought a letter (examining the envelope and reading the address.)

Hello, dear friends. I am writing my letter from the hospital. My health has deteriorated: my head hurts, my whole body is lethargic, there are stars in my eyes. The doctor says I need to eat right. I made a menu for lunch: cake with lemonade, jam and Coca-Cola. This is my favorite food.

Yours, Carlson.

Tell me if Carlson compiled the menu correctly.

Now we are going to the store and choosing products for him.

1. Role-playing game: "We are going to the shop"

(calm music sounds) Seller Arisha, other buyers. Drawings of various products are laid out. The guys come up, choose healthy products, explain their choice, and hang pictures on the board. Then they take unhealthy foods and also hang them on the board.

Once again we carefully look at the cards and explain. which foods are healthy and which are unhealthy.

2. Intelligence challenge.

Think and say: “Is it possible to prepare a three-course meal if you only have beets, potatoes, beans, onions, carrots and rose hips?”

a) Borscht with beans.

b) Fry or boil potatoes.

c) Brew tea with rose hips.

3. This is interesting.

Playback Berries, fruits and vegetables are the main source of vitamins and minerals. Most vitamins are not formed in the human body and do not accumulate in it, but are supplied only with food. That's why berries, fruits and vegetables should be included in a child's diet regularly.

Main groups of vitamins: A, B, C, D, E.

Brief characteristics of vitamins.

1 student. Vitamin A is a growth vitamin. It also helps our eyes maintain vision. You can find it in milk, carrots, and green onions.

2 student. Vitamin C helps us get sick less often. It hides in garlic, onions, lemon, pepper, and in all fruits and berries.

3 student. Vitamin D preserves our teeth. Without it, teeth become soft and fragile. It can be found in milk, fish, cottage cheese. By sunbathing in the sun we also get vitamin D.

4. Wellness moment “Tops and roots.”

“If we eat the underground part of the plant, we need to sit down, and if we eat the above-ground part, we need to stand up to our full height and raise our arms.”

5. Game - re-enactment "Dispute of vegetables."

(Children put a vegetable hat on their head, then take turns asking riddles and talking about the benefits of the vegetable.

The red nose has grown into the ground,

And the green tail is on the outside.

We don't need a green tail,

All you need is a red nose. (carrot)

Round, rosy

I'm growing on a branch.

Adults love me

And little children. (apple)

He is filled with sunlight

Glows golden yellow, sour (lemon)

The grandfather is sitting in a hundred fur coats, dressed

Who undresses him?

He sheds tears. (onion)

Cheeks are red, nose is white

I sit in the dark all day.

And the shirt is green,

She's all in the sun. (radish)

Ermoshka sits on one leg

He's wearing a hundred clothes

And all without fasteners. (cabbage)

4. Game “What destroys health and what strengthens it.”

(selection of signs).

5. Game “Guess the taste”

(children with their eyes closed guess the taste of vegetables or fruits)

6. Learning words:

- “Before you sit down at the table,

I’ll think about what to eat.”

7. Golden rules of nutrition.

The main thing is not to overeat.

Eat simple, freshly prepared food at the same time.

Chew your food thoroughly and do not rush to swallow.

Avoid fatty foods.

Beware of spicy and salty foods.

Vegetables and fruits are healthy foods.

There are thousands of sweets, but only one health.

Before eating, do 5-6 breathing exercises, mentally thank everyone who took part in creating the products from which the food is prepared.

8.Result of the lesson.

Repeating words that you have memorized.

Goals: to promote a healthy lifestyle, foster a culture of nutrition, and show the importance of proper nutrition. Equipment: computer, projector, disk. Baskets and cards with images of various products, sheets of paper, pens. Organizing time. Updating basic knowledge. During the classes. I. II. Teacher. What task did you prepare at home for today's lesson? Students. We had to come up with a recipe for original porridges and give them a name. Teacher. Let's see what you got. (The work was carried out in groups). 1 group. Buckwheat porridge with egg. It's called "Puhovaya". 2nd group. Oatmeal porridge with dried apricots and raisins. She was named "Zorenka". 3rd group. Millet porridge with pumpkin and seaweed. "Sailor" 4th group. Oatmeal porridge with orange and cranberry. "Appetizing." 5 group. Oatmeal porridge with cinnamon and apples. "Apple tree." Teacher. What are the benefits of porridge? III. Getting to know new material. (There is a knock on the door. Perestukin, the hero of the cartoon “In the Land of Unlearned Lessons,” enters). Teacher. Boy, who are you? Boy. I'm Vitya Perestukin. “What are you doing here?” asks the guest. Students. We talked about the porridges we learned to cook and shared recipes. Vitya Perestukin. Porridge...Here's more. I found the disk. Maybe there's a movie? Let's get a look. Teacher. Of course, you can’t refuse guests, let’s see what you, Vitya, brought. Oh, guys, here is a task for a crossword puzzle and it says that we will find out what will be discussed in the lesson if we solve the crossword puzzle. Are you interested in finding out? (Solving riddles about vegetables and fruits) 1. How riddles grew in our garden bed, Juicy and large, So round. They turn green in summer, and turn red in autumn. (Tomatoes) 2. There was a green satin dress, No, I didn’t like it, I chose red, But I also got tired of this Dress I put on in blue. (Plum) 3. The golden head is large and heavy. The golden head lay down to rest. The head is large, only the neck is thin. (Pumpkin) 4. Above the ground there is grass, Under the ground there is a burgundy head. (Beets) 5. I’m yellow, not turnips. Round, not the sun. With seeds, not sunflower. (Melon) 6.Small as a mouse, Red as blood, Tasty as honey. (Cherry) 7. I am long and green, I am tasty salty, Tasty and raw. Who am I? (Cucumber) Teacher. How do you like fruits or vegetables? Let's try to write our own riddles about fruits or vegetables. It's very interesting to write. Polozova Yana. Long, but not a log. Green, but not crocodile. Shekhvatova Tatyana. It grows in the garden, glowing red. Juice is prepared from it, drink it quickly, my friend. Nagornova Anastasia. Striped ball. It tastes sweet. Children love him. What is his name?……(watermelon). Shekhvatova Tatyana. It grows in the garden, glowing red. Juice is prepared from it. Drink it, my friend. Teacher. Well done. Very interesting riddles. Which word is highlighted in red? Read it. What are we going to talk about in class today? Students. About nutrition. Teacher. Today, guys, we will talk about proper nutrition. Vitya Perestukin. I like to eat. Today I ate chips for breakfast, washed them down with Fanta, and had crackers for lunch because I didn’t have time, I was watching a horror movie on TV. Teacher. Guys, did Vitya Perestukin do the right thing? Students. No. Teacher. Why do you think so? How did you have breakfast and lunch today? (Children answer). Teacher. What advice would you give to our guest? And you, Vitya Perestukin, sit down and listen carefully. Teacher. In the life of every person, the food he consumes plays an important role. Proper nutrition is the key to human health, and health is the foundation of happiness. It is very truely said: health alone is not enough for happiness, but without health there cannot be real and complete happiness. Sometimes the guys play around and forget about food, while others constantly chew crackers, cookies, or candies, and when it’s time for lunch, they have no appetite. Scientists have found that if you eat at certain hours every day, then it is by this time that your appetite appears, gastric juice begins to be secreted, and food is digested faster and better. This benefits the entire body. A dramatization of a poem about a girl who didn't eat well. ∙ Julia doesn’t eat well and doesn’t listen to anyone. Mom: Eat an egg, Yulechka! Julia: I don’t want to, mommy. Mom: Eat a sandwich with sausage. ∙ Julia covers her mouth. Mom: Soup? Julia: No! Mom: Cutlet? Julia: No! Olechka's lunch is getting cold. Mom: What’s wrong with you, Yulechka? Julia: Nothing, mommy. Grandmother: Granddaughter, take a sip, Swallow another piece, Have pity on us, Yulechka! Julia: I can’t, grandma! Mom and grandmother are in tears, Julia is melting before our eyes! Children's doctor Gleb Sergeevich Pugach appeared. He looks stern and angry. Doctor: Yulia has no appetite. I just see that she is certainly not sick! I’ll tell you, girl: “Everyone eats - both animals and birds, From hares to kittens, Everyone in the world wants to eat!” Doctor Gleb Sergeevich Pugach said goodbye to Yulia. And Julia said loudly: Feed me, mommy! Teacher. Let's create a menu for the girl Yulia. (Work in groups). Menu: I. Fruit or juice. II. Breakfast: milk porridge, cocoa. III. Lunch: Vegetable salad with vegetable oil; Pea soup cooked on tenderloin with pieces of meat. Fish.. Portion 50 100 g; garnish with mashed potatoes. compote of dried fruits and fresh frozen berries. IV. Afternoon snack: kefir, pancakes. V. Dinner: omelet, tea with lemon. Teacher. You should eat at least 4 times a day, and preferably 5 times. What should a person eat? The daily diet must include vegetables, fruits, dairy products, meat, fish, juices, nuts, dried fruits, honey, and vegetable oil. Who can say why food should be varied? We should include various foods in our diet as they contain vitamins. If you eat only monotonous food, the growing body will not receive the necessary group of vitamins, the child will not be able to develop properly, and will get sick a lot. Vitamin A ensures normal eye function. Vitamin D is essential for strong bones. Vitamin C helps the body fight disease. B vitamins for brain activity (B 1 and B 2), B 12 is involved in hematopoiesis. Food gives us proteins, fats, mineral salts, carbohydrates, water. Many children in our class attend sports clubs. During training and competitions, they spend a lot of energy, especially they need to monitor their diet to replenish the energy expended. Guys, it's winter now. There are few fruits at this time of year, how can you compensate for the lack of vitamins? That's right, you need to take the vitamins that mom buys at the pharmacy. IV. Summing up. Game "We're going to the store." (Cards with images of objects are laid out on the desk, the class is divided into three groups. 2 grams are buyers, and 1 gram are sellers. Children collect objects into a basket at their own discretion. Now put what they bought on two plates. On red are useful products that are used often , and blue - products that are rarely present on the table.) Explain why you chose these products? Teacher. What new have you learned? How should a person eat? Why? And what can our guest say? Teacher. Right. You must follow a diet, food must be varied and healthy, so that your body develops correctly and you grow up healthy.

Do we know how to eat properly?

Goals and objectives: Activation of cognitive activity of junior schoolchildren byformation of knowledge about healthy lifestyle, the concepts of “healthy” and “unhealthy” food, clarification of knowledge about the benefits of vegetables and fruits, and the benefits of vitamins.

Class organization

Teacher: Hello guys! Do you know that when a person says the word “hello” , he wishes the person health. To be healthy you need to eat right.


Clear sky, but not water,

Sticky, but not resin,

White, but not snow,

Sweet, but not honey,

They take it from the horned one,

They give it to small children. (Milk)

Similar to your ball

Only tasty and edible.

Even though the sides are green,

The red flesh is sweet. (Watermelon)

On a bush in the garden

I will always find her

Add “M” to Alinka,

That berry... (Raspberry)

I sometimes put it in tea.

Tea becomes like this

Delicious, aromatic,

Rich in vitamin C. (Lemon)

Little, bitter brother of Luka. (Garlic)

Green at the top, red at the bottom, rooted in the ground. (Beet)

How mysteries grew in our garden bed

Juicy and large, so round. They turn green in summer, and turn red in autumn. (Tomatoes)

Teacher: Who guessed what the lesson will be about (children's answers)?

That's right, guys, we will talk about the benefits of products. We will learn - what is healthy eating? Let's understand which foods are healthy and which are harmful? Let's find out if we know how to eat properly.

“A person needs to eat.

To stand up and to sit down,

To jump, tumble,

Sing songs, make friends, laugh,

To grow and develop

And at the same time not get sick

You need to eat right

From a very young age to be able to.”

How many times a day should you eat?

What is the menu? (Menu is a list of dishes)

Why does a person eat?

Teacher. - You correctly determined why a person eats. Without food, a person cannot live long. He needs food throughout his life. What do you like to eat? Is what you eat good for your body?

2. Nutrition rules

What nutritional rules do you need to follow to be healthy?

Wash your hands before eating

Eat at the same time

Chew food thoroughly

Eat a variety of foods

Don't overeat

Do not eat later than 2 hours before bedtime

Don't snack on the go

Do not get carried away with sweet, sour, salty, spicy

Eat more fruits and vegetables

Don't chat while eating

3. Carlson's letter (Presentation)

Teacher: We received a letter from Carlson by email. (slide)

"Hello, friends! I am writing my letter from the hospital. My health has deteriorated: my head hurts, there are stars in my eyes, my whole body is lethargic. The doctor says I need to eat right. I made myself a menu for lunch: cake with lemonade, chips, jam and Pepsi Cola. This is my favorite food. I'll probably be healthy soon. Waiting for an answer. Your Carlson."

Teacher: Guys, did Carlson put together the menu correctly? Now we will choose products for him. (there are cards with healthy and unhealthy foods hanging on the board, children choose healthy foods on the board and the teacher puts them in a basket)

We have selected the healthiest products for Carlson. Now he will probably get better.

4. Wellness moment. "fruits and vegetables".

Teacher: I will show pictures of vegetables and fruits. If I show a vegetable then you sit down, if a fruit then you stand up and raise your hands high.

5. Solving the crossword puzzle “Vegetables”.

  1. The girl is sitting in prison, and her scythe is on the street. (Carrot)
  2. Ten boys live in green closets. (Beans)
  3. It is fresh, pleasant and juicy in appearance, it will treat you with tomato juice. (tomato)
  4. In the garden it is long and green, but in the tub it is yellow and salty. (Cucumber)
  5. We will put a fragrant clove from it in your soup. It will give the soup flavor, and the soup will become a hundred times more delicious. (Garlic)
  6. It is boiled, fried, ground, and baked over a fire. (Potato)
  7. You decorate salads and vinaigrettes with scarlet color. There is nothing more delicious and richer than borscht. (Beet)

6. The benefits of vitamins.

Vitamins help our body to be healthy and beautiful.

Secrets from Doctor Aibolit.

7. Summary.

Teacher: Guys, what new did we learn in today’s lesson? (that you should definitely eat vegetables and fruits, because they contain a lot of vitamins).

What advice can we give each other about proper nutrition?

I want to wish you that your most favorite dishes are good for your health.

Municipal educational institution
"Kases Secondary School"
Sedelnikovsky municipal district of Omsk region.

“Do we know how to eat properly?”

Classroom teacher:
Penkina Tatyana Ivanovna
S. Cases 2015


Topic: “Do we know how to eat right?”

1. Convince students of the exceptional role of nutrition in the formation of a person’s physical and neuro-mental health.
2. Reveal the meaning of proper nutrition: mode, quality and quantity of food.
3. Familiarize children with the rules of eating.
4. To form the ecological thinking necessary in the modern environmental and economic situation.
5. Foster students’ responsible attitude towards their health.

1. Students gain knowledge about proper, rational nutrition, and the environmental safety of food.
2. Involving students in activities to form and maintain their own health.

“Vegetables, berries and fruits are the most vitamin-rich foods.”

Progress: 1. Organizational moment
At the beginning of the lesson we will do the “Molecule” warm-up.
Children move chaotically, then on command they must join in pairs, or threes, or fours. Do this several times. After some time, they join in pairs on command and these pairs sit at their desks.
Today the guys speak alone, everyone listens without interrupting.
You don't have to answer the question if you really don't want to or can't.
The main rule is the law of the right hand.

Prologue. Training: “How do you feel?”
To relieve some of the tension and anxiety that you and I have, let’s do a simple exercise. Using a description of the weather, try to express your mood and well-being now. (Everyone takes turns speaking.)
2. Brainstorm “What is nutrition?”
(Give all participants a brief definition of nutrition).

Today we will take a trip to the land of “Longevity”, where we will find out whether we know how to eat properly, rationally, and the environmental safety of food. To do this, we will visit the stations:
1. Vitamin
2. Ecological
3. Doctor Aibolit
4. Entertaining
And at the end of our journey we will conduct a training: “How do you feel?” , let's conduct a test, sum up.

While preparing for today's event, I accidentally came across an article in the newspaper called “Tips from a Centenarian.”
Who is a long-liver?
Indeed, people whose age exceeds 80 years are called centenarians. Do you want to live long and stay healthy? Then let's reveal one of the secrets of longevity. What is one of the secrets of longevity, you will find out by listening to the following poem;
And we will open it all together: connect your elbows and fists in front of your chest, feel the tension and forcefully spread your arms to your sides.
Every day without fail
You need to eat with appetite:
Fish, cheese and curdled milk,
Fruits, vegetables and porridge.
Butter too
And sour cream and cottage cheese,
And milk sausages,
Cream is good for skinny people.
Every day without fail
You need to eat everything that is healthy!
So, what is the main secret to longevity? Choose the correct answer:
a) in a nourishing diet;
b) in healthy nutrition;
c) in a rich diet.
List from memory what foods your child must eat.
On average, a schoolchild loses 2 liters of water per day, so during the day it is important to replenish this loss by drinking from -4 to 8 glasses of liquid.

The importance of nutrition in human life reflects the expression of G. Heine “Man is what he eats,” thereby emphasizing the exclusive role of nutrition in the formation of both the body and behavior of the child. The nature of nutrition affects the growth, physical and neuropsychic development of the child. Proper nutrition is an absolutely necessary factor to ensure normal hematopoiesis, vision, sexual development, and to maintain the normal condition of the skin. It should be noted that a healthy diet also determines the severity of the body’s protective function, increasing children’s resistance to infections, aggressive environmental influences, heavy metals, radiation and other adverse effects.
(see disk 8 Class. Table 4 “Value of nutrients”)
Table 5 “The importance of dietary rules”

Interactive drawings: “Food Pyramid No. 53”

And so we go to the Vitaminnaya station.
Berries, fruits and vegetables are the main sources of vitamins and minerals. Most vitamins are not formed in the human body and do not accumulate, but are supplied only with food. That's why berries, vegetables and fruits should be included in the diet regularly. The main groups of vitamins: water-soluble and fat-soluble. (see disk Interactive diagram 4 Vitamins
Table No. 14 Content of vitamins in food products).

Brief characteristics of vitamins.
. Vitamin A is a growth vitamin. It also helps our eyes to preserve vision. You can find it in milk, carrots, and green onions.
Vitamin C is hidden in garlic and cabbage. in all vegetables, fruits, berries.
In the garden or in the vegetable garden
You will always find me.
And who will go to the forest in the summer,
He will bring us in a basket! (Sorrel.)
Vitamin D preserves our teeth. Without it, a person's teeth become soft and brittle. It can be found in; fish, cottage cheese. By sunbathing in the sun, we also get vitamin D.
Let's guys watch video clips of the primary processing of vegetables and how to properly preserve vitamins when preparing food (17, 28).
Station "Ecological":
. Soup “in a glass” is cool
I'll have it ready in a minute!
“Kirieshki” and hot dogs
Let's grab both cheeks!
Chips are simply delicious!
We are all crunching in ecstasy!
We don’t need to cook compote
-Don't even try!
Here is the powder - add water
And enjoy the juice!
I love Chupa Chups
I enjoy them.
I drink Coca-Cola often
With my friends.
And chewing gum and candy,
Delicious crackers,
Chips, chups, hot dogs
We all really like it!
Recently, a large assortment of products has appeared on the Russian market, which have become an integral part of our diet. These are hamburgers and instant soups, instant porridge, cheeseburgers and hot dogs, carbonated sweet drinks, potato chips, chewing gum... Parents are present at our press conference. My question is addressed to mothers. Tell me, do you use instant food products?
I'll tell you about chewing gum. Many people love her, especially children. This is exactly what the business of chewing gum manufacturers is built on. But what do these pillow-plates made of synthetic rubber, stuffed with all sorts of additives, bring us? Chewing gum contains sweeteners, colors and flavors. As for sweeteners, sugar and sweeteners often play this role. It has long been proven that the longer the contact of sugar with teeth, the higher the risk of developing caries. And here, chewing gum and chewing candies simply have no competitors. The flavors and dyes used in the production of chewing gum are also not considered healthy substances, especially if they are synthetic rather than natural.
It must also be remembered that excessive consumption of chewing gum reduces appetite, provokes allergic reactions, inflammation of the skin around the mouth (perioral dermatitis), and also has an irritating effect on the mucous membrane of the child’s gastrointestinal tract, which contributes to the occurrence of dyskinesia of the gastrointestinal tract (i.e. impaired mobility of the gastrointestinal tract), gastritis, colitis and other diseases.

Wellness minute “Tops and roots”
Teacher. I will call vegetables. If we eat the underground parts of these products, we need to sit down, if we eat the above-ground parts, we need to stand up to our full height and stretch our arms up. (Potatoes, beans, carrots, beets, cucumbers, turnips, pumpkin.)

Station: "Doctor Aibolit".

Doctor Aibolit gives advice. Let's watch the video clip “Food spoilage due to improper storage of food No. 18.”
If you have a cold, you should drink raspberry tea.
Beetroot juice is good for a runny nose.
When coughing, drink an infusion of radish with honey.
Cabbage leaves help relieve headaches.
Onions and garlic help prevent you from getting the flu.
(See additional literature).
Station: "Entertaining."

Guessing riddles
Small, bitter,
Luke's brother. (Garlic.)
Cheeks are rosy,
The nose is white.
I sit in the dark all day.
And the shirt is green,
She's all in the sun. (Radish.)
Green at the top
Red below
It has grown into the ground. (Beet.)
Like in our garden
Mysteries have grown -
Juicy and large,
They're so round.
In summer they turn green,
By autumn they turn red. (Tomatoes.)

Test execution.
Well done! We all passed the stations. Was it easy to walk? What was stopping you? What helped? How did you feel? What did you like?
Now, with the help of the weather, try to express your well-being and mood. You did a good job. Let's give each other gifts. The clockwise hand needs to say a few kind words to the neighbor on the left.