Dumplings with cottage cheese recipe. Dumplings with cottage cheese - the best recipes. How to properly and tasty cook traditional and lazy dumplings with cottage cheese at home

I love coockie so much. True, it doesn’t always work out – I’m just learning. I recently learned how to cook dumplings. I tried it for the first time with potatoes and it turned out great. I decided to make it with other fillings. Well, who knew then that the dough for dumplings with cottage cheese, prepared in water, would not live up to my expectations at all! I came to my mother with this problem - she is a specialist in such dishes.

But it turns out that sweet dumplings require a completely different recipe. She taught me, and I’ll tell you how to make excellent dough for dumplings with cottage cheese using two simple recipes.

Choux pastry for dumplings with cottage cheese

In general, the word “custard” always creeped me out - I thought it was almost the highest aerobatics of culinary art. But in reality everything turned out to be much simpler. We will prepare the choux pastry for dumplings with cottage cheese using milk. And we will succeed!

Kitchen appliances and utensils: electric or gas stove, kneading and brewing pan, whisk, work surface, clean bowl and plate.

We've sorted out the spoons and bowls, now let's look at the products.


To make the dough elastic and tasty, it is important to choose quality products:

  • Eggs can be bought both in the store and at the market. The main thing is the cleanliness and integrity of the shell (so that there are no traces of droppings or cracks), and freshness. It’s easier to check the freshness in the store - the manufacturer makes an imprint on the shell with the date of their “production”. At the market you can shake an egg, but if it is good you won’t hear any gurgling.
  • Take any milk. Ideally, of course, it’s whole—it seems to make it tastier. But standard pasteurized 3.2% is fine. Freshness is also important here, so buy milk only where it is sold from the refrigerator, and be sure to check the expiration dates. And if you buy it at the market, then also taste it.
  • Flour is the basis of any dough. Its quantity directly depends on its quality. It's better to take first grade. Be sure to check the integrity of the packaging in which it is sold. Damaged flour very quickly absorbs moisture and store odors, and this is of no use to us. And pay attention to the date of final consumption - flour has them too, and they are important.

If you have already stocked up on everything you need, let's start cooking.

Step-by-step preparation

  1. Beat two eggs into the prepared saucepan and whisk them with a whisk.
  2. Then pour in 500 grams of milk, add 5 grams of sugar and 2 grams of salt, mix well.

  3. Add flour until the mixture becomes a slightly sticky consistency (like pancakes). It took me about 250 grams of the prepared flour.

  4. Place the saucepan with the mixture over medium heat and heat until thickened, stirring constantly with a whisk. It took me about 7 minutes, but watch the consistency of your specific dough.

  5. Now remove the pan from the heat, shake its contents well with a whisk again, and, without ceasing to stir, gradually add flour from the remaining 500 grams.

  6. When the dough thickens enough, you need to put it on the table and continue kneading there, gradually adding flour.

  7. Knead and add flour little by little until the dough stops sticking to the work surface and your hands.

  8. As a test, you can cut it - it should not stretch behind the knife, and the lumps on the cut should be uniform and smooth.

  9. Now put the dough in a bowl, cover with another plate and leave to rest for 10-15 minutes.

  10. After time has passed, you can safely begin modeling and preparing the dumplings themselves. Bon appetit!

Video recipe for preparing choux pastry for dumplings with cottage cheese

This video shows in great detail how to prepare choux pastry for dumplings with cottage cheese using milk. In addition, the process of sculpting the products themselves is demonstrated. Be sure to watch it, then you will succeed, even if you are a complete beginner.

Dough for dumplings with cottage cheese and kefir

If you still don’t dare to fight with choux pastry, this recipe is for you. It’s even simpler, and in the end the dumplings will turn out just as good. But this test needs a little more time to stand.

Cooking time: an hour and a half.
Number of servings: The resulting mass is enough for dumplings for 4-5 servings.
Calories: per 100 grams about 160 kcal.
Kitchen appliances and utensils: electric kettle, capacity over 300 ml, kneading bowl, cling film.

In terms of accessories, everything is simple and clear; in terms of components, we’ll figure it out now.


Good dough requires good products. You know how to choose flour, all you have to do is buy good kefir. It, like any dairy product, should be taken only where it is sold from the refrigerator. The fat content of kefir in the recipe is not important, so choose according to your taste. The main thing is to check the integrity of the packaging and the deadlines for final consumption.

Do you already have everything you need in your kitchen? Let's not waste time and get on with our test.

Step-by-step preparation

Video recipe for preparing dough for dumplings with cottage cheese and kefir

If you have any doubts, be sure to watch this video. It clearly, simply and clearly shows how to prepare dough for dumplings using kefir.

How to decorate dumplings

The following recipes make excellent dough. It molds well and holds its shape perfectly. Therefore, you can decorate your dumplings with any most elaborate scallop - it will not fall apart or boil over, and the finished dumplings will be very fluffy and beautiful. I decorate the dish by twisting the scallops in a spiral - this is the simplest method, but it looks very appetizing and impressive.

  • It is advisable to sift the flour for any recipe.– this will make it easier to knead and the dough will be elastic.
  • If during the brewing process you get small lumps, don’t worry, they will disperse during the kneading process.
  • Everyone’s flour is different, so it’s better that in addition to the average amount indicated in the recipe, you have about 100 grams of flour in reserve.
  • Kefir dough should be prepared in warm liquid, that’s why you need just boiled water. This will make it more elastic.
  • Prepare the choux pastry immediately before making the dumplings themselves.– you can’t store it, then you can’t make much out of it. But the kefir version can be stored in the refrigerator under film for up to three days - it will not lose its elasticity at all.

Dough preparation options

In general, the topic of any baked goods or boiled dough products is quite sensitive, thanks to the “hero of the occasion” himself. It seems like you’ve prepared something like this, but you don’t know how to make the base of the dish. Here are my favorite recipe options, they always turn out great:

  • If you are on a diet, this recipe will suit you. It is versatile, easy to prepare and saves calories.
  • Be sure to try it. It is this recipe that makes the pies perfect and very tasty.
  • If you want to cook a traditional American dish, use the recipe. The result is a thin base, like in a real pizzeria, on which any filling will turn out delicious.
  • The younger brothers of dumplings are dumplings. It turns out very well. It cooks quite quickly, and the dumplings turn out wonderful, and they are very easy to sculpt.

Each housewife has her own requirements for the test. It’s important to me that it’s easy to sculpt with, that it doesn’t fall apart, and that dumplings can be cooked either in water or steamed. I like my mother’s recipes, I use them with pleasure. If you know how to improve them, or you have your own version of dumpling dough, be sure to write in the comments, any opinion is very important to me!

Today on my and your table there are DUMPLINGS!!! Dumplings with cottage cheese - a tasty, satisfying and incredibly homemade dish. So why put it on the back burner, I’ll immediately give you the recipe for the dough for dumplings. By the way, at the end of the article there is a music video “how I made dumplings with cottage cheese”, just don’t laugh!!! 🙂 Some interesting facts about dumplings and another funny anecdote, also at the end!


400 grams of warm kefir,

40 grams of melted butter,

Salt - 1 teaspoon with a small slide,

Sugar - 2-3 heaped teaspoons,

Soda – ½ teaspoon,

Flour - how much dough will take.

For the filling, cottage cheese – approximately 1 kg.

Sugar for filling - according to your taste.

I don’t give the exact amount of flour, because kefir comes in different thicknesses depending on the fat content, eggs are different sizes. 🙂 As a result, it is simply impossible to guess exactly how much flour will be used.

Moreover, “taste and color...”, everyone likes different dough, you can adjust it to your own taste whether it’s steeper or softer. But I don’t recommend making the dough too tight; after all, we’re not rolling noodles.

The dough according to this recipe turns out to be very soft and tender, again, if you do not overdo it with flour: as soon as it stops sticking to your hands and does not stick to the rolling pin when rolling out, then that’s enough. This dough can be used to make dumplings with any filling.

And now together with you we will make dumplings with cottage cheese!

Recipe for dumplings with photos

Step 1. Heat the kefir until it is warm. Do not heat too much, otherwise it will start to curdle.

Step 2. Melt the butter over low heat.

Step 3. Combine kefir, eggs, melted butter, salt, sugar, soda and mix everything well.

Don't forget to prepare cottage cheese for the filling. In this case, I made it from store-bought cottage cheese, but the taste is not at all the same as what the aunties sell at the market from their cows, homemade. I usually make it with this one, fatty and tasty. It’s delicious to eat just with sugar; you can’t eat too much of the store-bought stuff.

So, mix cottage cheese with sugar. Sugar is at your discretion; if you want it sweeter, add more. You can also add a raw egg to the cottage cheese.

Step 4. Add flour.

Step 5. Knead the dough.

Step 6. Roll out the layer into the shape of a large pancake.

Step 7. In the rolled out layer, carefully squeeze out round pieces with a glass. First coat the edges of the glass with flour to prevent the dough from sticking.

Step 8. Use a small spoon to add cottage cheese to each circle. I understand your desire to put more cottage cheese, it will be tastier (I’m the same). But don’t forget that the edges should stick together well so that later when cooking the cottage cheese does not end up in the pan, so be reasonable.

Step 9. We fold our circle in half, it turns out to be a semicircle, with the cottage cheese in the middle. We connect the edges and, using fairly strong pressure, fasten them together along the entire semicircle. Then roll the entire flat area of ​​the dough into a braid.

This is done simply: start from the end and, as if folding the edge of the dough in half, press it with the outside of your thumb at an angle of 45˚. Move around the circle to the other end. My grandmother taught me how to “braid” a pigtail on dumplings when I was 6 years old. First I practiced on plasticine, and then she entrusted me with the dough. And to better understand this technology, just watch the video (below).

And the most pleasant final stage:

Throw the finished dumplings with cottage cheese into boiling salted water, cook for 5 minutes after floating, remove with a slotted spoon to a plate, grease with butter and sprinkle with sugar. They can also be served with sour cream or jam, such as strawberry or .

The result was delicious dumplings. The recipe is very simple and affordable. By the way, in the recipe for dumplings, just like in mine, I used premium flour.

Vareniki, which you see on the plate and a few more behind the scenes, were made from half the dough and 2.5 store-bought packs of cottage cheese (180 grams each).

Dumplings are a very famous dish loved by many gourmets. For most housewives, they are valuable for their uniqueness, because they can be prepared with any filling: meat, vegetable, fruit. But the most delicious and healthy filling is considered to be the filling for dumplings made from cottage cheese, which is liked by everyone - both adults and children.

The curd version of dumplings is an ideal dish for those who do not like to eat this product in its pure form. It is very useful, especially for children, because it is rich in protein and harmoniously combines fats and carbohydrates. Cottage cheese should be consumed at least twice a week, and so that dishes with it are not monotonous, you can prepare delicious dumplings with a sweet or salty filling.

3 secrets of delicious curd filling

  1. The most important secret is, of course, high-quality cottage cheese. It should be fatty, crumbly and well pressed, have a soft and uniform consistency and not be too sour in taste. Low-fat curds and curd masses or curd products should not be used, because when mixed with salt or sugar, the filling becomes too liquid, and the dumplings begin to fall apart during the cooking process.
  2. If you want the filling to be very tender, melting in your mouth, beat the cottage cheese with a blender or rub through a sieve 3 times.
  3. If the cottage cheese seems too dry, add one tablespoon of heavy cream to it.

How to make a sweet filling from cottage cheese for dumplings?

The sweet filling is sure to please those with a sweet tooth. For greater aroma, you can add vanilla sugar, and for piquancy, dried fruits (raisins, dried apricots, prunes, etc.).


  • 500 g cottage cheese;
  • 1 egg;
  • 0.5 tbsp. Sahara;
  • vanillin;
  • 50 g softened butter (add it if you use low-fat cottage cheese).


Read also:

  • Lazy dumplings with cottage cheese: recipes with photos
  • How to make delicious dumplings?

Sweet filling with dried berries

The finished products are extremely tasty and nutritious - thanks to the surprisingly harmonious combination of cottage cheese and dried berries.


  • 500 g cottage cheese;
  • 1 egg;
  • 40 g dried cranberries;
  • 40 g dried cherries;
  • 5 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • vanillin (optional).


  1. Soak the dry berries in boiling water for 5 minutes and place them in a colander to drain, or even better, then place them on a paper towel so that it completely absorbs the remaining liquid on the fruit. This is necessary so that the filling is thick enough, otherwise the dumplings may fall apart during cooking and all the filling will leak out.
  2. Add soft berries to the ground or mashed cottage cheese with a fork and mix everything well.
  3. Separately, beat the egg with sugar and vanilla. Beat for at least 5 minutes to form a strong foam. Add the beaten egg to the cottage cheese, mix again and form dumplings.

Filling for dumplings from cottage cheese with herbs

These dumplings are perfect for those who are watching their figure or don’t like sweets. The greens in the filling give the finished dish an amazing aroma and piquant taste.


  • 500 g cottage cheese;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • a small bunch of parsley and dill;
  • salt.


  1. Squeeze the cottage cheese well to remove excess whey (if this is not done, the dumplings will fall apart during cooking), and grind with a blender. The filling mixture should be homogeneous.
  2. Stir chopped herbs and garlic through a press into the cottage cheese, add salt.
  3. Mix everything thoroughly and add to the dough for dumplings.

Original filling with cottage cheese and feta cheese

This dish will be appreciated by those who love savory, slightly savory dishes.


  • 250 g cottage cheese;
  • 250 g cheese;
  • 1 egg;
  • 50 g soft butter.


  1. Gently mash the cheese with a fork and mix with the cottage cheese and butter rubbed through a sieve.
  2. Beat the egg into the resulting mass, knead well again until smooth and add to the dumplings.

Recipe for dumplings filling with cottage cheese and spinach

This is an unusual and very healthy dish, rich in a lot of vitamins. Dumplings with this filling will be an excellent nutritious breakfast for the whole family.


  • 150 g spinach;
  • 300 g cottage cheese;
  • 100 g hard cheese;
  • 2 eggs;
  • salt.


  1. Mix the grated cottage cheese with spinach and grated cheese on the finest grater you have.
  2. Boil the eggs and also grate them on a fine grater, then add them to the curd mass, add salt and fill the dough for dumplings.

Cooking dumplings, of course, is troublesome, but the result, I think, will please you and all your efforts will more than pay off with praise from loved ones. Moreover, you can cook more at once, for future use, freeze the dumplings and store for several months, then just boil them and rejoice that you decided on such a feat)).

I really don’t think they will last that long, usually dumplings “disappear” very quickly thanks to homemade delicacies, and for good measure, let your stomachs rest from store-bought food, because very often you have to grab something more or less edible from the store and cook it on a quick fix. But sometimes you still need to devote time to home cooking, although not the most sophisticated, but tasty, made with love and with your own hands. How to cook dumplings...


  • premium wheat flour (1 kg)
  • chicken eggs (1 pc.)
  • water (2 tbsp.)
  • cottage cheese, not grained, I take cottage cheese 5% fat (500 g)

for approximately 1.5 kg of semi-finished products

How to cook dumplings with cottage cheese recipe

Knead the dough

1. Pour flour in the form of a slide on the table, make a depression in the slide, like a funnel. We break an egg into it; in general, dumplings require a slightly softer dough than dumplings, so you can do without an egg, the dough will not suffer from this.

Pour two glasses of water (200 g each) into the cavity, you can add a pinch of salt. We begin to carefully collect the flour from the edges and knead. For those who prefer, you can knead the dough in a deep bowl and then continue on the table; I’m used to doing this right on the table.

Knead the dough

2. Knead until the dough stops spreading and you can knead it with your hands. Knead with your hands in a circle until it stops sticking to your hands, but do not make it too tight, otherwise the dumplings will turn out to be rough.

The dough now has a rather unsightly appearance, it’s not scary, put it in a bag, let it sit, a little later we will bring it to mind. After half an hour or an hour, put the dough on the table, now you need to knead it until it reaches a homogeneous consistency, it should be elastic and neat in appearance. Let's put the dough in a bag. How to cook dumplings with cottage cheese - recipe.

Prepare the cottage cheese filling, roll out and cut the dough, lay out the filling

3. Let's make the cottage cheese filling, which is very simple to prepare. Place the cottage cheese in a bowl, add the egg, add a little salt, and mix the cottage cheese with the egg. If you like sweet dumplings, add sugar to the cottage cheese. Take the dough out of the bag, cut off a small piece, and roll it out. I believe that the dough for dumplings should not be too thin, I make it 3-4 mm thick, and use a glass to cut fairly large circles of dough.

We spread the cottage cheese filling into circles; I do this with my hands. I take a small amount of cottage cheese in my right hand, and with my left hand I pinch off a little bit and put the cottage cheese on a circle. If this does not suit you, add the cottage cheese with a spoon.

Making dumplings

4. You can cover the prepared circles with a bag so they don’t dry out and start sculpting. If you don’t know how to finish the edges with a braid, you can just mold it and leave it as is. I learned how to make a braid quite recently, well, I really wanted to, and before that, no matter how much I tried, it didn’t work, but I wasn’t particularly upset. Dumplings with cottage cheese - step-by-step recipe with photos.

Tips for freezing dumplings, serving the finished dish

5 . If you decide to make dumplings for future use, then you need to freeze them. Place a layer of dumplings in the freezer, a bag on top of this layer, a second layer on top, and so on. Or you can, for example, place four piles of dumplings on a tray in different corners, on top of the piles - a second tray, also with piles that will act as columns, there will be space between the trays, they will harden faster and retain their shape.

Using a fork or whisk, beat until foamy.

Mix the dumpling dough with your hands. If necessary, you can add flour. The main thing is that the dough for dumplings remains soft and does not stick to your hands. Cover the finished dough with a towel and set aside while the cottage cheese filling is prepared.

To prepare the filling for dumplings, place cottage cheese in a bowl, add salt and sugar to taste. Stir and the filling is ready.

Roll each part (in turn) into a sausage and cut into portions. First, we make a sausage from one part of the dough, make dumplings from it, put a batch of ready-made dumplings under a towel and work on the next part of the dough, and then process the third part of the dough in the same way.

Roll out the resulting portion of dough (cut off a small piece of dough) into a circle. Place the cottage cheese filling in the middle of the circle.

We carefully sculpt the dumplings, while trying to make the edges as thin as possible so that the dumplings turn out tender, without rough thick seams. The easiest way to finish edges is to finish them with a fork.

Place the finished raw dumplings with cottage cheese on a board sprinkled with a small amount of flour so that they do not stick to it.

To cook dumplings, you need to take a pan with a large enough volume so that the dumplings fit freely in it during cooking and do not interfere with each other. Pour water into the pan, bring it to a boil, be sure to add a little salt, and when the water boils, lower the dumplings one at a time. Bring to a boil again, wait for all our dumplings with curd filling to float, reduce the heat and cook for another 7 minutes. You can cover the pan a little with a lid, then the dumplings will become plumper.

Remove the finished dumplings with cottage cheese from the pan, transfer to a bowl and generously pour in butter. Serve hot.

Bon appetit!