Health Center Dar Gilyarovsky 36. Grand opening of the Cultural Center "DAR"

2020-01-08 15:28:43

Today Islam is a world religion with more than a billion adherents and practiced by hundreds of nations. The number of Muslim mosques around the world has long passed into the hundreds of thousands. ⠀ But before this result was achieved, the first Muslims had to sacrifice a lot, because it all started with a handful of selfless, persistent and incredibly inspired people. Many of them chose the turbulent and thorny path of serving religion at the cost of abandoning a serene and well-fed life, comfort and worldly happiness. ⠀ 👤 One of these was Mus "ab ibn" Umair - may the Almighty be pleased with him. The same one who almost single-handedly spread the light of Islam in Yathrib, before it became known as Medina. ⠀ ❓ What do we know about this glorious companion of the Prophet? ❓ How did his fate turn out? ❓ What role did he play and what example did he leave for future generations? ⠀ ➡️ We’ll talk about this at the lecture from the series “Life of Companions”, January 9 at 19:00. ⠀ ⚠️ Mandatory registration (link in profile description)

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2020-01-07 18:56:51

We invite everyone to the lecture “Emotions and health: what to do with stress.” ⠀ The life of a modern person cannot be imagined without stress. But is this always bad? Not really. A person needs stress for development, to reach a new stage. But, unfortunately, unhealthy stress prevails in life. You have to deal with its consequences, otherwise problems cannot be avoided. ⠀ A person cannot constantly be in complete emotional balance without experiencing anything. This is a direct path to psychological disorders, depression, and neuroses. But you need to experience emotions correctly, then a person’s psychological health will be fine. ⠀ ❓ How to distinguish useful stress from destructive? ❓ How to cope with the consequences of severe stress and shock? ➡️ There are at least 8 methods for this, which we will consider in our lecture. ⠀ Let's also get acquainted with the Hawkins scale, which allows you to assess a person's emotional state. Emotions affect all aspects of a person’s life, including physiological health, so it is important to control and guide them. ⠀ 👤 Psychologist and physical therapist Lilia Gadel will tell you how to do this, December 8 at 18:00. Come learn to be healthy and happy!

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2020-01-05 12:31:58

Continuing to study the Qur'an, let's move on to Surah 97 “Al-Qadr”, which means “Predestination”. It was revealed in Mecca and includes 5 verses. ⠀ 📖 This surah talks about the dignity of the Qur'an and the night on which it was revealed, and indicates that it is better than a thousand months and that on this night angels and Jibril descend at the behest of their Lord to fulfill His commands. On this night peace reigns and there is no harm or evil until dawn appears. ⠀ ➡️ We will discuss all the nuances and subtleties of this surah, conclusions about it and practical benefits for the life of every Muslim at the lecture, which will take place on January 6 at 19:00. ⠀ ⚠️ Mandatory registration (link in profile description)

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2020-01-03 15:26:10

On January 4 at 16:00 there will be a men's training on one of the current topics in business and personal life, namely “The Art of Conflict Management” ⠀ Each of us has an idea of ​​what conflict is. Most often, in conflict situations, people behave unreasonably. And the consequences of conflicts leave much to be desired. ⠀ At the training, we will look at conflicts from different sides and learn to behave in such a way that the Almighty is pleased with us. ⠀ 📣 Project host: Aisha Anastasia Korchagina @naukaodyshe ⠀ ⚠️ Mandatory registration (link in profile description)

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2020-01-03 15:11:04

On January 4 at 14:00 there will be a women's training on a very relevant topic: “Parting with guilt and resentment.” ⠀ There are two unproductive states that poison our lives, health and relationships. This is resentment and guilt. ⠀ You need to get rid of them as soon as possible and not use them in the future. How? ⠀ At the training, we will be engaged in freeing our mind and heart from these extremely harmful “shaitan” viruses. ⠀ We were not created at all to be poisoned by our own distorted states. ⠀ 📣 Project host: Aisha Anastasia Korchagina @naukaodyshe ⠀ ⚠️ Mandatory registration (link in profile description)

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2020-01-03 10:59:17

On January 4, at the Dar Cultural Center, as part of the “Muslim Family Law” lecture, a lecture will be held on the topic: “The process of divorce in Islam.” ⠀ At the lecture you will learn: ⠀ ⚖️ about the procedure for divorce in Islam ⚖️ which divorce options are permissible by the Quran and Sunnah, and which are unacceptable ⚖️ what are the features of divorce according to the Family Code of the Russian Federation ⚖️ about the modern practice of divorce among Muslims in Russia ⠀ ➡️ Venue: 4 floor, room 401 ⠀ 🗣 Speaker: Ganiev Ilyas is a graduate of the international Islamic university "al-Azhar", scientific secretary of the Council of Ulema of the Russian Muslim Spiritual Board.

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2019-12-29 17:20:24

Continuing our study of the Koran, let's move on to the 98th sura “Al-Bayyina”, which means “The Clear Sign”. It was revealed in Medina and includes 8 verses. ⠀ At the beginning of the sura, it is said that all the peoples of the Scripture (and these are Christians, Jews, and pagans) did not overcome their ignorance until they knew the Clear Sign - the Prophet Muhammad. The prophet was sent by the Lord himself and brought the truth to the peoples. ⠀ But those to whom the Prophet Muhammad spoke disagreed and lost their unity. But the Lord was sent to absolutely all people, not just Muslims. All the Scriptures that have been revealed to us speak about this. Therefore, all who believe in the Creator must be united in true faith. ⠀ The verses of the sura warn those who did not want to believe in Allah and live according to His covenants that eternal death awaits them in Hell. Others who remain faithful to the Truth will experience Paradise. Blessed will be the lot of the faithful, for by their lives in truth they will deserve a just reward from Allah. This surah is read during prayer or at any other time. ⠀ ➡️ You can understand in more detail all the intricacies of Surah “Al-Bayyina” at the lecture on Tafsir, which will take place on December 30 at 19:00 ⠀ ⚠️ Mandatory registration (link in profile description)

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2019-12-27 14:31:35

📣 We invite you to the seminar for men “Noble Sunnah. Life in a polygamous marriage" ⠀ The attitude towards polygamous marriages is ambiguous, but definitely hot. There are fierce opponents and loyal supporters. The world of human relationships is the most complex format of relationships. The attitude towards oneself and with oneself is a “dark forest”. Marriage relationships are twice as difficult. ⠀ Polygamous relationships are exponentially more difficult. It's almost like living near an active volcano and expecting it to erupt at any moment. If such a marriage already exists, then it is useful to be able to solve communication problems and conflicts. If there is only a desire and thought about such a marriage, then it would be good to get an objective assessment of such possibilities and make an informed decision, recognizing the fullness of further responsibility. ⠀ ➡ And even in this space there are disadvantages and advantages, limitations and opportunities, problems and resources. The Almighty has allowed and outlined the rules. But we are just people, not super-heroes, and we do not always sensibly assess our capabilities. This leads to unexpected difficulties and unforeseen problems that we do not always know how to solve or want to solve. In our intensive, concentrated training, we will look at the pitfalls of polygamy and ways to resolve problems that arise. ⠀ 👤 Project host: Aisha Anastasia Korchagina @naukaodyshe ⠀ ⚠ Mandatory registration (link in profile description)

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2019-12-27 11:52:04

📣 We invite you to the seminar for women “Be Not the Only One. Life in a polygamous marriage” ⠀ “It’s not customary for us”, “Our ancestors didn’t have this”, “This is not from our culture”, “We weren’t raised like that”, “I will never agree with this”, “If the husband does this, I will ask (demand) a divorce”, “How could he...”, “This is a betrayal”, “How could she...” ⠀ It is not difficult to guess that all these words are an emotional reaction to the third verse of the fourth sura of the Holy Quran. ⠀ You can be emotional as much as you like, but such a test of Allah also happens. And we know that nothing happens for nothing. ⠀ And this means that we need to be able to behave correctly in trials. That's right - this is so that the Almighty is pleased with us. Other options will not benefit us on Judgment Day. ⠀ ➡ This is exactly what we will do: the right attitude towards the situation, the right thoughts and beliefs, the right behavior. Exactly the one with which our Creator will be pleased. No one except ourselves can take care of our situation on the Day of Accounting. Therefore, let us not waste time and engage in the useful practice of bringing good to ourselves in this life and in eternity. ⠀ 👤 Project host: Aisha Anastasia Korchagina @naukaodyshe ⠀ ⚠ Mandatory registration (link in profile description)

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2019-12-27 10:19:58

📣 On December 28, at the Dar Cultural Center, as part of the “Muslim Family Law” lecture, a lecture will be held on the topic: “The birth of a child and related events.” ⠀ At the lecture you will learn: ⠀ 🤱 recommendations of the Prophet on what is desirable for parents to observe after the birth of a baby 🤱 the sacred meaning of prayer formulas read in the ear of a newborn child 🤱 basic legal provisions related to sacrifice (aqika), opinions of scientists and their arguments 🤱 what names for the child is it advisable to give, and which ones are not? What does the Sunnah of our Prophet say about this 🤱 the sacred meaning of the ritual of shaving a baby's head and how it is carried out ⠀ 📍 Venue: 4th floor, room 401. ⠀ 👤 Lecturer: Ganiev Ilyas - graduate of the International Islamic University "al-Azhar", academic secretary of the Council of Ulema Spiritual Administration of the Russian Federation and SMR. ⠀ ⚠️ Mandatory registration (link in profile description)

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2019-12-27 06:39:32

📣 For those who are new to Islam, have recently begun to observe religious practice, or are just interested in Islam, our next meeting is at the Dar Cultural Center. ⠀ 📌 When the Almighty opens the way to faith and religious practice, our lives change significantly. And we are not always ready for such changes. And our family and friends are even more unprepared. They are very frightened by the coming unknown. We don't understand them, they don't understand us. ⠀ 📌 This often leads to conflicts in which neither side is ready to hear and understand the other. In such conditions, it is difficult not only to comply with the agreement with the Almighty, but also to simply live and communicate. ⠀ 📌 On the one hand, “religion is easy”, and on the other, “you will be tested” do not find balance for a long time, and we gradually lose harmony in the soul and the joy of faith and worship in the heart. This state of affairs certainly does not bring us any benefit. And something needs to be done about this. Do something that will please the Almighty. ⠀ In order for us to succeed, we are starting a series of open meetings for those who ➡️ are new to Islam ➡️ have been in Islam for a long time and have recently begun to observe religious practices ➡️ for relatives and friends of the first and second ➡️ for those interested in Islam ⠀ ✅ It is better to clarify what is not clear and ask about unknown, how to fight the fear of uncertainty and, unfortunately, often lose. All questions are answered. ⠀ 👤 Project host Aisha Anastasia Korchagina @naukaodyshe ⠀ Code word for participation: #islaminthebigcity

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2019-12-26 10:06:53

Sincerity is the purification of all actions from show. Sincerity is the opposite of doing things for show. ⠀ Allah Almighty said in a sacred hadith: (meaning) “Sincerity is one of My secrets, which I entrusted to the heart of the one I loved from My slaves.” ⠀ One of the righteous men noted: “Sincerity is a secret between Allah and the slave. Neither an angel knows about it to write it down, nor Satan to spoil it, nor passion to turn it away from it.” ⠀ 📌 What is the essence of sincerity? 📌 What are the manifestations of sincerity? 📌 How is sincerity expressed in relation to the Almighty? ⠀ ➡ We will cover all these questions in detail at the lecture “Sincerity: the essence and its manifestation” from the series of lectures “Good character”. ⠀ ⚠️ Mandatory registration (link in profile description)

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The courses are intended for students and working youth.

Duration of training - 4 years. Classes are held 3 times a week (Monday, Wednesday, Saturday).

Training is carried out according to the approved Programs of secondary specialized religious education of the Council of Muftis of Russia.
Special religious disciplines are studied in depth: Islamic doctrine (Aqida); Koranic studies and tajweed; Hadith studies; Muslim Law (Fiqh); Muslim morality (Akhlyak); Interpretation of the Koran (Tafsir); Arabic language of the Koran; History of the Prophets (Qisas al-Anbiya); Biography of the Messenger (Sir).


Students receive primary religious education (maktab).
Duration of training - 2 years (main course). It is possible to continue with an in-depth program, which will amount to an additional 2 years of study.
Classes - on Saturday or Sunday from 10.00 (first shift) and from 14.00 (second shift).
The programs of primary religious education approved by the Council of Muftis of Russia are used.
Graduates can continue their studies under the Secondary Specialized Religious Education Program or at religious universities.


A special program of in-depth language learning has been developed for the courses:


Classes are held on weekdays and on weekends.

As part of the educational program of the Cultural and Educational Leisure Center of Moscow, it is planned to carry out:

weekly themed evenings and round tables,
monthly seminars with the participation of famous Muslim scholars and orientalists of Russia,
quarterly seminars with world-famous scientists from abroad,
advanced training courses for teachers of Islamic educational institutions, as well as Moscow, Moscow region and regional imams,
scientific conferences,
Olympiads for students of Moscow madrasahs,
and much more…


This is a unique center for developing your child's abilities. The children's club "Talent Academy" is open for enrollment in three areas:

1. Children's madrasah from three years old: once a week on Saturdays and Sundays, in the first half of the day from 10:00 to 13:30, in the second - from 14:00 to 17:30.
2.Additional classes on weekdays 5 times a week. These include the following clubs: Arabic language, English language, Spanish language, Tatar language, Rhetoric, Study of the Koran, Living Planet, Creative workshop, Music, Handicrafts, Robotics, Checkers, Chess. The duration of each lesson is 40 minutes. Other interesting clubs and studios are also planned, the functioning of which will begin as new groups are recruited.
3. Developmental center for children from 1.5 years old. Classes are held 5 times a week, in the morning from 9:00 to 13:00.


Women's club "Pearl".
This is a space for development, education, creativity, self-improvement and self-knowledge of women.

Club goals:
unlocking the potential of femininity;
formation of the image of a pious girl, a devoted wife, a patient, merciful mother, etc.;
instilling the best life skills needed by every woman.

Proposed directions:
Seminars, trainings, master classes;
Knitting, embroidery, cutting and sewing;
Calligraphy, ebru, mehendi;
Photo design, courses in artistic textile processing;
and much more…

Sports club "Development".

The center has a spacious gym at its disposal. Sports activities for men, women and children are planned daily in accordance with the prepared schedule. For men: Grappling, sambo, arm wrestling, fitness. For women: Pilates, fitness, yoga, oriental dancing. For children: gymnastics, aerobics, yoga, wrestling and much more.

You can come with your family, friends, loved ones and find a lot of interesting things here.

You can always spend your free time in a wonderful, friendly atmosphere created by talented, enthusiastic, responsible specialists.
Address: Moscow, st. Leninskaya Sloboda, building 9. Opening hours: from 10.00 to 17.00.

The multifunctional cultural center, where you can find various spiritual, educational, leisure and development programs for the whole family, has been operating since the fall of 2016 and has no analogues yet.

Among the honored guests who attended the event were the Chairman of the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of the Russian Federation and the Council of Muftis of Russia, Mufti Sheikh Ravil Gainutdin, Chairman of the State Duma Committee of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on the development of civil society, issues of public and religious associations S. A. Gavrilov, Deputy Head of the Department of National Policy and interregional relations of the city of Moscow K. L. Blazhenov, director of the State Budgetary Institution “Moscow House of Nationalities” V. B. Tarasov, representatives of the embassies of the Syrian Arab Republic, the Kingdom of Bahrain, Kuwait, Palestine, Qatar, Mauritania, Algeria, as well as other spiritual and public figures , businessmen, artists and cultural figures.

Speaking to the press, Mufti Sheikh Ravil Gainutdin noted the importance of the emergence of a center whose purpose is education and upbringing. The Mufti noted that Muslims want to know their religion in order to read and understand the meaning of what is said in the Koran, and it is very important that “they receive the correct, true directions of teaching.”

A sightseeing tour of the Cultural Center was organized for the guests, during which the tourists received detailed information about all areas of the Center, got acquainted with the exhibition of the Koran, and saw with their own eyes the works of the artist Ravil Zagidullin, dedicated to the life of the Tatar village with its way of life.

The official part of the event began with a beautiful reading of “al-Fatiha” - the surah that opens the Holy Scriptures.
Deputy Head of the Department of National Policy and Interregional Relations of the City of Moscow K.L. Blazhenov noted in his welcoming speech that “five or six years ago it was difficult to imagine that such a multifaceted center would appear in Moscow, meeting the needs of modern Muslims.” Konstantin Leonidovich wished the DAR Cultural Center success and emphasized that such a center had not yet existed in Moscow and “the city really needs it.”

Assistant to the Head of the Federal Agency for Nationalities Affairs O. S. Seregin said in his speech that the emergence of such a unique center is important not only for Moscow, but also for our entire country. “We have shown the whole world an example of how to work with Muslims - this is an approach of respectful mutual understanding. An important task is the prevention of extremism. A center like “DAR” will show all the best traditions of Islam on theological principles,” he concluded.

The touching performance of children, students of the Talent Academy children's club, left no one indifferent. The guys talked about their club and sang a song of gratitude from Syrian children, “Our Hearts Beat.” Young “academicians” took part in raising funds for the needs of Syrian refugees, organized by the Zakat charity foundation, participated in a charity fair and donated money proceeds from the sales of their works to the foundation.

The next performing artist, Marat Basharov, admitted that he was very moved by the performance and promised to bring his son to the Dar center when he grows up. In his welcoming speech, Marat Basharov noted the high significance for Moscow of the appearance of such a center and spoke about preparations for Mawlid an-Nabi, which will be held on February 18 at Crocus City Hall. “We decided to return to the production of “Conversation with the Soul”, this will be a continuation of the story told the year before. Our main character has changed a lot, the plot is very interesting. I’m happy that we have a place for rehearsals, our own home,” said Marat Basharov.

At the end of the official part of the event, the Mufti of Moscow Ildar Alyautdinov spoke. The mufti thanked everyone who took part in one way or another in the opening of the center. “One such cultural center is certainly not enough. They often say that there are not enough mosques, and as the Mufti of Moscow, I confirm this. Society in our time also needs similar centers to be opened in every district,” he noted. Ildar-hazrat spoke about the upcoming trip of the delegation of the Russian Muslim Spiritual Board to Lebanon the next day, dedicated to the opening of a school for the children of Syrian and Palestinian refugees living in temporary camps. The Russians who took part in the “School for Children - the Future of the Country” campaign last winter under the patronage of the Zakat charity foundation helped make this gift to the children.
Ildar-hazrat noted the importance of issues of enlightenment and education of Muslims. “This is a matter of state security. And it is necessary that the abovementioned be understood by officials and each of us,” concluded the Mufti of Moscow.

Today Islam is a world religion with more than a billion adherents and practiced by hundreds of nations. The number of Muslim mosques around the world has long passed into the hundreds of thousands. ⠀ But before this result was achieved, the first Muslims had to sacrifice a lot, because it all started with a handful of selfless, persistent and incredibly inspired people. Many of them chose the turbulent and thorny path of serving religion at the cost of abandoning a serene and well-fed life, comfort and worldly happiness. ⠀ 👤 One of these was Mus "ab ibn" Umair - may the Almighty be pleased with him. The same one who almost single-handedly spread the light of Islam in Yathrib, before it became known as Medina. ⠀ ❓ What do we know about this glorious companion of the Prophet? ❓ How did his fate turn out? ❓ What role did he play and what example did he leave for future generations? ⠀ ➡️ We’ll talk about this at the lecture from the series “Life of Companions”, January 9 at 19:00. ⠀ ⚠️ Mandatory registration (link in profile description) - 17 hours ago

We invite everyone to the lecture “Emotions and health: what to do with stress.” ⠀ The life of a modern person cannot be imagined without stress. But is this always bad? Not really. A person needs stress for development, to reach a new stage. But, unfortunately, unhealthy stress prevails in life. You have to deal with its consequences, otherwise problems cannot be avoided. ⠀ A person cannot constantly be in complete emotional balance without experiencing anything. This is a direct path to psychological disorders, depression, and neuroses. But you need to experience emotions correctly, then a person’s psychological health will be fine. ⠀ ❓ How to distinguish useful stress from destructive? ❓ How to cope with the consequences of severe stress and shock? ➡️ There are at least 8 methods for this, which we will consider in our lecture. ⠀ Let's also get acquainted with the Hawkins scale, which allows you to assess a person's emotional state. Emotions affect all aspects of a person’s life, including physiological health, so it is important to control and guide them. ⠀ 👤 Psychologist and physical therapist Lilia Gadel will tell you how to do this, December 8 at 18:00. Come learn to be healthy and happy! - 2 days ago

Continuing to study the Qur'an, let's move on to Surah 97 “Al-Qadr”, which means “Predestination”. It was revealed in Mecca and includes 5 verses. ⠀ 📖 This surah talks about the dignity of the Qur'an and the night on which it was revealed, and indicates that it is better than a thousand months and that on this night angels and Jibril descend at the behest of their Lord to fulfill His commands. On this night peace reigns and there is no harm or evil until dawn appears. ⠀ ➡️ We will discuss all the nuances and subtleties of this surah, conclusions about it and practical benefits for the life of every Muslim at the lecture, which will take place on January 6 at 19:00. ⠀ ⚠️ Mandatory registration (link in profile description) - 4 days ago

On January 4 at 16:00 there will be a men's training on one of the current topics in business and personal life, namely “The Art of Conflict Management” ⠀ Each of us has an idea of ​​what conflict is. Most often, in conflict situations, people behave unreasonably. And the consequences of conflicts leave much to be desired. ⠀ At the training, we will look at conflicts from different sides and learn to behave in such a way that the Almighty is pleased with us. ⠀ 📣 Project host: Aisha Anastasia Korchagina @naukaodyshe

On January 4 at 14:00 there will be a women's training on a very relevant topic: “Parting with guilt and resentment.” ⠀ There are two unproductive states that poison our lives, health and relationships. This is resentment and guilt. ⠀ You need to get rid of them as soon as possible and not use them in the future. How? ⠀ At the training, we will be engaged in freeing our mind and heart from these extremely harmful “shaitan” viruses. ⠀ We were not created at all to be poisoned by our own distorted states. ⠀ 📣 Project host: Aisha Anastasia Korchagina @naukaodyshe ⠀ ⚠️ Mandatory registration (link in profile description) - 6 days ago

On January 4, at the Dar Cultural Center, as part of the “Muslim Family Law” lecture, a lecture will be held on the topic: “The process of divorce in Islam.” ⠀ At the lecture you will learn: ⠀ ⚖️ about the procedure for divorce in Islam ⚖️ which divorce options are permissible by the Quran and Sunnah, and which are unacceptable ⚖️ what are the features of divorce according to the Family Code of the Russian Federation ⚖️ about the modern practice of divorce among Muslims in Russia ⠀ ➡️ Venue: 4 floor, room 401 ⠀ 🗣 Speaker: Ganiev Ilyas is a graduate of the international Islamic university "al-Azhar", scientific secretary of the Council of Ulema of the Russian Muslim Spiritual Board. - 6 days ago

Continuing our study of the Koran, let's move on to the 98th sura “Al-Bayyina”, which means “The Clear Sign”. It was revealed in Medina and includes 8 verses. ⠀ At the beginning of the sura, it is said that all the peoples of the Scripture (and these are Christians, Jews, and pagans) did not overcome their ignorance until they knew the Clear Sign - the Prophet Muhammad. The prophet was sent by the Lord himself and brought the truth to the peoples. ⠀ But those to whom the Prophet Muhammad spoke disagreed and lost their unity. But the Lord was sent to absolutely all people, not just Muslims. All the Scriptures that have been revealed to us speak about this. Therefore, all who believe in the Creator must be united in true faith. ⠀ The verses of the sura warn those who did not want to believe in Allah and live according to His covenants that eternal death awaits them in Hell. Others who remain faithful to the Truth will experience Paradise. Blessed will be the lot of the faithful, for by their lives in truth they will deserve a just reward from Allah. This surah is read during prayer or at any other time. ⠀ ➡️ You can understand in more detail all the intricacies of Surah “Al-Bayyina” at the lecture on Tafsir, which will take place on December 30 at 19:00 ⠀ ⚠️ Mandatory registration (link in profile description) - 11 days ago

📣 We invite you to the seminar for men “Noble Sunnah. Life in a polygamous marriage" ⠀ The attitude towards polygamous marriages is ambiguous, but definitely hot. There are fierce opponents and loyal supporters. The world of human relationships is the most complex format of relationships. The attitude towards oneself and with oneself is a “dark forest”. Marriage relationships are twice as difficult. ⠀ Polygamous relationships are exponentially more difficult. It's almost like living near an active volcano and expecting it to erupt at any moment. If such a marriage already exists, then it is useful to be able to solve communication problems and conflicts. If there is only a desire and thought about such a marriage, then it would be good to get an objective assessment of such possibilities and make an informed decision, recognizing the fullness of further responsibility. ⠀ ➡ And even in this space there are disadvantages and advantages, limitations and opportunities, problems and resources. The Almighty has allowed and outlined the rules. But we are just people, not super-heroes, and we do not always sensibly assess our capabilities. This leads to unexpected difficulties and unforeseen problems that we do not always know how to solve or want to solve. In our intensive, concentrated training, we will look at the pitfalls of polygamy and ways to resolve problems that arise. ⠀ 👤 Project host: Aisha Anastasia Korchagina @naukaodyshe

📣 We invite you to the seminar for women “Be Not the Only One. Life in a polygamous marriage” ⠀ “It’s not customary for us”, “Our ancestors didn’t have this”, “This is not from our culture”, “We weren’t raised like that”, “I will never agree with this”, “If the husband does this, I will ask (demand) a divorce”, “How could he...”, “This is a betrayal”, “How could she...” ⠀ It is not difficult to guess that all these words are an emotional reaction to the third verse of the fourth sura of the Holy Quran. ⠀ You can be emotional as much as you like, but such a test of Allah also happens. And we know that nothing happens for nothing. ⠀ And this means that we need to be able to behave correctly in trials. That's right - this is so that the Almighty is pleased with us. Other options will not benefit us on Judgment Day. ⠀ ➡ This is exactly what we will do: the right attitude towards the situation, the right thoughts and beliefs, the right behavior. Exactly the one with which our Creator will be pleased. No one except ourselves can take care of our situation on the Day of Accounting. Therefore, let us not waste time and engage in the useful practice of bringing good to ourselves in this life and in eternity. ⠀ 👤 Project host: Aisha Anastasia Korchagina @naukaodyshe ⠀ ⚠ Mandatory registration (link in profile description) - 13 days ago

📣 On December 28, at the Dar Cultural Center, as part of the “Muslim Family Law” lecture, a lecture will be held on the topic: “The birth of a child and related events.” ⠀ At the lecture you will learn: ⠀ 🤱 recommendations of the Prophet on what is desirable for parents to observe after the birth of a baby 🤱 the sacred meaning of prayer formulas read in the ear of a newborn child 🤱 basic legal provisions related to sacrifice (aqika), opinions of scientists and their arguments 🤱 what names for the child is it advisable to give, and which ones are not? What does the Sunnah of our Prophet say about this 🤱 the sacred meaning of the ritual of shaving a baby's head and how it is carried out ⠀ 📍 Venue: 4th floor, room 401. ⠀ 👤 Lecturer: Ganiev Ilyas - graduate of the International Islamic University "al-Azhar", academic secretary of the Council of Ulema Spiritual Administration of the Russian Federation and SMR. ⠀ ⚠️ Mandatory registration (link in profile description) - 13 days ago

📣 For those who are new to Islam, have recently begun to observe religious practice, or are just interested in Islam, our next meeting is at the Dar Cultural Center. ⠀ 📌 When the Almighty opens the way to faith and religious practice, our lives change significantly. And we are not always ready for such changes. And our family and friends are even more unprepared. They are very frightened by the coming unknown. We don't understand them, they don't understand us. ⠀ 📌 This often leads to conflicts in which neither side is ready to hear and understand the other. In such conditions, it is difficult not only to comply with the agreement with the Almighty, but also to simply live and communicate. ⠀ 📌 On the one hand, “religion is easy”, and on the other, “you will be tested” do not find balance for a long time, and we gradually lose harmony in the soul and the joy of faith and worship in the heart. This state of affairs certainly does not bring us any benefit. And something needs to be done about this. Do something that will please the Almighty. ⠀ In order for us to succeed, we are starting a series of open meetings for those who ➡️ are new to Islam ➡️ have been in Islam for a long time and have recently begun to observe religious practices ➡️ for relatives and friends of the first and second ➡️ for those interested in Islam ⠀ ✅ It is better to clarify what is not clear and ask about unknown, how to fight the fear of uncertainty and, unfortunately, often lose. All questions are answered. ⠀ 👤 Project host Aisha Anastasia Korchagina @naukaodyshe ⠀ Code word for participation: - 13 days ago

Sincerity is the purification of all actions from show. Sincerity is the opposite of doing things for show. ⠀ Allah Almighty said in a sacred hadith: (meaning) “Sincerity is one of My secrets, which I entrusted to the heart of the one I loved from My slaves.” ⠀ One of the righteous men noted: “Sincerity is a secret between Allah and the slave. Neither an angel knows about it to write it down, nor Satan to spoil it, nor passion to turn it away from it.” ⠀ 📌 What is the essence of sincerity? 📌 What are the manifestations of sincerity? 📌 How is sincerity expressed in relation to the Almighty? ⠀ ➡ We will cover all these questions in detail at the lecture “Sincerity: the essence and its manifestation” from the series of lectures “Good character”. ⠀ ⚠️ Mandatory registration (link in profile description) - 14 days ago

📣 We invite everyone to the lecture “On nutrition and health: the brain: a deceiver and a lazy person” ⠀ At the lecture you will learn: ⠀ 📌 Unexpected and sometimes offensive facts about the brain 📌 Get to know another brain 📌 See how and how the two brains in ours are connected body 📌 You will understand who thinks and decides for you 📌 How to establish correct and smart contact with your brains ⠀ 💠 We think what we think. And it only seems to us that we know where in our body decisions are made and choices are made. Scientists' discoveries already rule out a clear answer! Moreover, we have not one brain, but two. ⠀ ➡️ Let's talk about where our remote control for thoughts, emotions and actions is. We are waiting for you at the lecture on December 25 at 18:00 (room 410). ⠀ ⚠️ Mandatory registration (link in profile description) - 16 days ago

Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said: “Verily, Allah will send to this ummah at the beginning of every century a renewer of the affairs of its religion.” ⠀ The Mujaddids included: Umar ibn Abdul-Aziz, al-Shafii, al-Ashari, al-Ghazali, Fakhruddin ar-Razi, Ibn Daqiq al-Id, al-Suyuti and others. ⠀ Who are they, the renovators of Islam? What did the Messenger of Allah ﷺ tell his community? ⠀ Some hadiths say that the mujaddids must be from the family of the Prophet ﷺ, and other hadiths say that there will be many mujaddids. ⠀ These people throughout their lives may not know about their mission, and meanwhile, in the matter of religion, people were needed who, with their life and knowledge, revived the origins of Islam, thereby renewing the hearts and minds of people. These people made a huge contribution to the development and expansion of the boundaries of Islam. ⠀ ➡ We are waiting for you at the lecture “Renewers of Islam” from the series of classes “History of Islam: the lives of great scientists, their paths and contributions to the development of Islam.” ⠀ ⚠️ Mandatory registration (link in profile description) - 17 days ago

Continuing to study the Qur'an, let's turn to the 97th sura “Al-Qadr”, which means “Power”. This is a small (only 5 verses), but one of the most famous surahs among Muslims. It was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad in Mecca. ⠀ 💫 Surah Al-Qadr talks about the most anticipated hour for every Muslim - the onset of the night of predestination. The greatness of this night is that it was at this time that the Koran was finally revealed. The Lord Himself says that “The Night of Predestination is better than a thousand months.” ⠀ 💫 These words must be understood in such a way that a good deed done this night will be rewarded as the deeds of 83 years could have been rewarded, i.e. almost the entire life of a person. Therefore, every Muslim awaits this night with trepidation, as an opportunity to receive forgiveness of sins and reward from the Lord. ⠀ The exact date of this night is not known, but indirect signs of its approach are indicated. It is also said that on this night angels descend to earth, and the forces of evil fall silent before the greatness of the Glory of the Creator. ⠀ ➡️ We will analyze this surah in more detail on December 23 at 19:00 at the Dar CC. ⠀ ⚠️ You can register using the link provided in the profile description - 18 days ago

LECTURE SCHEDULE FOR THE WEEK ⠀ 📣 December 23-29! ⠀ ❄ December 23 Tafsir Surah 97 “Al-Qadr” (Predestination) Start: 19:00 Speaker: Wisam Ali Bardwil ⠀ ❄ December 24 “History of Islam: the lives of great scientists, their paths and contributions to the development of Islam” Start: 19:00 Speaker: Murad Adukhov ⠀ ❄ December 25 Lecture “On nutrition and health: the brain: a deceiver and a lazy person” Start: 18:00 Speaker: Liliya Gadel ⠀ ❄ December 25 Financial literacy lessons Start: 19:00 Speaker: Rifat Izmailov ⠀ ❄ December 26 Lecture “The History of the Acceptance of Islam by the Residents of Taif” Beginning: 19:00 Speaker: Rashid Akkaziev ⠀ ❄ December 27 Lecture “Sincerity: the essence and its manifestation” Beginning: 19:00 Speaker: Murad Adukhov ⠀ ❄ December 28 Lecture “Birth of a child and related this event of the event" Start: 15:00 Speaker: Ilyas Ganiev ⠀ ❄ December 28 "Be not the only one. Life in a polygamous marriage” seminar for women Start: 16:00 Speaker: Aisha Anastasia Korchagina ⠀ ❄ December 28 “Noble Sunnah. Life in a polygamous marriage” seminar for men Start: 19:00 Speaker: Aisha Anastasia Korchagina ⠀ ❄ December 29 Lecture “Dreams come true?! Or what interferes with our success" Start: 15:00 Speaker: Minnur Akhmetova ⠀ 🤗 A detailed announcement will be published for each event. Follow the news! ⠀ 📬 Save and send to your friends! - 18 days ago

  • st. Dubininskaya, 57, building 2, office 101

    M Serpukhovskaya (988m) M Paveletskaya (1.2 km) M Dobryninskaya (1.3 km)

    Official name: Psychotherapeutic Center "Dar"

    Head: Zelinskaya Zoya Ivanovna

    Year founded: 1989

    The psychotherapeutic center “Dar” in Moscow uses the method of A.R. for treatment. Dovzhenko, which has been recognized for a long time as the best method. In addition, this method of treatment is recommended by the Ministry of Health, so the highly qualified specialists of the Dar psychotherapeutic center are confident that they will be able to solve even complex problems in the treatment of addictions.

    The institution successfully combines an individual approach for each applicant with mass therapy sessions. The psychotherapeutic center “Dar” employs only highly qualified doctors with diplomas. The center's employees are constantly improving their own professionalism.


    At the “Dar” psychotherapeutic center, any resident can quickly undergo examination, treatment, and also receive highly professional advice in the field of alcoholism, smoking, excess weight, neuroses, and gambling addiction.


    The psychotherapeutic center “Dar” can be reached by metro. You should get off at Serpukhovskaya station.