Basic words in Hebrew. Russian-Hebrew phrasebook. Expand your vocabulary

If you live in Israel, but have not yet learned Hebrew... If you visit our beautiful country at least occasionally, remember these few expressions. They are so popular that knowing them you will already understand half of what is being said. Understanding Hebrew slang is extremely important if you are trying to learn the culture of the country you are in.

Al HaPanim על הפנים

Literary translation "On the face"

In slang it means: terrible

Example: When I get the flu, I feel like al haPanim.

Avarnu et Paro, naavor gam et ze עברנו את פרעה נעבור גם את זה

Translated, this means: We overcame Pharaoh (in Egypt) and we will also go through this.

Its meaning: We have overcome enormous difficulties, and we will overcome this too.

For example: We haven’t been able to solve this problem for 5 hours now. Don't worry, Avarnu et Paro, naavor gam et ze.

Bi`shu`shu בשושו

Bi'shu'shu means to do something secret in secret from someone.

Example: He didn't tell us that he bought a new car. He always does things bi'shu'shu.

Beten woof בטן גב

Literary translation: belly back

This means: A time for rest and relaxation where you do nothing but roll over from one side to the other.

For example: I worked so hard today, I really need some beten woof.

Boker Tov Eliyahu בוקר טוב אליהו

Literary translation: Good morning Eliyahu!

This means: a reminder with irony. The equivalent in Russian is: good morning! Have you just woken up?

For example: Boker Tov Eliyahu! Where have you been? We agreed on 10, but now it’s 12!

Ahla אחלה

In Arabic - great

Example: אחלה מקום [ahla makom] is a great place.

There is even a brand of hummus in Israel called Ahla.

Elef Ahuz אלף אחוז

Translation:1 000 percent

Meaning: To be confident in something

Eix fixa or eix איכסה פיכסה

Literal translation: Nasty

For example: Eiksa, this shawarma is absolutely not tasty

Eise seret איזה סרט

Literary translation: What movie

Analogue in Russian: what a movie!

Meaning: an event that goes beyond ordinary life, usually with a negative context

For example: You won’t believe what we had to go through at customs control... Eise is sad!

This phrase is also used in its literal translation. For example, if you saw a good movie, you would say “Eise seret!”


In English it means face, but in Hebrew it is simply short for Facebook.

For example: I changed my avatar to Face.

Fadiha פדיחה

Arabic word meaning disorder or miss.

For example: Eise fadiha! I fell asleep at work all day.

Gihatsta et ha-Kartis Eshray גיהצת את הכרטיס אשראי

Literary translation: You swiped your credit card

Meaning: You spent a lot of money on your credit card in a short period of time.

For example: You bought a lot today - Gihatsta et a-Kartis Eshray!

ha-Dod meAmerica הדוד מאמריקה

Translation: Uncle from America

Meaning: A rich relative or even a friend from the USA who showers his poor relatives from Israel with gifts.

For example: I would like to have (a-Dod meAmerica) an uncle from America who will send me the latest iPhone model!

Hawal al-Zman חבל על הזמן

Literary translation: It's a pity for the time!

It can be a positive reaction - that's great! It can also be in a negative context – it’s a waste of time!

Positive example: A wonderful film - hawal al-a-Zman

Negative example: The film was so boring - hawal al a-Zman

This expression is also used by teenagers. The first 3 letters of each word are used as the abbreviation "Khav'laz"

For example: She bought a cool dress - Hav`laz!

Janana ג’ננה

The word is of Arabic origin, meaning burdens, irritates

For example: Ata ma'vi li et haJanana! - You annoy me!

Kama kama? כמה כמה

Literary translation: how much, how much?

Meaning: What's the score?

For example: Maccabi played basketball against Hapoel (Israeli teams), you want to know the score from your friend and ask: Kama, kama?

Kef Retzach כף רצח

Literal translation: Kef – slang for “high”, retzah – murder

Meaning: Best or to die for

For example: His bar mitzvah party was kef retzach.

Ko ko קוקו

Ko ko is not what the cockerel says, but the hairstyle - a ponytail or an elastic band with which it is made

For example: Mom, I’m going to the gym today, please do something for me

Ma HaMatzav מה המצב

Exact translation: how are you, what is the situation?

For example: Hey brother, ma ha-matzav?

Magniv מגניב

Means: Cool!

For example: You are all invited to my party. - Magniv!

Ma ani, ez? ?מה אני, עז

Literary translation: what am I, a goat?

Represents protest against unequal treatment or being ignored

For example: After Artem noticed that all the children except him were given candy, he says to his mother: “Ma ani, ez?”

Yarad Ha'Asimon ירד האסימון

Literary translation: The token fell

Meaning: I got it.

For example: I get the joke, Yarad ha-Asimon!

Of mehubas עוף מכובס

Translated: washed chicken

Meaning: Boiled chicken or a constantly recurring situation

For example: If we go to your parents' place this weekend, we'll have to choke on the old of mehubas again, but if we go to mine...

Another example: We've talked about this so many times, it's like a mehubas

Ototo אותותו

General saying means: one second, very soon

For example: I need to go. I have an appointment ototo

Another example: She is 9 months pregnant and will give birth later.

Paam shlishit, glida! פעם שלישית, גלידה

Literary translation: Third time, ice cream!

A close meaning of this phrase is third time lucky. They say when you meet someone many times in a short period of time.

For example: We are meeting for the second time today, paam shlishit, glida!

Sebaba סבבה

Meaning: good, wonderful

For example: How are you? - Sebaba, thank you!


As we all know, the meaning of this word is a sweet cake with apples.

In Israel this is what they call a “dog” - @

For example: E-mail address of the site admin strudel israelrus dot ru.

Sof ha-Derech

Translated: End of the road

Meaning: Excellent

For example: We had lunch at the new sushi bar, the food was just sof ha-derech!

Sof HaOlam resin סוף העולם שמאלה

Translation: End of the world to the left

Meaning: The middle of nowhere, an isolated place in the middle of nowhere.

For example: You won't even find it on the map. They live 30 km south of Dimona. This is sof ha-olam resin!


Literal translation: sponge, wash with a sponge

This is how in Israel they call a mop with a hard sponge at the end, which is used here to remove spilled water after a shower.

Taim Retzach טעים רצח

Literal translation: Taim means tasty, and retzakh means murder.

Meaning: So delicious it's to die for!

Example: My mother cooks such a casserole that we melt our lips!

Yalla וואלה

Yalla is Hebrew slang that can have different meanings and interpretations. Depending on pronunciation and context, this can mean: true, hmm..., clear or ok

For example: A new Harry Potter book has just been released. Satisfied Potter fans respond: Yalla!

Ze ze זה זה

Translated: This is this.

Meaning: This is it, meaning to be.

For example: We love each other. Ze ze.

You can also say: This is the perfect dress for my sister's wedding. Ze ze!

Write in the comments what common expressions you come across in Israel.

To fully successfully integrate into Israel, you need to know Hebrew. Understanding Hebrew slang is extremely important if you are trying to learn the culture of the country you are in

We've selected 33 of the best Hebrew slang words and expressions to help you communicate with the locals. They will definitely make you smile!


In Arabic - great

Example: אחלה מקום [ahla makom] is a great place.

There is even a brand of hummus in Israel called Ahla.

Al HaPanim על הפנים

Literary translation "On the face"

In slang it means: terrible

Example: When I get the flu, I feel like al haPanim.

Avarnu et Paro, na'avor gam et zeעברנו את פרעה נעבור גם את זה

Translated, this means: We overcame Pharaoh (in Egypt) and we will also go through this.

Its meaning: We have overcome enormous difficulties, and we will overcome this too.

For example: We haven’t been able to solve this problem for 5 hours now. Don't worry, Avarnu et Paro, naavor gam et ze.

Bi` shu` shuבשושו

Bi'shu'shu means to do something secret in secret from someone.

Example: He didn't tell us that he bought a new car. He always does things bi'shu'shu.

Beten woof בטן גב

Literary translation: belly back

This means: A time for rest and relaxation where you do nothing but roll over from one side to the other.

For example: I worked so hard today, I really need some beten woof.

Boker Tov Eliyahuבוקר טוב אליהו

Literary translation: Good morning Eliyahu!

This means: a reminder with irony. The equivalent in Russian is: good morning! Have you just woken up?

For example: Boker Tov Eliyahu! Where have you been? We agreed on 10, but now it’s 12!

Elef Ahuzאלף אחוז

Translation:1 000 percent

Meaning: To be confident in something

Ihsa Pihsa or Ihsaאיכסה פיכסה

Literal translation: Nasty

For example: Ihsa, this shawarma is absolutely not tasty

Eise seretאיזה סרט

Literary translation: What movie

Analogue in Russian: what a movie!

Meaning: an event that goes beyond ordinary life, usually with a negative context

For example: You won’t believe what we had to go through at customs control... Eise is sad!

This phrase is also used in its literal translation. For example, if you saw a good movie, you would say “Eise seret!”


In English it means face, but in Hebrew it is simply short for Facebook.

For example: I changed my avatar to Face.

Fadiha פדיחה

Arabic word meaning disorder or miss.

For example: Eise fadiha! I fell asleep at work all day.

Gihatzta et Kartis haAshrayגיהצת את כרטיס האשר אי

Literary translation: You swiped your credit card

Meaning: You spent a lot of money on your credit card in a short period of time.

For example: You bought a lot today - Gihatsta et haKartis Ashray!

haDod meAmericaהדוד מאמריקה

Translation: Uncle from America

Meaning: A rich relative or even a friend from the USA who showers his poor relatives from Israel with gifts.

For example: I would like to have (haDod meAmerica) an uncle from America who will send me the latest model of iPhone!

Hawal al HaZmanחבל על הזמן

Literary translation: It's a pity for the time!

It can be a positive reaction - that's great! It can also be in a negative context – it’s a waste of time!

Positive example: A wonderful film – hawal al haZman

Negative example: The movie was so boring - hawal al haZman

This expression is also used by teenagers. The first 3 letters of each word are used as the abbreviation "Khav'laz"

For example: She bought a cool dress - Hav'laz!


The word is of Arabic origin, meaning burdens, irritates

For example: Ata ma'vi li et haJanana! - You annoy me!

Kama kama? כמה כמה

Literary translation: how much, how much?

Meaning: What's the score?

For example: Maccabi played basketball against Hapoel (Israeli teams), you want to know the score from your friend and ask: Kama, kama?

Keif Retzach כיף רצח

Literal translation: Keif – slang for “high”, retsakh – murder

Meaning: Best or to die for

For example: His bar mitzvah party was kef retzach.

Ku ku קוקו

Ku ku is not the way the cockerel says it, but the hairstyle - a ponytail (high) tail or an elastic band with which it is made

For example: Mom, I’m going to the gym today, please give me a cup of tea

Ma HaMatzav מה המצב

Exact translation: how are you, what is the situation?

For example: Hey brother, ma hamatsav?

Magniv מגניב

Means: Cool!

For example: You are all invited to my party. - Magniv!

Ma ani, ez? ?מה אני, עז

Literary translation: what am I, a goat?

Represents protest against unequal treatment or being ignored

For example: After Artem noticed that all the children except him were given candy, he says to his mother: “Ma ani, ez?”

Nafal li Asimon נפל לי אסימון

Literary translation: My badge fell

Meaning: It finally dawned on me.

For example: Now I know why he did this, nafal li haasimon!

Of mehubas עוף מכובס

Translation: washed chicken

Meaning: Boiled chicken or a constantly recurring situation

For example: If we go to your parents' place this weekend, we'll have to choke on the old of mehubas again, but if we go to mine...

Another example: We've talked about this so many times, it's like a mehubas

Ototo אותותו

General saying means: one second, very soon

For example: I need to go. I have an appointment ototo

Another example: She is 9 months pregnant and will give birth later.

Paam shlishit, glida! פעם שלישית, גלידה

Literary translation: Third time, ice cream!

A close meaning of this phrase is third time lucky. They say when you meet someone many times in a short period of time.

For example: We are meeting for the second time today, paam shlishit, glida!

Sababa סבבה

Meaning: good, wonderful

For example: How are you? - Sababa, thank you!


As we all know, the meaning of this word is a sweet cake with apples.

In Israel this is what they call a “dog” - @

For example: E-mail address of the site admin strudel israelrus dot ru.

Sof haDerech

Translated: End of the road

Meaning: Excellent

For example: We had lunch at the new sushi bar, the food was simply sof hadereh!

Sof haOlam resin סוף העולם שמאלה

Translation: End of the world to the left

Meaning: The middle of nowhere, an isolated place in the middle of nowhere.

For example: You won't even find it on the map. They live 30 km south of Dimona. This is sof haolam resin!


Literal translation: sponge, wash with a sponge

This is how in Israel they call a mop with a hard sponge at the end, which is used here to remove spilled water after a shower.

Taim Retzach טעים רצח

Literal translation: Taim means tasty, and retzakh means murder.

Meaning: So delicious it's to die for!

Example: My mother makes a casserole that melts the edges!

Bilhah וואלה

Vallah is Hebrew slang that can have different meanings and interpretations. Depending on pronunciation and context, this can mean: true, hmm..., clear or ok

For example: A new Harry Potter book has just been released. Satisfied Potter fans respond: Valla!

Ze ze זה זה

Translated: This is this.

Meaning: This is it, meaning to be.

For example: We love each other. Ze ze.

You can also say: This is the perfect dress for my sister's wedding. Ze ze!

Sign up for a Hebrew course. It doesn’t really matter what the format is: classes with a tutor, attending a language school or an elective at the university. The important thing is that all this will strengthen your intention to learn the language. If you live in Israel, you can sign up for language courses “ulpan” or “ulpanim”, where you will live and breathe Hebrew, Hebrew and Hebrew again.

Immerse yourself in the culture of Israel and the Jewish people. Listen to Israeli radio, watch Israeli films, read Israeli books - but, of course, if it's all in Hebrew.

Get children's books in Hebrew. Many Disney works have been translated into Hebrew, although Israeli literature itself still has something to offer children!

  • Children's books can be purchased at any bookstore in Israel.
  • At public Jewish centers you can also often find a library with modern and classic works for readers of all ages.
  • Learn to pronounce the guttural sound [r] and the sound “hat” (as in German “bach”). In the modern phonetic system, these two sounds are almost the main ones, although they do not exist in the English language.

    In Hebrew, nouns and verbs have two genders, masculine and feminine. Like other Semitic and many European languages, Hebrew has a grammatical gender category that applies to subjects and objects. As a rule, masculine words have no ending, while feminine words end in "it" or "ah".

  • Learn basic Hebrew words (note that the notations “kh” and “ch” are Latin transliterations of the “h” sound)

    • Yom Huledet Sameach - Happy Birthday
    • Chaim - Life
    • Beseder - Okay
    • Sebaba - Cool - Gorgeous
    • Boker tov - Good morning
    • Yom tov- Good afternoon
    • Mazal tov - Congratulations
    • Ima - Mom
    • Abba - Dad
    • Ma shlomech? How are you (asking the woman)?
    • Ma shlomcha? How are you (asking the man)?
    • Shalom - Hello/bye/peace
    • Ma nishma - How are you? (unigender address)
    • Korim li _ " - My name is (if literally, then “they call me”)
    • Ani ben (number) - I am (number of years old) years old (if we are a man)
    • Ani bat (number) - I am (number of years) (if you are a woman)
    • Ha Ivrit sheli lo kol kakh tova - I don’t speak Hebrew well
    • Ani meh ___ - I'm from ___
    • Todah (rabah) - Thank you (very much)
    • bevakasha - Please/you're welcome
    • Eich korim lekha/lakh? - What is your name? (unigender address)
    • Eifo ata gar?/ Eifo at garah? - Where do you live? (unigender address)
    • Eich omrim (word you are trying to say) beh"Ivrit? - How to say (word) in Hebrew?
  • Learn the rules for using singular and plural numbers. The plural of masculine words usually ends with “im”, and the plural of feminine words with “ot”. The plural of verbs ends in “oo”. However, there are also irregular verbs in Hebrew that, as soon as they are not formed... they will have to be memorized:

    • ekhad (m.), akhat (female)
    • shnayim (m.r.),shtayim (f.r.) ["ay" is pronounced like “ay”]
    • shlosha (m.b.),shalosh (w.b.)
    • arba "ah (m.), arbah (f.)
    • khamisha (m.), khamesh (f.)
    • shisha (m.), shesh (female)
    • shiv "ah (m.b.), sheva (w.b.)
    • shmon "ah (m.), shmonay (f.)
    • tish"ah (m.), tesha (female)
    • asarah (m.b.), eser (w.b.)
  • Hebrew (עִבְרִית) is the official language of Israel. However, in most cities, local residents speak Russian and English. Hebrew is written and read from right to left.

    Thank you very much

    Toda slave







    I don't understand

    Ani lo mavin/a (men/women)

    What is your name?

    Eykh korim lah? (female) Eykh korim lekha? (husband.)

    How are you?

    Ma nishma?

    What is the price?

    Kama ze ole?

    How much to pay before...

    Kama ze ole le...

    Bon appetit!


    I do not speak Hebrew

    Ani lo medaber beivrit

    Only in Russian

    Cancer Russite

    Bus stop

    Tahanat otobus


    Beit malon



    What is the price?

    Kama ole?

    I will buy it

    Eni ikne et ze

    Too expensive

    I'm lost

    Ani alahti leibud

    I live in a hotel...

    Ani gar be malon...




    Beit Cholim

    Beit Mirkahat

    Beit tafrit

    Check please (bill)

    Hashbonit, bevakasha

    Language of Israel

    What is the language in Israel

    Hebrew is spoken in the Israeli state. It is the official language of Israel, revived in the 20th century. Around the world, more than 8 million people speak Hebrew. During the period from 113 to 7 centuries BC, it strengthened as an independent Semitic language.

    One of the features that the Israeli language has is the use of a conjugate construction to form new nouns: beit sefer (school) comes from the words bayit (house) and sefer (book).

    The Israeli alphabet is presented in square script (alef-bet) and has 22 letters. The writing also uses Aramaic and Yiddish.

    Although the official language of Israel is Hebrew, 20% of the population speaks Russian. These are mainly immigrants from the countries of the USSR and modern Russia. It is worth saying that when moving to this country under the repatriation program, people first of all begin to learn the language of Israel.

    A series of articles with colloquial phrases in different languages ​​is gradually expanding. For now, I am writing about those that I myself am actively studying: English, Italian, Swedish, French. Today it’s the turn of basic Hebrew expressions.

    Greeting someone in Hebrew is very easy. At any time of the day, regardless of who you are talking to, the phrase שלום (shalom). The word "hello" is also used - הַיי (hai).

    Word טוב (tov) in Hebrew means "good", "good" and is used in greetings at various times of the day. For example, good morning - בוקר טוב (boker tov), ​​good evening - ערב טוב (erev tov). Good night wishes - לילה טוב (layla tov).

    You can ask how a person is doing with the phrase מה שלומך (mah shlomkha? - if you are addressing a man / mah shlomekh? - if you are addressing a woman). In response you can say הכל בסדר (ha kol beseder) - Okay, thank you. ואתה (ve atah) - How are you?

    To find out if there is any news, ask a question מה חדש (mah khadash). There is also a phrase - an analogue of the English What "s up? - What's new? What do you hear? In Hebrew - מה נשמע (ma nishma), which is pronounced after a greeting and does not imply a response.

    To get acquainted, a set of the following phrases will be useful:

    קוראים לי (Kor-im li.) - My name is...
    שמי (shmi) - My name...
    איך קוראים לך (eikh kor-im lekha - if you are addressing a man / eikh kor-im lakh - a question to a woman) - What is your name?
    נעים מאוד (naim meod). - Nice to meet you.
    איפה אתה גר (eifo atah gar? - question to the man) - Where do you live?
    איפה את גרה (eifo at garah? - question to a woman) - Where do you live?
    אני מ (ani me) - I'm from...
    איפה (eifo) - Where is...?
    כן (ken) - yes
    לא (lo) - no

    To thank a person or respond to gratitude, learn the following phrases:

    תודה (todah) - Thank you.
    תודה על העזרה (todah al ezrah) - Thank you for your help.
    תודה רבה (toda rabah) - Thank you very much.

    In response to "thank you" it is customary to respond בבקשה (bevakasha). The same phrase is suitable as an equivalent to the words “here”, “please” when transferring something, for example, a gift or money for payment for goods.

    To apologize, if necessary, say סליחה (slikha). A stronger apology - אני מצטער (ani mitstaer) if the speaker is a man, and also - אני מצטערת (ani mitstaeret) if a woman speaks. You can answer like this: אין דבר (ein davar) or לא נורא (lo nora). That is, “it’s okay,” “it happens,” “it happens.”

    In Hebrew, verbs are conjugated by persons and numbers, just like in Russian. Therefore, the phrase sounds different depending on who is speaking and who is being addressed.

    Here are some examples:

    לא הבנתי (lo hevanti) - I didn’t understand.
    אני לא מבין (ani lo mevin) - I don’t understand (m.rod).
    אני לא מבינה (ani lo mevina) - I don’t understand (feminine gender).
    אני לא יודע (ani lo yodeah) - I don’t know (m.rod)
    אני לא יודעת (ani lo yodaat) - I don’t know (female gender)
    אתה מדבר רוסית (atah medaber rusit) - Do you speak Russian? (if addressing a man)
    את מדברת רוסית (at medaberet rusit) - Do you speak Russian? (if addressing a woman)
    אתה יכול לדבר לאט (atah yakhol ledaber leat) - Can you speak more slowly? (if addressing a man)
    את יכולה לדבר לאט (at yakholah ledaber leat) - Can you speak more slowly? (if addressing a woman)

    You can say goodbye in English - ביי (bai.) or phrase - להתראות (le hitra"ot).

    If you are interested in learning Hebrew from scratch, register on the Hebrew Pod website. There you will find a huge number of ready-made lessons from simple to complex, cultural notes and exercises for practicing the phrases you have learned. Each lesson includes an audio dialogue, its text and a list of words with examples in a pdf file. With a premium subscription, you will study regularly for several months, receiving feedback from the teacher.

    In what languages ​​can you carry out a simple conversation?

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