Beautiful sayings about love and life. Wise statuses, quotes, aphorisms about love. Quotes and aphorisms

Love is when good people feel bad. Spleen

“He realized that she was not only close to him, but that now he did not know where she ended and he began.” L. Tolstoy “Anna Karenina”

I don’t know how to love half or be friends, I’ll either give my whole soul or nothing.

Great people develop love in themselves, and only a small soul cherishes the spirit of hatred.

It happens that the person who can save you drowns. Frederic Beigbeder

What I am to you is what you will be to me. Heinrich Mann

Women only love those they don't know. Mikhail Lermontov

How often in life, when we make mistakes, we lose those we value...
Trying to please others, sometimes we run away from our neighbors...
We exalt those who are not worthy of us, and betray the most faithful...
Those who love us so much, we offend, and we ourselves expect an apology...

Love is the only thing that makes a person stronger, a woman more beautiful, a man kinder, a soul lighter, and life more beautiful! Friedrich Nietzsche

Not a single person in the world is worthy of your tears, and the one who is worthy will never make you cry. Gabriel Garcia Marquez

The station saw more sincere kisses than the registry office. And the walls of the hospital heard more sincere prayers than the church.

Whoever wants it will write, whoever needs it will call, whoever is bored will find it.

I love her because there is nothing like her in the world, there is nothing better, there is no beast, no plant, no star, no more beautiful person. Alexander Kuprin

Don’t be shy about your feelings and desires... There will be no other life for them...

Only then will a guy understand how dear a girl is to him, when she ends up with someone else...

There are no ideal people, but there is always one who is perfect for you.

A woman is a Flower. And the man is the Gardener. The gardener cares for and grows the Flower. The flower, in turn, thanks him, giving him its tenderness and beauty. The most caring Gardener has the most beautiful Flower.

If I were offered love or money, I would choose love. After all, thanks to love, inspiration appears to create something new and make money.

If you catch a bird, then do not keep it in a cage, do not make it want to fly away from you, but cannot. And make it so that she could fly away, but did not want to.

Sometimes they leave not to leave, but to return different.

A loved one can never be replaced by anyone.

They could not reach each other, but they were able to touch the soul. Ariel Buteau

It is a mistake to think that love grows from long-term friendship and persistent courtship. Love is the fruit of spiritual intimacy, and if intimacy does not arise in a second, it will not arise in years or generations. Gibran Kahlil Gibran

A woman must be loved in such a way that it never occurs to her that someone else could love her even more...

You dream because you think. You think because you're bored. You miss because you love. And you love because this is your person. A.P.Chekhov

Tenderness, absolute mutual trust, and contact, and truth - this becomes more and more necessary over the years... Let's not throw love around, we don't come across it very often. Iris Murdoch. "Sea Sea".

True love begins where nothing is expected in return. Antoine de Saint-Exupery

When you kiss and close your eyes, you go to heaven

When the power of love surpasses the love of power, there will be peace on Earth.

I loved... I cried... I was waiting for something... I sent... I forgot... And I’m happy.

You need to build a relationship with a person for whom you will always come first.

When Maggie and I got married 60 years ago, we had no money. We had $8 in our bank account. For the first two years we didn't even have a telephone. We rented a tiny apartment in Venice, next to a gas station. My first phone hung there on the wall. I ran out to him, picked up the phone, and people thought they were calling me at home. There wasn't even a telephone, let alone a car. But do you know what we had? Love. Ray Bradbury

There is no need to waste yourself on just anyone. It’s better to accumulate love, care and tenderness in yourself so that at the right time you can give it to the right person. Mother Teresa

Why do I need all these people? If none of them are you anyway. Vera Polozkova

It's so easy to be loved, so hard to love.

Never love someone who treats you like an ordinary person. Oscar Wilde

I shaved every evening so as not to prick her with stubble when kissing her in bed. And then one night - she was already asleep (I was somewhere without her, came back in the morning, typical petty disgust that we allow ourselves, justifying our marital status) - he took it and didn’t shave. I thought, it’s okay, she won’t even notice. And that simply meant that I didn’t love her anymore... Frederic Beigbeder

A woman who is considered cold simply has not yet met a person who can awaken love in her. Veniamin Kaverin The Science of Breaking Up

Only a man is to blame for how a woman behaves, he either allows her to do so or sets an example with his behavior...

When everything is good, it’s easy to be together: it’s like a dream, just breathe, and that’s all. We need to be together when it’s bad - that’s why people come together. Valentin Rasputin ("Live and Remember")

Love is not a mirror pond into which you can stare forever. It has ebbs and flows. And the wreckage of shipwrecks, and sunken cities, and octopuses, and storms, and boxes of gold, and pearls... But the pearls lie very deep. Erich Maria Remarque "Arc de Triomphe"

Loving is not difficult. It's difficult to find a person who really needs it.

True love is possible only with the Present! Hrishikesh Maharaj

The only thing that matters at the end of our time on earth is how much we loved, what was the quality of our love. Richard Bach

I want the person I love to not be afraid to love me openly. Otherwise it's humiliating. Pushkin

The mind judges what is good and what is bad. Love brings only good things. D.Chopra

If you are looking for true and big love, then first you need to get tired of petty feelings and random romances. (Paulo Coelho)

Some people leave, others come, and only a few remain in the heart forever.

A woman's happiness does not lie in being able to choose among hundreds of men. A woman's happiness is in the ability to allow herself to be with the one you love. Of the thousands and millions of fans - hundreds of beautiful ones, hundreds of rich ones, hundreds of jealous ones, hundreds of desirable ones, and there may not be a single loved one. And the one you love may be banned. The prohibition of time... The prohibition of distance... The prohibition of pride, or weakness... The prohibition of circumstances...

We love, but we pretend that we don't care. We are indifferent, but pretend that we love.

True love does not tolerate strangers. Erich Maria Remarque "Three Comrades".

Love a woman the way you made her. Or make it the way you like.

Love is not chosen, loved ones are not blamed, fate is not repeated, the forgotten are not called!

There is no love without pain. If someone has loved, it means they understand...

A girl's heart is never empty...she's either in love or can't forget.

Love does not live for three years, love does not live for three days. Love lives only as long as two people want it to live.

When love ends, one must suffer... if no one suffers, then love never began... if both suffer, love is still alive...

You love and are loved. It's a pity that these are two different men.

The wind changes the shape of the sand dunes, but the desert remains the same. And our love will remain the same. (Coelho)

They say that from love to hate there is only one step. No, one step from charm to disappointment. And between love and hate there are hundreds of attempts to change everything.

Love is like a river: a man rushes into it immediately, and a woman enters gradually.

Love is the lamp that illuminates the Universe; without the light of love, the earth would turn into a barren desert, and man would turn into a handful of dust.

If I love, then for a long time, if mutually, then forever

If you love, then the age difference is not a difference.

Love is never perfect. I don't want to erase her from my life. I love my pain. She is my friend. Jim carrey

What a luxury it is to be able to hug your loved one at any time. S. Ahern

Do you even understand what's happening to you? - I'm in love. Kill me. Chuck Palahniuk

We can get rid of illness with medicine, but the only cure for loneliness, despair and hopelessness is love. There are many people in the world who die of hunger, but there are even more who die because they lack love. Mother Teresa

Shout - anyone will hear.
Whisper - the nearest one will hear.
And only the one who loves will hear what you are silent about.

Some girls are cold in appearance, cruel in nature... Because they once loved seriously, but lost... They believed, but they were betrayed...

Just when they remove the hair from your face, if only you knew how much tenderness, trembling and love there is in this. Much more than in your “I love you”

Only those who love are happy, less often those who are loved.

My favorite wise thought.

Dear girls, women, is it possible to live without love? We all wait for love, we feel happy when we find love, but we are very afraid of losing it. We suffer, we suffer because of unrequited love. Still, we are truly happy only when we experience with all our hearts a feeling of love for another person.

1. Life and love are inseparable concepts. No wonder the great Mahatma Gandhi said one of the wisest thoughts about love:

There is life only where there is love.

We present a series of wise thoughts about love and life in this article.

2. But does everyone look at love the same way? What is love? How is true love different from falling in love? We have made a special selection of wise thoughts on this topic, continuing this article.

3. Male and female love, they are so different... Let's read together wise thoughts about male love. Then maybe we’ll lift the veil of secret a little: how does a man’s love differ from a woman’s? What words about love are spoken on behalf of the stronger half of humanity.

4. Love with separation. Our love is not always mutual. Very often, separation is necessary to experience the depth of love. Read wise thoughts on this topic. Perhaps you will look at breakups differently.

5. Is it possible to maintain love while being married? Carry it through your entire life? The wisest thoughts on this topic have been selected especially for you.

Which of these love topics are you most interested in today? Read, choose for yourself the wise thoughts about love that you like. Complete our collection with beautiful sayings and words about love.

Perhaps the wisest thought about love was expressed by a smart bear cub Winnie the Pooh:

If you live a hundred years, then I want to live a hundred years minus one day - I don’t want to live a day without you.

Is there any meaning to life without love?

1. Wise thoughts on the topic of love, life - we present to your attention.

One day you will ask me what I love more: you or life?

I will answer that life. You will leave without knowing that life is You.

This saying about love touched me to the core.

If I were offered an eternity without you, I would choose a moment, but with you.

Once you experience love, you can no longer live without it.

It only takes a minute to notice a person, just an hour to appreciate him, a day to love him, but then it takes an eternity to forget him...

Said a very wise saying about love A.A. Ignatiev:

Sometimes you can fall in love at first sight, but you can fall in love deeply only after going through difficult trials together.

Lovers who accept each other's ideals become more and more attractive to each other over the years.

Richard Bach.

What beautiful words he said about love Goethe:

In a quiet world, look around, only love takes you to the heights!

Love is stronger than death and fear of death. Only by her, only by love does life hold and move.

I. Turgenev

There is no force in the world more powerful than love.

I. Stravinsky.

Love is the lamp that illuminates the Universe; without the light of love, the Earth would turn into a barren desert, and man would turn into a handful of dust.

M. Braddon

2. The authors expressed their beautiful thoughts about love in different ways, but still so wisely:

Gabriel Garcia Marquez once said these wise sayings about love:

Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want, doesn't mean they don't love you with all their heart.

Perhaps in this world you are just a person, but for someone you are the whole world.

I also like this quote from an unknown author:

What is the difference between fake love and real love?

Fake: - I like the snowflakes on your hair! The real one: - Durra, why without a hat?

These words about love so accurately reflected the essence of love:

You truly love not the one you want to meet, but the one you don’t want to part with.

Konstantin Melikhan

Don't try to find meaning in love, otherwise you will lose your mind

To love means to experience pleasure from the opportunity to see, touch, feel with all the senses the beloved being who has given us his love.


Falling in love does not mean loving... You can fall in love while hating.

F.M. Dostoevsky.

We all think we know what love is and know how to love. In fact, very often we only know how to feast on human relationships.

Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh.

A palace in which there is no place for love is just a miserable hut, but a poor hut in which love lives is a real palace for the soul.

Robert G. Ingersol

Wise B.T.Washington said:

Great people develop love in themselves, and only a small soul cherishes the spirit of hatred.

Constancy in love is an eternal impermanence that encourages us to get carried away in turn by all the qualities of a loved one, giving preference to one of them, then to another.

F. La Rochefoucauld.

Love looks through rose-colored glasses, turning copper into gold, poverty into wealth, and tears into pearls.

Spanish proverb

To love is to find your own happiness in the happiness of another.


Love is the only value that is not subject to power and is not sold for money.

Respect has boundaries, while love does not.

M. Lermontov.

To love deeply means to forget about yourself.

J. Rousseau.


So many words were said by wise people about love, about the relationships of like-minded people; philosophical debates flared up and died out on this topic for many centuries, leaving behind only the most truthful and apt statements about life. They have survived to this day, perhaps many sayings about happiness and how beautiful love is, have undergone some changes, however, they are still filled with deep meaning.

And of course, it’s much more interesting not just to read solid black and white text, killing your own eyesight (although, of course, no one dares to belittle the value of the thoughts of great people), but to look at beautiful, funny and positive pictures with elegant design that touches the soul.

Wise sayings, embodied in cool photos, will be remembered for a long time, because this way your visual memory will be trained even better - you will remember not only funny and positive thoughts, but also the images captured in the images.

A nice addition, isn't it? Watch smart, positive pictures about love, full of deep meaning, read about how beautiful life is in all its manifestations, note to yourself cool and clever phrases of wise men, suitable for status on pages on social networks - and at the same time train your memory.

You can memorize short, but surprisingly apt and intelligent statements of great people about happiness, about the meaning of life, so that in a conversation you can gracefully present your knowledge to your interlocutor.

We have selected for you the best, funniest pictures to lift your spirits - here are funny, cool images that will make you smile, even if your mood was at zero before; here are smart, philosophical phrases about people, about the meaning of life, about happiness and love, more suitable for thoughtful reading in the evenings, and of course, how can you ignore funny photos about how beautiful love is, about how it affects people, forcing them to do all sorts of stupid things in the name of love.

All this is part of our life, all these are the thoughts of great people who lived before us many years ago.

But look how fresh, how relevant their statements about love and happiness are today. And how good it is that the contemporaries of the sages preserved their clever thoughts for the people who will come later, for you and me.

Pictures filled with a variety of content - about people whose life is not so wonderful without love, about people for whom happiness lies, on the contrary, in solitude and self-knowledge - everything is presented to your discerning taste. After all, it is impossible to reliably answer - what is happiness, for example? And is love really as beautiful as poets, artists and writers of all times and peoples are used to portraying it?

You can only comprehend these secrets yourself. Well, so that on the way to achieving your goal it is not so difficult, you can always spy wise thoughts regarding certain life situations.

You can send beautiful, funny, interesting pictures to a loved one, and it won’t necessarily be your other half.

A best friend, parents, or even just a colleague with whom a friendly relationship has been established - everyone will be pleased to receive such a small sign of attention, filled with meaning, and allowing you to think about how beautiful you are, despite minor troubles and moments of bad mood.

Thoughts are material. This means that you always need to think positively, and thereby attract positive things to yourself - good luck, promotion, and maybe true love?

Print out and hang on the wall, either at home or in the office, funny and cool phrases about love with deep meaning, so that every time you enter the room, you will come across them. Thus, subconsciously you will become much more loyal to minor squabbles.

Be a good fairy for those you care about: funny and beautiful pictures sent to a friend will serve as a good basis for raising your spirits if you cannot do this personally for various reasons - be it a work day, or completely different places of residence.

You can not only download information about people to your gadget, so that they are always at hand.

You can save the entire selection to your page on a social network, so that smart and beautiful sayings about happiness will always accompany you and set you up for the positive. Read funny phrases about love in the morning - and your quarrel with your significant other will no longer seem like a disaster and the end of the world.

Today we have collected aphorisms, quotes, expressions, statements of famous people of ancient and modern times about love and life.


Quotes about love

Despite all their differences, they had one thing in common - they were crazy about each other.

Nicholas Sparks “The Notebook”

Love doesn't always come when you want it. Sometimes it happens against your will. Virginia Andrews "Flowers in the Attic"

Only strong love can make up for those minor misunderstandings that arise when living together. Theodore Dreiser

For every woman there is one all-consuming love; everything after it is a conscious feeling when you just feel good that he is nearby.

Elchin Safarli. If you could know..

Not to be loved is just failure, not to love is misfortune. Albert Camus

There is a whole life in one hour of love... O. Balzac

There is only one remedy for love: to love even more. Henry David Thoreau

The love of a woman is more to be feared than the hatred of a man. This is poison, all the more dangerous because it is pleasant. Socrates

You love everyone, and loving everyone means loving no one. You are all equally indifferent. Oscar Wilde. The Picture of Dorian Grey

In every declaration of “I love you,” whatever is meant by the word “love” and by the word “you,” the pronoun “I” comes first; without it this feeling cannot exist. Even when love requires complete self-denial, it still needs the “I” as the source of emotion. Love cannot be completely devoid of a personal element, because someone must be its bearer. Adin Steinsaltz. "Simple words

True love is born in difficult times. And only after going through pain and suffering can one truly appreciate happiness.

John Green

The horror and darkness of death are powerless before love.
Henrik Ibsen

I really like her, but I'm not in love with her.
- And she’s in love with you, although she doesn’t like you very much.

Oscar Wilde “The Picture of Dorian Gray”

Stone fences cannot stop love.

"Romeo and Juliet"

Where there is a lot of love, there are many mistakes. Where there is no love, everything is a mistake.

Thomas Fulle

It is amazing how little a person feels his poverty when he loves.
John Bulwer

Love is a knife with which I dig into myself.

Franz Kafka

The one you love and the one who loves you can never be the same person.

Chuck Palahniuk “The Invisibles”“

... people who deeply and seriously love each other care little about the opinions of strangers. They love - and that's enough!

Theodore Dreiser. "American tragedy"

Imagine how you need to love in order to endlessly imagine your loved one next to you.

Mark Levy

It's easier to live without love. But without it there is no point.

L. N. Tolstoy

Does it really matter who you are and what you look like if they love you?!

Roald Dahl, “The Witches”

Love is when someone can give a person back himself.

Ray Bradbury

It is not beauty that causes love, but love that makes us see beauty.

Lev Tolstoy

Love can only be lived.
She can't do it.

Oleg Roy

Love knows no middle: it either destroys or saves.

Victor Hugo

Dying for love is not difficult. It's hard to find a love worth dying for.

Frederic Beigbeder

I thought that love is a miracle, and that two people together are much easier than one - like an airplane.

Erich Maria Remarque. Tell me that you love me

Where there is a lot of love, there are many mistakes. Where there is no love, everything is a mistake. Thomas Fuller

To love means to stop comparing. Bernard Grasse

Love is the only thing that sharpens the mind, awakens creative imagination, the only thing that cleanses us and frees us.

Paulo Coelho

We were looking for love and did not find it,
love was lost and not taken care of.
“Love does not exist,” they said.
and they themselves died of love.

S. Yesenin

If in the absence of a person you are completely indifferent to him, and his presence intoxicates you with happiness, what is really happening?

Agatha Christie

I love you.
- But you practically don’t know me?
- What does this have to do with Love?

Erich Maria Remarque

It seemed to me that a woman should not tell a man that she loves him. Let her shining, happy eyes speak about this. They speak louder than any words.

Erich Maria Remarque

When you love, you strive to become better.

Paulo Coelho



The meaning of life is that it has its end. Franz Kafka

Life is a queue for death, but some jump the queue. Adolf Gitler

Living is the same as playing the violin in a restaurant, which you picked up for the first time. Samuel Butler

Life is what happens to you while you are making other plans. John Lennon

At 22, Gandhi had three children, Mozart had 30 symphonies, and Buddy Holly was already dead. From the movie “Remember Me”

Life is Beautiful. Don't believe rumors. Life is Beautiful. Life is a tested product, it has been used by seventy billion people for three million years. This proves its perfect quality.

Bernard Werber

Life is too short to waste it on diets, greedy men and bad moods. Faina Georgievna Ranevskaya

So many people live small, petty lives. Many of us “die” at twenty years old, although we bury them at eighty. Remember: nothing can stop a person if he doesn't want to stop. Most people have not even experienced real failure - they have simply given up the fight. And most of the obstacles that prevent you from achieving your dreams, you yourself erected on your way. So throw off the shackles of “petty thoughts”, and instead have the courage to dream big and understand that failure is not your lot.

Robin Sharma

Never go back. There is no point in going back anymore. Even if there are the same eyes in which thoughts were drowning. Even if you are drawn to where everything was so nice, don’t ever go there, forget forever what happened. The same people live in the past that they always promised to love. If you remember this, forget it, don’t ever go there. Don't trust them, they are strangers. After all, they once left you. They killed faith in their souls, in love, in people and in themselves. Just live what you live and even though life looks like hell, look only forward, never go back. Omar Khayyam

Your whole life is spent learning to live. Jonathan Safran Foer

There is no need to take your own life. - There is nothing in the world, nothing more valuable than this. Even if you are very unhappy. Agatha Christie

Be yourself. Other roles are already filled. Oscar Wilde

In this life, it doesn't matter how you fall. It's how you rise that matters. Sharon Stone

In an effort to earn a living, do not forget about life itself. Robin Sharma

Life forces a person to many voluntary actions. Stanislav Jerzy Lec

Life is not about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself. George Bernard Shaw

Life is not a property to be protected, but a gift to be shared with others. William Faulkner

We have no right to complain about life - it holds no one. Seneca

Don't regret your life. It will pass pretty soon. Janet Winterson

Do you know, honey, what shit is? So it’s like jam compared to my life. Faina Georgievna Ranevskaya

Quotes from great people about love and life updated: July 9, 2017 by: website

A small selection of phrases about life, love... Perhaps someone will find their meaning in these words and something will become clearer. In any case, everyone has their own impressions... Read, leave your reviews, add to the list new phrases of your own authorship, or simply those you have heard from wise people.

Let's start about life:

  • Never tell anything good or bad about yourself. In the first case, they won’t believe you, and in the second, they will embellish you.
  • Fact is the most stubborn thing in the world.

  • Life leaves us so quickly, as if it is not interested in us.
  • Man has gone from the simplest to the confused.
  • There is one simple truth: life is the antonym of death, and death is the negation of life as such.
  • Life is a harmful thing. Everyone dies from it.
  • Don't take life so seriously. You still won't get out of it alive.
  • Death is when a person closes his eyes to everything.
  • When there is nothing to lose, they lose principles.
  • Everything that happens has a reason.
  • As long as a person does not give up, he is stronger than his destiny.
  • Everything that doesn't kill us makes us stronger.
  • To live badly and unreasonably does not mean to live badly, but to die slowly.

  • In the land of fools, every stupidity is worth its weight in gold.
  • If you're arguing with an idiot, he's probably doing the same thing.
  • Life is tricky! When I have all the cards in my hands, she suddenly decides to play chess.

  • Life is what happens to us while we are making plans for the future.
  • The better our present is, the less we think about the past.
  • You shouldn't go back to the past, it won't be the same as you remember.

Now a little about relationships:

  • I love you not for who you are, but for who I am when I am with you.
  • If someone doesn't love you the way you want, it doesn't mean they don't love you with all their heart.
  • It only takes a minute to notice someone, an hour to like someone, a day to love someone, and a lifetime to forget.

  • You may be just a person in this world, but for someone you are the whole world.

  • There is nothing more terrible for us than another person who does not care about us.
  • Don't waste time on a person who doesn't want to spend it with you.

  • Never marry a woman you can live with. Marry the one you can't live without.