Kaluga College of Culture and Arts. State budgetary professional educational institution of the Kaluga region “Kaluga Regional College of Culture and Arts. Description of the educational institution Kaluga Regional College of Culture and Arts

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For applicants

Order on the enrollment of applicants for full-time study in places financed under an agreement on the provision of paid educational services>>>

Order on the enrollment of applicants for full-time and part-time studies financed from the budget>>>

See tab "Reception of documents" in the "Applicants" section, which contains:

- application form,

- consent form for the processing of personal data,

- a list of medical specialists for obtaining a medical certificate form 086-U.

Also see tabs:

"Rules for admission of students",

"Examination requirements"

"List and procedure for conducting entrance tests",

"Schedule of entrance exams"

State budgetary professional educational institution Kaluga region

"Kaluga Regional College of Culture and Arts"

announces admission of students for the 2019/2020 academic year


Duration of study based on basic general or secondary (full) general education- 3 years 10 months.

1. Specialty "Acting Art"

by type: "Musical theater actor"

2. Specialty « Decorative applied arts and folk crafts"

by type: "Art Ceramics"

3. Specialty "Design"

by industry: "Design in culture and art"

4. Specialty "Painting"

by type: "Easel painting"

5. Specialty " Musical art of the stage"

by type: - “Instruments of a pop orchestra”

- “Pop singing”

6. Specialty " Folk artistic creativity»

by type: - "Photo and video creativity"

- “Choreographic creativity”

7. Specialty "Socio-cultural activities"

by appearance: - "

8. Specialty "Solo and choral folk singing"

by appearance "Solo folk singing"


The duration of training on the basis of secondary (full) general education is 2 years 10 months.

Speciality " Social and cultural activities"

by appearance: - " Organization and staging of cultural events and theatrical performances"

Acceptance of documents from June 15 to August 9, 2019

Entrance exams from August 10 to August 15, 2019


Citizens Russian Federation

1. Education document (original or photocopy);

2. Medical certificate form 086-u

3. Certificate of Children's Art School (if available)

4. 6 photos 3 x 4;

5. Passport and photocopy;

6. Military ID (registration certificate) for young men;

8. Folder, 3 files;

Foreign citizens, stateless persons, compatriots living abroad

  1. Copy of identity document or identification document foreign citizen in the Russian Federation;
  2. The original document (documents) of a foreign state on education and (or) qualifications and its certified photocopy;
  3. A duly certified translation into Russian of a document from a foreign state on the level of education and (or) qualifications and an appendix to it (if available);
  4. Photocopies of documents confirming that a compatriot living abroad belongs to the groups provided for in Art. 17 Federal Law dated May 24, 1999 No. 99-FZ “On the state policy of the Russian Federation towards compatriots abroad”;
  5. Medical certificate form 086-u (indicating vaccinations and fluorography);
  6. Certificate of Children's Art School (if available);
  7. 6 photos 3 x 4;
  8. Direction from the district department of culture (if available);
  9. Folder, 3 files

Training is free. Students are provided with hot meals, a scholarship and a hostel.

College address: 248000 Kaluga, st. Suvorova, 143

College website -collegkultura.kaluga.muzkult.ru

State budgetary professional educational

establishment of the Kaluga region

"Kaluga Regional College of Culture and Arts"

Full-time. The duration of training on the basis of basic general or secondary (complete) general education is 3 years 10 months.

    Specialty "Decorative and applied arts and folk crafts"

    Specialty "Design"

    Specialty "Painting"

    Specialty "Folk artistic creativity"

By type: - “Theatrical creativity”

- “Photo and video creativity”

- “Choreographic creativity”

  • Specialty "Acting"

By appearance: - “Musical theater actor”

    Specialty "Musical art of variety"

By type: - “Pop orchestra instruments”

- “Pop singing”

Extramural.Duration of study based on secondary (full) general or higher education-- 2 years 10 months.

Specialty "Social and cultural activities"

by type - “Organization and staging of cultural events and theatrical performances”

The Kaluga College of Culture provides training in the following specialties:

51.02.01 "Folk art"

02/54/05 "Painting"

54.02.02 "Decorative and applied arts and folk crafts",

54.02.01 "Design in culture and art",

53.02.02 "Variety Musical Art",

02/51/03 "Library Science",

02.52.04 "Acting art",

51.02.02 "Socio-cultural activities"

College history

The Kaluga Regional Cultural and Educational School was created in accordance with the order of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR dated August 11, 1947 No. 1890-r on the basis of the decision of the executive committee of the Kaluga Regional Council of Working People's Deputies dated September 22, 1947 No. 52-1110. This educational institution was supposed to train cultural workers in the Kaluga region. Open schools took place on November 1, 1947.

Due to the growing demand for specialists, the introduction of various specialties into the educational process, the name educational institution changes were made:

1947 -1969 — Kaluga regional cultural and educational school;

1970 -1989 — Kaluga Regional Cultural and Educational School;

1989 -1991 — Kaluga Regional School of Culture;

1992 -2004 — Kaluga Regional College of Culture;

2004 - 2012 - State educational institution of secondary vocational education "Kaluga Regional School of Culture and Arts."

In 2012 - State budgetary educational institution of secondary vocational education of the Kaluga region "Kaluga Regional College of Culture and Arts".

The first graduation took place in June 1950 and the entire course of 90 people began working in the regional departments of culture, regional Houses of Culture and the culture department of the Kaluga region. These were adults who had gone through the war and the labor front, and who consciously defined the education and upbringing of youth through the means of culture and art as the basis of their profession.

The school still remembers with heartfelt gratitude the first director of the educational institution Semilit G.F., the first head of the educational department Burmistrova L.V., graduates of the school Afanasyev K.M., Kazakov M.M., Evstigneeva M.I., Bessonova I. .V., Gogolev G.I., Turusov V.A., Kazarin K.E., Shakhov G.S., Sorokina N.A. and many others who made a significant contribution to the development and revival of the culture of the Kaluga region.Over 60 years of educational activity, the school has trained over 10 thousand specialists who successfully work in various fields of culture and head leading creative groups in Kaluga and the Kaluga region.

In 1992, on the basis of the School of Culture and Arts, the “Children’s School of Arts” was created, which became the basis for students to undergo educational practice. On the basis of the art school, advanced training courses for teachers of the regional children's art school and master classes are organized and conducted, and the latest techniques for the aesthetic education of children from 4-6 years of age are developed.

Wide creative activity are engaged in a folk group that exists on the basis of the college - the dance ensemble "Rovesnik", which is a multiple winner of International and All-Russian festivals and competitions (artistic director - A.I. Evteev, Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation, choreographer - V.G. Evteeva, Honored Worker culture of the Kaluga region). In 2012, the ensemble “Rovesnik” celebrated its 50th anniversary.

Students of the College of Culture are regular participants in regional and city cultural events dedicated to anniversaries and memorable dates, become laureates and diploma winners of Russian, regional and regional competitions and festivals of artistic creativity.

Based on the results of their studies and creative activities, the best students are awarded the prizes of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation “Young Talents of Russia”, personalized scholarships of the Kaluga Region named after. V. Polenov, named after. A. Blazhevich, im. S. Tulikov and scholarships from the Governor of the Kaluga Region.

The teaching staff of the College of Culture and Arts is approaching the 65th anniversary of the establishment of the educational institution with new plans, full of creative hopes and pedagogical innovations. And just like 65 years ago, the graduates of the school are young, optimistic, ready to create all the conditions for organizing a full-fledged meaningful recreation and aesthetic education for an audience of different ages and needs - such is their profession!

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For applicants

Order on the enrollment of applicants for full-time study in places financed under an agreement on the provision of paid educational services>>>

Order on the enrollment of applicants for full-time and part-time studies financed from the budget>>>

See tab "Reception of documents" in the "Applicants" section, which contains:

- application form,

- consent form for the processing of personal data,

- a list of medical specialists for obtaining a medical certificate form 086-U.

Also see tabs:

"Rules for admission of students",

"Examination requirements"

"List and procedure for conducting entrance tests",

"Schedule of entrance exams"

State budgetary professional educational institution of the Kaluga region

"Kaluga Regional College of Culture and Arts"

announces admission of students for the 2019/2020 academic year


The duration of training on the basis of basic general or secondary (complete) general education is 3 years 10 months.

1. Specialty "Acting Art"

by type: "Musical theater actor"

2. Specialty « Decorative and applied arts and folk crafts"

by type: "Art Ceramics"

3. Specialty "Design"

by industry: "Design in culture and art"

4. Specialty "Painting"

by type: "Easel painting"

5. Specialty " Musical art of the stage"

by type: - “Instruments of a pop orchestra”

- “Pop singing”

6. Specialty " Folk art"

by type: - "Photo and video creativity"

- “Choreographic creativity”

7. Specialty "Socio-cultural activities"

by appearance: - "

8. Specialty "Solo and choral folk singing"

by appearance "Solo folk singing"


The duration of training on the basis of secondary (full) general education is 2 years 10 months.

Speciality " Social and cultural activities"

by appearance: - " Organization and staging of cultural events and theatrical performances"

Acceptance of documents from June 15 to August 9, 2019

Entrance exams from August 10 to August 15, 2019


Citizens of the Russian Federation

1. Education document (original or photocopy);

2. Medical certificate form 086-u

3. Certificate of Children's Art School (if available)

4. 6 photos 3 x 4;

5. Passport and photocopy;

6. Military ID (registration certificate) for young men;

8. Folder, 3 files;

Foreign citizens, stateless persons, compatriots living abroad

  1. A copy of an identity document or a document certifying the identity of a foreign citizen in the Russian Federation;
  2. The original document (documents) of a foreign state on education and (or) qualifications and its certified photocopy;
  3. A duly certified translation into Russian of a document from a foreign state on the level of education and (or) qualifications and an appendix to it (if available);
  4. Photocopies of documents confirming that a compatriot living abroad belongs to the groups provided for in Art. 17 Federal Law dated May 24, 1999 No. 99-FZ “On the state policy of the Russian Federation towards compatriots abroad”;
  5. Medical certificate form 086-u (indicating vaccinations and fluorography);
  6. Certificate of Children's Art School (if available);
  7. 6 photos 3 x 4;
  8. Direction from the district department of culture (if available);
  9. Folder, 3 files

Training is free. Students are provided with hot meals, a scholarship and a hostel.

College address: 248000 Kaluga, st. Suvorova, 143

College website -collegkultura.kaluga.muzkult.ru