Calories Sesame oil. Chemical composition and nutritional value. Sesame oil - calories and properties. The benefits and harms of sesame oil How to treat with sesame oil

Vegetable oil obtained from sesame seeds (Sesamum indicum).


Sesame oil can be refined or unrefined. Refined is obtained from raw seeds; it has a light yellow color and a faint odor. Unrefined oil is extracted from roasted seeds and is characterized by a more pronounced aroma and taste.

Calorie content

100 grams of product contains 884 kcal.


Sesame oil includes palmitic, arachidic, stearic, myristic, linoleic, oleic, hexadecenoic acids, phytin, sesamol, phospholipids, phytosterols, squalene, vitamins A, E, D, C, B1, B2, B3.


Sesame oil is widely used in Chinese, Korean, and Japanese cuisines. It forms a successful flavor combination with honey and soy sauce.

It can be added when preparing pilaf, seafood dishes, marinades for meat, fish and vegetables, oriental sweets, as a dressing for meat, vegetable and fruit salads, in soups, gravies, and baked goods.

The oil is not suitable for frying and is only used for dressing or drizzling food before serving.


The antioxidant sesamol contained in sesame oil allows it to be stored for up to 9 years.

Beneficial features

Sesame oil is recommended for use for dry cough, shortness of breath, asthma, diabetes, intestinal dysfunction, hyperthyroidism, anemia, obesity, impaired blood clotting, lipid metabolism disorders, inflammatory joint diseases, osteoporosis.

In India, it was used as a medicine in folk medicine and was valued for its ability to remove poisons, waste and toxins from the body.

It helps normalize the functioning of the reproductive, cardiovascular, nervous, and endocrine systems, regulates blood sugar levels, strengthens the immune system, acts as a preventive agent for cancer, maintains visual acuity, and improves the condition of nails, skin and hair.

Sesame oil exhibits wound-healing, anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, immunostimulating, anthelmintic, analgesic, laxative and diuretic properties.

In addition, it helps to cope with menstrual syndrome, alleviate the condition of women during menopause, and is recommended for use by pregnant and lactating women in the absence of allergies.

Externally, sesame oil is used to moisturize and cleanse the skin, slow down the aging process, protect against ultraviolet radiation, and also for massage for osteochondrosis, rheumatism, and arthritis.

Restrictions on use

Sesame oil may cause allergic reactions.

How much does sesame oil cost (average price for 1 liter)?

Moscow and Moscow region.

Sesame oil is extracted from miniature sesame seeds. If raw seeds are used, the oil is refined and has a light color, but for the unrefined version, that is, unrefined sesame oil, you need roasted. This product is characterized by a richer dark brown color and has a strong aroma and a sweetish-nutty taste. The calorie content of sesame oil is 899 kcal per hundred grams.

Fragrant, rich in nutrients, sesame oil has long been widely used as a traditional component of Japanese, Indian, Chinese, Korean and Thai cuisines. It should be noted that this particular product was used for food purposes in Indian cooking before it appeared.

In Asian cuisine, which is quite exotic for many, sesame oil is especially well combined with soy sauce and honey. Most often it is used in preparing all kinds of seafood dishes, pilaf, marinating vegetables and meat, deep-frying and oriental sweets, as well as as a dressing for vegetable and meat salads.

Thanks to the aromatic properties of sesame oil, just a couple of drops of this product are enough for the finished dish to acquire a unique aroma and original taste. Many Russian housewives are accustomed to using this oil when preparing a considerable number of Russian dishes - soups, hot meat and fish dishes, mashed potatoes, porridges, cereal side dishes, gravies, pancakes, pancakes and homemade baked goods.

Sometimes the aroma of unrefined sesame oil seems too strong for some people. In such cases, when using this product culinary, it is recommended to mix it with peanut oil, which has a milder aroma.

Composition of sesame oil

It is safe to say that the composition of sesame oil is completely balanced and therefore this product is extremely beneficial for human health. Thus, sesame seed oil contains a sufficient amount of vitamin E, which is simply necessary for beauty and an attractive appearance. Perhaps this is why many representatives of the fair sex have long replaced other vegetable oils with this product.

In addition, sesame oil also contains beneficial fatty acids, which are present in this product in sufficient quantities. These are Omega-6 or polyunsaturated linoleic acid and Omega-9 - monounsaturated oleic acid.

Benefits of sesame oil

Being a valuable food product, as well as an effective medicine, sesame oil has a beneficial effect on health when consumed regularly. Thus, the benefits of sesame oil are manifested in the treatment of hypertension, lipid metabolism disorders, as well as inflammatory diseases of the joints. It is due to these properties that it is recommended for osteoporosis. In addition, in case of obesity, sesame seed oil promotes weight loss, and in case of exhaustion, it promotes muscle mass growth.

In India, they have long learned to use it as a preventive and traditional medicine. There it is considered an incredibly healing substance that can remove toxins and poisons from the body. It is believed that the benefits of sesame oil are especially noticeable for pulmonary diseases, dry cough, shortness of breath and asthma.

Harm of sesame oil

However, if you notice that you experience at least some allergic reactions when consuming sesame seeds, you can be sure that all the beneficial properties of the oil from these grains become irrelevant for you. This is due to the fact that in a liquid product the concentration of active substances is much higher, so the harm of sesame oil in this case is more likely.

Calorie content of sesame oil 899 kcal

Energy value of sesame oil (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - bju):

: 0 g (~0 kcal)
: 99.9 g (~899 kcal)
: 0.1 g (~0 kcal)

Energy ratio (w|w|y): 0%|100%|0%

Product proportions. How many grams?

1 teaspoon contains 5 grams
1 tablespoon contains 17 grams
1 glass 225 grams

Nutritional value and composition of sesame oil

PUFA - Polyunsaturated fatty acids

SFA - Saturated fatty acids


Sesame oil reviews and comments

advisor 06.02.2014

Well, why are you such underdeveloped businessmen? Why don’t you indicate the manufacturer’s address? Russian or Chinese or other imported? We want to have only our oil! Write about all the drugs you sell = it’s as if you bought diplomas in a subway passage!!!

Sesame oil is used not only in cooking; thanks to its healing qualities, it is successfully used in medicine and cosmetology.

This product, otherwise called sesame, has a centuries-old history. In ancient times, healers treated pharaohs for various diseases with this remedy. It was also used in China, Japan and India.

To this day, sesame oil is among the medicinal preparations of many Western and Eastern healers. This wonderful natural remedy has a long shelf life, up to 9 years, without losing its medicinal properties.

Moreover, the seeds themselves from which the product is made are not stored for more than 10-11 months, they deteriorate and become unfit for consumption.

Chemical composition of oil and its calorie content

This product owes its beneficial qualities to its composition:

It is quite difficult to indicate a more precise composition of sesame oil, since the content and concentration of one or another component depends on many aspects - the geographical location of the seeds, weather conditions and soil. The calorie content of this product per 100 grams is 884 kcal or 3699 kJ.

What are the benefits of sesame oil

The rather rich composition of the product determines its undoubted benefits:

  • it promotes rejuvenation of cells throughout the body;
  • helps lower blood cholesterol;
  • strengthens and normalizes the functioning of the heart and blood vessels;
  • stabilizes blood pressure;
  • helps to avoid cerebral vascular spasms;
  • improves blood circulation in all parts of the brain;
  • has a beneficial effect on the digestive system;
  • removes waste, toxins and heavy metals from the body;
  • normalizes blood clotting;
  • has a cleansing effect on the intestines;
  • stimulates the formation and removal of bile;
  • has weak analgesic properties;
  • normalizes blood sugar levels;
  • increases immunity;
  • assists in the treatment of pneumonia, asthma and bronchitis;
  • eliminates foci of inflammation;
  • Helps strengthen gums and tooth enamel.

This product is successfully used for weight loss, because due to the fact that it saturates the body with fatty acids, a person is less susceptible to overeating. But you shouldn’t abuse it either, because it is very high in calories and excessive consumption will immediately affect the accumulation of subcutaneous fat on the sides, thighs and abdomen.

But in old age, taking oil is especially necessary. It saturates the body with the necessary elements and vitamins, eliminates the unpleasant symptoms of menopause in women.

During pregnancy during lactation, this remedy also has considerable benefits, not only for the internal state, but also for the appearance.

It satisfies the need for fatty acids and helps eliminate stretch marks on the skin.

How to treat yourself with sesame oil

It has already been observed that this remedy is an effective medicine against many ailments. How to take sesame oil for health and treatment of diseases:

Using sesame oil in cosmetology

This product has a beneficial effect on the skin, hair and nails; it can be included in creams and masks. To cleanse your skin, restore its elasticity and radiance, you can use the following recipes:

  • To smooth out wrinkles, mix a tablespoon of rich sour cream with two teaspoons of oil. Use this cream at least three times a week;
  • to relieve swelling, mix pine and tangerine essential oils in equal proportions with a teaspoon of sesame oil;
  • To eliminate dryness, mix two tablespoons of this product with two tablespoons of grated fresh cucumber and a teaspoon of glycerin. Pour a few drops of peppermint essential oil into the mixture and apply to the face at least two to three times a week;
  • to get rid of acne, mix 40 ml of oil with the same amount of three-year-old aloe juice and concentrated grape juice. Apply the mixture to a cotton pad and wipe your face morning and evening;
  • to saturate the skin with vitamins, you need to mix a tablespoon of oil with the contents of 2 capsules of retinol and tocopherol;
  • A mixture of essential oils of cypress, basil, chamomile and a teaspoon of sesame oil has a good effect.

To prevent hair from breaking and to be healthy, you can use the following mask:

  • Melt 30 grams of honey in a water bath, beat it with two egg yolks and mix with 20 ml of oil. Distribute this mixture over the entire length of the hair. Leave for 30 - 40 minutes, rinse with water and shampoo. It is recommended to do this at least 2 times a week.

Harm of sesame oil and contraindications to its use

Almost like any product, this product has its contraindications. It is not recommended for people with:

  • individual intolerance to components;
  • hypercalcemia;
  • increased level of platelets in the blood;
  • varicose veins

How to select and store oil

Sesame oil can be refined or unrefined. The unrefined product is produced by cold pressing the raw seeds. This type of oil is not suitable for heat treatment; it is consumed in its natural form and has a rather pleasant smell and taste.

Refined oil can be used for frying, as it is not suitable for salad dressing. Both types of product are characterized by a small cloudy sediment. It is advisable to store it in a glass container in a cool place.

The shelf life of closed containers is quite long - from 5 to 9 years, but if the container is opened, it is recommended to use the product within six months.

Use in cooking

This product has a pronounced pleasant aroma and has long been traditionally used in Asian cuisine, but due to its benefits and taste, it has gained popularity among the culinary delights of other nations.

The oil is used both in its pure form and as an ingredient in various sauces for meat, fish, and salads—for this, a dark variety of the product is used. For deep-frying and frying, light, refined oil is more suitable, which does not have a specific odor when heated.

There are a lot of recipes in which it is used. Here are a few of them:

  1. Eggplant salad. Cut 2 medium eggplants into strips, add salt and place on a paper towel to remove bitterness. At this time, prepare the sauce - mix 2 tablespoons of soy sauce, a tablespoon of oil and a few drops of vinegar. Pour this sauce over the eggplants, sprinkle with finely chopped garlic and herbs on top. Mix the salad and put it in the refrigerator for 2 hours to soak.
  2. Fried chicken fillet.0.5 kg. marinate chicken fillet in a sauce of 30 grams of honey, 3 tablespoons of soy sauce and a pinch of pepper. Pour 150 - 200 ml of sesame oil into a deep frying pan, heat it and fry the fillet until golden brown.

There are several subtleties of the correct use of this product.

  1. To maximize the effect of treatment with this remedy, it is better to take it on an empty stomach.
  2. The daily amount of oil should not be more than 30 - 40 grams.
  3. It is not recommended to take aspirin at the same time as this remedy; the acid it contains interferes with the absorption of calcium and can contribute to the appearance of kidney stones.

We can talk about sesame oil for a long time and a lot.

Taking this product daily is an excellent preventative against various diseases, but it should be introduced into your diet gradually, from 1 teaspoon per day, and for children from 3-5 drops.

You can learn about the benefits of sesame seeds and sesame oil from the following video.


Nutritional value and chemical composition "Sesame oil".

The table shows the nutritional content (calories, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals) per 100 grams of edible portion.

Nutrient Quantity Norm** % of the norm in 100 g % of the norm in 100 kcal 100% normal
Calorie content 899 kcal 1684 kcal 53.4% 5.9% 187 g
Fats 99.9 g 56 g 178.4% 19.8% 56 g
Water 0.1 g 2273 g 2273000 g
Vitamin B4, choline 0.2 mg 500 mg 250000 g
Vitamin E, alpha tocopherol, TE 8.1 mg 15 mg 54% 6% 185 g
Vitamin K, phylloquinone 13.6 mcg 120 mcg 11.3% 1.3% 882 g
Sterols (sterols)
beta sitosterol 400 mg ~
Saturated fatty acids
Saturated fatty acids 14.2 g max 18.7 g
16:0 Palmitinaya 8.9 g ~
18:0 Stearic 4.9 g ~
20:0 Arakhinovaya 0.3 g ~
Monounsaturated fatty acids 40.2 g min 16.8 g 239.3% 26.6%
16:1 Palmitoleic 0.2 g ~
18:1 Oleic (omega-9) 39.9 g ~
Polyunsaturated fatty acids 42.5 g from 11.2 to 20.6 g 206.3% 22.9%
18:2 Linolevaya 40.3 g ~
Omega-3 fatty acids 0.3 g from 0.9 to 3.7 g 33.3% 3.7%
Omega-6 fatty acids 40.3 g from 4.7 to 16.8 g 239.9% 26.7%

Energy value Sesame oil is 899 kcal.

  • Tablespoon ("with top" except for liquid products) = 17 g (152.8 kcal)
  • A teaspoon ("with top" except for liquid products) = 5 g (45 kcal)

Main source: Skurikhin I.M. and others. Chemical composition of food products. .

** This table shows the average levels of vitamins and minerals for an adult. If you want to know the norms taking into account your gender, age and other factors, then use the My Healthy Diet app.

Product calculator

The nutritional value

Serving Size (g)


Most foods may not contain the full range of vitamins and minerals. Therefore, it is important to eat a variety of foods to meet the body's needs for vitamins and minerals.

Product calorie analysis


Ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates:

Knowing the contribution of proteins, fats and carbohydrates to calorie content, you can understand how well a product or diet meets the standards of a healthy diet or the requirements of a certain diet. For example, the US and Russian Departments of Health recommend 10-12% of calories come from protein, 30% from fat and 58-60% from carbohydrates. The Atkins diet recommends low carbohydrate intake, although other diets focus on low fat intake.

If more energy is expended than it is received, the body begins to use up fat reserves, and body weight decreases.

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Energy value, or calorie content- this is the amount of energy released in the human body from food during the digestion process. The energy value of the product is measured in kilocalories (kcal) or kilojoules (kJ) per 100 grams. product. The kilocalorie used to measure the energy value of food is also called a food calorie, so when caloric content is reported in (kilo)calories, the prefix kilo is often omitted. You can see detailed energy value tables for Russian products.

The nutritional value- content of carbohydrates, fats and proteins in the product.

Nutritional value of food product- a set of properties of a food product, the presence of which satisfies the physiological needs of a person for the necessary substances and energy.

Vitamins, organic substances required in small quantities in the diet of both humans and most vertebrates. Vitamin synthesis is usually carried out by plants, not animals. A person's daily requirement for vitamins is only a few milligrams or micrograms. Unlike inorganic substances, vitamins are destroyed by strong heat. Many vitamins are unstable and are “lost” during cooking or food processing.

Sesame oil is a vegetable oil obtained from sesame seeds. Due to the large amount of nutrients, the oil is used not only in cooking, but also in cosmetology, for example, during a massage session. It has a pronounced sesame aroma and a pleasant taste. Despite its high calorie content and fat concentration, sesame oil has a beneficial effect on the health of the body, in particular the heart. You should consult your physician before taking this product.

100 grams of sesame oil contains 884 calories

A tablespoon of sesame oil contains 120 calories.

A teaspoon of sesame oil contains 40 calories.

According to the USDA, 100 grams of sesame oil contains 884 calories and 100 grams of fat, including 14.2 grams of saturated fat, 39.7 grams of monounsaturated fat and 41.7 grams of polyunsaturated fat.

Sesame oil is used as a flavoring agent in cookies, candies, breads, salads, sauces and countless meat dishes. There are two varieties of oil: dark and light. The light one is produced in the Middle East, the dark one is made from roasted seeds and is part of Asian cuisine. Sometimes just one drop of oil is enough to add extra flavor to a dish. Like other oils that are entirely fat, sesame oil has 9 calories per gram.

The benefits and harms of sesame oil

Sesame oil can help lower blood pressure. For 45 days, people in India with high blood pressure ate only sesame oil. Data at the end of the experiment confirmed that the subjects' blood pressure had dropped to normal levels. The readings returned after sesame oil was stopped. The researchers did not indicate which components of the oil influenced the results, but the presence of polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamin E and antioxidants certainly did. The study was published in the Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine.

Sesame oil is a combination of mono- and polyunsaturated fats. Researchers at Clemson University note that both fats can lower total cholesterol levels, and monounsaturated fats can raise levels of “good” HDL cholesterol. Therefore, if you have problems with cholesterol, you should talk to your doctor about including sesame oil in your diet.

The only important nutrient found in sesame oil is vitamin K, with a 100g serving providing 17% of the daily recommended value for humans.

Nutritional value and calorie content of sesame oil (per 100 g):

Calorie or energy value– this is the amount of energy that accumulates in the human body due to food and is consumed due to physical activity. The unit of measurement is the kilocalorie (the amount of energy required to raise one kilogram of water by one degree Celsius). However, a kilocalorie is often referred to simply as a calorie. Therefore, when we say a calorie, in most cases we mean a kilocalorie. It has the designation kcal.

The nutritional value– content of carbohydrates, fats and proteins in the product.

Chemical composition– content of macroelements and microelements in the product.

Vitamins– organic compounds necessary in small quantities to support human life. Their deficiency can have adverse effects on the health of the body. Vitamins are found in food in small quantities, so to get all the vitamins a person needs, you need to diversify the groups and types of food.