Measuring a person with a thread is magic. How to remove damage yourself using thread. Items for damage

Let's assume that you just started, posted information about your abilities everywhere and started waiting for orders. But they still don’t exist.
95% of people in such a situation switch to another activity (most often entertainment) and go far from the topic, despite the fact that the time allotted for work has not yet ended.

A small digression: you will do any work much better and of higher quality if you focus not on the money you will be paid for it, but on the benefits it will bring to your consumers.

High quality text

The value is in a high-quality text that does not require editing, in the reliability of you as a performer and in the customer’s confidence in you.
Such a virtual consumer is very convenient in that you can provide it with the requirements that are convenient for you.
Thus, if you are extremely knowledgeable about childbirth, then your virtual consumer will demand texts about childbirth from you.

  • Some of these articles will then go to the text exchange, where they will be available for purchase by real clients.
    Such packs sell very well when a webmaster plans to create or fill a site with a specific topic, so he will be happy to buy all 30 articles on tanks from you at once.
  • Part of it will be used to create a portfolio. In a portfolio, it is best to select the most best texts of those written for the virtual consumer.
    Ideally, you will need to make a website with a convenient rewrite order form and publish all the articles you have selected in the Portfolio section, indicating the source text or a link to it so that the customer has the opportunity to compare.

About customers

Some dishonest webmasters have the bad habit of looking through the Portfolio section on exchanges and checking the texts posted there for uniqueness.

  • If the text is unique, then the webmaster immediately publishes it on his website and for search engines he automatically becomes the sole author and owner of the text.
  • If you later decide to create your own website and post your portfolio work on it, you will most likely receive a ban or a filter from the search engine for non-unique content, since some cunning webmaster somehow decided to publish this text for you .

This may also negatively affect your reputation when the customer decides to check your texts and suspects that you simply stole them from another site and did not write them yourself.
Write in the comments:

  • how many texts do you currently have in your portfolio?
  • do you plan to increase it in the next 7 days
  • to what number of articles do you plan to increase your portfolio in 7 days.
