Your own game application for participation. Five ways for a TV viewer to make a million. Choosing a brokerage company. Terms and rates

People go to a TV show as a spectator or a character for various reasons. Some sincerely believe that this could be the beginning of a great career on television. Others hope to receive a substantial fee for an interesting time spent. Still others go for new sensations - it’s great to be on the set of a popular program, to see famous presenters and celebrity guests with your own eyes!

It seems to many that only a select few or slightly more fortunate people than themselves participate in television projects. Is it so? The editors of the site talk about some ways to become a participant in a TV show.

Method 1. Excursion

Yandex and Google find an excursion called “How TV shows are made” with the first request. It consists of a walk around the Ostankino television center and filming in a program that-must-not-be-named with Elena Malysheva, and if you don’t know, then it’s good that this cup has passed you by.

During the 2-2.5 hour excursion you will see the studios of famous television projects, as well as the famous Ostankino staircases and corridors in which the cult films “Sorcerers”, “Brother-2” and many others were filmed. But your finest hour awaits you on the set of the program “Live Healthy!” — Elena Malysheva often uses guests to demonstrate educational skits about our health (the main thing is not to wear a sweater with a high neck, if you know what we mean).

To participate in the excursion and obtain a pass to the Ostankino television center you will need: an original Russian passport (for children over 10 years old - birth certificate), registration in Moscow or the Moscow region (if any), a travel document upon arrival in Moscow for up to 90 days (for guests of the capital, as well as those who do not have a registration document).

Method 2. Castings via the Internet and more

Advertisements for recruiting viewers and participants for TV shows can be found both on special resources like,, and others, as well as on the websites of popular programs - for example, Less often, announcements about filming appear in official groups of television projects on VKontakte, Facebook and other social networks; another question is whether they can be trusted.

Method 3: Contact the creators of the show

In the credits of talk shows or television quiz shows, as a rule, they indicate a contact phone number or website address where you can call and tell your story, or fill out an application for participation. It is worth noting that getting through to such numbers can be extremely problematic, and the chance that they will choose your questionnaire filled out on the transfer page is even less.

If you have not yet changed your mind in your search for an “access point” to a project of interest, pay special attention to the organizers’ requirements for guests.

1. Age

At the “Ice Age” show we are glad to see viewers aged 18 to 35 years old, at the music quiz “Guess the Melody!” - from 14 to 40 years old, on the talk show “Let Them Talk” - from 14 to 60 years old, but on the program “About the Most Important Thing” you will only be allowed to film if you are strictly under 45 years old.

2. Clothing and appearance

Everyone is always asked to come to the set of any television project neat and smartly dressed. The only differences are in the color schemes.

On Boris Korchevnikov’s talk show “Live Broadcast” they are asked to be sure to exclude red and dark tops from clothing; viewers in clothes with various inscriptions are not allowed on the “Wait for Me” program, but on the “Fashionable Sentence” show or Yulia Menshova’s program “Alone with everyone” are happy to see spectators in clothes with a bright top.

3. Punctuality

If you are late or for any reason cannot come to the shooting, you must definitely notify the person with whom you recorded.

4. Prohibition on hints and walking around the set

Whatever feelings you have towards the participants of the program, there is no need to shout about it loudly at the recording of the project. This rule applies especially strictly to spectators at various TV games and quizzes. Even if you know the correct answer, but the participant in the program does not, you do not need to prompt him. Whoever this participant is to you. Violators are punished very strictly - filming is stopped, they are publicly kicked out of the hall, they are refused payment of money and are put on a “black list”.

Spectators are also prohibited from leaving their seats or walking around the site during recording.

5. Prohibition on photo and video filming

The phone must be turned off during the entire shooting, even silent/vibrate mode is strictly prohibited. This is due to the fact that waves from electronic devices can cause defects in picture or sound quality, and in this case it is necessary to reshoot everything from the very beginning.

Taking photographs in the studio, with the presenter, participants and guests is only possible if permitted by the organizers. This can only be done during breaks or at the end of filming.

6. Privacy

There are often cases when, on set, you may be asked to fill out a special non-disclosure document, or you may be verbally told what is prohibited from being disclosed.

As is correct, this concerns the secrets of the production of the program, as well as everything related to the intrigue of the show. It is prohibited to distribute information before the broadcast of the show about which of the participants will leave the show, who will become its winners, what and how many they will receive as prizes.

If you have violated the prohibition from the previous paragraph on photography and video shooting, then you should not post pictures from the “I was here” series. There are special people who monitor and punish violators who leave similar publications about the project on the Internet, including various messages, photos and videos on social networks, video portals, etc.

7. Food and drinks

You must arrange food and drinks for yourself in advance. Often on set there are no buffets or even vending machines for food. Unfortunately, the organizers do not provide drinks and food to the audience in the studio, which means that you must stock up on them yourself and in advance.

Regarding payment work as an extra on television projects, you should not count on a large sum. On average, we are talking about 150-600 rubles for a full shooting day, during which 1 to 4 programs can be recorded. It’s not uncommon for filming to end well after midnight, during which time you must be in your place. If you leave the studio before the director says the final “stop, cut!”, you are unlikely to receive your reward.

Your Game. So, I passed the telephone selection and was invited to Moscow for the in-person selection. Yes, they tell you in detail which station to go to, what kind of gazelle you will meet there and what time you need to be there. They even warn that it is better to be there 10 minutes before the appointed time. And the gazelle, delivering from Krylatskoye station to the place, actually leaves exactly at the appointed time. Hence the first conclusion for me was that being 2 minutes late means being late for this gazelle and having to wait for the next one. And so it happened.
If we speak in order, then 50 minutes before 16.30 - the time for which I signed up when communicating with editors by phone - I was in the center of Moscow, on Lubyanka. Well, and, of course, I didn’t have time for literally 2 minutes. In general, of course, you have to blame yourself - you left little time to get to the place, and it is located far from the center. Moreover, on metro trains and at stations the information about metro lines is old, from 2003, or even older. The metro lines there, of course, are often irrelevant, and what is marked on the map as stations under construction have been operating for a long time. This information let me down: I made unnecessary transfers, and even to the line that has more stops, and I lost precious time on transitions and extra stations...
It is impossible to get to the place where the studio office is located and the selection process takes place on your own! By the way, the drive took about 20 minutes. The building is located on the territory of a golf club, you can’t enter there without a pass. And if you walk from the entrance, it will be a bit far, and it’s absolutely impossible to understand that there is a studio in this building. No signs, no signs. Why, even after going up to the 3rd floor, it’s impossible to understand where to go. True, Sergei Dubov, one of the editors, met me there and took me to a huge office at the end of the corridor to the right. Again, this office is not marked in any way.
Since I was late, and in fact arrived on the next 5-hour gazelle, both the players and the editors were waiting for me. I simply didn’t have time to study and consider anything. I was quickly seated at a table with buttons and questionnaires. They gave me time to make a false start and press on time. They showed us a flashlight that we needed to navigate by, so that we could press a button. Well, after making sure that I was watching “My Game,” they didn’t really explain anything else. So it turned out “from the ship to the ball.”
My opponents at the selection were a guy from Kazan (Ilya), about my age, and a man, it seemed to me, from Moscow (Sergey). There were also questioning/helping editors to keep score and ask questions: the already mentioned Sergei Dubov (he periodically conveyed the order of question selection and commented a little on our game between rounds), Ilya Ber (who asked questions), Olga Khvorova (responsible for the monitor with questions) and more someone who was responsible for the monitor with the score and lighting the signal lamp (unfortunately, I didn’t really see what kind of man it was).
If we describe what the room where we played looked like, we can say that it was a very large room, where in the far corner there was a gaming table, and opposite there were 3 tables: a table with a 21” LCD monitor where questions were displayed. One to one picture, like on a large television screen. He was to my right and closest to the gaming table. On the left there was a table on which there was a similar monitor displaying the game score and a lamp was attached to the same table, which was turned on as a signal that you could press a button and give an answer to the question. The buttons, by the way, are not at all like those on PUIBR. Very small, about 7 - 8 millimeters in diameter. On a huge parallelipiped stand. It's not very comfortable to hold, so I just put it on the table and put my finger on the button. The system was complemented by large lanterns on the tables opposite each player. These are old, police, plastic. And there is a small hole in the stand under the lantern. I personally saw the light bulb signaling that I was the one who won the button – I saw it through the hole. A false start, to be honest, I don’t remember what it looked like for me. At least I had one. But I didn’t notice any alarm about it. Maybe just in the heat of the game. Ber and Dubov, who were to my left, completed the playing environment. Behr sat in front of a healthy box of questions. The cards were arranged by topic. Ber read them quite quickly, clearly, confidently and clearly. Yes, Molchanov, the editor-in-chief and ideological inspirer of the game, came to watch our first tour. He sat behind Ber, a little to the left. Since we played frankly poorly, after the first round, and maybe even earlier, he got up and left. To be honest, I didn’t notice the moment of its release.
Actually, the game itself lasted 2 rounds for us. It immediately became clear that if your eyesight fails you, glasses are a must. Everyone was surprised by Sergei, who didn’t even really see the names of the topics and at the same time has no glasses at all! We tried moving the monitor a little, but I think since we didn't move it that much, it didn't help him much.
We played in the first round worse than ever. They took few questions; it seems to me that they didn’t take any more than 500 questions, or at least 1 at most. I have to admit that there were many questions about which I can only say one thing: I had no idea. I played an auction question for 100. I lost. Here, by the way, it is necessary to highlight the important difference between selection and a real game. And at auctions and cats. Before announcing the correct answer, the editors ask all players about their answer choice. They are probably collecting information about the knowledge base. Summarizing the first round, we can cite the remark and thoughts that Behr expressed: “The base is small. There is clearly a lack of knowledge. Sergei dropped out of the game altogether. Having pressed the button, he fell into a stupor for a long time and remained silent. It felt like he was not from this dimension. If you answer so little, then we may not finish the second round, why bother.” The editors sitting nearby nodded unanimously that yes. Olga actually expressed the idea that the second round might not even begin. During the first one, she often rolled her eyes when none of the players pressed the button, and, in the end, Ilya himself gave the correct answer. I probably thought these were ignorant people.
There was no special break between tours. The editors expressed their opinions and we started playing again.

I started the second round with 0 and was in last place after an unsuccessful auction. We have already played it noticeably better than the first one. Questions that had no answer at all were noticeably less common. Maybe it’s the themes, maybe something else – I don’t know. Although there were still sometimes such questions that we were all silent, and Ilya, announcing the answer, said that we should know this. But overall the picture of our game was “less sad.” In fact, only Ilya and I fought. Sergei clearly did not have enough knowledge even for our low level, and he was practically silent in the second round. He rarely answered and was mostly wrong, ending in the red. Ilya eventually scored 2300, I scored 3200. There was probably question 4 in the second round, where I, knowing the answer, but remembering the “difficulty” of the questions for me in the 1st round, was afraid to take risks. I took a risk on the cheap ones, but, however, both times I overreacted and gave a more complex and incorrect version... In general, it seemed that in the second round the questions of even the highest category of difficulty were easier. It's probably a matter of themes.
If we talk about the button, then for me the situation was usually such that I either knew the answer, pressed it and won the button. I really don’t know if my opponents pressed. I didn't always see the movements on Ilya's button because I was watching the signal. And on the last question, for 200, I definitely lost the button to him. As it turned out, and not scary, I foolishly had a completely wrong answer in my head.
In summing up the selection, the editors did not particularly soften the conclusions drawn after the first round. They said that put us with a more or less strong player, and he will simply beat us by one wicket. That we simply do not have enough base. This is a profitable business. The button and the game are generally fine. True, Sergei, of course, was told that this was not his game. But periodically they told him about this during the tours, when he was stuck on the next question. Of course, the editors are polite people, and everyone spoke quite softly and culturedly. At the end they simply announced that if they didn’t call by April 25, then they decided not to call me for the next May shoot. Maybe they will invite you to later ones, so you need to keep track of the information on the forum and on the website. I immediately rushed to fill out the form, because I had to give way to new players who had come for the selection and return to the city. And of course we were all photographed. Everyone is photographed, even if they say that the base is not enough. Just in case in the future, apparently.
Well, with the same gazelle, they returned us to the Krylatskoye metro station.
Yes, citing as the reason that I played poorly because I slept little and got up early is stupid. Yes, there were probably a couple of quick-witted questions where I was simply slow, and a fresh head could have helped. But, usually, these questions were not taken up by the rivals. That is, when most of the questions are not answered because you don’t know what they are talking about and how to approach it, then blaming a stale head is ridiculous. But it’s probably worth getting a good night’s sleep, and maybe arriving the day before the selection. At least there are logical questions too, and then there will be more chances to answer them.

| 03.06.2013

Protect money from inflation, increase savings, protect capital from changes in exchange rates. All this can be done using stock trading.

Related materials:

According to Russian law, only legal entities that have the necessary licenses and meet strict rules can trade directly on the exchange.

Individuals cannot trade on the stock exchange themselves. To do this, they need to turn to intermediaries - brokerage companies - for help.

Choosing a brokerage company. Reliability

First of all, you need to make sure that the company with which you want to enter into an agreement actually has the right to engage in brokerage activities.

On the broker's website you need to find the coordinates - the name of the broker company, its address, and most importantly - the license number for brokerage activities.

Then you need to go to the website of the Federal Service for Financial Markets (FSFM) and find a list of brokers licensed by the FSFM to carry out brokerage activities. To date, there are 1,144 organizations on this list.

First of all, you need to check the level of reliability of the broker. According to Russian law, even if a broker goes bankrupt, clients’ money is not lost. But the procedures for paying out funds take some time and this is, at a minimum, inconvenient.

Federal Law "On the Securities Market", Art. 3 clause 3. Clients’ funds held in a special brokerage account (accounts) cannot be recovered for the broker’s obligations.

Therefore, it is worth limiting the list of possible brokers to those that have high reliability ratings.

The most reliable and largest brokers are subsidiaries of banks or management companies.

Choosing a brokerage company. Terms and rates

Having decided on the companies that interest you, you should pay attention to the conditions and ease of working with them.

Brokers may differ in service rates.

You need to decide how often you want to trade in the stock market. For novice investors, it is recommended to start with a small number of transactions. Thus, it is worth looking for the lowest rates for a small number of transactions. Brokers usually provide better rates for those who trade a lot and often, so if your trading style changes over time, you can switch to a more favorable rate.

If it is important for you to frequently withdraw your earned money from the exchange, then you may like brokers - subsidiaries of banks. With such brokers, withdrawal of money from the exchange to a regular bank account is usually carried out without commissions and in the shortest possible time.

In order to buy or sell something on the stock exchange, you need to give an order to your broker. This can be done by phone, in person at the office or via the Internet. Of course, submitting applications via the Internet is most convenient. Brokers provide their clients with a special computer terminal program that allows them to monitor price changes and issue orders to buy or sell.

The capabilities of different terminals differ slightly, but the main difference may be in the speed of communication between the terminal and the broker. In fact, a poorly timed order to buy or sell can lead to losses.

To test the convenience of working with a broker in practice, you can use the “demo account” service.

Almost all brokers, for advertising purposes, provide everyone with a so-called “demo account”, when the client can try working with the broker using fake, play money. This allows you to familiarize yourself and get used to the terminal, and work out the necessary trading operations without risking a penny.

Having chosen a broker, you need to come to the branch of the brokerage firm with your passport and conclude an agreement for brokerage services. After concluding the agreement, you will be given the details of your brokerage account, to which you will need to transfer the funds that you want to place on the exchange. You will also be given a unique username and password for the trading terminal.

After transferring money to the broker's account, you can download from home from the broker's website and install a terminal program on your computer if you have not done this before to work on a demo account.

From now on, you have all the possibilities for trading on the stock exchange.

Recently the filming of “Own Game” took place. I haven’t been to TV for a long time, so I decided to get out there and at the same time prepare a short report on how it’s all done. Of course, the creation of a game is not limited to filming in the studio, this is just a small piece of the iceberg, but it is quite interesting to watch the process.

I would like to immediately thank the editors of SI and personally Maxima Russo for your help and all kinds of support.
Well, now, everything is cut!
Click "Next" :)

“Own Game” on TV is not broadcast live, but recorded. It is removed in cycles, approximately once every six months. The filming cycle lasts 5-6 days, 5-6 games are also filmed per day. On one of these shooting days, I went to the studio to see how it was happening.

“Own Game” is a television quiz game that premiered on April 7, 1994 on the RTR channel. Produced in Russia under license from the American television game "Jeopardy!" Now airs on Saturdays and Sundays on the NTV channel.

Three players take part in the game. The essence of the game is for the players to answer the host’s questions. According to modern rules, the game consists of four rounds - three main and final. The main rounds consist of 30 questions - 6 topics of 5 questions each. Each question on the topic has its own cost - in the first round from 100 to 500 rubles, in the second - from 200 to 1000, in the third - from 300 to 1500. The higher the price of the question, the more difficult the question.

At the beginning of the game, the participant standing at the central table chooses the topic and cost of the question. The question appears on the screen and is read aloud by the presenter. After this, one of the editors turns on a light signal that the players see, but not the TV viewers. After turning on the signal, players can answer the question; to answer, they must press the button on their table before others. If the player answers correctly, an amount equal to the cost of the question is added to his score, and he gets the right to choose the next question. In case of an incorrect answer, the amount is deducted. If within three seconds none of the players dared to give an answer, the presenter reads out the correct answer. The next question is chosen by the player who chose the previous one.

“Own Game” is constantly evolving and has already acquired a number of differences from “Jeopardy!” So, in “SI” there are “Pigs in a poke” - questions that need to be passed on to one of the opponents, questions with pictures or audio fragments, “questions from ...” - video questions asked by famous people. In addition, the “auction questions” on “Jeopardy!” the player to whom it fell answers, and “Own game”, the one who made a large bet answers.

There are 7 possible topics in the final round. One is selected by elimination - players remove from the list those topics that they do not like. When the topic is determined, the game participants place bets (not less than 1 ruble and not more than the amount earned in previous rounds), and the text of the question appears on the screen. After the host reads the question, players are given 30 seconds to think, after which they need to enter the answer into the computer. Just like in the main rounds, if the answer is correct, the final bet is added to the player’s total; in case of an incorrect or no answer, it is deducted. The winner of the game is the one with the highest amount on the scoreboard after the final round.

In addition to winning individual games, “Own Game” participants compete for the main prize of the season - either a car or a large cash prize. The drawings follow various rules that are agreed upon at the beginning of the season. In 2012, the first open team tournament was held, in which 21 teams took part. Each team has three people, united by geography.

To get to the shooting of “Your Game” as a spectator, you just need to find out when the recording will take place and come to the studio at the designated time, one of the editors will meet you there, put you on the guest list and take you to the filming pavilion.

TV very often exaggerates everything, so when they get to the set, many are surprised by its size. In fact, everything here is very compact - the players stand on one side, the audience sits behind them, on the contrary there is a screen and the stand of the permanent presenter - Pyotr Kuleshov has been leading “His Game” since its very first release. Try to count how many questions he asked and how much he learned over the years! :) To the side, out of the frame, are the work stations of the film crew.

Editors have monitors on their desks. On one of them you can see exactly the same picture as on the main screen in the hall, on the other there is a “control point” for the game. When the player selects the next question, the editor presses a button and displays it on the main screen.

Let's now see what the player's table looks like. The monitor takes up most of the space. To the right of the monitor is a scoreboard showing the amounts earned by this player and his opponents. And most importantly, there are two red buttons at the edges of the table; it is on them that the game participants press when they want to answer a question. Whoever managed to press before others answers.

The screens on the players' tables are touch-sensitive, and with their help the names of the participants in the game are entered, and during the final round, players place bets and write down answers.

As soon as the final round has been played, the spectators leave the pavilion to take a breath of fresh air outside - in the studio during the game, due to intellectual stress, lighting devices and poor ventilation, the air temperature probably reaches forty degrees. While spectators are walking on the street and discussing the previous game, the film crew is preparing the next players.

In the Russian "Custom Game" players stand in robes. If you believe the legend, then in the American version everyone plays in ordinary suits, but in Russia the game appeared in the 90s of the last century, and not all intellectuals could afford a business suit. Players who arrived in patched sweaters began to be wrapped in official robes.

It’s summer outside, it’s about 40 degrees in the studio, and the viewer, wrapped in a warm blanket, will watch New Year’s trees and festive garlands on TV. As I wrote above, “One’s Own Game” is filmed once every six months, therefore, what was filmed now can be seen in December.

From July to early December, while the Russian football championship is ongoing, “Own Game” will be published not twice a week, but once.

Do not miss!

Pyotr Kuleshov through the eyes of a cameraman.

Alexander Ediger.

Perhaps the most famous player of “Own Game” is Anatoly Aleksandrovich Wasserman. Meme man "Onotole" says hello to you :)