Dyeing eggs in colored fabric. How to beautifully paint eggs with printed fabric for Easter. Quick decor with napkins

For any holiday, to make it a success, it is better to prepare in advance. Easter is coming, and the main attribute of the home holiday table will be paints. The tradition is not only very old, but also fascinating, because painting eggs is interesting not only for children, but also for adults, and even more interesting - for everyone together! This means that it’s worth remembering the methods you usually use when dyeing, and maybe learning new ones - for example, dyeing eggs using fabric.

Interestingly, you can dye using fabric in more than one way!

What you need for painting

No special preparation is required for this painting. Prepare only what you usually use in this case. And in search of interesting rags, you can rummage through your grandmother’s chests or your closet.

So, for coloring you will need:

  • Eggs.
  • Vinegar.
  • Pieces of colored, easily shedding fabric measuring approximately 20 by 20 centimeters.
  • Pieces of white fabric of the same size (you can take an old sheet or diaper).
  • Rubber bands for money or thread.
  • A saucepan for boiling eggs.

How to dye eggs in scraps of fabric

Wash the eggs and put them in a saucepan with water at room temperature (about 1 liter of water), add 4 tablespoons of vinegar there, and put in a shedding cloth (plain color). Keep in mind that you will have to cook eggs of different colors separately - blue ones separately, pink ones the next time, and so on, so this coloring method takes quite a lot of time.

How to dye eggs with colored fabric

If monochromatic colors seem boring, try adding variety!

First, wash the eggs, dry with a towel and wipe with vinegar using a cotton pad. Then take a well-fading fabric with a pattern, cut into squares with a side of about 20 by 20 centimeters, wrap the egg tightly so that there are as few wrinkles as possible on it, gather the fabric on one side “in a tail”, which is tied tightly with thread or secured with an elastic band. With this method of dyeing, you can take pieces of fabric with different patterns without fear that the paint will mix. Each egg should receive a pattern from the piece of paper in which it is wrapped. Wrap the resulting bundle in white fabric on top, which is also secured in a tail.

Place the eggs in a saucepan, add water and vinegar, and cook for at least 20 minutes, then cool in cold water.

It is worth keeping in mind that cotton fabrics with a printed pattern or fabrics made from natural silk shed best.

How to Dye Eggs Using Silk Ties

If the words “natural silk” have puzzled you and you can’t remember if you have any silk items, you should look in your husband’s closet (or better yet, dad’s closet!). Most likely, there are ties waiting in the wings that have long gone out of fashion. And oddly enough, natural silk is the fabric from which they are most often made.

After the creative material is removed from the depths of the closet, it is washed, dried, ripped out and the hard gasket is removed.

As in the second method, each egg must be wrapped in a piece of a former tie, carefully smooth the fabric so that there are no wrinkles on it and secure it with thread or an elastic band. Then wrap it in a layer of cotton cloth, put everything in a pan and cook in the previously described way, not forgetting to pour in the vinegar and wait for the prescribed time.

Of course, eggs painted using this unusual method will turn out somewhat brutal. But you can be sure that you will not see eggs of this color on anyone!

On the eve of Easter, in my family it is traditionally time for experiments in preparing the main symbol of the holiday - colored eggs. This time I liked the original method of dyeing - with a cloth and vinegar. I note that not every colored fabric is suitable, even if it fades when washed. When creating Easter masterpieces, it will definitely be successful to use 100% natural silk, and for this you should carefully study the labels on the items used. You can use beautiful, but old scarves, shirts or ties with fancy patterns. You can also look for a silk item in a second-hand store.

How to paint eggs with scraps?

It was experimentally found that dyeing Easter eggs in colored fabric requires no more time than traditional dyeing. However, the result in this case is truly surprising.

So, you will need:

  • raw, white eggs;
  • silk rags;
  • scraps of plain cotton (or knitted) fabric;
  • threads or elastic bands;
  • scissors;
  • vinegar;
  • water;
  • pot.

Step 1. Prepare the eggs.

Before boiling eggs, it is better to wash them with soap to distribute the color evenly and leave them for a while at room temperature. The latter will protect the shell from cracking. By the way, you can add a couple of tablespoons of salt to the water during cooking.

Step 2. Wrap with silk scraps.

The silk product needs to be cut into pieces measuring approximately 18 x 18 cm. This is enough to completely wrap the egg. Each piece of colored fabric should be moistened with water to make it easier to wrap the eggs. The front side of the fabric with a bright pattern should fit tightly to the shell, then the pattern will be clearer and brighter. To do this, it is important to smooth out air bubbles, folds and creases. However, blurry swirls also look interesting - they make the decor even more original and beautiful. You need to secure the silk with threads or rubber bands.

Step 3. Protect with pieces of white fabric.

A plain (preferably white) fabric - for example, an old T-shirt or cotton pillowcase - should also be cut into pieces of the same size as silk, and wrapped around the eggs over the colored scraps. Secure the fabric with a strong thread or rubber band. The result should be white bags.

Step 4. Fast and beautiful.

The eggs, wrapped in two layers of cloth, must be carefully placed in a pan of cold water. Add 9% table vinegar - approximately 1 part vinegar to 4 parts water.

Step 5. Painting with original patterns.

Boil eggs for 15 to 30 minutes. After cooking is complete, remove the pan from the heat, remove the eggs from the water, dry and cool them. Remove the fabric from the cooled dyes - and voila! The result is a thin, elegant drawing with intricate patterns that only a professional artist can create! For shine, you can grease the eggs with vegetable oil. On Easter Day, such an egg - beautiful and unique - will be an excellent handmade gift!

Nuances of the method

Tips for those who want to experiment with types of colored fabric:

  • To dye eggs, you can use not only natural silk, but also other fabrics that are known to fade when washed.
  • To determine whether a fabric sheds or not, it should be soaked in warm water, wrung out and laid out on a piece of gauze. Imprints of the paint after drying indicate that such a fabric is most likely suitable.
  • It should be taken into account that in the case of an experiment, the result can be unpredictable: it is impossible to say for sure how a Chinese scarf of unknown origin will behave.
  • You can even dye eggs with a Pavlovo Posad woolen scarf.
  • It is better to take thin colored fabric, as it is easier to wrap the egg in it.
  • The same piece of colored fabric can be used repeatedly.

It’s worth learning how to dye eggs in fabric for Easter, if only because this process is always intriguing - after all, until you unwrap the finished dye, you won’t know how the pattern turned out. During this activity, you can gather the whole family in the kitchen and wonder with interest who will get the most beautiful Easter egg. And then collect a whole basket of “silk” masterpieces, photograph them for a family album and distribute them the next day to those who are especially dear to you and your loved ones.

Hi all! The bright holiday of Easter is approaching and all Orthodox Christians are preparing to celebrate it. They prepare gifts, think through the holiday menu, the indispensable attributes of which are colored eggs and.

The most interesting thing is, remembering the Soviet period, in which there seemed to be no religion, but we, as schoolchildren, at the onset of Easter, said to each other “Christ is risen,” answered, “Truly he is risen,” and always knocked eggs.

So, I don’t know what about everything else, but eggs will always remain the main symbol of this holiday. And people will paint them, and children will break them, competing to see who has the strongest egg.

True, few people painted eggs back then, and if they did, it was mostly in onion skins and they were plain. Now we know many methods of painting using a wide variety of types and types of dyes.

It is logical that the review of methods for painting eggs should begin with the oldest and classic method - in onion peels.

However, it is worth noting that if you show ingenuity and creativity, you can get not only ordinary plain eggs, but also with different patterns.

But, everything is in order. Let's start with a simple painting, one color.

To do this, we need a liter jar tightly packed with onion peels and two liters of water. First, cook the onion peel itself, cook it for 40 minutes. After this, cool the broth, put eggs in it and cook in it again for 10 minutes. At the end, drain the broth, and place the eggs in cold water, as in normal cooking. But if you do not remove the eggs from the broth immediately, but keep them in it a little longer, you can get a more saturated shade.

The eggs, of course, look beautiful, but you won’t surprise anyone with this color. The stores are full of eggs of a similar shade, albeit not as bright and rich, but still. It is much more interesting not only to paint eggs a beautiful brown color, but also to get an original pattern.

Beautiful, isn't it? Making a picture like this is not difficult at all.

One of the interesting and original options is to paint a speckled egg using rice.

In all of the above cases, we will need a ready-made decoction of onion peels. So before you make patterns on eggs, make sure you have enough of it. By the way, the broth should hide the eggs completely.

So, the decoction has been prepared. Now take the eggs, moisten them and dip them in dry rice (it will stick to the shell this way). After this, we wrap the egg and rice in gauze or put it in a stocking, like in a bag. The eggs are boiled for the same way for 10 minutes, after which they are washed and, as a result, we get a speck like this.

You can also get eggs of different stripes in a similar way. To do this, before dipping them into the onion broth, we wrap them with threads in the way we want to get a pattern and cook.

We paint with brilliant green and onion skins to marbleize

Another wonderful option, after which the eggs become almost malachite. Surely these eggs will surprise your guests.

First of all, roll the wet egg in onion skins and tie it in a nylon bag. You can also wrap it in gauze. We take a metal bowl, boil water, and then add brilliant greens. The more you drip, the richer the color will be. Add eggs and cook for 10 minutes. Then we cool and take them out of the gauze.

How to dye eggs in fabric?

Another very original method, which probably few people know about. This is painting eggs using colored rags. As a result, you can get the following pictures:

So, take a beautiful colored silk rag, wrap an egg in it and tie it quite tightly with an elastic band.

Wrap the top again with regular cloth and tie it just as tightly. Pour water into a saucepan, add 4 tablespoons of vinegar, and cook the eggs in this way for 15 minutes. After this, we take it out, cool it and get beautifully colored Easter eggs.

Surprise everyone for sure!

Coloring eggs with dill and parsley

If we want to get a pattern in the form of leaves, like this:

Then we need parsley leaves. In addition to them, you can also use leaves of dill, cilantro, currants, etc.

The main thing is that the leaves are even and without damage. We lay them carefully on the surface of the egg, wrap them in gauze or a bandage and cook in onion broth for about 10 minutes. Then we take them out of the gauze and get the desired pattern.

Paint eggs with paprika

In addition to onion peels, you can also use paprika for coloring.

If onions give eggs a brownish tint, paprika gives them a yellow tint. Therefore, it is better to use eggs with white shells.

Take 4 tablespoons of paprika and dilute it in 250 ml. water. After this, put on the fire, bring to a boil and cook for 30 minutes.

Before putting eggs into a hot broth, wash them with hot water, then they will not burst.

Place in the broth and cook for 10 minutes. After that, let them just lie in this water for another 30 minutes. Then we take it out and wipe it. The eggs are ready.

How to color eggs with natural and food dyes?

There are a lot of natural dyes. We encounter some of them quite often. In addition to onion peels, there are also such as coffee, red cabbage, beets, carrots, turmeric, etc.

In each of these dyes, the dyeing process occurs a little differently. Using onion peels and red cabbage leaves, you need to prepare a decoction from them, in which the eggs themselves are then boiled.

Juice is squeezed out of beets, in which the eggs are simply kept for a certain time. Turmeric, just like paprika, is diluted in water, boiled, and then eggs are boiled in it.

Spinach gives a bright green color. A decoction is made from it, in which eggs are then boiled.

If you are using berries, such as blueberries or cranberries, then first mash them to a puree state, and then rub the egg shells.

If you keep the eggs in grape juice (you need black grapes) for 3-4 hours, you can get a beautiful lavender color.

If you want to get red eggs, you will need a strong infusion of hibiscus.

You can give the shell an orange color by placing boiled eggs in carrot juice for half an hour. The golden color will be obtained by boiling eggs in strong coffee.

If you want the eggs to be light in color, you need to keep them in the dye for about 30 minutes. If you need a very rich color, then they should sit for at least five hours. Read more about coloring eggs with food and natural dyes.

Marble staining with nail polish

It turns out you can even paint eggs with nail polish. The procedure is somewhat different from all others, but the principle is the same.

The first step is to select the required color scheme. There can be several colors of varnish. It is recommended to choose contrasting varnish colors. Take a container, fill it with water, and then add a few drops of different colors to it. The varnish will spread in water, forming a variety of patterns.

Now take the egg and dip it in the resulting solution. Then let the varnish dry.

Video of painting eggs with varnish

To illustrate the entire process of painting eggs with varnish, a video of this procedure is provided.

How to boil eggs so they don't crack?

Boiling eggs at first glance seems like a fairly simple process. However, it depends on how you are going to use them later. If you are cooking just for food, then it makes no sense to worry about whether the shell cracks or not. Although, the protein that comes out spoils further actions.

Well, if you are boiling eggs for painting, then the shell must naturally be intact.

The first rule is never put eggs straight from the refrigerator into water. They should warm up a little. You can use warm water for this and dip them in it.

It is better to put the eggs in cold water and put them on the fire. The fire itself should be low. The water must also be well salted.

Here, in principle, are the main tips.

How to cook eggs according to time? If you want to get a yolk of different consistency - from liquid to dense, then you need to cook for different times. From 1 (one) minute to 15 (fifteen).

Below is a detailed table of egg boiling times:

How to color eggs in a cool way?

All the methods discussed above allow an ordinary person who does not have the abilities of an artist to paint eggs. But, if you know how to use a brush at least a little, you can apply your own design, making not only an interesting picture out of an egg, but also a work of home art.

If you have a sense of humor, you can slightly diversify the design of the egg and put something fun on it.

To color the eggs you will need watercolor paints or wax crayons. You can use markers. If your friends love computer games, then they will probably like this coloring option.

But even if you are not good at painting eggs, you can always apply something like this with watercolors.

If you are a lover of abstract art, then you will definitely like this option. And even a child can be trusted to put such dots and stripes in black.

But of course there is nothing better than faces. Drawing them with watercolors or markers is actually not difficult.

So get creative and surprise your friends!

We paint eggs with improvised means

What can be called improvised means? And you already have everything that can be used to paint eggs. We have already talked about onion peels. Surely you will find this goodness at your place.

Another original option is to use baking soda. However, you will need to add more food coloring to it. Take a plastic container, pour baking soda and paint. It is better to use a different container for each color.

Stir everything together, then add the egg, burying it in the mixture, but not entirely. You need to pour vinegar into the glass. After this, carefully pour the vinegar onto the egg. As a result of the interaction of vinegar and soda, a reaction will occur with the formation of bubbles.

After everything stops bubbling, take out the egg, dry it and get the result in the form of various specks.

To make it easier to navigate not only the color of the resulting egg, but also the type of dye that produces it, below in the photo is a small “cheat sheet” that you can use when painting eggs.

Video on how to color eggs with natural dyes

This video shows how you can dye eggs with natural dyes and which ones:

And this video shows an interesting way of painting using mosaics.

Happy coloring and celebrating the Holy Resurrection of Christ!

Good day everyone! The approaching Easter holiday, Bright Sunday of Christ, is one of the most beloved Christian holidays. Solemn, bright and joyful, it symbolizes the salvation of the world and soul, the possibility of eternal life. Easter comes at the end of winter, when nature awakens. For Orthodox Russians, Easter is associated not only with the end of Lent and with the Easter festive church service, but also with a special Easter table. For experienced housewives, the preparation period is already in full swing. Recipes are collected and carefully copied, and egg dyes are selected.

Painted eggs are an invariable attribute of the approaching Easter. They decorate the table, they are given to each other with the words “Christ is Risen!”, and we can no longer imagine this bright spring holiday without colored eggs.

The tradition of painting eggs appeared in ancient times, long before the advent of Christianity, and carries a mythical and sacred meaning. Our distant ancestors believed that the world hatched from an egg. It was given sacred properties. It served as a talisman, helped in the treatment of infertility, and protected the home and family.

Previously, Easter eggs were painted exclusively red, as it symbolizes the blood shed on the cross, but then they moved away from strict canons. Nowadays, you can color and decorate eggs using a variety of paints, methods, and techniques. It all depends on people's tastes and preferences.

Have you already decided what and how you will decorate your Easter eggs? Today I want to invite you to consider some options for painting these holiday attributes and hope that you will find something new and interesting for yourself.

If you have children, be sure to involve them in this process. This is both useful and entertaining and educational at once.

How to paint eggs for Easter with your own hands?

On the eve of the great Easter celebrations, almost every home traditionally makes beautiful and symbolic attributes of this bright spring holiday - Easter eggs. Making them beautiful with your own hands is not as difficult as many might imagine. To color eggs, you can buy special food dyes, decorating kits, paints or markers for painting, stickers, iron-on adhesives, napkins, or use the recipes of our great-grandmothers, gifts of Mother Nature, that is, natural dyes.

The most common coloring method is using special food coloring. To do this, you just need to buy the dyes that are suitable for you, which are sold in any supermarket and, following the instructions, make everything come true.

When using this method, keep the following tips and cautions in mind:

  • Be careful when dyeing eggs, as dyes are difficult to remove from clothing.
  • The longer you keep the eggs in the food coloring solution, the brighter they will turn out. Start with a few minutes, then increase the coloring time. This will be a great experiment for the kids!
  • To make it easier for you to dip the eggs into the dyes, use a kitchen whisk. This simple idea will help you and your children keep their hands and clothes cleaner.

There is another interesting way to color eggs using food coloring and wax. The idea is that you rub some part of the egg with wax, dip it in the dye and it is colored only in the part where there is no wax. This way you can create similar patterns.

For those who know how to draw well, you can make murals with food paints or permanent markers. Moreover, the painting will look great both on painted eggs and on simply boiled eggs.

The most basic and least labor-intensive way to decorate Easter eggs is using regular or thermal stickers. To do this, you just need to buy stickers, put them on boiled eggs and put them in boiling water for a few seconds.

The most common method, perhaps, remains painting with natural dyes. You can use the following cheat sheet as a basis.

We will discuss the methods of painting eggs in more detail below, but now I would like to give you some tips on preparing them for coloring.

  • To prevent the eggs from bursting during cooking, they must be removed from the refrigerator an hour in advance so that they reach room temperature.
  • Before painting, paints must be washed with soapy water or alcohol, then the paint will lie evenly.
  • Add a spoonful of salt to the water or solution where the eggs will be boiled. This way, even from a cracked shell, the contents will not spill out.
  • If you want your paints to have a shiny appearance, rub them with vegetable oil after painting.

Once you have prepared the material and chosen the most suitable method for yourself, you can begin to create a masterpiece.

Step-by-step painting in onion skins

The most traditional and time-tested method of coloring eggs is considered to be a decoction of onion peels. The more raw materials you can collect, the brighter the finished color will be. For a beautiful rich red-brown color of eggs, you need to collect the peels from 6 large onions. If you don't like such a rich color, you can collect less husks and then the finished product will be light yellow or light brown. It all depends on the variety and color of the onion peel. I will show you how to achieve a rich red-brown color.

1. Fill the husk with water and boil for 20 minutes, then strain - the solution for coloring is ready.

2. Add 2 tbsp to the cooled broth. l. vinegar, place the prepared eggs there and cook for 7-10 minutes. Please note that the egg must be completely immersed in the liquid and it must not boil.

3. Carefully remove the eggs with a spoon and place them on a paper towel to cool. Cooled and dry paints can be greased with vegetable oil.

4. If the resulting color seems insufficiently saturated to you, return the eggs to the broth and keep them there until you get the color you want.

In onion peel with patterns

This method is for those who want to get a little creative with their paints. We will use the same decoction of onion peels, but we will use flowers and herbs as stencils to create beautiful designs.

For a more golden color of the finished product, I recommend using red and yellow onion skins.

To create designs, you can use anything: from dill leaves, parsley, fern, to flower petals or flowers. The possibilities are endless.

To color eggs we will need:

  • Red and yellow onion peels - from 6-7 onions
  • Vinegar - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Water - 2-3 tbsp.
  • Herbs and flowers
  • Nylon stocking

Stages of work:

1. Cut the nylon stocking into 15 x 15 cm squares.

2. Wet small sprigs of dill, parsley, blades of grass or flowers and attach them to the eggs. Then carefully place each egg in a separate nylon blank, wrap tightly and tie the ends with thread.

Before you start cooking the onion skins, soak them in cold water for a few hours or overnight. Thanks to this, the eggs will color faster, and the color will be more beautiful and vibrant.

3. Add vinegar to a container with pre-soaked onion peels and put on fire. Bring to a boil and simmer for about 10 minutes.

4. Add the prepared eggs to boiling water and boil for 8-10 minutes. After this time, the eggs can be placed on a napkin or you can leave them to cool in the onion broth overnight to obtain a richer color.

5. Once the eggs have cooled, you can cut the nylon bags, remove all twigs, leaves, flowers and wipe them with a paper towel. To add shine, you can rub them with sunflower oil.

Original marble eggs for Easter

There is an opinion that colored eggs in onion skins leave no options - there is only one color. But as practice shows, you can paint with onion skins with a twist. Now I want to show you this marble method.

1. To marbleize Easter eggs, you need to take several large onion scales, wet them with water and wrap them around each egg.

3. Carefully place our preparations in nylon bags, tighten them tightly and send them to cook.

As a result, the egg will be unevenly colored, and the folds of the onion peel will form a marble-like pattern.

Marble eggs in onion peels and brilliant green

Marble eggs according to this recipe are very beautiful, original in design and shiny. They are made easily and from affordable means. Most importantly, they turn out to be harmless, since onion peels and medicinal brilliant green are used. Such marble beauties will be a wonderful decoration for the festive Easter table.

In order to color the eggs, we will need:

  • Onion peel
  • Egg - 5 pcs.
  • Bowl of cold water
  • Salt - 1 tsp.
  • Zelenka - 20 ml.
  • Scissors
  • Threads
  • Nylon stocking or piece of gauze
  • Sunflower oil

Stages of work:

1. First, we need to cut the onion skins into small pieces. This is very convenient to do with scissors.

3. Wrap the eggs tightly in gauze or nylon blanks and secure with thread. Place the prepared products in a pan with cold water so that they are completely covered with water. Add salt and send to simmer. From the moment it boils, cook for 5 minutes.

4. 5 minutes after boiling, add the green stuff and cook for another 10 minutes. Drain the water and rinse each egg with cold running water. Remove the gauze and husks from the cooled eggs. Lubricate dry, cooled eggs with sunflower oil using a cotton pad. This is how beautiful it should turn out.

How to color paints with natural dyes?

Every housewife always dyes eggs before Easter. This centuries-old tradition is currently taking on new forms, but more and more often we are returning to our grandmother’s old, environmentally friendly and safe methods of coloring. Natural dyes surround us and are present in the kitchen of every housewife. The main thing is not to be lazy and prepare the necessary paint given to us by nature. What can you use? At the beginning of the article I gave you a small cheat sheet, and now I suggest you take a closer look.

In the video, each proportion is for 3 eggs. I hope you liked these natural dyes and can easily recreate them.

We dye eggs with beets at home

Have you tried dying Easter eggs using natural products you have in your pantry or kitchen? If you are looking for a safe, easy and fun way to color eggs for your holiday table, I suggest you try this method in different interpretations.

1. Peel and cut the beets into small pieces. Pour in water, bring to a boil and simmer for 15-60 minutes until you get the desired color of the broth. Cool it to room temperature, strain through a sieve and add vinegar. Add vinegar at the rate of 1 tbsp. l. for 1 glass. Place the egg in a glass with dye and refrigerate until the desired color is achieved.

For this coloring method, it is best to use a white egg.

2. Peel fresh beets, pass through a juicer or grate on a coarse grater and squeeze through cheesecloth. After our juice is ready, add 1 tbsp. l. vinegar and dip a chicken egg in it for 4-5 hours. If after this time the color is not beautiful enough, you can leave it on for a few more hours.

3. Fill the chicken egg, brought to room temperature, with cool water, add 0.5 tbsp. l. salt and place grated beets on top. To maintain better color, you can add 1/3 tsp. vinegar. We send our broth to a small fire and cook for 1-2 hours.

4. Grate the peeled beets on a coarse grater, wrap hot boiled eggs in it and wrap in a paper napkin. We put it in the refrigerator overnight, and in the morning you will get this beauty.

Decoupage eggs for Easter with napkins

Decorating Easter eggs is one of my favorite pastimes, because here the flight of imagination is not limited. Currently, there are a huge variety of ways to color, decorate, decorate, and paint Easter eggs. Now I want to show you a very simple decoration method that takes no more than five minutes. Plus it requires zero artistic preparation and it always works!

To decorate Easter eggs with napkins we will need:

  • Chicken boiled egg
  • Paper napkins with a beautiful pattern
  • Egg white
  • Brush
  • Scissors

Stages of work:

1. I tried different methods of decoupage with paper napkins and through trial and error I realized that it is best to cut out each picture separately. In this case, you will not have bubbles and folds when you glue them to the egg.

2. If you have multi-layer napkins, you only need to glue the top layer with the pattern. Attach the workpiece to the egg and coat the top with egg white using a brush. To ensure that the design lies evenly, smooth it out carefully with your fingers. Do not overdo it so as not to tear the part.

3. Once you have decorated all the eggs, leave them to dry. Now you have Easter paraphernalia with designs that look like they were painted directly on the egg!

Painted Easter eggs in fabric

Did you know that eggs can be dyed with silk or chiffon fabric with a bright pattern? I bring to your attention another quick and very beautiful way to decorate Easter eggs. They turn out so bright and unique that you can at least put them on display.

The finished product turns out better and more beautiful when the fabric patterns contain dark blue, purple and red colors.

The interesting thing is that you never know how much color and design will be imprinted on the egg during the dyeing process. Sometimes patterns that you may think are amazing will look ugly on the finished product and vice versa.

In order to create such masterpieces we will need:

  • 100% silk fabric
  • Scissors
  • Cotton thread or elastic bands
  • White cotton fabric
  • Vinegar

Stages of work:

1. First of all, we need to prepare the fabric in which we will wrap the eggs. To do this, measure and cut silk and cotton fabrics into pieces measuring 18 x 18 cm. Tightly wrap a raw chicken egg in each piece and tie it. Make sure the front of the design is on the inside and not the outside!

2. After you have wrapped the eggs in silk fabric, they need to be wrapped in cotton fabric and tied.

3. Place these little beauties in a saucepan, fill with water, add 1 tbsp. l. vinegar and cook for 20-30 minutes. Vinegar promotes better coloring. The longer you cook the eggs, the brighter the designs will be.

4. After the eggs are boiled, they must be removed from the water and cooled naturally or under cold running water. You can remove the cloth from the cooled eggs.

If you have chosen light and dark patterns for coloring, then it is better to paint them separately. Otherwise, the finished crumbs will have the effect of a “dirty” pattern.

Look what beauty can be achieved using this simple method!

Original methods using improvised means

Every year we want to try some new ways of coloring Easter eggs in order to surprise our family and friends and delight the kids with an interesting coloring process. Let's look at some interesting decor options using available materials.

1. For this method we will need: boiled eggs, shaving foam, food coloring, wooden sticks and a cardboard box or other container to create the base. Squeeze the shaving foam into a container, spread it over the surface with a stick, drip dyes on top, spread it with a stick, creating a pattern, dip the egg in the foam, place it on a napkin and leave for 15 minutes.

Then we wipe the eggs with a paper napkin and get original marble attributes of the Easter feast.

2. This coloring option will appeal to children who love to draw and create crafts. For this we will need: boiled eggs, paper towels and colored wax crayons.

3. Older children can be asked to paint eggs with acrylic paints.

4. For fans of cartoon characters, you can create such funny minions. To do this, you will need appropriate food coloring, a black marker, black thread and eyes, which can be purchased at a craft store.

5. And for fans of ninja turtles, such wonderful crumbs would be an excellent option.

6. This simple and time-consuming method will help you create beautiful lines on Easter eggs. To do this, you need to prepare food coloring, rubber bands of different thicknesses and paper napkins. Wrap the egg with rubber bands as shown in the picture below and dip into the dye you want until completely colored. Place the egg on a napkin and leave to dry. When the paint is completely dry, the rubber bands can be removed. You should get paints like this.

7. Decorating Easter eggs with natural, ecological products, as opposed to artificial ones, guarantees that the product will be edible. In addition, the costs for this are minimal. Pour water into three saucepans, bring to a boil, put a bag of a different type of tea into each of them and steep them for 30 minutes. After 30 minutes, remove the tea bags and add 1-2 tsp. vinegar into each container, drop one hard-boiled egg into it and put it in the refrigerator overnight. The next day you can admire the work done.

That's all for me today. I tried to select for you as many options for coloring Easter eggs at home as possible and I hope that this article will be useful to you. Having this basic knowledge in stock, you can always supplement it using your imagination.

And now I want to wish you good health, happiness and congratulate you on the upcoming holiday of Happy Easter!