Radish care. When to thin out radishes correctly and how to feed them You can water radishes with soapy water


Radish- one of the oldest garden crops. It was grown and revered by the ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Chinese. About the role of radishes in the human dietthe name says it all vegetable which is happening from the Latin word radix , which means "root".

Delicious radish, useful: it contains vitamins B and C,mineral salts, and also mustard oils,having antiseptic properties. And how beautiful - bright colors, lush greenery!

Radishaccording to the botanical classification subdivisiondivided into two subspecies - European and Chinese skiy. European radish very early, from appearing sprouting before harvesting root vegetables passes only 20 - 30 days, a lot of it root vegetable compare is very small - 10 - 30 g, it cannot be stored I don't think so. European in color radish can be yellow, white, pink, red, variegated, pink-red with white tip, white with redstripes. Shape: flat-round, ovallong, fusiform, cylindrical. Leaves - dissected. Grown mainly in spring summer period.

Radishgrown everywhere, but not many get a high yield of tender, juicyroot vegetables. Often radish goes to the arrow.

Why do radishes bloom?

What should you do in order to getgood harvest? Plants long day, to whichCrimea also includes radishes, they develop faster andbloom with longer daylight hoursmore than 12 hours. That's why from April to July whenlength of daylight hours from 14 to 17 hours radish plants throw away flower stalks, and roots They are small, woody, and bitter. Od However, when sowing flowering plants in April sometimes less, since the day is long, but the temperature is lower, and soil and air humidity higher than in subsequent months. When executedresearch of necessary agricultural technology radish harvest would is high, and roots tender and juicy.

The reason for early flowering plants may be of poor quality seeds.

As a rule, for seed purposes, varietal radish seeds sow in mid-March in greenhouses or at home in seedling pots. On the testesthe earliest ripening ones, typical in color, are selected ke and form for this varieties of root vegetables(about receiving radish seeds we'll talk separately).

But it also happens like this: seeds quality, and the plants formed flower stalks without setting root vegetable. The conditions of agricultural technology were clearly violated here (the soil is dense, dry, the crops are thickened, clogged).

Radish, like any early ripening crop, very demanding of soil fertility and responsive to fertilizers. For its crops, plots with loose soil are allocated, after crops (except cabbage) under which manure is applied. When preparing it, humus or compost soil is added in the fall. (a bucket per 1 m2) and garden mixture (40 g per 1 m2). In spring, the soil is dug up to a depth of at least 20 cm and carefully divided; and leveled with a rake. Seeds(calibrated, preferably large) are sown in watered furrows as early as possible (in the middle or last ten days of April). Between the tapes 40 cm, between the lines - 10 cm, in the lines 4 - 5 cm. Seed the seeds to a depth of 1: 2 cm, followed by rolling the soil.

How often to water?

Water the crops evenly every 2-3 days,dry weather - daily (at night). In the first 5days, after germination it is enough to soak the soilby 8 cm, and with the beginning of formation root vegetable - no less than 15 cm. If a soil crust forms after watering, the soil must be loosened, and even better, if there is humus, cover it with a layer 1 - 2 cm. This will better retain moisture and eliminateexcessive watering. Systematically need propa bark weeds. With slow growth and light coloring leaves plants need to feed (wow)native mixture - 40 g per 10 liters of water; good feeding is watering the grass with fermented infusion).

Radish: fromlandingsbeforeharvest

It is known radish cold-resistant, but very demandingcalf abundance of soil moisture and light. Here why is the timing especially important? va. Only with early sowing can you obtain truly high-quality radish harvest, avoid damage root vegetables
pests: cruciferous flea beetle and other leaf-eating insects. In addition, with early sowing it is possible to significantly reduce watering, and radishes tre stays evenly moistened good soil from sowing to harvesting ki. Under no circumstances should interruptions in watering be allowed, especially during hot weather. weather when the temperature reaches 25 - 32° C. In hot weather, water consumption for irrigation is - 30 -
40 l per day per 1 m2. But don't forget plenty of moistureleads to leaching of nutrients from the soil, therefore feeding required. By the way, early sowing radishes provides an opportunity forgrow a repeat of the same area vegetable harvest, say, cucumbers or tomatoes.

When sowing late (for example, May 10) for qualityyou radishes lack of moisture will definitely affect in the soil. And from this roots get rude, buybitter taste melts away. Their pulp turns outloose, voids form inside. Besides,late landing will require additional races flow of water for irrigation. Insects that have multiplied and become stronger will also cause trouble. weeds, and the opportunity to grow a repeat crop is lost.

How to carry out early sowing?

The first is timely tillage. Pos le harvesting potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers or garden strawberries (fruited for 3 years) I I'm digging up the plot, weeds I select and delete.I don’t add any manure or mineral fertilizers,because there were 5-6 buckets of compost per 1 m2 were added. Except In addition, the soil was periodically watered with liquid solutionmullein rum. The soil is sandy, very loose, so that if you fill it up as described, there will be enough nutrition for the radishes. In addition, in early spring I add wood ash to the soil.

I prepare this ash for spring along with crushedcharcoal. I bring it in at the beginning of March, whenon an area intended for sowing radishes, morethere is snow in a layer of 30 - 40 cm. On an area of ​​20 m2 I scatter a bucket of this fertilizer over the snow, you can mix 5 g of potassium permanganate into it. Over a layer of ash I scatter half a bucket of dry fine peat.

During the thaw, potassium permanganate crystals will dissolve, coloring the snow, and black particles of coal and peat, heated by the sun's rays, will allow a week ahead of schedule, clear the area of ​​the site from snow and speed up the drying of the soil.

I start digging the earth when the top layer thaws to a depth18-20see. This is the signal to sowing radishes under the film no matter how The frost will last a long time.

After digging, you need to give the top one a daydug up layer of earth for ventilation. TimeI level the loosened beds with a rake, thenI trample down the furrows. There is no need to fill the beds, except in cases where the place landings very damp or high groundwater level. I place the beds from north to south, taking into account the predominant direction of winds in our areas, mainly western.

Bed width - 1.4 m, 15 cm stripes on the sidesI leave the beds unsown so that laterrenew the frame (arches) under the film. The length of the bed is not more 15 m, otherwise it is difficult for one person to coverwrap it with film. The beds can be paired, in which case I leave a distance between them at least 50 cm. Twin beds can be wateredsimultaneously through a watering spinner.

For sowing radishes I use the simplest whenability - furrower. To make it used a steel square 50x50x5 mm long110 cm. A steel welded to the middle of the squarerod with a diameter of 25 mm and a height of 90 cm; With with a pen. I press the square into the soil across the bed.The results are triangular, even in depth (4 cm).grooves. The distance between them is 10 cm. Sowing inSuch grooves produce even rows of seedlings. Of course, the furrower can only be used for break the soil.

Care radishes usual: loosening the soil, watering and fertilizing. I'm loosening the soil for the first time a week after germination. Tool - three-prong ripper with a working part 6 cm wide.

If when collecting radishes trim the tops and roots,That vegetable this one is stored fresh for only 5 - 6 hours, quickly losing taste. I preferthis collection method: after evening watering radish I remove it from the garden bed in the morning, shake it off the ground, I cut the tops, leaving the tips 1.5 - 2 cm. Roots I don't trim at all. In this form, packed inplastic bag and placed in the bottom part of the refrigerator, the radishes do not lose any external appearance or taste 3 - 5 days. I wash it and cut itroots, before serving.

If radish must be removed from the garden in the evening,then 2 - 3 hours before harvesting, I water the bed abundantly.Freed from under radishes the beds are gone I dig, I dig, I let the soil dry for 2-5 daysripping. I add compost 5-6 buckets per 1 m2,I mix it with the soil with a pitchfork. Then I'll come I'm planning on planting cucumbers or tomatoes on this garden bed, after which I let it cover the plantings the same film.

How to get your radish seeds?

My favorite radish variety- Rose red withwhite tip. I'm basically breeding him. SeedsI'm getting mine. I make sure that next totestes radishes there were no turnips in bloom orradishes, otherwise the purity of the variety cannot be preserved. Place I choose an open, weed-free one.

Mineral fertilizers (garden mixture andnitroammofosk) I add according to the instructions, it is gluednoah on the package. I don’t bring in manure, it’s unfavorableacts on the uterine roots. I plant them in May. Roots For planting, I select those characteristic of a given variety; they should not be damaged or flabby. Before boarding I don’t wash them or treat them with any medications mi.

Noticed: radishes, planted with extendedleaves, the stem develops faster. I water the fresh planting with a solution of potassium permanganate (5 g per 10 liters of water), I spend 1 liter per hole. If afterglaze root vegetable will be exposed a little, you need to Sprinkle with soil again and moisten again. 20 days after landing root vegetable drives out a stem 25 - 30 cm high. At seed heightNika 60 - 70 cm stem is fenced with stakes andperches (I don’t use twine or wire -branches with heavy pods spoil).

Blooms radish light pink flowers. On timeflowering strongly attacks the testes butterfly (cabbage butterfly). We have to resort to chemicalprocessing, otherwise everything leaves and the pods will be destroyedtoo. As soon as the first pods appear, I fix the fence poles at a height of 1.2 - 1.3 m. The eastern and southern rays of the sun are very effective for ripening. The pods of the first growth turn out to be large, and they contain the best seeds. There are 4 - 6 of them in a pod. Pods on high branches smaller but they are also of high quality, they give seeds, atsuitable for sowing. The topmost pods contain unripe seed material is harvested.

In dry summers, the testes are cut off with part of the stem radishes I put it in a bun and hang itupside down in a sunny, open place fordrying for 3 - 4 days. After that I transfer toattic where the bundles are stored in a suspended stateyaniya and seeds undergo hardening until March.

Seeds, stored in the cold, germination does notlose. They are suitable for winter crops, and for early spring ones. Crop trunking is not observed.

I start threshing the seed seeds in early March, while the frosts are still there and seeds did not absorb moisture. I place the bunches on the floor of the open veranda (no more than two “brooms” at once) and with my feet I trample in dry boots, as if doing an exercise"running in place" concept. I shake off the large tops andI remove it, and then wipe the small ones with my hands. Then sifting seeds through a sieve with 5 mm mesh. I winnow the chaff over the spread cloth.

collected, seeds I rub it with my hands, removing it from a thin film of them - a shirt, then I winnow it.I store it in a cloth bag. By quality seeds I sort it before storing it. From cereals nykh seeds they turn out large and tasty root fruit. I calibrate the seeds through a sieve with 3 mm mesh.I can make such a sieve myself: I take an empty tin can and drill a hole in the bottom I cut holes and clean off burrs with sandpaper. Xie exchange, which do not pass the sieve, will be the largest mi. I inspect them and store them for sowing.

NeededSunAndgoodthe soil

Radishdoesn't stand out among vegetables nor abundancevitamins, no special taste. He is quickly displacingIt is eaten from our daily diet with cucumbers and then tomatoes. Nevertheless, radish enjoysconstant success at the end of spring, because, having high early ripening, it has practically nocompetitors among vegetables on our table at thistime. Perhaps only green onions and lettuce have time to grow at the same time as it.

The agricultural technology of this cold-resistant crop comparesabsolutely simple, although it has features without knowledge which cannot be counted on good harvest.

For cultivation radishes I take away the sun a place with fertile soil. Usually this is a garden bedwhere cucumbers grew last year, under whicha large amount of manure was introduced. I'm sowingradishdifferent varieties and within several periods. Thislets collect it roots up to ripening of cucumbers, that is, somewhere until the end of June. I carry out the first sowing depending on the specific conditions from the end of March to April 5, using the Zarya and Zhara varieties. These the most early ripening varieties achieve their goals ripeness after 20 and 24 days. For a week later I sow the Pink variety with a white tip,which ripens in 28 - 30 days is differenttaste and resistance to flabbytee. Another week later I sow an Ice Icicle andDungan. They are ready only after 40 - 45days after germination and have larger sizes ry root vegetables

I sow in rows oriented innorth-south direction to a depth of 1 - 1.5 cm. Rasthe spacing between rows is 15 - 20 cm. Beds with in the early stages of sowing, I cover it before the appearance of feathers shoots with plastic film directly directly on the surface of the ridges and sprinkle with earth. Such shelters contribute to the speedy recoverywarming the soil, prevent moisture evaporation, and also hypothermia at night. When When sprouting occurs, I remove the film. Along the ridge I install metal arcs up to 40 cm high from soil level and cover the bed again with film on top of the arcs. Under such a simple shelter, seedlingsradishes They tolerate frosts down to -8° C and snowfall, which often happens in early April. In the sun On new days, I make sure to ventilate the greenhouse, and whenair temperature above 10°C I generally take pictures film for the day.

I would like to note that in order to avoid mass shootingsforging and excessive growth of green mass to the detriment of root vegetables should be adhered to a certain temperature regime. UntilFor germination, the desired temperature is 15 - 20 ° C, then it must be reduced to 6 - 8 ° C, which achieved by removing the film or airingI eat during the daytime. When forming the first present sheet the most favorable temperature for growth is 15 - 18° C during the day and 4 - 6° C at night. At higher temperatures, increased leaf formation and slowdown occur. growth is growing root vegetables.

This crop is very demanding on humidity.soil. In case of lack of moisture roots grew up melt small with coarse fibrous pulp. At lack of rain during the radish growing season daily morning watering with after is advisableblowing loosening of row spacing to preventformation of a crust on the soil surface. I'm cleaning up radish selectively when ready.

In conclusion, I would like to dwell on one morefeatures of this plants. Radish even though I shinebiv, but is plant short light day. It requires 12 hours of daylight. By the best results are achieved when growing radish and in April and August-September.The optimal timing of pre-autumn sowing is from 5 to 10August. As a result of such sowing you will provided with juicy, crispy root vegetables until the frosts, because radish well preserved Stored in plastic bags in the refrigerator for up to 1 month.

One of the most pressing issues for professional and amateur gardeners is still watering vegetables. Proper and regular irrigation is an integral part of any care for vegetable crops. In addition, the quality and quantity of the future harvest depends on it. Before planting radishes in open ground, it is worth studying a lot of information about them; it is especially important to pay attention to watering this vegetable.

Watering frequency

Radish is exactly the crop that really needs moisture for a large harvest. If some vegetables can live without water for several days, then it is best not to forget about radishes.

In order not to get a low-grade and sluggish harvest, it is very important to try to water this vegetable correctly and regularly, while observing all the important points.

To get a good radish that will have an excellent presentation, consider the main features of this vegetable:

  • after planting the seeds, they need abundant watering, but, of course, you should not flood them so that the water stands;
  • even if the seeds have been soaked, it is very important to moisten the crops;
  • As for the depth of watering, it is very important to remember that in order to form a real leaf, the soil should be moistened by about ten centimeters, and already during the formation of the fruits themselves - by 15-20 cm;
  • if store-bought seeds are used and the length of the vegetable root is indicated on the package (for example, it can be 15-30 cm), then it is very important to ensure watering exactly at this distance, otherwise the plant will suffer from a lack of moisture.

Water radish seedlings and their seedlings directly with water at room temperature. Too cold water, according to many experts, negatively affects the condition of vegetables in the future. If we are talking about seeds, then they may not sprout at all.

Watering radishes in open ground is not a difficult task, but it must be done regularly. It is impossible to say for sure that five or seven times a week of deep watering is enough for radishes. Everything here is individual and depends on many factors. The frequency of watering depends on climatic and weather conditions, as well as on the speed of ripening of the vegetable fruit.

On average, experts recommend watering the most common garden beds once every 2-3 days; if the weather is very sunny and hot, then the frequency of watering should be increased. This will allow the radishes to grow faster. In hot weather, the beds should always be moist, but not too flooded. In case of severe drought, you can water radishes several times a day, preferably in the morning and evening. In cold weather, you can provide plants with moisture once every five days.

Common Mistakes

Despite the fact that there is nothing difficult in watering the beds using a watering can, novice gardeners and gardeners make mistakes here too. To get an excellent harvest at home, let's consider the main mistakes that can be made:

  • The bitter taste of radish and voids in it are most often formed from a lack of moisture during germination in the garden. In addition, vegetables grown with untimely moisture are usually very rough and tasteless.
  • With frequent drought, radishes may shoot arrows that will soon bloom. Because of this, the quality of the harvest may be greatly reduced, and the quantity of future vegetables will also be small.
  • Cracked root vegetables are a consequence of excess moisture. Do not forget that regular watering should be in moderation.
  • You should not water with a directed stream at the root itself or under it. Soil washing should be avoided as much as possible. If this happens, then the land supply should be replenished.

To avoid getting a bad harvest, it is very important to study the relevant literature on caring for vegetables and listen to the advice of experts.

It is important to know the following nuances.

  • It is best to water in the morning and evening. It is not recommended to do this during the day because the leaves of the plants can get burned. This happens due to too rapid evaporation of moisture.
  • It is best to water using a watering can with a fine nozzle. Some people use small hose sprayers. You cannot choose large watering cans or water vegetables directly from a hose, since you can wash away the soil from the beds too much and expose the root crops. Later they may begin to rot.

  • If on some days it is not possible to moisten the soil with radishes, then you can mulch it. Mulch retains moisture perfectly. It is best to choose dry grass as mulch and spread it on the beds in a thin layer.
  • Watering is often combined with fertilizing and feeding plants with vitamins and minerals, as well as with preventive procedures against various infectious diseases of vegetables. If desired, plain water can be mixed with insect and pest repellents.
  • If it comes to harvesting vegetables and getting a harvest, then the last watering should be done 5-6 hours before harvesting. If you do everything exactly like this, the vegetables will be sweet and tasty. They can also be stored longer.
  • When preparing soil for radishes, it is best to completely avoid manure. It can be replaced with other fertilizers. This is due to the fact that with further watering, the leaves will grow best first, and only then the fruits. And it is the leaves that will take away all the nutrients and elements from the root crop, it will be sluggish and weak, which will significantly affect its taste and appearance.
  • After rains, downpours or self-watering, vegetables require loosening of the soil. It should be done between rows approximately 3-5 cm deep into the soil. This is done for the best supply of oxygen to the radish root system. This way it will grow faster and produce a bountiful harvest.

Everyone knows how useful radishes are, but not everyone knows that they are easy to grow not only in open or protected ground, but also on the balcony and even on the windowsill. It appears as a bright spot among the early greenery in the spring or at the very beginning of summer, and then it can be grown again in the fall, although many summer residents have adapted to growing it even in the summer, covering it with dark material to reduce daylight hours. Tasty, healthy radishes produce a harvest quickly enough, and this is its special charm.

This unpretentious vegetable can survive light frosts and can germinate at an air temperature of + 4 degrees, although you will have to wait a long time. But if we want to get a harvest quickly, and ultra-early varieties of radishes ripen in open ground in 2.5 or 3 weeks, then it is better to sow when the ground has completely thawed and warmed up to +10 degrees.

It is advisable to prepare the soil in the fall. To do this, the bed after potatoes (and this is the best predecessor), beets, carrots, cucumbers is freed from plant debris, dug up, fertilized, adding compost or humus. If the soil is acidified, then you need to add more lime (dolomite flour, chalk or ash), since radishes will not grow in acidic soil.

In the spring, as soon as the soil thaws under the warm rays of the sun, it needs to be dug up again, adding mineral fertilizers. Since our early vegetable prefers light soil, clay soil should be mixed with sand or peat. The prepared beds are leveled and grooves for sowing are marked at a distance of 10 cm from one another. Just before sowing, they can be sprinkled with ash and poured with hot water.

The seeds are usually sifted through a 2–3 mm sieve to select the largest ones. Small seeds will produce small root vegetables. The seed material is disinfected by soaking it for half an hour in a bright solution of potassium permanganate, and then dried so that the seeds do not stick to your hands. Often gardeners also soak them with a growth stimulant, this increases germination.

Some call the sowing itself planting, since they lay out the seeds one at a time every 5–7 cm. Then they are covered with a thin, no more than 1.5 or 2 cm (for varieties with long root crops) layer of earth and lightly compacted so as to achieve a tight fit of the earth to sunflower seed You can, of course, sow as best you can, and then break through the seedlings. Most summer residents do this. But radishes, although they prefer loose soil and require constant loosening, nevertheless do not like to be disturbed - and thinning out frequent shoots bothers even those sprouts that remain to grow.

Crops can be covered with black non-woven fabric if it is still cold at night. After the sprouts appear, it should be removed during the day, leaving the beds open in the sun, and laid again at night.

Choose an open, sunny place for radishes, but it is better to cover the beds from strong winds - this is often done with the help of low arches and non-woven fabric.

How to fertilize

Radishes love nutritious soil, but root vegetables can accumulate nitrates, so you need to be careful with fertilizers. The main application of fertilizers occurs in the fall. When the soil is dug up, organic matter is added. In spring, complex mineral fertilizers are added before planting. This is often limited, but if plants require fertilizing on poor, infertile soils, they are carried out along with watering.

Superphosphate, potassium chloride, a solution of slurry or bird droppings (and they are diluted ten and twenty times with water) are excellent feedings during the growth of vegetables. But you need to remember that excess nitrogen can cause radishes to bolt rather than grow roots.

Often gardeners do not want to resort to chemicals, then they can water the plants with grass mash, mulch the plantings with compost, and from it, when watering, the nutrients will gradually penetrate into the soil, which means they will be absorbed by the roots of the plants.

How and with what to water

In order for vegetables to grow well, root crops to form even, juicy, there must be constant soil moisture. Therefore, watering should be regular and sufficient. Usually, in open ground, radishes are watered after a couple of days. But hot days or constant winds quickly dry out the soil, so it happens, especially in summer, that you have to water every day, maybe twice in one day.

The first time the soil is moistened immediately after sowing, you need to use a watering can with a fine sieve and warm water. It is very important that the water penetrates to the required depth. So at first they water to a depth of up to 8 cm, and then, when root crops are already forming, to a depth of up to 15 cm. Radishes do not have a very developed root system, but in some varieties the main root grows up to 30 cm, it is desirable that it finds moisture there for plant nutrition.

Uneven moisture, or more precisely, periods of drying out of the soil, can lead to unwanted bolting or empty, dry root crops, so it is advisable to avoid this.

Water for the last time several hours (4-6) before harvesting, then the root crops will be juicy, tasty, and can be preserved longer.

You can simply water with clean water, herbal infusion, ash or tobacco solution, that is, combine watering, fertilizing and prevention against pests.

Loosening the soil

Excess moisture, as well as its stagnation, can cause cracking of root crops or diseases, for example, clubroot, black rot. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to loosen the soil after watering. First, the soil is fluffed up to a depth of 3–5 cm, and as the root grows, the depth of loosening is increased to 8 cm, then to 10 cm. The roots must receive an influx of air; it is not for nothing that this vegetable loves light, loose soil, but this must be done carefully so as not to damage the root and growing root crop.

In an open planting space, it is very convenient to mulch, then a dense crust does not form on the surface of the earth after rain, moisture is more easily retained in the ground, and you have to loosen it much less often.

Radishes need to be provided with fertile light neutral soil, uniform moisture, timely weeding, loosening the soil, and, if necessary, protection from pests and diseases, then it will please the gardener with an excellent harvest of tasty and very healthy root crops.

Video “Watering radishes under agrofibre”

See what the hand-to-hand process of watering radishes looks like when planting potatoes and radishes together under agrofibre.

Radishes are considered the most popular early-ripening crop and are classified as green vegetables. The leaves and roots contain a large amount of vitamins. At first glance, it may seem that growing this crop is a simple process. However, to get a rich harvest, you should remember the basic rules for growing and do not forget to thin out the seedlings.

Typically, for radishes, a frequent sowing method is used to make it easier for the crop to break through and not be drowned out by weeds. In addition, this is done so that poor seed germination does not affect the future harvest.

Radish care consists of:

  • glaze;
  • thinning;
  • loosening;
  • fertilizing

After about 5 days, when the first shoots appear, the first thinning should be carried out, since radishes are a light-loving crop and will stretch out from shading and shoot arrows early.

The optimal distance between sprouts is 2-3 cm. Seedlings with unfolded cotyledon leaves can be transplanted to a new location. And plants with small leaves are destroyed.

In addition, thanks to thinning, the leaves of the plant take a horizontal position. This position prevents the appearance of arrows.

Unprepared radishes

It is difficult to say exactly when to thin radishes. Usually you need to thin out a second time after about a month. It is necessary to leave a distance so that the root crop can grow and develop. To do this, seedlings are thinned out at a rate of 5-6 cm between plants. The torn root vegetables can now be eaten.

Basic thinning rules:

  1. Thinning is recommended after watering.
  2. The optimal time for thinning is in the evening.
  3. You should hold the ground around the seedling with one hand, and pull the plant out of the ground with the other hand. This simple procedure will reduce the risk of possible capture of a neighboring plant.

After thinning, you need to compact the soil with your hands and water the remaining sprouts with warm water. To improve aeration, it is recommended to loosen the soil between the rows.

To avoid the thinning procedure, you can mix radish seeds with semolina or sand.

Thinning radishes

If this crop is not regularly watered, the root crops will grow dry, bitter, and hollow. However, you should not overwater the plant either, since the root crop will rot. Therefore, in order to get a good, rich, crispy and sweet harvest, it is necessary to control the dosage and moisture supply. After each watering, it is recommended to loosen the soil.

To avoid early and premature flowering of the plant, it is recommended to water the radishes in small portions 2-3 times a week. This procedure helps reduce ground temperature. In addition, it is necessary to monitor the soil, and as it dries out, water the bed with the plant.

In hot weather, you may need to water this plant daily.

The first time the soil is watered immediately after sowing the plant.

An important point when watering is the depth of watering:

  • First, water the bed so that the water penetrates to a depth of 8 cm;
  • When the root crops have formed, the plant should be watered to a depth of 15 cm.

For irrigation, simple clean water, a solution of tobacco or ash, or herbal infusion are suitable. It is recommended to combine watering with pest prevention. Radishes have a developed root system and in some varieties the roots can grow up to 30 cm in depth.

This should be taken into account when watering; it is necessary that it has enough moisture to feed it. Improper moistening and drying out of the soil can lead to bolting of the plant, dry and empty root crops.

A few hours before harvesting, the last watering of the plant is carried out. Thanks to this, the root vegetables will be tasty, juicy and will last longer.

Watering radishes

Radishes require nutritious soil, and for this the soil needs to be fed. However, this cult can accumulate nitrates. For this reason, fertilizing should be done carefully and chemical fertilizers should be avoided.

The main application of fertilizers occurs in autumn. When digging, organic matter is added to the soil. In the spring, before planting, complex mineral fertilizers are added to the soil. Such fertilizing is sufficient on fertile soils.
Poor, infertile soils need fertilizing, which is carried out along with watering.
The following are ideal fertilizers for radish growth:

  • potassium chloride;
  • superphosphate;
  • a solution of bird droppings or slurry.

However, it should be remembered that oversaturation with nitrogen can cause bolting of the bush, and not growth of the root crop.

In addition, the soil at the top can be fertilized with humus and peat. However, their layer should not be higher than 1 cm. Thanks to this procedure, less moisture evaporates and it is retained in the ground.

When growing radishes in greenhouses, ventilation should be carried out after each watering to reduce the risk of blackleg disease.

Fertilizing the soil for planting radishes

Nitrogen fertilizers are applied during irrigation at a rate of 20-30 g per square meter. It is contraindicated to fertilize radishes with fresh manure, since such fertilizing will cause the plant to bloom rather than develop the root crop. To harvest a rich and large harvest of this crop, it is recommended to regularly weed and loosen the rows.

Radishes need thinning. Without this procedure, the root crop will grow small and deformed, since the seedlings will fight among themselves for the necessary conditions for growth: water, nutrition, light. Therefore, many gardeners thin out radishes at least twice - the first time after germination, and the second time approximately a month after planting.

Radishes are one of the most commonly grown fruit and vegetable crops in our country. The season when you can start harvesting begins in the spring. A garden plant such as a radish has a large number of advantages:

  • low maintenance requirements;
  • simple agricultural cultivation technology;
  • early ripening;
  • transplanting into open ground at the beginning of the gardening season;
  • useful composition of fruits;
  • good taste of vegetables.

Radishes are one of the first vegetables suitable for consumption at the beginning of the year. However, it is possible to collect useful root vegetables throughout the entire summer season only by applying special fertilizers aimed at more powerful growth of vegetables, as well as by performing certain agricultural techniques. To know what to feed radishes for rapid root growth, you need to know the features of each type of fertilizer.

How to fertilize before germination

The introduction of useful mineral compounds into the soil is carried out during the autumn preparation of the soil material for the onset of the winter season. List of minerals to feed radishes on the future ridge (per 1 m2):

  • ½ bucket of compost;
  • 15 gramspotassium salt;
  • 50 gramssuperphosphate.

Before spring planting begins, a mineral complex is again introduced into the soil, aimed at accelerating the growth of root crops. However, before this, the soil must be dug to a depth of 20 cm. List of mineral substances added on top of the dug up soil layer (per 1 m2):

  • 5 kilogramshumus;
  • 1 cup wood ash;
  • 10 gramsurea;
  • 40 gramsdouble superphosphate.

Regular superphosphate

What to fertilize at the growth stage

In particular, if radishes are fertilized in open ground, it is recommended to use a mineral complex of useful substances instead of simple fertilizer. It should be applied according to the quantitative norm specified in the attached instructions for the specific mineral composition, which states what can be used to feed the radishes after germination.

Note. It is also permissible to use potassium fertilizer, which is applied after the appearance of 2 leaves.

The fertilizer, presented in granular form, should be scattered over the surface of the soil or mixed into the ground during loosening work. To avoid pulling out the roots, it is recommended to lightly hill the radishes.

Helpful information. Hilling is also aimed at preventing the plant from bolting and the formation of a root crop of the correct shape.

Additional application of fertilizers, regardless of the germination conditions: in a greenhouse or on an open ridge, is allowed if external signs of deficiency of a specific microelement occur. For example, too pale leaf color can be called a symptom of nitrogen deficiency. In this case, to fertilize radishes in root or foliar form, it is necessary to use saltpeter or urea.

The concentration of the solution is 1 teaspoon of essence per bucket of water. Excess nitrogen can be identified by excessive thickening of the foliage. In this case, a solution of 10 grams of potassium sulfate and a little more than 15 grams of superphosphate diluted in a bucket of water is used for fertilizer.

Proper watering of radishes

The first abundant watering of radishes is carried out after sowing the seed material, regardless of the planting conditions, as well as whether the seeds were pre-soaked in water or a growth stimulant. Before watering radishes for the first time, you need to warm the water to room temperature.

Abundant watering

Before the formation of the first leaf, the watering depth should be 10 centimeters, after the transition to the fruit formation stage - 15 centimeters.

note ! If there is information on the seed packet about the length of the root and how often to water the radishes, watering should be done exactly to this depth.

The following factors indicate how often it is necessary to water radishes in open ground:

  • weather;
  • quality of the growing environment;
  • degree of soil moisture.

In an ordinary garden bed, in stable warm but not hot weather, radishes are watered once every 4 days. In hot weather, each planting bed should be watered every day. In dry weather, each planting should be watered twice a day - early in the morning and late in the evening. In stable cool weather, watering is carried out once every 5 days.

The calculation of water per 1 m2 required for irrigation on hot days is 10 liters. Warm or cool water is used for irrigation, but you should not water the plantings with cold water.

Watering radishes grown in greenhouse conditions is almost no different from those growing in an open ridge. The soil moisture indicator at the stage of foliage formation is 70%, when transitioning to the stage of root formation - 75%.


To avoid waterlogging of the soil, as well as its flowering and the occurrence of fungal outbreaks in the greenhouse, it is recommended to install a ventilation system or ensure that the greenhouse is ventilated every time after watering the radishes.

The last watering of radishes before the end of the gardening season is carried out 7 hours before harvesting the ripe crop.

Excessive root growth

The reason that the root can grow too much is the insufficient provision of a surface layer of soil, which is about 5 centimeters, when entering the stage of seedling formation. To avoid intensive growth of the root system when growing radishes, it is necessary to water the soil before you begin to sow planting material. It is also necessary to water the plant thoroughly after the foliage appears. Repeating watering measures using this technology is carried out until root crops form. In addition, many summer residents are interested in the question of what a strongly overgrown radish root is called, but not everyone knows that this phenomenon is called the formation of “mouse tails.”

Watering is an important part of care

List of fertilizers for radishes

The list of fertilizers used to grow radishes includes:

  • compost;
  • superphosphate;
  • potassium salt;
  • ammonium nitrate;
  • phosphorus-potassium fertilizer;
  • potassium sulfate;
  • humus;
  • ash;
  • chicken droppings.

Fertilizing radishes with folk remedies

The list of fertilizers that can be made based on folk recipes from components of organic origin includes:

  • herbal moods;
  • wood ash fertilizer;
  • based on chicken manure;
  • compost;
  • humus.

Humus (rotted manure)

Herbal fertilizers

The advantages of plant fertilizers are:

  1. accelerated absorption;
  2. safety;
  3. rapid effect on the plant body.

The composition of green fertilizer includes minerals that can be called the most necessary for radishes:

  1. nitrogen;
  2. potassium.

Note. You can fertilize radish plantings with plant nutrition using both root and foliar methods.

  • chamomile;
  • nettle;
  • rapeseed;
  • tansy.

You can also add to the above herbal ingredients:

  • chicken droppings;
  • ash;
  • onion peel;
  • garlic arrows.

Note! Nettle is considered a very effective fertilizer, so it is often used as an independent fertilizer for radishes.

Nettle infusion for fertilizer

The formation of chlorophyll, which is facilitated by the addition of nettle infusion to the bed with radish plantings, has a positive effect on the ability of root crops to grow, and also heals the plant’s body as a whole. Spraying radish tops with a nettle solution can eliminate breeding sites for garden pests such as cruciferous flea beetle. Freshly picked nettle should be used as the main component when making green fertilizer for radishes. If spraying is necessary in early spring, you can fertilize the plant with dried nettle.

Step-by-step instructions for making nettle infusion are as follows:

  1. Prepare a large container;
  2. Chop the nettles;
  3. Fill the container with heated water;
  4. Add crushed nettles to the container;
  5. Place the container in the sun;
  6. Infuse the solution for a week;
  7. Stir daily.

Nettle infusion, the production of which is based on a folk recipe, is considered ready for use when an unpleasant odor appears, the solution darkens and the foam formation process stops.

The proportions when mixing green essence are 1 bucket of solution per required volume of 10 buckets of water. When using the infusion for spraying tops, dilute the solution in 20 buckets of water.

Making fertilizer from comfrey

The advantage of using a solution prepared on the basis of comfrey is the abundance of a number of useful substances contained in its composition, such as:

  • potassium;
  • phosphorus;
  • ash;
  • proteins.

Preparation of an essence based on this herb involves grinding it and adding it to water in a ratio of 1:10. The mixed solution should be placed in the sun and left for 10 days.

When applying, it is necessary to observe proportions similar to the use of nettle infusion.

Important! The use of grass-based fertilizers is unacceptable in hot weather. In addition, they can only be used at the stage of root crop growth.

Chicken droppings help by saturating them with microelements

However, improper use of this type of fertilizer will not have a positive effect on the development of the plant. It is permissible to fertilize radishes with chicken manure throughout almost the entire gardening season:

  • spring;
  • summer;
  • autumn.

This fertilizer can be used both in dry and dissolved form. However, the most effective is considered to be the application of bird droppings diluted with water.

You can make fertilizer based on this organic component using one of several recipes:

  1. Fill one bucket of organic matter with 20 liters of water. Leave the mixture to steep for 10 hours, stirring occasionally. The dose of fertilizing required for each planting is 500 milliliters;
  2. Fill a bucket of droppings with a bucket of clean water and leave for 4 days. To water the crop, dissolve 1 liter of prepared organic matter in 10 liters of water;
  3. Add 3 buckets of water to a bucket of droppings and stir thoroughly. Fill one bucket of solution with 4 buckets of water. When watering, it is permissible to add additional mineral complexes to feed radishes;
  4. Fill the droppings with water at a ratio of 1:3. Leave for 2 days, after which the water must be drained. Repeat this procedure three times. After 3 times, the organic essence is filled with water and used for its intended purpose. Carrying out such cleaning measures is aimed at removing toxin and uric acid from chicken droppings;
  5. Fill one bucket of organic matter with three buckets of water and leave for 3 days to infuse. After this, add 1 tablespoon of the “Baikal M” preparation to one bucket of water. This product is added to cleanse the composition of toxins. When applying, adhere to the proportion of 1:4.

How to feed radishes with ash

When using ash as fertilizer, the following rules must be observed:

  1. Avoid contact of ash with the mucous membrane of the eyes;
  2. Do not inhale ash particles;
  3. Do not introduce ash into alkaline soil;
  4. Avoid mixing ash with nitrogen-containing fertilizers to avoid neutralizing their effect.

Wood ash is added to the soil to replenish potassium deficiency. During the growth of radishes, liquid ash can be used to fertilize this crop: a little more than 200 grams of ash must be diluted in 10 liters of water to water the plantings with this solution in the evening.

The first harvest of ripened radish roots can be harvested as early as April. However, if you follow the agrotechnical features recommended in this material, which describe how to fertilize radishes so that they grow faster, through the proper use of various types of fertilizers, you can not only positively influence the speed of fruit ripening, but also extend the fruiting period until the end of the gardening season .
