Five minutes of red currants for the winter. How to cook “five-minute” red currants. Cold redcurrant jam

Yield: 100 grams

Cooking time: 10 minutes.

If you don’t know how to make redcurrant jam for the winter, then my detailed step-by-step instructions with photos will help you. I usually prepare this delicacy in very large quantities for the winter, since this particular jam is eaten in our family to the last jar.

You know, most often we not only simply eat this jam, spreading it, for example, on a piece of bread, but we also make a quick compote from the sweet preparation. To prepare it, just put a teaspoon of prepared jam in a cup, add water and stir everything well. A natural, tasty and aromatic currant jam compote will be ready. The delicacy can also be added to tea for colds. And ice cream in combination with such aromatic jam will change in taste and remind you of summer days.

How to make redcurrant jam 5 minutes - step-by-step recipe with photos

Let's prepare the ingredients.

Very carefully, under the water tap, rinse all the currants. If you have currants with branches and tails, then be sure to remove them.

After this, transfer the washed currants into a container. I always use a special ladle in which I cook preserves and jams. I like it because it has a Teflon coating on the inside, so the precipitates never burn during cooking.

Add sugar to the berries; by the way, you can even double the amount, but this is for those who like very sticky preparations.

Boil the future jam for five minutes. It is precisely because of this minimum preparation time that this jam most likely received its name - red currant jam for the winter “Five Minutes”.

Finally, using a silicone spoon, carefully place the workpiece into jars, which we seal tightly with lids.

The storage time of jam in a jar is 2 years. After opening, store in the refrigerator.

Red currants are not as fragrant as black currants, but they also have their admirers, especially since they ripen earlier than black currants, and the harvest of early varieties of red currants can be harvested almost simultaneously with strawberries. Red currant berries adhere firmly to the branches, which allows harvesting with almost no loss.

The benefits and harms of redcurrant jam

The bright red color indicates the ripeness of the currant and its sweetness. When picking yourself, the berries are picked with tassels, so they last longer without changing the taste. You can use frozen berries; even in this form they do not lose their vitamin properties. When cooking, boil the berries with sugar for no more than 15 minutes, otherwise the dessert will become tasteless. There is a recipe for a delicacy that is prepared by simply pouring currants with sugar and then storing it in the refrigerator. In this case, vitamins are retained in greater volume.

The berries contain vitamins E, H, PP, A, C and an almost complete set of group B. Currants are full of macroelements: calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus and sodium. The composition contains pectins, coumarins, tannins, and saturated fatty acids. Currants are a source of fiber, iron and antioxidants.

Red currant jam is a storehouse of useful substances and components that:

  • increase immunity;
  • help get rid of sore throat and lower temperature during colds;
  • lower cholesterol and help prevent vascular and heart diseases;
  • help with high blood pressure and prevent stroke;
  • have a diuretic effect;
  • speed up metabolism;
  • help fight edema, gout and intestinal disorders;
  • participate in the process of cell repair and collagen production;
  • help calm the nervous system and strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

Jam is used for anemia and scurvy.

It helps women during pregnancy cope with the feeling of nausea due to toxicosis. The high iron content in berries has an effect in the prevention of hypoxia and anemia.

Despite all the beneficial properties of jam, there are some contraindications. Dessert should not be consumed by those who suffer from stomach diseases: acute and chronic gastritis, ulcers and diseases of the duodenum. Since the berry accelerates the process of hematopoiesis, jam is not recommended for bleeding disorders and hemophilia.

Currants have a pronounced sour taste, which is why they put more sugar in jam than in other types of dessert. People with diabetes and increased weight should limit their consumption of jam. In addition, the red berry can cause an allergic reaction in some adults and children.

Subtleties of cooking

  • There is so much pectin in this berry that jam can be made from it in a cold way - without cooking, and it gels perfectly, becoming thick. Therefore, red currants do not need to be subjected to long-term heat treatment, and this will retain more useful substances in it.
  • Red currants are a sour berry, so they use more sugar to make jam than is required for black currants.
  • Red currant berries are most often wiped to get rid of the skin and seeds. And then such jam becomes like jam.

Redcurrant jam: first recipe


  • red currants – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 1.5 kg;
  • water – 400 ml.

Cooking method

  • Separate the berries from the branches and rinse in cold water. Pour into a cooking basin.
  • Pour sugar into a saucepan, pour water. Cook the syrup while stirring. Pour it over the berries.
  • At a low simmer, cook the red currants for 25 minutes, skimming off any foam that appears.
  • Cool until warm. Transfer to clean, dry jars. Cover with parchment or tracing paper.

Redcurrant jam: second recipe


  • red currants – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 1 kg;
  • water – 100 ml.

Cooking method

  • Sort the berries, tear off all the branches. Rinse under running water.
  • Place in a cooking basin or enamel pan, sprinkling with sugar. Add water.
  • Bring to a boil over moderate heat, gently stirring the berries and skimming off any foam that appears. Then reduce the heat and cook the currants for half an hour.
  • Remove the basin from the stove and cool the jam completely. Transfer to clean, dry jars. Cover with parchment or tracing paper.

Redcurrant jam: third recipe


  • red currants – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 1.5 kg;
  • water – 300 ml.

Cooking method

  • Sort the berries, cut off the branches. Wash under running water. Place in a cooking basin.
  • Pour sugar into a saucepan, pour water. Boil the syrup. Pour it over the currants and leave for 4 hours to soak in sugar.
  • Bring the jam to a boil over moderate heat. Cook, removing foam, for 20-30 minutes.
  • Cool the jam. Transfer to clean, dry jars. Cover with parchment.

Redcurrant jam: fourth recipe


  • red currants – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 1 kg;
  • water – 300 ml.

Cooking method

  • Sort the berries and separate them from the branches. Place in small batches in a colander and blanch in boiling water for 5 minutes.
  • Place on a sieve and let the water drain.
  • Strain the water after heat treatment of the berries and measure the volume.
  • Pour this water into the cooking basin according to the norm, add sugar. Boil the syrup.
  • Dip the berries into the syrup and cook over low heat for 5 minutes, removing the foam.
  • Remove the jam from the stove and leave for 8 hours.
  • Then put the jam back on the fire and cook at a moderate boil for 5 minutes.
  • Repeat the procedure with infusing the berries in syrup one more time.
  • Put the jam back on moderate heat and cook until done.
  • Cool. Place in clean, dry jars. Cover with parchment paper.

Redcurrant jam: fifth recipe


  • red currants – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 1.5 kg.

Cooking method

  • Sort the berries, remove the branches, and rinse under running water.
  • Place in an enamel pan. Heat over low heat until the currants release juice. You can add a little water to prevent the berries from burning.
  • Gradually add sugar to the heated berries, while gently stirring the mixture.
  • When the sugar is completely dissolved, bring the jam to a boil, removing the foam.
  • Remove from heat and cool for 2-3 hours.
  • Place on the heat again and bring to a boil. Repeat this process 2 more times.
  • Pour the finished jam hot into sterile jars and cool. Cover with parchment. If you want to seal the jam hermetically, then put it in jars while hot and roll it up immediately. Cool by turning upside down.

Redcurrant jam: sixth recipe


  • red currants – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 900 g;
  • water – 200 ml.

Cooking method

  • Sort the berries and remove the branches. Rinse in cold water.
  • Pour sugar into a cooking basin, pour in water and boil the syrup.
  • Pour berries into it. Bring to a boil over high heat, skimming off any foam. Cook for 15 minutes.
  • Prepare sterile jars by heating them in the oven.
  • Place slightly cooled jam into dry jars. Seal tightly. If you want to cover with parchment, do this only after the jam has completely cooled.

Redcurrant jam-jelly: first recipe


  • Red currants;
  • sugar – 1.3-1.5 kg per 1 liter of juice;
  • water – 200-300 ml.

Cooking method

  • Sort the berries, cut off the branches. Rinse under running water.
  • Place in a saucepan. Pour water without taking into account the number of berries. It is only needed to prevent the berries from burning.
  • Place on the fire and cook, stirring, until cracks appear on the berries.
  • Cool the currants quickly in a container with cold water.
  • Grind with a wooden masher until pureed. Squeeze out the juice.
  • Add sugar to the juice as required. Stir thoroughly. Place on the fire and bring to a boil. Cook for 3 minutes.
  • Prepare sterile jars that need to be washed in advance, steamed, and then baked in the oven to dry.
  • Pour hot juice into heated jars. Leave uncovered until completely cool.
  • Cover the frozen jelly with parchment paper or tracing paper.

Jam - jelly: second recipe


  • red currants – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 1 kg;
  • pectin – 3 tsp;
  • water.

Cooking method

  • Sort out the ripe red currants and rinse under running water. Remove the branches.
  • Place the berries in a saucepan. Pour in a little water – it should just cover them slightly. Place on moderate heat. Then reduce the heat and cook the berries until soft.
  • Cool the berries slightly and then rub through a sieve.
  • Place the container with the puree on the fire, add sugar and pectin. Bring to a boil, skimming off any foam. Cook until the desired thickness, taking into account the fact that the cooled jam becomes thicker.
  • Prepare sterile jars with lids. Roast them in the oven until they are dry and warm.
  • While hot, pour the prepared jam into jars. Seal immediately. If you do not want to cover the jam, cool it completely and then cover with parchment or tracing paper.

Redcurrant jam - jelly: third recipe


  • red currants – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 1 kg;
  • water – 200 ml.

Cooking method

  • Sort the berries and rinse under running cold water. The branches do not need to be removed.
  • Place the berries in a cooking bowl. Add sugar. Stir. After a few minutes, stir again.
  • Add water. Bring to a boil over medium heat, stirring and skimming. Reduce the heat and cook the jam for another 25–30 minutes.
  • Remove from stove. While hot, rub through a sieve. Immediately place into sterile, dry, hot jars.
  • Seal with lids. Turn the jars upside down and cool in this position.

Redcurrant jam - jelly: fourth recipe


  • red currants – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 1 kg.

Cooking method

  • Sort the berries, remove the stalks. Rinse in cold water.
  • Pour into a cooking basin. Put in sugar. Leave until the berries release juice. It can be stirred periodically.
  • Place the bowl of berries on the stove and bring to a boil over medium heat, removing the foam. Boil for 2 minutes.
  • When hot, rub through a sieve.
  • Place in sterile jars. Cool. Cover with parchment.

Redcurrant jam-jelly without cooking


  • red currants – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 1 kg.

Cooking method

  • Sort the berries and rinse under running water. The branches do not need to be removed.
  • Place the currants in a colander and pour boiling water over them several times to soften the berries.
  • Place the prepared berries in small portions in a sieve and wipe into a bowl.
  • Pour the puree into a large container. Put in sugar. Stir until the sugar is almost completely dissolved.
  • Prepare sterile jars and lids. Warm them up in the oven.
  • Place jam in them. Close with lids. Store in the refrigerator.

Red currant jam “Pyatiminutka”: first recipe


  • red currants – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 1.5 kg;
  • water – 200 ml.

Cooking method

  • Sort the berries, remove spoiled ones, as well as twigs. Wash under running water.
  • Pour sugar into a cooking basin, add water and cook the syrup.
  • Dip the berries into it and bring to a boil over moderate heat. To prevent the berries from getting bruised, do not stir the jam, just gently shake the bowl and turn it from side to side.
  • Cook for 5 minutes, removing foam.
  • Remove from heat, wait a few minutes and put back on the stove. Cook for another 5 minutes. Remove from heat again.
  • Repeat the procedure again.
  • Pour the jam into sterile jars heated in the oven. Roll up with sterile lids. Turn upside down and cool.

Red currant jam “Pyatiminutka”: second recipe


  • red currants – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 1.5 kg;
  • water – 200 ml.

Cooking method

  • Sort the berries and remove the branches. Wash in cold water.
  • Place in a cooking basin. Add sugar. Leave for 1-2 hours so that the berries release juice.
  • Bring to a boil over moderate heat, while stirring the jam gently. Cook, skimming off the foam, for 5 minutes.
  • When hot, pack into sterile dry jars. Roll up with sterile lids. Turn upside down and cool.

Note to the hostess

After you pass the berries through a sieve, a lot of waste remains in it: skins, grains, twigs. Don't rush to throw them away! You can cook a tasty and healthy compote from them.

Hermetically sealed jam can be stored in a pantry or cupboard. Raw jam is stored only in the refrigerator.

Five-minute red currant jam is not only quick and easy to prepare, but also preserves the vitamins and all the beneficial properties of the berries. It cooks, of course, not for the stated 5 minutes, but still it won’t take a lot of time and effort from the housewife: the whole process, including preparing the berries and syrup, will take about 40 minutes. Please note that red currant is a rather sour berry, so this jam will require a lot of sugar.

Recipe for five-minute redcurrant jam

Prepare the ingredients for the jam:

  • red currants - 1 kg;
  • sugar -1.5 kg;
  • water - 1 glass.

Start by preparing the harvested currants. It must be cleared of leaves and other debris, twigs removed and rinsed thoroughly with cool water. After this, place the berries in a colander to drain excess moisture. At this time, start preparing the sugar syrup. In a saucepan or any other deep enamel bowl, combine water and sugar and bring the mixture to a boil. Make sure that all grains of granulated sugar are dissolved. Dip the berries into the boiling syrup and boil them from the moment of boiling for 5 minutes.

Remove the pan with berries from the heat and stir.

The mixing method determines what consistency the jam will be when you open the jar for tea a few months later.

If you prefer jelly-like, stir it vigorously with a wooden spatula. If you prefer whole berries, gently shake for five minutes, rocking the bowl from side to side. After this, repeat the five-minute cooking procedure 2 more times, remembering to remove the pan from the heat between boils and shake the jam. In total, you will boil the berries three times. Pour hot jam into sterilized jars and seal with metal lids. The jars must be wrapped until they cool completely.

It will take even less time to directly prepare currant jam according to another recipe. For this method, prepared and washed berries are covered with sugar (the proportions can be the same as in the previous recipe) and left for 6-7 hours or overnight. During this time, the red currants will release juice, so there is no need to add water. After infusion, the container with the berries is placed on the fire and boiled once for 5 minutes. Hot jam is poured into jars and sealed with metal or nylon lids.

How to make redcurrant jam (video)

Unusual recipes for five-minute redcurrant jam

If you have already learned how to make redcurrant jam according to the classic recipe, it’s time to try something new. Jam prepared according to original recipes will delight you with an unusual and refined taste.

“Five-minute” red currant with vanilla

This unusual delicacy will be a wonderful treat for guests or will simply make your daily tea party much tastier. To make this jam you will need:

  • 2 kg of berries;
  • 1 kg gelling sugar. This is a special type of sugar that is used in the making of jellies, jams, and marmalade. It contains pectin and citric acid;
  • 2 vanilla sticks.

Cooking method:

  1. Prepare the red currants by removing leaves and stems and rinsing them.
  2. Add some water to the berries and boil.
  3. Throw the currants into a sieve and wipe until you get a paste.
  4. Place the resulting mass back into the bowl with water, add the vanilla sticks divided into several parts and add sugar.
  5. Boil for 5 minutes, remove from heat and discard vanilla pods.
  6. Place the jam in pre-sterilized jars and seal.

Excellent five-minute redcurrant and vanilla jam is ready!

Five-minute redcurrant jam with honey

Let’s immediately make a reservation that the recipe uses artificial honey. And this is very important! Natural honey becomes a strong carcinogen when heated, so it is not suitable for jam. But don't worry: despite this substitution, the jam will still taste great.


  • red currant - 800 g;
  • artificial honey - 800 g;
  • water - 2 glasses.

Redcurrant jam (video)

Prepare honey syrup: dissolve honey in water, gradually increasing the heat. Bring the syrup to a boil and add peeled currants to it. Let the mixture boil again and cook for 5 minutes. There is no need to stir the jam. Pour the finished treat into jars and roll up.

Ingredients needed for:
1. 1 kg of red currants,
2. 1.5 kg granulated sugar,
3. 1 glass (200-250 ml) water.

The currant berries are sorted and washed in cool water, after which they are thrown into a colander to drain excess moisture. Syrup is boiled from water and granulated sugar in a large enamel bowl or pan. The prepared currants are placed in boiling syrup and, when the mass boils, it should boil for no more than 5 minutes.

If you want the berries to red currant jam – five minutes remained intact, then during cooking (after cooking) the dishes must be slightly shaken or gently shaken from side to side for 2-3 minutes while vigorously stirring. Or, to make jelly, use a wooden spatula for mixing.

The jam is put back on the stove and brought to a boil, boiled for 5 minutes and again the container with the jam is shaken/swayed. The same actions are repeated a third time. That is, in total red currant jam - five minutes should boil three times for 5 minutes. Hot jam is poured into sterilized jars and sealed with boiled metal lids. Or they are simply closed with tight nylon lids. The jars are wrapped in a blanket until they cool completely.

In the same way, quick jam is prepared from black and white currants, strawberries and wild strawberries. For other, denser fruits, the number of cooking times should be increased to 4-5. Although, in principle, two boils will be enough for ripe red and white currants. But it wouldn’t hurt to boil the black one 4 times.

It turns out that not only does it preserve the color, taste, shape, aroma and vitamins of these berries. Redcurrant jam – five minutes also meets all these requirements. Quick jam is stored in a cold place, unlike delicacies that have been cooked for more than one hour, since at room temperature it can spoil and its shelf life will be significantly reduced.

Red currant is not only a very beautiful and elegant berry, but also tasty and healthy. Compotes and juices made from it are truly a royal drink. Various sweets are no less wonderful: marshmallows. Let's talk about these desserts.

Jam in 5 minutes

So, “Five minutes.” It is called that because it cooks really very quickly. The process of preparing jars, processing and cleaning berries takes much more time. The jars must be washed in advance, rinsed with a soda solution, and sterilized. Red currant jam (“five-minute”) has a varied recipe. It is made only from berries and sugar, as well as using other ingredients that improve the taste of the delicacy. Let's take a closer look at several options.

Recipe No. 1

This redcurrant jam - “five-minute jam” - is prepared in this way: rinse the berries thoroughly, sort them, pick them from the branches. For 1 kilogram of them, 1.3 to 1.5 kg of sugar is required. Dilute it in one and a half glasses of water and boil. Pour the berries into a bowl, pour in the resulting syrup, wait until it boils. Since we have red currant jam (“five-minute”), note the time. On a good fire, let the workpiece boil for exactly the specified time. Then, without turning off the heat, pack the jam into jars and tighten immediately.

Recipe No. 2

“Five Minute” is prepared a little differently according to this recipe: washed and sorted berries are poured with sugar directly in a basin. You need to let them sit for 6 hours to let out more juice. Then put the basin on the fire, bring to a boil, cook intensively for 5 minutes, stirring. Then pour boiling water into jars and close. As you can see, there is absolutely nothing complicated in the process! And the result, whether from the first option or from the second, is the most amazing!

Currant and vanilla

You can make quite a lot of red currants if you add vanilla to it. And the important ingredient is not simple sugar, but gelling sugar. This is a special type of sugar that contains pectin with citric acid. For 2 kg of currants, 1 kg of this product is required (concentration 2: 1). And 1-2 vanilla pods. You can get delicious red currant jam this way: pour the prepared berries with a small amount of water and let it boil. Then remove from heat, place in a sieve and puree to form a puree. Place it back into the bowl of water, break it and put it there, add sugar and put it on the fire. Let it simmer for 5 minutes, remove the vanilla, distribute the jam into jars and close.

Currants with zucchini

This original, wonderful-tasting jam came to us from ancient French cuisine. It is prepared from zucchini and berries. The first component requires 2 kg, the second - 1. And sugar about 2.5-3 kg. Zucchini is cut into cubes, berries are added to them, and sugar is sprinkled on top. After 6-10 hours, when there is already enough juice in the basin, it is put on fire. The jam should be brought to a boil, cook for 5-7 minutes, and let cool. Put it on gas again for 5 minutes, cool again. And boil for the third time, cook for 10 minutes, pour into jars, close. Rest assured, such excellent jam will be a hit in your homemade sweet preparations!