Enroll in civil aviation school. Flight schools of Russia. Higher military aviation schools for pilots and navigators. Moving to Florida

The profession of a pilot is very difficult by its very nature. It requires enormous endurance and emotional stress. There are flights that last almost 14 hours, and all this time the pilot should not be distracted from work - he needs to monitor the instruments and check their serviceability. What it takes to become a passenger plane pilot and how to become a civil aviation pilot in Russia is of interest to many who are in love with the sky.

The pilots themselves say that in itself it is a very beautiful job. Nevertheless, it is also dangerous, although it is not officially recognized as such. After all, during a flight various emergency situations may arise - from engine failure to a terrorist attack on board. The pilot must be prepared for any of these situations and know what and how to do. How to become a civil pilot in Russia?

In general, the pilot must not only control the aircraft during the flight, but also prepare for the flight, inspect the aircraft before departure, and be able to manage the crew of the airliner.

The most important thing is to ensure the safety of each and every individual passenger on board. This is a huge responsibility that falls on the shoulders of the pilot, especially the PIC.

What is needed for this?

First of all, of course, very good health. Pilots regularly undergo medical examinations. commission, and are also examined by a doctor before the flight.

Excellent vision and hearing, excellent eye, impeccable mental health, good vestibular apparatus - this is not a complete list of health requirements for pilots.

The work of a pilot is complex and intense.

Work experience, availability of certificates, permits and a diploma from a flight school, as well as good knowledge of the English language also play an important role in the development of a future pilot.

As for the PIC, they also need to be a Personality with a capital P. After all, they are the ones who make all the main decisions regarding the flight and during emergency situations.

You must constantly be concentrated and attentive. The slightest mistake can cost the lives of not only the pilots themselves, but also all passengers on board.

Where in Russia do they train to become a civil aviation pilot?

There are only a few educational institutions in Russia where future pilots are trained. It's quite difficult to get there. To do this, you must be in excellent health (before admission you must pass a medical commission) and pass exams in basic technical disciplines.

At the same time, if during training your health deteriorates (at least according to one indicator), then you may be removed from training.

Ulyanovsk Higher Aviation School and St. Petersburg Academy of Civil Aviation- here are the best flight training institutions where they study for 5 years.

Omsk LT College of Civil Aviation, Sasovo Flight School of Civil Aviation, Krasnokutsk Flight School and Buguruslan Flight School - a list of other educational institutions where training lasts 3 years.

It’s more difficult not to even get in there than to complete your studies. After all, theory is one thing, but being in a real cockpit is quite another.

Upon graduation from college/academy

When a future pilot completes his training only 150 hours of flight time. This is very little, because to become a passenger airliner pilot you need at least 4,000 flight hours.

At the moment in Russia there is a huge problem with working the required number of hours. The Soviet Union had a well-established training system for passenger airliner pilots.

At first they worked on forest protection or other similar aircraft. Then they transferred to domestic airlines and the last stage was international flights.

Pilots learn throughout their lives.

Now this system is no longer in effect. For this reason, airlines have to hire pilots with a minimum set of flight hours. As sad as it may be, this is directly reflected in the level of service on the flight.

Some of the pilots go abroad and gain experience there, working as a pilot for small companies or as an instructor. For example, in the USA, such work allows you to earn money.

On the contrary, in Russia they don’t pay anything for this. Also individual companies have their own flight schools, training in which makes it easier to find a job.

In addition, you must have a special flight pilot or commercial pilot certificate. To receive them, you must graduate from an academy or college. It's like a driver's license that allows you to fly an airplane.

Plus, pilots have categories - 1, 2 and 3. Respectively, To get the first category, you need to unlearn grades 2 and 3. And in general, throughout their career, pilots undergo various advanced training courses. This means that pilots need to learn constantly.

How to get a job at a major airline?

As noted above, for this, first of all must have a large number of flight hours and a commercial or airline pilot certificate.

To get a job at a good airline, a pilot must have a certain number of hours.

Of course, each individual airline has its own requirements for candidates. For example, how to become an Aeroflot pilot from scratch?

To do this, you need to have one for each aircraft model at least 500 hours of flight time, and he must also know English at level 4 on the ICAO scale. This is an international organization under the UN. It sets the rules and regulations for civil aviation around the world.

You must have a higher or secondary education with the rank of pilot. The break in work should not exceed 5 years, and you already know about having a line pilot certificate.

What is required to get a job as a flight attendant and what their salary is, indicated and


Those wishing to go to study at Russian military aviation flight schools must be prepared to receive a higher military education - with the initial rank of "lieutenant" upon completion - and the opportunity to undergo training at the following military flight schools, which are faculties of the Voronezh Unified Air Force Center:

  • Krasnodar Faculty of Aviation Combat Control (specializing in air traffic management and aircraft operation) - with airfields located in Krasnodar, Tikhoretsk, Kotelnikovo, Kushchevskaya;
  • Armavir Faculty of Fighter Aviation (specializing in the use of fighter aircraft aircraft complexes and their flight operation) - with airfields located in Maykop and Armavir;
  • Borisoglebsk Faculty of Attack and Front-line Bomber Aviation (specializing in “the use of aviation complexes of attack and front-line bomber aviation and their flight operation”) - with airfields located in Michurinsk and Borisoglebsk;
  • Balashov Faculty of Military Transport and Long-Range Aviation (specialty: “use of aviation complexes of military transport and long-range aviation and their flight operation”) - with airfields located in Rtishchevo and Balashov;
  • Syzran Faculty of Army Aviation (specializing in “use of army aviation systems and their flight operation”) - with airfields located in Sokol (Saratov) and Troekurovka (Syzran);
  • Chelyabinsk Faculty of Navigator Training (specializing in “application and flight operation of navigational aviation systems for all types of aviation”) - with the airfield located in Shagol (Chelyabinsk).

To avoid following the “wrong” path, we add that the following military schools, information about which is still found in one form or another in print media or electronic publications, were DISFORMED or repurposed no later than 2009:

  • Yeisk Military Aviation School (completely disbanded);
  • Stavropol Military Aviation School (relocated directly to Voronezh);
  • Kurgan Military Aviation School (repurposed as the Kurgan Border Institute, transferred to the structure of the FSB of the Russian Federation).

For those wishing to obtain the specialty “flight operation of aircraft”, here is a list of existing civil aviation colleges:

  • Flight Technical College (Omsk);
  • Flight Technical School (Kaluga);
  • flight school (Sasovo, Ryazan region);
  • flight school (Krasnokut, Ulyanovsk region);
  • flight school (Buguruslan, Orenburg region).

History and traditions

The development of Russian (and then Soviet) aviation has come a long and glorious way. Given the circumstances in which the young Soviet republic found itself at the dawn of its existence, the requirements for the rapid organization and formation of the air force, as well as the mass training of pilots, led to the rapid growth of flight schools.

Starting with the famous OSOAVIAKHIM, which trained young pilots on-the-job and studying at schools, the Soviet Air Force received military aviation flight schools in Russia and other republics several times a year. And a similar trend persisted both before the Great Patriotic War, and during, and after it. The maximum number of flight schools at a certain point reached 69, training not only pilots, but also technical personnel. However, due to the serious complication of not only the level of knowledge required from a military pilot, but also many other qualities associated with the ability to make quick decisions and other conditions, already in modern Russia it was decided to leave the training of specialists at the secondary education level only for civil aviation .

Nevertheless, Russian military flight schools were completely reorganized during 2008-2009, with the creation of a single management central “core” on the basis of the Voronezh Air Force Academy named after Yu.A. Gagarin and N.E. Zhukovsky. At the same time, it received the name of the Military Research and Training Center of the Air Force of the Russian Federation and, along with it, all existing institutes and schools in the form of their own faculties, with various military areas of specialist training. Except, of course, the already mentioned civil aviation schools and DOSAAF.

Choosing a school

When choosing a military flight school, of course, you should take into account, first of all, its military orientation. Since the professions of a pilot and a navigator are still different, just as there are significant differences between a fighter pilot and a long-range aviation pilot. But, long before deciding to enroll in the chosen school, you should carefully weigh some other things. Among which a good future pilot must have:

  • excellent health (unfortunately, not everyone can become a pilot);
  • very high average performance in general education subjects;
  • the highest level of stress resistance;
  • willingness to work in a team;
  • lack of “rose-colored glasses” - in terms of the idea of ​​future service as romantic flights across the blue sky.

Investigation of the Boeing 737 plane crash in Kazan. It turned out that the most “working” version of what happened was a crew error. IAC specialists found that the technical condition of the aircraft was at the proper level.

Pilot errors are leading to more and more plane crashes in Russia. According to experts, it was the human factor that became decisive in the last major plane crashes: the crash of the Tu-134 near Petrozavodsk, the Tu-154 at Domodedovo airport and the Yak-42 airliner in Yaroslavl (then the entire Lokomotiv hockey team died ").

The average age of pilots is rising. Young specialists appear, but not in sufficient numbers: pilots are trained in only three universities in the country.

The main one is the University of Civil Aviation in St. Petersburg. Training is conducted at 8 faculties, the average duration of training is five years. University graduates after graduation are called upon to pilot civil aviation aircraft. The university also trains aviation managers and technicians.

Another “pilot” university is located in Ulyanovsk - the Higher Aviation School of Civil Aviation. It also has eight areas of training, with an average duration of study of four years. The school in Ulyanovsk is more “diversified” and trains not only pilots for civil aviation, but also those who can ensure the proper preparation of an aircraft for flight (diversified training).

The last representative of a specialized “flight” educational institution is. It has 12 faculties and the university is much more diverse. Rather, it trains specialists who can develop technical innovations for the aviation and space industries. The average training period is 5 years.

According to unofficial data, the first two universities have graduated 2,707 pilots over the past 10 years. Nowadays there is little competition for flight schools. There are cases when “retrained” military pilots are hired. Well, young pilots are immediately entrusted with serious tests. According to the data, previously, for the first three years, graduates were allowed only to the An-2 “maize”, then they were gradually transferred to the larger ones - the An-26 and Tu-134.

And only after having all this experience did the pilots begin to fly 1st class aircraft (Tu-154 and Il-62). Now, under the right circumstances, you can become the commander of a prestigious Boeing at the age of 25.

There is another side to the problem. Previously, civilian pilots retired at age 60. Now there is no boundary for retirement as such. They fly until they are “healthy,” which in principle provides financial benefits: the pilot’s salary varies from 80 to 200 thousand rubles.

It is known that many states use the practice of “private” pilot training. Airlines themselves train young pilots so that they then stay to work for them. The Russian authorities have repeatedly approached airlines with a similar proposal, but so far the initiative has not been supported.

It is possible to postpone this proposal for later analysis as a worthy alternative to those mentioned on this resource. Ufa State Aviation Technical University (Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Ufa State Aviation Technical University") is discussed in much more detail among other materials on the current website. Probably, like the state universities of Ufa, this option trains masters of their craft of the “aviation” type.

Irkutsk branch of the Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation (MSTU GA)

The Irkutsk branch of the Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation (MSTU GA) (Irkutsk branch of the Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation" (MSTU GA)) has been reviewed in detail by us in announcements and articles on our resource. It is possible to postpone this option for later analysis as a worthy alternative to similar ones on the topic in Russia. Like many other state universities in Irkutsk, this proposal trains good workers in the field of aviation.

Branch of the federal state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education "Ufa State Aviation Technical University" in Kumertau

We strongly recommend accepting this university as a replacement for similar ones on the list. The branch of the federal state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education "Ufa State Aviation Technical University" in Kumertau () is described in much more detail and is formalized in the section on this list of universities. Like other state universities in Kumertau, this educational institution trains and graduates top-class specialists with a specialty in aviation.

St. Petersburg State University of Civil Aviation

Without any hesitation, look at this option as a worthy alternative to similar ones, often in the catalog. The St. Petersburg State University of Civil Aviation () is very sparsely provided for information, and is presented in a section on our resource. The same as the state universities of St. Petersburg, this option trains and graduates masters of their craft in the field of aviation.

The Chelyabinsk Higher Military Aviation School of Navigators (military institute) () is reviewed in more detail by us, and is presented in a section on the current portal. Unlike other state schools, Chelyabinsk-15 provides training for leaders on the topic of “aviation.” It is possible to study and adopt this offer as a replacement for similar ones in the catalog.

Branch "Take Off" of the Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI) (national research university) in Akhtubinsk (Branch "Take Off" of the federal state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education "Moscow Aviation Institute (national research university)" in Akhtubinsk) in more detail reviewed by us in one of the notes on the current portal. Like many other state institutions in Akhtubinsk, this educational institution provides training for managers on the topic of “aviation”. We propose to consider this option and other state institutions of Akhtubinsk as an alternative to similar ones mentioned here.

Branch of the federal state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education "Ufa State Aviation Technical University" in Ishimbay

Like many other state universities in Ishimbay, this educational institution provides training for managers in the aviation field. The branch of the federal state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education "Ufa State Aviation Technical University" in the city of Ishimbay () is described in much more detail for you in one of the notes, under the heading "state universities of Ishimbay", on the list of universities. One can quite seriously take this university into consideration as a replacement for many others mentioned here.

The Tutaevsky branch of the federal state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education "Rybinsk State Aviation Technological Academy named after P.A. Solovyov" () is very sparsely listed in one of the notes on a specific website. Reminiscent of other Tutaev state academies, this educational institution trains and graduates excellent specialists in the specialty "aviation". Without any hesitation, study and adopt this proposal and other Tutaev state academies, as an alternative to those similar in topic on the list.

Gavrilov-Yamsky branch of the Rybinsk State Aviation Technological Academy named after P.A. Solovyova

Gavrilov-Yamsky branch of the Rybinsk State Aviation Technological Academy named after P.A. Solovyov (Gavrilov-Yamsky branch of the federal state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education "Rybinsk State Aviation Technological Academy named after P.A. Solovyov") has been very poorly reviewed by us among other materials on a specific site. We propose to study and adopt this university as a replacement for similar ones that are often mentioned here. Like other state academies of Gavrilov-Yam, this option accepts and prepares masters of their craft in the field of aviation.

Probably, like the Yeisk-1 state schools, this option trains masters of their craft in the field of aviation. This option can be seriously studied and adopted by other public schools Yeisk-1, as an alternative to many others in Russia. Yeisk Higher Military Aviation School (military institute) named after twice Hero of the Soviet Union, pilot-cosmonaut of the USSR V.M. Komarov (branch) of the Air Force Academy named after Professor N.E. Zhukovsky and Yu.A. Gagarin (Yeisk Higher Military Aviation School (military institute) named after twice Hero of the Soviet Union, pilot-cosmonaut of the USSR V.M. Komarov (branch) of the federal state military educational institution of higher professional education Military Educational and Scientific Center of the Air Force "Air Force Academy named after Professor N.E. Zhukovsky and Yu.A. Gagarin") is given in detail and formalized in the section at the current meeting.

Military Aviation Engineering University (Voronezh)

We suggest that other state universities in Voronezh consider this option as an alternative to similar ones that are often mentioned here. Military Aviation Engineering University (Voronezh) (Federal State Military Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Military Aviation Engineering University (Voronezh)" of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation) is very sparsely described in announcements and articles on a specific resource. Reminiscent of other state universities in Voronezh, this option trains managers in the aviation field.

Branch of the Ufa State Aviation Technical University in Sterlitamak (UGATU)

This option, unlike other state universities in Sterlitamak, produces top-class specialists in the aviation profile. It is possible to accept this option at other state universities in Sterlitamak as an alternative to those mentioned on this resource. The branch of the Ufa State Aviation Technical University in Sterlitamak (UGATU) (Branch of the federal state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education "Ufa State Aviation Technical University" in Sterlitamak) was very poorly considered by us among other materials, the heading "State Universities of Sterlitamak", on the portal.

Flight schools train future pilots and aviation technicians. In secondary flight schools you can train to become a pilot of both civil and cargo aviation.

Flight school specialties

“Flight operation of aircraft” is not the only qualification that college students acquire; there are others:

  • “Technical operation of aircraft and engines”;
  • “Technical operation of electrified and flight navigation systems”;
  • “Technical operation of transport radio-electronic equipment (by type of transport)”;
  • “Computer software and automated systems”;
  • “Information systems (by industry)”;
  • "Programming in computer systems."

How to choose an educational institution

There are higher and secondary flight schools, but the pilot profession is still closer to secondary education, since it relates to the field of machine operation, and not to the field of engineering.

In general, the number of flight schools in Russia is decreasing, and the choice is not very large. In our large country, when considering alternatives for admission, it makes sense to be guided by the geographical factor. If desired, it will be possible to continue education at a university of which the secondary school is considered a branch.

If there are no flight schools in the nearest cities, contact the zonal selection committee at the regional civil aviation department.

Since Soviet times, it has been common practice to divide aviation into military and civil. Mid-level military flight schools are organized at airfields of the Ministry of Defense, but more often the army aspect of flying is studied as part of higher education.

Requirements for applicants

Admission is carried out upon completion of 11 grades of school, and candidates cannot be older than 25 years. Applicants must present a military ID or a citizen's ID card subject to conscription.

The school has the right to count the results of the Unified State Exam or conduct its own entrance tests.


  • Russian language;
  • mathematics;
  • physics (sometimes, depending on the specialty).

Unlike other colleges, flight schools are in no hurry to specify the list of entrance exams on their websites: the admissions committee will be interested in drawing conclusions about the school success of applicants based on educational documents.

Flight school is not a place where you enroll as a company or as a result of a hasty decision to become a pilot. The professional standard requires the applicant to have a sustainable interest in the profession.

No matter how strong the dream of flying, you may be denied admission due to health reasons. It must be at the level of a conscript fit for military service.

The admissions committee must submit blood tests for sugar and group, certificates from a narcologist and a psychiatrist. The full list of medical requirements is specified in the specific college.

It will not be possible to stock up on certificates in advance: many of them are valid for a short period, but it costs to take care of photographs in advance; you need more than for admission to other colleges and technical schools - at least 10.

In addition to good performance in general education subjects and excellent health, you need composure, resistance to stress, responsibility, and quick reaction. The readiness to master a profession in the general system is also very important. Nothing to do with the capricious statement: “And I want to fly!” - does not attend flight school.

Today, more aviators retire than graduate from flight schools, so secondary professional institutions are interested in training personnel, and the chances of successful admission are high.