Miniature cows. Miniature Cows: An Overview of Dwarf Breeds. Basics of cultivation and care

We are all accustomed to the fact that a cow is a representative of cattle.

But what can you do if you really want fresh, homemade milk, cottage cheese and sour cream!

In fact, there is a solution, and a rather original one at that. Today it is quite possible to purchase a dwarf cow for home keeping.

What kind of cow is this that I call dwarf?

There is nothing unusual about these cows, except for their small height and, accordingly, weight. They first appeared in India, where the cow is revered for religious reasons.

Since the population of this country is very poor, the issue of producing a “thrifty” cow has become very relevant. As a result, cows of dwarf size appeared.

It will come as no surprise to anyone that this type of cow does not produce meat, although some are raised for this purpose. Very often, such a cow is kept for the decorative features of its exterior and to obtain a small amount of milk of excellent properties.

Features of appearance and other parameters of representatives

Dwarf cows were first selected about 15 years ago, so today there are only 26 to 30 breeds of this species in the world. A breed will be considered dwarf if it has:

  • Maximum growth rates are from 90 to 110 centimeters in height.
  • Fluctuations in the weight of an adult vary from 100 to 110 kilograms, as well as from 250 to 350 kilograms.
  • A small amount of milk that a cow is capable of producing in one day (the maximum figure is 3 liters, although some breeds can boast 7 liters).

Since dwarf breeds were produced by breeders, scientists paid a lot of attention to making the new cows as resistant to environmental influences as possible.

Thus, most representatives of this species can boast excellent immunity, as well as good adaptability to a variety of climatic conditions.

They are very rarely get sick, and in the case of colds, no complications usually arise; all symptoms disappear in just a few days. This fact makes breeding dwarf cows even easier.

Due to their excellent immunity characteristics, dwarf cows are very widely used in the selection of large cows. The gene they transmit serves as protection against a large number of respiratory and viral diseases.

It was also noted that when crossing other breeds of cows with dwarf cows, the mortality of their young animals is significantly reduced. This can also be explained by the docile nature of little cows, who also exhibit excellent maternal instinct.

A little about the milk of dwarf cows

The milk of these cows can without fear be considered one of the most important advantages. It is not only very tasty, but also rich in its chemical composition.

If you compare it with the milk of ordinary cows, then first of all you should pay attention to the quantitative ratio of the content of fat droplets and phospholipids.

If in ordinary cow's milk the amount of the former is higher, then in the milk of dwarf cows there is a large amount of phospholipids. This organic substance is incredibly useful for the functioning of the brain and the entire nervous system, since it plays a huge role in the process of restoring nerve cells in the human body.

Thus, milk from dwarf cows is an essential dietary product. It is recommended for use by children and people with problems with the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system, and even those who are obese.

Why are dwarf cows still so poorly distributed in our countries?

The fact is that these cows are very valuable not only in their merits, but also in the assessment of the value of one individual. And if in its homeland a calf of one of the most common breeds, “Zebu,” can be purchased for less than $100, then in our country its cost often reaches several thousand dollars.

However, for many, this factor can become just the same incentive for their own business and breeding dwarf cows, with benefits not only for the wallet, but also for the body and soul.

The same “Zebu” or miniature Angus cow is mainly distributed in areas with a subtropical climate. We will have to practically keep them in a closed, artificially heated room all year round without enough green fresh feed.

All these factors can cause weight loss and decreased milk supply. Therefore, before buying a dwarf breed, ask how well it is adapted to the climate conditions of the areas where you live.

Almost the only option for the territory of the CIS countries may be a mini-cow of the Highland breed. However, she belongs exclusively to the meat species of cows; getting milk from her is an almost impossible task. But at the same time, it has a number of its own advantages:

  • An extensive type of cultivation that involves absolutely no costs for feed and other necessary aspects of care.
  • They are not fussy about food at all; they can feed on almost any plants and shrubs.

    Also, their feed consumption is even lower than that of sheep.

  • The breed does not need to build special sheds for their maintenance.

    The endurance of their body and a thick layer of thick fur allows them to withstand the harshest weather conditions without problems. These cows are kept outdoors throughout the year.

  • They reproduce very well on their own.

    Calving is very easy, cows exhibit a very good maternal instinct, due to which mortality among young animals is practically not observed.

  • They are characterized by very good immunity; they did not suffer from diseases common to ordinary cows.

Description of the dwarf breed of cows "Zebu"

The usual habitat for Zebu is the island of Sri Lanka, but today they manage to be successfully bred in our open spaces.

For many years, the breed was considered almost extinct, as breeders and ordinary livestock farmers sought to cross it with larger cows in order to achieve higher milk yields.

But today the breed is already bred separately, which allows it to preserve its uniqueness and protect it from final extinction. The number of individuals of this breed is only growing.

Exterior of the breed and its features

Even as adults, dwarf Zebu cows resemble small calves rather than large animals.

The maximum height of their body is 91 centimeters, that is, their height does not even reach the height of a person’s navel.

The usual weight for this dwarf breed can also be very surprising, since on average it is only 80 kilograms.

In color, Zebu cows can be either light milky or brown. Most often, a single-color color is found, without inclusions and pockmarks, characteristic of Russian cows.

The coat is relatively long, due to the need for protection from insects in the hot conditions of India. Their physique is quite strong, although the legs may appear very thin.

The main advantages of keeping and breeding Zebu cows

Feeding a dwarf cow is as easy as it gets. For a full life it will be enough diet consisting of only hay and water. Of course, additional feed will also have a positive effect on growth and milk quantity, but still not as much as when feeding ordinary cows.

In the warm season, “Zebu” can be kept in open space, giving the opportunity to independently obtain food for itself. At the same time, a very great advantage and feature of these cows is the presence on their nape of the neck with accumulated fatty tissues.

In normal times, this fat is not used in any way, but only accumulates, but during forced starvation it does not allow the animal to die.

Does the breed have any disadvantages?

The disadvantages of this breed can only be the disadvantages of the type of dwarf cow itself. That is, we can only talk about an insufficiently large amount of milk and the inability of animals to realize meat productivity.

In all other respects, they are quite calm, friendly animals that require a minimum of attention and food. As for care, the only concern of the livestock breeder may be milking the cow and combing its hair.

The calm disposition of Zebu cows allows them to be kept both on a leash and on free grazing without any problems.

They will not compete for space with other animals, break fences, or cause any other harm.

After grazing this breed, only a beautiful and leveled lawn will remain on the pasture, and it will be immediately fertilized by the cows themselves.

The cost of food for Zebu will be minimal, and in the summer it will not amount to a penny at all.

Thus, this breed of dwarf cows refers to animals of the extensive type of rearing, when no funds are spent to obtain products (or minimal ones are spent).

Productivity of the breed: how much milk can you expect?

It is difficult to call this little cow productive because she produces very little milk. On average, daily milk yield is about 3 liters. If you keep not a pure Zeba, but its crossbreeds, then this figure can increase significantly.

However, productivity also includes the ability of these cows to bear their own offspring. In this regard they quite prolific, a small calf may appear on your farm every year. At the same time, the ability to calve remains in dwarf cows for quite a long time, up to about 10 years.

Angus dwarf cows and the benefits of keeping them

Although this breed is classified as a dwarf breed, its size and weight are larger than those we described above. It is bred mainly in Australia, which is its homeland.

Angus cows more accustomed to warm climatic conditions, therefore, when breeding this breed in the middle climate, during the cold season the animals will definitely need special heated sheds with sufficient space for movement.

There are also large Angus cows whose weight is twice that of the ones we are describing. There are many similarities between these two species of the same breed, especially in coat color.

However, dwarfs have a significant advantage in their docile nature and economical maintenance, although they are significantly inferior in productivity.

What distinctive appearance features are characteristic of the breed?

The color of these beautiful little cows is most often black, just like their larger brothers. From birth, the skin of Angus cows is covered with fairly abundant, but not coarse, hair.

Their legs are quite short, as a result of which, against their background, the body seems very thick and wide. The body is short and not high, the height of an adult is usually barely more than 1 meter.

The biggest advantage of keeping cows of this breed is that their meat productivity significantly exceeds that of ordinary cows.

This is due to the fact that dwarf cows do not require a lot of feed and the space for their grazing can be very limited.

For example, in order for a herd of 10 Angus cows to reach their normal weight of 300 kilograms in a short period of time, a grazing area of ​​2 hectares will be sufficient.

If you are breeding ordinary beef breeds of cows, then the specified space is hardly enough to feed two individuals. As a result, in the first case, we will be able to get about 3 thousand excellent meat from dwarf cows, or 1 thousand meat from ordinary cows.

The big advantage of keeping Angus cows is that they cause virtually no harm to the environment. It is not at all typical for them to gnaw leaves from tree branches, leaving them barren, or gnaw tasty grass from the ground right from the roots.

The meadows where they graze are not trampled, but remain green like specially trimmed lawns.

What are the disadvantages of the breed or what difficulties does keeping it pose?

In the winter, cows will also need to add a certain amount of fresh plant food to their diet, since hay will not be able to fill all the microelements the animals need to replenish their vitality.

Performance limits for Angus cows

Unlike other dwarf cow breeds, this breed can please you with fairly good performance. The most important thing is that you can get benefits from it not only in the form of milk, but also meat.

The fact is that the weight of adult Angus cows can reach 250-350 kilograms (the weight of bulls is usually greater than the weight of cows).

Due to such impressive size, the amount of milk produced also increases significantly, in some individuals reaching 10 liters in one day.

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21 once already

A new trend in cattle breeding - breeding dwarf varieties of cattle - is gaining more and more popularity every day. The world first heard about mini-cows back in the 20s of the last century, but mass interest in them has arisen only now.

According to IMCBSR (International Society of Cattle Breeds Registration) standards, a cow is considered miniature if at 3 years of age its height at the withers does not exceed 105 cm. If this parameter is in the range of 105-120 cm, then the animal is classified as “medium size” . An exception is the humpback Zebu, whose height is determined from a point behind the hump.

Benefits of mini cows

The radical difference between mini-cows and dwarf varieties of other farm animals is the preservation of productivity. Cows of dwarf breeds provide a minimum daily milk yield of up to 3 liters of milk, and their meat is in demand in cooking. Dietary beef of excellent quality is highly valued by gourmets. Today it is included in the menu of only the most expensive restaurants in the world.

The rules for keeping a mini-cow are no different from standard-sized cows. But it requires significantly less food and personal space. A minimum area of ​​pasture is sufficient for her, for which a piece of lawn on a personal plot of land can be allocated. With its light weight and tiny hooves, the mini-cow causes little to no damage to your lawn.

Caring for dwarf cow breeds is significantly simplified. Firstly, their ease of use is ensured by their moderate size. Secondly, such cows are, in principle, less demanding. Their small size makes mini-cows more pliable, manageable, and less aggressive.

Mini cows of various breeds are characterized by low early mortality rates. Under favorable conditions for keeping animals, this indicator tends to zero. Their overall incidence rate is also minimal. Innate resistance to the most common diseases of cattle and strong immunity to other viral infections significantly increases their level of viability.

Thanks to the above advantages, dwarf cows are loved by many residents of Western Europe, England, America, etc. They are quite an attractive option for small farmers.

Origin of mini cows

Are dwarf cow breeds descendants of regular cows? Yes and no. Thus, mini-cows of the Lowline Angus, Hereford and Jersey breeds have analogues of standard sizes. But most miniature breeds are the result of breeding between conventional breeds and the oldest representatives of tiny species (for example, Dexter). The achievements of geneticists have become mini-breeds: Longhorn, Miniature Highland, etc.

At the origins of the development of the mini-cattle breeding industry at the beginning of the twentieth century. Few people imagined the scale of demand for such animals a century later. Initially, the discovery attracted the general public, but soon interest in them faded due to their insignificant productivity. In the 60s, a government program was launched to cross various types of cows with local individuals in order to develop a breed with increased milk yield. Against this background, the relevance of mini-cows has come to naught. In the 80s they were on the brink of extinction.

The situation was saved by a project organized in India in 1989 aimed at reviving the species of dwarf cows. To begin with, a herd of one bull and seven cows was collected. Later it included another 24 cows. Thanks to improved embryo transfer technology, geneticists have been able to produce a sufficient number of progenes with excellent hereditary characteristics. This was a real breakthrough in this scientific field and served as an incentive for further research on the breeding of various breeds of mini-cows.

Mini cow breeds

According to the latest data, 30 breeds of mini-cows are registered in the world. The laurels of primacy among breeding states belong to India. And this is not surprising, because here this animal is considered sacred and is given special attention. There are 26 varieties of mini-cows. They all have a common ancestor - the Zebu cattle.

Mini cows Vechur

The latest addition to the list of dwarf cows is the Vechur breed. She is originally from the Indian state of Kerala. Today this breed is recognized as the smallest variety of cattle in the whole world. Before this, the Mexican dwarf cow, not exceeding 1 m in height, was considered such.

The Indian mini-cow Vechur is characterized by a maximum height of 90 cm. On average, such a miniature animal is capable of producing about 3 liters of milk per day, despite the fact that its own weight barely exceeds 100 kg. This is a record milk-to-weight ratio.

The dwarf breed of cows owes its name to the place where it was bred. Its characteristic features are: low food consumption, innate increased immunity, gentle disposition, excellent adaptation to various climatic conditions, etc.

A qualitative analysis of the milk of Vechur mini-cows revealed a percentage of fat and dry residues identical to the hybrid breeds of cows. The size of the fat droplets in their milk is 3.2 microns, which is close to that of goat milk - 2.6 microns. Such a small size means an increased content of phospholipids in milk, which stimulate the digestibility of fats, the performance of nerve cells, mental activity, etc. Due to its healing properties, Vechur milk is used for the preparation of Ayurveda.

Mini Highland cows

The most productive meat breed of mini-cows is considered to be Highland. This variety was developed in Scotland. In 1885 it was entered into the world cattle register. In those days, it was known among the local population as kyloes.

The characteristic external features of the Highland breed are: long horns, shaggy coat of black, red, yellowish or gray-brown color.

The advantages of Highland mini cows include:

There is no need to arrange a barn (it is quite enough to limit yourself to a canopy from the wind and sun);
- increased immunity (they are practically not susceptible to diseases);
- minimal food consumption (they eat less sheep);
- productive age lasts up to 25 years;
- high-quality dietary meat;
- thanks to their powerful horns, they are able to repel the attacks of any predators;
- calm, flexible character.

Highland mini-cows were bred on the western islands of Scotland and subsequently exported to various countries around the world, and mostly to Australia and North America. Initially, this breed had two color options: black and red. Over time, other types were developed.

The dwarf Highland cow breed is considered the hardiest. The conditions of its natural habitat are the harsh climate of the Scottish Highlands: cold, gusty winds, and large amounts of rainfall. Their long-haired, thick coat helps the animals survive successfully in such adversity. Indiscriminate eating saves them from starvation in mountainous areas with little vegetation.

Thanks to such reliable protection from the cold and the skill of finding food, the Highlands have successfully acclimatized in countries with more severe winters (Canada, Central Europe, etc.), not to mention areas with a temperate climate. These qualities allow them to settle and reproduce in conditions that are unbearable for other types of cattle.

Breeding Highland mini-cows becomes profitable even in areas unfavorable for cattle breeding. With insignificant costs for maintaining this breed, compared with standard types of cows, it is possible to obtain high-quality beef at a minimum cost. This is becoming a profitable business even for small farmers, and even more so for large agricultural enterprises. Their external decorativeness and flexibility are of additional interest.

Palsho mini cows

Another breed of dwarf cows was bred by the Swedish breeder B. Sworn. It was registered in 2002 under the name Palsho (after the area where it grazed). In terms of size, it competes with the Indian Vechur breed for the title of smallest cow.

Palsho easily gets to hard-to-reach places, quickly devouring vegetation. For this, she was jokingly nicknamed the “living lawnmower.”

Angus mini cows

Miniature Angus cows are also among the dwarf cow breeds. Unlike the above representatives, they have relatives of standard size.

Angus cows were bred back in the 19th century. in the vicinity of the counties of Anguss and Arbedin (north-east Scotland). The goal of selection was to obtain a meat breed with a rapid increase in weight.

The color of this breed is predominantly black. Representatives of the red color are much less common. The physique of these cows fully corresponds to the characteristics characteristic of the meat type: the rounded body is supported by short legs, due to the retracted neck, the head seems to merge with the body, well-developed muscles are clearly visible.

The live weight of a six-month-old calf is about 400 kg, and that of an adult is 750 kg or more. The height of the animal at the withers can exceed 150 cm. The proportion of bones in the carcass does not exceed 16%. Their meat is marbled beef (with thin layers of fat) of excellent quality.

In the 20th century Based on the Angus breed, geneticists managed to create a smaller copy. Angus mini-cows have inherited all the basic qualities from their ancestors. Outwardly they are completely identical, but in weight they differ significantly. Thus, the mass of representatives of the dwarf variety does not exceed 250 kg, and their height is no more than 1 m.

Aboriginal breeds

Some indigenous breeds of cattle, the parameters of which differ slightly from the standards, can also be classified as mini-cows.

Yakut cows

This type of cow is bred en masse in the Sakha Republic. It is characterized by its relatively small size, as well as increased resistance to harsh climatic conditions. Unlike representatives of the European branch of dwarf breeds, the Yakut cow comes from a humpbacked zebu.

Over the 7th centuries of Yakut colonization of the northeastern parts of Asia, the range of the Yakut breed expanded significantly in the northeastern and northern directions, reaching the basins of the Kolyma, Indigirka and Yana rivers.

Initially, this breed was the main one in Yakut meat and dairy farming. In the 30s of the twentieth century. In order to increase productivity, a program of mass assimilation of the Simmental and Kholmogory breeds was launched. As a result, today purebred representatives of the Yakut breed have been preserved only in the Eveno-Bytantaysky ulus and in the nursery of the Research Institute of Agriculture in Novosibirsk, as well as in some individual farms.

Today, the main livestock breeding centers for breeding cows of the Yakut breed are concentrated in the Central Yakut and Vilyui lowlands. This area is surrounded by a dense cover of herbs and numerous lakes. Despite such favorable conditions, the breed retains a high genetic predisposition to survival.

Krasnogorbatovsky cows

With a big stretch, the Krasnogorbatovskaya breed of cows can be classified as a reduced variety of cattle. This breed is half the size of ordinary representatives - its weight is within 350 kg. Requires minimal maintenance, unpretentious, hardy.

The Krasnogobatovskaya breed of cows was bred at the beginning of the 19th century. in the Nizhny Novgorod region. by crossing the local Priokskaya breed with imported representatives of the Tyrolean. The resulting individuals inherited a genetic predisposition to good milk yield and increased immunity (in particular, to leukemia).

The breed is characterized by high productivity. In large farms, it can produce up to 6,000 kg of milk per year. The percentage of fat in milk ranges around 4.3%. It contains an increased content of proteins and amino acids.

At the moment, there are only one and a half thousand heads of the Krasnogorbatov breed left in Russia, most of which are kept in Pavlovsk cowsheds. In order to preserve the breed from extinction, the remaining representatives need increased attention from livestock specialists.

Prospects for the livestock industry

Over the past decade, dwarf cow varieties have attracted increased interest. An increasing number of farms are being organized to maintain them in Europe, India, the USA, Australia, etc.

The profitability of breeding mini-cows ensures an increased demand for high-quality meat and dairy products combined with minimal maintenance costs.

The market price of mini-cow meat is 25% higher than the price of regular beef. According to the Organic Products Association (an international association of producers of organic products), the annual increase in demand for these products is about 20%.

The current cost of mini-breed calves in India is $100. At the same time, in the USA the price of individual representatives of the Angus dwarf breed can reach $15,000. American pricing policy makes raising mini-cows for meat unprofitable. Local farms keep them for dairy products. In total, there are about 1,000 mini-cows in the United States.

The founder of the International Community of Dwarf Cattle Breeders A. Gredvol predicts an expansion of the mini-cow market by 10-15%. Theoretically, in the future, such cows could become economically profitable for the large meat industry: saving space and finances for maintenance with increased productivity. In addition, due to their miniature size, these animals cause minimal damage to the environment.

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Domestic cows have remained the most popular animal for many centuries. In addition to tasty meat, they also produce high-quality milk, products from which serve as the main source of animal proteins and the most popular food around the world.

There are several hundred different breeds around the world, among which mini cows occupy a special place.

Determination of cattle breeds

Description of all cattle breeds are classified according to several criteria:

  1. Craniological. The structure of the skull is taken as the basis. The following are distinguished: narrow-browed, big-browed, short-horned, straight-horned, polled.
  2. Geographical. There are lowland, mountain, and steppe cows.
  3. Household. Specialization: dairy, beef and meat and dairy cows.

Recently, another characteristic based on the height of the animal has been increasingly used:

  • if by the age of 3 the cow does not grow higher than 1.05 m, then it is usually classified as dwarf or mini;
  • with a height of 1.05-1.2 breeds are classified as medium-height;
  • above 1.2 tall breeds.

Historical reference

The history of dwarf breeds goes back a little over 100 years. They first appeared in India. Following the Indian ones, Australian breeders became interested in these animals. The dwarf Dahomi cows, named after their territory in Australia, promise to become the ancestors of many breeds.

Recently, American and English scientists have been paying more and more attention to them.
The weight of such an animal does not exceed 340 kg, which is very small for cattle, given the standard sizes of 500-550 kg. Often the weight of mini cows barely exceeds 100 kg. At the same time, they fully retain their productive qualities.

Of course, milk yield does not meet the standards of conventional breeds, but 0.9-1.1 tons per year is also not small. But feed consumption is significantly less than that of ordinary animals, and much less space is required on the farm. Caring for them is greatly simplified. As tall as a large dog, these animals can become a decoration for any yard.

Features of mini cow milk

Despite their small milk yield, dwarf dairy cows produce a very high-quality product. The large amount of phospholipid substances makes it very useful. This is especially appreciated in India and China. The fact is that it helps improve brain function and stabilize the nervous system.

According to experts, the taste quality of this milk has the highest rating. In many countries it is included in the healthy diet. This milk is often recommended for people with gastrointestinal diseases to restore the cardiovascular system; it is very useful for those suffering from obesity.

The best breeds of mini cows

For now, dwarf cows remain rare animals and the diversity of their breeds is not very large. But specialists from different countries continue to work and it’s worth waiting for new amazing pets. As a business idea, it’s worth taking a closer look at these animals.

The most famous breeds of mini cows remain, which we will consider.

Dwarf zebu. Native to the islands of Sri Lanka, these animals barely reach a height of 91 cm, with an average weight of 80 kg. The light milky beauty is covered with long hair. But it doesn’t provide much protection from the cold; it mainly serves as protection against insects. In its native conditions, the mini zebu cow gets its own food almost all the time. Possessing a calm disposition, it adapts well to both walking and stall keeping. Dwarf zebu cows produce a daily milk yield of approximately 3 liters. In Russia, unfortunately, it is difficult to find these wonderful animals, but our neighbors in Ukraine have good producers of young animals. One of these nurseries is Animal Planet, located near Kiev.

Dwarf Zebu

Highland cows. The Scottish mini cow is well adapted to life in the mountains. Thick wool saves her from constant cold winds and large amounts of precipitation. Therefore, it feels good in northern latitudes. Found in Canada and also in Russia. It needs little food for its growth and is quite happy with the meager high-mountain pastures. The breed belongs to the meat category. But these calm and hardy animals are bred more often for exoticism than for meat.


Dwarf Ayrshire breeds. Breeders from a number of countries are working to create dwarfs based on this world-famous breed. And most likely in the near future we will see magnificent specimens of a hardy, unpretentious baby, well adapted to northern meadows and producing tasty milk.


Mini cow jersey. Born on the English island of Jersey, he has every reason to move into the category of dwarfs. Cows of the main genetic line do not exceed 120 cm in height and weight remains within 350 kg. There is little time left for a stable line of short dwarfs to appear.


Mini cow evening. But these dairy animals are truly record holders. The dwarf Indian cow reaches only 75 cm in height and weighs 70 kg, but produces 4 liters of milk per day. The vechur dwarf cow is truly a mini dairy cow. She produces the most milk per unit of her own weight. Its products are considered the most useful and are prescribed for many diseases. At the same time, she is in very good health. Mortality at an early age does not exceed 1%.


Angus cows for dwarfs we can say tall animals. They are usually about a meter tall. They are usually bred for their meat. These short, polled cows are far superior in meat production to those of large animals. To gain weight of 300 kg, they only need 2 hectares of pasture for 10 cows. For ordinary breeds, this area cannot support even two individuals. The characteristics are simply amazing. In addition, the peculiarity of the breed is that they practically do not harm the environment. The meadows on which these animals grazed look like a mowed lawn, all the bushes and trees remain untouched, the turf is not damaged. In addition, with good maintenance, they produce up to 10 liters of milk per day.


Mini cow dexter another representative of the dairy breed. Productivity is 10-12 liters per day. In addition, it has good meat yield. Farmers appreciated these animals. Thanks to this, the breed has become widespread and its maintenance does not cause problems.


Cuban dwarf cows from the province of Pinar del Rio, Raul Hernandez has been successfully bred by local farmers for many years. "Burenka" with a height of 89 cm produces 6-8 liters of milk per day. Considering that in the local climate you can practically not worry about their nutrition, this is quite enough for one family.


Mini cow from Yakutia has been known for many centuries. Well adapted to survive in harsh northern conditions, it is raised for milk. An indispensable product in the Far North. And it doesn’t even matter how much milk these cows give. More importantly, the Yakut mini cow tolerates harsh northern winters well. Over 8 centuries of development of the northern territories, it spread over a vast territory from West to East. The genetics of the Yakut breed are very different from European breeds. Unfortunately, during the years of Soviet industrialization and transformations of nature, not many representatives of the pure line have survived. Among the well-known are the nursery of the Research Institute of Agriculture in Novosibirsk and the farms of the Eveno-Bytantaysky ulus.


Conditions for keeping and feeding dwarf cows

Low-growing cows, as a rule, have good health and are very unpretentious in food. In the southern climate, miniature animals practically do not need additional feed; they get everything they need in natural meadows. Therefore, keeping them is much more economically profitable than raising a herd of large animals.

Farm for mini cows

In the Russian climate, it is difficult to keep animals without special premises. Naturally, such a mini-farm will be much simpler than a cattle barn. It can rather be compared to a goat farm. For a small herd, it is quite possible to build a mini farm for cows with your own hands. However, a detailed description of the construction of such a farm is beyond the format of this article.

The photos that appeared on the Internet confused discouraged users for a long time: was this true or just another joke from the restless genius of Photoshop? From the bright images looked at ordinary cows, differing from their fellow tribesmen in only one sign. They were several times smaller than the animals familiar to our eyes. This is how the general public became aware that there are mini cows that are so beloved by professional livestock breeders from all over the world.

General characteristics and types of mini cows

These cows come from India. Regardless of the specific breed of each individual, its height at the withers almost never exceeds 0.9 m.

This subspecies still owes its birth to humans, since breeding was carried out during long and complex genetic experiments conducted by the University of Agriculture, which is located in the Indian state of Kerala.

The first dwarf cows are short cows of reddish hues, differing from ordinary cows in their modest size, but have not lost their ability to produce healthy and nutritious milk in an amount of 2 to 5 liters daily.

Geneticists have considered that this subspecies of cattle is quite profitable, and all thanks to the fact that they:

Such a discovery simply could not fail to interest both figures in the meat and dairy industry and ordinary people. But besides professionals, the dwarf breed of cows also aroused extraordinary interest among other segments of the population.

Owners of farms, private farms and natural production began to literally compete for primacy in breeding this type of animal.

Due to the fact that such cows do not require particularly spacious premises for their maintenance, everyone could breed them, including simply lovers of natural and environmentally friendly products. Tiny cows are often kept by farmers as an unusual but sweet pet.

It is worth noting that never before has fashion for an animal been so useful for its owner. In addition to walks, games in the fresh air and simply spiritual satisfaction from communication, there will always be a jug of warm fresh milk on the table of every owner of such a living miracle.

The inhabitants of Foggy Albion have become so fond of their little pets that today thousands of families across the country are engaged in keeping and breeding such cows, organizing entire exhibitions and forming amateur and professional communities.

The constantly growing demand for calves of such breeds is also explained by the fact that many families seem to live on their own plots and properties, but try to move as close to the city as possible. On compact garden plots there is often simply no space left to comfortably accommodate a large number of cattle or other livestock.

The championship in breeding miniature breeds belongs to R. Gredwall, who claims that this type of animal is simply a godsend for lovers of natural farming in a limited area.

The professor himself is the owner of a famous old ranch, specializing in breeding dwarf wards and studying them within the walls of a research center opened here. The center is also engaged in the sale of calves to all lovers of the new breed.

According to Mr. Gredwall himself, about 80% of all young animals are sold into private hands, like ordinary pets, for example, a cat or a dog. The rest is the sale of young animals to various farms and private meat farms, the direction of which is the production of natural and high-quality products.

Today there are about 26 species of small cows in the world. More and more often, calves are purchased as a common pet. There are only a few types of cows that have gained not just popularity, but real world fame.

Amazing Highlands

Highland is an ancient breed of cows, known to man nine hundred years ago. As the name implies, such animals appeared somewhere in the highlands, namely the high plains. And indeed it is.

The homeland of this type of cattle is rainy and cloudy Scotland. It was the weather conditions that prompted local breeders and breeders to develop a completely new type of cow, characterized by increased resistance to all temperature changes, weather vagaries and frequent cold snaps. Their experiments and research were ultimately successful.

The resulting species of animals was characterized not only by excellent immunity, but also by its versatility. Pursuing their goals, local scientists did not make the discovery public; thus, their discovery became known to the world community only at the beginning of the twentieth century. But the work of Scottish scientists was appreciated by absolutely everyone who saw the result of their efforts and painstaking work.

The Highland mini cow is an animal ideally adapted to a frosty and at the same time damp climate. They are not at all afraid of strong gusty winds and frequent precipitation. The presence of thick fur covering almost the entire body of the animal not only prevents it from freezing, but also gives it a special appearance against the background of its usual fellow tribesmen.

The color of such fluffy cows can be varied: from bright red shades to classic black. Moreover, it is the fiery red shades of the coat that indicate that the individual has Scottish roots and purebred origin. But, nevertheless, you can find Highlands with brown, beige and grayish hair.

In addition to their unusual exterior, such cows are distinguished by their unpretentiousness. They are absolutely not picky about food and feed, and also do not need regular feeding or vitamin mixtures. Their favorite delicacy is any vegetation and all types of herbs. They are able to graze for hours in fields where only young, not fully mature shoots sprout.

That is why this breed is so popular in the regions of the Far North, sometimes populating some territories of the Arctic Circle. When getting Highlands, the owner should not worry about building a spacious barn; there is often simply no need for it. Animals can safely settle under a small canopy, usually spending only night time there.

It is not at all surprising that the Vechur breed got its name from the place where it was bred. Like other representatives of dwarf species of cows, vechurs are distinguished by:

Having experienced the threat of complete extinction, such animals were literally reborn. The fact is that the Indian government program, launched in 1960, aimed at maximizing milk yield. To do this, absolutely all varieties of cows were crossed without preserving a pure specific subspecies.

Over time, the situation has changed. In parallel with the protest against deforestation and the preservation of rare species of fauna, miniature cows were included in the list of animals that came under state protection and were planned for a speedy revival.

As it turned out at the beginning of the program, the species has practically disappeared. To search for rare individuals, a special research group was organized to identify and collect the subspecies throughout the Indian states.

The efforts of the volunteers turned out to be quite successful. About 8 heads of livestock were found: 7 cows and 1 bull, which made it possible to revive the breed again, based on experiments in laboratory embryo transfer. The resulting new generation not only did not lose its external characteristics, but also had excellent heredity characteristics:

  • absence of early mortality;
  • resistance to diseases of the udder and hooves;
  • low incidence of morbidity due to respiratory infections.

A study of the composition of the milk of these cows showed that the fat droplets of the drink are 3.21 microns. For comparison, the size of fat droplets in goat milk is about 2.60 microns.

Yakut miniature cows

As experienced livestock breeders in the Northern regions say: “If you get a Yakut cow, your life will become 10 times easier!” The Yakut breed of cattle is different:

But its main advantage and advantage is its thick, dense, long coat. They, like their brothers, have the ability to reproduce milk. The volume of milk yield is on average 1.5 liters per lactation. By the way, Yakut milk is distinguished by both a high fat content (from 4.5 to 11%) and an abundance of vitamins, microelements and protein. It is also permissible to grow it for the purpose of meat production.

Particularly noteworthy is the fact that the minis of the nature of Yakutia are the only owners of marbled meat.

The advantages of the breed also include:

Since they are active and love to be on the move, indoor spaces are not necessary for them. Thanks to their long coat, they are not afraid of low temperatures and abundant rainfall, which, of course, will result in significant savings for breeders on electricity, the maintenance of buildings and the preparation of multi-ton feed supplies during the season.

Breeding dwarf cows can become not only an exotic hobby, but also an excellent business project that will make you a leader in a niche that is practically not occupied by competitors!

One dwarf cow produces 3-8 liters of milk per day (depending on the breed), which is quite enough to meet the needs of the family. And the pasture area for adequate nutrition of dwarf cows is required many times less than for raising conventional breeds. The fact is that keeping a large cow for your own needs is not justified today. Yes, an ordinary cow can produce up to 20 liters of milk per day, but she has a lot of trouble! But mini cow milk tastes better and lasts for a very long time without refrigeration. In the heat of +35, fresh milk from a mini cow is easily preserved throughout the day. This indicates its beneficial properties.

As a result, there are many advantages that simply oblige you to immediately set about creating a successful business selling mini-cows, which can become profitable in just a couple of years!

How much milk does a mini cow give?

The most popular types of dwarf breeds:

PhotoNameDescriptionMilk per dayHeightWeight
Dwarf Zebu cowComes from Sri Lanka, where this species is considered sacred. The breed is distinguished by its endurance and unpretentiousness in food.3l.90cm.80kg.
Mini cow VechurThe smallest breed of cow in the world, which produces the most milk relative to its weight. Early life mortality rate is less than 1%. The milk of the Vechur breed is considered the healthiest cow's milk. It is prescribed to treat many diseases.4l.75cm.70kg.
Yakut mini cowDistributed in the Sakha Republic, it has common related roots with Zebu. Tolerates severe frosts well. Milk has a high fat content of 6-9%.5l.100cm.250kg
Jersey breedDairy breed of mini cows. Bred on the English island of Jersey. The ratio of feed consumption per 1 liter of milk = 0.8 feed units!8l.-12l.120cm.350kg.
Stuffed cow from IowaThe most expensive and most beautiful breed of medium-sized cows. Country of origin USA, Iowa. The breed is bred solely for aesthetics and participation in farm shows or competitions. Its cost starts from $5,000 and can reach several tens of thousands of dollars.- 135cm.550kg.

All breeds of mini cows have similar advantages over regular ones:

  • milk and meat with high taste quality;
  • acceptable appetite;
  • have excellent immunity and are resistant to many diseases of ordinary cows;
  • reproduce well;
  • unpretentious in content;
  • pliable, easily controlled and less aggressive.

More interesting fact! Do you know that Zebu hump is considered a delicacy that can only be ordered in elite restaurants.

Strategies for implementing a business idea

There are two strategies for achieving profit:

  1. Immediately sell the born mini-cows (a priority option in the first year of doing business).
  2. Keep born females to increase the population capable of bearing offspring in the future.

In any case, the income portion will only grow from year to year, and the business will develop and strengthen. And livestock specialists in unison declare that the passion for mini-cows among our population is not a short-term fashion, but a long-term perspective. So why not ride this wave while regularly making a profit!

Of course, you will need to build a mini barn and acquire a mini milking machine. These breeds are very attractive both for mini-farms and for personal keeping.

Cows are attractive to modern rural populations

But they are not only extremely exotic in nature, but also very friendly. This dwarf pet will undoubtedly become your good friend, with whom it will be interesting to spend your free time. Dwarf cows can be trained, they are very smart, recognize their owners well, and have a fairly flexible and kind character. And most importantly, they are very economical to maintain. The combination of these characteristics makes mini-cows virtually the ideal pet!

Modern agriculture is focused on production efficiency relative to labor and financial costs. After all, every year an ordinary cow requires more and more effort and money to maintain it. And the company buys milk at 2 times cheaper than what it sells in stores. It is cheaper and more rational for an ordinary villager to keep a small cow for himself, which will provide his family with milk without hassle.