How to open a metacom intercom door without a key. Intercom engineering codes - intercom hacking! How to open the Metacom intercom without a key: codes for reprogramming

Intercoms and video intercoms Metakom are products of domestic production. This equipment is distinguished by its practicality and reliability in operation. The device is designed specifically for apartment buildings: it is multi-subscriber and is able to combine up to 999 subscribers into a system. To open the front door, intercom keys Touch Memory and Touch Cyfral are used. Sometimes they can be lost or broken, and in such cases the question arises of how to open the Metakom intercom without a key by recognizing three secret digits from a list of predefined codes.

The intercom consists of processor and digital parts. The processor part of the mechanism contains a power supply. The device's numeric keypad (with or without a screen) does not have mechanical switches. This avoids many equipment malfunctions. Security systems can be opened not only by means of identifiers, but also by means of special codes. The question of how is quite relevant for those who have forgotten or lost the key. From the video below you will learn about programming the master key:

Using special codes to gain access to the premises

To open the Metacom intercom, it is more expedient to use a key designed for this purpose. In life, there are various situations when the necessary identifier is not at hand.

It is possible to select digital combinations for access only in exceptional situations: in no case should such information be used for personal gain.

How can I find out the code for keyless entry? As a rule, all codes are programmed during the manufacture of the mechanism and throughout the entire period of operation they do not change. An exception is the case of changing the programmed password during installation work and. But if the passwords still did not change, then you can try the following steps step by step:

  1. On the calling panel, press the call key;
  2. Enter the serial number of the first apartment in the entrance;
  3. Press the Call button;
  4. After the appearance of the inscription Cod, enter the password 5702.

Depending on the functional features of a particular model, it may be different. In this case, you can try the following combination: enter the code 65535 on the call panel, press the “call” button, then dial 1234, then the “call” key and the number 8. Also in practice, this dialing option may occur: 1234, the Call button, number 6, call key, digital combination 4568.

If the indicated digital combinations did not work and the door did not open, then you can try to apply another code from the intercom:

  • On the panel, press call, then enter a combination of numbers 2 and 7;
  • Then the call is pressed again and the code 5702 is entered.

There are situations when a new identifier was made, but it does not open the door, because it is not programmed in the intercom device. For its programming, it is not necessary to resort to the help of specialists, because you can configure it yourself. To do this, press “call”, number 1, “call”, digital combination 4526 on the call panel. Then a new identifier is brought to the reader, and it is automatically entered into the system memory.

Programming the device to work in encoding mode

To open the front door, sometimes it is not enough to perform the above actions. The reason for this may be a change in the programmed password, and features of the equipment model range, and incorrect performance of any action. Most often, the error occurs due to the functional features of the installed equipment. For some models of intercoms, entering a new key into the memory of the mechanism may occur differently. For example, you can apply the following scheme: on the call panel, dial the numbers 65535, call, 1234, call, number of the desired apartment, call, number 7. The introduction of this combination allows you to save the apartment number in the memory of the mechanism.

To delete all, the following algorithm of actions is used: enter the password 65535, call, 1234, call twice, the number of the required apartment, call, 70111. For some models, the cipher from the Metakom intercom to record a new key may look like this: 65535, Call, 1234, Call, 9-9. If you enter the combination 990111 instead of the pin code 9-9, then the saved key will be deleted.

Photo of a calling panel without a display It is generally accepted that the settings catalog in Metacom intercoms is divided into 3 separate branches: service, system and user. In this case, each will perform certain functions, and with their help you can only change specific settings. To open the system menu, the digital combination 65535, call, 1234, call and number 9 is dialed. To gain access to the service menu, you need to perform the same steps: repeat the previous combination, except for entering the number 9. To display the user menu, enter the code 65535 on the digital panel , press the Call button, 1234, then the call button twice.

To exit the program mode, press and hold the door release button.

Special codes for keyless access in practice are called master codes. All of the above combinations, as a rule, are working. But it is worth paying attention that during installation, specialists often change them to ensure security and the impossibility of access to the entrance without using a key. If the use of codes did not lead to the opening of the intercom, then you can use other methods. For example, call any apartment and introduce yourself as a social worker or wait for someone from the residents of the entrance to leave.

What to do if you still do not understand how to find out a special cipher for access, and all of the above combinations do not work? Another effective way is to purchase a universal key. In appearance, it is identical to the keys that complete the equipment, but it allows you to open several types of intercoms within the same model range at the same time. Perhaps the acquisition of a universal master key is a more acceptable way than opening doors by selecting special codes.

On the video - changing the master code of Metakom intercoms:

Entrances are trying to protect from outside penetration. This was done not only to preserve the finish of the stairwells, but also to prevent free access to the apartments. Sometimes residents of the entrance cannot find their magnetic key, and familiar neighbors are not at home to contact them. In such situations, a certain set of buttons will come in handy as a “master key”.

Protecting the modern home

Firms producing intercoms provided in their creations the possibility of using a digital code that plays the role of a “magic key”.

Note! Use a "digital master key" if necessary, since the introduction of an electronic key for other purposes is punishable by law.

Different equipment has combinations, there is no common code. Let's analyze the popular brands of a protective public access lock:

  • Vizit (Visit);
  • Metacom (Metakom);
  • Cyfral (Digital);
  • Forward (Forward);
  • Eltis (Eltis);
  • Factorial (Factorial);
  • Marshal (Marshal);
  • Lascomex (Lascomex).

And do not forget that there is always the opportunity to call neighbors who know you, asking them to help in this situation, so as not to remember or write down the code. You can not use master keys, as they will disable the entire mechanism.

Important! After entering the "universal master key", for some time the electronic entrance lock will no longer function correctly.

How to open a Vizit intercom (Visit) without a key

Vizit (Visit) produces a variety of modifications of equipment designed for many and few apartments. The former are used for 200 apartments, the latter for private ownership, for example, mansions or summer cottages.

All models come with regular firmware, so before changing the code, it opens with a common set of numbers. There are several opening methods:

  • *#423;
  • 12#345;
  • 67#890;
  • *#4230.

If there are no “*” and “#” buttons on the equipment, dial “C” and “K”.

In addition to dialing numbers, it makes sense to use the features of the equipment menu by dialing #999. When you hear two intermittent signals, enter 1234, if it does not pass, then try to dial: 0000, 9999, 3535, 12345 or 6767. The correct entry will confirm the opening of the "high-rise building".

And the last way:

  • Cash in on "2" and expect a little.
  • Then, on "#" and also wait a bit.
  • Enter "3535" and the entrance will open.

To exit the equipment menu, press "*".

Please note that models where there is no screen or LEDs are more difficult to open. A special key is required. Or hold down "1", then try the code. Such a "miracle of getting" into the entrance does not always happen.

How to open a Vizit intercom (video)

How to open a Metacom intercom (Metakom) without a key

Metacom (Metakom) produces digital modifications, where there is a panel and a processor, with a built-in power supply. One device can store up to 508 IDs. In addition to opening with an individual key, there are also "universal digital master keys".

First opening option:

  • press "B";
  • enter the number of the first square. at the entrance (usually the numbering is above the door leaf);
  • again "B", "code" will appear;
  • dial the digital key 5702.

If these actions did not give the desired result, here are a few more options:

  • 65535V 1234V 8.
  • 1234V 6V 4568.
  • V 27 V 5702 (for model MK-20 M/T).
  • В 1 В 4526 enter an empty identifier for the reader into the equipment memory.

The video below shows the options on how to get to the entrance.

How to open the intercom Cyfral (Cifral) without a key

There is no single keyless opening system for Cyfral devices.

There are not so many ways:

  • Where there are apartments with a number of 100 (200, 300, and so on), the code is applicable: B - square number ending in 00 - B - 2323, 7272 or 7273.
  • If there is an “M” marking, then dial the following: B - 41 - B - 1410. There are models where it is enough to enter 07054.
  • With the designation "CCD" - 2094.1M, try B - 0000. If after the combination the door did not open, but the inscription "ON" appeared, press "2". When the inscription “OFF” appears, it makes no sense to enter standard codes, since they were replaced by installers.
  • With the designation CCD - 2094M, you need to dial 0000 - B. Then, the inscription "cod" will appear, where you need to click on the numbers 123456 - B or 456999 - B. You can apply another option: 123400 - B, after the appearance of "F0" add 601.

Here is a video of the opening of the 2094.

How to open the intercom Forward (Forward) without a key

Electronic locks from Forward (Forward) can often be found in our homes, so common codes can come in handy. Here are some sequences:

  • K - 557798 - K (K is the key, it can be in the form of an image);
  • 2427101;
  • 123*2427101;
  • K - 1234.

Use the menu and add a key. Press sequentially on 77395201 * 0 *, apply the key that is, and twice on "#".

Here is a video on the topic:

How to open the intercom Eltis (Eltis) without a key

For Eltis devices (Eltis) there are simple combinations of numbers and buttons:

  • B - 100 - B - 7273;
  • B - 100 - B - 2323.

For some modifications, the Cyfral intercom codes (Cifral) given above are applicable.

Here is a list of opening options in the video:

How to open the intercom Factorial (Factorial) without a key: codes for opening

There are few digit sequence options for Factorial equipment. Try typing 000000 or in ascending order from one to six. There are situations that the opening is not feasible, since it is required to change the cipher.

You can dial 5, you will see “180180” on the screen, click on the call - 4 - call.

Below is a video tutorial:

How to open the intercom Marshal (Marshal) without a key

Quite popular in Russia is the Marshal brand (Marshal), designed for a large number of premises.

There are simple combinations, but the "wonderful" penetration into the entrance does not happen every time. First enter the number of the last square. at the entrance + 1. For example, the last 60, then dial 61. Then two options: K - 5555 or K - 1958.

How to open the intercom Lascomex (Lascomex) without a key

The last company on the list is Lascomex (Lascomex). These devices are not uncommon on the door panels of high-rise buildings in Russia. The equipment has a unique feature - a four-digit code is set during installation. Write it down and enter: B - No. kV. - figures for the entrance.

Second option:

  • Alternately press the "0" and K buttons four times in a row.
  • Click on 6 four times.
  • "P" will appear, enter 8.
  • After 60 seconds you will be able to enter.

In order not to constantly enter numbers, remember the codes, reissue the standard magnetic "opener" for the entrance door.


Intercoms are installed on almost all entrances, so everyone faced the situation of the absence of a magnetic key. Try to call familiar neighbors first so that they open the door.

If no one is at home, enter the special code corresponding to the model and manufacturer of the equipment. Sometimes it may not work, then you have to wait until someone else opens the front door.

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Let's say you work as a courier, you forgot your keys, you want to surprise your loved one, and so on. How to quickly get into the entrance if you do not have the keys to it?

Of course, you can simply dial the number of any apartment on the intercom and ask to let you in. But if that doesn't help, access codes and master keys come into play.

We will tell about them today.

First know what awaits you according to the law

This article is for informational purposes only. You use all the information below at your own risk.

Important: if you enter someone else's entrance, then this will not be considered illegal entry into the home. But if you damage the intercom or the door, then this is already a burglary, damage to property and liability under the Code of Administrative Offenses and the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Do not try to open the door by applying a stun gun to the intercom key reader! Some intercoms are protected from this, but most of the models fail when hit by a shocker.

Also have Art. 36 LCD RF. She says that the owners of apartments own the common property of the house, for example, entrances, elevators, basements, on the basis of common shared ownership.

So, the owner of any apartment has the right not to let into the doorway of a stranger. And he may ask you for documents that certify your right to be in the entrance.

If you just entered the entrance, it is unlikely that it will come to court and fines, but they can raise noise. If the tenants prove that you entered the code from the intercom for selfish purposes, then this is a reason to go to court.

And one moment. If you have an intercom in the entrance, but you do not want to pay for installation, maintenance and keys, you have every right. Contact the intercom company and present the registration. They are not required to give you a key, but they must give you an access code that will allow you to open the door and enter the entrance.

What kind of locks are in intercom doors?

Appearance of the electromechanical lock

Entryways with intercoms usually have either electromagnetic or electromechanical locks.

An electromagnetic lock is a coil of steel core cable that is usually installed in a door frame. When voltage is applied to the coil, it attracts a polished metal plate fixed to the door leaf.

Typically, an electromagnetic lock is powered by a DC source. The higher the power of the lock, the more difficult it is to tear the door leaf from the box.

But if the electromagnetic lock is old or cheap, you can try to forcefully pull the door towards yourself. Some models are designed for holding force only 50 kg(but more often by 700 kg and more). It is not so much the strength that is important, but the sharpness of the jerk.

This will not work with an electromechanical lock. Here the bolt and the latch go into the grooves on the door frame, you can’t get them out of there by jerking the door.

Another option is to take a powerful electromagnet. You need to position it with reverse polarity to the retaining plate in order to compensate for the field from the coil.

Where to get and from what to power the electromagnet, history is silent ...

Finally, intercoms sometimes open with an ordinary lighter. It is necessary to remove the piezoelectric element from it and strike a spark several times on the key reader. But this is fraught with damage to the intercom.

Secrets of intercom manufacturers: loopholes and tricks to open

For intercoms of popular brands, access codes are known. They do not guarantee that you will get into the entrance, but ... increase the likelihood.

At the factory, standard firmware is uploaded to intercoms with the same codes. During installation, intercom specialists do not change the default settings in about 90% of cases. So the factory codes work often, but not always.

Intercoms Vizit

To get started, try the standard combinations:

▪ 12#345
▪ 67#890
▪ *#423
▪ *#4230
▪ *#3423
▪ #196.

If there are no "*" and "#" buttons on the keyboard, press "C" and "K" respectively.

The service menu of the device can be called by code #999. If the call is successful, the intercom will emit two intermittent beeps.

After that, you can enter one of the combinations:

▪ 1234
▪ 12345
▪ 0000
▪ 9999
▪ 3535
▪ 6767
▪ 7056
▪ 11639.

After a successful combination, the intercom will emit one short beep and open the door. In case of failure - two signals: try the next combination.

To exit the menu, press "*".

By the way, if you successfully entered the menu with code #999, you can press 3 and attach a new key to the reader. If the intercom has enough memory, it will remember your key, and you can open the entrance door with it.

Intercom Metakom

Models with a numeric keypad can be opened like this:

1. Press "B" (call button).
2. Enter the number of the first apartment in the entrance.
3. Press "B". After that, the inscription COD may appear on the intercom display.
4. Dial the combination 5702.

You can try opening Metacom MK-20TM intercoms with a clean tablet key. She starts the programming mode, and at the same time opens the door.

Intercom Cyfral

Everything is a little more complicated here: the combinations depend on the model. For example, if the model has the letter "M", the combination "B" - 41 - "B" - 1410 may work. Sometimes instead of "B" there is a call button with a call symbol.

You can open the entrance with the intercom CCD 2094 if you go to the service menu - enter the combination 0000. For CCD 2094M, the combination 0000 - "B" works. After that the logic is the same:

1. “COD” will appear on the screen.
2. Enter the combination 123400, 123456 or 456999, press "B".
3. When you see "F0" on the screen, enter 601.

Model CCD 2094.1M can open the combination "B" - 0000. Usually, after this, the display shows "ON". This means that the installers did not change the standard codes. Press 2 and the door should open. If you saw the inscription "OFF", then when installing the intercom, the quick entry mode was disabled.

In addition, if there are apartments No. 100, 200, etc. in the entrance, you can use the code: the number of such an apartment is “B” - 2323, 7272 or 7273.

You can also try combinations "B" - 2751 or 07054.

Intercoms Forward

Universal codes for these intercoms:

▪ "K" - 1234
▪ "K" - 557798 - "K"
▪ 2427101
▪ 123*2427101.

If there is no button with the letter "K" on the keyboard, press the button with the key instead.

You can add your key to the intercom memory by entering the combination 77395201 * 0 *, then attach the key and double-click on "#".

Intercoms Eltis

The logic is the same - entering combinations:

▪ "B" - 100 - "B" - 7272
▪ "B" - 100 - "B" - 7273
▪ "B" - 100 - "B" - 2323.
▪ "B" – call button.

If that doesn't work, you can try 200, 300, 400, etc. instead of 100.

Sometimes the combinations 9876 - "B" or "B" - 12342133123 help.

If the installers have changed the standard codes, you can try to find out the new value. Press "B" and wait 20 seconds. Five digits will appear on the screen for a fraction of a second. Memorize them or shoot a video on your smartphone. The numbers can be used in combinations above.

Intercoms Factorial

Models from the factory open with simple combinations:

▪ 000000
▪ 123456.

But most often the installers remove them.

Intercom Marshal

For these intercoms, you need to know the number of the last apartment in the entrance. Add one to it, enter this number. Then dial the combination "K" - 5555 or "K" - 1958.

Intercoms Laskomex

Often, the installers of these intercoms tell the residents of the entrance a four-digit code that will allow you to open the door without a key. To get to the entrance, you need to press the "B" button, enter the apartment number and this code.

Intercom Metakom is one of the most commonly used intercoms in apartment buildings. The name of the device is heard by many people, since such checkpoints provide extensive protection against unauthorized access. They are very strong and hard to break. You can open the Metakom intercom door not only from a programmed subscriber key, but also using a specific code that is assigned to a specific apartment.

As you know, all models of intercoms have their own universal code, which is programmed during the manufacture of the device. It is determined by the intercom model and its firmware. If for some reason you suddenly lost your intercom key, then in some cases you can use this code to open the door.

Some nuances

Metakom produces two main categories of devices, if you do not go into details. One of them is equipped with a screen or display, and breaking it differs in alternativeness and is precisely determined by the firmware. The second type is without a screen. Models of this category require information to be entered "by touch", relying only on sound signals. Virtually all Metacom devices are designed for harsh environments. They can work at temperatures ranging from -40 to + 75ºС. Models work during glaciation and involve the installation of absolutely any electromagnetic lock with varying degrees of amplification. The number of available number of subscribers can vary from one to nine hundred and ninety-nine, while anyone can receive personalized codes from the entrance with the Metacom system. Firms that are engaged in the installation of intercom systems must necessarily prescribe it in a special work contract.

How to open a Metakom intercom without a key?

The manufacturer's method of unlocking the door is to apply a passcode that is set for a specific subscriber. Below we will consider all kinds of commands for opening the Metacom intercom without using key access.

Important! Do not forget that such methods, which we will consider in no case, will not work if the installers installing your intercom have changed the factory standard Metakom code.

Screen codes

The way how to open this intercom has the largest number of variations and sets of numbers, if we talk about a model that is equipped with a screen. Such locking units should be classified as the most relevant category, they come in a variety of options and firmware. In order to hack the Metakom intercom, it is necessary to perform certain clear actions:

  • Press button B and select the subscriber number from which addressing begins at the entrance
  • Then it is necessary to press the button B again on the screen after a short pause, the inscription Cod will appear

Then a few numbers 5702 are dialed and after a few seconds, namely two, the Metacom intercom opens without a real contact key.

On the video: Opening an intercom with a Metakom MK-2003 screen using a code.

For the remaining firmware, the following set of combinations is allowed:

  • Compose 65535-B-1234-B-8
  • Apply 1234-B-6-B-4568

Here one, two, three, four is the factory metacom firmware code used in a large number of models. If a specific intercom was programmed, which is installed by a specialist, the sets will never work. For the MK-20 M/T types, there are side, individual unlock kits. In order for such an actual intercom to open without a key, you can try the following combinations:

  • Press B-27-B-5702
  • Apply B-1-B-4526

The final set is needed not only to unlock the electromagnetic lock, but also to enter a new contact key into the registration database. If suddenly it exists in stock (a multifunctional standard key for a metacom intercom is also suitable) - after you have entered the tablet, you need to press it to the desired area on the unit. The two sets of steps that are given work on a large number of doorphones without a screen.

On the video: How to write a key to the Metakom MK2003.1 intercom

On the video: Key programming on the intercom MK-20.2

Changing program settings

Almost completely all digits of access to the settings are done using a single code or password, it is also called a master code. This well-known standard set is one, two, three, four. You need to try to enter this command, but, suddenly, the installation was done by a professional specialist - this password will definitely be changed. You need to find out another master code from the company that equipped the door with a locking unit and issued the keys to the apartments for the delivered metacom intercom. But sometimes it happens that the encoding simply did not change. The intercom has three settings. These are user, system and, of course, service. In the first and second - the change of the only relevant and multifunctional metacom code, the connection of apartments and various other special processes are made. The most interesting is certainly the final of all three listed services. With its help, it is possible to change virtually everything that is related to a particular subscriber.

  1. To change the registration of electronic keys, enter the set 65535-B-1234-B-B-number of the apartment. After all this, a brand new tablet is attached to the contact pad and pressed B-7. What does it allow? This allows you to register a brand new tablet in the “brain” of the unit, for example, in order to use one key for many entrances.
  2. Disappearance of information about all electronic keys attached to the subscriber - you must press 655-B-1234-B-B-digit of the apartment-B-7-0-111. This may be necessary because a limited amount of memory is allocated for all subscribers and sometimes cleaning of old accounts is needed.
  3. Installing a brand new separate unlock password foresees that the owner of the dwelling agrees with this process. To install the kit, you need to press 65535-B-1234-B-B-digit of the apartment-B-0-code or password-B

With the help of the system maintenance list, it is possible to feel yourself in the place of a professional specialist programming unit and change the master code or password of the intercom. For this process, it will be necessary to know its previous value. In order to set a new code, dial 65535-B-1234-B-9-3 on the service panel. After all, you need to dial a new set of numbers and press the ENTER button to confirm.

There are also some ways to reset a specific key from memory, change addressing, and others like that, which are very rarely used. It is imperative to note again: in the written sets, one, two, three, four are the standard master code, which the installing professional is advised to change as a matter of urgency.

On the video: All kinds of ways to open the door of the intercom Metakom


In order not to waste your nerves and not frantically search for information on how to open a metacom intercom at your entrance, you just need to be careful. In particular, it is imperative to read with special attention the contract in which the emergency access kit is prescribed. An excellent deed would be if you order a multifunctional key if you suddenly lost your contact. Later it can be attached to a specific apartment by changing the settings of the locking unit.

Today, more than 95% of entrances are equipped with a security system such as an intercom, and about the same percentage of residents found themselves in front of a locked door without a key.

How to enter the entrance without a key

You can try the following options:

  • dial neighbors, or any apartment number. In the second case, introduce yourself as a communal representative, postman or physician;
  • wait until one of the tenants opens;
  • to find out the code, you can go to the company servicing your home and show them your registration. They will be required to provide you with an access code from the intercom of your entrance;
  • it is necessary to press the access door as hard as possible, and then sharply pull it towards you;
  • remove the piezoelectric element from the lighter and click bringing it to the recess for the key. There is a 5% chance that this method will work;
  • bring a stun gun and make a discharge, it is likely that the "brains" of the intercom will perceive this as a standard key operation. The big disadvantage of this method is the presence of a stun gun on hand;
  • go to the Internet, find a special master code for your intercom and drive it into the phone, after looking at the comments.

Important! Each intercom has a special code set by the manufacturer, knowing which you can open the door without a key. Unless, of course, the installation company changed the master password during installation. If the code has been changed, it will be more problematic to open the door and without entering the system settings, this will not be possible.

How to open an intercom without a key, using a special code

First you need to know that there is no universal “digital master key”, each manufacturer has their own. Let's analyze the popular brands of protective public access locks.

Vizit (Visit)

Vizit intercoms are represented by a wide variety of models, both for apartment buildings and for private estates. Due to the wide variety of intercoms of this brand and combinations of codes, they are considered the most difficult to open. When typing the combinations below, it is necessary to take into account that there are models where instead of "*" and "#", "C" and "K" are used.

Easy way to open:

  • earlier models "*-#-4-2-3-0" or "1-2-#-3-4-5".
  • later models "*- # -4-3-2", or "6-7- # -8-9-0".

We open through the maintenance menu:

  • dial "# - 999".
  • "1-2-3-4" and wait for a short high beep.
  • if you heard a two-tone signal, then try to enter one of the following sequences of numbers: "1-2-3-4-5", "3-5-3-5", "6-7-6-7", "9- 9-9-9", "1-1-6-3-9", or enter them one by one.
  • complete the opening "2-pause- # -pause-3-5-3-5".

Metacom (Metakom)

Method #1:

  • press "call" and No. of the apartment from which the numbering begins in the entrance (you can find out this information above the entrance door);
  • again the “call” button and wait until the message “COD” appears on the screen;
  • enter the combination "5-7-0-2".

Method #2:

  • first "6-5-5-3-5", then the call button;
  • then "1-2-3-4", call and "8".

Method No3:

  • dial the combination "1-2-3-4-call";
  • then "6-call button-4-5-6-8".

If the door is equipped with model MK-20 M/T and you are going to open the lock without a key, then try one of the combinations:

  • "call-2-7-call-5-7-0-2";
  • "call button-1-call key-4-5-2-6".

Cyfral CCD (Digital)

Intercom Cyfral CCD-2094:

Method No1 (works if there are apartments with the number 100, 200 - 900 in the entrance):

  • "call-100-call-7272", "call-100-call-7273", "call-200-call-7272", "call-200-call-7273";
  • if it didn’t work, enter the combination “call -from 100 to 900-call-2323”.

Method #2:

  • "0000", then "cod" will be displayed;
  • enter one of the combinations: "1-2-3-4-0-0", "1-2-3-4-5-6", "4-5-6-9-9-9" and "call" , the inscription “F0” should be displayed;
  • then "6-0-1".

Model Cyfral CCD-2094.1M:

Method #1:

  • "0-7-0-5-4".

Method #2:

  • "challenge-4-1" or "challenge-1-4-1-0".

Method No3:

  • “call-0000”, the screen will show “ON”;
  • press button "2". If “OFF” is displayed, the quick access mode is blocked and you will not be able to get inside.

Eltis (Eltis)

The most affordable brand in terms of emergency opening. You can open the entrance with the Eltis intercom without a key using a certain combination:

Option #1:

  • "call button-100-call-7-2-7-2";
  • "call button-100-call-7-2-7-3";
  • "call button-100-call-2-3-2-3".

If combinations with the number 100 did not work, insert numbers from 200 to 900.

Option #2:

  • hold “call” for 20 seconds, if 5 numbers flash on the screen, remember them and enter.

Option #3:

  • press any number until "CODE" appears;
  • enter "1-2-3-4", the screen should display the inscription "FUNC"
  • press "1", enter your version of the code and press "2";
  • reset the settings "6", exit from the menu "0";
  • enter a new code.

Option #4:

  • "call-1234-2-1-3-3-123".

Forward (Forward)

This system is produced by a Russian company. To open Forward coded access control devices without a tablet, you need to enter the code:

  • "K-5-5-7-7-9-8-K";
  • "2-4-2-7-1-0-1";
  • "1-2-3-*-2-4-2-7-1-0-1";
  • "K-1-2-3-4".

K is a key, maybe in the form of an image of a key.


There are Raikmann locking mechanisms similar in name, which, unlike Rainmann, cannot be opened even if you go to the service menu. The Rainmann CD-2000 and AO-3000 models belong to the class of modern and secure devices, but they can be opened by pressing:

  • "key-9-8-7-6-5-4";
  • after two short beeps "1-2-3-4-5-6";
  • “P” will be displayed, press “8”.

There is another original method to get inside, based on the sensitivity of the touch keyboard to cooling (valid in winter). Apply snow for 10-20 minutes.


Almost any model of this company can be opened:

  • "S-669900-CALL";
  • then dial the number 1 unit above the last apartment, then press "Call-7-4";
  • “F” will be displayed on the screen, press “0-8-0”.


The Factorial settings are almost identical with the Digital brand, however, a distinctive feature is the mandatory change of the factory code, but you can try to break through the engineering menu. How to get to the entrance with the Factorial system:

  • "0-0-0-0-0-0" or "1-2-3-4-5-6";
  • "5 (with hold) -180180- call - 4 - call";
  • after the door should open.

Marshal (Marshal)

A common intercom model in Russia, designed for apartment buildings, in the absence of a key, try entering the following combinations:

  • last apartment number plus one;
  • then "K-5-5-5-5" or "K-1-9-5-8".

Lascomex (Lascomex)

How to open the door in the entrance with Lascomex code intercom:

First option:

  • "B- No apartment - numbers for the entrance."

Second option:

  • "0-K-0-K-0-K-0-K";
  • "6-6-6-6";
  • "P" appears, enter "8". In a minute the door should open, come in.

Barrier II, 2M

Time-tested intercoms "Barrier" cannot be found in new houses, but in old five and nine-story houses this castle is a frequent occurrence. To open the door with the intercom "Barrier II" and "Barrier 2M", in most cases it is enough to hold a magnet in the area where the key is applied, or dial the code combination: "1-3" or "1-0".

Remember: If you have just moved, try to get to know as many neighbors as possible, someone will help you get in, and you won’t have to stomp around, racking your brains on how to open the door in the entrance and picking up the code. It is better to use a universal master key to the intercom, having a passport with a residence permit in one of the apartments of this entrance. Well, that's all, you just have to determine the most convenient way for you to open the door.