How to disable “My Content” on MTS. Content ban on MTS: what is it, how to disable Disabling the MTS content ban service

“Content Ban” gets rid of random or unwanted paid calls and SMS to short numbers, and also eliminates the possibility of paid subscriptions. How “Content Ban” works, what it doesn’t cover, and how to connect—we answer all the important surveys.

What exactly does the Content Ban service prohibit?

“Content blocking” blocks the ability to send SMS to short numbers and receive messages from them. In the same way, all calls to and from short numbers and paid subscriptions are blocked, with the exception of subscriptions to MTS services.

Who benefits from the “Content Ban” service?

The service is especially useful for parents who can protect their child’s phone from accidental and unwanted connection to paid services. The service would also be appropriate on the phone of an elderly person who is not very friendly with technology and cannot always understand what certain actions on the phone can lead to.

Unfortunately, there are viruses that can send expensive SMS from an Android smartphone without the knowledge of the phone owner. And although the “Content Ban” service will stop spending in this case, it will not rid the gadget of the virus. The best remedy is to install an antivirus, at least a free one.

If I activate the “Content Ban” service, will I be able to use short numbers from MTS, the rescue service, or, for example, my bank?

Yes, you will still be able to use such numbers. “Content Blocking” blocks calls and SMS to infotainment numbers of content providers. The service does not apply to emergency telephone numbers, service numbers of MTS and other telecom operators, mobile banking, and so on.

Will Content Ban disable existing paid subscriptions?

Yes. You can track and, if necessary, disable subscriptions (even those included in the “Content Ban” service exception list) in the free mobile application “My MTS” in the “Services” section or by typing the command on your phone in dialing mode *152# .

How much does the “Content Ban” service cost?

The service is free, there is no charge for connecting or disconnecting it.

How to enable “Content Ban”?

*984# and press the call button.

How to disable the “Content Ban” service?

Enter the command on your phone in dialing mode *985# and press the call button.

Paid subscriptions and many other MTS services cause a lot of inconvenience to subscribers, because they can quickly turn all the funds in the account to zero, which causes confusion: “My MTS content costs so much money?!”

Moreover, some people may not know that by accidentally sending a message to a short number, they will activate one or another option, for which the user will be charged a certain fee.

If you want to rid yourself of this, you need to know how to activate the “Content Ban” service on an MTS number.

What it is

To protect yourself from the problems described above, you can use the MTS “Content Ban”. Thanks to this service, this kind of spending of money on the account will not occur, because calls and SMS to short content numbers will simply be blocked.

This option reliably protects against expenses that you may accidentally cause. It is especially often connected by subscribers with children, or by young users of the cellular operator themselves, because as soon as you make a combination of a couple of buttons, a short number is formed for connecting any paid services - and there are no special signs of this.

The service will also be useful for older people, because they may not see the buttons clearly and accidentally press the wrong combinations, which can also result in funds being debited from the balance.

In general, this service will be useful to everyone who does not want to pay the mobile operator for unnecessary subscriptions that are connected due to incorrectly typed commands, and then wonder “What is this? There aren’t any connected tariffs, are there?”

More details about the options options

It blocks the subscriber’s access to short numbers, due to which a paid tariff can be activated. In particular, its capabilities include the following:

  • It blocks calls to short numbers.
  • Removes the ability to send messages to short numbers.
  • Thanks to it, it is not possible to receive messages from short content numbers.

It is worth noting that all this is not the case with SMS from important banks and other useful services that you use. At the same time, all other unnecessary tariffs will not bother you.

In addition, this service is the only one with which you can completely abandon MTS Info - there are no other ways to do this.

What you should know

If you want those subscriptions that you have already connected not to bother you and not to take funds from your account, use the short command: *152*2#.

Thanks to it, you can instantly disable all unnecessary subscriptions, both paid and free. In addition, you will be spared from receiving advertisements.

Is it possible to make the connection yourself?

Unfortunately, there are some restrictions when connecting. You cannot remove all subscriptions yourself. This can only be done with the help of mobile operator employees. If you want to get the option, use these tips:

  • Contact the Help Desk for assistance. To do this, you need to call 0890 (from regular MTS mobile numbers). There is no need to pay for the call.
  • Go to the company's communication stores to unsubscribe and activate this option.

That is, there is no established USSD request or quick command in this case, and there is no point in looking for them. It is also important to know that this prohibiting short numbers “Content Deny” can only be activated in cases where you are the owner of the number - this option is not available to others.

How to disable

Disabling occurs in much the same way. You can ask for help from operators, as with all other removed options, by calling 0890. You can also quickly remove the MTS “Content Ban” by going to the nearest company communications store.

If paid content is not disabled and the service cannot be installed, use this recommendation: send a complaint to MTS.

Subscriptions to paid periodic notifications remove a significant amount from your mobile account each month. Most people do not suspect that when they send an SMS to some advertising number, they also activate subscriptions to its news, which is the reason for the lack of money in the account in the future. The “Content Ban” service from the MTS operator will help you block incoming messages and calls from service numbers, and this will help you avoid unnecessary expenses.

This feature is useful for those who unknowingly connected subscriptions or simply do not want to receive notifications and calls anymore. You can activate the service on your phone, and also help a child or elderly person who does not understand the settings and operating principles of activating advertising SMS.

Why was the “Content Ban” service created on MTS?

Have you noticed that the money in your account is quickly running out, and you don’t call anywhere? This happens if you are subscribed to many paid advertising and information updates or if scammers have reached you. If your phone is often taken by children or you are not sure that you will not mistakenly send unnecessary SMS to subscriptions or call a paid advertising phone, enable the “Content Ban” service from MTS. The function blocks all access to short service numbers, both calls and SMS sending, and will protect against unnecessary spending of money from your balance.

Using the service you can:

  • Block calls to short numbers;
  • Block sending SMS to them;
  • Block receiving messages from them.

It is important that blocking occurs only "unnecessary" services in the future, and SMS banking and sending requests to mobile operator numbers will remain available. By blocking content, you are completely disconnected from MTS Info updates.

In the future, all attempts to send requests to short service numbers or make calls to channels or other services using these phones will be blocked. You won't have to worry about your kids or grandma accidentally withdrawing a ton of money from your phone unknowingly.

If you unsubscribe and are blocked, but they continue to send you SMS, write a complaint on the MTS category resource "Antispam". To do this, you need to forward the received SMS to MTS number 6333. The operator’s service numbers are not blocked in any case, so the message will reach. You should expect a response within 24 hours. You will receive an SMS with ways to unsubscribe from advertising.

How to activate the “Content Ban” service on MTS

To connect to the service, you go to the MTS subscriber department at the nearest address and write an application. Another way is to call MTS technical support by phone 0890. You can connect or disconnect the service only if the owner of the number is present; this cannot be done for him. Therefore, take your child or grandmother with you to the MTS office or be near them during the call if they require your help.

How to disable the “Content Ban” service on MTS

To disconnect, the same methods apply as for connecting - contacting the customer service department or calling 0890. Permission to make calls or send SMS may be needed if you need to make a specific request for a short number.

Cancellation of paid content subscriptions to MTS in Russia

It's no secret that cellular operators, in common parlance OpSoS, like to connect their subscribers to various paid Additional services. In particular, expensive subscriptions on an ongoing basis that provide the consumer with extremely valuable information, for example, an astrological forecast or photos of girls in swimsuits.

Inexperienced cellular users, including children and the elderly, may one day experience unexpected reset, only a recently replenished account. And all this, thanks to charges for paid subscriptions to so-called infotainment services connected by the operator without the knowledge or explicit consent of the user.

How to deal with this scourge that looks like outright fraud in its essence. Although it is packaged legally flawed offer form about the provision of services.

Implying implicit consent, that is, if the subscriber loudly, using all the opportunities provided to him by the operator, did not declare his disagreement with receiving paid SMS mailings, then he agrees with everything and simply dreams of finding out something from the series “50 positions for making love” in a hammock."

Widespread epidemic paid subscriptions(content services generate up to 10% of operators’ revenue) forced government agencies overseeing the telecommunications industry to influence operators and take measures to reduce the amount of content arbitrariness.

And although these intentions have not fully become comprehensive and widespread, since the actions of mobile operators in the field of reducing the market content services, reminiscent of the classic “fight between bees and honey”, however, there are certain positive developments on this front.

Banning MTS content - say no to paid subscriptions

One of the manifestations of these good undertakings is the introduction by MTS, which is extremely useful for subscribers free service"Content ban." On some tariffs it is enabled by default, without requiring any physical movements to activate it. The initial lucky ones included the Smart tariff line, as well as tariffs aimed at schoolchildren and teenagers.

Indeed, in addition to the extremely unpleasant, sudden account reset, paid mailings contain a threat distribution of erotic or frankly pornographic content to persons under 18 years of age.

Operating principle services are simple. After its activation, the subscriber’s ability to make calls and send SMS to short “content” numbers is blocked. Thus, the possibility of accidentally subscribing to paid SMS/mms mailing lists, as well as sending a message costing several hundred rubles per item or calling a short number with a similar tariff, is practically eliminated.

At the same time, the ability to send standard messages and make calls to regular numbers remains in full, but your child will no longer be able to call “phone sex”. The ban will not affect the operation of internal services of Mobile TeleSystems, which ensure uninterrupted operation of the network.

Activation of the “Content Ban” service

Unlike most other services, for which MTS offers activation in a large number of different ways, such as calling the Contact Center, IVR, Personal Account in the Internet Assistant, sending SMS and USSD requests, it is possible to activate the “Content Ban” service only , two ways:

  1. Call to the Contact Center to number 0890 and activate the service by communicating with a live operator.
  2. If you are not satisfied with the phone call, you can drive up to any nearest office of the company and connect the desired service with the help of a customer service representative. Don't forget to bring your identification document with you!

Such a small selection of options for activating the Content Ban implies on the part of MTS a restriction on the “excessive” distribution of the service among “non-targeted” subscribers. But forewarned is forearmed, and now you know how you can enable such an option as banning content.

Disabling the Content Ban service

But you can disable “Content Ban” not only by calling 0890, but also using the Internet assistant. It is not at all necessary to visit a dealer or operator’s office to disable this option.

Deactivation is free and does not apply to short numbers of internal services. Why and who needs the MTS Content Ban service. To summarize the above, we can say that “Content Ban” is an extremely necessary and sought-after service that should be activated for almost any subscriber.

And if the subscribers are children or teenagers, as well as elderly people, then the Content Ban service, which protects the wallets of parents and loved ones from paying for unnecessary mailings or financial fraud, must be activated without fail.

Unfortunately, the distribution of the service, its independent activation and deactivation limited for corporate numbers. In this case, the issue must be resolved with the corporation administrator. As a rule, technically, such a possibility is provided, since MTS is interested in loyalty from business users.

Surely everyone has found themselves in a similar situation at least once in their life - the money on their balance sheet runs out very quickly, and where it goes is unknown. The "Content Ban" service on MTS will solve this problem as effectively as possible - what it is, how to activate or disable it, how much it costs, read this useful article.

Mobile operator subscribers often cannot understand where the money is going from their account. The most common reason for this phenomenon is connection to various services, services, entertainment portals, etc. Moreover, the subscriber cannot immediately figure out what is the reason for the constant debiting of funds. If you find unnecessary subscriptions to paid services and don’t know how to disable them, then MTS has created a service called “Content Ban” especially for such cases. The option has existed since 2012 and many of the company’s clients successfully use it.

Paid content– multimedia files (pictures, videos, ringtones), or access to entertainment portals (dating, jokes, horoscopes), the use of which is charged according to the terms of the service provider. The service can be either one-time or on a subscription basis. Often, the user of mobile services does not even realize that he is paying for something that he does not use at all.

Spam– messages, files primarily of an advertising nature. Constantly receiving this kind of content on your phone is called spamming. Spam is usually sent free of charge, but the owner of the phone may soon become very tired of messages with calls for a purchase or a visit, which will constantly be sent to the number.

Keep in mind that some spam files may contain viruses, which will be automatically installed on your phone after opening the message. Viruses pose a great threat to the phone system and can not only cause minor problems, but also completely disable the device. In order not to risk the condition of your mobile phone, we strongly recommend that you do not open suspicious files from unknown users, but it is better to delete them immediately.

Important! The “Content Ban” service is available to users of all tariff packages, except for corporate communication numbers.

This option will undoubtedly prove useful for those who want to have complete control over their mobile spending and be sure that money is only spent on what is actually necessary. In addition, “Content Ban” will be useful for older people and children who are not very mobile phone savvy and cannot disable unnecessary services on their own.

How to view your subscriptions

Attention! If you do not have any paid subscriptions, then an SMS message from the mobile operator MTS with the text “There are no active subscriptions” will be sent to your phone.

How is the service useful?

  1. Blocks outgoing SMS messages sent to special short numbers.
  2. Prohibits making outgoing calls to short numbers.
  3. Disables advertising and spam.
  4. Automatically disables all paid and free subscriptions to portals, services, etc.
  5. Prohibits the receipt of incoming SMS to the subscriber number.