Mud lake Chokrak. Lake Chokrak. Therapeutic mud of Chokrak lake. Conditions for recreation

In the eastern outskirts of Kerch, not far from the village of Kurortnoye, there is the famous Chokrakskoye Lake, one of the unique mud lakes in Russia. Its name Chokrak means “spring” in Crimean Tatar.

But if in the usual understanding a spring is a source of the purest water, with the Chokrak basin everything is completely the opposite. Dirtier, oilier and blacker water, perhaps, cannot be found on the entire Crimean coast. But it was these properties that brought popularity to the Kerch landmark. Every summer, thousands of tourists come here to plunge into the healing Chokrak mud.

You should enter the lake carefully, as its bottom is very slippery. Usually tourists in a friendly chain along the beaten path go down into the “water” and come out of it. And if you line up next to him, you’ll have a much better chance of staying on your feet. Plunging into the warm, velvety black mass, you feel how the mud pleasantly envelops your body. The main rule on Chokrak is not to get your eyes dirty.

Those who are lucky enough to swim in the waters of the Dead Sea notice a similarity in sensations. The density of Chokrak water also allows you to practically lie on its surface. Trying to get to your feet or roll over on your side here sometimes turns into a funny attraction.

Rapa and Chokraka mud have been used for many centuries both in cosmetics and for the treatment of various diseases of the musculoskeletal system, gynecology, urology, nervous system, etc. Chokraka mud is unique in its composition. In addition to brine, sludge suspension and hydrogen sulfide, it contains useful organic substances. At the bottom of the lake there are several mud volcanoes that enrich the lake with finely dispersed minerals. The healing power of mud is enhanced by a huge list of microorganisms and algae, most of which are unique to this lake. Compared to the mud from Saki springs, Chokrak mud has a higher concentration of silver and bromine.

Researchers have found that the first evidence of the existence of the lake dates back to the 1st century BC. It is also known that the Bosporan king used Chokraka mud to treat joint pain. During his reign, there was a temple on the shores of the lake; only the priests had the right to sell mud and treat the sick with it. From the end of the 19th century until the Great Patriotic War, there was a famous mud bath here. Today, as part of the organization of the “Zone of Absolute Health” tourism cluster, they also plan to build a large-scale balneological center on the banks of Chokrak.

Anyone can take a dip in the healing Chokrak. And not only for medical reasons. For many tourists, Kerch Lake is a unique local attraction. After swimming in Chokrak, almost everyone follows the established tradition - they take photographs for memory in the company of the same cheerful “devils”. A popular souvenir from the lake is a plastic bottle filled with mud. No magnet with a picture of a local landmark can compare in terms of usefulness and uniqueness with a “medicinal” greeting from Kerch.

An isthmus 40 meters wide separates the lake from the Sea of ​​Azov. It’s a special pleasure to walk a couple of minutes and find yourself on a sandy beach and wash off the dirt with sea water.

In summer, a tent city grows on the isthmus between the sea and the lake. According to visitors, in order to experience all the delights of Chokrak, you need to live on the coast for at least 3-4 days. By the way, those who are closer to a civilized holiday can (Russian Mom).

You can get to the village of Kurortnoye from the Kerch bus station by bus No. 69. It is located 3 km from the village of Chokrak.

Lake Chokrak video

The wonderful Chokrak peninsula has prepared a sea of ​​pleasures and interesting things for tourists; its healing mud attracts thousands of vacationers every year. The most unpleasant ailments have been successfully cured here for hundreds of years.

Lake Chokrak in Crimea: geographical characteristics

Perhaps it is the most mysterious, mysterious and unexpectedly interesting area in Crimea. Nevertheless, most tourists bypass it, preferring the more popular resorts of the South Coast.

Lake Chokrak is often called a generous gift from planet Earth. All thanks to its unique healing factors, which include valuable mud and mineral springs.

The total area of ​​Chokrak Lake is almost 9 square kilometers. However, its greatest depth does not exceed 1.5 meters. The shores of the lake are rocky, deserted and very picturesque. The local landscapes would become an excellent setting for some dystopian, surreal film.

The banks of Chokrak are covered exclusively with grassy vegetation. Oregano, thyme, wormwood, fireweed and other herbs grow here. Lake Chokrak is located in close proximity to the Sea of ​​Azov; it is separated from its waters by a narrow sandy bridge.

How to get to the lake?

The object is located in the eastern part. The city of Kerch is 18 kilometers away. Lake Chokrak is located near the village with the appropriate name - Resort (Leninsky district).

You can get here either by public transport (buses depart from the Kerch bus station every 30-40 minutes) or by your own car. However, it is worth warning: the road to Kurortnoye is far from the best quality. After the village of Voikovo, the hard surface completely disappears, so you have to drive through dust and potholes at minimal speed. As a result, a distance of 20 kilometers is covered in an hour!

Chokrak - a resort of world significance

Lake Chokrak in Crimea is a famous balneological resort. The ancient Greeks began using local mud in the first century BC. They actively exported this medicinal resource to Europe. The word “chokrak” itself can be translated as water saturated with hydrogen sulfide; there is also plenty here: they come out both along the shores of the lake and on its bottom.

The main wealth of Chokrak is its healing mud. They successfully treat arthritis, radiculitis, as well as various gynecological diseases. And after taking a mud bath, you can soak up the nearby sandy beaches and swim in the warm Azov Sea. Fishing lovers will also find joy in Chokrak: goby and other fish are excellently caught here.

Professor S. Albov devoted a lot of time and effort to studying the resort. According to him, Lake Chokrak is much more than Matsesta and Saki combined. The main healing factor of the resort will be discussed further.

Therapeutic mud of Lake Chokrak

Lake Chokrak is rightly considered one of the most valuable deposits of medicinal mud on the planet. In addition, local mud is characterized by great environmental cleanliness. It contains silt, brine and various trace elements that enter it from numerous mineral sources. Chokrak mud is also distinguished by a fairly high content of colloids (3.6%).

Today, several medical institutions operate on the basis of the mud deposits of Lake Chokrak. Among them, the largest is the Feodosia sanatorium "Voskhod".

Chokraka mud, unique in its composition and properties, is successfully used to treat diseases (including various inflammatory processes in the genital organs), diseases of the spine, ailments of the digestive system, disorders of the peripheral nervous system, and so on. However, in some cases, mud therapy is strictly contraindicated. These include pregnancy, angina pectoris, arrhythmia, asthma, active form of tuberculosis, diabetes mellitus, cirrhosis of the liver and some other diseases. Before going to Chokrak, you must consult a doctor.

Doctors recommend taking a full course of mud therapy, which consists of 10-12 procedures. Each of them should not last longer than 15 minutes. After the procedure, you should wash off all dirt from your body. It is worth noting that in the first days, patients on Chokrak often experience side symptoms of treatment: increased body temperature, slight numbness of the fingers, as well as general weakness and fatigue. However, after a few days, all unpleasant symptoms usually disappear.

The mud from the Chokrak deposit can also be used for cosmetic purposes. Experienced recreationists also advise picking up local mineral salt at Chokrak. Gargling with its solution helps with sore throat.

Surroundings of Chokrak Lake

Relaxation on Lake Chokrak is not limited to balneological procedures. During breaks between mud therapy sessions, you can visit many interesting sites located in the vicinity of Chokrak.

First of all, this is Cape Zyuk in the village of Kurortnoye, which is famous for a long series of beautiful beaches and cozy coves. To the south of the lake, in the Kerch steppes, is the famous Valley of Mud Volcanoes. These are small (up to 1.5 meters in height) mounds that periodically spew dirt onto the surface. It is very interesting to see these natural phenomena with your own eyes!

10 kilometers from Chokrak, it rises above the spacious steppe. It is not high (175 meters above sea level), but very picturesque. The mountain is clearly expressed in relief and has a beautiful rocky peak. The slopes of Crimean Ararat are covered with shrubs and fragrant herbs.


Lake Chokrak is a truly amazing corner of Crimean nature and an invaluable recreational facility. The resort is located on the Kerch Peninsula, twenty kilometers from Kerch. The main wealth of Chokrak is the local medicinal mud, which is effectively used to treat many diseases.

Many people suffering from various diseases go to Crimea for relief. Lake Chokrak is one of those places that can help them, it is a resort of international importance. Professor S. Albov, who devoted years to studying the healing properties of local water and mud, stated that a reservoir in medical terms is worth more than Matsesta taken at once.

Where is Chokrakskoye located in Crimea?

It is also important that not far from Lake Chokrak there is the so-called Valley of Mud Volcanoes - such an unusual natural phenomenon is worth seeing. Travelers also love the low but picturesque mountain with the biblical name Ararat, visible from the reservoir - interesting plants grow there.

How to get there (get there)?

You can get to Chokrak Lake by public transport from. Take the bus to Kurortnoye at the city bus station. Next you will need to walk about 2 km in a western direction.

By car you can get from Kerch in this way:

Note to tourists

  • Address: Kurortnoye village, Leninsky district, Kerch Peninsula, Crimea, Russia.
  • Coordinates: 45.456036, 36.294355.

Comrade Saakhov from, speaking about all-Union health resorts, it was not for nothing that he mentioned Crimea. Lake Chokrak is proof of this; its unique silt deposit continues to successfully treat people. Finally, watch his short video review.

Lake Chokrak received its name in those distant years when the Crimean peninsula was entirely under the rule of the Tatars. It was the representatives of this nation who gave the lake such an interesting name, which translated into Russian means “fontanel”. This lake is located near such famous nature reserves as Stone Grave and Askania Nova. Lake Chokrak is included in the list of unique places in Europe. And this is no coincidence. After all, for many centuries it has been a source of mud, which has unique healing properties.

Geographical location of the island

Lake Chokrak is located on the unusually beautiful coast of the Azov Sea. Not far from the lake are the hero city of Kerch and the popular village of Kurortnoye. Chokrak has a fairly large area - 8.7 square kilometers, as well as a relatively small depth, which reaches a maximum of 1.3 meters.

The geographical location of the lake can rightfully be considered unique. Its banks are surrounded on three sides by steep cliffs on which medicinal plants such as hawthorn, rose hips, fireweed, thyme and many others grow. But as for the fourth side, the northern one, it abuts a small sandy strip only 350 meters wide, beyond which the Sea of ​​Azov stretches.

In some places, the lake bottom is replete with hydrogen sulfide springs, the water from which is rich in various substances and minerals: aluminum, bromine, iodine, manganese and others. It is these hydrogen sulfide waters, together with the mud of Lake Chokrak, that have the healing effect for which tourists not only from Ukraine, but also from other countries come to this lake in the summer.

Historical facts about the use of mud from Lake Chokrak

It is quite difficult to establish the exact age of this lake. However, the first written mention of the existence of this lake dates back to 77-70 BC. Thus, we can conclude that Metaka (the name of the lake at that time) has existed for more than 2000 years. Also, ancient manuscripts tell us the fact that the Bosporan king Mithridates VI Eupator used the mud of this island to treat his joint pain.

It is known for certain that in those distant years a temple was even erected on the shores of this healing lake. This gives reason to assume that only the priests of the temple could sell healing mud and also treat the sick with it.

Another mention of Chokrak Lake dates back to the 14th century AD. The historical archive of the city of Feodosia stores within its walls a most interesting document. It represents a calculation of the expenses that a Byzantine merchant conducted at one time. In it he entered information about how much the purchase and delivery of Chokrak dirt cost him. Typically, the merchant traded not in dirt, but in slaves. According to the document, the dirt was delivered to Kafa. This city at that time was one of the largest centers of the slave trade. And it was this mud that was used to treat slaves before being sold.

In 1895, the first mud clinic in Crimea was erected on the shores of the lake.

A few words about the healing properties of the mud of Lake Chokrak

As modern research shows, it was not in vain that people who lived before our era used the mud of Lake Chokrak as healing. Today this fact has been proven by scientists. Research also shows that the mud of Lake Chokrakovskoye is environmentally friendly and has excellent sanitary and epidemiological conditions. Thanks to this, Chokrak is included in the list of the best mud deposits on our planet.

Also, studies conducted by scientists in the twentieth century showed that the mud in Lake Chokrak contains substances such as brine, silt mud, hydrogen sulfide, trace elements and many others. Mud volcanoes and mineral sources contribute to the formation of healing mud. And this is one of the main features!

Diseases for which the mud of Lake Chokrak is effective

For decades now, Crimean sanatoriums have been using medicinal mud to cure the following diseases:

  • gynecological (pelvic cavity diseases, infertility, functional ovarian failure);
  • musculoskeletal system (rheumatism, arthrosis, polyarthritis);
  • gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, intestinal diseases);
  • nervous system (radiculitis, polyneuritis).

The list of diseases for which mud has a healing effect was compiled by specialists from the Odessa Institute of Medical Rehabilitation based on research conducted. It was also found that dirt also has a cosmetic effect.

Chokrakskoye Lake is located on the southern shore of the Sea of ​​Azov, 18 kilometers from the city of Kerch. The area of ​​Lake Chokrak is 8.7 square meters. km., depth - up to 1.3 meters. The waters of several hydrogen sulfide springs rise from the bottom in the eastern part of Lake Chokrak.

This is a unique corner of nature. Chokrak Lake is surrounded on three sides by high rocks, on the slopes of which an abundance of medicinal herbs grow. The rocky steppes around Lake Chokrak are covered with steppe herbs; here you can find fragrant thyme, wormwood, mint, fireweed, oregano, dried immortelle flowers, flowers or berries of wild rose hips, hawthorn, etc.

The northern part of Lake Chokrak comes close to the wide sandy shore of the Sea of ​​Azov and is separated from the sea by a bulk sand dam, the width of which is about 350 meters. In the summer, hundreds of tourists come here who prefer to relax in the wild, away from the bustle of big cities. Real estate in the resort towns of Crimea on the banks of the Azov Sea or the Sea is considered prestigious and is always in demand, as is real estate in Bulgaria by the sea. Vacationers are attracted to these places by the warm shallows of the Azov Sea, and the healing hydrogen sulfide springs and mud of Lake Chokrak, which are used to treat arthritis and radiculitis.

In the west of Lake Chokrak there is another group of hydrogen sulfide springs, which is called Karalar. In the area of ​​Lake Chokrak, other springs are also known (Jailav, Syyurtash, etc.), with varying degrees of hydrogen sulfide concentration in the water.
The waters of these sources contain a fairly high concentration of hydrogen sulfide.
Waters containing many natural minerals rise from underground sources to the surface of the earth: iodine, bromine, boron, iron, titanium, aluminum, barium, manganese, copper, strontium, lithium.
According to their composition, they are divided into hydrocarbonate-chloride-sodium and sodium chloride.
Lake Chokrak, as well as the Chokrak and Karalar sulfide waters, the beautiful coastline of the Azov Sea, located near the lake, represent a rare combination of the most valuable natural resources.

Professor-resortologist S.A. Albov, who devoted many years to the study of Chokrak Lake, said: “Lake Chokrak is more than Saki plus Matsesta combined.” To the north, northeast of Lake Chokraka is an excellent place for the construction of modern hydropathic clinics, and 3 km. to the northwest of Lake Chokrak there are the famous sandy “general” beaches.
Each beach is a small cove, protected from western and eastern winds, and picturesque high cliffs protruding into the sea. Many sandy bays can only be reached from the sea, or you can try to go down the slope from the high, rocky shore.
The coastal strip of sand, wild rocks with many grottoes, caves, bays with fine sand create excellent conditions for relaxation. Near the rocks protruding into the sea there are a lot of small sea fish, it’s beautiful here