Combustion of water with gas. Do-it-yourself high-efficiency furnace: a Kharkov innovator suggested using water vapor (video). Spark electrohydraulic explosion of water vapor

Modern scientists are firmly convinced that water cannot burn - this seems to contradict all the dogmas and canons of theoretical physics. However, real facts and practice say otherwise!

The discovery was made by Erie University physician John Kanzius while attempting to desalinate seawater using a radiofrequency generator he developed for the treatment of tumors. During the experiment, a tongue of flame suddenly burst out of the sea water! Subsequently, a similar tabletop experiment was carried out by Rustum Roy, a fellow at the University of Pennsylvania.

The physics of the combustion process of salt water, of course, is largely unclear. Salt is absolutely necessary: ​​the “Kansius effect” has not yet been observed in distilled water.

According to Kanzius and Roy, combustion occurs as long as the water is in the radio field (that is, as long as favorable conditions for water decay are maintained), temperatures above 1600 degrees Celsius can be achieved. The temperature of the flame and its color depend on the concentration of salt and other substances dissolved in the water.

It is believed that the covalent bond between oxygen and hydrogen in a water molecule is very strong, and considerable energy is needed to break it. A classic example of the splitting of a water molecule is electrolysis, a fairly energy-consuming process. Kanzius, however, emphasizes that in this case it is not electrolysis, but a completely different phenomenon. It is not reported what frequency of radio waves is used in the device. Some of the water molecules in the solution are, of course, in a dissociated form, but this does not help to understand what underlies the process.

Based on the ideas of official science, we have to admit various delights: that during combustion it is not water that is formed, but hydrogen peroxide, that oxygen is not released in the form of a gas (and only oxygen from the air is used for combustion), but reacts with salt, forming, for example , chlorates ClO3-, etc. All these assumptions are fantastic, and most importantly, they still do not explain where the extra energy comes from.

From the point of view of modern science, it turns out to be a very funny process. After all, according to official physicists, in order to launch it, it is necessary to break the hydrogen-oxygen bond and expend energy. Subsequently, hydrogen reacts with oxygen and again produces water. As a result, the same bond is formed; during its formation, energy is, of course, released, but it cannot possibly be greater than the energy spent on breaking the bond.

It can be assumed that in fact water is not a renewable fuel in the Kanzius apparatus, that is, it is spent irreversibly (like wood in a fire, coal in a thermal power plant, nuclear fuel in a nuclear power plant), and the output is not water, but something else. Then the law of conservation of energy is not violated, but it does not become easier.

Another likely source of energy is the dissolved salt itself. The dissolution of sodium chloride is an endothermic process that occurs with the absorption of energy; accordingly, during the reverse process, energy will be released. However, the amount of this energy is negligible: about four kilojoules per mole (about 50 kilojoules per kilogram of salt, which is almost a thousand times less than the specific heat of combustion of gasoline).

Moreover, none of the project’s supporters directly stated that the energy at the output could exceed the energy at the input; they were only talking about their ratio.

In fact, from the point of view of the unified field theory, there is no inexplicable contradiction in the fact that water burns. In fact, here we are talking about its disintegration into elementary ethereal components with the release of a large amount of heat. That is, under the influence of the flow of ether (primary matter) radio radiation, water becomes unstable and begins to disintegrate into primary components, which is perceived as combustion. The presence of salts makes it possible to simplify this process - water can decay without them, but this will require more powerful radio emission with a different frequency. In ancient times it was well known that everything in the world has a single nature, all the elements - fire, water, air, and earth (stone). This means that one thing can turn into another under different conditions - salt water disintegrates with the release of flame and high temperature, but who said that the reverse process is impossible?

Just recently, scientists in many countries around the world considered water as a source of fuel for the future. Naturally, we were talking about hydrogen, which they tried to obtain from water in different ways. Experimental cars were even created, but things have not yet reached mass use. The prospect of switching to hydrogen fuel is, of course, very tempting. Just a dream! But it seems that it is not destined to come true in the near future.

But water showed itself on the other, very positive side. It literally “cleans” the burner flame! More precisely, not the water itself, but the water vapor formed during its evaporation at high temperatures. From a simple philistine point of view, this seems incredible.

In our minds, water and fire are irreconcilable antagonists. And to imagine that water can support combustion, contribute to the purity of the flame and, on top of that, increase the temperature of fuel combustion is very difficult for many. However, there is nothing fantastic here. Everything is simply explained by the laws of physics and chemistry.

Naturally, in order to “force” water to enter, so to speak, into union with fire, it must be included in the combustion process in a special way, with the help of special devices. And then we see the following picture: a dim, smoldering flame suddenly transforms into a bright, clean torch. The soot disappears somewhere. The fire really “transforms”, becomes somehow noisy, cheerful, sparkling, almost like fireworks. What kind of miracles are they, really? Was it really the water that had something to do with it?

By the way, on the Internet you can find many pictures and videos demonstrating such miracles. The attitude of many of us towards such things is rather skeptical. “Well, again some amateur magicians are fooling us,” the stern spectator grumbles incredulously. To be honest, I didn’t believe it myself for a long time. Typically, this attitude towards what is seen is caused by the fact that people demonstrating such “miracles” do not always give clear explanations for these processes. Therefore, an inexperienced user begins to suspect them of quackery. Very often, these suspicions intensify precisely because the average person immediately begins to, roughly speaking, “sell” some service, accompanying it with fantastic comments. This is where skepticism comes from.

However, not so long ago a similar “trick” was demonstrated to me in the laboratory of radiation heat transfer at the Institute of Thermophysics SB RAS. As it turned out, the Institute has been conducting research in the field of combustion of liquid hydrocarbons for many years. Using special burner devices, scientists are exploring methods for so-called soot-free combustion of hydrocarbon fuels. What “soot-free” means is clear - this is when the fuel burns without soot. That is, it burns with the same sparkling torch mentioned above. This torch was just clearly demonstrated to me on a special test bench.

Focus looks like this. Imagine a small cylindrical metal burner in which diesel fuel is ignited. At first you see the usual yellow flame with soot. Nothing remarkable - fire like fire. And then a “miraculous” transformation occurs: another cylindrical object made of stainless steel is inserted into the cylindrical body through which the flame comes out - a steam generator filled with water and having a special nozzle for the release of superheated steam. And as soon as the torch begins to come into contact with this steam, it instantly “transforms”: the soot is gone, the flame begins to sparkle and make noise. We take out the steam generator - and again the usual fire with soot. We insert the steam generator - the soot is gone, the flame rustles and sparkles. This is repeated several times.

What is the secret of such a “miraculous” transformation? In fact, there is no miracle. Solid laws of nature.

The point is that the combustion of hydrocarbon fuel occurs here at a high concentration of superheated water vapor. When escaping steam comes into contact with a flame, the so-called steam gasification reaction occurs. At the exit, the torch contains virtually no soot.

On top of that, as scientists say, the temperature is rising. The water contained in the steam generator is heated by a conventional flame, and then “flows” through the nozzle in the form of superheated steam with an outlet temperature of 400 degrees C. The measured temperature of the “clean” torch here reaches 1500 degrees! And this despite the fact that ordinary diesel fuel burns in air at a temperature of 1200 degrees C. Scientists have yet to figure out where the additional “degrees” come from. The Institute of Thermophysics is trying to find an explanation for this effect.

The question is, how does superheated steam have such a beneficial effect on the combustion process? It turns out that this is simply explained by the laws of chemistry. Have you ever wondered why fire regulations prohibit extinguishing burning oil products with water? The fact is that water, falling into a powerful flame, evaporates, overheats, and in this “heated” state reacts with carbon. At such high temperatures, the bonds in the water molecule are weakened, and carbon simply “tears” the oxygen element from it, entering into an oxidation reaction with it. It is precisely the same soot that is oxidized, which under normal conditions should have settled in the form of soot on the walls of the combustion chambers and chimneys. And the synthesis gas is already burning. That's the whole secret.

The Institute of Thermophysics is currently conducting experiments with different designs of such soot-free combustion burners. One contains 25% water vapor, the other contains 30 percent.

Leading designer of the Radiation Heat Transfer Laboratory, Mikhail Vigriyanov, states: “We absolutely guarantee that we have achieved complete, one might say, ideal combustion of fuel.” Moreover, this combustion method itself has already been patented.

The important thing is that with this combustion method any hydrocarbon raw material burns perfectly. Even low quality. For example, used machine oil. You can also get a “clean” sparkling torch from it. Such experiments have already been carried out. The most interesting thing is that the results obtained can be applied not only to energy. What’s much more interesting is that this combustion method promises a revolution in engine construction. Imagine a car or tractor, one tank of which is filled with ordinary water, and the other tank with crude oil. And nothing - the engine runs great and hardly smokes. There is truly something fantastic about this. However, scientists have no doubt that they are quite capable of accomplishing this.

Oleg Noskov

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Motorists have long used water as a fuel additive and previously added it dropwise to the fuel mixture in the intake tract. ICE. At the same time, it was possible to use gasoline brand A-76 instead of A-92 drive without losing power ICE because the addition of water vapor to gasoline vapor in the combustion chambers increased the octane number of gasoline, therefore, when operating in this combined mode, A-76- it was possible to set the advance angle much “forward” without detonation ICE. Is it possible to completely switch over the fuel supply? ICE for one water vapor instead of expensive and toxic gasoline? Quite - just not immediately, but gradually... New technology and the phenomenon of electrohydrodynamic impact in pairs will help us with this.

Spark electrohydraulic explosion of water vapor

The original idea of ​​​​the useful use of electrohydraulic shock in any liquid, for example, water, to convert the internal energy of the liquid (water) released in this effect into other types of energy can be developed and even more effectively applied to its phase states, for example, to an unusual pulse EHD- dissociation of water vapor in H 2- fuel gas. Below about this - more precisely about ways to use this EHD-effect for the effective conversion of vapor of liquids, such as water, into a new gaseous hydrogen-containing steam-gas fuel and its subsequent combustion by electrohydraulic explosion of water vapor.

The prospects for realizing the effect of vapor dissociation of a given liquid EHD- effect in water vapor to convert it into H 2- gas - no doubt. Moreover, in this way it is possible to obtain not only pressure on the piston of a water motor, but at the same time also electricity from the water.

Thus, we propose using liquid vapor as fuel, for example, in new generation engines. Heat, electricity and useful excess pressure from an electrothermal explosion of water vapor (fog) is a real fantasy!

It is known that the smallest suspension of dust particles in the air or, for example, cotton particles of a certain concentration per unit volume in the presence of a spark is prone to explosion.

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The reason is the occurrence and rapid development of high-speed chain reactions of ionization and rapid combustion of this medium. Only a small electrical spark is enough for this explosion. This effect of the explosion of fine aerosols is already being used, but not yet for entirely useful purposes. It is quite possible to harness this physical effect into useful work, for example, in new generation fuel-free engines.

Technology for converting steam into H 2-fuel and its combustion are quite simple. The essence of the method in brief. The new principle I propose for converting water vapor into H 2- gaseous fuel consists of electric arc dissociation of steam into H 2 And O 2 using EHD-effect. As a result, it becomes possible to obtain thermal, mechanical energy and electricity from the anomalous energy of an electric arc explosion of water vapor. This effect can be realized, for example, in an unusual electric-explosive steam (steam-fuel) motor-generator operating on water.

Don't believe me? Then take a closer look at the latest technology on offer. The proposed method of steam combustion consists of its electric-discharge dissociation and the release from it of a local volume of cheap H 2 containing gaseous fuel from ordinary steam with its subsequent simultaneous combustion is as follows.

I propose to turn the thermal losses of a classic gasoline engine into useful work, namely, evaporate water and then burn this steam!

I'll explain in more detail. We perform the following simple operations sequentially:

1) first obtained by heating and evaporation on the exhaust manifold ICE high-pressure water (or water-fuel) steam, which we obtain from water from the secondary heat of the internal combustion engine in the form of a “moonshine” still on the exhaust manifold ICE;

3) we pass a high-voltage electric discharge through this steam, for example from a standard but enhanced electric ignition system, with adjustable spark duration and power;

4) in the zone of this electric discharge in a certain portion of steam we obtain the initial ignition portion H 2 during this discharge, since in it some of the vapor molecules dissociate into molecules H 2 And O 2 and partially into atomic components H 2 And O 2;

5) this hydrogen almost instantly and synchronously with the passage of an electric spark (arc) explodes in the zone of the electric spark and further increases the temperature in this starting hone of steam combustion;

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6) as a result, intense combustion of the entire local volume of this portion of steam begins, because the released and burning H 2 speeds up the process even more;

7) as a result of an avalanche increase in the process of converting steam into flammable gas, the entire volume of steam passes into H 2 And O 2 and initiates the beginning of a soft (hard) explosion of water vapor depending on the parameters of the electric arc and the parameters of the steam of the electric discharge chamber;

8) as a result, a pressure shock wave develops, which is transmitted through special dampers to the working element, for example, through a pressure reducer - a special elastic piston;

9) the combusted steam is supplied through the output manifold again to the electric discharge chambers, is ignited again by an electric discharge, the water vapor explodes - the pistons move - the car drives and thus this process is repeated cyclically - the water turns into steam again - it explodes and the engine runs, and then all over again because that the steam condenses again and again such an electric-discharge steam-water motor has no exhaust at all and in the output path.

Steam is the first-class fuel for our beloved cars. However, you can drive on air alone, and not necessarily on compressed air - but simply by skillfully burning it in combustion chambers.

Well, fuel... Of course it’s necessary... but only for initial start-up and warm-up ICE.


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Quite a lot has already been written about water in previous material /1, 2, 3/. But over time, new understanding and new facts have come, knowledge of which is necessary for better and more correct organization of the processes of obtaining energy from water.

Water in the liquid state forms a chain of its H2O molecules connected to each other by bond electrons. The maximum number of molecules in the chain, according to the strength conditions of a liquid single crystal of water, is 3761 pieces. The same number of electrons. When a chain is destroyed, the released bond electrons under certain conditions can become energy generators similar to the electrons in fuel hydrocarbon chains. In the saturated vapor state, a water vapor molecule consists of three water molecules (a triad). At critical parameters, water is a ditriad. Water gas is made up of individual water molecules, with typically one bonding electron attached to a water gas molecule. Such an aggregate or ion of water is almost neutral. There are no processes of spontaneous energy release in water gas, which indirectly confirms the absence of free electrons in it. All other intermediate states of water can be characterized by a corresponding intermediate number of water molecules in aggregates of liquid, vapor and gas molecules of water, depending on pressure and temperature.

The water molecule is very strong, since even at supercritical parameters it does not break down into atoms. However, under other external influences, for example, electrolysis of water, it is known to decompose into hydrogen and oxygen. They can participate in normal traditional combustion. Specific to water, like any liquid, is cavitation - a violation of continuity with the formation and collapse of bubbles. In this case, high parameters are achieved - pressure and temperature, molecules are activated, some of them are destroyed, and some of the remaining ones are destroyed by shock waves. Free electron generators produce energy by interacting with positive ions, primarily oxygen, as well as hydrogen and other fragments resulting from destruction. An atomic reaction takes place, including the formation of new chemical elements, for example, helium as the most noticeable of them. It is for this reason that some of these processes are called “cold fusion.” However, energy is still obtained, as can be seen, due to the destruction, disintegration, splitting of atoms and fragments of water during cavitation in the process of PVPR.

The water molecule is polar and can also interact electrodynamically with the electron—the entire energy generator—from the positive end. Apparently, this can explain in some cases the ease of obtaining energy from water, for example, in cavitation heat generators. For the same reason, when mixed with hydrocarbon fuel approximately in half, a new fuel is formed, which does not separate like an emulsion, with a calorific value the same as that of hydrocarbon fuel.

Energy can also be obtained from water purely hydraulically (hydraulic hammer, ram) by increasing the primary pressure and subsequent actuation of the pressure difference to obtain useful work. The traditional vague explanation of this phenomenon can now be replaced with a clear one, which consists in the phenomenon of acceleration of a sound wave using the energy of water molecules oscillating and interacting with each other and with the environment electrodynamically with the participation of the flow of electron gas. Excess energy can be obtained by another hydraulic method - self-rotation of water under the influence of Coriolis forces.

From this brief description follow five main processes as sources of energy directly from water:

Catalysis (destruction) and combustion, combustion, like any substance (FPVR),

Cavitation followed by PDF,

Electrolysis followed by conventional combustion of the released gases, including in an electrochemical generator (ECG, fuel cell),

Acceleration of a sound wave with an increase in primary pressure,

Self-rotation under the influence of Coriolis forces.

These methods, I think, do not exhaust all possible ones and can be used either individually or in combination, with each other, to enhance the effect and facilitate the extraction of excess energy directly from water.

Where do you get free radicals? There are several sources of generation of free radicals: the water-aerosol phase, radical ions in the form of microimpurities, electron flow from ignition systems, etc. However, their concentration in air and fuel is low. To increase the concentration of radical ions, a special treatment of fuels called activation is used in our time. Upon activation, not only does the content of radical ions increase, but the properties of the liquid also change (viscosity, fluidity, surface tension, etc.). In water and hydrocarbons, new phases of matter arise, stabilized by electrostatic forces from bound charges. In this case, the concentration of free radicals can increase up to 105 times, which allows for low-temperature combustion, more complete use of fuel, a sharp decrease in the concentration of incomplete combustion products, and increased service life and engine efficiency. When developing technologies for producing combined activated fuel (composite fuel) based on high-molecular oil fractions (diesel fuel, kerosene, fuel oil, etc.) and water, vortex hydrocavitation and rotary pulsation installations were used.

The operating principle of these activators is based on intensive mixing of various types of hydrocarbons and water at the molecular level due to vortex motion and cavitation. It is known that when solids in a liquid medium are exposed to powerful pulses, they not only undergo grinding, but also acquire physicochemical and technological properties that differ from those acquired when dispersed to the same fineness on other grinders.

The phenomena in which such an effect can be achieved include hydrodynamic cavitation.

Until recently, it was considered an extremely negative phenomenon, as it was accompanied by disruption of hydraulic systems and erosive destruction of hydraulic equipment. However, research in recent years has shown that under certain conditions it is possible to cause hydrodynamic cavitation of the “stall type”, in which cavitation bubbles collapse in the liquid and not on the walls of the channels, which makes it possible to use the destructive effect of cavitation for intensive processing of liquid compositions without destroying the working parts of the equipment . Compared to cavitation created in ultrasonic devices, hydrodynamic cavitation has a number of advantages: lower unit costs, lower cost of devices, simplicity of their design and operation, and the ability to combine with other influences.

Composite fuel (CF) - hydrocarbon fuel + water, connected at the molecular level - is a fundamentally new type of liquid fuel, differing from hydrocarbon fuel in the features of burnout and heat transfer. In the process of combining water and hydrocarbon fuel, water becomes a kind of catalyst that improves the combustion process of the fuel.

Some examples of the use of structured water.

  1. 1. In building materials technologies - in production:

- emulsions and suspensions (allows you to reduce cost by 3-4 times,

increase heat resistance to +200ºС, increase frost resistance to

- 20ºС, increase strength by 1.5-2 times). Economic effect per ton

concrete is ~ 35%;

- suspensions of cement and clay;

- cellular concrete;

- high-strength concrete water supply, temperature pipes of various


  1. 2. In the oil and gas industry - upon receipt:

- oil-water and fuel oil-water composite fuels for use in thermal power engineering;

- gasoline, diesel and kerosene composite fuels for use in internal combustion engines for air, water, automobile and other transport, which will allow the creation of multi-fuel, fundamentally new engines;

3. In the food industry - during production:

- new environmentally friendly milk and protein products;

- feed yeast;

- production of juices, pastes, jellies, etc. with those that do not combine in nature


- bakery products;

4. In medicine and pharmacology:

- in the production of various medicines and cosmetics


  1. Environment Sphere:

- in the production of mini-plants and devices for the collection and processing of waste

water and liquid waste in various areas of the national economy;