The Day of Arafah is one of the best days of the year. The Day of Arafah is the most valuable day of the year

They are happy for the pilgrims and hope to soon be in their place themselves. Be that as it may, the day of Arafat (“Yaumul-Arafa” in Arabic) is desired and long-awaited throughout the Muslim world. But why?

Ancient Witness

Mount Arafat (Jabal ar-Rahma, Mount of Mercy) is located in Saudi Arabia. This is a small 70-meter hill 20 km from Mecca. It was there that the happy reunion of Adam and Havva took place after their overthrow from Paradise and a long separation on Earth.

Here the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) delivered his farewell sermon. Then thousands of believers confirmed that he had fulfilled the mission entrusted to him and conveyed the message of the Almighty.

And finally, Mount Arafat is the place where standing on the 9th of the month of Dhul-Hijjah is the culmination of the Hajj.

Advantages of Yaumul-Arafa

According to the saying of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), Arafat day- one of the best in which the sun rises. On this day, Allah “perfected His religion and completed His mercy” (5:3). At Yaumul Arafa, He frees many more of His slaves from the fire than at other times. Any good deed is multiplied many times over and prayer on the day of Arafat is considered the best.

For those on Hajj

“Guests of Allah” should remember that standing on Mount Arafat is one of the main pillars of the great pilgrimage. If, due to inattention, error or forgetfulness, a person finds himself outside the specified territory, he is considered to have not completed the Hajj. As the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Hajj is standing on Mount Arafat.” Therefore, it is necessary to be vigilant and pay attention to special signs around the Arafat area.

Pilgrims arrive at the Mount of Mercy at lunchtime and connect Zuhr with Asr. After prayer until sunset, they turn to the Almighty with humble prayers. Their faces are concentrated, there are tears in their eyes. Rich and poor, white and black, young and old - all in the simple white robe of ihram, with their hands raised upward, dusty and humble. They forgot about the worldly for a while, turning to the Creator, each in their own language, about their own business... And Allah is proud of them, saying to the angels: “Look at My slaves with disheveled hair and covered with dust.” It is not for nothing that Satan is humiliated and weak on this day as never before: from the boundless mercy and forgiveness of Allah to Muslims.

For those at home

In Yaumul Arafa, all believers have the opportunity to earn the pleasure of the Lord. After all, just one day of voluntary fasting on the day of Arafat for those who do not perform the Hajj serves as atonement for sins for two years: past and future (Muslim). Good word, alms, remembrance of Allah, reading the Koran, even a smile - any good deed will be multiplied. Don’t miss this opportunity, treat the day of worship and forgiveness with all your attention!

17/08/2017 - 21:37

Arafat Day or Arafah Day is a Muslim holiday in honor of Allah, which does not have a fixed date. And it depends on traditions. Thus, the day of Arafat is celebrated on the 9th day of the last Muslim calendar of Zulhija. In 2017 it is August 31st. This day is considered quite significant, since it is on this day that you can try to influence your own destiny. About the traditions of this day in the material on the site

Arafat Day 2017: traditions and features of the holiday

The main belief is that all good and good deeds done on this day will be multiplied tenfold in heaven. But bad things get 10 times worse. Anyone who acts dishonestly and without the consent of the Koran will certainly pay later at the trial held on the day of Arafah.

That is why it is customary on this day to make a pilgrimage and sacrifice to God on the sacred Mount Arafat, located 20 km from Mecca. But as for the rite of pilgrimage, not everyone can perform it either.

1) Only those people who are 18 years or older can go to the sacred mountain.

2) Pilgrims are most often wealthy people who have the opportunity to make this trip. At the same time, it is very important that the family does not need absolutely anything during the absence of the owner of the house.

3) If a woman wants to perform the Hajj, she must take a guide with her. Women are prohibited from performing such activities alone.

4) Well, the main condition is to be a Muslim. Representatives of other religions may not be allowed into Mecca.

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Arafah Day is celebrated on the 9th day of the 12th Muslim month. lunar calendar Dhul Hijjah. The day Hajj participants visit Mount Arafat near Mecca, where pilgrims perform namaz at the foot. Mount Arafat is where, according to legend, Adam and Eve met after being expelled from paradise.

The Day of Arafah is the most memorable of Allah's days. For performing good deeds at this time, the reward increases many times over. Just like the weight of sins on this day increases several times. Before sunset you need to stand and atone for your sins. Saudi Arabia claims that these mass rituals are visible even from space.

Whatever pious deed a person does, seeking Allah with pure intention, on the Day of Judgment he will undoubtedly see its reward. The most important of those actions that bring believers closer to Allah is fasting on the day of Arafah. The Prophet was asked about fasting on the day of Arafah. And he replied: “This is the cleansing of sins for the previous and subsequent year.”

There are a number of ways to perform Hajj mandatory conditions:
1) you must reach adulthood;
2) be mentally healthy;
3) be a Muslim;
4) be free;
5) have enough funds to provide for your pilgrimage and support for your family left at home;
6) realize and not deny the obligation of the Hajj;
7) leave on the road in advance in order to be in time for the start of the Hajj.

In addition to the above conditions, there are other conditions for performing the Hajj:
1) good health;
2) the absence of obstacles to the pilgrimage (for example, being under criminal investigation);
3) ensuring travel safety;
4) the woman has an accompanying person.

When performing Hajj, a Muslim is obliged to perform the following rituals:
1) put on the robes of a pilgrim, which marks entry into a state of physical and spiritual purity;
2) make the first circumambulation around the Kaaba (the main Muslim shrine, towards which Muslims turn during prayer);
3) stand in the Arafat Valley, offering prayers to the Almighty;
4) make a second (farewell) tour around the Kaaba after standing in the Arafat Valley.

After putting on ritual clothes, a Muslim prays and turns to the Almighty with the following words: “Here I am before You, Lord! There is no one equal to You! Here I am in front of You! Truly praise be to You, mercy and power! There is no equal to You!

While the pilgrim is in a state of ritual purity, he is prohibited from certain actions that could invalidate the hajj. For example, trading, marital relations, smoking, etc.

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Description of the holiday

The Day of Arafah is the ninth day of the twelfth month of the Muslim lunar calendar, Dhul-Hijjah. This holiday is one of the most memorable days of Allah, when doing good deeds is rewarded many times over, just as the weight of sins increases significantly. For any pious deed of a person, committed in pursuit of the Almighty, on the Day of Judgment everyone will be rewarded. The most important of the actions that bring believers closer to Allah is fasting on the day of Arafat. In this way, the cleansing of sins over the past and subsequent years occurs.

Pilgrims perform prayers at the foot of Mount Arafat near Mecca, where, according to legend, the meeting of Eve and Adam took place after the expulsion of sinners from paradise. Hajj participants perform a mass ritual: they stand until sunset and pray for forgiveness of their sins. When reading dua, they do not limit themselves exclusively to themselves, but mention family, friends and all Muslims.

Performing the Hajj requires compliance with a number of conditions:

  • reaching adulthood;
  • mental health;
  • confession of Islam;
  • sufficient quantity funds to support the pilgrimage and support of the family left at home;
  • awareness of the obligation of the Hajj;
  • departure on the road in advance so as not to miss the beginning of the hajj.

In addition to the mandatory conditions, there are some other requirements for performing the Hajj. The believer must be in good health, he must have no obstacles to the pilgrimage (for example, being under criminal investigation), the woman must have an accompanying person.

Celebration traditions

On this great day, you cannot shout at those asking and see someone humiliated. You need to give alms as much as possible by performing pious deeds. The prescribed element of the Hajj is standing on Arafat at a certain time, even if the ceremony is short-lived. The period for standing begins just after noon on the ninth day of Dhul-Hijjah and ends with the appearance of dawn on the tenth day of this month. If a person does not participate in the ritual of standing, this means that he has not completed the Hajj.

During the Hajj, a Muslim must perform the following rituals:

  • put on the robes of a pilgrim, signifying a state of purity, spiritual and physical;
  • make the first circumambulation around the sacred Kaaba, towards which Muslims turn while reading prayer;
  • stand in the Arafat Valley, offering prayers to Allah;
  • after standing in the Arafat Valley, make a farewell circuit around the Kaaba.

After putting on ritual clothes, a Muslim enters a state of ritual purity, therefore he is prohibited from certain actions that make the Hajj invalid. These include trading, smoking, marital relations and others.

One of the most important days of the year in musuleman is considered the day of Arafah . Hecomingit turns outon the ninth day, known as the month of pilgrimage, and precedes Eid al-Adha.

On this day, believers from all over the world head to Mount Arafat, located 20 km from Mecca, to perform one of the Hajj rituals. The name of the holiday comes from the name of this hill.

The significance of this date is explained by the fact that it was on the ninth day of Dhul-Hijjah that the Almighty revealed the third verse, telling that the religion of Allah was brought to perfection.

Virtues of the Day of Arafah

1. Mention in the Holy Quran

The peculiarity of the day of Araf is indicated by the fact that the Lord of the worlds in His Book not only mentions it, but swears by it. So, it says:

“I swear by the promised day! I swear by the witness and witness!” (85:2-3)

Explaining the meaning of these verses, the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) clarified: “The promised is the Day of Judgment, the witness is Friday, and the witnessed is Arafah” (Tirmidhi).

2. Forgiveness of sins in two years

Just imagine - in just one day a believer can atone for the sins he has committed over the course of two years. This is the greatest mercy of our Creator, which clearly should not be missed. One hadith says: “Fasting on the day of Arafah helps to forgive the sins of the past and the coming year” (Muslim).

3. Liberation from Hell

On the eve of Eid al-Adha, Allah, evaluating the actions of people, frees some from the torment of Gehenna. His Final Messenger (s.a.w.) noted: “There is no day in the year on which the Lord freed more of His slaves from the flames of Hell than on the day of Arafah” (Muslim).

4. Great reward

In addition, the believer can gain significant sawab. In the narration cited by at-Tabarani and Imam al-Bayhaki from the words of Aisha (r.a.), it is mentioned that the Messenger of the Almighty (s.g.w.) equated fasting on this day to a fast lasting thousands of days.

How to spend the day of Arafah

Even if a devout Muslim does not have the opportunity to stand on Mount Arafat, one should take advantage of the benefits of this date of the Islamic calendar:

  • Fast.First of all, on the 9th day of the month of Dhul-Hijjah one should fast, since for this Allah, as noted above, can forgive sins for two years. And the reward received will be equal to that due to Muslims for the fast observed for almost three years.

However, there is an opinion that it is undesirable for people standing on Arafat to fast. This is confirmed by the hadith contained in the collections of Bukhari, from the words of Aisha (ra): “While standing, we began to doubt whether the Messenger of the Almighty was fasting or not. Then I brought him water, and he drank it.”

  • Pronunciation of dua. On this day, you should say a lot of duas and ask the Creator for as many blessings as possible, since it is in Arafah, by the will of the Lord, that prayers will be accepted. There is a well-known hadith: “The best dua is on the day of Arafah” (Tirmidhi). Commenting on it, many scientists agreed that we are talking about the probability of accepting a prayer - it is higher than on any other day. Some theologians have argued that this advantage concerns only the Hajjis calling on the Creator on Mount Arafat. But still, most scientists believed that this mercy of the Almighty extends to all people, but with a slight advantage towards those performing the Hajj.
  • Refusal of sin. The hadith says: “Whoever protects his eyes, ears and tongue from sin, his sins will be washed away” (al-Bayhaqi). In this case, we mean abstaining from insults and lies, from watching and listening to forbidden things.