Types of anamnesis and their content. Anamnesis is a medical term, the meaning of which is not understood by all doctors. Why is it important to take a clear medical history?

Anamnesis in medicine determines the totality of information that the doctor receives during the initial examination of the patient using communicative techniques. It means "remembrance" in Greek.

In other words, the doctor encourages the patient to reminisce, to remember everything that was about his real illness. He interrogates the patient or his relatives about the conditions of his life, past diseases.

The doctor must know: what kind of injuries and operations behind the patient’s back, whether he has any hereditary and chronic pathologies, whether allergic reactions are observed, how many pregnancies the woman had; how, when and with what the first manifestations of the disease began. All this information constitutes the data of the anamnesis. The purpose of their collection is an accurate diagnosis of the disease, the choice of a method of treatment or preventive measures to prevent an impending disease, the selection of medicines, physiological treatment and other, possibly, non-traditional methods of treatment. A conservative or radical way of resolving a problem is also often solved after such a complete verbal diagnosis.

The exact definition and result of treatment largely depend on the compatibility of the researcher with the researcher, that is, the doctor with the patient, so the style of conversation is, of course, the defining aspects here.

The people say: there are no absolutely healthy people, there are underexamined ones. An initial examination with a full verbal examination is an important step in the formation of a diagnosis, the right way to identify hidden problems.

Anamnesis in medicine refers to the methods of medical research, being a universal diagnostic method. Has found wide application in all fields of medicine. When combined with a general examination, you can get the most complete picture of the course of the disease and make an accurate diagnosis without any additional diagnosis.


There are several types of anamnesis:

  • medical history;
  • anamnesis of life;
  • gynecological;
  • obstetric;
  • allergic;
  • anamnesis of the nature of nutrition;
  • insurance;
  • epidemiological;
  • family.

Medical history reveals all aspects of the disease itself: how, with what and when it all started, what symptoms it was marked with, what changes they underwent during the course of the disease itself, what factors, according to the patient, contributed to the development of this disease, what measures were taken to cure, what research have been carried out and what are the results of all these actions.

Anamnesis of life brings to the surface the living conditions of the subject, all the traumas, operations, diseases and their chronic manifestations throughout life.

Gynecological determines everything related to the patient's sexual sphere, starting with menstruation (beginning, frequency, duration, course), all possible diseases and gynecological operations.

Obstetric reveals the presence and number of pregnancies, their outcome, the process of flow.

Allergological describes all allergic reactions (to which drugs, products, plants or environmental components), their manifestations.

Eating history- it contains all the information regarding the diet of the subject for a certain period of time (usually 3-7 days). When, what and how much was eaten, what is the frequency of eating and other subtleties. Based on these data, a nutritionist usually forms an individual diet and diet, and makes personal recommendations.

Insurance, it is also called expert - determines the availability and number of a medical insurance policy with fixing the period of actual disability throughout the last year preceding the disease.

Epidemiological- here is usually collected all the information about visiting countries and regions endemic due to any infection; contacts of the patient with the infected. In the case of food poisoning, the patient is questioned to identify the product or object that was the source of poisoning or infection.

Family history is compiled to identify hereditary diseases and the presence of similar symptoms in relatives who are close by blood.

In clinical medicine, especially in psychiatry, similar actions to identify all the causes of the disease have a different name - catamnesis. The term, first used by the German psychiatrist Hagen, in Greek means the completion of the action associated with the memory. Follow-up is a systematic collection of all information about the patient. It is usually compiled at the end of the study, completion of the stage of treatment or discharge from the medical institution.

This is an extensive result of the initial observation of the patient, so all medical information is summarized here, including important extracts from the patient's medical history. In fact, this is a comprehensive analysis of the entire medical history of a mental patient, built in the course of research at all stages of the disease and taking into account all the means and methods of treatment.

Anamnesis- an integral part of a complete diagnosis, preceding the correct choice of treatment and the treatment process itself, aimed at the positive dynamics of healing.

Anamnesis (from the Greek. anamnesis - recollection) is the sum of information that the subject - a sick or healthy person (during medical examination) - reports about his state of health, about his illness, about his experiences and feelings in connection with the disease, about the reactions of his body to external influences. The doctor uses this information when establishing a diagnosis and prognosis, as well as when prescribing treatment. Questioning about the possible (from the point of view of the patient) causes of the disease, its onset, development and course is a historical method for studying the disease, with the aim of establishing the correct diagnosis. At present, this method continues to acquire an ever wider character, including also data on the reactivity of the organism, its compensatory abilities, etc. This includes data of great practical importance on allergic reactions, individual intolerance, complications, hematological and other manifestations in the use of antibiotics, corticosteroids, etc.

The most important condition for the correct recognition of the disease is a thorough methodical examination of the patient, consisting of two sections: the study of the manifestations of the disease, felt only by the patient (subjective symptoms of the disease, revealed during the collection of an anamnesis, questioning), and the study of the signs of the disease available to medical observation (objective examination of the patient with the help of physical, as well as various laboratory, instrumental and other research methods).

Collecting an anamnesis of the patient precedes his objective examination (see Diagnosis). The opposition of these methods of examination, as well as the underestimation of one of them, is erroneous, since they complement each other and provide a study of the organism as a whole. In each individual case, depending on the individual characteristics of the patient and the nature of the disease, any of these methods may be of greater or lesser importance. The anamnestic method makes it possible to study the personality of the patient, the nature of nervous processes, which brings us closer to understanding the type of higher nervous activity. The combination of all methods of examination allows us to make a conclusion about the diagnosis of the disease, prognosis and treatment.

The outstanding Russian doctors M. Ya. Mudrov, S. P. Botkin, and especially G. A. Zakharyin played an important role in the development and development of the anamnestic method.

Anamnesis is of great importance for the study of the disease in development, in dynamics. Based on the anamnesis, it is possible to establish more or less precisely the origin, causes and conditions of the onset of the disease; to study the diseases transferred in the past (as well as the body's reactions to certain influences), the living conditions of the subject, the presence of prof. hazards, bad habits, etc. With the help of anamnesis, it is possible to recognize functional disorders that manifest themselves in the subjective sensations of the patient during the period of illness, when there are no organic changes available for objective examination. When collecting anamnesis and questioning, it is important to pay attention not only to what the patient reports, but also to how he reports, to his manner of holding, manner of speaking, his reactions to questions, etc. This allows you to study the patient's personality, features his character, behavior, neuropsychic state. The conversation between the doctor and the patient contributes to the emergence of contact between them, trust in the doctor, which helps in recognizing the disease and especially in treatment, in particular in psychotherapy. One of the important tasks in examining a patient, establishing a diagnosis and treatment is to find out those individual characteristics that characterize the manifestations of a given disease in a given patient. The same disease in different people proceeds differently, with its own characteristics, which depends on age, hereditary characteristics, reactivity and other properties of the patient's body. The anamnesis data contribute to the elucidation of these features along with an objective examination. As with all methods of examination, the collection of anamnesis should be carried out in a certain sequence and according to a clear plan. The more facts - signs, symptoms - on the basis of questioning and an objective examination, the doctor will be able to collect, the more accurate the diagnosis of the disease will be.

It is customary to distinguish between the anamnesis of this disease - the anamnesis of the disease (anamnesis morbi) and the anamnesis of the patient's life, or general anamnesis (anamnesis vitae).

The medical history includes information about the present illness. It is the first stage in the examination of the patient, on the basis of which the doctor creates an initial idea, a hypothesis about the nature of the disease.

The anamnesis of the disease should answer the following questions.
1. What is the patient complaining about? The patient reports his feelings and experiences, as well as other information about the manifestations of the disease (for example, pain in the heart, palpitations, vomiting, black stools). Complaints of the patient enable the doctor to assume violations in a particular system of the body (cardiovascular, digestion) and, without deviating from the study of the body as a whole, pay special attention to this system.

2. When did the patient fall ill, when did the first signs of the disease appear? This question allows you to decide with a significant degree of accuracy whether the disease is acute or chronic.

3. How did the disease appear, what were its first signs, what preceded them? The diagnostic value of this question lies in the fact that some diseases have a characteristic onset with a consistent development of the clinical picture (for example, a sudden onset in lobar pneumonia and a gradual, slower development in bronchopneumonia).

4. The course of the disease, its development from the moment of occurrence to the present. Clarification of this issue makes it possible to identify the dynamics of the disease, the gradual development of symptoms and various manifestations of the disease, the change in periods of improvement and deterioration, exacerbation of the disease, what treatment was carried out and what was the effect.

When collecting an anamnesis, it is necessary to critically evaluate the patient's complaints. Taking an anamnesis is a creative act of studying the subjective symptoms of a disease, their comprehension, comparison, scientific and logical interpretation. Listening to the patient's story and questioning him, the examining physician must always remember the most important position of IP Pavlov about the integrity of the organism, about the unity of the organism and the environment. Behind the patient's complaints and subjective symptoms, the doctor must see the pathological process occurring in the body, the significance of the damage and the degree of participation of certain organs and systems in the development of the disease picture.

When collecting an anamnesis of the patient's life, those features of the biography and conditions of his life are noted that may have been important in the formation of the constitutional type and type of the nervous system and could play a role in the occurrence of this disease. The type of higher nervous activity is formed under the influence of the external environment on the inherited characteristics of the organism. In this regard, when collecting an anamnesis, it is necessary to pay attention to the hereditary characteristics of the patient, the state of health of the next of kin and their transfer of the disease.

Social factors play a particularly important role in the formation of typical features of an organism. Therefore, during the questioning, material and living conditions, working conditions, the presence of occupational hazards, recreational conditions, etc. ongoing diseases. It must be remembered that collecting an anamnesis is only part of the work that precedes the establishment of a diagnosis, and that even a very detailed and carefully collected anamnesis does not give the right to make a final diagnosis without data from an objective study.

Questioning should be detailed and systematic, especially in chronic diseases. In acute diseases, especially in conditions that threaten the life of the patient, it is short. In these cases, the doctor does not have time to collect a detailed history, and urgent, immediate action is required to save the patient's life. About patients who are in an unconscious state, anamnestic information is obtained from relatives or people around them.

) - a set of information obtained during a medical examination by questioning the subject himself and / or persons who know him. The study of anamnesis, like the questioning as a whole, is not just a list of questions and answers to them. The psychological compatibility depends on the style of the conversation between the doctor and the patient, which largely determines the ultimate goal - to alleviate the patient's condition.

History data (information about the development of the disease, living conditions, previous diseases, operations, injuries, pregnancies, chronic pathology, allergic reactions, heredity, etc.) are clarified by a medical worker in order to use them for diagnosis, choice of treatment and / or prevention. History taking is one of the main methods of medical research. In some cases, in conjunction with a general examination, it allows an accurate diagnosis without further diagnostic procedures. History taking is a universal diagnostic method used in all areas of medicine.

Types of anamnesis (the list is not complete)

Anamnesis of the disease (novolat. Anamnesis morbi)

The onset of the disease, the dynamics of symptoms from the onset of the disease to the time of treatment, what factors the patient associates with this disease, what studies and what treatment was carried out and what are the results, etc.

Anamnesis of life (novolat. Anamnesis vitae)

Previously transferred diseases, existing chronic pathology from various organs and organ systems, operations, injuries, etc. And also where he lives and in what conditions.

Obstetric history

Have there been previous pregnancies, how did they proceed, what is their outcome.

Gynecological history

Postponed gynecological diseases and operations on the female genital organs, the menstrual cycle, its features, frequency, pain, etc.

Family history

The presence of similar symptoms in blood relatives, hereditary diseases, etc.

Allergological history

Allergic reactions, including those to medicines, vaccines, foods, plants, etc. The nature of manifestations in the development of allergies.

Anamnesis of the patient's diet

Collecting information about the nature of the food eaten, the frequency of its use and the diet for a certain period of time (usually 2-5 days). Such information allows the doctor to form simple recommendations related to nutrition.

Insurance (expert) anamnesis

The presence / absence of a compulsory medical insurance policy (VHI), a period of disability for any reason in the last 12 months (“how long was on sick leave”).


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See what "Anamnesis" is in other dictionaries:

    ANAMNESIS- (from the Greek. anamnesis recollection), is a honey. biography of the patient, set out by periods of life. According to A., it is possible to establish how the bnogo's organism reacted to all those external conditions of life and harmfulness that were in his past. Anamnesis ... ... Big Medical Encyclopedia

    ANAMNESIS- the result of a survey of the patient with information about his former life, the course of the disease, well-being, and so on, recorded in memory. A complete dictionary of foreign words that have come into use in the Russian language. Popov M., 1907. ANAMNESIS information about the previous state ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    ANAMNESIS Modern Encyclopedia

    Anamnesis- (from the Greek anamnesis recollection), information about the patient (anamnesis of life) and his disease (anamnesis of the disease), collected during a survey of the patient and (or) persons who know him, in order to establish a diagnosis, prognosis of the disease, and choose the best methods for it ... ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

    anamnesis- a, m. anamnèse f. gr.anamnesis recollection. Information about living conditions, previous diseases, the history of the development of the disease, received from the patient or his relatives. ALS 2. Lex. Yuzhakov: anamnesis; SIS 1937: anamn/z; BAS 1 1948: ana/mnez... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

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    ANAMNESIS- [ne], ah, husband. (specialist.). The totality of medical information obtained by questioning the subject, those who know him. Allergic a. Psychiatric a. | adj. anamnestic, oh, oh. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    anamnesis- noun, number of synonyms: 1 message (87) ASIS synonym dictionary. V.N. Trishin. 2013 ... Synonym dictionary

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Hello, dear readers of the blog site. In medicine, it is customary to use terms. The meaning of compound words is understood by doctors, but rarely known to patients in the correct sense, although both often occur with them.

Today we will deal with the word "anamnesis". It can be found in any medical book and specialized manual, in most medical articles on various websites, and sometimes in communication with medical professionals.

What meaning is most often invested in it, and what does it really mean?

History is...

Literally, "anamnesis" is translated from ancient Greek as " memory" or " ". Most often, the anamnesis is understood as the history of the disease or other information about the patient related to the past.

Medicine is one of the oldest human activities that has survived to this day. Modern medical science has very little in common with that which was actively applied several thousand years ago. But medicine during the evolution has not changed the main task - the treatment of the patient.

Treatment itself is only one of the stages of medical care. Another important part is correct diagnosis diseases. It, like the process of treatment, has changed significantly in recent times, although most of the basic principles have survived to this day.

Now, to diagnose most diseases, it is not necessary to have a doctor: a few laboratory tests and a couple of instrumental studies are enough. Previously, there were no such opportunities.

The main diagnostic method was communication with the patient for oral understanding of complaints and making an approximate diagnosis.

Having supplemented the conversation with a visual examination and sometimes palpation (palpation), the healers had to be finally determined.

Information about the importance of history taking already existed at the time of Hippocrates(about 400 BC).

Even before that time, it was clear that qualitatively collected information about the disease is the key to correct diagnosis and successful treatment.

Types of anamnesis

The current rules for examining a patient are also significantly dependent on the collection of anamnesis by a doctor. Current medicine highlights many kinds:

  1. medical history;
  2. anamnesis of life;
  3. general history;
  4. obstetric;
  5. gynecological;
  6. allergic;
  7. epidemiological;
  8. insurance history and others.

Usually this word is used as an abbreviated version of "anamnesis of the disease" - medical history from its inception to the present day.

This is a really important part of the diagnostic process, on which all further diagnostic and therapeutic measures depend.

Other types of history are also important, but are usually less important and not always used.

The history of life is the history of the patient's life from the moment of birth in the medical aspect (past and chronic diseases, injuries and operations).

Sometimes it has a significant role: the diagnosis of mental illness (which can develop for several years), childhood illnesses (manifestations can begin at birth and be invisible to parents).

General history called polling systems. Here information is collected about general well-being and any sensations during the work of the main organs (cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, genitourinary, nervous systems, musculoskeletal system, metabolism).

Obstetric history is important in young children. It includes all information about pregnancy, childbirth, the postpartum period of the child. Similar information about previous pregnancies and births is also important.

Gynecological anamnesis - this is a history of diseases of the female reproductive system, operations on its organs, the course of the menstrual cycle - is used by obstetrician-gynecologists and surgeons.

allergic History refers to the history of all allergic reactions during a person's lifetime. This refers to any type of allergy: to food, medicines, vaccines, plant pollen, insects, etc. A detailed description of the signs of allergy (itching, redness, swelling, lowering blood pressure) and the time of their development is important.

Epidemiological anamnesis is collected by infectious disease doctors. Helps in the diagnosis of infectious diseases: some are easily and quickly transmitted from person to person (most acute intestinal infections and), so you can find the source of the infection, and clarify the diagnosis by the timing of the onset of symptoms.

Insurance anamnesis - especially important in countries with compulsory medical insurance. Insurance information should be obtained as early as possible and recorded in the medical records to avoid possible financial hardship for the patient.


"Anamnesis" is an ancient Greek word, which is now similar in meaning to "history".

In medicine, it is more often used as an abbreviated version of "anamnesis of the disease." Usually, doctors understand the anamnesis as only the history of the development of a particular disease, but in medical science there are many different types of anamnesis.

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A distinctive characteristic of medicine is a large number of terms from Latin and Greek. Because of this, many people do not understand what is at stake. One of the unknown and mysterious words is "anamnesis". What does this term mean? What types are there? This will be discussed in this article.

Anamnesis - what is it?

In order to correctly diagnose, the doctor asks the patient a series of questions. This process is called anamnesis.

If the patient is a child or a mentally ill person, then in this case, the parents of the children or relatives surrounding them are interviewed, respectively. Then we are talking about heteroanamnesis.

During the examination, the complaints received constitute the symptoms of the disease.

The history of the patient may vary in duration. It depends on situation. So, ambulance doctors ask the patient about his personal data and specific complaints.

In turn, psychiatric practice differs in that the anamnestic study can last several hours.

And the therapist can spend about 15 minutes to interview the patient.

After the information that is obtained through anamnesis, patient complaints, as well as a physical examination, a treatment plan is formed. If the situation is controversial, then a preliminary diagnosis is made.

What is the classification of anamnesis?

There are two main groups in this study. The first is the history of life. It, in turn, is divided into 10 types. The next large group is the history of the disease. Based on the name of the classification, we can assume what it is about. Each of them will be discussed in more detail in the following sections of the article.

What does anamnestic study of life include?

In order to make the correct diagnosis, it is necessary to identify the individual characteristics of the patient. This information is included in the anamnesis of life. Here the specialist receives information about the psychological, social, physical development of the patient.

If the situation is such that emergency care is needed, then a series of questions are asked that will help to obtain information for making a diagnosis and prescribing the correct therapy.

As mentioned earlier, the anamnestic study of life is divided into several types, such as gynecological and obstetric, social and pediatric, professional and climatic, endemic and epidemiological, genealogical and allergological.

Some of them will be discussed in more detail in the following sections.

What is anamnestic study of the disease?

In order to make a preliminary diagnosis, information about the initial signs of the pathological condition and the features of its course is important. An anamnestic study of the disease is necessary to determine the factors. The latter contribute to the development of the clinical picture of the disease. Also, the data that will be obtained during the conversation will help the specialist to differentiate an acute condition from a recurrent one.

How is anamnestic study carried out?

The foundations for compiling a medical history were already established in the 19th century. Today, practically nothing has changed.

So, in the previous section, the answer to the question "Anamnesis - what is it?" was given, then we will consider the procedure for its implementation.

First, the doctor must ask the patient for his personal data. Namely, in this case, we mean his last name, first name, patronymic, age, place of residence and work. After that, the specialist is interested in the reasons for visiting this hospital. As a rule, the patient describes the symptoms that bother him, and the time of their appearance.

After that, the doctor assesses the living and working conditions of the patient, under which the disease began to develop. A series of questions are then asked about attempts at self-treatment and the presence of chronic diseases.

In some countries, computerized technology is used to collect anamnesis, because the patient is sometimes embarrassed to speak frankly about his ailments. Then this method is very necessary. But the disadvantage is that the computer cannot pick up non-verbal information, such as anxiety.

At present, this method is practically not practiced in Russia. The specialist conducts a similar study with the help of a conversation and asks a series of questions.

A little about the allergic history

With the help of questions, the specialist finds out if the patient has hypersensitivity reactions. This type of patient history is necessary in order to prevent possible consequences when taking certain medications. If the patient has a sensitization reaction to drugs, then the doctor finds out which ones. It also clarifies the symptoms that occur after the use of these medications.

What is a gynecological history study?

In order to assess the state of the female reproductive system, facts come to the rescue. They, in turn, must be correlated with the endocrine and reproductive systems of the body. A gynecological history helps the specialist to make preliminary conclusions. After they are either refuted or confirmed using other diagnostic methods of examination.

To collect an anamnesis in gynecology, the specialist asks the patient a series of questions about the nature of menstruation, sexual function and the state of the reproductive organs. Then the doctor finds out what infectious and inflammatory diseases of the female reproductive system have been transferred.

Next, a series of questions about childbearing is asked. This includes information on the number of abortions, pregnancies, miscarriages and births. In addition, in this study, the last specialist asks about surgical interventions.

Burdened gynecological history: what is it about?

Some diseases are dangerous for women's health and pose a threat to the normal functioning of the female reproductive system. This diagnosis is made to the patient if she had previously suffered pathological conditions. This type of medical history collection helps the doctor to analyze the causes of the disease.

A burdened gynecological history during pregnancy also happens. They talk about it when there is late toxicosis, which is also known as preeclampsia, hypertonicity, anomalies of placental attachment and previously transferred diseases of a gynecological nature, infections of the genitourinary system. Also, a burdened history is evidenced by delivery by caesarean section, the birth of children with malformations and stillbirth, abortion and miscarriage.

History of the child

This type of information is collected from the words of parents or close relatives. A specialist can ask some questions to a child who is in preschool or school age. The physician should be aware that his responses should be considered with caution.

When clarifying the history of the child, you need to get information about how he is in the family, about the degree of development at an early age, about communicating with peers.

In addition to all this, the specialist finds out the presence of all necessary vaccinations and tuberculin tests. After that, he asks a series of questions about possible contacts with pathogens of infectious diseases.

Anamnesis - what is it? This question was answered at the very beginning of the article. This study should not be taken lightly, since it is from it that the specialist draws conclusions on making the correct diagnosis and prescribing treatment.