Now is the era of fish. The Age of Aquarius is an astrological era. Age of Aquarius - when it begins and ends

Compatibility horoscope: the age of Aquarius for the zodiac signs - the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

Researchers call the new period a sign of brotherhood and mercy. Astrologers' forecasts promise that the Age of Aquarius will unite humanity into a single people, where nationality will not play a role. The main value will be the person himself. A new type of aristocracy will appear - an erudite personality, and all people on Earth will strive for this ideal.

Age of Aquarius - what does it mean?

Many ordinary people often wonder: The Age of Aquarius – what is it? Scientists have derived a simple formula: The Age of Aquarius is a horoscopic theory that lies at the basis of the views of the New Age culture, the essence of which is that the astrological period changes. This happens once every 2 thousand years, and in the new era science will make great strides forward, many different teachings will appear. This period is also called the Golden Age because it will give a new society to the Earth.

Characteristic features of the new era:

  • a combination of all beliefs;
  • liberation from illusions;
  • any person will become part of the renewed race;
  • many individuals with supernatural abilities will appear;
  • universal equality and fraternity.

Symbol of the Age of Aquarius

Each era has its own characteristic symbols. The sign of the Age of Aquarius is a person who pours water from two vessels into a river at once; researchers call them symbols of the currents of Good and Evil. These are the energies of the Age of Aquarius, one vessel symbolizes “dead” water, the second – “living”. Wherein:

  1. The stream of Evil brings suffering and cleanses the soul through pain.
  2. The flow of Good fills you with a feeling of new happiness and harmony, freedom and love.

Age of Aquarius – when does it begin and end?

There are active discussions between scientists from different countries about how long the Age of Aquarius lasts. Some claim that a new era supposedly began in 1962, when Aquarius gathered many planets, others insist on 1997, since Uranus entered the Aquarius field. Astrologers, for their part, insist on three versions that explain the beginning of the Age of Aquarius:

  1. The New Era has already arrived in 2000, and will last about 2000 years.
  2. At the moment, the transition period lasts, which lasts about 160 years.
  3. The Age of Aquarius started in 2012, when the vernal equinox entered this constellation.

Age of Aquarius - predictions

Given the extremely optimistic forecasts, the new era promises to be a better period for humanity. Researchers have constructed the main principles that decipher the meaning of what the Age of Aquarius is, what awaits us and what to fear:

  1. Condemnation will not be acceptable.
  2. Logical thinking will be completely replaced by intuitive thinking.
  3. The line between sciences of different profiles will disappear, scientists will begin to work with a fundamental basis.
  4. The main principle of life will be universal prosperity, without hierarchies.
  5. Everyone will live for the common good.
  6. Spiritual benefits will completely replace material ones.
  7. Artificial intelligence will be invented.
  8. The main goal of a person will be internal, spiritual growth, and not wealth.
  9. Intrigue, meanness, corruption, abuse of power will disappear.
  10. Everyone will work for a common excellent result.
  11. Strong groups will pull up those who are weaker.
  12. The proof of a person's success will be his friends.
  13. Scientists will form a unified information field in order to jointly solve global problems for the planet.
  14. Art will gravitate towards abstractions and shockingness, artists will begin to offer amazing color schemes and plots, and actors will work not on implementing the director’s ideas, but on their own self-expression.

Age of Aquarius - esoterics

Esotericism has its own interpretations of the new era and changes that await humanity. The very first knowledge: there is no death, there is only a transformation of the body, in which the Supreme Spirit is preserved and only changes bodies. The New Age of Aquarius will teach a different value system:

  • understand and love others, develop the Higher Spirit;
  • accept the burden of responsibility to the universe;
  • value people for their qualities;
  • respect your own and others’ freedom of choice;
  • make friends, show mercy and selflessness;
  • accept other people's troubles as your own, strive to improve the world;
  • eradicate disease and suffering.

Age of Aquarius for zodiac signs

In the Age of Aquarius, all zodiac signs will have their task, but the main responsibility will lie with those who were born under this sign and chosen to be guides for others. The Age of Aquarius for Aquarius is a period of difficult trials and, at the same time, great help from the Higher Powers, who recognized Aquarius as predictors of the concepts of the future. They will be the first to introduce the latest technologies, which are developing at a gigantic pace. The Age of Aquarius is a new world in which everyone, without exception, will have to learn to live.

And those born under this sign also need to learn to be leaders, their main tasks are:

  • pay attention to spiritual growth;
  • teach others tolerance, the ability to selflessly love and be friends;
  • master the latest technologies;
  • to be among the leaders of the information revolution.

When will the Age of Aquarius come and what does it promise us?

The Age of Aquarius is a phrase that has gained particular popularity over the past decade. It is pronounced in different contexts, but almost always with the brightest aspirations and hopes. There is a well-known theory that peace and prosperity will reign in Russia during this period. So what is the Age of Aquarius and when will it begin? You can read about this in this article.

Movement of the Sun

To answer this question, we need to step back a little. It has long seemed to people on Earth that it is not our planet that moves around the Sun, but vice versa. In this case, the luminary moves along a narrow strip, which scientists call the ecliptic, while passing through the twelve signs of the Zodiac circle.

The foundations of astrology were laid in Ancient Babylon. The inhabitants of this country named the signs of the Zodiac in honor of real constellations. By observing the Sun, astronomers have discovered that it moves through certain groups of stars every year. For example, in the spring it crosses the constellation Aries, and in the fall it ends up in the constellation Libra.

The vernal equinox

The beginning of the astrological year is considered to be the moment called the spring equinox. At this time, the Sun passes through the celestial equator (that is, an imaginary line dividing the sky into the southern and northern halves). Moreover, on Earth the length of the night is equal to the length of the day. This phenomenon corresponds to the term equinox, which is translated from Latin as “equal night.” There are two equinoxes during the year: autumn and spring. The first marks the arrival of autumn, the second the beginning of spring. The period of the spring equinox coincides with the beginning of the first sign of the zodiac (Aries). The autumnal equinox brings with it the period of influence of the seventh astrological sign (Libra).

Zodiac signs and real constellations

In early astrology, the spring equinox was considered the time of the Sun's entry not only into the sign of Aries, but also into the constellation Aries. Then these concepts did not differ. However, over time, astronomy and astrology became separated from each other. Zodiac signs no longer correspond to specific constellations. This means that when an astronomer talks about Taurus, he talks about a specific group of stars that form a constellation. If an astrologer speaks about Taurus, then he means only an astrological sign, that is, a thirty-degree section of the Zodiac with a specific set of characteristics, associations and symbols.

A Greek astronomer named Hipparchus in the second century BC discovered a phenomenon called the displacement of the equinoxes, or precession. The scientist noticed that the earth's axis slowly changes its position in relation to the stars. This process resembles the vibration of a rotating disk. The Earth's poles do not remain stationary all the time; they are subject to slight fluctuations from side to side. Over the course of many centuries, this tilt of the planet changes the position of the celestial equator, which is supposed to be in the same plane as the earth’s. All of the above explains that over time, the spring equinox found itself in a different constellation. The slow change in the inclination of our planet is called precession, because over many years the equinox points very slowly cross all the signs of the Zodiac circle in reverse order.

So, when the ancient Babylonians calculated the Zodiac, the beginning of the astrological year (vernal equinox) was located in the constellation Aries. At the beginning of our era, during the birth of Christ, it moved to Pisces. Nowadays, the spring equinox should move to the constellation Aquarius.

The beginning of a new era

Many people are interested in when the Age of Aquarius began. It's a difficult question. Some astrologers insist that this happened around 2000, others say that this event should be expected in the near future. The fact is that the equinox points move slowly along the Zodiac. The rate of this phenomenon is 1 degree over 71.5 years. One astrological sign of the equinox takes 2150 years. And all twelve of them will intersect in 25,820 years. This period of time is usually called the great year. The period of time during which the equinox points pass one sign of the Zodiac is called a great month, era or epoch.

For the last twenty centuries, humanity has existed in the Age of Pisces. Now comes the Age of Aquarius. The beginning of a new era is difficult to determine with an accuracy of one year, since we are talking about huge intervals of time. Some astrologers believe that the dawn of a new era was the end of World War II. And a very authoritative astrological association called the “Church of Light” insists that the Age of Aquarius began back in 1881. Caple McCutchen (renowned astrologer) states that we entered a new era in the 1970s. And Carl Jung (psychologist) together with Charles Jane predicted that this period would begin in the 1990s. Other experts, such as Cyril Fagan, have a different opinion when asked when the Age of Aquarius will begin. So, they believe that this fateful event will occur no earlier than 2300. However, most astrologers unanimously admit that already in 2000 a new era began - the era of Aquarius.

Peace and justice

What will this period be like in the life of mankind? Many have high hopes for him. The clue must be looked for in the characteristics of the sign. Typically, it represents humanity and brotherhood. Some astrologers expect that in the coming era separate states will disappear, and people will unite into one people that does not recognize division into nationalities. The myth of the Age of Aquarius says that during this time we will achieve world peace. The privileges of the nobility and the rich will be a thing of the past. The common man will become the rightful master of life, and the most enlightened and successful people will be considered aristocrats.

Flights to the stars

Aquarius is the patron of radio waves. This is a sign of inventions and scientific discoveries. It is still impossible to imagine what discoveries await us in the next two thousand years. But astrologers predict that space travel will definitely be among scientific achievements. People will be able to penetrate far beyond the solar system and even their galaxy. They will create settlements on planets suitable for life and large-scale space ferries. The world of the Age of Aquarius will become an era of cosmic achievements for man. It will fly to the stars, the closest of which is located 4.3 light years from planet Earth. By comparison, Pluto is only five light minutes away from us.

Technical progress

A person of the Aquarius era is a thinking and very practical person, capable of wisely managing the natural resources of his planet. There will be incredible intellectual breakthroughs in the future. New technologies will help solve the problem of depletion of minerals and energy resources of the Earth. Electronics, nuclear energy, aviation will bring enormous benefits to humanity. Aquarius is a practical sign, so acquiring knowledge in this era will not be an end in itself, but a way to get real results.

Astrology – the science of the future

Many modern astrologers treat the sign of Aquarius with particular warmth, because it is directly related to this ancient science. The surge of interest in it in recent years is obvious. Some even called astrology the religion of a new generation. The Age of Aquarius is supposed to make it not an insider's secret or an absurd superstition, but a full-fledged and respected science accessible to everyone. Such hopes may seem unrealistic to many. However, Aquarius is the sign of desires and hopes. Therefore, astrologers expect that the acquired knowledge will help people discover new truths.

Negative changes

The above predictions come from the positive qualities of Aquarius. However, signs of a new era can be selfishness, inflexibility and indecision characteristic of this zodiac sign. Humanity in its development has not yet overcome negative qualities and the emergence of a new race, free from hesitation and prejudice, is still very far away. People have serious problems to solve. We are threatened by famine and epidemics, global wars, and overpopulation. We are drawing on natural resources without restrictions, depriving the Earth of its ability to support life. The greatest danger is nuclear energy. It can destroy the entire planet and the people themselves. Learning to use this natural resource competently and wisely is another task that must be solved in the progressive era of Aquarius.

Russia is a symbol of revival

These days there is a lot of talk about the spiritual renewal of humanity. Some experts believe that it will come due to the influence of the Russian ethnic group, which coincides as closely as possible with the symbolism of Aquarius. What arguments are not given in favor of this version. Here are some of them:

  • The mysterious and freedom-loving Russian soul, glorified by poets and prose writers, can stir up all the best in humanity.
  • In Russia, brilliant scientists were born (Kurchatov, Mendeleev, Lomonosov, Popov), who made a worthy contribution to the development of world civilization. And this is completely consistent with the spirit of the coming era. This means that the Age of Aquarius for Russia is the most beneficial time.
  • Our country is constantly under a glass slide in the laboratory of the universe. All experiments (public, economic, social) were carried out in Russia.

Mission of Russia

Astrologers call the main task of our country in the new era the unification of all people into a single state, the abolition of all borders and national differences. Material values ​​will lose priority and be replaced by spiritual ones. As a result, humanity must achieve maximum mutual understanding and harmony. The Age of Aquarius for Russia is an opportunity to show itself worthily on the world stage. Whether this is true or not, time will tell. In any case, the forecast for the development of our country in the new era is very favorable. “The Russians harness slowly, but drive quickly,” said Bismarck. I would like these words to become prophetic.

Sadhana of the Age of Aquarius

This spiritual practice was proposed by Yogi Bhajan in 1992, June 21st. It must be done daily for twenty-one years. During this time period, the Earth transitions into a new era. Morning sadhana traditionally begins with silence. The first words spoken during the ritual are lines from the sacred text written by Jab Ji Sahib. Participants in the process can simply listen or read the text along with the guru. This is followed by a kundalini yoga class to prepare the mind and body for the next stage of sadhana - meditation. It lasts sixty-two minutes and is done without stopping between mantras. While singing, you need to keep your back straight and do a neck lock. This is necessary so that energy can freely penetrate into the head. This spiritual practice is carried out under the guidance of a Guru. It promotes maximum physical and spiritual cleansing.

Difficulties of transition

The Zodiacal constellations do not have clear boundaries; they have different lengths. That is why astrological eras do not change immediately, but gradually. The change of seasons occurs in approximately the same way: spring defeats winter, and autumn wins back its rights from summer. The entire twentieth century became the harbinger of the Age of Aquarius. Throughout the next century, the era of Pisces will remind itself of itself before fading into history. The same long transition period awaits the end of the Age of Aquarius, when, after 2000 years, it will also sink into oblivion.

Each astrological era carries with it different individual characteristics. Over time, they become the predominant, main background for the development of humanity. The symbolism inherent in the dominant sign completely prevails in morality, value system, way of thinking, structure of societies, worldview, science, mythology, culture and religion. Therefore, the new era will come into its own after it overcomes the remnants of the Pisces era. It is when most of the social structures and humanity as a whole are reorganized to other value guidelines that the Age of Aquarius will begin.

The advent of a new era gives people hope. The patron of this sign is Uranus. It promotes scientific inventions, stimulates technological progress, and favors humanitarian achievements. Uranus is also the planet of unconscious goals and will. Humanity has a chance to build a new, more perfect and comfortable world. Or, conversely, lose everything it has. Time will tell how we will be able to use this opportunity.

When exactly will the Age of Aquarius begin?

The period of 2000 years as an independent historical period is fully consistent with the data of ethnology and natural science. The creator of the theory of ethnogenesis L.N. Gumilev believed that the lifespan of an ethnos is 2000 years, after which the ethnos either dies or merges with another. Global cycles in the development of the atmosphere, hydrosphere and lithosphere also have periods close to two thousand years. Finally, periods of 2000 years in the form of cosmic epochs fit absolutely accurately into the historical chronicle of mankind.

AGE OF TAURUS (4000 - 2000 BC) was marked by a monumental approach to architecture. Stone is widely used to build megalithic (giant) structures in Egypt and Northern Europe. The image of a bull appears all over the world - the Egyptians have the cult of Apis, on the Ionian islands - Cretan bulls. Under the influence of the countersign of Taurus Scorpio, mummification, temple and secular medicine are being actively developed. During this era, the wooden plow and lever were invented, new land was developed, and livestock farming flourished (Taurus is the sign of agriculture!). Under the sign of Taurus, the Hindu pantheon was formed, the main feature of this religion is the deification of nature, and Taurus serves as the personification of its productive forces.

Foreign astrologers have proposed different years for the beginning of this era, from 1762 to 2813. Some believe that the era began in 1962, when many planets accumulated in Aquarius. The famous psychologist C. G. Jung pointed to 1997, because This year Uranus entered the sign of Aquarius. The diversity of opinions is easily explained: the year of the beginning of the space age is generally impossible to determine! After all, we are talking about periods of time that are not comparable to a year.

Aquarius is a friendly sign, so in the next millennium there will be a blurring of the boundaries between individual states to the size of a continent! Already, the borders between European countries are arbitrary, and a common currency has been introduced. A similar merger will occur on the American continent. Transnational corporations are gaining strength around the world. Total informatization at the beginning of the Age of Aquarius led to the emergence of global computer networks such as the Internet. Simple telephones will be replaced by television and radiotelephones, which will allow you to communicate with and see any person, no matter where in the world he is. European and American universities are already experiencing a boom in distance learning (via synchronous telecommunication), and telemedicine is gaining momentum in the West.

Age of Aquarius

I’ll go through old topics where I wrote about the number 11:

1)The Statue of Liberty stands on Fort Wood in the form eleven pointed star

2) Metal statues are copper – alchemical metal of Venus.

4)11 – female sign. the number of Daena (in astrology - the planet Proserpina). The symbol of Proserpina is two Moons, left and right, facing each other with their convexities, between which there is a center, a point. Yin and Yang.

Aquarius, the most sacred sign of the zodiac, is the fourth of the fixed signs and the third in the air triad. It represents the affirmation of man on the fourth plane and in the third state of air, spiritual air. The fourth stage of affirmation is when the person is in the para state of vac. It is the utterer himself, in which the vac exists as himself. “In the beginning was the Word” - a state that precedes “and the Word was God.” Therefore, in the para state of vak there is no difference between the word and God. For the Word there was no God, and for God there was no Word. This state can only be described by the negation of all other things, because it has no place in language. Even the Veda describes it as “there was no non-being, but there was no being, this was the basis of both.” Even the great Shankaracharya called it “not two” (advaita). Lord Krishna mentions this as something that “is, is not, and the basis of both of these.” Therefore he defined it as “beyond that and conceivable only as that which.” The sign of Aquarius represents this state, if it can be called a state at all. There are potentially two forces hidden in it: “there is and there is not.” They descend in the form of two magnificent forces from the supercosmic plane. They are the “measuring” and the “understanding” (Mitra and Varuna). Both of them conceive a great inhabitant of the supercosmic plane, on this plane he is Vasishtha, and on the cosmic plane he is Agastya. These two rishis head the spiritual inhabitants of their respective planes. They are above the spiritual level. “The highest group of the hierarchies of creation consists of the so-called divine flames, and they are also spoken of as the fiery lion and the lions of life. They are formless Fire Breaths. “- says E. P. Blavatsky about the inhabitants of these planes. This can be somewhat understood if we remember that Leo is the opposite sign of Aquarius, and Aquarius represents the more subtle principles of Leo, located in sushumna, while Leo is the fifth sign of the zodiac (the sign of children). Nothing more can be described.

* Nasatya, more precisely na-asatya - not being untrue and unreal - approx. lane

All numbers, as we know, act in a sequential series, but the number of the sign of Aquarius works with all of them at once. It is known as the number of simultaneity, or that number which represents the eternal now. Solar systems, universes and beings, one after another, pass through the influence of other numbers, and just as consistently emerge from under it. But when this number operates, everything disappears and appears again immediately, along with its sequence of affairs. This intermediate gap is the “flood” in its true sense. The Lord, who is the counterpart of Mahadeva (the lord of the eye of Shiva), at this flood saves the universe like a great fish, and again begins the whole drama of the universe “in its proper and ancient form.” The Devas, who after this opening of the temple discover that they exist, find the instruments of the Ritual of Creation lying next to them as eternal beings. Then they “sacrifice the victim by copying it.” “The devas stood up after the opening. Then how can anyone know about him?” - says the Vedic hymn describing this night. The closing and opening of the whole drama is symbolized by Aquarius and Pisces respectively. Smaller discoveries are made by the horseman, and larger ones by the fish god. The symbol of the first is Jupiter, and the symbol of the second is Neptune. Gandharva Vena is the link, he is Markandeya Puran. Living in the creation, he is called Gandharva, and living in the interval - Markandeya.

Now we live in the most amazing times, when our planet and all of humanity are transitioning to a new evolutionary stage of development. This is due to the advent of the Age of Aquarius - the next astrological era that will last for the next 2160 years. This is the time when the Earth and all humanity will move into a new, more perfect material and spiritual state, corresponding to a higher level of Consciousness, allowing us to be the Creators of New Life.

What does the new Age of Aquarius bring us?

There is now a large amount of information on the Internet about the new era of Aquarius, but no one can say with certainty the exact date of its onset. The range of versions given by astrologers covers the period from the 1950s to the present. And this is not surprising, since the change of eras is characterized by a large number of events. Many of them are associated with the constellation Aquarius itself and its ruler Uranus, which will influence the development of humanity with its energy for the next 2160 years.

Here are just some versions of the beginning of the Age of Aquarius:
February 2, 1962 – location of all 7 planets in the sign of Aquarius;
October 29, 1969 - the birth of the global Internet;
December 30, 2003 – Uranus crosses the Aquarius-Pisces border;
December 21, 2012 – change of eras according to the Mayan calendar;
December 21, 2020 – conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter in the first degree of Aquarius.

Only one thing can be said with certainty now - the era of Aquarius is overcoming the remnants of the previous astrological era of Pisces and will finally come into force at the moment when most of humanity and social structures are rebuilt to the value guidelines of the sign of Aquarius.

The previous era of Pisces, which was influenced by such rulers as Neptune and Jupiter, is personified with the religious, mystical and philosophical period of human history. It is not for nothing that it coincided with the arrival and spread of such a powerful religion as Christianity, which was based on the ideas of non-violence, compassion and unconditional love. Each era lifts a person to a new stage of development and, having reached its peak, gives the reins of power to its successor for the sake of development at a new level.

So what can we now expect from the Age of Aquarius, which has been waiting for its turn for 26 thousand years? And the answer to this question lies in the characteristics of the sign of Aquarius itself. This incomprehensible and mysterious sign is known for its eccentricity, love of freedom and rebellion, sociability and ability to make friends, sincerity and humanism, developed intuition and innovation, invention and focus on the future.

How is the Age of Aquarius different from the Age of Pisces?

In order to understand what changes await us, it is necessary to make a comparative description of the outgoing era of Pisces and the coming era of Aquarius.

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— The idea of ​​Pisces was compassion in the name of cleansing from sins. The main idea of ​​the new era will be the spiritual growth of the individual and the fulfillment of each person’s destiny. Thus, the new era proclaims the cultivation of goodness and harmony in oneself in the name of individual happiness;

— In the era of Pisces, every person, one way or another, was dependent on the established moral norms of the social group. In the era of Aquarius, freedom and independence will be proclaimed, the opportunity to walk your own path in accordance with the Laws of the Cosmos;

— The Age of Pisces was characterized by a person’s belonging to a certain religion. The Age of Aquarius involves going beyond religious dogmas;

— In the era of Pisces, all responsibility for sins was shifted to the Higher Powers. The Age of Aquarius requires a person to be highly aware and responsible for all his thoughts, emotions, words and actions;

— The Age of Pisces was a time of disunity between peoples and states. The Age of Aquarius brings globalization;

— In the family of the Pisces era, patriarchy dominated. In the Age of Aquarius, equality will be formed;

The Age of Pisces told man to fight his “dark side” of nature. The Age of Aquarius will require the development of Subtle Bodies and the Higher Spirit in order to achieve harmony with oneself and the world around us.

— In the Age of Pisces, logical thinking prevailed. In the Age of Aquarius it will become more intuitive;

— In the Age of Pisces, individual activity prevailed. In the Age of Aquarius there will be a desire for collective creativity. Each team member will work to achieve the best overall result;

From the comparison it is already clear that it will be important for each person to quickly adapt to the vibrations of the new era in order to move into it more harmoniously. Therefore, it is worth discarding old stereotypes and starting to switch to a new value system. This means the following:

- first of all, you need to learn to love and respect yourself and every person in the world;

- respect the freedom and choice of another person;

- stop giving in to the manipulation of others;

- open up to real, sincere communication; - listen to the voice of your intuition;

— develop the basic qualities of the “new man”: humanity, altruism, friendliness, and cooperation.

Personality formation in the Age of Aquarius

So, the era of Aquarius is already coming into its own with its own laws, tasks and special energy. But it turns out that a new era has arrived, but not all people were ready for it. But because of this, no one will cancel the evolution of the Cosmos. Everything will go as planned, and only those who are ready to follow it will be taken on the road. The rest will simply be thrown to the sidelines and doomed to a miserable existence.

We are accustomed to the fact that in life we ​​can deceive human laws using various loopholes and techniques. But the laws of the Cosmos are fair and unyielding; they must be understood and obeyed without grumbling or doubt. Whether you like it or not, we did not create this world and we have no right to criticize all this.

In the Age of Aquarius, most of the ready-made population of the Earth will become not consumers, but co-creators with the Higher Powers. Progress in all spheres of human life will develop by leaps and bounds, and it will be necessary to keep up with it. A person in the Age of Aquarius must be prepared for this. That is why there is a growing need to understand the stages of human evolution, find our place on this path and take urgent measures to correspond to the era.

Unfortunately, today there are a huge number of people on Earth whose fate is unenviable, because they are hopelessly behind. But there are people just a little below the level. It is for them that the transition between eras was created in order to gain knowledge and take the right path of development. Now we can’t sit idly by. It would be a crime against yourself. No wonder Eastern wisdom says: “God forbid you to be born in an era of change.” But it is no coincidence that you and I were born into this significant and at the same time difficult period of development.

In general, all people living today can be divided into 3 categories:

Man of the Age of Aquarius. These are the people who are ready to live in a new era. They are the models and examples for other people and teachers of those who are behind, but strive for improvement and can manage to reach the desired level for the new era. There are few such people on Earth. Their purpose is to help people who are lagging behind through psychospiritual enlightenment.

Left behind the times. These are the people who have lagged behind the evolution of the Creator’s requirements, but can still eliminate their lag. In an era of change, there are always many difficulties and overcoming them helps to accelerate the development of a person who thinks and strives for improvement. And many souls deliberately chose to come to Earth in order to accelerate their development. The most important thing is that they do not forget about this, since while on Earth there are many traps that lead them astray from the proper path.

Completely retarded. For them, a strict exam has been prepared on Earth for the title of a person of the Aquarian era and the opportunity to come to Earth again. That is why strong temptations and distorted values ​​of life (drugs, sexual excesses, perversions, alcohol, embezzlement and others) are now created for such people. If this exam is not passed, then such souls will go to worlds where Dark forces dominate.

Problems of personality development in the Age of Aquarius

The political, economic and sociocultural transformations taking place in the era of Aquarius will every day exacerbate society’s need for a free, creatively developing, self-determining individual, capable of consciously building his inner spiritual world, making independent moral choices and fully realizing himself throughout his life.

You can already notice how many people are beginning to become interested in the internal mechanisms of personality development. In the near future, the problem of creating conditions under which personal development will be a purposeful, productive and effective process will become increasingly important. There will be an increased need to create as many centers as possible, based on new methods of education.

It is necessary to understand that, indeed, a strong turn towards individual and creative self-development of the individual is possible only with a shift in educational processes from the emphasis on the transfer of knowledge to the spiritual and personal growth of a person, i.e. creating conditions where everyone could self-know themselves, self-determinate and self-improvement. So far, these conditions have not been created, because there is a smooth transition from one era to another. But each individual can now begin his conscious self-development and gain experience in this area for further transmission to future generations.

Age of Aquarius

The seven-thousand-year period corresponds to a seven-day week, in which the seventh day is Sunday. A millennium is a symbolic designation of the period of one 2160-year precessional epoch. The seventh era is Sunday - the seventh day of the Big Week. Therefore, the date symbolically corresponding to the creation of our humanity should be sought at the beginning of this week - This is the era of Leo. The Age of Aquarius will begin 12,960 years after the beginning of the Age of Leo. 12,960 years correspond to 6 eras - symbolically the six days of creation. Half of this period of 6480 years corresponds to the evolutionary testing point of the Age of Taurus, and therefore ancient researchers can count from this point. In a letter to King Henry, Nostradamus indicates the number from the creation of the world to the Nativity of Christ around 4173.

If we consider the possibility of reincarnation of the Soul of each person, then, considering the Soul of all humanity as a single created organism, we have the right to consider the issue of its reincarnation. Therefore, we can assume that the era of Aquarius, which humanity is approaching, is the final era of the real incarnation of humanity, after which a new reincarnation, a new birth of humanity, will occur. Each era has its own patriarch, he is like each of the seven Rishis in the Vedic scriptures. Each patriarch of the 2160 year epoch “heads” seven patriarchs of smaller 308.5 year periods. A separate work will be devoted to a more detailed study of this topic.

The history of several previous eras (Aries, Taurus, Gemini) is the history of the development of this idea; it is also the history of man's return to the truth. The paradise from which the first people were expelled corresponds to the previous era of the Golden Age. The events of the following eras are the return of man to Paradise - a new era of the Golden Age - the era of knowledge and unity with God.

Previous eras were distinguished by a weak manifestation of spirituality, as a result of a weakening connection with the Spiritual world - God. This is the time of the realization of the idea of ​​the “Serpent”, the analysis of the result of this idea and the birth of the idea of ​​return, expressed in the evolution of religious thought.

The result of the historical experience of the era is a return to the true hierarchy of values, on the foundation of which the ideology of the new era rests. The spiritual experience of the ending era has prepared the consciousness of humanity for the perception of new energies, new information, new knowledge. The thousand-year reign of the golden age, predicted by the prophets of various spiritual traditions, the advent of which in the Vedic tradition is foreshadowed during the period of Kali Yuga - this is the Age of Aquarius, the era of spiritual knowledge."

“From the Great Books of religious thought, we know that the entire history of mankind is a “seven thousand-year week”, in which for 6 thousand years man perfects the world with his labors, and the 7th millennium “is the Sabbath and rest for eternal life.” The seventh millennium is called the Resurrection of the Lord. Pundits relied on the 7000 year cycle to determine the beginning of the creation of the world.

A millennium is a symbolic designation of the period of one 2160-year precessional epoch. The seventh era is Sunday - the seventh day of the Big Week. Therefore, the date symbolically corresponding to the creation of our humanity - its real reincarnation, should be sought at the beginning of this week - This is the era of Leo. The Age of Aquarius begins 12960 years later - 6 symbolic millennia after the beginning of the Age of Leo. 6 eras correspond to half the circle - the Great Year of the 25960 year period - the Chaldean year, and half the circle corresponds in astrology to the opposition - the aspect of implementation. Opposition is the opposition of an idea, a plan with a result , a product of creation. Opposition is the next serious check after squaring to ensure that the result corresponds to the plan, and the adjustment of the result obtained. That is why this historical “Point” in the cycle of human creation is called “Judgment Day”.

The Age of Aquarius is the last era that completes the “seven-day” - “seven-thousand-year” cycle of creation. During the onset of this Epoch, humanity has the opportunity to reach a new evolutionary level, but there is also the option to fall into the lower planes of reality. Every astrologer knows that on the opposition aspect the implementation of the idea of ​​a plan occurs, if it has been specifically formulated and has successfully been adjusted in quadrature. The quadrature of the cycle under consideration corresponds to the historical point of transition from the Age of Gemini to the Age of Taurus.

The Age of Aquarius poses new requirements for a person to enter it. To meet these requirements, a person needs transformation. The test for compliance with the requirements of the new era is the day of judgment. And the “end of the world,” the reminder of which had such an emotional effect on people in various historical periods, is the transition from the era of Pisces to the era of Aquarius. This is the end of the old “World” and the beginning of the “New”. The “New Ark” mission, which is represented by the author of this book and other thinkers of modern humanity, is revealed in a new worldview corresponding to the new era.”

The 7th stage is the atmanic body of humanity. Age of Aquarius 2160 AD

“(42-49 years old person). The Age of Aquarius corresponds to man's perception of himself as a spiritual being - divine. At this stage of development, Man understands his role in the cycle as the role of the Spirit. And now he perceives all stages of history as the formation of Spirit in matter. The seven subtle bodies of the “past” are conditional for him - these are only stages of the Spirit’s penetration into the physical world and the absorption of new experience in the process of this penetration. Now he remembers all the events of previous cycles. His Mental body is spiritualized in the same way as the astral, etheric and physical. Each body is imbued with another. And all these bodies are no longer perceived sequentially, but simultaneously. And therefore, in the Revelation of John the Theologian it is said that there is no longer time, for time is successive phases of perception of what is outside of time, successive phases of perception of the “true Self - the Divine Spirit.” This process is similar to how a person looks at himself from head to toe while going through a cycle and only in its final part is he able to see himself as a whole.”

“At each stage corresponding to the formation of one of the subtle bodies of humanity, those souls are born and incarnated whose development corresponds to the quality of the present historical era. This self-aware part of humanity corresponds to the mental state of the era which is expressed by the formation of a certain subtle body of humanity. The souls corresponding to the other subtle bodies are not incarnated in the present historical era; they are each located on their own planet, corresponding to the plane of reality which the soul reached in the previous reincarnation. The level of the non-incarnated soul may not be recognized by the worldview of modern humanity, which has not achieved its development, but it is freely aware of the state of humanity and participates in its evolution. In the same way, embodied humanity participates in the evolution of the souls of those who died in previous eras, constituting the subconscious potential of humanity. Accordingly, souls that have reached a higher level constitute the superconscious potential of humanity. That is why in the Revelation of John the Theologian it is said that the dead will rise at the end of time, since there will be a unification of the parts that make up the whole and this whole is the single Soul of Humanity made up of individual souls. This is the era of the golden age of enlightenment of humanity, its unification in the awareness of its integral soul, divided in the first 6 eras at the stage of self-identification. This is the era of Aquarius - the era of the Result, sublimation, return to the Spiritual world. That is why higher knowledge and knowledge of its history will be revealed to humanity of this period. After all, the history of all previous eras is a history experienced by Souls whose reincarnations occur in these eras. Therefore, uniting with them will reveal the veils of deep history to a person. The understanding of the highest destiny of post-Atlantean humanity will also be revealed in more detail.”

“The value of Andrei Mikhailovich’s research is not in discovering an astrological chart corresponding to this day. Although receiving a map corresponding to the end of an era indicates that everything happens according to laws that are consistent with the movement of the planets, which a person can learn to read.

The true value of research lies in the process of research itself, corresponding to a new level of thinking, a new level of consciousness - the consciousness of the Aquarian era.

This is a different mode of human attention, this is a new quality of concentration that allows you to perceive and recognize what consciousness did not catch before. After all, the message of Nostradamus was available to the attention of all people for 450 years, as well as biblical and other prophecies.

The book "The Truth of Nostradamus" serves to help humanity to achieve the great transition."

“The discovery of the method is the result of the influence of the energies of the Aquarian era. The unification (Aquarius) of the creative forces (Leo) of humanity are expressed symbolically in the Aquarius - Leo axis.

In the method of reading prophecies, this is manifested by combining the individual symbols of each quatrain into a holistic symbol of the astrological chart. Reading a book attunes the reader to the energies in which the author was involved while working on the book.”

“The research brought to the attention of readers is of value to the astrological community, which has a primary role in the process of transition to a new era, since the era of Aquarius is the era of astrological knowledge. The author helps the reader get rid of the centuries-old thought about the doom and predetermination of the future, pointing out the timing of the exam and ways to prepare for it, which can save humanity from unsuccessfully passing the exam. The book will be useful to every person interested in the future of their planet and humanity, as well as for those who wish to contribute to a successful transition into the Age of Aquarius. And also to best meet the requirements of the new time"

“A qualitative change in the system of perception (the energy channel of the zodiac sign Leo) will open up a vision of the process of historical events (Aquarius). The transformation of historical events carried out by Aquarius will manifest itself in the understanding of a new meaning (the spiritual plane of Pisces) and will allow us to see in fragments of physical reality (Virgo) the constituent parts of a single Symbol.

The Symbol of physical reality that we see will reveal to our perception the integrity of the Higher World, the projection of which is the material world.

And this will be the fact of the fulfillment of the prophecy of Nostradamus - the opening of a door in the wall dividing the physical world with a subtle and New worldview, marking the advent of the era of Aquarius - the New City, described in the “Revelation of John the Theologian”.

Gospel of Luke Ch. 20.

8. And Jesus sent Peter and John, saying: Go, prepare us to eat the Passover.

9. They said to Him, “Where do you tell us to cook?”

10. He said to them: Behold, as you enter the city, a man will meet you carrying a pitcher of water; follow him to the house into which he enters.

“A man carrying a jug of water is a symbol of the constellation Aquarius, which has also become a symbol of the zodiac sign Aquarius. The city is a field of twelve zodiac signs - astrological houses. The house into which the man with the jug will enter is the first house of the city - the sign of Aries. The movement of the vernal equinox point, called precession, from the zodiac sign of Pisces to the sign of Aquarius is the entry of the constellation Aquarius into the first astrological house. The point of the vernal equinox is considered to be the starting point of the first astrological house - Aries."

Age of Pisces

The 6th stage is the buddhial body of humanity. The Age of Pisces - Our Era.

(35-42 year of man.) The budhial - value body of humanity is built on the analysis of the flow of events of previous eras. In the history of mankind, this is the 6th era - the Age of Pisces - an era called the period of lack of spirituality. But in fact, this is the era of the formation of true Spirituality - the Value System of an individual realizing himself as a spiritual being. This is manifested in the main theme of the idea of ​​the Age of Pisces - the idea of ​​Christianity - Awareness of the divine in man and the human in the Divine. In the commandments of Christianity, a person’s individuality is expressed in the form of a value system - this is a new positioning of a person, a new abstraction of him from the physical world. Here the human self looks at itself and at the physical world from the position of the spiritual body - budhial, axiological.

The Age of Pisces throughout history is manifested in the development of conflict between Church and state, between secular and spiritual authorities. This conflict is a manifestation of internal contradiction - the conflict of the spiritual principle with the material in human consciousness. This state of consciousness is potential - the initial state in which the seed of an idea is “planted” at the beginning of the cycle - at the beginning of the era of Pisces.

The nature of this conflict lies in the violation of one of the important cosmic laws - the law of hierarchy. Arianism, which Christianity has been fighting since the beginning of the era, argued that the Son - Christ is on a level lower than the Father, since he is deified by his grace and the deification of other creatures occurs through him, but from the Father. He is just a mediator, but the mediator is one with the Father - he is a manifestation of the Father in physical earthly reality, a manifestation that is not limited in further development. The position of the Church led to the absence of this hierarchy, since Christ was deified on an equal basis with God the Father, which excluded the evolutionary role of the Father, which was necessary only for the appearance of Christ. Consequently, Humanity was cut off mentally, and therefore spiritually, from the source of Grace and Truth - the Father, its attention was concentrated only on the grace of the Son. But the church took upon itself the grace of the son, and in the end it turned out that the relationship between people and the Son, Christ, had to be carried out only through the mediation of the church. Moreover, the church laws existing at that time were commandments in relation to the church (indulgences, etc.) Thus, most people were deprived of communication with God - the spiritual channel connecting people with a Higher Power was lost. A person had to be satisfied only with correct behavior regarding the church; she guaranteed him everything else. And this is a clear lack of one’s own spiritual position, which True Christianity taught, this is the lack of the possibility of dedication for which True Christianity prepared people. In fact, humanity has fallen into real spiritual slavery. Or simply slavery to a certain category of people who took power in the church and sought to extend this power to states and peoples. Spiritual slavery or spiritual dependence is the state of absence of a spiritual information channel of communication with the spiritual world. More developed individuals take advantage of this state, using people as energy material. In this we can consider the handwriting of the Antichrist, about whose deceit Christ warns people in the Gospels. And the actions of this treachery unfold in the last stage of the great 12,920 year cycle - in the era of Pisces. The Age of Pisces - The Age of Antichrist. This is, of course, not a specific person - this is the general ideological state of the era. Thus, the plan that was ripening among the forces of the Antichrist could manifest itself only at the final stage of the cycle, testing people for the degree of spiritual maturity, understanding of the hierarchical principle of relationships with the Spiritual world. The idea of ​​Christianity is the highest plan in which the forces opposing the deification of man are manifested and in which the possibility of the deification of all human Souls is realized. The limitation of communication with the spiritual world should have been expressed in the events of history - in the events of the relationship of people, societies and states with the surrounding world, beyond which is the spiritual world.

Sacred time cycles are hidden not only behind the days of the week, lunar months, solar years, but also the life cycle of each person. Astrological models also affect more global time periods of cosmic development, which are reflected in the history of the development of our world. Each culture marks historical periods in its own way and gives them its own names. In Greek mythology, for example, the concept of a golden age appeared and, in general, time periods received their names from the names of metals in accordance with the levels of development. Followers of Aleister Crowley's ceremonial magic distinguish three historical eras: the eras of Isis, Osiris and Horus. Our modern anthropologists, historians and art historians measure and categorize time periods in different ways. Despite these differences, all systems agree that we are on the verge of an important time change. Personally, the calendar of astrological eras simply fascinated me. I think it plays an important role in the process of understanding what we call New Age today.

Before moving directly to the astrological eras, you need to understand that there are two completely different, although interconnected, zodiacs. Herein lies the most important cause of confusion and contradiction. Astrology, even mythical, is based entirely on our ideas, and not on the real movement of the Sun. From our point of view, the Sun circles our planet in the zodiacal circle. The point of view determines the principle of combination. One model is repeated in another. We live according to the model that corresponds to our point of view.

The zodiac appears to us as a “wheel of animals”; it refers us to the ring of constellations through which we pass.

The Sun, Moon and planets as seen from Earth. This zodiac is based on the constellations of the sidereal zodiac. Although it is used in Vedic or Indian astrology, most Western astrologers use the tropical zodiac, based on the orbit surrounding the Earth, clearly divided into thirty-degree segments. The first segment, starting from the vernal equinox, corresponds to the sign of Aries. It is followed by Taurus, and so on for all twelve signs. The tropical zodiac takes into account the earth's seasons more than the positions of the stars.

Once upon a time, the sidereal and tropical zodiacs coincided, but due to the displacement of the earth's axis, the constellation in which the Sun was located during the spring equinox gradually changed. Every seventy-two years the shift was approximately one degree. While astrologers debate the exact time, we can say with certainty that the process of changing from one sign to another takes 2166 years.

This shift, called the procession of the equinoxes, gave rise to the theory that each era, which is approximately 2,000 years long, is governed by the energy of the particular sidereal or sidereal sign in which the Sun is located at the time of the spring equinox. Many believe that we as a culture are making the transition from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius, a New Age that, according to ancient prophecies, could become a new golden age of enlightenment and peace. Astrologers argue about when and how this should happen, however, by looking at history through this astrological lens, placing the processes of change and development in a broader context, we begin to see many things much more clearly.

Age of Leo

From 10,966 BC e. to 8830 BC e.

This is the time of the birth of human civilization and the awakening of consciousness, because the planet1 that rules the sign of Leo is the Sun rising over the world, although everything depends on your personal interpretation. Despite the fact that homo sapiens developed much earlier, the decline of the last great ice age was marked by the triumph of a primitive communal civilization, which was characterized by the predominance of hunting and gathering, belief in fertility goddesses and their horned consort gods. In myth, the Age of Leo marks the end of the last great civilizations and their golden age. In Western magical traditions, representatives of these civilizations are called Atlanteans. Although debate continues to this day about the physical evidence of their existence, according to myth, the Atlanteans, a people of highly advanced culture, began to abuse their powers, scientific and magical, and thus destroyed themselves, returning back to the Stone Age, but those who survived planted the seed of mystical development in subsequent cultures of the Ancient World. The ability to manage one's ego and curb pride are the most important lessons of Leo energy, ultimately helping to gain self-respect through the development of internal qualities and spiritual strength, and not at all on the basis of material achievements.

Age of Cancer

From 8830 BC e. to 6664 BC e.

The sign of the great mother symbolizes the birth of matriarchy and the onset of the Neolithic period. People begin to domesticate animals, and agriculture develops. Nomadic life gives way to sedentary life, the division of territories, land and, ultimately, the construction of dwellings begins - the residence of Cancer. This time is characterized by images of fertility and phallic symbols. The civilization of Fr. dates back to this period. Crete and the founding of the city of Jericho.

Age of Gemini

From 6664 BC. e. to 4498 BC e.

During this period, real civilization arose, in the sense in which we understand this term. The Sumerian civilization appears. More “advanced” ideas emerge - Gemini’s hobby, which contribute to the rise of agriculture and the development of irrigation. Small towns and villages grow to the size of large cities, and urban life begins. The language is unified, the first real writing systems appear. Our ideas about trade and industry, the way we exchange thoughts, information and resources, originate from these civilizations. Traditional fertility cults depicted in Sumerian myths abound, with the image of the goddess becoming tripartite: she is depicted as a maiden, mother and crone, or symbolizing the upper, middle and lower worlds. Pantheons of gods become more complex, and forms of worship become more diverse.

Age of Taurus

From 4498 BC e. to 2332 BC e.

The Age of Taurus is known as the Age of the Builders because it was during this time that various cultures developed into the famous civilizations - Egyptian, Minoan, Mesopotamian, Indian. The leading symbol is the bull - the horned god, the sacred spouse and devoted lover of the goddess. Mythology and mysticism became more pronounced in these cultures, giving the pantheon of numerous gods and goddesses the form that is familiar to us today. The system of zodiac signs that has survived to this day, which is used by modern astrologers, was finally formed.

Age of Aries

From 2332 BC. e. to 166 BC e.

Being a fire sign, Aries also has solar characteristics, because the Sun is believed to rise in Aries, which means harmonization and combination of energies. In Egypt, solar religions flourished. The royal cult created by Akhenaten (a very controversial figure) was, in essence, the worship of the solar disk itself - the god Aten - to the exclusion of all other gods. This first "attack" of monotheism did not last long, for after the death of Akhenaten the old religions were revived. According to many Bible scholars, Abraham and Moses lived during this period. Abraham is famous for sacrificing a ram to his god. The eternal archetype of Aries is the warrior, fearlessly moving forward. The Age of Aries is marked by the migration of warring tribes across the European continent and the emergence of empires. The Trojan War and the creation of the Roman Empire date back to this time. The technological leap of this period was embodied in the creation of weapons, because iron is the metal of Aries and its ruling planet Mars. This era is also marked by the flowering of law and justice, the arts, literature and languages, although these areas are under the jurisdiction of the opposite sign of Aries, Libra. The zodiac sign itself and its shadow, the opposite sign, always complement each other and have a mutual influence.

Age of Pisces

From 166 BC e. to 2000 AD e.

The era of dominance of Pisces energy, which is currently in its decline, is marked by the emergence of Christianity as the leading world force. Christianity is most often seen as a monotheistic religion, but in many ways it is also a fertility cult, created around the sacred figure of God, who is both a redeemer and a healer. Although Jesus is one of the last incarnations of the idea of ​​a sacred god, this archetype can be found in the images of Dumuzi, Tammuz, Osiris, Dionysus and Mithras. At the highest level, Pisces is a mystic who has connected with the divine and returned to the world, bringing great healing power, insight and inspiration to all people. We must hope that with this insight will come a feeling of spiritual, unconditional love, which is the real, highest Christian value. The other side of Pisces is associated with government institutions, restrictions on freedom and the search for a way out, romance, fanaticism, disappointment and addictions, all of which also characterize the period of the last 2000 years. At this time, there was a genuine flowering of philosophy, science and politics, true divine inspiration, however, the shadow side of Pisces made itself felt. It is noteworthy that the emblem of the sign of Pisces, in fact, the sacred geometric figure of the mandorla - an almond-shaped oval with an image of fish inside, the intersecting circles of which create an eye - has turned into a symbol of Jesus Christ and Christianity in general.

Mandorla - almond-shaped halo, mystical almond, symbolizes deity, holiness, sacred, virginity, vulva. It also means a hole or exit, and its two sides represent opposite poles and all duality.

Age of Aquarius

Since 2000 e. to 4166 AD e.

The Age of Aquarius is surrounded by a whole halo of prophecies and expectations. Some associate it with the end of the world, and in many ways it is the end of the world, the end of one world and the beginning of another, a transition to a new level of consciousness. There is no consensus on exactly when the new era will begin, because the time interval is too long compared to the length of human life. 1905, 1969, 1972, 1987, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2010, 2012, 2020 and 2080 were offered as alternatives. I think that, like any turn in history, this change will be powerful, although subtle at first, but the behavior of the unpredictable Aquarius can shock and stun everyone. The highest expression of Aquarius energy is universal equality, a sense of blood brother/sisterhood, replacing hierarchy with equal relationships, service to society, true friendship, celebration of diversity and individuality, revolution, innovation on the technological and spiritual levels leading to the creation of a utopian society, a new golden age of the world and prosperity in all areas of life.

Although capable of these higher forms of embodiment, the energy of Aquarius is contradictory: the particular in it fights against the general, it is eccentric and incapable of listening to the opinions of others, provokes unexpected changes, often cruel, be it natural natural changes or uprisings and military coups. As a result, there are many disappointing forecasts, claiming that the new era will bring terrible and destructive events. However, the basic mystical truth is that we ourselves create our own reality. If we raise our consciousness to a higher level, we can avoid these difficulties. If not, they will become a lesson for us that will teach us how to realize the energy of Aquarius. As in any era, joys and hardships go hand in hand, so pragmatic mystics advise always remembering this and not counting on the help of divine power or other supernatural beings. The tendency of the Age of Aquarius is to take responsibility for one's actions, while remaining a part of society that makes its own unique contribution to the whole. Utopia will come when we create it ourselves.

Western astrology is not the only system of sacred calendars and sacred timekeeping. Eastern astrology has also achieved considerable success in sacred chronology - from the Chinese zodiac to Vedic astrology. The latter identifies major epochs somewhat differently, calling them yugas. In the culture of many native tribes one can find the concept of great eras. The Hopi tribe has a legend about many worlds. Their folklore is very reminiscent of the myths of the Aztecs and Mayans, who operated a very complex chronology system that is gaining popularity in the modern world. The Mayan sacred calendar is considered one of the most accurate and complex systems; with its help it is possible to predict sunspot cycles with certainty - something that modern science has come to quite recently.

For years we have been talking about the Age of Aquarius and the New Age, but little explanation is offered to clearly understand what it is.

As a result of the complex movement of the Earth in space, and especially due to the combined effect of the attraction of the Sun and the Moon on it, our planet is subject to disruption of its orbital trajectory, which gives rise to movement (the time of the vernal equinox). This moment shifts in the opposite direction from the usual course of the seasons of our zodiac signs, at approximately 72 years of age.

Over the course of twelve constellations, it takes the Earth 25,920 years in retrograde motion. Therefore, it takes more or less 2160 years to designate a zodiac sign. It is this minute and almost imperceptible shift of the spring point, which is called the precessional movement of the equinoxes. These periods are called eras. (conclusion, each era lasts about 2160 years).

With the advent of humanity on Earth, we can trace the history of the seven past eras according to their respective signs. Dates shown are approximate. The constellations are of variable size and overlap. Therefore, it is difficult to know exactly when one era disappears before the next.

Age of Leo from 10,000 to 8,000 BC

An era about which we can make assumptions. Prehistoric drawings prove its existence.

Cancer - 8000-600 BC

The time when people began to settle down and build houses.

Age of Gemini 6000 to 4000 BC

Thought- and intellect-oriented Geminis, it was during this time that the art of writing and communication developed. Writing was born as crude symbols carved into stone. It was gradually improved for the Chinese and Egyptians, who practiced cuneiform forms of writing. The origin of medicine, crafts, writing. The invention of the wheel... Man developed intellectually and left his environment, driven by curiosity. The first explorers decided to conquer the oceans.

Age of Taurus 4000 to 2000 BC

The birth of religions in Egypt, Crete, Chaldea and Assyria. Religions with Taurus as an emblem of divinity. This god was for this reason worshiped by the sacrifices of black bulls, according to Homer's statements in the Iliad and Odyssey. The strength characteristics of Taurus and his need for security, his passion for luxury and beauty influence the development of the first dynasties of Egypt and the construction of their massive temples with noble proportions. Temples are built for eternity.

The era of Aries 2000 BC to 0 year.

Around 2000 B.C. The cult of the ram of Amun replaced the cult of the bull Apis. All of Egypt is placed under this symbol. The temple of Kornaka is preceded by a double row of rams, and on the tomb of Seti 1 (1500 BC) there is a ram whose head is surmounted by a solar disk.

This period also refers to the Exodus and Moses receives the tables of the Law. Abram. But the Aries religion was not limited to these countries. This symbol is also found in Assyria, Chaldea, Gaul, Algeria, and India. This sign loves justice: the Greeks developed the first form of democratic government.

Age of Pisces from 0 to 2160

This sign begins in the 1st year of our era and that it should end in 2160. This is only a convention based on the birth of Jesus. In fact, the Age of Pisces probably began long before Year 1 of our calendar.

However, during this period the doctrine preached by Christ is called upon to replace the old religions. Christ is born of a virgin, but the sign of Pisces is opposite to the sign of the Virgin. Christ is represented by a fish, a symbol of recognition for the early Christians. Since then, fish have been found everywhere, especially on the windows of Chartres Cathedral, on mosaics, steles, vases, giant clams, lamps...

Fish play an important role in the Gospels (the apostles, who are fishermen, multiply the fish and catch 153 fish...). The inhabited life of some religious orders also shows typical Pisces traits (the desire to live as a hermit or the worship of the Virgin Mary and the puritanical attitude adopted by Christians regarding sexuality).

Age of Aquarius. 2160 g to 4000 g.

Nobody knows exactly when the era begins. Some constellations are separated by gigantic spaces, while others overlap each other.

In astronomical terms, overlaps can last up to 500 years.

However, New Age prerequisites abound: the development of technology, computer science, aviation, space travel and science is an important element of the Aquarian concept. If we apply the humanitarian qualities of the sign at the global level, we should note the creation of the United Nations and other international organizations, etc. After the end of the Age of Pisces, it is expected that in the Age of Aquarius, people will perceive hypersensitive worlds. Researcher Alice Bailey claims that the era will be ushered in by the return of Christ, who will establish a world religion and even a world government.