Preparations for the normalization of the stool. Intestines. How to adjust your daily stool. Pathological causes of constipation

How to improve bowel function with constipation at home? This question most often worries people who are used to eating irregularly or those who lead a sedentary lifestyle. But these are not the only possible causes of disorders in the digestive tract. Why do some people's intestines work like clockwork, while others are forced to resort to stimulants? Is it just a matter of nutrition or are there other reasons that we used to not think about? How to improve bowel function at home? These are the questions we will look for answers in this article.

Why do constipation occur?

While each person is different and each person's biorhythms are unique, there are general norms that suggest that the frequency of stools should remain in the range from several times a day to once every 2-3 days. If you have not had a bowel movement for more than a day, but you feel good and nothing bothers you, it is better not to take any active actions and just wait. If the evacuation function of the intestine does not manifest itself in any way for more than 3 days, this is constipation, which cannot be ignored.

The occurrence of problems in the work of the intestines cannot be overlooked. The gastrointestinal tract immediately signals a problem with the appearance of pain, flatulence, spasms or bloating.

In order to effectively solve the problem and understand how to improve bowel function with constipation at home, you should “turn to the primary sources”, that is, understand what is the reason for its occurrence.

After food enters the intestines, the nerve endings in its walls are activated and stimulate muscle movements - peristalsis. The more food, the more active peristalsis will be. But sometimes the system crashes. Why is this happening:

  1. If the amount of food to be digested is too small, leftovers can accumulate in the rectum, stretching it and causing constipation.
  2. In the same way, dysbacteriosis or malnutrition can become the cause of constipation: insufficient amount of water, fiber, abuse of sweet, caffeinated drinks, fast food.
  3. In addition, there may be mechanical obstructions in the intestine - polyps, tumors, cysts.
  4. Doctors also identify the psychological causes of constipation: stress, overwork, a sharp change in regimen.
  5. Sometimes pain during bowel movements can cause chronic constipation. Once having experienced pain, a person subconsciously blocks the urge to prevent the repetition of unpleasant sensations.
  6. Often constipation occurs in pregnant women. In the early stages, dehydration due to toxicosis and vomiting can be the cause. In the future, the natural mechanisms of protection of the fetus come into play. In the body of the expectant mother, hormones are produced that relax the uterus and adjacent muscles, which also contributes to constipation.

What can and what can not be eaten with constipation?

It has been proven that not only the amount of food, but also the quality of the diet affects the functioning of the intestines:

  1. With a plant-based diet, defecation usually occurs several times a day (2-4 times)
  2. With a mixed diet (meat and vegetable nutrition), bowel movements often occur once a day.
  3. When eating mainly animal food, the evacuation function of the intestine is activated every 2-3 days
  4. When fasting, stools can be absent for up to 5-6 days without any discomfort.

To activate peristalsis, be sure to drink enough water and eat foods rich in fiber.

Fiber rich foods:

  • Whole wheat bread
  • Bran
  • Pears, apples in peel
  • Grapefruit
  • Raspberries
  • Prunes
  • Zucchini
  • Avocado
  • Beet
  • Carrot
  • Kale
  • black beans
  • Lentils
  • Soya beans

Sweets (including honey), fast food, carbonated drinks, alcohol should be excluded.

How can an adult improve bowel function with folk remedies?

On the forums on the Internet there are a lot of tips and reviews on how to improve the functioning of the intestines for an adult with constipation at home. We have selected the most effective methods for you:

Physical exercise

Insufficient activity affects not only the visible muscles, but also the internal muscles. If you lead a sedentary lifestyle, do not be surprised that your intestines will begin to “lazy”.

Diet correction

Dilute your menu with vegetables, whole grain flour products, reduce the amount of sweets, exclude fast food. Very useful for chronic constipation will be at least a temporary exclusion of animal products from the diet. A vegetarian diet is one of the most effective means of preventing constipation.

Use of laxative herbs - senna, buckthorn bark, alexandrian leaf, etc. Of course, these are natural remedies, but it is important to remember that herbal remedies can also be addictive. Therefore, they are only suitable for occasional use.

Many have experienced the effectiveness of petroleum jelly in the treatment of constipation. Indeed, this substance is considered one of the best remedies for constipation. Pure vaseline oil is not absorbed by the intestines and does not have harmful properties for the body, so even children can give it. For an adult, a dose of 1-2 tablespoons will be sufficient.

In addition to vaseline oil, taking any liquid vegetable oil on an empty stomach gives a good effect.

If none of the methods described has given results, it is worth trying an enema. For example, for an oil enema, you need to take 50-150 ml of any liquid oil, warm it up to body temperature and inject it with a syringe into the rectum. Lie down for 10-20 minutes so that the oil has time to be distributed throughout the intestines and lubricate the stagnant feces. Ideally, an oil enema is best done at night. Then in the morning you can go to the toilet without any problems.

Salt enemas also have a good effect. For her, you will need to make a 10% solution of table salt. The resulting solution is heated to a comfortable temperature and injected through the anus with a pear. After 15-20 minutes, water will soften the stool in the intestines and defecation will become possible.

Before doing enemas, make sure that you do not have anal fissures, hemorrhoids, bleeding in the digestive tract, inflammation of the rectum, erosion of the intestinal walls - all these conditions are direct contraindications for enemas.

Taking laxatives at night is also a popular way to relieve constipation. It is best to use herbal preparations, that is, those that include senna or other laxative plants. Start with the smallest dose, and if constipation does not go away within 2-3 days of taking it, consult a doctor.

Home remedies for constipation for children

Articles on how to improve bowel function with constipation in a child at home often forget to warn their readers that you need to start with the mildest and most gentle remedies.

In addition, if the child feels well, does not complain of nausea or pain in the tummy, is not naughty and eats well, no action should be taken.

If the need to treat constipation nevertheless arose, first try to give the baby a light massage of the abdomen: in a circular motion, massage the stomach with the whole palm in a clockwise direction.

The second harmless way to get rid of constipation is a warm relaxing bath. Many parents notice that children often defecate while bathing - this is due precisely to the relaxing effect of warm water.

Let your child drink plenty of fluids, an unsweetened decoction of wild rose or corn stigmas will be useful.

It is generally accepted that blueberries have a binding effect. But this is true only in relation to dry blueberries. Fresh (frozen) berries promote good digestion and normalize stools for constipation.

If nothing helps at all and you see that the baby feels bad (cries, refuses to eat, complains of pain in the abdomen, looks pale and tired), you can give the child a little liquid oil to drink - castor, olive, vaseline, sunflower, linseed (1 tablespoon will suffice).

Foods rich in potassium help to get rid of constipation: prunes, figs, raisins, dried apricots. They can be eaten raw or cooked from them compote (decoction).

Microclysters or laxative suppositories are also often used as a means of treating constipation, but they should be used only in the most extreme cases. Most often, it is enough for a child to drink a glass of kefir at night and eat a couple of tablespoons of steamed raisins or prunes so that by morning the problem of constipation disappears by itself.

As you can see, adjusting the work of the intestines with constipation at home is quite realistic. To do this, you just need to understand the causes of the problem and eliminate the "triggers" that reduce intestinal motility and prevent the normal implementation of the evacuation function of the gastrointestinal tract.

Walk through any pharmacy and you will see evidence that the whole world is experiencing digestive problems. An antacid to someone, a laxative to someone - more and more often getting rid of toxic waste does not occur naturally, but with the help of drugs. It seems time to call upon the age-old wisdom of Ayurveda again. Last time we talked about such a concept as. Today we will discuss what role quality bowel movement plays in our lives - and how to achieve it.

In Ayurveda, it is believed that everything that happens on the scale of the microcosm (that is, inside us) is a reflection of the macrocosm. This also applies to our chair. If the Earth itself is demonstrating its weakened ability to "digest" the toxic load of landfills and chemical pollutants that we bring upon it, is it any wonder that we suffer from very similar disorders: constipation, increased cases of food intolerance and hypersensitivity to them? What happens to Mother Earth will happen to her children.

Modern research confirms the well-established opinion in Ayurveda about the importance of daily bowel movements. Our physical health or ill health is closely related to how we go to the toilet. It's hard to feel happy (let alone enlightened) when bowel movements aren't pleasant, when you don't feel satisfied that they're happening regularly and without problems. Perhaps at the moment you are so oblivious to your intestines that this feeling of satisfaction is unfamiliar to you.

How often do you need to go to the toilet in a big way? How should it look? When I ask women, "How are your stools?" most giggle in embarrassment and hurriedly reply, "Oh, everything's fine." But what does normal mean? It turns out that someone believes that this means going to the toilet once every three days! Or one day to have loose stools, and the next day - difficult, dry. No, it has nothing to do with feeling satisfied.

In an ideal world of perfectly clean intestines, everyone goes to the toilet for the most part once a day. For Pitta people, this can happen twice a day. As a rule, bowel movements occur in the morning, and laxatives are not needed for this. No need for a cup of morning coffee, which supposedly starts the process. After the morning stool, you should feel lightness, energy, there should not be a feeling that something is left.

During bowel movements, you should not experience tension and rush. There should be no burning sensation, simultaneous gas emission, stench and, of course, no pain. In other words, a morning bowel movement should be enjoyable.

Ideally, the stool should be firm but soft, with little to no odor. Every morning it should look the same no matter what you ate the day before. The perfect stool rubs off easily, doesn't stick to the sides of the toilet, and has a brown color that resembles the color of an overripe banana.

What if my chair is not ideal?

Fortunately, in Ayurveda, one does not need to strive for the ideal. The point is to gradually cultivate loving awareness in yourself and consciously change your body, seeking a favorable response from Mother Nature. If you notice the undigested remnants of yesterday's dinner in your stool, then your digestion and ability to absorb food have not coped with the food that you threw into your body. It may also mean that the food is not appropriate for your type or season. Or maybe you are not able to fully “digest” your emotions or are experiencing mental stress.

  • Drink ginger tea more often. It is best to brew fresh ginger.
  • Eat more oils (flaxseed, hemp, fish oil).
  • Watch the chair. Avoid food that ends up being undigested.
  • Follow the nutritional recommendations for body types and seasons, as well as the general rules for combining products (we will talk about them in future publications).
  • Season your food with spices. Spices, selected according to doshas, ​​are the best friend of the intestines.
  • Don't snack between meals. Loading the body with new food before the old one is digested is a sure way to a heavy, toxin-laden stool.
  • Eat freshly prepared food. Yesterday's food = imperfect stool.
  • To improve the quality of the stool, eat foods rich in fiber.
  • While eating, sincerely say: "Mmm, how delicious." When we like what we eat, when food smells and looks good, our body listens to this and digestion improves. And if we eat with sadness or anger, these emotions will be reflected in the work of the intestines.
  • Keep track of what you do in your free time. I was amazed to notice that my energy-wasting habits, seemingly unrelated to eating, were weakening the digestive fire, agni. Gossip, watching the news or scandalous talk shows on TV, arguing, empty talk to fill the gap, the habit of checking e-mail every minute - all this kills the agni.

It is difficult to find a person who has never wondered how to normalize bowel function. After all, failures in the body can occur due to various reasons, manifesting themselves in a number of unpleasant and often painful symptoms. How should you adjust your lifestyle and what should you do in general to get rid of bowel problems?

When there are problems with digestion, it is impossible not to notice this. Most often, violations in the work of the intestines are accompanied by painful sensations, bloating and increased gas formation, various problems with the stool. The question of how to improve the functioning of the intestines of an adult can arise against the background of poisoning, a viral infection, due to persistent and regular constipation, or the use of antibiotics that injure the mucous membrane and microflora in the intestine.
Before diligently looking for a pharmacological or folk type remedy for normalizing bowel function, it is necessary to “assess the situation” and understand what exactly provoked the occurrence of such a problem. Often, the banal elimination of the root cause, which may be hidden, for example, in the wrong diet, leads to a quick and lasting deliverance from the negative state.

Various synthetic agents can do more harm to the body than good. Especially if they do not combine well with additional drugs. And herbal medicine for better digestion and tablets for normalizing the intestinal microflora can be relevant in any cases of violations in the work of this organ. However, in addition to such treatment, it is necessary to know how to improve bowel function in general so as not to encounter more unpleasant symptoms.

Normalization of bowel function: general tips
  1. In order for the digestive tract to work in the best possible way, you need to give preference healthy and active lifestyle. It is the movement that helps to establish digestion and the functioning of internal organs, having a positive effect on well-being. It is worth starting to exercise, walking and walking more, swimming, fitness or dancing, cycling and rollerblading, and generally less sitting in uncomfortable, unsuccessful positions, squeezing the stomach and intestines.
  2. Any physical activity should be combined with enough clean drinking water consumed during the day. No diet to normalize the functioning of the intestines will bring a positive result if there is a lack of clean fluid in the body. Water stimulates the activity of the intestines, makes the feces softer, relieving possible constipation. Therefore, it is important to drink at least 2 liters of purified and non-carbonated water per day.
  3. Refusal from "bad" food. Such foods include semi-finished products, “burning”, fatty, heavy dishes, foods with preservatives, dyes, sweet carbonated drinks, as well as alcohol, instant juices. Having a tendency to difficult bowel movements, trying to understand how to improve bowel function with constipation, you need to exclude chocolate, pastries, “fixing” foods and drinks with tannins in them.
  4. To avoid diarrhea caused by viruses, pathogenic bacteria and coli, you should accustom yourself wash hands thoroughly not only after using the toilet, but also before each meal, even if there was no need to leave the house before lunch or dinner. It is also important to wash vegetables, fruits, eggs well, avoid spoiled foods and be careful about exotic dishes if you have a “weak” stomach.
  5. Reception vitamin and mineral complexes will positively affect the state of all body systems. It is worth adding bioactive additives that improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and solve the problem of how to normalize the intestinal microflora. Such additives include, for example, Linex. You can replace it with prebiotics and probiotics, for example, Acepol.
  6. General dietary modification is the answer to the question of how to normalize bowel function in chronic constipation. You should add more fresh foods, foods rich in fiber to your meals. It is also necessary to do “fasting days” from time to time, to carry out a complete cleansing of the digestive organ, using herbs to normalize bowel function.
  7. Menu changes should also apply to those people who often face the problem of how to normalize bowel function during bouts of diarrhea, which is not a symptom of poisoning. In cases of diarrhea, it is also necessary to increase the amount of fluid consumed to prevent possible dehydration. Homemade compotes, black tea and jelly are also considered useful in such cases.
  8. Worth getting into the habit eat small meals, but do it often, up to 5-6 times a day. This facilitates the process of digestion of food, reduces the load on the digestive tract. It is important to chew all foods thoroughly. At this stage, it is also necessary to get rid of existing problems with the teeth by visiting a doctor's office.
  9. Another remedy for the normalization of bowel function - self massage belly. It should be done with soft circular movements, slightly pressing on the body. A massage is done in the morning, after drinking at least one glass of drinking water on an empty stomach, which is necessary to "awaken" the digestive tract and the whole body. In addition to massage, classes with a hula hoop, regular or massage magnetic balls have a beneficial effect on digestion.
  10. Extreme diets, hunger strikes should be excluded so as not to encounter problems with the intestines.

It is not necessary to use laxatives frequently or regularly to normalize the process of defecation. Such drugs often containing senna are addictive, capable of provoking a “flaccid bowel syndrome”, when it will no longer be possible to do without taking pills. Synthetic laxatives are contraindicated during pregnancy.

Taking into account such recommendations will allow you to gradually normalize the work of the intestines in comfortable home conditions, and eliminate the risk of a recurrence of the condition. However, the use of additional funds (the right products, herbs or well-chosen medicines) will help solve an acute problem and consolidate a positive result after.

Correction of the usual menu

The so-called diet to normalize bowel function often includes a general correction of the diet. Doctors are of the opinion that even a short period of vegetarianism can positively affect the functioning of the digestive organs and get rid of negative conditions associated with the intestines. However, it is important to know the list of products that help normalize the gastrointestinal tract without taking pills to stabilize the intestines.

  • Vegetables: beets, cabbage (including sauerkraut), cucumbers, carrots, tomatoes and tomatoes, onions. Potatoes and legumes help with a "relaxed" stomach.
  • Berries and fruits: melon, kiwi, avocado, apples, raspberries, peaches and apricots, citrus fruits, white grapes. To “fix” the chair, you should lean on bananas, blackcurrant and rose hips help.
  • Dried fruits: figs, dried apricots, raisins.
  • Fermented milk products: sour cream, cottage cheese, kefir, pure yogurt and products with the prefix "bifido". Thanks to this food, you can also solve the problem of how to normalize the intestinal microflora. Since it is in an acidic environment that the necessary bacteria multiply rapidly.
  • Herbal teas and infusions, for example, containing lemon balm, which are also among the options for stabilizing the functioning of the intestines with folk remedies.
  • Foods containing enough fiber, which stimulates and improves digestion, helping the intestines. Such foods include: bran, muesli, various cereals (for example, buckwheat, oatmeal and barley to eliminate constipation, and rice and semolina to “fix” the stool), black bread and unsweetened pastries made from wholemeal flour.
  • Vegetable and olive oils also have a beneficial effect on the state of the digestive system.
  • A positive effect can bring chicken, lean fish, steamed.

In the process of bringing your digestion in order, it is better to exclude from the diet a large amount of salt, various seasonings, sweets, mayonnaise. However, mustard, pepper, honey should be left.

Cleansing diet to normalize bowel function

This kind of diet can be used from time to time for 2-4 days to cleanse the intestines, bring it into tone. It is quite simple in execution, although not diverse.

During the diet, you must not forget to drink enough water, as on other days.

morning meal should begin with the use of a small spoonful of flaxseeds mixed with each other and germinated wheat grains. Drink a glass of slightly warm water, after 25-35 minutes, start breakfast.

Breakfast: oatmeal on the water without salt and sweeteners. You can supplement to taste with honey, dried fruits, nuts or fresh berries, fruits. From drinks, you should drink chamomile or mint tea, as well as natural yogurt.

Snack: dried fruits, nuts, 2 apples or fresh vegetable or fruit juice.

Dinner: lean soup or steamed vegetables should be prepared. On one of the days, it is advisable to replace dishes with a mixture of apples, beets and carrots with butter or cabbage-carrot salad. Supplement lunch with a small piece of chicken or fish, yogurt or fermented baked milk.

Snack: herbal tea, fruits.

Dinner: before it should use half a glass of sour cream. On myself evening meal- vegetable or fruit salad (or puree), fish, a couple of slices of bread, herbal tea.

Before bedtime you need to drink a glass of kefir or yogurt.

The process of improving the work of the intestines with folk methods must necessarily be combined with a diet menu, as well as combined with general tips for the stable functioning of the digestive system.

Folk healers pay special attention to both herbal teas, collections and tinctures, as well as individual products. One of the simple recipes is to soak prunes (dried) in warm water for 4-6 hours. After that, you can eat prunes, drink the resulting broth.

An effective remedy from traditional medicine, which helps with constipation, is lemon and honey water. Any of these drinks should be drunk warm, always in the morning and on an empty stomach.

Among the main herbs that act as mild natural medicines that help stabilize the work of the intestines and all digestive organs, there are:
  1. chamomile (should be taken with caution if you are prone to constipation, but effective for diarrhea);

The intestine is one of the most important organs in the life support system; the state of human health and the flawless operation of all systems depend on its proper functioning. The main task of the intestine is the absorption of nutrients from food and the removal of waste products.

Despite the importance of this organ, a person often does not give a damn about the signals of emerging problems given to him by the gastrointestinal tract. Most often, he drowns out these signals by taking drugs prompted by advertising or acquaintances. As a result of this, a person simply no longer imagines how the intestines work correctly, but how it works incorrectly.

Symptoms of improper bowel function

The main sign of improper bowel function is the appearance of abdominal pain, often accompanied by heartburn, belching, nausea, intermittent constipation or diarrhea.

But these are the initial signs, in the future, disturbances in the work of the intestines lead to incomplete absorption of nutrients and incomplete elimination of toxins. They are no longer excreted with feces, but settle in the intestines, which is often the cause of an increase in the abdomen. Blood carries toxins throughout the body, they can settle in various organs. Most often, they accumulate fat, so a person becomes overweight.

  1. Prolonged headaches and migraines.
  2. General weakness due to muscle damage.
  3. Bad smell from the body and from the mouth.
  4. Skin problems.
  5. Heartache.
  6. Lung dysfunction.
  7. Frequent colds.
  8. Cramping of the abdomen.
  9. Arthritis and radiculitis.
  10. Accelerated aging of the body.

Causes of bowel dysfunction

As you can see, abnormal bowel function causes many problems. To avoid them, let's figure out what causes a violation of the functioning of the intestine.

The most common causes of bowel dysfunction are:

  1. Wrong nutrition. Too fatty and sweet foods, excess smoked and canned food, chemical additives in foods, fast food, soda, dry food and food on the go lead to digestive problems. This also leads to a violation of the diet. It's no secret that many refuse breakfast, eat sandwiches, rolls and cookies at work, and break away in the evening at dinner, eating the daily norm of food at a time.
  2. Intestinal infections. The level of these diseases does not decrease, because. many often neglect hygiene, rarely wash their hands, do not properly process fruits, vegetables and herbs before eating, drink raw water from dubious sources. Even prepared food from the supermarket can become a source of intestinal bacteria. After infection, it is already difficult to restore the normal functioning of the intestines, because many, having eliminated the main symptoms of the disease, do not heal to the end. In the future, this leads to the fact that the disease periodically reminds of itself.
  3. Modern lifestyle. More and more people choose sedentary work, and after work they do not want to move, and continue to sit in the car and at home watching TV. This leads to the fact that intestinal motility is disturbed, and it is getting worse and worse at doing its job. Also, his work is affected by stress, causing tension throughout the body.
  4. Bad habits. Smoking, alcohol and drugs are very harmful to the functioning of the digestive system, and a massive passion for taking various medications for any reason leads to the death of beneficial microflora in the gastrointestinal tract.

Preparations for the normalization of the intestines

Probiotics are microorganisms that stimulate the restoration of the intestinal microflora and have a detrimental effect on pathogenic bacteria. Probiotics are found both in traditional dairy products: kefir, yogurt, fermented baked milk, matsoni, and in specially created dairy products enriched with probiotics: Activia, Bifidokefir, Aktimel.

Probiotic preparations are available in liquid and dry form, they contain a certain amount of live bacteria. These include Lactobacterin, Acipol, Linex, etc.

Preparations for the normalization of bowel function with diarrhea

Preventive measures

In order to avoid problems with the intestines in the future, you need to follow a diet, i. eat at certain hours and do not skip meals. Before going to bed, it is better not to overeat, if you really want to eat, then drink kefir, or eat vegetables. Meat and fish should be consumed with vegetables (except potatoes), and not with cereals and pasta. In general, you need to know the combinations of products, i.e. do not eat, for example, proteins with carbohydrates.

It is important to get rid of a sedentary lifestyle, to find the way of movement from which you will receive joy. For some it will be walking, for others swimming, for others dancing. This will add to life pleasure and along the way health.

Many face the problem of constipation, that is, the lack of daily stools. How to achieve regular bowel movements? After all, its purity is very important for health.

Setting up daily stool

To establish a good functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, one single measure is not enough. It is necessary to apply everything together, in a complex. These include exercise, proper nutrition, and the exclusion of foods that interfere with regular stools.

Physical activity

One of the main measures is the transition to a mobile lifestyle. Now many of us are busy in sedentary work and work all day at the computer. The body becomes lazy, including the intestines.

Of course, there are people who regularly visit the gym - honor and praise to them. But not everyone does it. If you neglect physical activity, there is a tendency to constipation. When the muscles are little loaded, the blood moves slowly through the vessels, the body works at a reduced speed. As a result, food sluggishly moves through the intestines and lingers in its bends. There it thickens, and when it finally enters the rectum, the feces become dense, hard, sometimes almost petrified, it is difficult for him to get out. If this happens constantly, constipation becomes a common occurrence.

Therefore, if you want to improve your daily stool, exercise. You can go to the gym. But this is optional. Walking is very beneficial for the gastrointestinal tract. Walk as often as possible, do it whenever possible. During vigorous walking, almost all the muscles of the body are involved, this reflexively acts on the intestines, it begins to move, this facilitates the passage of food gruel through it and eliminates constipation.

Great ways of physical activity - jogging. It is also cycling, swimming in the pool. These exercises are a kind of massage for the abdomen and promote regular stools.
If you don't have time to go somewhere, study at home. Find time for simple movements that everyone can do.
You need at least 20-30 minutes of active physical activity per day. These exercises will have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the intestines and the whole body.

Foods and drinks that cause bowel movements

Of course, how you eat is very important. Good bowel function, first of all, depends on the right diet. There are foods that promote bowel movements and cause stools. They should not be used occasionally, but daily.

Foods to include in your diet

First of all, these are products containing fiber. It is a coarse indigestible dietary fiber. Once in the gastrointestinal tract, they irritate its walls. From this, the intestines contract and push the food gruel down.
A large amount of fiber is found in the shells of grains, nuts, seeds, some vegetables and fruits. It is found in the following products:

Raw and sauerkraut, raw carrots, beets,
- apples, plums, apricots, grapes,
- watermelon,
- dried fruits (dried apricots, prunes),
- bread with whole seeds (sunflower, sesame),
- bran.

Drinks to include in your diet

Drink plenty of fluids to prevent constipation. Dehydration causes hardening of the feces in the lower intestines and especially in the rectum. This makes it difficult for him to get out.

Plain water is preferred. Of course, clean, good quality. In addition to plain water, you can drink filtered, mineral, spring.

Also try to include kefir, bifidokefir, acidobifilin, etc. in the diet every day. Natural dry wine is good for constipation, it stimulates the intestines and causes stool.

Foods that cause constipation

In addition to healthy foods, there are other foods that contribute to constipation. Of course, if you lead an active lifestyle, move a lot, play sports, then your intestines will digest any food, and most likely there will be no problems with stool. But if they appear, then certain types of food are best avoided.

Food to be excluded from the diet

Avoid (or severely limit) the following foods:

Sweet yeast bread
- white bread made from refined flour,
- pastries, cakes,
- pasta,
- rice,
- semolina,
- potato,
- bananas,
- hard boiled eggs
- canned food
- complex salads with mayonnaise,
- a combination of flour and meat in one dish (for example, dumplings, pies),
Any heavy food that leaves behind a feeling of discomfort.

Drinks to Avoid or Limit

First of all, these are sweet fizzy drinks, lemonades. It is also strong tea, coffee, cocoa, they all contain tannins that inhibit the work of the intestines.