Help from heavenly patrons. A complete collection of prayers for every day of the year (winter)

Venerable Savva the Sanctified born in the 5th century in Cappadocia. At the age of 17 he became a monk and was so successful in fasting and prayer that he was awarded the gift of miracles. After ten years of monastic asceticism, the Monk Savva went to Jerusalem and until the age of 30 remained in a nearby monastery with strict cenobitic rules. After this, he secluded himself in a cave and only on Saturdays did he leave the seclusion and come to the monastery, where he participated in divine services and ate food. After some time, the Monk Savva labored in a cave in complete seclusion for five years. He excelled in the highest monastic virtues. Then the Monk Savva settled in one of the caves, and disciples began to gather around him. This is how the great Lavra arose. The Monk Savva founded several more monasteries and wrote the so-called “Jerusalem” charter church service. Through his prayers many miracles were performed. The monk reposed in 532.

In our prayers we will glorify the godly life of St. Sava, asking for prayerful intercession for us sinners, so that the Lord will grant us freedom from the fire of hell. Memory of Rev. Savva the Consecrated on December 5 (December 18, civil style).


Reading order according to the charter

Troparion, tone 8

From your springs you have cultivated the endless desert. And from the depths of sighs, you multiplied your labors a hundredfold. And became a lamp of the universe, shining miracles, Our Father Savo. Pray to Christ God to save our souls. (Twice).

Glory, even now. Theotokos. AND But for our sake, he was born of the Virgin, and endured the crucifixion of the Good Ones, overthrowing death through death, and manifested the resurrection as God. Do not despise them, having created them with Your hand, show Your love for mankind to the Merciful. Accept the Mother of God who gave birth to You, praying for us, and save our Savior people who have sinned.

CANON, tone 8

Song 1. Irmos

Immerse the miracle worker of old in Pharaoh’s armor, cut through the rod of Moses in a cross shape, and divide the sea. Israel, fleeing on foot, walking, saved, sending forth the song of God.

Chorus: Reverend Father Savo, pray to God for us (bow).

With the light of the Holy Spirit, illumine Savo, who with pious love sings praising you. Praise to the faster, glory to the monk, beautification of the desert, teacher of piety.

Solo. I placed all my desires in God from my youth. And rejoicing your mind towards Him, you put to death the leaps and passions of the flesh through abstinence, O God-bearing Savo, the most praised.

Solo. Having devoured the fruit of the hidden serpent, you trampled it, and you easily passed through that net of piety, staring at your father with wings. You were filled with rejoicing from the garden of the cross.

Glory. Let us illuminate the fire that has passed with the light of grace. Because you were three fathers, you will not be burned, but I will preserve you to God. And I show success to everyone who wants to be, and then, Father, perfection.

And now. Theotokos. N do not overwhelm us with death-obsessed aspirations. But through your birth I was brought nearer to destruction, and having struggled, the Virgin Mary was abolished. You have given birth to truly everlasting incarnate life.

Katavasia: And deliver your servants from troubles, Reverend Father Savo, for we all resort to you according to God, for you pray for us to Christ our God (bow). Lord have mercy (three times with bows).

Song 3. Irmos

The firmament began with the heavens in understanding, and founded the earth on the waters. Establish me on the rock of Christ, the church. For nothing is holy, more than You, the Lover of Mankind.

Solo. Having made the Master rich with passion, he became the crown of righteousness, for you obeyed the worst to the best wise man. Just like the date, Father, you blossomed in the deserts.

Solo. To follow in the pure footsteps of the Lady, you were the exile of the fatherland. And in the living desert, you raised victory on those who resisted, we strengthen it with divine power.

Solo. We all blissfully strengthen you with the firmness of your mind, you have denounced the various cunning enemies of the enemy wisely, and you have revealed them to everyone. And you brought down his exalted pride.

Glory. With a sacred soul, and the simplicity of will, adorned with virtues, seeing the bright star of Euphemia is accepted, and prophetically prophesying your all-blessed lordship.

And now. Theotokos. WITH Shepherded us for the sake of the word of looking, you are the bright Mother of the Virgin, knowing the door truly. You showed us the universal dawn of Your divine deity. Confusion.

Sedalen, voice 8th. TO The Christ of the Lord is wiser in everyone, and even to the end it was followed; your mind did not return you to the blessed world. Having killed abstinence through the diseases of passion, you have prepared a temple for your Lord. With the same gift you received retribution, heal illnesses, and drive away spirits, Our Father Savo. Pray to Christ God, forgiveness of sins, who honor your holy memory with love.

Glory, even now. Theotokos. I to the all-immaculate Bride of the Creator, like the unskilled Mother of the Deliverer, a friend, like the essence of the Comforter, all-singing, having been a bad dwelling for iniquity, and having been a demon’s playground in the mind, trying to deliver me from these atrocities, having ruled the light with virtues, an imperishable light-receiver. Drive away the cloud of passions, and grant the heavenly communion, and the unevening light, through these prayers.

Song 4. Irmos

You are Christ the Lord, You are my strength, You are my God, You are my joy. Do not forsake the bosom of the Father, but by grace visit our poverty. To those with the prophet Habakkuk I call, glory to Your power, O Lover of mankind.

Solo. Cleansing the spiritual structure, and expanding with divine visions, in this locality, truly, with a divine gift, I became blessed. By laying on your hand, you healed the sick, becoming like the Master.

Solo. And he became enraged at your report and was quickly consumed like Dathan the accursed, and like Aviron was consumed. You invisibly preserve your divine grace, providing for the salvation of many, the all-blessed, glorious and wise Savo.

Solo. Having punished the senses with the law of God, you directed thought to the viewing of the bodiless and mental of your art. Passing from glory to glory, from Father's strength to strength.

Glory. To please a fellow tribesman by applying. You created cities in the desert, god-like and spiritually beneficial. And in greedy lands he brought forth springs of water, and brought down clouds from heaven, gloriously God brought down in waterless villages.

And now. Theotokos. N Paradise is full of immortality, and truly appears red. The tree of life is planted in you from the beginning of God, bearing in your womb and giving birth. While I seek hope for salvation for everyone, it is true to the Mother of God to those who philosophize. Confusion.

Song 5. Irmos

I have been cast away into this world, from the presence of Your Light, which has not entered, and the foreign darkness of the accursed has covered me. But having turned me to the light of Your commandments, direct my path and pray.

Solo. Without deviating thoughts, reaching out to You as desired, and from Him the grace of great miracles was not enviously received by the Father, even those who faithfully came, You mercifully healed the Reverend.

Solo. Put aside the burdens of the flesh, put aside your foolishness, you were chosen as a God-made vessel by the Holy Spirit, adorned by the putting aside of brushes and prayer and waiting, and humility.

Solo. The preacher of the divine teachings is sanctified. You were an accomplice of the Council of the Holy Fathers, making kings wise. They are clearly protected by divine grace, appearing blessed.

Glory. Blessed with the grace granted to you by God, you will be glorified in all corners of the world, having created magnificent phenomena, your divine miracles.

And now. Theotokos. IN to the faithful representative, and the insurmountable wall of those praising You, as you have appeared to the whole human race, having given birth to the salvation of God, having appeared in the flesh, save my soul, the Most Pure One. Confusion.

Song 6. Irmos

O Savior, cleanse me, for my iniquities are many, and lift me up from the depths of evil. I cried out to You and heard me, O God of my salvation.

Solo. Love for God and neighbor is an acquisitive, lawful and prophet fulfilling the chief principle. You have corrected all the virtues that have prevailed, Father.

Solo. You have embraced life like an angel on earth. Christ bestowed upon you the honor of the angels, having sent the ranks of saints from the traveling souls of yours.

Glory. The branch of wisdom appeared, the beginning of wisdom you desired was the fear of God, and by it we are strengthened to accomplish the work of mankind, Father, you have achieved.

And now. Theotokos. WITH Having given birth to the shepherd and deliverer of God of all and the Lord, coming closer to us in the flesh, save the Most Pure Lady who calls Thee from troubles. Confusion.

Glory, even now. Kontakion, tone 8. I Because from God’s infancy the sacrifice was brought forth without blemish; by the virtue of Savo, blessed, you were the gardener of piety. In the same way, the monk is given fertilizer, and the deserted citizen is worthy of praise. We call you the same, rejoice, Savo is rich.

Ikos. O supreme father, and venerable adornment, boldness in fasting towards Christ, deserted citizen and gardener, how I will sing of your life, venerable one, for you are covered with the end like the sun. With the same cry, rejoicing, red cappadocian glory, rejoicing at the honorable sign of the universe. The desert rejoices at the good vegetation, the righteous rejoices at the divine pleasure. Rejoice, as you despised the current and perishable, rejoicing as you live in heaven with the angels. Rejoicing in correction and rule for those who are monks, rejoicing in exaltation to God for those who are lazy. Rejoice, source of God-flowing miracles, rejoice in the honest vessel of the Holy Spirit. The east rejoices in it, and the west rejoices in it. Rejoice, Savo is rich.

Song 7. Irmos

The fire of God was ashamed of the descent of God in ancient Babylon. For this reason, the youths in the cave rejoiced with their feet, as if in the light of rejoicing, singing, blessed is God our father.

Solo. O you have laid aside the temporary, having been repaid with the eternal, and you rejoice with the angels, as if you lived the life of an angel. Singing with them, blessed be God our father.

Solo. In gratitude to the Lord, your great, all-honorable Lavra, the resident and creator and citizen of you, is wise. And those who boast call, blessed be God our father.

Glory. Constantly praying to the Lord, Father Savo, for his flock. And now pray that your labor will endure forever, bearing fruit evermore. And to those who call for love, blessed be God our father.

And now. Theotokos. N the messenger is more pure than the word of the word incarnate, and we call the palace and throne of the rightly wise Thee. And rejoicing we call upon Your Son, blessed be God our father. Confusion.

Song 8. Irmos

Since this week the furnace, the Chaldean tormentor, has kindled the godly fury. Having seen the saved ones with better power, they cried out to the Creator and Savior. Bless the children, sing sacred praises people, and exalt Him forever.

Solo. With joy, reverend, the holy ranks of all honors of your soul will flow, in the weakened place in the bright villages, where the righteous walk. Eat with them now, sing sacredly, people, and exalt Christ forever.

Solo. Your miracles are strange. You tamed the beasts, calming the waves of passion. Preface the future prophetically. And you drive away the demonic regiments vigorously, with vigils, and prayers and penances, and the cross with the invincible power of the God-bearer.

Solo. And Moses, first from the pillar, prophesied, the pillar from earth to heaven, the all-bright one, was stretched out for you to show. Where now lies your patient and long-suffering body. We worship Him piously by faith, we sing and extol Christ forever (bow).

Glory. Joyfully your memory is celebrated by all. He clothed himself in joyful virtue, the true robe of salvation, and honest and radiant clothing of joy. In it now, show off, eat without ceasing, sing in sacredness, people, and exalt Christ forever.

And now. Theotokos. N You gave birth unnaturally, and remained a virgin. And with His strange birth, having crushed all temporary warfare, and destroyed distant distances, bearing Christ the Peacemaker in His bosom. We sing of His faithfulness and exalt Him forever. Confusion.

Song 9. Irmos

The heavens and the ends of the earth were amazed at this, and the ends of the earth were astonished, for God had appeared as man in the flesh. And Your womb is more spacious than the heavens. Thus we magnify Thee, the Mother of God, the angel and man of the ranks.

Chorus with a bow. B your crayfish smells of spiritual incense, your sons are richly joyful, you are present in a pure manner, remembering your holy angelic stay, and the lightness and glory and everlasting beauty given to you.

Solo. The water flowing in the desert, and the earth thirsting for goodness, will be transformed into your prayers, your father. Most people live in fasting, as if near a river. The country of Jordan has prospered like crin, soldered with your tears.

Solo. With the blessedness of the saints in heaven, for the righteous is thee, Father. For you have loved the truth, the true lordship. Having followed His life all-blessedly, becoming like this life-giving one, as powerfully as holiness.

Glory. With the rich God-bearer, shining with light, and seeing the faces of angels, radiantly going around the tri-shiny light, and receiving the God-like rays with grace. Don't stop praying for forgiveness of sins to make you worthy of those who sing.

And now. Theotokos. I to all, exceeding the earthly ones by a fair amount of Pure dignity. For You have contained God of all the creatures of the Creator in Your womb. Pray for this as the Merciful One, to grant unanimity and peace, prosperity and silence to the churches. Confusion.

Let go: Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, prayers for the sake of Thy Most Pure Mother, and our Reverend Father Sava the Sanctified, and all for the sake of the saints, have mercy and save us, for He is Good and Lover of Mankind. A min. Lord have mercy (three times). Initial bows.

Reverend Savva, abbot of Storozhevsky - one of the first disciples of Reverend Sergius of Radonezh. Ascetic, prayer book, seer, temple builder. The relics of the Monk Sava to this day exude many and varied healings with faith and prayer to those who come to the sick. Patron of monks, kings and sovereigns. People turn to the holy abbot Savva for prayer help to strengthen faith, humility, ascetic work, piety, preserve virginity and, of course, in case of illness for healing.

Reverend Savva. Icon, 17th century. From the Church of the Resurrection of the Word on the Assumption Vrazhek in Moscow. Zvenigorod Monastery


Troparion to St. Savva of Storozhevsky, tone 8

You appeared to the desert through good vegetation, reverent one: from your youth you destined to live a pure life, following your spiritual teacher, and with that teaching you directed your mind to the Heavenly Ones, and you appeared to your flock to be a wise mentor; Thus Christ also, as he brightened thee lamp, enriched with miracles. Savvo, our father, pray for our souls to be saved.

Kontakion to St. Savva of Storozhevsky, tone 2

Inflamed by the Lord's desire, you shook off carnal passions with abstinence, you appeared as an unstoppable luminary of the Divine light, illuminating the miracles with the rays of all, flowing to the race of your relics, Reverend Savvo, our father.

Prayer St. Savva Storozhevsky

O most honorable and sacred head, citizen of heavenly Jerusalem, abode of the Most Holy Trinity, Reverend Father Savvo! Having great boldness towards the All-Merciful Master, pray for the flock of your fence and for all your children in spirit: do not be silent in crying out to the Lord for us and do not despise those who honor you with faith and love. By your intercession, ask the King of those who reign for peace of the Church, under the sign of the militant Cross; the hierarch's splendor, the monastics' good course in asceticism; protection of this holy monastery, this city and all cities and countries; serenity and peace to the world, deliverance from famine and destruction; comfort and reinforcement for the old and infirm; for young people and infants, good growth in faith, solid training in the Gospel teaching and abiding in purity and chastity; mercy and intercession to widows and orphans; joy and return to the captives, healing to the sick, peace to the faint-hearted; To those who have gone astray, correction, to those who sin with a spirit of contrition, to those in need, and to all who require grace-filled help, help is in time. Do not disgrace us, who come to you with faith; make haste, as a loving father is with his children, for us to bear the yoke of Christ in complacency and patience; and rule all in peace and repentance, end your life shamelessly, and settle with hope in the heavenly abode, where you, through labor and struggle, are now living with the Angels and saints, in vain and glorifying God, glorified in the Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit . Amen.

Taisiya Oleynikova.

Help from heavenly patrons. A complete collection of prayers for every day of the year (winter)

Prayer four
from the akathist

Holy Great Martyr of Christ Varvaro! Pray with us and for us, servants of God ( names), begging God from His mercy, may He mercifully hear us asking for His goodness, and not leave us with all the necessary petitions for salvation and life, but may the Christian end of our life be painless, shameless, peaceful and partake of the Divine Mysteries, and by the grace of God and with your warm intercession, always in abiding health in soul and body, we glorify the God of Israel, wondrous in His saints, who does not withdraw His help from us, always, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Troparion to the Great Martyr Barbara, tone 8

Let us honor Saint Barbara: crush the enemy’s nets and, like a bird, get rid of them, with the help and weapon of the cross, all-honorable one.

Troparion, tone 4

The all-blessed Lamb Varvaro, divinely illuminated by the three-solar light of the Holy Trinity and in the baptismal font, strengthened in defeating the flattery of the fathers, you confessed your faith in Christ. Therefore, O all-honorable one, God has given you grace from above to heal all ailments and illnesses: Pray to Him, Great Martyr, that He may save our souls.

Kontakion, tone 4

In the Trinity, piously sung by following God, the passion-bearer, you dulled the idolatrous veneration; In the midst of your suffering, Varvaro, you were not afraid of the tormentors of repression, you, wise and wise, chanted in a loud voice: I honor the Trinity, One Divinity.


We magnify you, the passion-bearer of Christ, Varvaro, and honor your honest suffering, which you endured for Christ.

They pray to the Great Martyr Varvara so as not to die without confession and holy communion, for deliverance from sudden or sudden death; they ask her for help and intercession for children, for deliverance from serious illnesses and diseases.

December 5/18

Venerable Sava the Sanctified, Jerusalem (532).

Saint Gury, Archbishop of Kazan (1563).

Prayer to Saint Sava the Sanctified, Jerusalem
from the akathist

O wonderful and all-praised servant of God, Rev. Father Savvo! Today in your holy temple, standing reverently before your holy icon and joyfully commemorating your blessed memory, we bless you, our intercessor. Honoring your great boldness before the Lord, we humbly pray to you, most blessed one, to graciously accept from us this song of praise, brought to you out of love and zeal. And, as if you have great boldness towards the Lord, you strive through your God-pleasing intercession to ask the King of kings and the Lord of lords, so that He may add His great and rich mercies to us sinners, may He give us the spirit of right faith, the spirit of knowledge and love, the spirit of peace and joy about Holy Spirit, may He deliver us from troubles and misfortunes, and may He send down everything useful for the salvation of our souls. May He grant to all Orthodox Christians peace, silence, serenity, zeal for the fulfillment of His commandments, an abundance of earthly fruits, and may He deliver the entire Russian country from famine, cowardice, flood, fire, sword, invasion of foreigners and internecine warfare, deadly plagues and from all evil .

To her, God's servant, do not despise our prayers, but hear us praying to you, and under the roof of your intercession, keep us (and this monastery) safe from enemies, visible and invisible, so that we may be worthy to end our life in repentance and receive eternal goodness in the Kingdom of Christ Our God, where we will praise with you and all the saints the venerable name of the Most Holy Trinity, Father and Son and Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen.

Troparion to St. Savva the Sanctified, Jerusalem, tone 8

With your tears you cultivated the barren desert, and you brought forth fruit from the depths with sighs of a hundred labors, and you were a lamp of the universe, shining miracles, Savvo, our Father, pray to Christ God for the salvation of our souls.

Kontakion, voice of the same

As from infancy you offered an immaculate sacrifice to God for virtue, O blessed Savvo, gardener of piety. Moreover, you were the fertilizer of the saints, and the deserted citizen was worthy of praise. We also call you: Rejoice, Savvo is rich.


We bless you, Rev. Father Savvo, And We honor your holy memory, mentor of monks and interlocutor of Angels.

Prayers to Saint Gury, Archbishop of Kazan
First prayer
from the akathist

Holy Hierarch Father Guria! Before the sacred race of your multi-healing relics, we earnestly pray to you to always and everywhere be our intercessor, intercessor and patron. Grant peace, silence, prosperity, health and salvation to your flock.

Be our constant intercessor from all enemies, visible and invisible; Cover us from all troubles, misfortunes and sorrows, and especially from the temptations of the dark enemy. For those standing here and praying, ask the Lord God for your salvation; they ask Him in their needs and sorrows, so that we all glorify the all-holy name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Second prayer
St. Demetrius of Rostov, from the service

O bishop of God, holy Gurie, stand now before the throne of Christ in the triumphant church! Do not forget us, who celebrate your holy memory with love, behold evil from our ascension on high. Good Father, look mercifully upon your children: good shepherd, do not despise your flock, which you have acquired from God. Even if you are excommunicated from sinners by your shrine, do not separate yourself from us sinners with mercy, be present to us with your prayers to God for us. See the city in which you worked a lot, see the people you enlightened, and be everyone’s helper, intercessor, patron, protector, providential and manager of our life. Warm intercessor, do not remain silent in crying out to the Lord for us, ask for world peace, silence for the Christian kingdom, which holds victory, and temporal and eternal good for all. Amen.

Prayer three
from service

O sacred head, first shepherd, leader and planter of the Kazan Church, divine apostle and first universal shepherd, faithful imitator, always stand before the heavenly throne of the Father of all bounties of God and unceasingly enjoy His ever-present light and love! To you we are the children of your flock, since we do not have the boldness to offer our prayers to the Lord God, we diligently run to you, and we pray to offer your favorable prayers for us to the Almighty, that He may grant us all, first of all, life according to His holy commandments and forgiveness of sins: then yes He will deliver us in this short time from the elements that come upon us through our sins, infertility, famine, deadly plagues, fire that destroys our homes, all kinds of sedition, invasions of foreigners, And of all the visible and invisible forces that resist us, may he grant us a peaceful and prosperous life. May our government be granted perspicacity and impartiality And righteous judgment, exemplary holiness to the priesthood of your flock, knowledge of pure truth, unflagging and unprofitable zeal for God's services, a mature word, always ready and dissolved in salt, may the Orthodox faith planted by you continually spread and strengthen, and may the God-hating pagan delusion, the harmful wickedness of the Hagarians be destroyed and all heresies and soul-destroying schisms: that everywhere in your former flock the all-holy name of our Lord Jesus Christ with His Beginning Father may be proclaimed and glorified, And with His Most Holy and Good and Life-Giving Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Troparion to Saint Gury, Archbishop of Kazan, tone 4

The rule of faith and the image of chastity, the teacher of good deeds and the mentor of salvation, the Lord gave you to the newly enlightened city of Kazan, in which you acquired a new language for people and brought you to Christ. For this reason, having joyfully come together in your memory, we honestly celebrate your holy Dormition, and you, Our Father, to the Saint of Christ Guria, pray to Christ God for the salvation of our souls.

Troparion, tone 4

From youth, moving away from earthly wisdom and following the sorrowful path of our Law-giver, Christ our God. In the same way, He gave you incorruption on earth, and in Heaven, with those who pleased Him, the bishops rejoiced, Saint Guria, pray to Christ God to give victory to our fatherland against our enemies, and peace, and great mercy to our souls.

Kontakion, tone 6

The foundation of truth and faith is the affirmation and in the teaching of your most excellent family, you are a pious companion, an apostle of a fellow throne, a passion-bearer of a participant, a faster of a zealot, we praise you, Gurie the saint, and the great secret of God's grace.

Kontakion, tone 4

Having conquered sensual passions, you shone with purity like the sun, preserving a pure life to the end, and you led many from unbelief to faith to Christ; For this reason, you are honored by God with incorruptibility, you surprised everyone with your miracles. We pray to you, Saint Guria, with your prayers deliver us from troubles, and we call to you: Rejoice, wonderful father, praise and affirmation to the city of Kazan.


We magnify you, Holy Hierarch Father Gurie, and honor your holy memory, for you pray for us to Christ our God.

They pray to Saint Gury, Archbishop of Kazan, for relief from headaches and healing of eye diseases.

December 6/19

Saint Nicholas, Archbishop of Myra in Lycia, wonderworker (c. 345).

Prayers to Saint Nicholas, Archbishop of Myra
First prayer
from service with akathist

O all-praised and all-honorable bishop, great miracle worker, saint of Christ, Father Nicholas, man of God and faithful servant, man of desires, chosen vessel, strong pillar of the church, bright lamp, star shining and illuminating the whole universe! You are a righteous man, like a flourishing phoenix, planted in the courts of your Lord, living in Mireh, you are fragrant with the world and flowing with the ever-flowing myrrh of God's grace. By your procession, holy father, the sea was sanctified, when your many-wonderful relics marched to the city of Barsky, from east to west to praise the name of the Lord. Oh, wonderful and wondrous miracle worker, quick helper, warm intercessor, kind shepherd, saving the verbal flock from all troubles! We glorify and magnify you, as the hope of all Christians, the source of miracles, the protector of the faithful, the wise teacher, the hungry feeder, the weeping joy, the naked, the sick doctor, the sea-floating steward, the liberator of captives, the widows and orphans, the nourisher and protector, the guardian of chastity, infants a meek chastiser, the old strengthened, fasting a mentor, the toilers restful, the poor and wretched abundantly rich. Hear us praying to you and running under your roof, show your intercession for us to the Most High and intercede with your God-pleasing prayers everything useful for the salvation of our souls and bodies. Save this holy monastery (or this temple), every city and the whole, and every Christian country, and people living from all bitterness with your help: we know, we know that the prayer of the righteous can do much, hastening for good: for you the righteous, according to the Most Blessed To the Virgin Mary, the representative of the All-Merciful God, imams, and to yours, most gracious father, we humbly flow to the warm intercession and intercession: guard us, like a good and warm shepherd, from all enemies, destruction, cowardice, hail, famine, flood, fire, sword , invasions of foreigners, and in all our troubles and sorrows, give us a helping hand, and open the doors of God’s mercy: for we are not worthy to see the heights of heaven, from the multitude of our iniquities, bound by sinful bonds, and neither the will of our Creator nor the preservation of His commandments. At the same time, we bow our contrite and humble hearts to our Creator, and we ask for your fatherly intercession to Him: help us, servant of God, so that we do not perish with our iniquities, deliver us from all evil and from all things that are resistant, guide our minds and strengthen our hearts ours in the right faith, in which through your intercession and intercession, we will not be belittled by wounds, nor rebuke, nor by pestilence, nor by any wrath from our Creator, but let us live a peaceful life here and may we be worthy to see good on the land of the living, glorifying the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, One in the Trinity, glorified and worshiped God, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Second prayer
from service with akathist

O all-holy Nicholas, exceedingly saintly servant of the Lord, our warm intercessor, and everywhere in sorrow a quick helper! Help me, a sinner and sad person in this present life, beg the Lord God to grant me forgiveness of all my sins, which I have sinned greatly from my youth, throughout my life in my deeds, words, thoughts and all my feelings; and at the end of my soul, help me the accursed, beg the Lord God, the Creator of all creation, to deliver me from airy ordeals and eternal torment: may I always glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and your merciful intercession, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Prayer three
from service with akathist

O all-merciful Father Nicholas, shepherd and teacher of all who flow with faith to your intercession and call upon you with warm prayer! Strive quickly and deliver Christ’s flock from the wolves that are destroying it; and protect every Christian country and save it with your holy prayers from worldly rebellion, cowardice, invasion of foreigners and internecine warfare, from famine, flood, fire, sword and vain death. And just as you had mercy on three men imprisoned, and you delivered them from the king’s wrath and the beating of the sword, so have mercy on me, in mind, word and deed, in the darkness of sins, and deliver me from the wrath of God and eternal punishment, as through your intercession and With the help of His mercy and grace, Christ God will give me a quiet and sinless life to live in this world and will deliver me from this place, and will make me worthy to be on the right hand with all the saints. Amen.

Prayer four
from the book of prayer songs

O good shepherd, our teacher and mentor, Holy Hierarch Father Nicholas! You, having lived like an angel on earth, after your repose you shone like a good angel, appearing as an ever-present helper to those who pray to you. We believe with all our souls and thoughts that through your honest intercessions and grace, abundantly given to you by the Lord our Savior, you will ever contribute to our salvation. For even at this hour, our unworthy one, accept the prayer: free us by your intercession from the vanity and superstition that surrounds us, the unbelief and evil faith of man: praying to the One who gives peace to all, send peace to the churches, scattered into one fellow, and preserve our power in peace and silence. Pray to the merciful Lord, that the message of fate will save us from our sins; pray for His goodness, to mercifully give to us and to the whole world in need, so that we may continually glorify, praise, sing and magnify the Most Holy and Magnificent name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Fifth prayer
standing before the miraculous icon of St. Nicholas in the village of Promzin, Simbirsk diocese

O all-praised, great wonderworker, saint of Christ, Father Nicholas! We pray to you, be the protector of the hope of all faithful Christians, the protector of the hungry, the weeping joy, the sick doctor, the steward of those floating on the sea, the poor and orphan feeder and the quick helper and patron of everyone, may we live a peaceful life here and may we be worthy to see the glory of God’s elect in heaven and with them, unceasingly sing the praises of the One God worshiped in the Trinity forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer six,
Mayday in the Pokrovsky Medvedev Edinoverie Monastery of the Nizhny Novgorod Diocese

O great intercessor, the bishop of God, St. Nicholas the Treble, who shone with sunflower miracles, appear as a quick hearer to those who call upon you, who always precede them and save them, and deliver them, and save them from all sorts of troubles, from God given these miracles and gifts of grace! Hear me, unworthy, calling you with faith and bringing you prayerful singing: for I offer you an intercessor for supplication to Christ. Oh, renowned for miracles, saint of heights! As if you have the boldness, soon stand before the Lady, reverently stretch out your prayer hands to Him for me, a sinner, and grant me the bounty of goodness from Him, and accept me into your intercession, and deliver me from all troubles and evils, freeing me from the invasion of enemies visible and invisible , and destroying all those slander and malice, and reflecting those who fight me throughout my life; for my sins, ask for forgiveness, and present me saved to Christ, and be vouchsafed to receive the Kingdom of Heaven for the multitude of that love for mankind, to Him belongs all glory, honor and worship, with His Beginning Father, and with the Most Holy and Good and Life-giving Spirit, now and ever and ever forever and ever. Amen.

Seventh prayer
celebrated in the St. Nicholas Edinoverie Church in the village of Somovki, Nizhny Novgorod diocese

O our good shepherd and God-wise mentor, Saint Nicholas of Christ! Hear us sinners, praying to you and calling for your quick intercession for help: see us weak, caught from everywhere, deprived of every good and darkened in mind from cowardice; Try, O servant of God, not to leave us in the captivity of sin, so that we may not joyfully become our enemies and not die in our evil deeds. Pray for us, unworthy of our Creator and Master, to whom you stand with disembodied faces: make our God merciful to us in this life and in the future, so that He will not reward us according to our deeds and the impurity of our hearts, but according to His goodness He will reward us. We trust in your intercession, we boast of your intercession, we call on your intercession for help, and falling to your most holy image, we ask for help: deliver us, servant of Christ, from the evils that come upon us, and tame the waves of passions and troubles that rise up against us, and for the sake of Your holy prayers will not overwhelm us and we will not wallow in the abyss of sin and in the mud of our passions. Pray to Saint Nicholas of Christ, Christ our God, that he may grant us a peaceful life and remission of sins, salvation and great mercy for our souls, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Prayer eight

O great wonderworker and saint of Christ, Saint Father Nicholas! You, the quick helper and gracious intercessor of all who call upon you, especially those in mortal troubles. You showed such miracles of mercy in the days of your life. When, after your death, you appeared before the throne of God, no one can count your mercies, even if you had many languages. You keep those floating on the waters; You saved many drowning people. You keep them on the road, which were caught by the winds, great snow, fierce frost, and heavy rain. You protect houses and estates from being set on fire by evil-minded people and from ultimate burning. You protect creatures on the way from the attacks of evildoers. You help the poor and wretched, deliver them from extreme despondency and fall from grace, for the sake of poverty. You stand up for the innocent from slander and unjust condemnation. You saved from death three men who were imprisoned and who were to be cut with the sword.

So, you have been given the great grace from God to pray for people and save those in trouble! You have also become famous for your help among the infidel Hagarians.

Can’t you just help me, unfortunate and needy, even if I myself have prepared this lot for myself? Intercede for me from the despondency and despair that surrounds me in evil. O great saint Nicholas! You yourself suffered imprisonment in prison for the holy faith and, like a zealous shepherd of Christ, you yourself knew how difficult it is to be deprived of freedom and to remain in chains. Since you have helped many who pray to you in prison! Make this misfortune easier for me, who is sitting in prison. Grant me to soon see the end of my prison stay and receive freedom - not for the sake of continuing my sins, but for the sake of correcting my life! Pray earnestly for this too, so that we may be delivered from eternal prison, so that with your help we may be saved, I glorify God, who is wondrous in His saints. Amen.

Prayer nine
from the prayer book

O Saint Nicholas of Christ! Hear us, sinful servants of God (names), those who pray to you, and pray for us, unworthy, our Creator and Master; Make our God merciful to us in this life and in the future, so that he will not reward us according to our deeds, but will reward us according to His goodness. Deliver us, saints of Christ, from the evils that come upon us, and tame the waves of passions and troubles that rise against us, so that for the sake of your holy prayers the attack will not overwhelm us and we will not wallow in the abyss of sin and in the mud of our passions. Pray to Saint Nicholas, Christ our God, that he may grant us a peaceful life and remission of sins, salvation and great mercy for our souls, now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer tenth

O all-holy Nicholas, exceedingly saintly servant of the Lord, our warm intercessor and quick helper everywhere in sorrow! Help me, a sinner and sad person in this present life, beg the Lord God to grant me forgiveness of all my sins, which I have sinned greatly from my youth, in all my life, in deed, word, thought and all my feelings; and at the end of my soul, help me the accursed, beg the Lord God, the Creator of all creation, to deliver me from airy ordeals and eternal torment, so that I always glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and your merciful intercession, now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Kontakion 1

And chosen from the Voivode and Lord of the armies of heaven, reverend our father Savvo, by the power of the cross of the Lord, having conquered adversity, even from the devil, the world and the flesh, as having boldness towards the Lord, from all temptations, troubles and slander of the enemy, preserve us with your prayers, praiseworthy with love singing to you:

Ikos 1

And you appeared in the flesh as an angel on earth, Reverend Savvo, having loved God from your youth, you were jealous of the life of your teacher, the blessed Sergius, equal to the angels, and having served the Lord in truth and reverence all the days of your life, your body shone with incorruption. We all reverently honor you, and we sing to you:

Rejoice, true zealot of your holy teacher; Rejoice, earthly Angel and heavenly man.

Rejoice, faithful servant of the Lord; Rejoice, zealous guardian of purity and abstinence.

Rejoice, mirror of pious faith; Rejoice, image of spiritual meekness.

Rejoice, beauty of the desert dwellers; Rejoice, teacher of monks.

Rejoice, guide to many salvation; Rejoice, quick helper to those who flow to you in faith.

Rejoice, our Father Savvo, glorious miracle worker.

Kontakion 2

Walking as if there were all kinds of vanity and corruption in this world, you tried to complete the course of this life in a cramped and regrettable way; having moved into the monastery of St. Sergius, and from him taking on the angelic form, you were jealous of his God-wise humility and hard work, and with him, day and night, you sang to the Savior, the God of all: Alleluia.

Ikos 2

Having conquered your mind and heart to Christ the Savior, who says: “Whoever wants to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and come after Me,” you irrevocably turned your face away from this world, as from sinful Babylon, and despised all red and good, you settled in the desert, waiting for God to save His warriors. Now you stand before the Throne of God, enjoying heavenly blessings, and having great boldness towards the Lord, do not forget us, who diligently flow to the race of your relics and praise you:

Rejoice, having escaped the vanities of life and worldly temptations; Rejoice, acquirer of monastic dispassion and silence.

Rejoice, all good things of the earth, for the sake of the Kingdom, for the sake of your skills; Rejoice, lover of life equal to the angels to the end.

Rejoice, you who hate the sinful sweetness of this world; Rejoice, having received the promise of unceasing life.

Rejoice, clothed with the glory of the Heavenly Kingdom; Rejoice, thou who hast found an incorruptible and incorruptible treasure.

Rejoice, O Church of Christ, on the militant earth, heavenly prayer book; Rejoice, O all the faithful, who flock to you, the representative, to worship.

Rejoice, our Father Savvo, glorious miracle worker.

Kontakion 3

With the silt poured on you from above, having ascended to the heights of virtues, by fasting and vigil, by prayers and chastity, as a valuable crown of monastic prosperity, you shone everywhere: for this reason you are great and honored in all respects. But you, fleeing glory from man, remained as one from the simple, working more than anyone else and singing praise to the one God glorified in the Trinity: Alleluia.

Ikos 3

And having a soul filled with humility, even if you were afraid of the burden of your superiors, without disobeying the will of God, you accepted the flock of Christ entrusted to you and remained well in tending it. Now, as I stand before the Throne of God, prosper through your prayers to all who cry to you:

Rejoice, unquestioning executor of the will of your teacher; Rejoice, good teacher of the flock of Christ.

Rejoice, beloved more than many by the chosen one of God Sergius, from him your shrine is not hidden; Rejoice, fragrant green of the church's helicopter city.

Rejoice, bright vessel of Divine grace; Rejoice, O lamp, not hidden under a bushel, but placed on the candlestick.

Rejoice, village honorable to the Holy Spirit; Rejoice, bright decoration of the saints.

Rejoice, strengthen the monks in their fasting labors; Rejoice, show the way of salvation to the lost.

Rejoice, our Father Savvo, glorious miracle worker.

Kontakion 4

The storm of passions and temptations of the enemy, overcoming with fasting, vigil and prayers, you quenched to the end. Now, having partaken of the glory of heaven with all the saints, stand before the King of glory and eat with them: Alleluia.

Ikos 4

Having heard your godly life near and far, I flock from surrounding countries to you for the sake of benefit: you kindly received everyone, you warmed their hearts with Divine love. We, too, fall to you and pray: guide us, like the father of his children, on the path of salvation and do not forget those who cry to you:

Rejoice, kind mentor to all who come running to you; Rejoice, quiet interlocutor of those seeking peace of conscience.

Rejoice, sweet comforter of dejected souls; Rejoice, most zealous intercessor of those who repent with tenderness.

Rejoice, most meek corrector of those who err; Rejoice, kindly accuser of the lawless.

Rejoice, unflagging guide to abstinence and chastity; Rejoice, tireless helper to those struggling with passions.

Rejoice, unfalse guide to the right path of faith and piety; Rejoice, relentless protector of those who pray to you from the wrath of God.

Rejoice, our Father Savvo, glorious miracle worker.

Kontakion 5

Thou didst appear, O venerable Father Savvo, as a venerable star, from the darkness of sin to those who wished to pass to the Sun of Truth, clearly showing the way. We also pray to you: enlighten our hearts, darkened by the passions of life, and help us to worthily sing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 5

As you go, the blessed Prince George, your humility, as if you had shied away from the commanding authority in the monastery of your teacher, rushing to the desert silence, begged you to settle on the mountains, called Watchmen. But you, deigning to show good obedience to a good desire, and to establish a monastic monastery here, even though you said with the prophet: “Behold my rest, here I will dwell, as I willed.” And soon this temple will be in place Holy Mother of God Having been created, you are now fragrant with the incorruption of your relics, and silently cry out to the Lord about those who cry out to you:

Rejoice, desert-loving and kind-looking turtle dove; Rejoice, good vegetation of the desert.

Rejoice, ever-blooming flower; Rejoice, thou who hath fragrant this country with humility and all virtues.

Rejoice, you who fulfilled the prince’s request beneficially and wisely; Rejoice, you built a beautiful church here in honor of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary.

Rejoice, you who transformed the desert into an abode of monasticism; Rejoice, faithful teacher of your flock.

Rejoice, you who bring peace and blessing from the Lord to all who flow to you through your prayers; Rejoice, vigilant prayer book for all the cities and towns of Russia.

Rejoice, our Father Savvo, glorious miracle worker.

Kontakion 6

Having listened to the Gospel sermon: “Do not worry about your soul about what you eat or what you drink; nor with your body what you put on,” you have abolished your heart from the cares of life, feeding on deserted things and wearing low-value garments. For this reason, for the sake of incorruptibility, you clothed yourself with incorruptible clothing after your repose, so that you may receive God from Christ and ask us, crying out to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 6

You shone like a divinely luminous luminary in the land of Russia, all-blessed Father Savvo, illuminating us with the rays of your virtues and miracles, and we also cry out to you:

Rejoice, shining member of the Church of Christ with the gifts of the Holy Spirit; Rejoice, thou who aboundest in true tenderness towards God.

Rejoice, imitator of the monks in perfect patience; Rejoice, zealot of monastic deeds.

Rejoice, sinful passions, mortified within yourself by the power of grace; Rejoice, image of poverty and lack of possessions.

Rejoice, bright mirror of the shrine; Rejoice, stewards of all virtues.

Rejoice, healer of the weak; Rejoice, rod that strengthens those who fall.

Rejoice, our Father Savvo, glorious miracle worker.

Kontakion 7

X I will empower the noble prince George to wage war against the adversaries, you gave a blessing, father, for victory, saying prophetically: “Go away, faithful prince! The Lord will help you, and you will overcome your enemies, and by the grace of God you will return healthy to your fatherland! For He, having returned from battle with victory and glory, and having provided your abode with many gifts, sang with gratitude to the wondrous God in His saints: Alleluia.

Ikos 7

A new imitator of the ancient warriors on the passions of the flesh has appeared, Father Savvo: from your youth your mind was fixed on God, like an unshakable pillar of faith, even until your venerable old age you remained in the crucification of your flesh with passions and lusts. For this reason, it is impossible for the demonic power to trip up your foot, so as to frighten you from afar, from their slander and misfortunes, protect us unharmed and us, who solemnly sing to you:

Rejoice, thou numbered among the ranks of the ancient fasters; Rejoice, having put to shame all the charm of demons through all-night prayers and vigils.

Rejoice, guardian of purity and abstinence; Rejoice, winner of spiritual and physical passions.

Rejoice, undaunted warrior of Christ; Rejoice, reliable physician to those possessed by demonic power.

Rejoice, thou who have led the arrogant through the wisdom of the flesh to submit to the words of God; Rejoice, grant spiritual sight and sobriety to all who are attacked by the spirit of flattery.

Rejoice, drive away the spirit of enmity and covetousness from those who flow to you; Rejoice, for through your intercession we have been granted the gifts of the Holy Spirit, strengthening us in the warfare of Christ.

Rejoice, our Father Savvo, glorious miracle worker.

Kontakion 8

You performed a strange miracle, wonderful Father Savvo, when wickedness wanted to plunder the property of your church. They, like a thief, rush to the window at your tomb: here a great mountain appeared to them, it is impossible to rise powerfully on the lower ground. Having returned from here with a cold, he repented, with a cry and tears, confessing his sin before everyone, and soon abandoned the path of unrighteousness, living in repentance, crying out to God with faith: Alleluia.

Ikos 8

You were always in God, still on earth, in the labors of a monastic life: I stand before the face of the Lord in the Divine service, there was a wonderful ignition in your face from the prayerful burning spirit towards God. When your soul was in such tenderness, as if it were uncontrollably flowing into streams of tears from your eyes, for the sake of which you were equal in vain to be with the prophet, who said: “My tears were my bread day and night.” Moreover, having greatly acquired boldness towards God, do not forget us, who flow to your intercession with tears of sorrow for our sins and cry out to you:

Rejoice, you who have been burned within yourself by the fire of Divine love; Rejoice, in the flesh, even if you are incorporeal, alive on earth.

Rejoice, you who extinguished the fire of lust with living and saving tears; Rejoice, heavenly height of joy and bliss, partaker of the angels.

Rejoice, glorified with glory and honor for your great love for God the Father; Rejoice, for your deep humility from Christ, the Son of God, crowned with the crown of incorruption.

Rejoice, for the purity and dispassion of angels, illuminated by the Most Holy Spirit; Rejoice, most honorable monastery of the Holy Trinity.

Rejoice, faithful and indefatigable servant of the Mother of God; Rejoice, in the temple of Her mountain you ascended in spirit, and now remain in your body.

Rejoice, our Father Savvo, glorious miracle worker.

Kontakion 9

In all troubles and sorrows, deliver us, Reverend Father Savvo, with your warm prayers to God, and ask us for everything we need for temporary and eternal life, so that we may be worthy to reach the heavenly Jerusalem and together with you sing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 9

In this multi-proclamation, they are perplexed to adequately praise you, God-wise Savvo: who is happy to understand all your struggles with the rulers of the darkness of this age? Or who will count your labors, illnesses and exploits, in which you committed a desert-loving life? Both of us, conquered by your love, gratefully call to you:

Rejoice, all-zealous executor of God’s law; Rejoice, most honest one in the purity and chastity of valuable beads.

Rejoice, most steadfast in patience and struggle against the flesh of adamant; Rejoice, glorified by humility and meekness more than the glorious ones of the earth.

Rejoice, invincible helper to those who struggle with passions and lusts; Rejoice, most zealous imitator of great fasting in labor, vigil and abstinence.

Rejoice, most skillful teacher in spiritual wisdom; Rejoice, most diligent in showing the monastic deeds.

Rejoice, friend of God, St. Sergius, one of equals; Rejoice, thou who hast come to the presence of God's friends in Heaven.

Rejoice, our Father Savvo, glorious miracle worker.

Kontakion 10

If you want to graze faithfully from various misfortunes and troubles of this world, we offer you a warm representative and prayer book to God: do not make our hope in your prayers in vain, but through your intercession deliver us from severe troubles, misfortunes, temptations and sorrows, and unabashedly, from excess hearts, we always say to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

Since you are firm and have acquired a fair amount of prayer books, your holy monastery and all the Russian countries boast of your intercession. Likewise, we sinners, who have flown to your grave like a child of our father, pray: intercede and save us from temptations and sorrows, troubles and misfortunes, through your prayers, let us cry to you joyfully:

Rejoice, fragrant tree of the heavenly helix; Rejoice, cypress tree, sweetening the hearts of the faithful with incense.

Rejoice, blessed-leaved tree, with which your abode is covered; Rejoice, vigilant prayer book, fulfill the good wishes of the faithful.

Rejoice, hope and calmness in the sea of ​​​​the life of these floating; Rejoice, firm protection and refuge for those who work diligently for God.

Rejoice, inexhaustible source of healings; Rejoice, stream that gives joy and joy to those who thirst for truth.

Rejoice, for in the sorrows of everyday life and circumstances we are worthy of your intercession; Rejoice, for all those who diligently come to you from temptations and troubles will soon be delivered.

Rejoice, our Father Savvo, glorious miracle worker.

Kontakion 11

We offer you all-contrite singing, most blessed Father Savvo, and we boldly pray: lift up your holy prayer to the Lord for the salvation of our souls, so that we may be worthy to sing to God forever in the most blessed joy: Alleluia.

Ikos 11

Your life shines with veto-giving rays, Our Father Savvo: for every virtue of the Gospel is fulfilled in you, and so is the verb:

Rejoice, having gained heavenly wealth purely for the sake of poverty; Rejoice, we cry and receive eternal consolation with tears of tenderness.

Rejoice, you who are hungry and thirsty for righteousness, now be satisfied with heavenly bliss; Rejoice, having received the promised reward from the merciful.

Rejoice, having achieved the vision of God through the purity of your heart; Rejoice, thou who hast been granted to be worthy of many peace-giving gifts in the person of the sons of God.

Rejoice, for through the patience of righteousness you were brought into the Kingdom of Heaven; Rejoice, in the image of meekness, quietness and gentleness, give instruction to those who are in bitterness.

Rejoice, for example of brotherly love, to seek not our own, but also our neighbor, and strengthen our hearts; Rejoice, all who work with fear in the Lord are the joy of the Lord.

Rejoice, our Father Savvo, glorious miracle worker.

Kontakion 12

The grace given to you from God, to heal mental and physical ailments, calls the faithful to your all-honorable power: with them, and a small prayer to those who bring, great grace from God is given, even acceptably, with each other we joyfully proclaim to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 12

Singing your greatness, most wonderful father, deeds and labors, we bless your ever-memorable dormition: even though you passed away from us, but were alive even after death, you did not depart from us in spirit, and yet the relics of your cancer are always visible before our eyes. We fall before you, we pray to you and we praise you:

Rejoice, living in faith and divine love reverently from youth and piously to venerable old age; Rejoice, thou who accomplished laborious and varied deeds of goodness in monasticism.

Rejoice, for you are filled with perfect sanctification from the Holy Spirit; Rejoice, having become like your wonderful teacher in complete purity and holiness.

Rejoice, for with the God-wise Sergius in Heaven you rejoice forever; Rejoice, for with him you prayed to God for us sinners.

Rejoice, for through the incorruption of your relics, like a trumpet, the future resurrection of all is preached; Rejoice, a valuable adornment for this country and our entire fatherland.

Rejoice, for through you many monks receive strength in their labors; Rejoice, for through your intercession faith and the rumors of life are saved.

Rejoice, our Father Savvo, glorious miracle worker.

Kontakion 13

O glorious miracle worker and quick intercessor, blessed Father Savvo! We now accept this small offering from us, ask Christ God for us to be confirmed in faith and brotherly love, to be unharmed from all temptations, troubles and misfortunes, and in the coming world of eternal torment to be delivered from all who cry out to Him: Alleluia.

This kontakion is read three times, then the 1st ikos “Angel in the flesh...” and the 1st kontakion “Chosen from the Voivode...”.


Most honorable and sacred head, citizen of heavenly Jerusalem, abode of the Most Holy Trinity, Reverend Father Savvo! Having great boldness towards the All-Merciful Master, pray for the flock of your fence and for all your children in spirit: do not be silent in crying out to the Lord for us and do not despise those who honor you with faith and love. By your intercession, ask the King of those who reign for peace of the Church, under the sign of the militant Cross; the hierarch's splendor, the monastics' good course in asceticism; protection of this holy monastery, this city and all cities and countries; serenity and peace to the world, deliverance from famine and destruction; comfort and reinforcement for the old and infirm; for young people and infants, good growth in faith, solid training in the Gospel teaching and abiding in purity and chastity; mercy and intercession to widows and orphans; joy and return to the captives, healing to the sick, peace to the faint-hearted; To those who have gone astray, correction, to those who sin with a spirit of contrition, to those in need, and to all who require grace-filled help, help is in time. Do not disgrace us, who come to you with faith; make haste, as a loving father is with his children, for us to bear the yoke of Christ in complacency and patience; and rule all in peace and repentance, end your life shamelessly, and settle with hope in the heavenly abode, where you, through labor and struggle, are now living with the Angels and saints, in vain and glorifying God, glorified in the Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit . Amen.

Troparion, tone 8

Thou didst appear to the desert for good vegetation, O venerable one: from youth thou didst deign to live a pure life, following thy spiritual teacher, and with that teaching he directed his mind to the Heavenly Ones, and thou didst appear to thy flock to be a wise mentor; Thus Christ also, as he brightened thee lamp, enriched with miracles. Savvo, our father, pray for our souls to be saved.

Kontakion, tone 2

Inflamed by the Lord's desire, you shook off the passions of the flesh with abstinence, you appeared as an unstoppable luminary of the Divine light, illuminating the miracles with the rays of all, flowing to the race of your relics, Reverend Savvo, our father.


We bless you, Reverend Father Savvo, and honor your holy memory, mentor of monks and interlocutor of Angels.