Microwave (MW) oven. Description, principle of operation, types and choice of microwave oven. How to use a microwave oven How to use a microwave oven instructions for use

Nowadays, almost every person in the house has a microwave oven. With it, it is convenient to heat food, defrost, cook interesting dishes and even grill meat. However, not everyone knows how to use the microwave so that it lasts as long as possible and the food turns out to be of high quality.

Instructions for use

When purchasing your first or new microwave, first of all, you should read the instructions. In it you can learn about the purpose of the buttons and about all its possibilities, for example, about the grill function in the device. Only after that you can start using it.

How to turn on the microwave?

It's the first thing people think about. Brief instructions for activating the device:

  1. First you need to put it on a flat surface, for example, on a table.
  2. Then plug into the socket, as the device cannot work without electric current.
  3. After that, you may need to click on the "Start" or "Cook" button. On some devices, you can do without buttons. It is enough to turn the cooking time timer. After all these actions, the oven should work.

As for the timer, this is an important element, since it is he who regulates the cooking time. Now you can find different types of timers, which one is better - it's hard to say. The most common is the dial, which must be turned clockwise until the desired time is displayed on the screen. There is also a numeric keypad that requires you to enter seconds and minutes.

You need to know exactly how much you need to heat or cook specific foods so that they do not deteriorate. The information is often found on the product packaging.

What utensils do you need?

Having figured out how to turn on the microwave and set the time, you need to decide on the dishes that can be placed in the microwave. It is not recommended to load metal bowls and objects that can melt into the oven. It is also undesirable to put plates that can get very hot. Cookware designed specifically for the microwave oven is ideal. It meets all the requirements and will not harm the microwave.

If you want to heat up products that tend to splash or burst, then they should be covered with a special plastic cap. It can be tomatoes, apples, sausages, pea soup, etc.

Defrost function

Each microwave has a defrost mode that is designed for frozen foods. It should be used before cooking ice meat. It usually takes 15 to 30 minutes for the defrost to be fully completed.

After learning how to use the microwave, you need to take care of it.

Care rules:

  • It must be cleaned regularly, after disconnecting from the network.
  • For best results, the grates, turntable and other similar items should be removed.
  • They need to be washed in warm water with liquid soap, and then allowed to dry on their own.
  • The microwave itself should be cleaned with a barely damp cloth, removing all the crumbs and stains of grease that are present on the surface.
  • It is important not to use water, as it may cause the appliance to malfunction. How to properly care for appliances, will tell the article - How to clean the microwave?
  • When the microwave becomes clean, you can return the grills, turntable and other items to their place.

Now you can use the microwave again.

How many years can be used?

When wondering how many years you can use a microwave, you need to remember the quality of the device.

Expensive microwave ovens can last 5-8 years without failures, but cheap ones can break even after 3 years.

Also, the duration of operation depends on how many times a week a person uses a microwave and how well he takes care of it. There are cases when the microwave oven works normally even after 11 years. Although experts do not recommend using such old devices. They can be hazardous to health, as the protective layer on the screen is depleted, and harmful radiation begins to affect a person. In addition, the device becomes obsolete and starts to work worse. To make it last longer, you need to know how to use the device correctly.

From this we can understand that the question of how much microwave can be used is purely individual. Usually, the owner himself understands when it is time to replace the device, since the device becomes inconvenient to use after a certain period of time.

Are Microwaves Harmful?

Almost everyone could hear or read that microwaves are dangerous to health. However, despite such statements, the devices continue to be sold, and many people do not stop cooking in them. Is it harmful to use a microwave - that's what every owner of such a device should know.

Anyone who cooks in the microwave can be immediately reassured. Microwaves are not dangerous to humans and do not poison food.

Yes, microwave radiation in itself is harmful, but the body of the device reliably protects against them. If it's intact, then there's nothing to worry about. But if the door glass is broken or there is another malfunction, then the device should be handed over for repair or thrown away. In this case, they cannot be used, as it becomes really dangerous.

In studies designed to answer the question of whether it is possible to use a microwave, there was no negative effect on food. On the contrary, foods that have been cooked in a microwave oven retain about 90% of the vitamins, while those for which traditional culinary methods have been used retain only 40-60% of the vitamins. From this we can conclude that if you know exactly how to use the microwave, then it will only benefit.

Grill function - what is it?

Grilling in the microwave is a very common feature that many appliances support. However, not all people know whether it is possible to cook delicious food with it or not. Of course, this is possible, especially if the microwave oven model is of high quality and expensive. You can make delicious vegetables, chicken, meat and other products in it.

Understanding how to use a microwave grill is not always easy. From the first time it is rarely possible to cook the product, since it is still not clear what temperature and time to set. In addition, the grill is heated and quartz, and their functions are very different.

To cook, for example, chicken, you will need:

  1. Place it on wire racks or string it on a skewer, if you have one.
  2. Turn on the grill function and set the time to about 30-40 minutes. It is good if there is a quartz heater, as it cooks food better.
  3. Wait the specified amount of time.

As a result, the chicken should turn out to be completely fried and with a crispy crust in a grill device. If it is not ready in 40 minutes, then the time should be increased by 15-20 minutes. The same can be done with other products, as the grill function in the appliance is really versatile and useful.

Video instruction

Modern microwave ovens can often seem incomprehensible to use, so it is recommended to watch a video that, using the example of one of them, talks about turning on, setting the timer and all the functions of the device.

Happy cooking!

In contact with

Microwaves are electromagnetic waves ranging in length from one millimeter to one meter, or the equivalent frequency, from 300 MHz (0.3 GHz) to 300 GHz. There is a very wide variety of parameters including: UHF (Ultra High Frequency - Decimeter Waves), Microwave (Ultra High Frequency - Centimeter Waves), EHF (Extremely High Frequency - Millimeter Waves) waves. Different sources use different wavelengths.

The microwave oven is a unique machine, and it may seem very complicated only if you are not familiar with it. This article will tell you how to use it.


    Read the instructions and safety instructions carefully. There are many things you need to know in this little brochure.

    Plug in the oven. Do not turn on too many electrical appliances at the same time, otherwise you may simply lose power.

  1. Set the time during which you are going to heat something in the oven.

    • If your oven has a dial, turn it clockwise until the correct time appears on the screen.
    • If your oven has a numeric keypad, enter the desired number of minutes followed by the desired number of seconds.
    • You may need to press "Cook" before the time setting is activated.
  2. Apply your knowledge to specific oven functions.

    • Start by baking potatoes in the microwave. If you are baking only one or two potatoes or sweet potatoes, reduce the power so the potatoes don't burn on the outside while they cook on the inside.
    • Reheat leftovers on low power.
    • Heat the milk coffee on medium power and carefully check when to stop so that the milk retains its properties.
    • Cook "S" mores dessert in the oven for a visual demonstration of the power of the microwave oven for cooking whole food at once: marshmallows quickly become extremely large.
    • Cook something large (but not huge, leave plenty of room on the sides and stack ingredients loosely, some microwaves can break) on full power. For example, cook at full power a few kilos of mashed potatoes, simply thrown over and covered with plastic wrap, or washed and folded into a plastic bag. (Try cooking fifteen minutes at high speed for up to 5kg potatoes.)
    • Pre-cook veggies in the microwave before frying, so that they are fully cooked on the inside and do not burn on the outside.
    • Microwave popcorn in a prepackaged bag or covered bowl with a little oil (look for the recipe). You did not expect such recommendations in the article and that they will work, but it is. Follow the instructions carefully; It is better to stop the microwave cooking process sooner rather than later. It's better to get popcorn that's almost properly cooked than spoiled popcorn. As a rule, this should be done at full power to make the small grains explode rather than slowly hiss, evaporating the moisture. Try lifting the bag of popcorn off the bottom of the oven for extra heat if you end up with a lot of raw and burnt popcorn at the same time.

    Explore your microwave

    1. Understand how a microwave oven heats food.

      • Microwaves penetrate and generate heat inside wet food. Unlike most other cooking methods that only heat the surface of the food, whether it be convection, such as hot air (roasting), steam (steaming), oil (roasting) or water (boiling), or non-penetrating radiation, as in skewers. (Essentially, convection is just intense flow to facilitate conduction.)
        • Microwave ovens don't work on food "from the outside", but thin food is essentially cooked all at once and heats thin food deep while the rest of the food needs to be warmed up well.
        • Unlike boiling and other methods, there is no hot, thick liquid in the oven that will transfer its heat to large portions of food. Don't go overboard with the microwave, even with fairly loose foods like a large stack of potatoes.
      • The oven generally cannot cook well food that does not contain a lot of water, including that which is light and airy.
        • Do not reheat food that does not contain enough water for more than a minute or so, or until the oven has been turned off for a while. Place a cup of water (which will be heated) in the microwave to absorb excess waves. This will help protect the oven from overheating and damage from excess microwaves.
        • In general, don't expect to be good at foods that need to dry out during cooking, such as pastries, unless you use a special oven-friendly recipe, of course.
      • Microwave ovens tend to have a lot of hot and cold spots from standing waves. The moving disc solves this problem by moving food through hot and cold spots. Very thin, flat, hard food cannot quickly conduct heat through it on cold spots. In some microwave ovens, small or thin foods cook best if they are supported off the bottom, such as on a plate that is placed on top of an upside-down bowl.
    2. Study how heat flows through food. During microwave cooking, the outer layer, about 2.5 cm or a dish of that thickness, heats up all at once. Heat must pass through the food to cook the rest.

      • In a microwave oven, the heat must also flow in patches from high to low heat.
      • Water-based dishes, the only thing the oven can cook, cannot get hotter than 100 degrees Celsius until all the water in the "hot spots" has boiled away. At more intense heating than sufficient temperature to heat the outer layer, the rate of entry of heat flows into the food and the activation of reactions for cooking is not increased (and, perhaps, will be very poorly absorbed) by heat conduction through the watery main part of the food. It just dries the outside faster.
        • You may have come across this principle while cooking a steak. It is necessary to use strong heat - just give the surface, and then fry the meat inside on low heat to the desired level of readiness, preventing the surface from burning.
        • Pressure cookers do not allow water to boil when it is heated to a high temperature and thus also cook very quickly. But they are more or less limited to boiling (or, in the case of a dedicated factory fryer for frying chicken, deep frying).
      • It is sometimes desirable to cook food with even less heat to allow the outer layer of the dish to cook without the need for further additional outer frying. This takes more time, because for a weak thermal regime and flow, the temperature gradation is much less than the heat flow. However, even with longer cooking times, excessive heating of the outside at temperatures close to the boiling point can be tolerated.
        • Consider vacuum cooking. Try experimenting with something like this in the microwave. Start simple - maybe beat an egg into a plastic wrapper... and be very careful with anything that involves raw meat or other potentially dangerous foods that require certain temperatures to be fully cooked and kill all bacteria. (There is a small risk that something new and bad may be found in the food during microwave cooking, because this process is quite fast.)
        • It is very important to prevent anything containing milk, such as hot chocolate, from burning. Don't even let it boil because the milk can curdle.
        • Foods with a high water content, such as thin soups, can also be cooked on a higher setting because they allow heat to pass through them through convection. (Thick pureed soups will not evaporate and will blister and sizzle in places from excess microwaves.)
      • Therefore, lower the power if you are reheating only a few foods, so that hot spots do not overheat while the rest of the dish is cooking. As a general rule, when reheating a dish, turn the appliance on half power, unless, of course, you are heating a huge portion of something liquid or a dish of many components, at least more than 5 cm high. To heat something ready, which can burn, for example, chicken, use the "defrost" mode or set the oven to a quarter of the power.
      • If you have toasted food on the outside before cooking on the inside, just lower the power to the first one - you don't have to increase the cooking time. Remember that too high a temperature does not speed up the cooking process, but simply dries out the dish.
    3. Study the side effects of other cooking methods and use them as desired.

      • Some cooking methods, such as frying, smoking, or boiling with salt or spices, also add ingredients and thus flavor properties to the food. Microwaving doesn't involve adding any ingredients, so add whatever spices (including "liquid smoke," particles of smoke carefully collected and dissolved in water) you like before or after cooking. Add sparingly: only a very small proportion of the spices added to the dish actually dissolve in it.
      • Some cooking methods make food moist. Some, such as boiling (thrown into water), add too much moisture and wash out the vitamins. In general, all that is needed to dry food is some plastic wrap with a couple of holes to avoid high pressure. But if the dish is on the verge of drying out, you can always add a little water and cover it with a lid.
      • Some cooking methods dry food on the outside. Microwaves release steam and excess moisture, so if a crispy crust is required, the inside of the dish is usually cooked first and then the outside is fried.
    • If you cover food during cooking, be sure to leave a small area open for ventilation so you don't get burned by the steam when you remove the lid.
    • There may also be "cold spots" left on the back, where the food hasn't warmed up enough to kill the bacteria. Follow instructions for mixing rotation.
    • The dish should sit after being removed from the microwave for as long as indicated in the recipe so that the heat continues to spread and dissipate. This is called "infusion time" but it actually lasts longer than the brew time.
    • Most ovens have hot spots, and if you are going to eat food directly from the oven, it can overheat and burn in several places.

Which in most cases simplifies the daily life of most people, especially those who do not like to mess around in the kitchen for a long time, and love comfort in all its details, namely - microwave oven, or as people say - microwave. In this article you will learn: what is microwave, what are the types of microwave oven, how to choose a microwave oven, and other nuances that relate to this technique. So…

Microwave . orMicrowave ( English microwave oven ) - a household electrical appliance designed for quick cooking or quick heating or cooking, defrosting food, and also used for industrial purposes to heat certain materials, such as glue.

Unlike classic ovens (for example, an oven or a Russian oven), food is heated in a microwave oven not from the surface, but throughout the entire volume of the product containing polar molecules (for example, water), since radio waves penetrate deep enough into almost all food products . This reduces the heating time of the product.

The history of the discovery of the microwave oven

Like many other discoveries that have significantly affected people's daily lives, the discovery of the thermal effects of microwaves happened by accident. In 1942, American physicist Percy Spencer was working in the Raytheon laboratory with a device that emitted microwaves. Different sources describe the events that happened that day in the laboratory in different ways. According to one version, Spencer put his sandwich on the device, and when he removed it after a few minutes, he found that the sandwich had warmed up to the middle. According to another version, the chocolate that Spencer had in his pocket warmed up and melted when he worked near his installation, and, with a happy guess, the inventor rushed to the buffet for raw corn kernels. The popcorn brought to the installation soon began to burst with a bang ...

One way or another, the effect was found. In 1945, Spencer received a patent for the use of microwaves for cooking, and in 1947, in the kitchens of hospitals and military canteens, where the requirements for food quality were not so high, the first appliances for cooking with microwaves appeared. These human-height Raytheon products weighed 340 kg and cost $3,000 each.

It took a decade and a half to "bring to mind" the oven, in which food is cooked with the help of invisible waves. In 1962, the Japanese company Sharp launched the first mass-produced microwave oven, which, however, did not cause consumer excitement at first. In 1966, the same company developed a rotary table, in 1979 the first microprocessor control system for the oven was used, and in 1999 the first microwave oven with Internet access was developed.

The experience of using millions of microwave ovens in many countries over the past decades has proven the undeniable convenience of this method of cooking - speed, economy, ease of use. The very mechanism of cooking with microwaves, which we will introduce you below, predetermines the preservation of the molecular structure, and hence the taste of the products.

The principle of operation of a microwave oven, or how food is heated using a microwave

The composition of food products includes many substances: mineral salts, fats, sugar, water. To heat food using microwaves, it is necessary to have dipole molecules in it, that is, those that have a positive electric charge at one end and a negative one at the other. Fortunately, there are plenty of such molecules in food - these are molecules of both fats and sugars, but the main thing is that the dipole is a water molecule - the most common substance in nature.

Each piece of vegetables, meat, fish, fruits contains millions of dipole molecules. In the absence of an electric field, the molecules are arranged randomly. In an electric field, they line up strictly in the direction of the field lines of force, "plus" in one direction, "minus" in the other. It is worth the field to change direction to the opposite, i.e. change polarity, as the molecules immediately flip 180 o.

So, the microwave frequency that almost all microwave ovens use is 2450 MHz. One hertz is one cycle per second, megahertz is one million cycles per second. During one period of the wave, the field changes its direction twice: there was a “plus”, it became a “minus”, and the original “plus” returned again. This means that the field in which our molecules are located changes polarity 4,900,000,000 times per second! Under the influence of microwave radiation, the molecules somersault with frantic frequency and literally rub against each other during flips. The heat released in this process is what causes the food to heat up.

Microwaves heat food in much the same way that our palms heat up when we quickly rub them together. The similarity lies in one more thing: when we rub the skin of one hand against the skin of the other, heat penetrates deep into the muscle tissue. So are microwaves: they work only in a relatively small surface layer of food, without penetrating deeper than 1-3 cm. Therefore, the heating of products occurs due to two physical mechanisms - heating the surface layer by microwaves and subsequent penetration of heat into the depth of the product due to thermal conductivity .

From here, the recommendation immediately follows: if you need to cook in the microwave, for example, a large piece of meat, it is better not to turn on the oven at full power, but to work at medium power, but then increase the time the piece stays in the oven. Then the heat from the outer layer will have time to penetrate deep into the meat and bake the inside of the piece well, and the outside of the piece will not burn.

For the same reasons, it is better to stir liquid foods, such as soups, periodically, removing the saucepan from the oven from time to time. This will help the heat to penetrate deep into the bowl of soup.

I want to note that the frequency of radiation in some industrial microwave ovens (the so-called English variable frequency microwave, VFM) may vary and not be 2450 MHz

Microwave device

The main components of a magnetron microwave oven:

- a metal chamber with a metallized door (in which microwave radiation is concentrated), where the heated products are placed;
- transformer - high-voltage power supply of the magnetron;
— control and switching circuits;
- directly microwave emitter - magnetron;
— a waveguide for transmitting radiation from the magnetron to the chamber;

Auxiliary elements:

- rotating table - necessary for uniform heating of the product from all sides;
- circuits and circuits that provide control (timer) and safety (blocking modes) of the device;
- a fan that cools the magnetron and ventilates the chamber.

Harm from the microwave

Strictly speaking, an extensive question, but everyone should have their own opinion on this matter. I found a lot of information on the net, both "For" and "Against" the use of microwave ovens. But personally, I still tend to believe that the microwave is no more dangerous, and perhaps less than a CRT TV. Therefore, I did not decide to write another hundred lines. At the end of the article, you can read a couple more lines on this subject in Microwave Myths.

The only thing I paid attention to, and that basically the two “camps” of supporters and opponents agree, is that you can’t heat breast milk in a microwave oven, and then give it to a baby, because. to some extent, the formula of this milk changes slightly.

By the way, on this occasion, I found a photo that shows the range of the harmful effects of a microwave oven. It shows how safe it is to have a microwave in the house.

Precautionary measures

- Microwave radiation cannot penetrate metal objects, so it is impossible to cook food in metal utensils. Metal utensils and metal utensils (spoons, forks) that are in the oven during heating can damage it.

- You can not heat liquids in hermetically sealed containers and whole bird eggs in a microwave oven - due to the strong evaporation of water, high pressure is created inside them and, as a result, they can explode. For the same reasons, it is undesirable to strongly heat sausage products covered with plastic wrap.

- When heating water in a microwave, care should also be taken - water is capable of overheating, that is, heating above the boiling point. A superheated liquid can boil almost instantly from careless movement. This applies not only to distilled water, but also to any water that contains little suspended solids. The smoother and more uniform the inside surface of the water container, the higher the risk. If the vessel has a narrow neck, then there is a high probability that at the moment the boiling begins, superheated water will pour out and burn your hands.

- It is undesirable to place dishes with metal coating (“golden rim”) in the microwave oven - even this thin layer of metal is strongly heated by eddy currents and this can destroy the dishes in the area of ​​​​metal coating.

And now let's pay attention to the microwave characteristics that you need to take into account when choosing a microwave.

Types of microwave

The movable heating element grill is especially convenient to use and provides additional options for cooking dishes in the grill mode (for example, in some models you can fry chicken in a vertical position). In addition, the internal chamber of the microwave oven with a movable heating element grill is easier and more convenient to wash (as well as the grill itself).

In some models, in addition to the upper heating element of the grill, there is also a lower grill.

Quartz grill. Located at the top of the microwave oven, it is a tubular quartz element behind a metal grill.

Quartz Grill Benefits:

- Unlike a heating element grill, a quartz grill does not take up space in the working chamber.
- The power of a quartz grill is usually less than a grill with a heating element, microwave ovens with a quartz grill consume less electricity.
- Ovens with a quartz grill roast more gently and evenly, however, a grill with a heating element can provide more intense work (more "aggressive" heating).
- There is an opinion that the quartz grill is easier to keep clean (it is hidden in the upper part of the chamber behind the grate and is more difficult to get dirty). However, we note that over time, splashes of grease, etc. they can still get on it, and it will no longer be possible to simply wash it, like a heating element grill. There is nothing particularly terrible about this (splashes of fat and other contaminants will simply burn out from the surface of the quartz grill).

Ceramic grill. In combination with a traditional and quartz grill, a ceramic grill (heating element) allows you to cook even faster, as well as find the optimal cooking conditions for any food. Using a ceramic grill also allows you to retain more moisture in food, as well as heat and cook food outside and inside more evenly thanks to the deep penetration of far infrared radiation.

Type of interior coating

Inside the chamber of the microwave oven can have a different coating, which also needs to be taken into account when choosing a furnace.

The walls are painted under enamel. This is the cheapest cover. It does not withstand high temperatures and long cooking modes.

Durable enamel. It is easy to keep clean, it makes the walls smooth, depriving them of porosity. This is an inexpensive cover.

Special coating(antibacterial - LG, bioceramic - Moulinex) is a special compound that is sintered at high temperature, so that the coating of the camera is an absolutely smooth surface.

A special coating has undeniable advantages:

Very durable;
perfectly smooth;
it is difficult to scratch;
has a high resistance to deposits;
better retains nutrients and;
retains more heat in the furnace, because the thermal conductivity of the chamber is 2-4 times less than that of a stainless steel chamber, therefore it consumes less energy;
From such a surface, everything is easily washed off.

The disadvantages include the fragility of the coating and its high cost.

Stainless steel- a durable, beautiful coating that can withstand any temperature (this is especially important when working with a grill and convection). However, it is harder to care for him, keep clean, maintain shine. Stainless steel can be cleaned with abrasive products.

Types of microwave oven control

There are three types of control:mechanical, push-button, touch.

mechanical- the simplest type of control by means of handles, without an electronic scoreboard. Two handles set the radiation power and start the timer. Mechanical control is the simplest, most reliable, less likely to break, cheaper. But the mechanics do not provide the necessary accuracy in setting the time, and a difference of a few seconds can ruin the dish.

push-button- the time on the electronic dial is set using the buttons. Less reliable than mechanical, but more reliable than touch. Allows programming. Has a beautiful appearance.

touch- push-button, but the buttons are clearly not visible, there are no protruding parts. It has a beautiful appearance, you can program the cooking process. Since there are no protruding buttons, dirt does not accumulate. But it is not very convenient to press these buttons, with strong jumps in the network, the sensor elements sometimes burn, they are more expensive. Microwaves with touch control make up about 60-70% of all microwave ovens sold.

Microwave power

When choosing a microwave oven, you should pay attention not only to the volume of the chamber and the degree of equipment, but also to the power of the device. The power of a microwave oven largely depends on what kind of heat source is used. If the oven is equipped with only a microwave emitter, then its power can be equal to 500-1100 watts. When the grill is operating, the rated power will be 850-1500 watts. If the device is also equipped with a convector, then its power will be equal to 1350-2000 watts.

Each oven has several modes of operation of the microwave emitter. In the simplest and most inexpensive microwaves, there are only 4 levels, in the most complex ones - 10. But most often, microwaves are equipped with emitters capable of operating in 5 modes.

The most powerful is the so-called "full mode" (HIGH). When operating in this mode, the emitter power is maximum (100%). In this mode, you can cook various sauces, drinks, bake vegetables and fruits.

The level "above average" (MEDIUM / HIGH) suggests that the power of the emitter is 70-75% of the possible. In this mode, you can cook a bird, warm up the first and second courses.
"Middle" (MEDIUM) level (50% of the maximum possible power) is optimal for cooking fish, roasting meat, cooking various soups.

The “below average” (MEDIUM / LOW) level, when the power is only 25% of the maximum, is well suited for defrosting food, preparing hot snacks, and reheating food.
Finally, the "minimum" power level (10%) can be used to heat "delicate" foods (asparagus, tomatoes, strawberries, etc.) or to keep an already cooked meal hot.

Additional functions and accessories of microwave ovens

One of the additional functions of the microwave oven is the ability to supply steam, which helps to prevent overdrying of certain foods during their preparation. Thanks to this function, food cooks two to three times faster and retains its natural texture.

The possibility of airing the working chamber can be called a trifle, but very pleasant. The smell of fish or meat with spices is removed in a matter of minutes, and shortly after preparing a hot dish, puffs or pies can be baked.

The multi-level plate rack allows you to heat several dishes at the same time.

With two grill racks, you can cook twice as much food in one "session".

Some ovens are equipped with a function "auto-weight", that is, equipped with built-in electronic scales. In such models, there is no need to indicate the weight of the products placed in the working chamber - the microwave oven will determine it itself.

"Plate of Krusty", otherwise called "Crisp", allows you to fry food on it like in a pan. It is made of special metal and heats up to 200°C.

The “Double emission” function declared by the manufacturer means that the radiation source is bifurcated. This separation contributes to a more uniform heating of the products and increases the efficiency of the oven.
Sometimes microwave ovens are equipped with an interactive mode, with which even a child can cook. The leading question is displayed on the display, and you only need to answer it for the next one to appear. Some models voice duplicate the messages displayed on the electronic scoreboard.

Electronic cookbook - this feature will greatly facilitate your wallet during the purchase and life after the "smart" microwave oven is delivered to your home. Even a child can cook with the help of a collection of recipes, you just need to understand how to use it. However, in our computer age, children are much better friends with electronics than adults.

In modern microwave ovens, there is an interactive mode when recommendations for the hostess are displayed on the display.


Safety from radiation, electric shock, mechanical and thermal injuries is confirmed by certification according to international standards. Despite the criminal responsibility of the developers and manufacturers of microwave ovens for your safety, you must strictly follow the rules for installation and operation.

You are protected from microwave radiation by a metal casing and constructive traps around the perimeter of the door. The magnetron and transformer inside the microwave oven are cooled by a fan to protect against overheating. When the magnetron is turned on, the door is locked so that it cannot be opened. When the door is opened, the temperature of the chamber wall or the oven casing rises, special sensors instantly turn off the magnetron. Experts say that the level of radiation even in the immediate vicinity of a microwave oven is several times lower than the permissible level and decreases sharply when removed.

High power consumption is another reason for increased danger. If your home electrical network has a third ground wire, conventional electric shock protection will provide maximum safety.

It is strictly forbidden to use water or gas pipes as a ground wire. This can lead to the death of your neighbors or neighbors.

In the absence of grounding, try to exclude the possibility of touching the microwave oven housing and water or gas pipes at the same time. Your safety can be improved by installing an RCD (Residual Current Device).

To protect against children, a microwave oven lock is provided. However, the possibility of dangerous pranks by children with the buttons and knobs of the oven must be excluded.

Inventory technology in microwave ovens

Very often, the desire of consumers to purchase a large volume microwave oven is faced with the inability to place the desired oven in a small kitchen due to the very impressive dimensions of the oven. In addition to the actual volume of the working chamber, there are also technical elements that ensure the functioning of the microwave oven and, unfortunately, take up a lot of space. Inverter ovens were called to solve the problem.

Inverter technology can significantly reduce the volume required to accommodate technical components by replacing the conventional magnetron with more compact components, resulting in an increase in the useful volume of the chamber.

The use of inverter technology for microwave ovens is based on the principle of direct control of the output power level (as opposed to classical magnetrons, which always operate at maximum power, and power control is achieved by their pulsed operation). The advantages of inverters, in addition to smaller dimensions, also include a more rational use of energy, accelerating the cooking process (heating, defrosting) and reducing energy consumption.

Currently, inverter technology is used mainly in Panasonic microwave ovens (in which it was first used), but there is no doubt that inverter technology has a great future.

Myths about microwave ovens

- Many people hold on to the claim that an iron plate can cause a high-powered microwave to explode. In fact, in the worst case, it will cause damage to the magnetron due to sparking.

- If you keep the microwave oven turned on for a long time at high power, it can damage all electrical appliances within a radius of several meters with its powerful electromagnetic radiation. In fact, electromagnetic radiation outside the working chamber is no more than from the back wall of the computer system unit, although close to it it can still interfere with signal reception at a close frequency. Some oven models may interfere with Wi-Max, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth.

“A microwave oven can cause allergies to… electromagnetic waves.

- That for the first time a microwave oven, called "Radiomissor", was allegedly developed by German scientists during the Second World War, it was even allegedly used in the active German army to heat food, but allegedly turned out to be unsafe and was abandoned (Russian sites at this refers to foreign, and foreign - to Russian research, allegedly conducted in the non-existent Russian cities of Kinsk and Rajasthan).

Microwaves are radioactive or make foods radioactive. This is not true: microwaves are classified as non-ionizing radiation. They do not have any radioactive effect on substances, biological tissues and food.

Microwaves change the molecular structure of foods or make foods carcinogenic. This is also incorrect. The principle of operation of microwaves is different than that of x-rays or ionizing radiation, and they cannot make products carcinogenic. On the contrary, since cooking with microwaves requires very little fat, the finished dish contains less burnt fat with a changed molecular structure during cooking. Therefore, cooking with microwaves is healthier and does not pose any danger to humans.

— Microwave ovens emit hazardous radiation. This is not true. Although direct exposure to microwaves can cause tissue damage, there is no risk when using a properly functioning microwave oven. The design of the oven provides for strict measures to prevent radiation from escaping to the outside: there are duplicated devices for blocking the microwave source when the oven door is opened, and the door itself prevents microwaves from escaping from the cavity. Neither the casing, nor any other part of the oven, nor the food placed in the oven accumulates electromagnetic radiation in the microwave range. As soon as the oven is turned off, microwave radiation stops.

Those who are afraid to even get close to a microwave oven need to know that microwaves decay very quickly in the atmosphere. To illustrate, let's take the following example: the power of microwave radiation allowed by Western standards at a distance of 5 cm from a new, just purchased oven is 5 milliwatts per square centimeter. Already at a distance of half a meter from the microwave, the radiation becomes 100 times weaker.

As a consequence of such strong attenuation, the contribution of microwaves to the general background of the electromagnetic radiation around us is no higher than, say, from, in front of which we are ready to sit for hours without any fear, or a mobile phone that we so often hold to our heads. Just don't lean your elbow on a running microwave or lean your face against the door trying to see what's going on in the cavity. It is enough to move away from the stove at arm's length, and you can feel completely safe.

Dishes for microwave oven

The choice of dishes for the microwave oven must be taken very seriously. The fact is that if you do not understand this issue, then this threatens with several troubles:

- you can harm your health;
- you can disable the microwave;
- you can lose the dishes themselves;
- you can spoil the product itself.

Choosing a material

Microwave cookware can be fireproof or heat resistant. The first can withstand temperatures of 250-300°C, the second - only up to 140°C. Both types of dishes can be made of glass, porcelain, ceramics, plastic, but the properties of these materials will be different. Refractory materials are subjected to special hardening, as a result, the resulting containers can be used even on electric and gas burners. Heat-resistant materials - common table glass and ceramics (as well as some types of food-grade plastics).

Let's dwell on the choice of material in a little more detail.

Glass- one of the most common materials of dishes suitable for cooking in a microwave oven. It is not recommended to use thin-walled dishes in the microwave - although stable, such glass can burst under the influence of high temperatures. The best choice in this case would be bowls, bowls or dishes made of thick frosted or clear glass: they can conveniently place pieces of food.

Porcelain. Porcelain dishes are very convenient for portioned heating of food: it is enough to put a plate intended for serving on the table in the microwave - and in a few minutes you will get a hot dinner. If you purchase plates without wide sides, of small diameter, you can put several pieces in the microwave at once, thereby providing dinner for the whole family. Porcelain cups can be used to warm drinks.

Ceramics, faience. Dishes made of such material are suitable for a microwave oven if they are glazed on all sides (when buying, be sure to read the label on the product - it should indicate that it is acceptable for use in the microwave). It is necessary to carefully monitor that the top layer of the glaze does not crack or fall off - otherwise the dishes will not be able to withstand high temperatures. Dishes, plates and bowls made of ceramic are not the best choice for microwaves: they are not transparent enough for microwaves and get very hot. However, you can use such dishes for cooking omelettes or meat dishes: on a very hot surface, you can even get a beautiful golden crust, like in a regular frying pan. If desired, you can use ordinary tableware for cooking, many of its types are microwave safe.

Paper- a very convenient and safe enough material for use in a microwave oven, provided that the cooking time is not long, and the food does not contain a large amount of fat or moisture (otherwise they will soak the paper too much). Avoid colored paper, however, as it can stain your food when exposed to heat. Paper towels can be used to wrap food, spread it on baking sheets.

Plastic has become quite widespread, but still many people prefer to use plastic containers exclusively for storing and carrying products. Meanwhile, only plastic dishes can be placed in the microwave immediately after being removed from the refrigerator (if it is used as a "storage" for food) - it withstands such drops. Plastic food storage containers labeled "Thermoplast" or "Duroplast" can be a great solution for office workers who prefer to bring homemade food from home and reheat at work.

The shape of the container also matters.. Having correctly selected the parameters of the dishes, you can control the time and quality of cooking. So, in deep dishes, food cooks longer than in shallow ones. The round shape will provide the most uniform heating of products. Beware of dishes with slanted edges - the food will burn around the perimeter, and the inside will still be completely raw.

foil it is permissible to use only for wrapping protruding parts of food. If you use a piece of foil that is too large, arcing may occur.

Important! When choosing dishes for a microwave oven, immediately purchase a suitable lid (of course, also from a suitable material). Covered food retains more moisture and cooks faster. So you can use special materials for better cooking - waxed paper, paper napkins, transparent film. Typically, recipes (if you use them and don't improvise) tell you how to wrap your food to get the best result.

Thus, the right choice of dishes for the microwave oven will not only get a guaranteed result, but also improve the taste of the dish, as well as reduce its cooking time.

How to care for your microwave oven

- It is necessary to wash the walls of the chamber with special detergents for microwave ovens, abrasive - only stainless steel.

- If the chamber is too dirty, put a glass of water in it and boil for 1 minute. The dirt will loosen up and wash off easily.

— Do not leave the inside of the microwave oven dirty, as If the area where the door touches when closed becomes dirty, the door may not fit tightly, causing microwaves to leak out.

1. If your electrical network experiences frequent voltage drops, get a voltage stabilizer, or an uninterruptible power supply (UPS), because. during drops, especially in microwave ovens with LCD displays and touch controls, it is these components that fail.

2. When buying a microwave, it is better to immediately purchase microwave care products, because. these products are most often sold only in specialized stores, and when caring for the product, it is best to use them.

3. When buying, pay attention to the warranty card, because. if the store where you purchased the product does not cooperate with a certain service center of the microwave manufacturer, in case of a possible breakdown, you may be “sent” from one place to another, in search of the truth.

4. When buying, pay attention to the pallet, which is mainly made of glass. Sometimes he can get stabbed, or with other unpleasant surprises.

5. When buying, always, I repeat once again - always open and view the appearance of the product. The words of the seller, who in a hurry says that the goods they say have already been checked, and leave everything in it well for others, because often some representatives of the seller company are too lazy to fulfill their duties.

6. Be sure to check the package when buying. There are times when something is missing.

Video on choosing a microwave oven

Do you want a good mood? Watch a humorous video about a "talking" microwave

Well, it seems like everything. I wish you a pleasant purchase, and may you get exactly the microwave oven that is right for you!

Instructions for the microwave (microwave) oven

R.T. INFO: Dear visitors. In order to avoid clutter and to make it easier to navigate through the instructions for household appliances, we have adapted the instructions for related models of microwave ovens. For differences in technical characteristics, we have made notes for individual models. If you did not see a special mark in the differences separately for your microwave oven model, this means that the instruction fully corresponds to the model you are interested in.microwave oven.


1. Safety
2. Precautions
3. Microwave installation
4. How the microwave oven works
5. Your new microwave

Checking the contents
Microwave installation
Control Panel
6. How to use the oven
Time setting
Using the Stop/Cancel Button
Using the +1 minute button
Silencing the beeper

7. Cooking Instructions
How to check dishes
Cooking technique
General recommendations
Cooking in automatic touch mode
Important information
8. Application
Troubleshooting Guide
Cleaning and care
Error messages


Failure to observe the following precautions may result in harmful effects of microwave energy on your body:
a). Under no circumstances should you try to use the oven with the door open, damage the interlock contacts (door latches) or insert anything into the interlock holes.

b). Do not insert any objects between the oven door and the front panel and do not allow food residues or detergent residues to accumulate on the sealing surfaces, keep the door and its sealing surfaces clean by wiping them after using the oven first with a damp cloth and then with a soft dry cloth.

c). Do not use a malfunctioning oven until it has been repaired by a qualified microwave technician trained by the manufacturer.
We draw your special attention to ensure that the oven door closes securely and that the following items are not damaged:
1) . Door, door seals and sealing surfaces
2) . Door hinges (broken or loose)
3). Power cord

d). The oven should not be adjusted or repaired by anyone other than a qualified microwave technician trained by the oven manufacturer.

Precautionary measures

Important safety instructions.
Please read carefully and keep for future reference.
Before you start cooking food or heating liquids in your microwave oven, make sure the following precautions are taken.

1.DO NOT USE no metal utensils in the microwave:
metal vessels
Dinnerware with gold or silver trim
Skewers, forks and so on.
Cause: Electric arcing or sparking may occur and damage the oven.

2. NOT heat up:
Bottles, jars, vessels in sealed or vacuum packaging.
For example: Baby food in jars
Products with an airtight skin or shell
For example: Eggs, nuts in shell, tomatoes.
Cause: An increase in pressure can cause them to explode.
Advice: Remove lids and pierce skins, bags, etc.

3. DO NOT INCLUDE microwave oven when it is empty.
Cause: The oven walls may be damaged.
Advice: Always keep a glass of water in the oven. The water will absorb the microwaves if you accidentally turn on the oven,
when it's empty.

4. NOT cover the rear vents with cloth or paper.
Cause: Cloth or paper may catch fire if it comes into contact with the hot air escaping from the oven.

5. ALWAYS use thick gloves when taking the dishes out of the oven.
Cause: Some cookware absorbs microwaves and heat is always transferred from the food to the cookware. Consequently,
dishes may be hot.

6. NOT touch the heating elements or the inner walls of the oven.
Cause: The walls can be hot enough to cause a burn even after the process is over.
cooking, although it may not be noticeable by their appearance. Do not let
flammable materials come into contact with any interior surfaces of the oven.
Let the oven cool down first.

7. To reduce the risk of fire in the oven chamber:
Do not store flammable materials inside the oven
Remove twisted wire ties from paper or plastic bags
Do not use your microwave oven to dry newspapers.
If you notice smoke, turn off the oven or unplug it from the wall outlet without opening the oven door.

8. Be especially careful when reheating liquids and baby food.
ALWAYS observe a standing time of at least 20 seconds after turning off the oven to allow it to level out
temperature throughout.
Stir food as needed when heating and ALWAYS after heating.
Handle the vessel carefully after heating. If the vessel is too hot, you may burn yourself.
There is a danger of belated effervescence of the liquid.
To prevent belated effervescence and possible burns, you should put
plastic spoon or glass rod and stir before, during and after heating.
Cause:Microwave heating of liquids may cause the liquid to overheat above the
boiling with a delay in its boiling; this means that a sudden violent effervescence of a liquid can happen
after before you take the vessel out of the oven. As a result, you may get burned.
For burns, follow these FIRST AID instructions:
* Immerse the burned area in cold water for at least 10 minutes.
* Apply a clean, dry bandage to the burned area.
* Do not lubricate burned skin with any creams, oils or lotions.
NEVER do not fill the vessel to the brim and choose a vessel that is wider at the top than at the bottom for
prevent liquid from splashing out when boiling. Bottles with a narrow neck can also
explode when overheated.
ALWAYS Check the temperature of baby food or milk before giving it to your baby.
NEVERDo not heat a baby bottle with a nipple attached, as the bottle may explode if

9. Be careful not to damage the power cord.
Do not allow water to come into contact with the power cord or plug, and keep the power cord away from
heated surfaces.
Never use the microwave oven if the power cord or plug is damaged.

10. Stand at arm's length from the oven when opening the door.
Cause: Escaping hot air or steam can cause burns.

11. Keep the interior of the oven clean.
Cause:Food particles or splattered grease stuck to the walls or base of the oven can
cause damage to the coating and reduce the efficiency of the oven.

12. During operation of the microwave oven (especially in the defrost mode), sounds such as
Cause:You may hear this sound when the power output changes automatically. It's normal

13. When the microwave oven is operating without any load, there will be
its power is turned off automatically. 30 minutes later, you will be able to
use the oven.


If food is reheated or cooked in disposable containers made of plastic, paper, or other flammable materials, you should look into the oven from time to time during cooking.

NEVER do not allow small children to use or play with the microwave oven. Do not leave them unattended near the microwave oven while it is in use. Do not store or hide items of interest to children directly above the oven.

If the door or door seals are damaged, the oven must not be used until it has been repaired by a specialist.

It is dangerous for non-professionals to carry out maintenance or repairs that involve removing the cover that protects against exposure to microwave energy.

Liquids and other food must not be heated in tightly sealed containers as they may explode.

Children may use the oven without adult supervision only if they have received appropriate instructions so that the child knows how to use the oven safely and understands the dangers of misuse.

Microwave installation

Place the oven on a flat, level surface strong enough to support the weight of the oven.

1. For proper ventilation, ensure a gap between the oven and other objects when installing the oven.
not less than 10 cm for the rear and side walls of the oven and 20 cm for the top cover of the oven.

2. Remove all packaging materials from the oven. Install the roller coaster and turntable.
Check whether the tray rotates freely.

3. This microwave oven must be positioned so that the mains plug is easily accessible.

Never do not block the air outlets, as the oven may overheat and switch itself off automatically. It will remain idle until it cools down sufficiently.

For your safety, plug the power cord into a 3-pin grounded AC 230V, 50Hz outlet. If the power cord of this product is damaged, it must be replaced with a special cord (l-SHENG SP022, KDK KKP4819D, EUROELECTRIC 3410, SAMIL SP-106B, MOONSUNG EP-48E, HIGH PROJECT H.R3). Contact your local SAMSUNG dealer to replace the cord. Israel must use the PENCON(ZD16A) power cord, South Africa the APEX LEADS SA16, and Nigeria, Ghana, Kenya and the United Arab Emirates the PENCON(UD13A1).

Notinstall the microwave oven in a hot or damp place, such as near a conventional stove or radiator. The power consumption of the oven must be taken into account and any extension cord used must be of the same standard as the power cord supplied with the oven. Before using your microwave oven for the first time, wipe the interior surfaces and door seal with a damp cloth.

How does a microwave oven work

The principle of cooking

1. The microwaves generated by the magnetron are evenly distributed in the food due to the fact that it
revolves on tray. Due to this, food is cooked evenly.

2. Microwaves are absorbed by food to a depth of approximately 1 inch (2.5 cm). Cooking then
continues by dissipating heat within the food.
3. Cooking times may vary depending on the utensils used and the properties of the food:
Quantities and densities
Water content
Starting temperature (whether the food was in the refrigerator or not)

Since the food is cooked in the middle by heat dissipation, the food continues even after
how did you take it out of the oven. Therefore, it is necessary to observe the "holding time" of food indicated in the recipes.
and in this instructions to ensure:
Even cooking right to the center
The same temperature throughout the food

Your new microwave

Checking the contents

Unpack your microwave oven and make sure you have all the parts shown below. If any parts are missing or damaged, contact the store where you purchased the oven.

Microwave installation

1. Place the oven on a flat, solid surface and plug the power cord into a grounded outlet.
After switching on the display will light up:

2. Open the oven door by pressing the button below the control panel.
3. Wipe the inside of the oven with a damp cloth.
4. Insert the roller stand assembly into the recess in the center of the oven.

5. Place the glass tray on the stand so that the three glass protrusions in the center of the tray fit snugly into
protrusions on the bottom of the oven.

Control Panel

How to use the oven

Time setting

1. Click the button Watch. Indicators flash Input and Time.
2. Enter the time using the number buttons.
To set the time, you must press at least three buttons.If the current time 5:00 , enter 5,0,0 .
3. After 5 seconds, the indicator will flash Input and the time will appear on the display.
4. Press the button again Watch. A blinking colon indicates that the time has been set.

In the event of a power failure, the time will have to be reset.
During cooking, you can view the time by pressing the button. Watch.

Using the Stop/Cancel Button

Button Stop/Cancel used to cancel entered commands. With it, you can temporarily stop the cooking process to check the readiness of food.
To temporarily stop the cooking process, press the button STOP once. To resume
cooking press button CTAPT.
To stop cooking completely, cancel commands and call up the time on the display,
press the button STOP twice.
To correct a typing error, click the button STOP once and then enter the command again.

Using the + 1 MINUTE button

This button allows you to use the convenient function of reheating food in 1-minute intervals at a high power level.
1. Press the button +1 minute(once for every minute of cooking.
For example, for 2 minutes, the button must be pressed twice. The display will show the cooking time,
and the oven will turn on. automatically.

You can extend the cooking time at the touch of a button +1 minute once for each minute you want to add.

Using the touch mode buttons

This function automatically adjusts the reheat time for different types and volumes of pre-cooked food by responding to the steam released as the food is heated. Food should be pre-cooked and refrigerated.

1. Click the button Cooking corresponding to the type of food (for example " Popcorn").
The display will show ""and oven automaticallywill start the cooking process.
To avoid overheating the glass tray, take a break of at least 5 minutes while popping popcorn.
minutes between packages. If during cooking you want to know the current time, press the button Watch.

Touch cooking guide

When cooking various types of food in touch mode, follow the instructions below.

Using the Instant Start Buttons

1. Press the Instant start cooking button corresponding to the type of food (e.g. drinks). On the display
the first serving volume appears (the LEDs flash Input and QTY (Quantity)).
2. By clicking on the button, select the volume you need.
The display will alternately show allpossible volumes.After selecting the desired volume automatically
the cooking process will start.

When the cooking time has elapsed, an audible signal will sound. After that, the signal will be given every minute.

Automatic defrosting of food

To defrost frozen food, set the weight of the food. Defrost time, power level and holding time are set automatically.

1. Click the button Auto Defrost. The display will show " .0kg". (Indicators will flash Input and kg).
2. Set the weight of the products using the number buttons. You can set the weight from 0.1 kg to 1.5 kg.
3. To turn on the defrost mode, press the button CTAPT. The oven will calculate the defrost time and
automatically starts the defrosting process.
During the defrosting process, the oven will beep twice,reminding you to turn over
4. Open the oven door and turn the food over.
5. Click the button CTAPT to restart defrosting.

Setting the defrost parameters

The table shows the defrost programs, portions, holding times and related recommendations.
Remove all packaging materials before defrosting. Place meat, poultry, or fish on a flat, microwave-safe dish.

Setting cooking times and power levels

Your microwave oven allows you to set two different cooking modes with different durations and power levels. With the power level button, you can control the heating intensity from WARM (1) before HIGH (0).

Cooking in one step

For simple cooking in one step, you only need to set the cooking time. Automatically installed HIGH power level. If you want to set a different power level, you can do so using the button. Microwave power.

1. Set the cooking time by pressing the number buttons. You can set the time from 1 sec. up to 99 min. 99 sec. At
For time settings over 1 minute, the seconds must also be entered.
For example, to set the time to 20 minutes, enter
2. To set a power level other than HIGH, press the Microwave Power button and enter the power level
power using the number buttons.

Power levels:
1 = PL:10 (WARM)
2 = PL:20 (LOW)
3 = PL:30 (DEFROST)
4 = PL:40 (MEDIUM LOW)
5 = PL:50 (MEDIUM)
6 = PL:60 (SLOW BOIL)
8 = PL:80 (REHEAT)
9 = PL:90 (FRY)
0 =PL:Hi (HIGH)

3. Click the button CTAPT to start cooking. To change the power level,press first
button STOPand re-enter the instructions. Then press the button CTAPT.
Some recipes include several stages of cooking at different temperatures. With help
your microwave oven, you can set several stages of cooking.

Cooking in several stages

1. Follow the instructions 1 and 2 from the "Cooking in one step" section.
If you are setting more than one cooking step, you must press before setting the second step.
button Microwave power. To set HIGH power level for a particular stage, press
buttonMicrowave power twice
2. To set a second cooking time, use the number buttons.
3. Click the button Microwave power, then use the number buttons to set the power level for the second
4 . Click the button CTAPT to start cooking. During cooking, you can check the level
power by pressing a button Microwave power.

Demo Mode

The demo mode is used to show how the microwave oven works without heating it up.
1. Holding down the button 0 , press the button 1 .
To turn off demo mode, repeat step 1.

Using the More/Less buttons

With buttons More less you can adjust the set cooking time. They only work in Instant cooking, Kitchen timer or Cooking by time. Use buttons More less only after the start of the cooking process in one of the indicated modes. Function More less cannot be used in conjunction with sensor cooking.

1. To INCREASE cooking time, press the button More (9).
2. To DECREASE the cooking time, press the button Less (1).

Silencing the beeper

You can turn off the beep at any time.
1. Click the button Sound. The display will show the message ON. (The "" indicator flashes CTAPT" .
2. Click the button Sound to turn off the sound. The display will show the message OFF.
(The “ START”.)
3. Click the button START.
The current time will reappear on the display.

Using the kitchen timer

1. Click the button Shutter Speed ​​(Kitchen Timer).
2. Use the number buttons to set the time for the timer.
3. Click the button START to turn on the kitchen timer function.
4. The display will begin counting down the time, after which an audible signal will sound.
Note: When using the kitchen timer mode, the microwaves do not turn on.

Using the child safety feature

You can lock the microwave oven to prevent children from accidentally turning it on without adult supervision.
1. Holding down the " 0 ", press the button
2. The indicator will appear on the display. loc (Locked).
Now the microwave cannot be used until the lock is released. To unlock
repeat step 1.

Cooking Instructions

Cooking utensils

It is recommended to use
Glass and glass-ceramic bowls and dishes are used for heating or cooking food.
Browning dish, microwave safe for entrecote, chops,
pancakes. Follow the instructions that came with the browning dish.
Microwave safe plastic film is used to contain the steam.
Leave a small opening for steam to escape and avoid direct contact with
Waxed paper is used for covering to prevent splattering.
Paper towels and napkins are used for short-term heating and covering;
absorb excess moisture and prevent splashing.
Do not use recycled paper towels as they will they may contain metal and
fire is possible.

Paper plates and cups are used for short-term reheating at low temperatures.
Do not use recycled paper, as it may contain metal and may ignite.
Use thermometers only with products marked "Microwave Safe" and
follow all instructions. Check food temperature in several places.
Conventional thermometers canuse after you have taken the food out of the oven.

For limited use
Aluminum Foil - Use narrow strips of aluminum foil to protect specific areas of food from overcooking.
Be be careful as using too much foil can damage your oven.
Ceramic, porcelain and earthenware, these products can be used if marked
"Safely microwave safe."
make sure of its safe use. Do not use utensils with metal
Plastic products - these products can be used when marked "Safe for
use in microwave oven." Other types of plastic may melt.
Straw, wicker and wood products - used for short-term heating only,
because the may ignite.

It is not recommended to use
Glass Jars and Bottles - Ordinary glass is too thin to be used in the microwave
and may break.
Paper bags are a flammable material, except for popcorn bags intended for
use in microwave oven.
Styrofoam plates and cups can melt and leave harmful impurities on food.
Plastic Troughs and Food Containers - Containers such as margarine boxes can melt in
microwave oven.
Metal accessories - may damage your oven. Before cooking, make sure
in the absence any metal products.

How to check dishes

If you are not sure if a particular vessel is suitable for use in a microwave oven, you can check it in the following way:

1. Fill the measuring cup with water and place it in the oven next to the vessel you want to test.

2. Click the button +1 minute once to heat the vessel for one minute at a high power level.
The water should become warm, and the vessel under test should remain cool. If the vessel becomes warm, then
he absorbs microwave energy and is not suitable for use in a microwave oven.

Cooking technique

Roasted foods and vegetables should be stirred during cooking to distribute the heat more evenly. Food at the edges of the dish absorbs more energy and heats up faster, so move it closer to the center as you stir. When you open the door to stir food, the oven turns off. To resume the cooking process, press START.

Food location
Arrange foods of various shapes and sizes such as chicken or chops so that the thicker, meatier pieces are on the outside of the turntable, where they will absorb more microwave energy. Place thin pieces closer to the center of the turntable to avoid burning.

To prevent burning, cover food with narrow strips of aluminum foil. Cover the ends of the wings of a bird, the ends of the legs of a bird, the corners of square roasting dishes. Use a small amount of foil. Too much foil can ruin your oven.

Turn food halfway through the cooking process so that all parts receive microwave energy. This is especially important for large portions of food, such as roasts.

When cooking in a microwave oven, food builds up internal heat so that cooking continues for several minutes after the oven is turned off. Let the food stand to finish cooking, especially if you are cooking roasts or whole vegetables. For roasts, this time is necessary so that the middle is well fried, and the edges are not burnt. Liquid foods such as soup or hot chocolate should be shaken or stirred after cooking. Let the liquid stand for a while before serving. When reheating baby food, stir the food well and check the temperature before giving it to the baby.

Adding liquid
Water molecules attract microwave energy. Foods with uneven moisture content should be covered or left to stand to distribute heat evenly. For drier foods, add a small amount of water.

General recommendations
High density foods such as potatoes take longer to heat up than lighter foods.
Products with delicate structure should be heated at a low power level so that they do not become hard.
The cooking time depends on the height and type of cookware used. When preparing a new dish, set
minimum cooking time and check food periodically to prevent overcooking.
Foods with non-porous skins, such as potatoes or hot dogs, must be pierced to keep them from
It is not recommended to fry food in oil or fat. When using fat and oil,
stormy effervescence that can cause severe burns.
Some ingredients heat up faster than others. For example, the jelly inside a donut will be hotter than
myself donut. Keep this in mind to avoid possible burns.
Microwave home canning is not recommended as not all
harmful bacteria can be destroyed by heating with microwaves.
Although microwaves do not cause the dishes to heat up, the heat from the food is often transferred to the dishes. Taking food out of
microwave, always use oven mitts, and teach your children to do the same.
It is not recommended to cook sweet foods in the microwave as they can get very hot.
high temperature. Keep this in mind to avoid possible injury.

Cooking foodin automatictouch mode

Automatic sensor cooking function ( Auto Sensor) allows you to cook food automatically by detecting the amount of moisture released by the food during cooking.
During cooking, many types of moisture are produced. Auto Sensor function determines the right time
and power level by detecting the moisture released by the food, thus eliminating
need setting the cooking time and power level.
If the vessel is covered with a lid or plastic film while cooking in touch mode,
function The Auto Sensor detects the moisture released after the vessel has been saturated with steam.
Shortly before the end of cooking, the countdown of the remaining time starts. In this moment
it is advisable to rotate or stir the food for more even cooking, if necessary.
Before cooking in automatic sensor mode, it can be seasoned with herbs, spices
or sauces. Be aware that salt or sugar can cause food to burn in some places, so
these ingredients should be added at the end of cooking.
Use the buttons to increase or decrease the cooking time. More less(1=Less,
9=More). You can use this function to adjust the degree of doneness of food.
to your liking.

Cooking and serving accessories when using touch mode

For efficient cooking using this function, follow the instructions for selecting
appropriate vessels and covering accessories listed in this brochure.
Always use microwave safe containers and cover with appropriate lids
or plastic film. If using plastic wrap, unscrew one corner to allow steam to escape.
Always use the lid designed for the appropriate vessel. If the vessel does not have a lid,
use plastic film.
Fill vessels at least half full.
If the food needs to be stirred or turned, this should be done towards the end of the time.
cooking in touch mode when the display starts counting down the remaining time.

Important information
It is not recommended to use the cooking function in automatic touch mode.
several times in a row.
The oven must be installed in a well ventilated area to ensure adequate cooling.
and air flow, as well as for the correct operation of the sensor used in touch mode.
To avoid poor cooking results, do not use the Auto Sensor function if the temperature is
room is too high or too low.
Do not use volatile detergents to clean the oven. Moisture from these products may affect performance
Do not install the oven in places with high humidity or near appliances that emit gas,
since it candisrupt the operation of the Auto Sensor function.
Keep the inside of the oven clean. If food spills, wipe the oven
damp cloth.

This oven is intended for domestic use only.


Troubleshooting Guide
Before calling an oven repair specialist, check the list of possible problems and solutions below.

The display and the oven itself do not work
Correctly plug the power cord into a grounded socket.
If the outlet is turned on with a wall switch, make sure the switch is in the
on position.
Unplug the power cord from the socket, wait 10 seconds and plug it in again.
Plug in another household appliance; if the appliance does not work, call an electrician to repair the outlet.
Plug the oven into a different outlet.

The display works but the oven does not turn on.
Make sure the door is tightly closed.
Check if packing material or other material is stuck in the door seal.
Check if the door is damaged.
Double click the button Cancel and re-enter the required cooking parameters.

The oven switches off before the set time has elapsed
If there was no power outage, unplug the power cord from the socket, wait 10 seconds and
insert again. If electricityturned off, " " will appear on the display. Reinstall
current time and set the desired cooking parameters.
Switch the circuit breaker back on or replace the blown fuse.

Food is cooking too slowly
Make sure the oven is connected to its own 20A power circuit. Connecting another
instrument to the same circuit can cause a voltage drop. If necessary, reposition the oven to
use separate power circuit.

There is sparking in the furnace (electric arc)
Make sure there are no metal objects, utensils or bag strings in the oven. When using foil
use only narrow strips and make sure that the distance between the foil and the inner
walls the oven was at least 2.5 cm.

Turntable is noisy or stuck
Clean the turntable, roller coaster and bottom of the oven.
Make sure the turntable and roller coaster are installed correctly.

The oven interferes with TVs or radios
Similar interference is caused by small electrical appliances, such as hair dryers. Install
bake away from TVs or radios.

Cleaning and care

Follow these instructions for cleaning and maintaining your oven.
Keep the interior surfaces of the oven clean. Food particles and spatter left on the oven walls can
cause problems in her work.
Remove splashes immediately with a damp cloth lathered with mild soap. Do not use hard or
abrasive detergents.
To soak dried food or liquid particles, heat two cups of water (you can add the juice of one
lemon, if you want to remove odor) in a 4-cup beaker at High power level in
within 5 minutes or until boiling. Let the liquid sit in the oven for 1-2 minutes.
Remove the glass tray from the oven if you want to clean the oven or tray. To keep the tray from breaking
observe caution and do not put it in water immediately after cooking. Wash tray thoroughly
in warm soapy water or in the dishwasher.
Wipe the outside surfaces of the oven with a damp cloth and soap. Wipe dry with a soft cloth. Not to
prevent damage to the working parts of the oven, avoid seepage of water into the openings.
Wash the door window with very mild soap and water. Use a soft cloth to avoid
If steam accumulates on the inside or outside of the door, wipe it off with a soft cloth. Steam generation
may occur when operating the oven in a high humidity environment and does not indicate a leak
microwaves from the oven.
Do not turn on an empty oven. This may cause damage to the magnetron or glass tray. Constantly
keep a glass of water in the oven to prevent damage if it is accidentally switched on.

Error messages

"Error 1" (Error 1) or "Error 3") let the oven cool down
flow like at least 5 minutes. Call for service if these messages appear frequently.
If you interfere with sensor cooking by opening the door, the display will show the message"Error 4"
(Error 4).
When a message appears on the display "Error 2" (Error 2) call for service immediately.

If you have a problem that you are unable to solve, please contact the store where you purchased the oven or your nearest SAMSUNG service center.


SAMSUNG is constantly striving to improve its products. Therefore, both specifications and this User Manual are subject to change without notice.

To be used as intended under normal conditions. Recommended period: 7 years

Made and adapted especially for you by caring representatives of the administration of the R.T. service center.

The microwave oven was first introduced to the public in 1947, and became popular in the mid-70s. Today, without this democratic technique in everyday life, it’s like without hands. We will tell you how to use the microwave so that it serves for a long time and without failures. And let's start with the unusual principle of heating products in it.

When a substance is heated, the molecules in it begin to move faster. At first, those molecules that are closer to the heat source are accelerated, then they transfer energy to the rest. This is clearly seen when you need to quickly stew frozen vegetables in a pan. At first they are warm on the outside, but cold on the inside.

But the opposite is true for the microwave. The waves penetrate deep into the food by 2-5 cm, "encouraging" water and fat molecules from there. When we take a heated closed jam pie out of our lg oven, it is warm on the outside and hot on the inside.

Microwaves are short electromagnetic radio waves. They are approximately in the same range as the radiation from a mobile phone. In microwave ovens, the most commonly used frequency is 2.45 GHz, in models made in the USA - 915 MHz.

What to look for when installing a microwave

The microwave oven has a simple installation instruction: put the oven on and plug it into the outlet. But the details matter. For example, can a microwave oven be placed on top of a refrigerator or dishwasher? If there is very little space, then you can.

But pay attention to the following points:

  • there must be air gaps for ventilation on all sides of the oven, above and below;
  • do not install the oven near radio equipment, this creates interference;
  • do not place the microwave oven near heating devices, this will shorten the service life;
  • keep in mind that the microwave oven creates a slight vibration, so it itself can cause a malfunction of the devices on which it is installed;
  • the surface under the microwave should be as flat as possible, without a slope.

How to prepare for use

Microwaves are invisible, but the result of their work is quite noticeable. Therefore, even before the first connection to the network read the operating instructions carefully microwave ovens.

Step 1. Make sure the utensils you are going to use are microwave safe. After all, in order to understand how to use a microwave, you must first learn what not to do. Do not use metal utensils because microwaves do not penetrate metal. By the way, that is why the oven of the Samsung microwave oven and any other brand is made of metal, creating additional protection. Dishes made of wood, bamboo, aluminum foil, paper bags are also not recommended.

Step 2. Check the power set on the dashboard (power button). It is different for different products. Maximum is good for popcorn. For defrosting, it is better to set 30-40% of the power.

Microwave power levels for cooking various dishes can be found in the table:

Power level output power Usage
High 100% 700W
  • Boiling water
  • Browning minced meat dishes
  • Cooking pieces of poultry, fish, vegetables
  • Cooking pieces of soft (“tender”) meat
80% 560W
  • Heating of all dishes
  • Roasting large pieces of meat and whole poultry
  • Cooking mushrooms and seafood (clams and crustaceans)
  • Preparing dishes that contain cheese and eggs
Average 60% 420W
  • Baking pies and cakes
  • egg cooking
  • Sweet cream preparation
  • Cooking rice, soups
Medium, Low
40% 280W
  • Defrosting all products
  • Melting butter and chocolate
  • Cooking tougher cuts of meat
Short 20% 140W
  • Softening butter and cheese
  • Softening ice cream
  • Rising yeast dough

Step 3. Stock up on containers in which you can cook without harming the microwave oven. Do not put hermetically sealed objects, corked bottles into the oven. When using special containers, make sure that the steam release valve is open.

Step 4. When using frozen and prepared foods, read the label on how to cook them in the microwave. If there is no description, warm up in several stages. Chop large raw vegetables so they cook faster.

Basic rules of use

A microwave cannot be compared in terms of danger with a car and even a gas stove, but still there are rules that should be followed. There are not so few of them, we counted 7 universal for all models:

  1. Do not start the oven empty, put at least a cup of water.
  2. Before using the grill in the microwave, remove the protective layer from the element. It must be heated for 5 minutes in a working oven by putting water there.
  3. Do not turn on the microwave oven with the door open!
  4. Fruits with skin, such as potatoes, or sausages wrapped in cellophane, pre-pierce with a fork in several places.
  5. Do not leave food unattended during heating, it may burn or start to “shoot”, then you will complain that the paint has peeled off in the microwave. It is best to cover food during heating with a special plastic cap.
  6. Wait a little before taking out the heated dish. There is a danger of scalding from the vapors that have accumulated during heating. The edges of the dishes may also be hot.
  7. When caring for the surface, use only soft products and a sponge.

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